Friday, September 20, 2019

Prodigy Autocode Talking Blood Glucose Monitoring Meter

Control Pregnancy Diabetes

Prodigy Autocode Talking Blood Glucose Monitoring Meter

Approximately 40 weeks of gestational diabetes, which can occur in exciting anticipation, gestational diabetes, worries many mothers. Pregnancy diabetes can also be seen in women whose blood sugar levels have never been increased before. However, in addition to regular nutrition and exercise, this table can be controlled with medication support when necessary and does not reveal any problems in both mother and baby. Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Perinatal Diagnosis and Treatment Center Prof.. Dr. Dr. Cihat Sen, gave information about pregnancy diabetes and ways of prevention.

Fasting is done according to blood sugar
Although it often returns to normal after birth, 40 percent of women with gestational diabetes develop diabetes within 20 years. Therefore, regular exercise, healthy eating and pancreatic sparing should be taken care of. Pregnancy diabetes is controlled by a routine test for every woman expecting a baby. Fasting blood sugar is checked prior to the so-called sugar loading test. People with a fasting blood sugar level of more than 125 are diabetic. A significant proportion of those with a measurement result of 95-125 may also have diabetes. This group does not undergo a loading test, but is monitored and monitored by monitoring daily blood sugar. Women with a blood sugar level below 95 do not have diabetes and 75 g of glucose is checked to control their general condition. The beverage is absorbed from the intestine and goes to the liver, where it is processed and passed into the blood. Although the level of mothers who have a blood glucose level below 95 and undergoes a sugar loading test increases, this level never reaches 200-300. On the other hand, contrary to what is commonly known in society, glucose loading has no harm to the baby. Because glucose entering the body is a very different structure from the sugar consumed in daily life. Pregnancy diabetes is higher among people who have had a large baby before, who have a family history of diabetes or gestational diabetes and obese women over 35 years of age.

The goal is to balance the sugar level
In pregnant women, the sugar processing mechanism may not work well. The deterioration of this process and the inability to insert sugar into the cell means that the cell cannot use it. The result is a rise in blood sugar and diabetes. The medication used in the treatment of diabetes is to ensure that glucose enters the cell. The primary goal of treatment is to normalize blood sugar levels; the latter is used inside the cell for good operation. This does not create a problem other than pregnancy. However, depending on the growth of the placenta, pregnancy hormones are very high. These hormones also make it difficult for glucose to enter the cell.

The test does not harm the baby
For energy, both the mother and the rapidly growing baby in her body require sugar. Glucose therefore passes primarily through the placenta. However, this system, which is at the borderline before pregnancy, may increase to the upper limit, especially in women with a tendency to diabetes. In this case, glucose can harm the mother but does not cause any problems in the organs of the fetus. Because the more sugar passes through the placenta, the more insulin production in the pancreas of the fetus, which has infinite adjustment capacity. However, because insulin is also a growth hormone, it can lead to large and overweight babies. Another important point here is that babies, who are accustomed to glucose intake, continue to secrete insulin even though they are not fed accordingly. Therefore, it may be necessary to give more sugar than other babies. Otherwise, blood sugar rates drop rapidly. Infant hypoglycemia is of great importance in the newborn. This is because the probability of diabetes in this group at the age of 30-40 is 20 percent, and this rate increases in the presence of diabetes in the mother or siblings. In order to maintain the health of these babies, they should exercise and exercise for life.

Enough to increase your daily calorie intake by 250-300 calories
During certain periods of pregnancy, the saturation bar raises and this ensures that the expectant mother does not go hungry. If the meal breaks more than six hours, the blood sugar will drop, and low blood sugar will harm the baby more than the rise in sugar. For this, an increase in appetite occurs. Since the saturation limit increases, more food is eaten. However, it is difficult for women expecting babies to burn their calories because their physical activity is limited compared to pre-pregnancy. Pregnant mothers need 10 days to normalize nutrition. The brain can be trained on average in 10 days. It is recommended that the expectant mother consume the same portion that she consumes during pregnancy. If necessary, the table should be hungry. In this way, the saturation center is reduced to the required limit. For example; A person weighing 1.70 meters and weighing 70 kilos needs 1800-2000 calories per day. In the second period of pregnancy, it is necessary to add an average of 250-300 calories. Considering that a can of cola is 250 calories, the daily amount to be taken is completed if this beverage is consumed. However, instead of leaving a piece of breakfast in the mid-morning, a part of lunch by separating in the afternoon, dinner at the time of yogurt, fruit, such as part of the need to consume time. Thus, hunger exceeding four hours is not encountered. In addition to balanced and regular nutrition, walking or exercising in foggy, non-windy weather should not exceed 15-20 minutes. It is the most important protective exercise in the fight against diabetes. Drug support is initiated after the third month in pregnant women whose blood sugar levels are still high for all kinds of prevention.

Obey these recommendations to prevent pregnancy diabetes
Nutritional recommendations for expectant mothers against pregnancy diabetes are as follows:

Dessert is not forbidden, provided it is tasted.
A few thin slices of bread can be consumed for breakfast.
If calories are within normal limits, bread should be removed at other meals.
The portion rates before pregnancy should continue without increasing.
If a meal is consumed bread, rice, pastry, pasta or dessert should not be consumed.
If you consume pastry at one meal and pasta is consumed on the same day, rice or bread should not be consumed on that day.
Walking or exercises not exceeding 15-20 minutes per day should not be skipped.

Prodigy Autocode Talking Blood Glucose Monitoring Meter