Showing posts with label Hand-Sanitizers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hand-Sanitizers. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hands & Face Wipes, Citrus Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6)

When and how to wash their hands

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hands & Face Wipes, Citrus Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6)

In crowded and crowded environments, infectious diseases such as Hepatitis-A, especially influenza, can spread rapidly due to unwashed hands. Regular hand washing habits and hand hygiene for 30 seconds to spare, especially in public transport, touching the touch of sick people can prevent diseases that can pass.

Memorial Antalya Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases. Dr. Şirin Elmi gave information about the importance of hand cleaning and hand washing habit because of Ekim 15 October World Hand Washing Day ”.

Don't let your child get the disease

Hands that meet all needs in daily life can carry many infectious diseases. Even in clean-looking hands, thousands of disease-causing microorganisms can be found. Influenza, jaundice, diarrhea causing factors, hands through the mouth, and then spread to the body. Children are more easily ill because their body resistance is weaker. In particular, not to wash hands properly after the toilet, even in the exchange of items such as erasers and pencils made in school between children can transfer germs, coughing and sneezing infected with these items can be taken into the body through the hands of the disease-causing germs.

Fight diseases with your hands!

Personal hygiene habits play an important role in the control of many infectious diseases. The best, most effective and cheapest method to prevent diseases is hand washing habit. With the development of hand washing habit from a young age, diseases can be fought.

Especially after which conditions should the hands be washed?

Before and after dinner,
After using the toilet,
After touching raw meat, chicken, fish and eggs,
After touching spoiled food and garbage,
If the mouth is closed by hand during sneezing and coughing,
Public transport, money exchange, after the use of common telephone;
After contact with cats, dogs and other animals,
After coming home from work and school, it must be washed by hand in the right way.
Hand hygiene with the right technique

The hands are soaked with warm water, the soap is distributed to all surfaces of the hands and thoroughly foamed. Wrists, palms, fingers, between the fingers, back of the hand and nails are rubbed vigorously for at least 30 seconds. Rinse hands thoroughly. The hands are dried with disposable towel paper especially in public and bulk places. The paper towel used for drying is closed with the faucet and discarded in the trash.

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hands & Face Wipes, Citrus Scent, 20 Count Travel Pack (Pack of 6)

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer ES System Starter Kit, 1-450 mL Gel Sanitizer Refill + 1- PURELL ES Compact Push-Style Dispenser - 1450-D8

How to wash your hands the right way?

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer ES System Starter Kit, 1-450 mL Gel Sanitizer Refill + 1- PURELL ES Compact Push-Style Dispenser - 1450-D8

Proper washing of the hands is an important step to prevent disease. How to wash your hands to prevent disease?
Washing our hands is the cheapest and most reliable method to prevent diseases. For hand washing we only need water and soap or alcohol-based hand disinfectants (water-free cleaners). Our hands are the organ that provides all kinds of connections with the environment in our daily life and therefore contain the most bacteria. We must wash our hands frequently and correctly to protect the health of both ourselves and those around us.

When should you wash your hands?
After every activity we do during the day, we collect microorganisms that we cannot see visually around us. These microorganisms can be viruses, sometimes bacteria. We can get infection when we touch open places to microorganisms such as eyes, mouth and nose with our dirty hands. Although our hands are not completely germ-free, we can limit the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other germs by washing our hands frequently and correctly.
We have to wash our hands before we do this.

Before cooking and eating,
Before touching any wound, giving medication or caring for a sick person,
We must wash our lenses before inserting or removing them.

We should wash our hands after we do
After preparing and eating food, especially after touching raw meat and meat products,
After using the toilet,
After changing the diaper,
After touching an animal or its material
After sneezing, coughing,
After contact with an infected wound or patient,
After handling the garbage,
After handling chemical cleaning materials,
After shaking hands,
After the exchange,
In addition, we should wash our hands whenever it looks dirty.

How to wash hands correctly?
Generally, the most effective method is washing with soap and water. Remove the jewelry from your hands. Soak your hands under running, warm water. Rub your hands thoroughly with soap for 30 seconds to 1 minute and froth well.
Rub the palms, fingers, wrist area, nails and hands thoroughly. Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water. Dry your hands thoroughly with a disposable towel. If you are in a public place, close the faucet with the paper towel you use and throw it away.

