Showing posts with label Melatonin-Supplement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melatonin-Supplement. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Emergen-Zzzz (48Count, Berry Flavor) 500mg Vitamin C Dietary Supplement Sleep Aid with Melatonin, 0.27 oz Powder Packets


Emergen-Zzzz (48Count, Berry Flavor) 500mg Vitamin C Dietary Supplement Sleep Aid with Melatonin, 0.27 oz Powder Packets

The developmental characteristics of children may be slightly different. The information given here reflects the majority. If your observations in your child are different from those given here, this may be normal : talk to your pediatrician about your observations and thoughts and ask for information.

Your child may be performing functions older than his or her age group. However , consult your doctor if he or she cannot do the appropriate age .

If your baby was born prematurely (premature), follow the time of premature birth until the age of two. For example, if she was born a month early and is now five months old, look at the development of a 4-month-old baby.

Brain development depends on structural-hereditary characteristics, as well as environmental factors, the child's activities. Cells and connections that are operated and used in the brain are strengthened and those that are not used become smaller and even disappear: this can be summarized as the “use or lose” principle.

Therefore, every person who is interested in babies and young children has permanent effects on the development of their brain. Children's relationships with adults affect their brain development.

These effects can be positive or negative. If you want to have a positive impact on your child's development:

Respond to the signs and sounds that he gave.

Talk to him, read him, sing.

Develop daily, fixed habits

Encourage people to explore and play around

After the age of two, you can watch the appropriate programs on the TV for no more than one hour a day.

Be consistent in your behavior: always appreciate the specific behavior of your child in the same way, or punish, if necessary. Let him know what negative, unwanted behavior is. Negative behavior will take time to recover: do not expect immediate results, and appreciate it when it makes an effort.

Be clear: instead of ”messy room açık, speak clearly like” your toys, clothes are on the floor ”.

If there are differences of opinion in the child's education between you and your spouse or family elders, do not discuss them with her. One of you advises him, the other should not interfere.

To show that you have noticed the characteristics of the developmental period and to participate in it will encourage your child and encourage them.

Raising children is a happy, fun, fascinating challenge: ENJOY IT!


If you talk to him while breastfeeding, changing diapers, he will turn his face towards you.

He blinked when bright light came into his eye.

When the prone face is tilted, he can turn his head to the side and rest his cheek on the bed.

Being on your lap, hearing your voice, gives him confidence.

Startled in loud and sudden noises, can suddenly open his arms backwards.

When you touch his cheek, he reflexively turns his head and makes seeker movements to suck.

When you put your finger in the palm of your hand grasps.

Second month :

He may focus his gaze on an object.

When lying on your back, you can watch a colorful ring that you will shake about half a meter above when you shake it from left to right. You can't show the same skill when you shake it up and down.

Looks at your face. Watching your face as you gently move your head to the left while looking at it.

If you try to lift it by the hands while lying on your back, it cannot fully hold its head and lower it to the back.

It can lift your head 1-2 centimeters when you lay down. Startled by sudden noises.

When you support the soles, it can push your hand strongly.

He can start putting his hand over his mouth.
Third month:

She laughs at you when you talk,

He starts to examine his hands and his arm and leg movements increase. This is the first effort of self-knowledge.

It distinguishes the voice of close people such as parents.

When you get restless and cry, if you talk to him, he can shut up and listen for a while.

It makes Agu-like sounds.

Tracks a red object when you move it left-right

When prone, he can raise his head and hold it up for 1 minute

He likes to move around in a vertical position, because he is now getting to know the world.

Look into your eyes with your baby.

If you look at his face with a smile and contentment, he will be content with himself, he will find himself valuable.

Talk to him, lullabies, sing songs. Listen to different sounds, music (clock sound, light music sound, bird sound, etc.)

Shake it gently, in accordance with the rhythm of the music.

On the bed hang pictures with rope moving toys made of colored cloth, sponge, pieces of paper (about 50 cm up)

Call him by his name.

Hold it while feeding.

Gently caress your body when you hold it.

When he cries, when he gets restless, you can't even go to him, call him, and try to get to him soon. Talk to him in a quiet voice, sing a lullaby, and hold him.

Go for a ride with him on your lap, in the carrying seat or in the stroller.

If you lie down or wrap him in a lap with a soft blanket, he may feel more comfortable and will not wake up with his own sudden movements.

It can lower the head to the back when lifting it from the supine position: support it with your hand from the back when tilting and lifting.

Play games for hand gestures by holding their hands. (like wire wraps game)

It is recommended that you place your baby on a bed of medium hardness, with a thin pillow, supine or sideways.
Four-Six months
4 months:

When he lies down, he can raise his head and look around.

Visible to colors and distance.

It often makes sounds like “Aa-uuu..

When he wants to be pressed on his feet, he does not step and pulls his legs towards his belly.

Night sleep gets a little organized.

He begins to reach objects. In the first month, the mentioned reflex capture behavior disappears.
5th month :

When he lies down, he can raise his head and hold it upright.

It may start spinning. Watch out for the falls!

During this period may not.

He can laugh out loud (giggling), which increases with your participation and your speech.

Sleeps longer at night: It can take 6-8 hours.

Can hold the object in one hand to the other hand.

When he's lying on his back, he can grab his feet and take them to his mouth.
6 months:

Can sit with support.

When you shake the rattle it returns to its sound.

Reach for toys.

In this period, it is normal that it has not pressed yet.

When lying down, he can lift his head and shoulders, the upper part of his body from the bed, keeping his arms taut.

His parents can cry when they get away.

He takes everything in his mouth.
Recommendations for 4-6 months

Play “ce-e” games with him during this period.

Give toys, rattles that make different sounds

Play different sounds and music

Talk to her as you wash your baby, change her diapers, feed her.

Respond to the sounds he makes, imitate the sounds he makes.

Encourage it to be placed within its reach by placing plastic, colored, age-appropriate toys or household items such as plastic cups and plates. Make sure they are safe when choosing game materials

Show big, colorful pictures, shapes, books.

Play by looking at him in the mirror, meanwhile repeat his name.
7-9 Months
7 months:

It makes screaming sounds like “aa!..

Takes toys placed in front of or extended; itself can also extend.

He tries to pick up small objects, such as pieces of paper, by grabbing them.

She can pull a tissue off her face and open it.

It can rotate from the prone to the back or back.

He can start sitting without support.

He starts searching for objects that leave the field of view at the point where they disappeared. This is an indication that the continuity of objects is beginning to occur.

He tries to make a sound by shooting objects in his hand and searches the source of the sound.
8th month:

He looks back when his name is called.

He likes to look at himself in the mirror.

He can tell if you're angry or cheerful. Come on, you can understand instructions like cis.
He eats food such as biscuits, bread given to his hand.

He tries to reach out to toys and objects a little far away.

It makes syllable-like sounds (ba, da).

You can sit for at least 5-10 seconds without help.

Transfer objects from one hand to another.

Can stand on hold

The thumb starts to function.

Chickpeas can pick up small objects like peanuts with the functional use of their fingers. Therefore, such objects should not be within reach.
9 months:

It combines syllables: like aba bababa-dadada..

When you press it gives the weight to your legs.

He can hold a toy in both hands.

When he sees that you are hiding an object under a sheet, he can remove the sheet and start searching for it.

Be able to make classification. For example, things he likes and dislikes begin to form.

It can look where you pointed with your finger.

Give age-appropriate toys that make noises when shaken or bored. Make sure that these toys do not have small parts.

When you talk to him, stand as if you were talking to a big person and wait for him to answer and make a sound.

Show him the things in the house and tell them their names.

Show him some picture books every day and tell or read a short story or two.
Give him toys or household items, such as plastic dishes, cups, which he can turn, stack or nest.

Play toy plastic cubes or boxes on top of each other.
Make hand-washing, bathing, and bedtime the same way to create a habit.

Greet your newly-acquired or newly acquired talents with enthusiasm. Make them feel that you are aware of and interested in what they do at every opportunity.
10-12 MONTHS
10 months:

He plays games like whisking, whipping hands.

When you say “no, abilir you can cry or be upset. Anlay He can understand words like” Cici ”and“ Cıss, and react appropriately.

He is afraid of strangers: he can cling to his parents.

She might wake up at night and ask for her parents.

It can cling to the item or stand on its own. Some babies work at this age and may even walk. But if he can't do that, that's normal.

He can sit down while he's lying in his bed.

When asked like ner Where is your mouth?,, You can see your mouth, nose, foot and so on. It can show.

You can specify your requests by voice or voice, but without crying. The ability to show with the index finger is an important development step.

You can play with each other by rolling the ball.

He recognizes some of the pictures and things: …… …… where? Bilir he can show them by hand.
He may be very fond of a particular toy, blanket, or pillow.

He's interested in studying the area.

When you hear music, it moves and plays.

He deliberately throws the objects on the floor and waits for you to pick them up. These are the initial forms of establishing a cause-effect relationship.

It can mimic some of your behaviors: talking over the phone, drinking water from the glass, ..
He can stand. You can walk, but this is normal if you can't walk yet.
12 months:

He can consciously say a word like a father.

He can play two toys by hitting each other. He can stand without help.

He can stand up.

Some babies can walk at this age.

He tries to remove the grapes in the bottle by inserting his finger into the bottle.

He consciously starts using his tools to achieve his goal. For example, it can use a fork to reach a distant object, or it can pull the veil under the object closer.

While your baby is sitting on the blanket on the floor, take a few steps away from him and come back, teach him that you will always come back, reassure him.

Show him new people, new places, new objects.

Look at picture books together and talk about pictures.

Give plastic toys in the bathroom, plastic cups to fill and unload. Or you can play this game with a container of water to put on a large nylon cover you put in the room. But never leave it alone.
Sliced ​​apples, bread, biscuits, such as hand to put in front of the food you can eat. Also give a spoon to your hand to hold together, encourage eating. Do not pay attention to the pollution of the environment, because these experiments are very important for him.
When he points at something, tell him what happened when he gives it.
Hand-face washing, embracing, gently shaking, lullaby singing, such as preparation of the bed at the same time, the same way to ensure the development of habits.
If he wakes up at night and cries, call out to him, talk to him, caress him. But do not turn on or hold the light. You can stay with him until you fall asleep, you can tell him that it is time to sleep, you can sing or listen to a lullaby or song he used to listen to while lying down.

Make sure the environment in which he tries to walk is safe Walking is like the symbol of separation, being an individual, encouraging.
Play with him.
13-18 months:

Can mimic animal sounds.

He consciously says at least one word (like calling his father a father).

He uses his right and left hands equally. There is no clear preference between right and left hand yet.

Babies often walk until these months. Even if they don't walk, they can stand without help for 10 seconds.

It has about ten words.

Crawling up the stairs.

An object can be bent and taken from the ground to verify.

He can make a tower with two cubes.

He can hold the glass and drink water.

It can play games such as throwing and rounding.

Screw caps can be opened, albeit clumsily.

Be aware of the functions of the objects used in the journal. Ner Where do you wear your hat? Abilir ”Where do you wear your shoes? Göster
Suggestions for 13-18 months:

Have it with you on the table. Allow him to eat with his hand and spoon;

In the bathroom, give toys, containers or plastic bottles to fill and unload.

If your baby is not walking yet, consult a doctor.

Talking to him and playing games will strengthen his mental development as well as his physical development.

18-24 months:

It simulates activities such as dusting at home and talking over the phone.

Pencil-paper makes scribble.

