Friday, September 27, 2019

Anjou Essential Oils Set, Upgraded Top 12 100 Pure Aromatherapy Essential Oil Kit, 12 x 5 ml (Lavender, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Frankincense etc.)

Aromatherapy and Log Tree for Chakras

Anjou Essential Oils Set, Upgraded Top 12 100 Pure Aromatherapy Essential Oil Kit, 12 x 5 ml (Lavender, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Frankincense etc.)

A wheel is a Sanskrit word in ancient Indian language, meaning wheel or wheel.
The chakras are the seven centers of power that are arranged in the etheric body on the spine and each of them is attached to a hormone gland.
Our life force flows through the thin channels called adi nadi çevresinde around our body. It is said that there are about seventy-two thousand nadi in the human body, and these are all acupuncture points. Chakras are rotating energy chakras that absorb higher energies and make them available to the body.

In Eastern philosophy, the chakras are symbolized by lotus. There are positive and negative energy currents in our body which are caused by direct breathing. Positive energy flows from the right side and negative energy flows from the left side. This energy affects the direction in which the chakras rotate. Each wheel rotates opposite to the direction in which the chakra on and below it rotates. Each wheel carries energy to different parts of the body and is responsible for that part. But since the body is a whole, the whole body works interdependently. When there is a problem at one of these energy gates, such as being blocked or inadequate work, the energy flow to the body cannot be complete and illnesses start.
The chakras are deep roots that feed people. Odor treatment is one of the most successful methods to make the roots healthier and better. Each chakra has a frequency, a rotational speed, and the same applies to plants and their extracts. Chakra oils are very effective oils that we prepare to balance each chakra with essential oils of the same vibration.

1 - Root Chakra: Cedar, clove, ginger - Surely Carrier oil should be used.
It connects you with the powers of the world and all natural ways of life. It helps to create energy and reveals a sense of clarity and confidence.

2 - Sarkal Chakra: Ylang –ylang - Sandalwood - Always use carrier oil.
It has a soothing effect and at the same time allows you to become aware of your mysterious bodily senses. The sweet scent makes you feel safe and encourages you to immerse yourself in the flow of your emotions. Blocked or turbulent emotions are removed. It is used to increase sexual energy and to bring the mating to spiritual levels. It combines spiritual energies at all levels of thinking, feeling and acting.

3 - Solar Nerve Chakra: Pure lavender, Bergamot and Rosemary - Surely carrier oil should be used.
It has a calming and relaxing effect. The pleasant, warm vibrations help absorb and dissolve emotions that are blocked. Its refreshing and refreshing effect helps you overcome inactivity and makes you ready for action. it strengthens our life energy and gives us self-confidence.

4 - Heart Chakra: Rosewood: Carrier oil must be used.
Elegant, loving vibrations heal and heal wounds in our hearts. Love, beauty and harmony in creation awaken our perceptions. A deep desire for joy and devotion enters our heart. It also revives bodily pleasures and at the same time helps them to turn into superior love.

5 - Throat chakra: Pure sage - Eucalyptus - Always use carrier oil.
It sends healing vibrations to the speech center. It loosens tensions in the throat and helps you express what we have to say in a harmonious and energetic way. It enables us to communicate the inner messages of our soul effectively. cleans and expands our chakra. The vibrations return us to our inner and bring creativity and naturalness to our ways of communication.

6 - Third Eye Chakra: Peppermint - Jasmine - Always use carrier oil.
With its refreshing scent, it opens up the blockages in the sphere of the third eye and frees the person from old, restrictive thought patterns. Clarifies the mind and increases the power of condensation. It opens our minds to dreams and opinions that carry the messages of deep truths. Their vibrations sharpen our senses and combine the energy of the third eye chakra with those of the heart chakra.

7 - Crown Chakra: Daily - Lotus flower - - Carrier oil must be used.
The smell has a revitalizing effect on the mind and soul and cleans the atmosphere of the environment. Everyday life is pushed to the background, religious beliefs deepen, and the soul becomes a source of Divine light. It leads the devoted, ready souls to unity with God.
Aroma therapy is suitable to carry out color revitalization along with a variety of sound and gemstone therapies, but it is best with breathing exercises. (see…)
When we inhale the vibrations of essential oils deeply, our breath becomes an environment for energy exchange between the chakras and essences. If you want to apply the oil directly to your skin, it is recommended to mix it with 10% vegetable oils (jojoba, almond, sesame, etc.) or impregnate two drops of cotton from undiluted essence and then place it on the chakra. Start the practice with the root chakra and never move to the next chakra until your consciousness rises to its level. A few minutes is usually sufficient for each chakra.

I want to share with you some very important but unknown information, especially about the log tree. I'm sure you will be surprised at what you read…
Log Tree:
The frankincense, which has been used since ancient times for its mental and emotional effects, provides consistency and order to the confused mind. Not feeling safe, self-criticism, lack of discipline, skepticism, obsession, fatigue and lack of courage can all benefit from the calming and revitalizing effect of this oil. Frankincense is useful in long-term pain situations and in people who seem to be somehow stuck in the past or lost there. All kinds of fears - from mild worries to panic attacks - turn into a relief with this oil, and nightmares, claustrophobia and fear of unknown things respond perfectly to this practice.
This tree, which belongs to the family of Acifındıkgiller, is a plant species that has reached to 65 million years ago and grows wild in Marmaris, Milas, Köyceğiz and Fethiye districts of Muğla. The log tree, which loves moist and humus soils, multiplies with the seeds it sheds.

There are balsam channels on the wooded trunk of the log tree. Every two or three years from each tree, in summer, longitudinal slits are opened and the fragrant oil (balsam) and bark of the tree are removed. This balsam contains the essential oil styrene, vanillin, regine, cinnanic acid, styrene and storesin.
Medical Effects and Uses The medicinal effects of yellowish gray, honey-like, sweet, fragrant and bitter sweet daily or sweetgum oil sold in the market can be summarized as follows:

• It is a good antiseptic. It is applied externally for cleaning and healing wounds.
• It is applied externally as antiseptic and cleanser on the skin and scalp.
• In skin diseases such as scabies and fungi, it can be applied as a daily ointment or moxibustion.
• Wound healing properties are used in stomach and duodenum ulcers. For this, the daily oil is diluted and sweetened and drunk by adding honey or sugar.
• In addition, daily oil expectorant, relieving shortness of breath and relaxing body carries effects. For this, drink as sweetened and diluted as in the previous article.

Anjou Essential Oils Set, Upgraded Top 12 100 Pure Aromatherapy Essential Oil Kit, 12 x 5 ml (Lavender, Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Frankincense etc.)