When you can't find soap and water…
You can use hand disinfectants when traveling, at school, at work or in other situations where we cannot find water and soap. However, the effectiveness of the alcohol varies depending on the type, concentration, contact time and amount used. The alcohol content should be at least 60%. 3-5 ml hand disinfectant should be placed on the palm and spread over the entire hand surface. Continue rubbing until complete drying is achieved.
Washing hands does not require a lot of time or effort, it is cost-effective, but it has a strong effect on disease prevention.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer ES System Starter Kit, 1-450 mL Gel Sanitizer Refill + 1- PURELL ES Compact Push-Style Dispenser - 1450-D8

PURELL Advanced Green Certified Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL LTX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 2)- 1903-02

How to wash your hand against flu

PURELL Advanced Green Certified Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL LTX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 2)- 1903-02

Because of the flu epidemic, people began to wash their hands more. However, some errors are made when washing.
The flu epidemic has increased the habit of hand washing experts say that the washing, warm or cold water instead of warm water is recommended to use. Alcoholic disinfectant is not recommended because it increases skin irritation.

Because of the flu epidemic, people began to wash their hands more. However, liquid soaps and anti-bacterial products used when washing hands can irritate the hands. Dermatology Specialist at Göztepe Medical Park Hospital Canan Savaş İyigün advises those who wash their hands frequently to avoid very hot and very cold water. Dr. İyigün says that the use of alcoholic disinfectant can increase the irritation of the hands. Irritations at hand, dryness, peeling, fingerprints, wiping, cracks, tingling symptoms will occur in the form of iyigün, irritated skin allergic effects will occur more quickly, he says.

Itchy, juicy, reddened rashes that express the symptoms of hand eczema. Good day, to prevent eczema irritant and allergic substances to be avoided. According to İyigün's recommendations, those who wash their hands frequently should use warm water or cotton gloves. Hands removing gloves without sweating is important for skin health.

Emphasizing the importance of replacing the natural oils lost by washing the skin is important. Canan İyigün recommends applying a thin layer of moisturizing cream as the skin feels dry. Iyigun noted that the application would be more effective after washing the hands while moist, says that allergic patients should use the products recommended by dermatologists.

PURELL Advanced Green Certified Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL LTX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 2)- 1903-02

EO Hand Sanitizer Spray, Organic French Lavender, 2 Ounce (Pack of 6)

That's why washing hands is important

EO Hand Sanitizer Spray, Organic French Lavender, 2 Ounce (Pack of 6)

In its message on October 14, UNICEF drew attention to the health benefits of handwashing and urged families and communities to gain the habit of handwashing to prevent disease and transmission.

Sanjay Wisikejara, UNICEF Global President for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, said 1.4 million children die every year from preventable diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea. Ike The figures are big and surprising, but we know that they can be significantly reduced by acquiring a very simple habit, Wis Wisikejara said. For example, diarrhea infections can be reduced by 40 percent by washing hands before meals and after using the toilet. ”

It is emphasized that approximately 190 thousand children die every year before reaching the age of 5 in Indonesia and 15 to 20 children die due to diseases that can be prevented very easily.

It is stated that more than 80 percent of diarrheal infections result from insufficient water, sanitation and hygiene deficiency and will be greatly reduced as long as these points are observed.

It is stated that giving children the habit of washing hands indirectly enables them to attend school regularly. Children become less ill, transmission is reduced and school attendance is increasing.

Wijesekera stressed that hand washing is a simple, cost-free technique and proved to be life-saving through studies.

It is estimated that in Indonesia only 12% of children aged 5-14 have toilets, and 35% have been washing their hands with soap before eating.

The government focuses on 5 factors, particularly in rural areas, using toilets, washing hands with soap, providing and storing clean drinking water, and safe disposal of solid and liquid waste.

With the support of UNICEF, trainings will be held in schools and an International meeting will be held in November.


1 gram of feces contains 100 million bacteria.

* Globally, about 1 in 5 people wash their hands after using the toilet.

* 1.7 million children die every year before diarrhea and pneumonia

* When children wash their hands with soap after the toilet and before eating, it reduces the risk of diarrhea by 40 percent.

* Acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia are the leading cause of death in children under five years of age.

* Evidence shows that washing hands with soap after using the toilet and before eating can reduce the rate of pneumonia infection in children by about a quarter.

EO Hand Sanitizer Spray, Organic French Lavender, 2 Ounce (Pack of 6)

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, 2 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 6)

Hand cleaning: The easiest way to protect against germs

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, 2 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 6)

Our body is an extraordinary structure. Hands are one of the most popular parts of this extraordinary structure. Imagine for a moment that you have no hands. We see how our lives become infertile, and now we can't do much of what we do. It works non-stop all day long; we do wonderful things with our fingers. There is almost no place in our living space that we cannot touch.

However, there is a price for not leaving untouched space. I guess we don't know enough about this price: hands get dirty and dirty…

Some soils are easily recognized by their colors, odors and masses. But we may not be able to detect some easily. The most dangerous is the dirt which is not easily noticeable. Because they are microbes that can be detected only by microscope.