He can run. Can hit the ball with his foot

It may be difficult to break up with you again during these months, as it is easier to leave before.

He may begin to say “no ize to your words and wishes.
He may have fits of anger.

He may be very fond of a particular toy or blanket.

He can use two words side by side: “mother come”.

He can help bring-and-take.

Spoon-fork, can eat enough to feed himself.

Take the stairs.

Tests many different ways to achieve your goal. He often tries to make a profit.

He searches for objects he frequently uses, such as shoes and toys, in his room (drawer) and finds them.

During this period, sometimes after the toilet, may notify.

Encourage pen-paper to draw and scribble.

You can give him two-four-piece simple jigsaw puzzles.

Build towers by placing boxes or cubes on top of each other.

Ask him for some help with the housework: bring and take, throw it away, like gibi

Help him to gain the habit of hand washing.

Show him that you are pleased by smiling and saying “well done için for the little work and efforts he has done.

Be careful in terms of home accidents since this period of mobility increases. Remove medicines, detergents, bleach bottles out of the reach of it. Cook the dishes on the back stove. Do not keep the kettle full of hot water while the baby is at the table. The escaping of foods such as nuts, nuts, chickpeas in the nose, throat is mostly seen in these ages. Do not keep small objects or food within reach. Place railings on the heads of the stairs or obstacles that they cannot move or climb onto.

This period is the period of self-development and therefore the period of testing the limits. Therefore, support your child to make appropriate choices within the limits set by you. For example, “I can wear one of these three sweaters. You choose ”like.

Crying, recoil when you do something you want to do this kind of behavior will increase. This behavior will be reduced if he sees that he has not done so at will.

Never eat your child by wandering around the rooms with your plate in hand.

Makes three-four-word sentences.

Can draw X shape.

He starts asking a lot of questions.

Can sing.

Recognizes the pictures of objects he knows, can say the name.

It is normal for him to be unable to say certain letters and words, and to have pronunciation defects.

Toilet training was completed at this age. However, incontinence is normal.

She can take off some clothes herself.

He can turn the doors.

It can jump in place, but it can be a bit clumsy to jump.

Can stand briefly on one leg

You can climb stairs with one step at each step.

Starts to ride a tricycle

Easily separated from parents at this age

He plays with other children, but not in the form of mutual play.

Play imaginary games.

He often says "no," and there may be tantrums. They should be handled consciously, know that they have the right to get what they want verbally, but they must not fulfill their anger and wishes.

Listen to your child as he tells you something by turning off the television, leaving your newspaper in your hand: he will listen to you in the future

Sit down, talk to her, level her eye.

Bring this habit into a game of collecting toys: for example, putting cars in the garage, throwing balls or cubes remotely into a basket.

Let him help with household chores, and ask him to do so: dusting, fork-spooning, placing things in drawers, etc.

Show him that you are pleased by smiling and saying “well done için for the little work and efforts he has done.

Read pictures and story books with him.

Play children's games with music, sing.

Tell people about events by looking at family photos.

Play by counting one to three fruits, the buttons of her dress, or her fingers together.

Give big cardboard boxes to play by making it home or car.

Teach handwashing-drying.

Play with toys and foams in the bathroom.

Make room for movement by providing soft household items and pillows to ride on and jump

Give the dough to make the shapes, plus paper-pencil. Draw round, square shapes with pencil-paper. Get finger paint.

Whenever possible, give him a choice: an apple or an orange? like
Allow her to take off her clothes herself, and put on some easy-to-wear.

In this period, children can put small objects in their mouths, noses or foods like chickpeas and peanuts. Only give them when you are in your care and under supervision.

He speaks well enough for everyone to understand.

He asks a lot of questions: although he knows some of the answers he can ask. They improve his speaking ability.

He washes his hands.

Can lift clothes and toys.

It may draw straight lines on the paper.

It can stand on one leg for 1-2 seconds.

The staircase can be descended with one step at each step.

He learns to play with other children, share his toys and wait for his turn.

Wondering the body structure and want to examine the body of adults.

He may be afraid of different places, darkness, animals.

He may not be able to control his emotions. They may have fears, jealousies or anger attacks .

Sexual identity is evident

Knows concepts like big-small, heavy and light.

It can button large buttons.

My, mine, yours, yours are formed.

Draw primitive man in a way that arms and legs come out of the head.

Can make imaginary friends.

Knows the concepts of "one" and "multiple".

Talk to your child.

Read stories with your child, ask the people in the story, and then ask them to tell some parts of the story.

Draw simple pictures together, for example stickman. Make happy, sad, playful faces. Make them say appropriate words.

Do number counting exercises.
Tell him how things like the television, radio, washing machine in the house work.

Encourage you to tell stories, events, listen as you tell, and show that you like what you tell.

Talk on it, see its shapes by giving play dough or dough while you are in the kitchen. Make them talk.
Like his paintings and shapes and put them up or hang them for everyone to see.

Teach colors.

Play the ball together. You can play throwing into a box outside of mutual throwing, or rounding up and down the ramp.

Play hide and seek.
Make puzzles together.

Let him play with cars, dolls and kitchenware.

Create suitable environments for playing with other children and encourage them to play with them.

Dressing, brushing teeth, combing the hair as much as possible to make him do.

Ask him to help you with simple tasks such as moving and placing things. Give him little responsibilities in the home: for example putting the newspaper in a specific basket every day, taking the bread to the table for dinner.

Reward your little achievements on these issues, even their efforts, smiling, saying “well done, and making yourself proud.

Cars and Traffic:

This age is a good time to teach you how to walk safely on the street, where you can play safely, and the dangers like matches, gas cylinders. Set an example by following the rules as you cross the street.

Set a good example for him by wearing a seat belt in the car. Do not put it forward in the car, even on your lap.

Do not leave your child alone in the car for a few seconds.
5 years old

It can tell a short story, or an event that happened that day.

He can sing a few songs.

She might wear some of her clothes.

A simple stickman can draw. Can copy triangle and square.

He knows some colors.

He can follow the rules your parents set. However, it may not distinguish between right and wrong.

It is independent. She might want to go out on her own. He wants to do many things himself.

He doesn't like to share.

He can change his temper often. It can even be offensive sometimes.

You may have some imaginary playmates.

He can play doctor because he's curious about body parts.

Usually plays well with friends

Each number can count up to five, corresponding to one object

It can know at least five colors.

Don't criticize your self with positive adjectives, do not say adjectives like, stupid, lazy a to your child. Or don't say, “You're a child, you don't understand..

Moving games, sports and dance, improves coordination, body skills.

Show your satisfaction by smiling and saying “well done ada in drawing-painting, narration, or even helping with small chores at home, even with little effort:

How well you collected,

How nice you played with Ece.

I noticed that it draws properly: continue

Or: I had a lot of fun making cookies with your skin.

Knows a few colors, some days of the week, time concepts such as morning and afternoon.

He may wonder about things in nature: gibi how is it at night? ”Nasıl how does it rain?”.

He can compare you and your rules with the parents of your friends.

He tries to like others. Therefore, it usually behaves according to the rules.

He can dress himself without help.

You can button up buttons that are not too tight.

He can tie his shoes.

It can cut paper with the hand shears.

It can bounce 1-2 times on one foot.

Teaching can give any number of objects up to 5 time

Support him to ask questions, explore the area. When he asks you a question, sometimes ask him bazen how (or why) do you think? Yönlendir direct him to think.
Let him play moving games at least once a day

When they have negative behavior, you can use the “pause-method:“ now we take a break: you go to your room, and you don't leave for a while and you think about your behavior ”.
But let him express his feelings, his anger appropriately, and justify him for what he's right about.
Limit the television to one hour per day. Other than that, it should do more productive activities

She can dress without help.

You can draw a detailed stickman.

When you ask him what some objects are, he can identify them and tell them what they do. For example: apples are fruit, eaten; car and train, to transport people, such as.

He knows how to share, but he cheats. He may be jealous of his brothers and sisters.

He especially plays with friends of his own kind. Likes to engage in joint games or engagements with a friend

He likes to imitate adults.

It is useful to see the school in advance, to put a picture of the school in the house or to hang it in the room.

It is a good idea to prepare your child this year for listening and obeying the rules.

Congratulate him on his little effort.

During school life, new people such as classmates and class teachers will appear. An important aspect of growth is the ability to establish good relationships with other people. Although friends are becoming more and more important for your child, their parents are still very important and they like being part of the family.

By wearing a school apron, he feels that he is a part of the student community, his connections with his friends increase, and communication starts easily when the image differences created by clothing disappear.

He should do his homework on his own. Occasionally, or after you have finished, it is appropriate to look at it, to indicate that you are satisfied with its work and fulfill its responsibilities.
8-9 years:

You can share common interests with your friends: making collections, collecting plane pictures.

He likes competitive games. He also starts playing with children of the opposite sex.

It may show shame in the bathroom, avoiding being dressed-undressed.

Girls may start breast enlargement.
10-12 years (before puberty):

Height, especially the legs begin to grow rapidly (this period in girls 14, boys lasts up to 16 years, then slows down).

In some children, hormonal development may manifest itself: breast development in girls, sexual organs growth in boys and slight hair growth may begin.

Some girls see their first menstruation at the age of 11-12.

Children at this age may have a little more interest in the opposite sex.

In general his friends become more important. He could be one of his arkadaşı best friends ”. Relationships with friends go beyond playing games together, understanding each other's needs and sharing their secrets.

Abstract concepts such as reason, honesty and death begin to settle.

He / she usually listens to his / her parents

Likes to talk to others

When he does what he says, when he does the right things, say praise to him.

Help her choose activities that match her interests and abilities, make suggestions, and try to create opportunities.

Encourage you to talk to you and tell you about your feelings.

Encourage your child to read, let him choose the books he likes.

Support their interest outside the school such as sports, music, painting, nature exploration, collecting.

It is important that you find time and opportunities to play outdoors.

Identify or discuss the rules of everyday life with him or her: make them understand the reasons by asking them first. Explain that he is expected to follow these rules.

Explain to him that you know that his schoolmates can influence him or even feel the pressure. Encourage you to talk about such impacts and pressures, and talk about what they can do in those situations.

Watching television can help your child's education or, when over-done, can lead him to become a passive, sedentary, non-questioning person. For this reason, make him choose from the programs he will love and benefit from, and watch him no more than an hour on weekdays, at other times, to engage in other activities such as playing with his friends, reading books, painting, helping with housework and listening to music.

It is a period of BODY and MENTAL change.

The rapid height increase is approximately 12 years for girls and 14 years for boys. Since the elongation does not start at the same time in every part of the body, there is a change in body proportions: the jaw bones may appear disproportionate to the face and legs to the body. The change of hormones continues with symptoms such as hair growth, development of sexual organs, breast development in girls, and voice changes in boys.

In some adolescents, when these symptoms of “growth gecikme are delayed according to their friends, they are negatively affected by the names“ small ”and“ hairless reden. The image is one of the most important things: it is very common to think that your height will not be long enough to play basketball, be careful to look like models or artists, and not be happy with your appearance. Eating disorders may occur during this period: dislike the appearance, trying to weaken, such as ... Sometimes they can overdo it. If rapid weight loss occurs, consult a doctor.

They are emotionally variable, one day joyful, the next day pessimistic.

They adopt and apply abstract concepts such as honesty, commitment and death.

Their interest in politics, philosophy and social events increases

Start to think long term,

Set goals for themselves

They compare themselves with their friends.