One of the most important problems of hospitals is the transmission of microbes from a current or old patient in the hospital to new residents. Therefore, these institutions work hard to deal with the problem.

But it is a great mistake to think that the threat is limited to the hospital. Diseases caused by microbes such as influenza, colds, diarrhea and jaundice are an integral part of daily life. Being sick may not push most people out of social life. There are many people called carriers who carry germs that can make others sick, even though he is not sick. Although the incubation period of microbial diseases is the period when the microbes are most infected, the person may not realize that they are sick because the symptoms do not appear yet. Also, unfortunately, not everyone cares equally about hygiene. Those who are involved in life after not enough cleaning or after mixing the nose; we share door handles, doorbells, handrails, taps, files, phones, money, and many other things used by those who shut their mouths with their palms while sneezing, shaking hands and exchanging germs without noticing.

More serious, each new contact carries the risks of all the predecessors. Everybody puts everyone, everybody, everything, everything puts everyone at risk.

The invisibility of pollution does not mean that it cannot be prevented. It is highly possible for us to protect ourselves and others by freeing our hands from germs. As we care enough about hand hygiene, encouraging others to act responsibly will contribute to making the world surrounding us less risky every day.

We can divide the germ threat into two: The first one is that the threat from others is high. In this case, we are at risk; and we put others at risk. The second is that, even if the threat from others is low, the threat to us or the person we care for is great.

The first, the higher the threat from others, the greater the likelihood of contact with bad microbes. Handshake with someone with a disease that can be transmitted by hand, that person's body secretions (feces, urine, blood, sweat, saliva, sputum…) or the tools (equipment, sheets, cover, phone, pots and pans, door handle, faucet…) contact, open wounding (dressing…), bullying, using the toilet, changing a baby or someone in need of care, contact with broken food or garbage, contact with uncooked foods (especially meat and eggs), contact with animals are the main high-risk situations. Spending too much time in common areas and contacting others or equipment in common areas is considered risky.

Secondly, even if the threat from others is low, we can give examples of how big the threat is for us or the person we care for, eating something, preparing food, and contacting the patient, especially for healthcare workers, or starting an intervention. In these cases, even a small number of microbes can cause greater damage.

In these two high-risk situations, it is necessary to clean the hands carefully. Apart from these situations, doing this cleaning periodically reduces our risk.

There are two alternatives that we can use in daily practice, leaving aside special situations. These are water and soap and alcohol-based gel.

Water and soap are the most frequently used cleaning tools. It is very effective when done properly. It does not matter whether the soap is antibacterial or not. In a comprehensive scientific study in which many studies were evaluated together, antibacterial soap 41% and 50%, non-bacterial soap 39% and 51% were found to be effective in preventing gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, respectively (1). In case of contamination with body fluids such as blood, urine, feces, slobber, sweat, visible visible contamination and after leaving the toilet, hands should be cleaned with water and soap, if possible, not with hand disinfectants. Another advantage of water and soap is that it can affect the resistant state of microbes, which we call “spores-, as well as the microbe we call clostridium difisil. Alcohol-based gels are known not to be effective.

Soap does not kill germs, surface tension, the germs to run away, because it is common and used after the mold is not passed through the water can carry germs; in particular, it should be noted that non-strainer soap containers may turn into germ nests. Because of such risks, it is appropriate to use liquid soaps instead of molds, especially in common areas.

We can say that alcohol-based gels are also highly effective and have increased their efficacy with appropriate concentrations in recent years. Alcohol-based gel has some advantages. It can be applied where access to water and / or soap is not easy. Provides the opportunity to be cleaned in a shorter period of time than water and soap when hands need to be cleaned frequently.

A poster from the World Health Organization on how to wash hands may be useful. We have translated the poster into Turkish for you. Click here.

Before cleaning with water and soap, the hands are washed with water; then take the soap. The use of hot water is not recommended as it increases the risk of skin sensitization. The next thing to do is to bubble the soap thoroughly. If no foam is formed, the process is repeated until the foam is formed. As we have just said, foam is essential because soap does not kill germs but removes them by surface tension.

In alcohol-based gels, the manufacturer has adjusted to a single pumping (the ability to dry the gel for at least 15 seconds can be considered a measure of adequacy). The gel is squeezed into the palm.

The next procedure is to scrub each part of the hand, including the back, in water and soap or alcohol-based gel. This must be strictly observed. Studies have shown that the fingertips (and around the fingernail) may not be adequately cleaned with the thumb. Therefore, the rubbing of the thumb of one hand by grasping with the fingers of the other hand; The rituals of cleaning the fingertips by rubbing the palm of the other hand and rubbing the fingers between the two hands should not be neglected. The pictures in the link above can provide guidance.

It will be understood that whether soap or gel is sufficient to soak the palm, there is no point. Both the skin of the hand should be rubbed and the rubbing process should be continued for at least 15-20 seconds. As we said before, the gels should be scrubbed until the gel dries.

For cleaning with soap and water, after rinsing, rinse with clean running water. After rinsing, the tap must not be closed by hand - especially in public places to avoid re-polluting. It is best to use a photocell tap. If possible, hand dry thoroughly with disposable paper towels; the towel should be closed with the help of the finished towel - without touching it - and the towel should be discarded with the foot pedal. Towels open to everyone are risky.

We can say that long nails will make the shelter easier and make hand cleaning difficult. Un-worn nail polish-nail polish may not be a problem; but if worn, it may adversely affect cleanliness. The ring will also negatively affect cleanliness.

It may be useful to use gloves - in addition to compliance with the aforementioned hand hygiene rules - in case of contact with body fluids such as blood, feces, urine, contaminated body fluids, body cavities, and impaired skin, such as open wounds.

Gloves must be removed after each risky contact; The same gloves should not be used for two different persons or two different contamination areas in the same person.

As mentioned earlier, the use of gloves does not eliminate the need to clean the hand with water-soap or alcohol-based gel. Hand cleaning should be performed both before wearing gloves and after removing gloves.

In our daily lives, we often encounter respiratory infections such as colds, flu in winter, food poisoning in summer and gastrointestinal infections such as diarrhea. Hand hygiene has a significant role in the protection of these two groups of diseases.

An evaluation of the results of 14 different studies on this subject, it was reported that handwashing reduced diarrhea attacks by 29% in institutions of good economies and 31% in societies of low and middle income countries (2).

Among the office workers in Greifswald, Germany, those who maintain their usual behaviors and who cleans their hands with alcohol-based hand disinfection at least 5 times a day, respectively 67.7-42.2%, high fever 24.6-11%, cough 53.8-34.4%, diarrhea% It was seen in the frequency of 12.3-1.6. It is observed that there is a decrease of around 60% in microbial diseases with great care to hand hygiene (3).

In Karachi, Pakistan, families with at least two children were randomly selected, provided that one of them was under 5 years old, and 600 families in 25 neighborhoods - once a week with educational visits - were given handwashing and 306 families in 11 neighborhoods were used as controls. Of the 600 families selected for hand washing, 300 used plain soap and 300 used antibacterial soap. Cough and respiratory distress under 15 years of age, redness and nasal discharge in eyes under 15 years of age, the frequency of pneumonia under 5 years of age, the first group with antibacterial, the second with plain soap, 50% and 51%, 51% and 54%, respectively 45% and 50% decreased. Decreases in blistering, crusting skin disorders called diarrhea and impetigo were 50% and 53% with 36% and 34%, respectively (4). In this study, it is seen that whether soap is antibacterial or not makes a big difference.

In another study evaluating 66 studies, it was reported that more than ten handwashes per day, 55% of surgical masks, 68% of surgical masks, 91% of N95 masks, 77% of surgical gowns, hand washing + mask + gloves + surgical gowns 91% protection (5).

Our hands, which we use all day long, get dirty and pollute. That's why our hands are the most popular means of transporting and transmitting germs.
If we don't want the germs to infect us and let us infect others, we must take care of hand hygiene.
At least we should wash our hands before preparing and eating food and after getting out of the toilet. But we can minimize our risk by being more meticulous.
We can clean our hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand gels. Both can provide effective protection.
It is not so important whether the soap is antibacterial or not. But it is more reliable to use liquid soap instead of mold soap.
Soap bubbling; It is important to rub the hand disinfectant until it is dry.
Both should ensure that the entire surface of the hands is adequately rubbed without being scrapped and the contact time should be at least 15-20 seconds.
The reward for attention to hand hygiene is to seriously reduce the chance of developing gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.

Mountain Falls Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, 2 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 6)

Care Touch Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer Wipes - 10 Travel Packs of 20 Count Each - Antibacterial Moisturizing Sanitizing Wipes with Vitamin E Aloe for Baby to Adult 200 Wipes Total

How does hand hygiene protect you from infectious diseases?

Care Touch Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer Wipes - 10 Travel Packs of 20 Count Each - Antibacterial Moisturizing Sanitizing Wipes with Vitamin E Aloe for Baby to Adult 200 Wipes Total

Our hands bring many diseases. When you shake hands with someone, you can pass the germs or bacteria you have on to the person you are shaking hands with and cause them to become ill. Also, since we do most things with our hands, it is impossible for the germ to spread. If we list the diseases that are transmitted from the hands: jaundice, influenza, diarrhea, intestinal parasites spread to our mouths through our hands. It may seem impossible to prevent them because we cannot do almost anything in our daily lives without using our hands. In addition, children are the first to be affected by hand-transmitted diseases.