Adolescents want to be independent of their parents: they may think that they have reached adult maturity through physical growth. Therefore, it requires independence in every field. Therefore, the family's warnings about subjects such as study and dressing disturb him.

He's under the influence of his friends. You may want to join a group

Male-female relationships become important: they may fall in love.

Care, support, help him to be interested in new areas and occupations.

Create opportunities for healthy and relaxing activities such as sports, music and encouragement.

Talk about understanding the importance of group friendship, but remind you of the importance of protecting one's self within the group

Encourage him or her to talk about issues or issues that make him / her think. Understand that he doesn't want to talk to you and tell your child.

When he opposes you (which is normal) by saying that he is no longer a child and can do what he wants, tell him that if he proves he can manage himself, you won't have to warn him either. If he behaves like a great person, tell him that you can become very self-inflicted.

Do not restrict their freedom unnecessarily without explaining itself.

In the process of identity creation, the presence of an adult is required. There will be no need to speak if your behavior is consistent with the behavior you want from him.


As your child grows up, it will be easier to be affected by what they see and hear, so TV will gain activity. Some TV programs are really educational and should be watched. However, many children watch TV more than necessary. It is wrong to use TV to keep the baby or child entertained, to sit in front of the baby and do the housework, or to let the child watch for hours. It keeps the child immobile and prevents him from making a productive occupation. Children who spend more time on television are more likely to gain weight and bone and joint disorders. Children who watch too much TV spend less time reading and playing. TV is an example of unhealthy eating habits. In addition, TV shows show violence and fear to children, and provide images of alcohol, drugs and sexuality before the child's age, mental and emotional state is appropriate. Parents should keep the child's programs and time under control. Here are some suggestions:

Select schedules. Do not turn on the TV randomly, always plan ahead. Instead of choosing a program for him, let him choose between the two programs you see fit.

Allow to watch TV for up to 1 or 2 hours per day.

If you have a habit of keeping the television on for a long time, keep the educational channels open.

Watch TV with your child. Talk to him about what the program is, the good and the bad.

Turn off the TV where it should not be seen. Tell him clearly that you do not find the program appropriate for his age and experience.

Don't think that all cartoons are suitable for your child. Many of them contain scenes of brutality.

Many programs during the day: talk shows, soap operas, etc. are not suitable for your child.

Make yourself an example by watching less TV and reading more. Read him a magazine and a book.

Find other, fun activities instead of TV, or even make a list. Expand your list by talking to other parents around you.

Do not use the TV as a reward for your good behavior. Use the ride, get out.

Children who do not have good school success should be reduced to half an hour of watching TV every day.

Never let him watch TV during the meal.

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The US national holiday Thanksgiving is considered by Americans to be one of the most popular and loved holidays of the year; traditions, over-calorie food is a cheerful feast of excessive consumption. The main feature of the feast - turkey. However, even if not turkey, the festive table is full of side dishes, drinks, desserts and other gastronomic delicacies and desserts.
Admit that not everyone can handle such a large amount of food. At the end of the feast, many Americans realize that they tend to sleep relentlessly.

A common cause of drowsiness during the holiday is aminopropionic acid, only tryptophan. They say that a lot of people in Turkey, so continuous sleep.

However, scientists who are investigating this issue deny it. The fact that turkey meat contains a large amount of tryptophan and its metabolism in the human body gives a sense of numbness does not deny scientists. They draw our attention to the fact that beef, lamb and others, including turkey, contain approximately aminopropionic acid, and that some products have harder cheeses than hard cheeses. . Among other things, if you use tryptophan in combination with other foods, its ability to cause drowsiness is significantly reduced.
In fact, the main cause of drowsiness is insulin. After eating, it is produced intensively by the body to weaken the peak values ​​of the sugar content in the blood. If a person eats too much food containing too much protein and carbohydrates, the sugar level in the blood increases significantly, peak values ​​rise up and the human body begins to throw large amounts of insulin into the blood.
However, although sugar is the main, it is not a single object of insulin exposure. Almost every cell in the body has insulin receptors in the hypothalamus, a brain organ that controls most nervous and endocrine systems.

The individual systems of the body are sensitive to insulin associated with wakefulness and sleep cycles. For example, there are specific neurons that produce orexin neurotransmitters. According to scientists, it promotes alertness. Thus, the effect of insulin reduces orexin production, thereby causing drowsiness and drowsiness of a person.
On the other hand, however, insulin has a good effect on the production of the hypothalamus of melanin concentrate hormone (Melanin Concentrating Hormone, MCH). This hormone not only controls the pigmentation of the skin in bony fish, but also forms the nutritional behavior of mammals, but also contributes to the regulation of energy balance and the formation of wakefulness and sleep periods. Also, if orexin increases wakefulness, MCH production causes drowsiness.
Based on this, an abundant meal causes drowsiness for two reasons: a decrease in the body's orexin production and activation of melanin-concentrated hormone production.

Probably, each of us know the old joke saying: you ate, you can sleep. Indeed, you want to sleep after dinner, even if it is not very busy. Why is this happening?
It was assumed that this depends on the temperature of the dishes: for example after the hot soup, when you want to sleep more after eating a sandwich. They thought the body would be warm and comfortable, and in such a state that it would be more normal for him to sleep.
However, this theory collapsed shortly after it appeared, because the participants claimed that they were drowsy regardless of what they ate. However, scientists have found that the degree of drowsiness is influenced by factors such as caloric content and the amount of food eaten.

Causes of drowsiness after eating
Let's see why you want to sleep after a meal. There are a number of factors that regulate our body's response to a particular food. These include:
Time of day;
The amount of food eaten;
Calorie foods;
The general condition of the body.
Food processing has turned out to be an incredibly energy intensive process, so the body has to throw it to complete all its power. This is the main reason you want to sleep after dinner. As a result, he is trying to put us to sleep to direct the energy into the movement that is needed now.
So it feels like sleeping after eating. So maybe we should sleep after a meal, we're arranged so? See.
Sleep after eating: harm or benefit
The debate on this issue lasted for decades and has always been one of those who put forward a more incredible theory than before. But the times of unfounded assumptions are long gone, and we now have all the technology that helps scientists approve or refute various hypotheses with almost 100% accuracy. After clinical trials, they understood why I wanted to sleep after a meal.
The University of Manchester has solved this problem and yet answered the question: Is the sleep hurt in the afternoon, is it beneficial?
The answer is certain: it is strictly forbidden to sleep and even lie immediately after consumption of food. There are several reasons for this:

So if you have a question: can you sleep after a meal? - The answer is categorical: no.

World practice
In many countries, the afternoons have been tried for employees of large companies. Employers have noticed that employees experience a failure, lose concentration and thus reduce their effectiveness.
Options have been considered for lengthening breaks, redistributing the load, and other ways to help the employee return to work. However, someone remembered that it was good to sleep during the day and put the short nap in the afternoon routine.
Unfortunately, the result did not meet expectations because most employees did not have the time allocated for a good rest. In addition, they came to their senses for a long time and were set to work after waking up.

Everyone agreed that after lunch they wanted to sleep too much at work, but most decided that sleeping in the middle of working days didn't create a sense of joy. In addition, some employees began complaining of stomach discomfort and weight.
After the examination, it turned out that by falling asleep or just taking a horizontal position, we independently slowed down the digestion process and stretched it for a longer period of time. Inadvertently, people extended the digestive cycle and forced the gastrointestinal tract to work longer and more intensively. So you can't sleep after a meal.
Sleeping during the day is good for health, but not for a full stomach.

What to do if you want to sleep after dinner?
Don't leave yourself to bed;
Take a walk if possible;
Take a break from an interesting but non-monotonous activity;
Change the type of activity;
Physical activity accelerates the food processing process and has a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Force yourself to stand up at work and be tidy, call a friend, or just chat with colleagues.

Why do you want to sleep after dinner?
While having a solid lunch, almost everyone feels a reduction in their desire to be in a quiet environment in their activities to retire for a while. Ideally, you also want to sleep for at least half an hour. Why does such a desire emerge and is this normal? In vain, they take a lunch break, not half an hour, enough for food, but can one person rest for an hour and a half?
All of this turned out to be no accident. This behavior is not only specific to humans, but also to many animals. This is a natural pattern worth considering in detail.
Sleeping after dinner is a natural phenomenon.

Mid-day short sleep is a completely natural and orderly phenomenon that is observed in many places where people are prone today without having to follow a strict daily schedule. Especially at noon sleep is loved in the southern countries - however, here is associated with some of the characteristics of the climate, and it is really better to just sleep in the afternoon heat. A similar lifestyle was applied by people from generation to generation as the best-natured. After dinner, people pampered for a while to rest before returning to their labor.

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The food was believed to “lie, because physical movements on a full stomach could cause pain, and many people had to realize that such activity had such a negative effect after a satisfying meal.

The activity in a full stomach is really harmful, the food-filled organ is susceptible to external damage, and so hunters - wolves, lions and others, wolves, lions and others who can eat up to a few dozen kilos at a time, sleep just after a satisfying lunch. Also, the main task is completed, they feed themselves and their offspring, and this holiday deserves.
However, after lunch, not only the physical force, but also the mental energy burden disappears. The solution of intellectual problems is given with greater difficulty than on an empty stomach, it is better to postpone it for another time. How is this fact explained?

Reasons to sleep after dinner
It turned out that the desire to get some sleep after a hearty lunch was simply not being protected from external physical influences. Along with physical activity after the meal, mental activity is also limited. Scientists have researched this fact in detail, and after eating they have reached conclusive conclusions that allow you to understand exactly what is happening in the human body and why you want to sleep so much.

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The desire to sleep turned out to be associated with an increase in blood glucose levels. As it rises, some of the brain cells stop giving alert signals, and the structures expressing orexin are particularly strongly suppressed. So, this hormone is responsible for shifting from wakefulness to sleep. Carbohydrates entering the human body along with food are also guilty. Its appearance is accompanied by the production of serotonin, a pleasure hormone that puts a person in a calm state. Such an excess of calmness inevitably leads to a desire to get some sleep.
There is another view - some scientists point to some deficiencies, weaknesses that exist in every human body. Thus, with the revitalization of the digestive tract, a large amount of blood flows into it. At the same time, it turns out to be a little devoid of brain, does not have enough blood for normal operation, some amount of oxygen starvation occurs. This is why a person is put to sleep unbearably while food is being digested.
You have to do a lot of things, but you can't concentrate on them. Do I have to give up lunch?
Weakness after eating: why does it occur?
If you want to sleep after a busy meal and are too lazy to do anything, do not panic and do not worry. This is a normal reaction of the body because it consumes a lot of energy to digest the food. But still, if you feel weak after every meal and every day, it's time to ring the alarm - maybe you're having serious problems.

Why is there a weakness after eating?
After eating there are causes of drowsiness and weakness. This may be a reduction in immune or chronic diseases. For a correct diagnosis you should consult a doctor:
Thyroid disease - deficiency or excess of any hormone;

diabetes - the onset of weakness is associated with splashes in blood glucose after eating;
Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Perhaps recently, there have been acute exacerbations of diseases or surgical interventions. Most often, the symptom is manifested in diseases such as gastritis or pancreatitis.
A sharp drop in blood sugar levels. This natural process occurs if you are very hungry and have not eaten a few hours earlier. After food intake, nerve endings transmit signals to the brain, encouraging rest and relaxation.