Today, with the developing technology, antibacterial soaps have entered into our lives as an important aid to improve hand hygiene.

There are many children who simply get sick from the germs around because they cannot wash their hands. Children who exchange erasers or pencils with each other in schools can also get germs and become sick. In addition, in cases such as sneezing or coughing, microorganisms that can spread to the hands may invite the disease. So washing hands is very important for everyone. Children should be taught individual cleaning and should be educated and warned about cleaning. Particular attention should be given to hand washing. Handwashing is the cheapest, best, and most important way of protection from diseases. Children who have been accustomed to washing hands from a young age become late or not ill at all, which in turn affects their health and development. This habit also needs to be continued during school.

When you leave the toilet after eating and eating raw meat after touching dishes such as fish, touching spoiled food after washing hands, it is very beneficial for your health.

After getting off the public transport, after exchanging money, using a common phone, touching animals such as cats and dogs, after washing from another place or work, hands should be washed properly. If you tell me nothing will happen, you can put a lot of illnesses in a situation that will bring you or your child closer to death or even kill you.

For example, if your child has not developed the habit of handwashing and has diarrhea at an early age, and if he suffers harm or even dies due to such a simple handwashing event, nobody will be welcome. We wish healthy days to everyone…

Care Touch Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizer Wipes - 10 Travel Packs of 20 Count Each - Antibacterial Moisturizing Sanitizing Wipes with Vitamin E Aloe for Baby to Adult 200 Wipes Total

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Pump Bottle, Mandarin, 8.45 oz, 3 Pack, Packaging May Vary

Hand Wash Protects From Diseases

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Pump Bottle, Mandarin, 8.45 oz, 3 Pack, Packaging May Vary

Hand Wash Protects From Diseases
In addition to personal hygiene, hand washing is one of the most important hygiene rules in terms of public health. Improperly washed hands cause the spread of infectious diseases such as diarrhea and hepatitis, especially the flu. Memorial Ankara Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. Dr. Çiğdem Erol gave information about the importance of hand washing before the doğru 15 October World Hand Washing Day,.

Flawless hand washing can lead to many illnesses from cold to bird flu

In daily life, hands are the organ that provides all kinds of connections with the environment and therefore contain the most microorganisms. Hand washing is often neglected as it is an ordinary and daily job. However, the way to protect both the health of their own and community is to gain the habit of regular hand washing. Bacteria carried through hands that are in constant contact with the environment can result in a number of fatal diseases such as SARS, hepatitis A, avian influenza from a simple cold.

Wash your hands as soon as you descend from public transport

Hands should be washed before and after each meal, before and after the toilet, at work or on the way home from school, briefly after all daily activities in contact with foreign surfaces during school breaks and in the presence of visible contamination. Because many microorganisms are spread through the hands, it is of great importance to prevent epidemic diseases in sufficient time and proper hand washing. Frequent handwashing is the most effective way to break this chain between surfaces and people in crowded environments such as public transport, schools, workplaces.


The most effective way to combat communicable diseases is handwashing. However, it is also very important that the hands are washed. To ensure effective hygiene, the hands should be washed with soap and water for 30-60 seconds, including fingers and wrists. In places where water and soap cannot be reached, it is sufficient to rub the hands with alcohol disinfectants in the same way for 10-15 seconds unless there is visible contamination on the hands.


It can be said that the choice of liquid soaps when washing by hand is safer than solid soaps that remain moist in the open for a long time. It is possible for bacteria to grow on solid soaps in a humid environment. It is important to note that when using liquid soaps, do not add to the soap containers before the soap is completely exhausted. Adding new soap after washing and drying liquid soap containers is safer to prevent bacteria formation.

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Pump Bottle, Mandarin, 8.45 oz, 3 Pack, Packaging May Vary

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Refreshing Gel, 8 fl oz Hand Sanitizer Counter Top Pump Bottles (Case of 12) – 3015-12-CMR


PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Refreshing Gel, 8 fl oz Hand Sanitizer Counter Top Pump Bottles (Case of 12) – 3015-12-CMR

Hand Washing Indications

Proper handwashing is the simplest method to prevent hospital infections.
Hand washing is classified into 3 groups.

1- Social Hand Washing:
It is the removal of the majority of the temporary microorganisms by washing the hands with water and soap with the help of mechanical movements after all the dirty or contaminated routine procedures that require hand contact in social life.

Social hand washing;

• Before tasting food, eating food and feeding the patient,

• After going to the toilet,

• Before starting patient care (such as bed baths, oral care ....)