Reduced immunity. Your body weakens and consumes a lot of energy while digesting food. Drink a vitamin-mineral complex and consult your doctor if you do not see improvement within a few weeks.
Eat heavy food. You didn't eat for a few hours and then had a solid lunch or dinner? The pressure in the intestines changes, causing weakness.
Medicine. If you take any medication, they may cause weakness after eating.
As you can see, the causes of drowsiness and weakness after dinner are not very few. If these symptoms accompany you for several weeks or months, consult a specialist.

Can I rest after eating?
Resting after eating food slows down the production of gastric juice and digestion of the food. In addition to digestive problems, it causes slowing of metabolic processes and accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
After eating, you should not participate in very active activities - run, jump or work out in the gym. Wait at least an hour and start training.
Take a snack every 2-3 hours to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Try to eat foods that are not too heavy, portions should be small. Never drink anything with water or any other drink, it will slow the production of gastric juice. Walk after meals.
Why does weakness occur after eating? In most cases, this symptom indicates an unbalanced diet and malnutrition. If weakness occurs with abdominal pain or nausea, consult a doctor.

What does weakness mean after eating?
We all know that food is an energy source. So why do most of them face fatigue, drowsiness and decreased performance after eating? He wants to eat a satisfying lunch, go to bed and have a nap for at least 20-25 minutes. Desire becomes so irresistible that there is no power to fight it. What to do in this case?
First of all, you should learn why it has deteriorated after eating and then take measures to relieve the annoying discomfort.

Causes of weakness in the afternoon
Let's try to understand why there is a weakness after eating and I want to go to bed. There are many reasons for this. Some are not associated with serious illness and are caused by malnutrition or malfunction in the diet. Others indicate serious health problems and require close attention.

Heavy and junk food
We all know how healthy a healthy and complete diet is. However, for some reason, we continue to eat foods that are harmful to our health. Fatty meat, french fries, sausages, ketchup and mayonnaise - all of which cause fatigue and drowsiness after lunch.
This is explained quite simply. Much effort is required for the digestion and assimilation of heavy and fatty foods. The body, which has done a hard work and transforms food into nutrients, loses a huge amount of energy, manifested by drowsiness after a satisfying and satisfying lunch.
Feeling sick after eating can occur due to excessive tyramine. The amino acid increases the level of epinephrine and dopamine, but lowers the serotonin concentration. This ultimately leads to a sharp constriction of the brain vessels, oxygen starvation and severe weakness. Maybe dizziness and unconsciousness.
In people with a history of vascular dystonia, it is desirable to limit the use of tyramine-containing products:
Cheese and milk dishes.

Bitter chocolate and ripe berries.
Meat and sausages.
Fried, oily and smoked products.

Biochemical processes
Modern scientists claim that the main cause of drowsiness after dinner is an increase in blood glucose concentration. This substance reduces the production of the orex, which is responsible for physical activity. Think about how this happened.
The gastrointestinal system is directly linked to the endocrine system of the body. During hunger, the brain actively begins to synthesize the hormone orexin. This substance encourages a person to wake up and look for food.
After lunch of mostly simple carbohydrates, most of the glucose from the gastrointestinal tract does not have time to be absorbed by the cells and condenses in the blood. As a result, the brain reduces orexin production and symptoms such as fatigue and poor performance occur.
Council. To reduce the likelihood of developing sleepiness in the afternoon, you should limit simple sugar consumption and replace it with proteins.

Concomitant pathology of the digestive system
After eating, you should consult a specialist to determine the causes of the health and make the correct diagnosis.
Very often, an afternoon spill occurs after resection or gastroenterostomy. The complication of the operation becomes dumping syndrome (emptying the contents of the stomach into the small intestine is accelerated). In medical practice, there are cases of discomfort in people who have not undergone surgical treatment.

Dumping syndrome
Pathology occurs in 30% of patients in the postoperative period. The disease occurs on the ground of violation of the digestive process and does not depend on the amount of food eaten.

The disease has three degrees:
Easy. General weakness attacks occur during or during the first 10-12 minutes after eating. They do not last more than half an hour and pass independently.
Average. At this stage, the patient becomes ill immediately after eating. Sweating increases, drowsiness develops, dizziness, tinnitus and tremor of the limbs may be seen. The symptoms become so severe that the patient is forced to reach out.
Heavy. Attacks may develop after food is consumed. It lasts for at least three hours and is accompanied by an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, migraine, drowsiness in the extremities. Weakness usually disguises itself.
Dumping syndrome most often occurs after consuming dairy products or foods with high carbohydrate content.
Council. To reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, nutritionists recommend switching to fractional meals in small portions. Liquid and solid foods should also be consumed at 30 minute intervals. Get high-fat, carbohydrate and sugar-containing diet products. You should go to bed for 20-30 minutes after lunch.

Other causes of post-meal deterioration
Medical practice shows that the reason for the weakness in the afternoon may be various violations of the body's regulation system. Therefore, if you want to sleep after eating regularly and you have a weakness, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms may prevent the onset of endocrine disease.

diabetes mellitus
This disease develops due to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in glucose concentration in the blood and urine.
In this disease, afternoon weakness is accompanied by:
thirst and frequent urination;
rapid weight loss;
poor regeneration of skin;
sleepiness after meals.

When these symptoms occur, there is an urgent need to see a doctor and to measure blood sugar. Why it is so important, you can learn in the video at the end of the article.
Diabetes is not a fatal disease. Exact nutrition and adherence to doctor's advice will help overcome fatigue and drowsiness after meals and improve efficacy and quality of life.

Solid diet
Excessive restriction of diet caused by weight loss attempts often results in a major collapse in which a person can eat large amounts of food. They also have symptoms like dumping syndrome.
However, in this case, weakness after eating is triggered by long-term nutritional deficiencies and drowsiness - in general overfeeding, which cannot cope with the digestive system, which loses the habit of working.
Council. These excessive weight loss methods can cause the development of bulimia or anorexia. Second, as a rule, it provokes mental disorders and can be treated very badly. Therefore, it is not desirable to be involved in fasting and strict diets.

Afternoon weakness during pregnancy
Having a child is a very responsible and difficult period in the life of the mother. The future mother's body is experiencing huge burdens and is working hard to maintain vital activity.
After eating in pregnant women, weakness develops due to high energy consumption for food digestion. At the same time, the blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract increases significantly, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure and consequently a decrease in strength and drowsiness.
Council. We should not ignore these symptoms and hope that everything will disappear by itself. It may be the first signs of endocrine disease or other disorders in a woman's body. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the disturbing symptoms.
As you can see, the causes of drowsiness and weakness after eating are very diverse. Do not prescribe these symptoms only for excessive food or wrong foods. Behind the breakdown, there can be serious violations for the treatment that requires a lot of work and time. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor. The sooner the disease is detected and the treatment begins, the faster it will heal.
Warning! This article is not a guide for action, be sure to seek advice from an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist!

But perhaps it is more correct to treat the cause, not the effect?
After eating, it is important to pay attention to the causes of drowsiness and determine the causes.
A feeling of weakness and lethargy after a meal is not normal and food should not cause such an effect. In fact, a person should feel the opposite, because eating the right food gives you the nutrition you need for tone and vitality. After eating, the causes of drowsiness arise for various reasons, and we will now discuss this in an article on our family portal.

Possible symptoms of diabetes
Diabetes is a health condition and the symptoms of this disease affect the production of insulin by the body, which is necessary to control blood sugar levels.
When you eat, the body begins to make sugar in the cells, but diabetics do not produce enough insulin to control their glucose levels and cause excess drowsiness.
When insulin is produced in sufficient quantities to regulate blood glucose levels, it burns like energy, so that the person feels less tired.

Food quality affects sleepiness
If low nutritional products are available in your food basket, you will be given drowsiness.
Low-use products are generally saturated fats, sugars and salt.
Foods that provide good nutritional value, more time is spent to digest, thus providing energy for longer.

It's important not to eat too much
Portion size is another important factor. Above, it has been said that a healthy diet only provides and provides the necessary vitamins and trace elements that give us a vital burden for the whole day.
If you büyük consume büyük large portions of junk food, you are guaranteed to have a nap after the meal.
Since you are one of those people who cannot give up their eating habits, try reducing the portion size of your meals. Eat four or five times a day instead of three large doses, so the body will not load.

Hidden allergy symptoms
Some components may cause allergic reactions that cause you to feel lethargy after a meal. The body starts to spend energy to get rid of the allergen and as a result drowsiness occurs.
It is because the immune system works on the "border" to protect the body and remove the allergen from the blood.
Consult a specialist if you suspect food allergy symptoms. After a series of tests, the doctor will determine if there are allergies to certain products and if they cause drowsiness after a meal.

These foods cause severe drowsiness.
Drowsiness after eating depends on many reasons for over-eating and dying, depending on the characteristics of some products. Experts identified the basic facts about taking a nap after a meal.
Usually, after heavy fatigue, because of cloudy weather during the day or because we don't sleep well enough at night, we have a strong desire to take a nap after physical fatigue.
The drowsiness and drowsiness we experience immediately after eating are usually caused by these reasons, but there are some nuances here. If your body insists a bit after resting for half an hour after a meal, and the body persistently requires sleep, perhaps it is not just a daily routine.
Healthystyle reported that the experts decided to examine the causes of sleepiness in the afternoon, not fatigue, in detail.

Water balance greatly affects our overall situation. We have already written about why it is necessary to drink water. Without it, we cannot fully recharge ourselves with the energy entering the body along with the food consumed.
When dehydration occurs, the person feels fatigue, drowsiness and even dizziness: this is caused by a change in blood pressure and a decrease in pulse. In this case, we will be particularly affected by daytime sleep.

"Sleepy" products
Some products contain large amounts of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of sleep hormone melatonin. If your lunch or snack products consist of this type of food, it may be beneficial to reduce the amount, go to a dinner or eliminate it altogether.

The feeling of heaviness after an excessive meal makes us an irresistible desire to lie down to rest and digest. If we eat rarely and at the same time in large portions, our body gets tired and needs rest to deal with thousands of new calories.
Don't make yourself hungry, try to eat often and in small portions. Keeping intervals between meals will help you maintain control and not eat too much.
A sharp splash of blood sugar
How to overcome a sleepy state
Why do you always want to sleep after eating and how will you deal with it?
Drowsiness after lunch is due to very different reasons than eating too much and ending the properties of some products. Usually, after heavy fatigue, during the day, due to cloudy weather or because we are not sufficiently rested at night, we have a strong desire to take a nap.
The drowsiness and drowsiness we experience immediately after eating are usually caused by these reasons, but there are some nuances here. If your body insists a bit after resting for half an hour after a meal, and the body persistently requires sleep, perhaps it is not just a daily routine. In this article, we decided to examine in detail all possible causes of sleepiness in the afternoon.

Why does weakness occur after a meal?
During meals, our body receives nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and essential minerals. In theory, we should feel awake, full of power and energy after eating. Then why is this weakness after eating? Why are we drowsy and dizzy, and sometimes have nausea attacks?
The problem of not feeling well after eating is a common phenomenon. Well, let's try to figure out what caused this.

What could be the cause of the weakness after eating?
Weakness after a meal is a versatile condition. We will list the most likely pathologies and conditions that may cause a deterioration of well-being after just one meal.

Decrease in blood sugar levels after a meal. In this case, the body does not use carbohydrates to replenish blood sugar and sends them to fat stores. Because you are taking an overdose of antidiabetic medication, if you don't have enough carbohydrates in your diet or have consumed alcohol, you are physically active, and hypoglycemia in diabetes can also develop after a few hours.

Elevated sugar (glucose) in serum. Hyperglycemia occurs mainly in diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the endocrine system. It is characterized by the fact that the body appears sweet or weak after flour.
If fatigue after eating is caused by hyperglycemia, you should reduce carbohydrate intake in your diet until you determine the amount of carbohydrates you need. First, you need to eliminate fast carbohydrates, ie foods with a high (GI) glycemic index containing white bread, sweet foods, sweet fruits and alcohol.

Dumping syndrome
Stomach is a complication caused by a recent surgery. Dumping syndrome is characterized by an accelerated release of mid dropping ”food from stomach to stomach, accompanied by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. Dumping syndrome develops in 10-30% of patients who have undergone gastric surgery immediately or late after surgery. Symptoms of the condition: a sharp deterioration in health immediately or after one or a half to two hours, weakness, heart rhythm, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Endocrine Disruption
Thyroid hormones are responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes, including energy. When there is an imbalance in hormone secretion, energy is consumed incorrectly and, as a rule, there is a feeling of fatigue after a meal.
Doctors claim that a condition like weakness after a meal may be a sign of serious deterioration to the body. Gastritis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease, diabetes mellitus, anorexia nervosa - this is not a complete list of pathologies where you can feel the severity of different stagnation after a meal. Therefore, if you regularly observe weakness after eating, you should immediately contact a specialist, first a gastroenterologist and then an endocrinologist.
Nausea and weakness after eating can also be said of excessive stomach food, even after eating a full stomach, or when you eat too fast without eating. In this case, you should change the approach to food intake: review the diet and nutrition program, maybe follow a diet or switch to a fractional diet.

Tired of eating: What to do if you want to sleep after dinner?
Hello dear readers! Our goal today is sleepiness after eating. Admit it, you probably know that feeling.
Someone tests more often, less often. Do you know why the food doesn't want to sleep? For what reasons? Is it possible to avoid this situation? Let's find the answers to these questions together.

Main reasons
Imagine and remember in which situations you usually start to feel weak and tired after lunch. Joyfulness usually disappears after a busy meal or if you eat a dessert. Is not it?
Why is this happening? In the case of a satisfying lunch, the body needs to spend a lot of energy for the digestion of food.
Just imagine, the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines work for immediate transport and digestion.
Such a complex process requires a lot of effort. To cope with the task, the body naturally needs time to heal.
From here and there you have a strong feeling of fatigue and want to sleep. Some nutritionists call this joke a “temporary food coma..
The second reason is rich in carbohydrates, especially “fast” food. Simply put, they ate dessert - they wanted to sleep. This is because - a sharp change in blood sugar levels.
The body uses sugar as an energy source. When the resources run out, you start feeling hungry.
At this time, the brain actively produces a substance - orexin. Doctors say he's responsible for life, and he's forcing someone to look for food.
Meanwhile, for the same reason, it is difficult to fall asleep on an “empty stomach.. But now it's not about that. When a large amount of sugar is taken, the production of the orex stops abruptly. Vitality is replaced by drowsiness.

Orexin and Insulin
Recent research by scientists has shown that frequent consumption of fast carbohydrates that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar leads to a gradual blockage of orexin-producing neurons.
This can be a health hazard because of the emergence of a so-called ark narcolepsy olan with persistent drowsiness syndrome that causes rapid weight gain that leads to obesity.
So, if we eat fast, if we enjoy sweets, white bread and ready-to-eat foods, then over time we will feel weakness after meals, fatigue increases and physical activity decreases. A man finds himself in a vicious circle.
“Orexin is extremely important for the normal functioning of our body. It is responsible for the connection of the human body with the conscious desires of the body's needs. For example, waking up, foraging, hormone production, normal metabolism. Denis - Denis Burdakov, a researcher at the University of Manchester in the UK, explains.
It is therefore necessary to ensure that the food you eat throughout the day does not cause “sugar storms..
This is also important, because there is another view among scientists. They believe that drowsiness in the afternoon is a result of increased insulin production.
This is because the same - fast blood carbohydrates enter the blood and turn into sugar, giving the liver a signal about the need for insulin. It is known to help absorb and process glucose.

Doctors say when too much sugar is “blocked” and body cells stop responding to insulin.
The liver continues to produce an increased volume at the same time. As a result, a “system failure” occurs. This can cause diabetes.

Sleepiness Fight
What to do? How do you get rid of drowsiness and how to protect your health?
Nutritionists strongly recommend that you pay attention to your diet. Or rather, its composition.
First, fast carbohydrates should be replaced with slow ones. I remember them
Includes whole grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, quinoa and others) as well as vegetables, delicious fruits and berries.
Second, more protein food in the diet - lentils, beans, eggs, lean meat and fish, dairy and dairy products. Doctors say that egg whites can kill more than a cup of coffee.
Caffeinated drinks have been shown to stimulate the brain for two hours and to scientifically prove protein products throughout the day.
In addition, a long time ago, research data from scientists from the University of Cambridge was published in the famous journal on Neuron ”.
They say that eating protein-rich foods increases the production of orexins. The person feels awake and active, and the calories fed by the food begin to be consumed immediately by the body.
Furthermore, the combination of proteins with vegetable oils, such as those found in hazelnuts, helps to “prevent olumsuz the negative effect of glucose on the neurons of the orex.
The discoveries were confirmed by two experiments. First, the orexin cells were placed in tubes containing various nutrient solutions. The interaction reaction occurred at the site of the amino acids of the proteins.
Second, research on mice continued. Egg whites were added to their diets. As a result, it was observed that not only the increase of the orexin level in the brain of the animals, but also the motor activities were significantly increased. The effect lasted several hours.
What does it mean? The composition and amount of nutrients are closely related to the reactions of our bodies. Be strong and forget your afternoon sleepiness - don't eat too much and don't eat healthy foods rich in proteins, unsaturated fats and slow carbohydrates.

Things to remember
In addition to the composition of foods, note the glycemic index, which is an indicator of how fast carbohydrates break down in the body and how they affect blood sugar levels.
The lower the better. It is not difficult to find detailed descriptions of the glycemic index of each product on the Internet.
Any physical activity will help you cope with the sleepiness crisis after eating. Doctors advise not to give a strong desire to go to bed to rest.
Instead, it is better to walk at least a minute. Fatigue must be drawn. However, I personally disagree.
As an option, try a short dream - 15 minutes, it completely relieves fatigue, the brain rests and then continues to work with pleasure.
In addition, there are studies confirming that activity affects blood glucose levels.
For people who still don't sit after eating, it rises almost twice as much as those who prefer to rest.
If you follow the nutritional rules, but if fatigue and lethargy persists, they may be symptoms of diseases such as:
hypoglycemia (decreased blood sugar after eating),
hyperglycemia (high sugar content in the body),
dumping syndrome (a complication after gastric surgery)
or endocrine disruption.

Be sure to consult a doctor!
Do you often sleep after eating? How do you handle this feeling? How strong does it manifest itself? Share your stories in the comments and see you in the next article!

Why do you want to sleep after eating?
Of course, after dinner, you often asked yourself when you were sluggish and drowsy: “Why do you want to sleep after a meal? El Let's examine this in more detail.
If you don't usually want to take a nap, after a tasty and satisfying meal, at least take a horizontal position and relax your body a little. In addition, this physiological feature does not depend on age and sex: after eating, young and old, women and men tend to sleep. And everyone doesn't think why we want to sleep after dinner. Let's try to figure it out.

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A child wakes up with a nervous breakdown at night: what to do? The child wakes up with anger at night: reasons, how to help.

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The child's deep healthy sleep is the joy and peace of the parents. But sometimes a child wakes up angrily at night. She cries, gets up on the bed, doesn't remember herself completely and doesn't know where she is. Parents immediately run to the rescue, take the baby in their arms and shake. But sometimes she doesn't allow her baby relatives to be close to her, and she doesn't even recognize them. Adults don't know what to do at these moments. However, don't worry. To understand what to do, you must first find out the causes of children's night shifts.
Night Horror

As the baby grows, his brain matures. While the baby is sleeping, dreams merge in a strange way, and any combination can look scary. Then the child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown. Experts call this phenomenon avor pavor noctumus ”- night fears. Unfortunately, nothing can be done with night terrors, but fortunately, this phenomenon disappears over time.
Stages of sleep

A person's sleep is characterized by alternative stages. Good sleep is replaced with precision and precision with wakefulness. We wake up, realize that everything's fine and sleep more. In a child, these mechanisms have not yet been adjusted, so the baby is sometimes "trapped" between waking and sleeping. Sitting on a bed with eyes open or standing, breathing often, trying to pronounce some words. Then the child finally wakes up and doesn't remember what happened.

In this case, do not try to confuse the baby during the stay. You should wait for full awakening and calmly put the baby to bed. It's better not to remember the nightmare.

It appears that children who were not fully awakened walked around the apartment with their eyes open and did not respond to the treatment of adults. This usually happens when the other day was full of impressions and the child was very excited. True, sleepwalking is certainly possible after a quiet day.

It is not possible to help sleepwalkers. Attempts to wake up will cause serious fears. The baby looks a little like that and will go back to bed. The important thing is not to hit or get hurt along the way.

In addition to the night fears that are forgotten in the morning, the child can be deliberately frightened. The horrible dreams I remember the next day are seen by children aged three to six and school children. Nightmares dream in the afternoon if something scares the baby, or if the child is just overwhelmed with impressions. The child remembers such a dream, can tell all the details and continue to be afraid.

Since children still do not distinguish fiction and reality very well, it is useless to try to explain that they are not dreamers. Also, you should not laugh and make fun of the child to embarrass him for cowardice. Helping to avoid a scary character and show that the front door is locked is much more effective, so no one can enter the house or turn on the night light.

A frightened child will quickly calm down and fall asleep if you hold him or reach for him. Overcoming the fear of darkness will help trust. So you can put a taş magic stone altına under the pillow that protects against “night monsters veya or you can equip it with“ magical power olan, a flower standing by the window. You should consult a psychologist, especially in severe cases. An expert will help identify the causes of fears.

Before going to bed, it allows you to read scary stories to the child (which fairy tale is considered scary, the small listener will determine for himself), watch horror movies and television programs that watch violent scenes, play computer games. It is better to go for a walk in the fresh air and drink the next warm milk and sweet honey.

When a child grows up healthy, he eats well and sleeps well - this makes parents happy. But sometimes a child wakes up with anger at night, shouts, twists, and doesn't convince you to calm down. Especially many inexperienced families are afraid of this situation. Therefore, it is useful to understand why night shifts during sleep occur in the life of the baby, what factors may trigger this syndrome, and how to avoid hysterical behavior.

Sleep disorders in infants and children up to the age of two are frequently associated with teething, general weakness during this period and pain syndrome experienced by the child at night. If a 2-year-old already wakes up with a nervous breakdown at night, it may not be much to do with teething.

Children under the age of two do not always have full speech communication skills, so they cannot clearly explain why they are concerned. In this case, parents are encouraged to try to determine independently the cause of the nervous breakdown in the child, the causes can be divided into two categories:

physiological - drinking water, going to the toilet or otherwise;
psychological - nightmare, emotional impressions, emotional shock.

Isolated cases of such awakening should not greatly disturb the parents, in which case it is advisable to meet the child's needs - give him water, put him in the toilet, calm down and go to bed. If anger is caused by a neural strain, it is necessary to take a close look at the daily routine - to protect a hypersensitive child from unnecessary emotions and vivid impressions. In addition, a single hysterical behavior at night can serve as a sign of any newborn disease.