• It should be done every time the hands are dirty.

The hands are rinsed under running water and dried with paper towels. Before handwashing, jewelry and jewelery are removed, hands are wetted under running water, liquid soap is taken into the palm, wrists, palms, fingers between the edges and ends of the nails are frothed by friction. It takes at least 15 seconds. The hands are rinsed under running water and dried with paper towels.

2- Hygienic Hand Washing:
It is the process of washing hands with the help of normal soap, antimicrobial soap or self-drying alcohol-based antiseptics to kill and remove temporary microorganisms in the hands. The aim is to prevent the transfer of contaminated goods or infected microorganisms from infected patients to hands to other patients. It takes at least 15-30 sec.

How to wash hands?

3- Surgical Hand Washing:
It is based on the principle of killing and removing temporary microorganisms and washing the hands with soap and water before surgical procedures in the surgical environment in order to reduce permanent microorganisms as much as possible. Gloves are worn after surgical handwashing before all surgical procedures. It takes 2-6 minutes on average.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Refreshing Gel, 8 fl oz Hand Sanitizer Counter Top Pump Bottles (Case of 12) – 3015-12-CMR

Germ-X Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 33.80 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Tiny Hand Guide for Cleaning with Ash Water

Germ-X Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 33.80 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

Cleaning materials pollute water, soil, our health, our only home, nature and the planet. With a little effort, we can reverse this trend.
Yok No litter in nature! The output of one loop is the input of another loop. Life is driven by exchange and inter-entity exchange. 'Ecology' is the science that studies this. These movements have supported the development of human life by balancing each other for tens of thousands of years. In the last century, human beings started to produce garbage and consume resources that cannot be disposed of in the name of cleanliness, in the name of welfare. These garbage and depleted resources are now clearly threatening the future of human existence on earth. ”
Victor Ananias, 2011

When cleaning, we often think that we clean our laundry, our dishes or the place we live in. However, the cleaning materials we use in a place we do not see at that moment, pollute water, soil and indirectly pollute our health, nature and planet, which is our only home. With a little effort, it is possible to reverse this trend.

The Miracle of Nature Ash!
Ash formed by the combustion of wood is a serious cleaning material. Traditionally, the peasants used to obtain soaps by mixing oil and ashy water at a certain temperature. Ashy water has been used as a basic cleaning material for centuries. It is still in use.

The ash can be used for direct cleaning by scrubbing dry as well as effectively cleaning with water as ashy water.

How is ash water prepared?
Ashy water can be obtained from the ash of each wood, primarily oak and olive. The materials we need for this are:

· Ash

· Sieve or wire strainer

· Copper cauldron, large glass jar or earthen jar (do not use aluminum pot as aluminum interacts with ash water)

You can install this tool set next to your washing machine and use it continuously. Sift ash from any source to a pan with a sieve and add cold water. The ratio of the amount of ash to the amount of water should be 1/4. In other words, one-fifth of the cauldron will be filled with ash and 4/5 with water. To make ashy water in the village, the ashy water boiler is boiled in a wood fire, but under normal circumstances you can use cold water as there is no continuous fire in the city. Failure to use the heat will prolong the ripening time of the ashy water.

NOTE: Make sure that the ash you use is not ash or wood or chipboard, formica etc. ash dipped in chemical or diesel ...

Maturation of Ash Water
Cover the sifted ash with water and leave this mixture to rest. During a certain period of time (about 15 days with cold water) the ash particles settle to the bottom, leaving the basic compounds they contain in water, leaving a yellowish clear body of water at the top. When you control this water with your hand, it is ripe if it is slippery just like detergent water. Carefully collect the matured ashy water from its surface without lifting (blurring) its bottom and transfer it to another container.

Ash Water Cycle
After separating the matured ash and transferring it to another container, you must sift new ash onto the ash slurry (the ash slurry can be taken into another container) and add cold water again. Thus, you can produce large quantities of ash by continuously adding water with ash and transferring the ashes to another container. You will see that you will be able to produce much more ash water than your usage amount. Give your friends as much ashes as a gift so that they can join them.

Uses of Ash Water
You can safely use the ash water that we transfer in washing and dishwashing machines and other cleaning works.

· Use in the washing machine: Take a cup of ash water and pour it into the detergent section of your washing machine. You can also grate olive oil soap in a jar or mix it with Arab soap.
In this case, make sure that the soap is completely dissolved in the ash water. To do so, it is sufficient to rinse in a jar with lid and dissolve the soap in ash water.

· Use in the dishwasher: You can start the dishwasher by adding the amount of ash water to fill the detergent section of the dishwasher.

· Grape vinegar is a safe cleaning material that can be used both for softening of your laundry and for the shine of your dishes.