There should be an opportunity for the child to regularly show recurring bouts of anger to a pediatrician - a neurologist, perhaps the baby has some kind of pathology from the central nervous system.
Hysterical behavior in children from three to six years

A child over 3 years of age can already explain what worries him at night and why he is awakening and annoying. Often children at this age wake up at night and cry from nightmares.

Vibrant emotions throughout the day, including negative ones, leave a mark on the baby's fragile nervous system as a result of the child waking up, shaking, screaming and screaming with a tantrum during the night. It is necessary to consider the most common causes of sleep disorders and hysterical behavior in children aged 3-6 years.

Sleepwalking is not common, but occurs in children older than 3 years. A child can walk around the house with his eyes open, adults do not answer his calls.

This behavior is characteristic not only after a day full of impressions, but also after a completely calm day without violent feelings. Parents cannot help little sleepwalkers, it is impossible to awaken them sharply - this can cause serious fear and stress. Usually the child goes back to bed and sleeps more and does not remember his strange behavior in the morning.
Phase Rotation

In an adult, the sleep process is clearly sorted out, the sound sleep stage is replaced by light sleep, and awakens with light sleep. In the wake of a night, an adult can look around, realize that he is at home and in a quiet environment, can lie down and fall asleep. In a child, the process of transition from one stage of sleep to another has not yet been fully established, the baby may be "trapped" in the state between sleep and wakefulness. In a sleepy state, the child sits in bed and makes inconsistent words and sentences with his eyes wide open, often breathing.

Such behavior frightens parents, especially when accompanied by crying and hysterics. In such a case, there is no need to slow down the child, yet he cannot consistently answer what bothers him. You need to try to calm the child, wait for his full awakening, and then calmly rock and lie down. In the morning, it's better not to remember night events.

Something like a nightmare occurs in preschool and primary school children as well as in children older than 3 years. A child may have nightmares after bright events that occur during the day and occur after a tense and emotional overload. The child over the age of 3 can remember his terrible dream, which can be repeated over and over again for a long time. At night, the child wakes up with a nervous breakdown and screams, after waking, he is scared and can tell the details of a nightmare.

Explain that during the night hysteria, it is not necessary to explain to the baby that the dreamer does not exist, as children under the age of 6-7 still do not distinguish the truth from the fictional world. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to make fun of a child, call him a coward and force him to sleep. A much more effective way would be to claim that parents push the scary character out the door with the child and lock it with the key. You have to hold your hand, lie down next to you until the child calms down, don't go down. It is better to leave a small lamp or a night light at night.

You have to talk to the child in the morning, explain to him the reason for the nightmares, arrange everything in a game. If the child is still afraid of the dark, you may encounter some kind of ritual to get rid of fear - for example, make an amulet of improvised materials or güçlendir strengthen the flower standing by the window with magical power ”. If many babies put a arl magic stone ihirli under their pillow, they will sleep better if they are told to protect them from night monsters. All these simple ways will help the baby cope with nightmares and fears.

If nightly hysterical seizures are repeated regularly and parents see changes in the baby's behavior (if afraid and withdrawn), it is recommended that the child be shown to a psychologist and neurologist to identify the causes of fear and nightmares.

Hysterical crying during daytime sleep

If a child aged 5-6 is in a good mood during the day, he is cheerful and cheerful, and after a day's sleep he starts to scream, scream and cry in hysteresis - there are a few explanations for that. If such behavior is rarely repeated, there should be no reason for the parents to panic. The truth is that the child's spirit has not yet been strengthened sufficiently at this age, and therefore the nervous system can respond to the child's crying and waking up during daytime sleep for various reasons.
working hard

During the daytime sleep, the baby wakes up crying in the morning with a very lively feeling. A child who walks too long, playing outdoor games with his peers, visited an unusual place, was impressed. The most vulnerable children react to such an overload of the nervous system by crying and hysterical behavior during daytime sleep.

Many parents do not put their children to sleep during the day after the age of 4-5, which is wrong. The child should sleep at least 40-50 minutes after lunch, even before school starts. It strengthens and relaxes the baby's nervous system and helps to cope with the impressions of a busy day.
Lively emotions - not always good

Almost all parents, grandparents, try to provide the child with a lively, vibrant life, take the baby to the zoo, go for a ride, show a new cartoon. In some cases, such enthusiasm causes hysterical crying during day and night sleep, and this is not surprising.

If the baby is affected by something, the nervous system gets too excited, which turns into nightmares and nightmares during sleep. To avoid this, you need to measure the number of live impressions based on the child's age. It is necessary to protect the baby from negative information, long walks and severe emotions, especially if the child has a sensitive nervous system from birth.

Playing with toys nearby - if it looks like the mother the child will listen to, not afraid of the normal transmission that adults use - that's a wrong idea. A particularly vulnerable child may be frightened by the harsh voice of the newscaster, the gunfire in a war movie, and crying and anger in his sleep. Therefore, children should only watch good cartoons, and parents should minimize watching TV.
Negative family situation

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, the stress in the family may be caused by anger during sleep. If a child often sees or feels disrespect towards each other, if he or she fights between parents, anger attacks during sleep is a completely anticipated response to such a situation. The child can blame himself for adult fights, children between the ages of 5-6 are afraid to leave one of their parents. To protect the baby from painful nightmares and tantrums, you need to establish a family environment and ensure complete peace of mind of the child's nervous system.

As you can see, the reasons for the hysterical awakening of the baby can be hidden in completely different factors. Which of these prevents the child from sleeping completely - you have to take a closer look and find the parents. At a minimum, the following precautions should be taken for healthy sleep:

observe your daily routine;
avoid very vivid impressions;
do not play outdoors and do not allow the child to watch a movie before going to bed;
to establish relationships in the family.

During the next hysterical attack, parents should stay calm to avoid intimidating the child any more. Whenever you get older, you should consult your pediatrician, who is a neurologist and psychologist.

Author: Ermakova Marina Leonidovna, practical psychologist, developmental psychologist

Today, we will talk about the worst nightmare of any parent - when a child wakes up in the night vigil and will not be able to calm him down. For many, this does not seem supernatural - children wake up crying at night, but then they sleep calmly.

Most of the advice from doctors and other parents on how to calm a child is designed specifically for this situation. It provides the establishment and strict monitoring of daily routine and evening procedures before bedtime, long walks in the fresh air, massage, relaxing baths. All these suggestions really work, but not when the baby wakes up and cries at night, screams, doesn't react to anything and doesn't know what he wants. Unfortunately, some people come across this very often - sometimes even every night. What is this - night fears of children? What is the reason for their appearance and how to deal with them?

Crying in a child's dream may mean it's a baby's nightmare
The Source of Nightmares

There are no children to fear. However, long-term fears need to attract parents' attention. Their appearance is always caused by certain factors and is rarely from scratch. Among the most common:

severe pregnancy in the mother;
pathological conditions during childbirth;
the presence of serious diseases;
previous operations (especially under general anesthesia);
lack of communication with the mother;
various psychological injuries;
numerous effects and impressions on the nervous system;
tense atmosphere in the family - fights between parents, physical aggression on their side, stresses and conflicts.

Causes for fears are usually taken from:

daily life of the baby - changes in place of residence, school, kindergarten, changes in the environment, conflict situations;
conditions within the family - births of younger brothers or sisters, death of relatives, divorce of parents;
mass media - television, radio and the Internet contain a lot of negative information: stories and programs about crimes, disasters and terrorist attacks, journalistic investigations, documentaries.

Children absorb quickly and especially negative information quickly. Therefore, watching a child's film can affect the child's dream
How are fears defined?

Night-time fears in children usually occur from 6 months before the year and are associated with the developmental characteristics of the baby. Children at the age of 2-3 are afraid of being alone, and at the age of 4-6 they are afraid of various monsters and monsters that are reflected in the darkness and dreams. The characteristic features of nightmares are:

usually begin 2 to 2.5 hours after falling asleep, usually 1 to 3 hours;
duration of treatment - 5 to 20 minutes, with sudden onset and end of hysteria;
repeatability several times over night;
the child suddenly wakes up, screams and cries, opens his eyes, but does not notice anything around him and does not react to anything;
during the attack, sweating and shortness of breath are increased;
the child wakes up in the hysteria, but does not react at all to the appearance of the parents, because he is unaware of their existence or himself;
it is not possible for the baby to soothe tension or to turn his attention to anything else;
unconscious aggression towards parents and tries to destroy the place where it is located.

Do not despair after discovering the above points in your baby's behavior. It is difficult for any parent to monitor the nightmares and anger of their child and not be able to help him, but it is possible to correct the situation. He can call the help of a psychologist or wait for the baby to grow up and nightmares go on their own.

The children's imagination is quite bright. Therefore, the baby can find many monsters hiding in the room. Parents should eliminate the child's fears and show that they are completely empty under the bed and under the closet.
How to deal with night fears?

At night, anger and nightmares go away on their own, but the implementation of some simple suggestions can make the course easier. You should do:

relax - such problems are quite common in infants aged 3 to 5 years and are not as bad as you think;
being with the baby all the time - your duty is not to let him or herself harm others in this state;
Reminding the child what happened so as not to increase his emotions;
try to prevent nightmares by waking the baby 30 minutes after falling asleep - so you should avoid another attack;
Organizing the child to sleep, time and daytime rest, which is particularly important for children under 3 years,
Do not let the baby run - monitor loads throughout the day for children from 7 to 10 years; if you refuse to sleep at night, change the lifting or fitting time;
Show concern to your child - close trust relationships will help calmly discuss the situation and find the source of its appearance.

Should I see a doctor?

In most cases, parental assistance is sufficient to overcome nightmares, but in some cases it should be referred to specialists. Parents should be aware of the following symptoms:

attack time is more than 30 minutes;
nightmares approached in the morning;
during an attack, speech is disrupted, behavior remains inadequate;
the baby can self-harm with hysteria;
fear does not pass through the day;
the cause of nightmares is the situation in the family - conflicts, parental divorce, domestic violence;
over time, seizures become stronger and last for more than a year;
nightmares and nervous breakdown affect the baby's behavior during the day;
During nightmares and nervous breakdown, the baby experiences urinary incontinence crises.

If a child has a nightmare, parents should help him calm down. As an option, she can lie with her, read books, and the real issue is that the baby feels safe.

Particular attention should be paid to the course of night attacks in the presence of convulsive readiness in children:

sharp movements of the head;
twitch her shoulders;
and round your eyes;
tongue protruding;
bouts of enuresis were repeated several times at night;
fake croup;
bronchial asthma.

All of these symptoms only aggravate the situation with children's anger and nightmares. The causes of emergency medical help are accompanying seizures:

engine excitement;
loss of consciousness.

When these symptoms occur, the baby's condition is diagnosed and the drug is administered according to the results. You may need the help of a psychologist to overcome problems.
Prevention and treatment

In the process of treating a child's fears, you may need to seek help from a psychologist.

Nightmares themselves are rarely treated with medication, often trying to eliminate the cause of their appearance. Where the source of its occurrence is a physical or mental illness, treatment continues. If nightmares are the result of stress or anxiety in the infant, the child psychologist or psychiatrist should be consulted. Sometimes medications can be given to reduce the phase of rapid eye movement or prevent them from waking up at night - only in children with severe sleep disturbances.

Clarification of the emergence of childhood fears should be addressed by a psychologist. It determines the source of nightmares, the degree of danger, and measures to combat them when communicating with the baby. The main diagnostic techniques are drawings, role-plays and stage plays - in which you can use the example of heroes to find and analyze the causes of fears and discuss their consequences.

The behavior of children shows the atmosphere of the family and how the parents behave in the best way. For example, they are the ones that make up the child's behavioral patterns and can lead to excessive shyness or distrust of others.

The calm, even in the atmosphere of the family, the absence of tension and conflict helps the baby overcome his dark fear and get rid of nightmares. Active sports can also be a good help in combating nightmares. Swimming, jumping from a tower or bar, martial arts - all of which reassure one's own strengths and are afraid of darkness, water, heights and the like.

Working with childhood nightmares requires eliminating the immediate cause of fear. The baby should be told that fear is absolutely normal and natural, because fear allows you to avoid dangerous situations. Parents should often tell him that there is nothing to be ashamed of in fears, they must accept and learn to live with them.

A child's drawings can reflect all his fears and problems. An experienced psychologist will help you understand the causes of a bad sleep problem
How to raise a brave baby?

For the child to grow bravely and actively, certain efforts need to be made, and the following recommendations can help to achieve this:

do not humiliate, make the child and his desire the real thing;
treat him equally, respect his personality;
do not scare the baby and punish him for no reason;
make sure that you communicate adequately with different people, such as relatives, peers, friends;
Do various professions with your child, join creativity with him - you can monitor his mental state and defuse the fears that arise in time;
hug and kiss your baby more often - your physical contact with your family will help you feel your care and protection;
Follow the atmosphere of the family - will help reduce trust, respect and love, and even get rid of fears completely.

How to treat parents?

You can overcome children's fears by following these fears:

Respect the child and his fears, don't laugh and deny them. More involvement and attention to the problem will have a greater impact than the statements of the series üz You are already too big to be afraid of the dark! ”, Bırak Stop thinking about yourself!”.
Don't be shy and don't blame the child for his experiences - you will only raise anxiety and cause guilt. Let even the “real men bil know that they have a right to fear.
Do not try to force the child to escape fear directly, leaving the child alone in a dark room. Give him your help and support: examine together all the “terrible” places where he sees various dangers, look in the cupboards, under the bed, in the dark corners. The child, who cannot find anyone there, will quickly believe in the baselessness of his experiences and calm down.
When a child behaves badly, don't scare him with different monsters and bad guys and threaten to give him to someone.

Parents' understanding, care and love - these are important components of the baby's stable spirit.
Children's imagination is the source of night anxiety.

Not all children are the same - each has their own fantasies and opinions about everything. They can create a nightmare object for themselves and a more advanced imagination gives them more realism. You can use a child's abilities to overcome fears.

Contact your child to find the source of fear. Help the child isolate his emotions and overcome them by learning to change and control his emotions. Try it for:

write a story that ends with the baby and talks about how to get rid of fear;
make a picture of fear and then separate it - at the same time to destroy the picture and help the baby control their emotions.


If allowed, try to provide your child with a personal room. The situation in the nursery should create a relaxed and relaxing atmosphere:

Provide good soundproofing in the nursery, so nothing will disturb the baby's sleep.
Maintain optimal microclimate in the room - Dr. Komarovsky recommends children a temperature of 18 - 20 ° C and a humidity of about 50 - 70%.
Ventilate the room regularly and carry out wet cleaning.
Only use bedding made of natural fabrics. Bright colors should always be fresh and clean, calm colors. You can also use bedding with your favorite baby characters.

Sleepless nights are the night that all young parents encounter without exception. Newborn babies feel the need to feed during the night, and little preschoolers sometimes wets or wakes up and needs to visit the toilet. All of this is perfectly normal for everyday situations. And if the child is hysterical and screaming, he is in tears? What could be the reason for this kind of behavior, how to treat parents?
Why do babies wake up at night?

For the youngest, the only means of communication is to cry and scream. Newborns do not meet their needs and cannot even explain more to adults. What if a very small child wakes up on a night watch? Often, the cause of the event is the physiological needs of the baby. A newborn may feel uncomfortable or hungry because of a dirty diaper. Sometimes very young children wake up because the room is too cold or too hot. Eliminate possible cause of concern and put the baby to bed. If the child continues to cry and does not fall asleep for a long time, he or she is likely to suffer from colic. If you suspect this problem, it makes sense to massage the baby's belly carefully.

Night under three years

The appearance of the baby's first teeth is a touching event in which many children are restless. Don't be surprised if the child wakes up crying and screaming at night. There are many ways to reduce the discomfort of the baby when teething. The easiest is to buy wearable teething toys and regularly lubricate the baby's gums with a special gel. However, feeding at night is a thing of the past and the teeth grew safely. What if one day a child wakes up hysterically at night? 2 years is a special age. Children already know how to communicate with parents, but life experiences are not enough to formulate all their thoughts accurately and clearly. In fact, all causes of night shifts can be divided into two categories: physiological and psychological. In the first case, the baby probably likes to drink, go to the toilet or experience other ailments. Second, hysteresis is a nightmare, vivid impressions, or psycho-emotional shock. If a child wakes up at night and shouts frequently enough in hysterics, it makes sense to show him to a neurologist. Sometimes this behavior is a symptom of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. A single hysteria may indicate the onset of some form of acute disease.

Overwork - cause of nervous breakdown at night

Very often, a child crying and screaming at night, the child wakes up working more during the day. Does your baby walk a lot, play active games or visit an unusual place? Most likely nervous system tired. What to do if a child wakes up with a night watch after daytime activity? Review the baby's daily routine and try not to overload the nervous system. Remember, every child needs to sleep during the day before the age of 5 years. Most children try to refuse to rest as early as 2 years at lunch. However, although it seems good that the baby does not sleep during the day, parents should not agree with this regimen of the day. Allow your child to sleep for at least 40-60 minutes in the afternoon. Such a rest is necessary for the baby's fragile nervous system.
Live shows aren't always handy

A trip to the zoo, a visit to my grandmother, or a trip to watch a live cartoon - all of which are real events in the life of a small person. Even taking a regular walk in an unusual place or visiting a new store can affect the baby. Most parents try to surprise children and really make their lives alive. If after an interesting and eventful day, the child wakes up with a nervous breakdown, cries and screams at night, it is difficult to understand such behavior. But in fact, the reason is the overload of the nervous system. If the baby was affected by something negative, he could have a nightmare in a dream. Parents should try to minimize the possibility of extra anger at night on the basis of excessive impressions. Choose entertainment according to the age of the child. Minimize the duration of these walks if you want to show your baby something unusual. Protect your child from negative information. Cartoons should only contain positive images, and adult programs for young children should not be watched at all. This evening's newsletter appears to be forbidden to you, and the child may be afraid of military action or conspiracy with the harsh voice of the preacher.

Stress and family stress

Sleep disorders are common in families with a negative psychological environment. Parents often swear, talk in elevated tones, or if you disrespect each other, the child is worried. Even the youngest children intuitively feel the mood of adult households. Family problems irritate the child. The child may fear that one of the parents will leave the family and may even blame himself for the fights of the elderly. What to do in such cases? Try to solve the problem fundamentally - to fix it

The child screams but he didn't wake up

One form of night shifts frightens parents more than others. Some children scream and cry at night, do not wake up to the end. Such a hysteria looks very scary on the hand - it is not possible to wake a child right away, and the roars and folds can lift the comfort of a comforting adult. When the baby finally wakes up, he wakes up for a few minutes, looks around as if he had seen everything around him for the first time in his life. What to do if the child wakes up with a nervous breakdown at night and can't wake up completely from sleep? Experts do not recommend waking the baby suddenly. Try to calm the child, tap him or her, speak in a quiet voice, or hold the baby in her arms. If a nervous breakdown in a dream recurs regularly - be sure to consult a neurologist.

A child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown: what should parents do?

Periodically, every child has night shifts. Parents do not need to worry until such events become regular. But what if the child wakes up and screams? The most important thing for parents in this case is to stay calm. Try to determine the cause of the tantrum. If it is related to the physiological needs of the child, it must be met. When a nervous breakdown is observed in a child over the age of three, it makes sense to ask your favorite child for the cause of his anxiety. Soothe the baby and put him to bed, sit next to him for a while. If a child wakes up or becomes regular with an anger every night, it makes sense to consult a doctor to identify the problem and write down the treatment.

For children, sleep is like no other. Most of the development of the nervous system occurs when a small miracle is not awake. It is easy to understand that sudden wakes in the dark of the day are not very useful for children. Night sleep may be interrupted due to physiological reasons and above all due to the need for food. However, when it does not appear, the baby should sleep well until morning. If a child wakes up with a nervous breakdown at night - it's wrong. In this article, we will talk about why night shifts occur and how to deal with them.

Hello dear readers, As we all know, night's sleep is one of the most important components necessary for the life of living things. The resting process is very important for a person because during this time the body has the opportunity to recover its performance. In addition, first of all, it does not relieve muscle fatigue, but is about psychological rest. During the night, the brain is in a şarj recharging rağmen state, although the brain does not close completely. He understands information: something enters into long-term memory, memories are created and something is erased.
What is anger?

According to medical definition, hysteria is a condition in which a person cannot control his / her emotions. This is an extremely nervous excitement accompanied by various manifestations:

uncontrolled arm and leg movements.

All parents know that children are wonderful manipulators. They know how to use their tears, shouting to find their way. If a crumb falls into a shop, it rolls its feet, hands, floor - it's clear that he wants to buy some kind of toy or dessert. Wise mothers and fathers do not pay attention to such tricks. Slowly, they stop when the baby realizes that he can't get something like this.

What about night hysterical attacks? In fact, they are all the same - tears, weeping, uncontrolled movements. Apparently, a baby waking up in the middle of the night is in dire need of his mother's society. He is upset, afraid, alone - calls for help. Even if the baby cries very loudly, as soon as my mother comes to bed or gets her hands - everything will be fine. How can one distinguish “capricious den from a real problem?
When does a child develop hysteria?

Sleep physiology in humans is complex. It consists of two phases - fast and slow. It is fast, "surface immersion". During this time, the brain is actively processing information. The eyelids under the eyelids move, the sleeper can bend his arms, legs, and make noise. In these periods, we see only dreams. In the process of deep sleep, the body completely relaxes, restoring all the energy consumed daily.

In children, the change of sleep stages does not occur exactly as in adults. For the youngest, deep sleep occurs only half an hour after “closure ve and fasts overnight. This is justified with the need to wake up to eat. As the baby grows, the more you start to get deep sleep.

When a child wakes up at night, a hysterical state arises when he wakes up with the tantrum, in most cases during REM sleep. This is explained by the fact that the attack of nervous excitement is often provoked by nightmares. Nightmares, in turn, arise from "lack of sleep", due to excessive brain function, but will talk a little later.