· You can also add rose water or a few drops of essential oil to the rinse water of your washing machine to smell your laundry.

· Ash slime at the bottom of the ash water boiler is a very suitable cleaning material for scrubbing tiles and ceramic surfaces.

· Ash water can irritate the skin in handwashes due to the high PH degree. It is recommended to use gloves for hand washing.

Wheat Association's Ash Water Project
There are many pita and bread ovens in our cities. These ovens usually burn oak wood and discard the ashes from there. Ask the pita oven in your neighborhood to collect their ashes. By converting these ashes to ashy water easily with the simple ashy water system you will install in your house, you will not only pollute the environment, you will also prevent the pita bread ovens from adding ash to the trash, and you will provide a significant saving in your budget for cleaning materials.

If you do not have the time or desire to deal with the supply of ash, it is possible to obtain it from the Wheat stand at Şişli 100% Ecological Market, which is established by the Wheat Association every Saturday in Şişli Feriköy. The donations to be made by the ashy water users to the Wheat Association will be used for the reproduction of oak forests.

The Wheat Association uses the ashes from the pita bread oven of Datlımaya Restaurant.

Clean human, clean world wishes.

Please send an e-mail to to share your inquiries about the use of ashy water and your experience in cleaning.

Germ-X Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Aloe, Pump Bottle, 33.80 Fluid Ounce (Pack of 4)

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL TFX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 4) - 5456-04

How to wash hands correctly?

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL TFX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 4) - 5456-04

Hand hygiene is the most effective and inexpensive way to protect us from germs and infections. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to wash both regularly and correctly.

Our hands are the most open organ to bacteria, which we make every connection with our environment in our daily life. At home, on the road, at work, at school; we use our hands at every moment. This means that you can contact many people at the same time at every public point. In addition to these, the transportation vehicles used in common, the use of common telephone, money exchange and so on. No matter how much we pay attention to our reasons, our hands become bacteria nests. In this sense, one of the most effective methods we can take to ensure personal hygiene and also to prevent diseases is to wash our hands regularly.

After using our hands, we also touch our faces, our own belongings, causing bacteria to spread to more places. That is why we should wash our hands regularly, not touch our face, eyes, food without washing our hands, and if possible wash our hands both before and after public toilets.

The most effective method for hand hygiene is to use water and soap. In cases where we cannot find water and soap; We may use liquid hand disinfectants in travel, hospital and school, but a certain amount of alcohol in these disinfectants may not provide sufficient hand hygiene. Because at least 60 percent of the alcohol in it must be. Therefore, we should try to wash with soap and water as much as possible and not to keep the hand washing process under 30 seconds.

8 steps to wash your hands properly

Moisten your hands thoroughly before taking liquid, solid or foam soap
Then soak the soap with your hands and froth
Soap the back of your hands first
Then rub the soap between your fingers and soap
Then rub the top of your fingers
Then rub your thumbs
Finally after rubbing your palms thoroughly
Rinse your hands with plenty of water

You can repeat the operations you just performed while rinsing. After washing, do not forget to dry your hands with clean towels or a paper napkin.

Hand washing is the most effective and inexpensive way to protect us from germs and infections. In this way, we protect ourselves from diseases such as colds and flu, which are common in winter, and become stronger against infectious diseases.

In a family that has gained the habit of handwashing regularly, children also maintain the same habit. In this way, it is easier to give our children the habit of hand washing. Because children learn life and daily habits by imitating the elders. When he comes home, a child who sees that his or her parents regularly wash their hands immediately after the toilet, before preparing a meal, sees the importance of handwashing, and learns to wash them correctly with the help of their parents, making it a habit for the rest of his life.

We should wash hands before:
Just before cooking and eating
Before touching any wound or using medication
Before a patient
For lens wearers, before attaching or removing lenses
Before you go outside and use a shared toilet, you should also wash your hands.

We should then wash our hands immediately:
After preparing and eating food
Especially after consuming raw meat and meat products
After the toilet
After changing the diaper
After taking care of our pets and touching their belongings,
After touching a stray animal
After sneezing and coughing
If we have to touch an infected wound and the patient
After disposing of the trash
Immediately after using chemical cleaning agents
Shaking hands
After money shopping

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel, 1200 mL Sanitizer Refill for PURELL TFX Touch-Free Dispenser (Pack of 4) - 5456-04

Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, 1 Fl Oz (6-Pack)

How to give children the habit of hand washing

Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, 1 Fl Oz (6-Pack)

How can you give children the habit of hand washing? Our hands are the most important carrier factor in the transmission and spread of many infections, especially diarrhea, parasitic diseases and respiratory infections. Therefore, the habit of frequent and correct hand washing should be gained from childhood. Parents also have an important role in gaining this habit.