It's even worse when Lapulo goes out of a deep period. This usually develops at the age of 2-4 years, called Pavor Nocturnus (night terror) and manifests itself in a completely different way.
Causes of Night Tantrum

Why does a child suddenly wake up at night and scream hysterically? First of all, it is worth explaining that there are reasons of different ages. The hysterical condition is basically different from a 3-year-old baby.
Children up to six months

Children of the first year of life develop very quickly. It's a big step for them to overcome each month. However, they begin to understand the world in a familiar light less than 6 months ago. As scientists have proven, when people are still in the womb, they see their first dream, simply inconsistent photos at such a sensitive age. A baby can't produce the situation - neither good nor bad. This means that the concept of "nightmare" for babies is foreign. Therefore, anger attack at night can occur as a result of the following reasons:

The baby is sick or “almost” sick, that is, when there are no symptoms yet, he is in the period of the disease, but the body already feels bad. There may be both acute pathology (infections, colic, etc.) and neurological diseases;
I couldn't sleep all day for any reason, now my nervous system is overloaded, tired and thus reporting displeasure;
Stressed: he suddenly woke up (noise in the apartment), shouted loudly at home, etc.
The child wakes up at night with a hysteria, because in disturbing conditions (wet, hungry, scared, alone), but at the same time no one approaches him.

Simply put, in a six-month-old man, the night hysteria is not much different from the day. She almost has no psychological background.
Children six months and older

But when the baby has already begun to project the world, it is not only in terms of volume, but intonation movements, mood nö seizures biraz that biraz transform biraz a little. This is especially evident in 2.5-3 years. Crumbs are already favorite, favorite activities, toys, habits, possibly pets. There's a certain way of life for him.

He likes watching cartoons, maybe he already knows how to turn on the television. Now this is not just a high box of flickering pictures, but an information carrier that the child knows how to interpret in another way. He knows that there are good heroes and evils, he can empathize with positive characters, and any kind of grandmother is afraid of Ezhozhek. That is why the child wakes up more often at night with a psychological tantrum. Of course, no one has canceled the painful condition, discomfort or overwork, but it will be much easier to calm the child.
The causes can be various stresses.

Parents cry and each other more than their children. When they yell at the baby, he'il know he's doing something wrong. I do not assume that I am talking about enough parents and that the baby can be beaten or severely punished. In fact, scandals, tensions in the family - this is one of the most common causes of fear in dreams. According to the crumbs, the main support of the mother and father, they love them infinitely, they can not understand that they scream loudly to each other. And if there is some kind of violence in the family, it greatly affects the spirit of the crumbs. Three-year-olds say how they burn, imagine wolves and other terrible things!
Active. The child is not afraid of the new environment he can love. Most likely, he just misses his old house;
Loneliness. If he was alone for a long time, he was able to fear and cry, then it could turn into a nightmare;
First trip to kindergarten;
Stomach overflow. If the baby eats a lot and goes to bed immediately, like an adult, they may have terrible visions;
The problem is breathing. The most common cause is adenoids. The child wakes up at night with a dream, because it almost suffocates;
It's a terrible story. This is not a more scary character - Baba Yaga for adults. They can distinguish fiction from reality (adults also have nightmares after Astral and Emily Rose's The Six Devils). However, the baby can be intimidated by transferring a fairy tale to the real world;
TV. When a child watches an adult film or program, of course, he does not fully understand what is happening. However, concepts such as death, blood, pain are quite accessible to him. If someone chases and shouts a man, he realizes that this “one” is scary;
Death of a relative in front of the crumbs. If you just say: "grandmother is dead" - this is unlikely to cause huge problems. The child does not fully understand that he is “dead - - which means he will never come back. After a while she will still ask: “When will Grandma come?. However, if one of the close people is hit by a car in front of the baby, this will result in a tremendous outrage, including what happens at night.

At this age, dreams are already clear. First, he describes them in one or two words (“I had a dream about the sun, the bird, the house, the mother), and then as he gets older, he can tell the full story. It is worth mentioning that babies are very fond of decorating and inventing these stories. Therefore, whenever you ask the same dream, it can be fun to transform. But this is an excavation.

I just wanted to say that the baby's brain can turn unacceptable external conditions into nightmares. For example:

injustice in the room can be an inability to get out of the water in a dream;
too many blankets - a stifling monster;
cold - walking around in a snowstorm.

Another important point: if a child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown between the ages of 2-5 years, you should pay attention to the regime of the day. Breaks:

there is no habit of going to bed at the same time;
the load is distributed unevenly throughout the day, with many (active games, training sessions) falling in the evening;
too much workload (eg ballet classes starting earlier than 3 years, immediate English courses for children);
Very little load (no time to find a way out of energy) - all of which can cause sleep problems.

However, there is a night hysteria for a wide variety of children that are not provoked by scandal, stress or illness. The aforementioned is called Pavor Nocturnus.
Pavor Nocturnus - Night Fear

In a dream, signal systems develop - the brain transforms everything it sees, hears, knows into shelves. Connections between new and old data are established, relational series and reflex stimuli are fixed.

Imagine how much information a child gets daily! How many toys, pictures, objects he sees! Animals, colors, letters, numbers begin to work. The baby socializes by communicating with their peers and relatives. Sometimes it turns out that the body cannot cope with such an overload. Emotions do not find a way out during the day, they accumulate too much - night hysteresis develops.

It manifests itself as follows:

It is important to note that such events do not harm the baby. In practice, it does not wake up at this time, its brain functions are in no way painful and the nervous system is completely restored during the night.
How to calm a baby?

Of course, the fact that a child wakes up at night is quite disturbing. Especially if this happens systematically. Hysterical malfunctions harm both the child and the parents - because in the end, no one sleeps well enough.

How to respond to whims, parents need to know: pay as little attention to them as possible. EO Komarovsky recommends using this method: when a child shouts, you must leave the field of view. As soon as he's silent, go to him, pick him up and speak gently. According to the pediatrician, it takes only a few days to establish the understanding that peace is the anahtar key to success ”.

But the question remains: how can I calm the child during a nervous breakdown in the dark half of the day? First of all, when it comes to night terror, it is worth mentioning that there is only one answer - not possible. When the baby wakes up, distracts or calms down, the baby cannot succeed. There's only one way to get out: to stand around reluctantly, to watch the little boy not harm himself.

But the solution to preventing a child from stopping at night is unusual:

It is enough to take very young children, shake and sometimes feed. After feeding, put it back to bed, put yourself to sleep, so screaming at night does not become a habit and does not become a mechanism of manipulation.
If we are talking about older children, then first of all, we need to determine whether the child is naughty or if there is any tension. Go to bed, but don't rally, but just call. Afraid of darkness, described or whimsical, at least a little lowering or jumping up immediately asks his hands. A hysterical child is unlikely to respond to sound.
Turn on a dim light - a night light or a desk lamp. All this time, talk to the boy to hear his voice.
Take the baby in your hand, in a calm and confident voice, say that you are nearby, love it and protect it from everything. If the parents had a fight the night before, they'd better get together.
Immediate upgrade is not always required. A child can bend and explode. Just be there, talk, hug. Even if you really want to sleep, you should not feel irritation or anger in your voice.
After a few minutes, hold the baby in your arms and hug. Let him feel safe.
Show your favorite toy, sit next to her and say: "You see, the baby is not afraid and you are not afraid."
In adult psychology, a technique works: You have to say a bad dream and fear disappears. But it's better for the kids not to ask them what they dreamed of, so they won't be afraid again.
Take the baby to bed if necessary. Or at least leave the night light on. Do not leave the room until the baby is asleep again.

How to prevent anger recurrence?

You managed to calm the little one before the sun came up - perfect! But who will guarantee that there won't be the same problem in one day? How to behave, how to cope, so that the child does not have anger at night?

If a child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown, be sure to discuss what the baby dreams of in the morning - in the light of the day, in the presence of the mother and father. Draw an evil character together and next to someone who can beat him. Ideally, the baby itself.
It is important to balance the situation in the family. If there is no way to end the conflict completely, try not to be heard by a son or daughter. Always remember, for them mom and dad are a peace and security basis. In no case should the baby suffer domestic violence, or sooner or later, his or her father may have nightmares.
Reject sexual intercourse with a son or girl. “He still doesn't understand anything! Unuz ​​You say. Exactly and therefore characteristic movements are often perceived by children as aggression.
Always talk to the baby. Teach him to express his thoughts and feelings. Brushing! Emotional sediment should not accumulate.
Try to keep all your anger, including daytime, to a minimum.
Don't tell tales that can scare characters, especially at night. A malicious fairy tale continues without saying. But for an overly shy and exciting listener, I at least miss the descriptions.
Never scare the baby with fish and other evil spirits. Do not bring tales to reality: iniz You will not eat porridge, then Baba Yaga will come for you! ”
When reading a fairy tale, do not make sudden movements against the crumbs, do not make loud sounds: “And Fox, AAAAAAM, he ate it! When it gets dark, your image can scare even the baby - who tells the tale, which means he's joined.
Do not leave the TV on yetişkin adult, channels, or in the absence, give the remote control to the baby.
Do not overfeed, especially at night.
Try to create comfortable sleeping conditions.
If a child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown, EO Komarovsky recommends that the little creature exert more fatigue to improve night's sleep. Don't forgive him, but offer him running, jumping, playing active games. This method is good if your child has too much energy left. In this case, with vagaries and scandals - badly fall asleep.
However, on the contrary, if it is very exciting, then you need to leave active games in the evening. Drawing, modeling, reading tales aloud, you can do other calm games. Do not open cartoons at night: Touching the screen too much affects the already weak nervous system.
Minimize the use of gadgets. It is clear that a tablet or a phone with games is an excellent way to get children. But again, the screen flickers ...
Treat adenoids and other diseases over time.
Be sure to eat: Food must be high protein (no vegetarian among children!), Rich in B vitamins. The deficiency of this element may provoke neuropsychotic instability, and may cause nervous and nervous breakdowns. Vitamin B3 is responsible for good sleep, mood and inner peace. There's a lot of meat and nuts. But vitamin B6 is a natural antidepressant! It is very active in the synthesis of happiness hormone. Beef, milk, cabbage, green pepper, such as vegetables you can get. Useful will be the use of vitamin-mineral complexes. For example, Pikovit syrup (for children older than one year) and peculiar chewing tablets (Unic - from 3 years and Plus - from 4 years) multivitamins.


If a child wakes up with a nervous breakdown at night, you need to pay attention:

The emergence of a night-fear state is less than 2 years and older than 5 years.
Repetitive attacks for a week or more.
Change of behavior throughout the day - increased tearing, irritability, hyperactivity or reverse drowsiness.
Weight loss, skin bleaching, stool upset.
Completion of hysteresis with loss of consciousness, convulsions or vomiting.
Infants - the emergence of a bulge in the belly during tension or crying, the appearance of umbilical hernia. The truth is, when there is anger, the muscles of the abdomen need to be stretched before the child can scream and cry. As a result, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases significantly as a result of which the intestinal rings are pushed into the fragile navel ring.
Crises in crumbs persist after 4-5 years.

Which doctor should I go to? First of all, of course, to the pediatrician . It will perform the most complete examination and identify a pathology that is gör at sight hasta - a sick abdomen, adenoids, etc. consultation with a neurologist or neuropsychiatrist is absolutely necessary. Many children are prescribed sedatives. Don't rush to throw the recipe in the trash! No doctor offers an unadjusted drug for children. Nobody has the intention of making a vegetable from your child, depriving it of emotions and the joy of life. Only sometimes the child needs some help to cope with an overload of his soul.

Consult a psychologist It is important that the child wakes up at night with a nervous breakdown if:

an event that seriously affected him (death of a loved one or pet, accident in his “presence,, parents' divorce);
there are problems in the family: everything between the parents is not smooth, one of the family drinks heavily, there is a violent place;
the baby can't get used to kindergarten. She doesn't want to communicate with other children, she's afraid of teachers, she can't stay without a mother;
The child regularly has really scary dreams with "adult" stories.

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