It can take time for children of all ages to perform hand washing according to their skills. While the children who cannot walk yet need to be washed by their parents, as children grow up, it is enough to be observer and directing. The process of acquiring the habit of handwashing is a demanding and patient process for parents.

Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital Social Pediatrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist. Dr. Necmi Aksaray gave information about ways to make children like to wash hands to turn them into a habit. Here are 6 steps to give children the habit of hand washing

Wash hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using soap. Use liquid soaps in public areas. If solid soap is to be used, leave the soap in a container that does not accumulate water and the foam after use.

During handwashing, wipe off both palms, outside, fingers, thumbs, nails and wrist. After washing, rinse thoroughly and dry with a clean towel. Make use of paper towels in public areas.

Make sure that children from a very young age are familiar with this issue by hand and nail care. Start on your own lap first. While standing, raise the floor or select the appropriate sinks for the neck to provide suitable environments for washing hands with soap.

The game is one of the easiest and most effective ways of teaching children something that reminds Assoc. Dr. Selda Karaayvaz said, siniz You can explain both the importance of hand washing and how it should be in different games, shapes or animations. For example, select a song and sing together until the end of the song. This way you can prevent him from rushing. Or you can teach him how long this process was completed by counting with him when he washes his hands. ”

Children's Infectious Diseases Specialist who stated that it is very important for children to learn how to correctly explain what they are doing and why. Dr. Necmi Aksaray said, çalış Try to draw the attention of the child who has been acquainted with the books that have been read since six months and the media since the age of two. It will be useful for cartoons, public spots, advertisements, newspaper and magazine news. Konuşuy

Remember that children have learned and experienced life from the moment they were born by watching their parents and other relatives. One of the most important things that can be done to explain the importance of hand washing is to make you see your washing hands. Provide a natural area of ​​learning and practice by displaying the right behavior models in the family in gaining the habit. It will also be very useful for doctors and nurses to draw attention to handwashing during the health checks, to have the teacher stand on the subject when the school education starts, to supervise and to give positive feedback to the handwashing child.

After coughing, sneezing and sneezing,

After handshake,

Before preparing any food or food,

Before and after dinner,

After using public transportation and public living areas,

Before and after breastfeeding

After touching all animals, including pets,

After changing the diaper of the babies,

After toilet use,

Before and after visiting a sick person

Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, 1 Fl Oz (6-Pack)

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes, Tropical Splash Scent, 20Count (Pack Of 10)

How can we gain the habit of hand washing to society?

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes, Tropical Splash Scent, 20Count (Pack Of 10)

As it is known, June 15 is the El World Hand Hygiene Day ”and it is also determined as the El World Hand Washing Day de on October 15 globally. to create awareness about the easiest, cheapest, most practical method and to minimize ”Antibiotic Resistance Deaths olan which is an important problem with infections and estimated to be more than cancer deaths.

You may have wondered why I started writing with such an ambitious question. I wish you could say this question strongly, no teacher, we have this habit. Today, I think that one of the most important basic habits we need to gain for our children is “Hand Washing Habit”.

In 1843, Oliver Wendel Holmes reported that the puerperal fever spread because the hands of the health personnel were dirty. In 1846, Doctor Ignaz Sommelweis emphasized the importance of handwashing, reducing maternal mortality by providing handwashing to his assistants after autopsy and after birth.

As it is known, there are permanent and non-harmful permanent flora (natural germ cover) in our hands and temporary flora which causes the spread of diseases. What matters is my struggle with this temporary flora. Between the fingers, palms, under the rings, nail bottoms, nail tips, etc. important risk areas. By hand washing according to the method, temporary flora germs causing diseases in these areas are significantly reduced or even disappeared. Our main goal of hand hygiene is not only cleaning hands, but keeping them clean. Soaps, which are detergent-based products, are the main products we use for this purpose. Dirt and organic residues are removed due to this feature. It should be noted that the antimicrobial properties of soaps and detergents are slightly less than those of other antimicrobial properties. They may cause skin dryness and irritation. They can infect. If you use solid soap, this soap should be personal. Here is an important point you want to specify; Sıvı Liquid soap should be used if possible. ”Soap should not be left out and liquid soap should be consumed according to the methods of use of the manufacturer. Here are some important things to consider when washing our hands:

* Our hands should be washed with plain soap and water if they are markedly and visibly contaminated, otherwise do not have antimicrobial properties.

* If there is no visible contamination of hands, it can be rubbed with a solution containing alcohol.

* Immediately after contact with inanimate surfaces, the hands can be rubbed in the same way (or the same process can be done with alcohol wipes).

* Our hands before and after meals and toilets or out of the rest room, door handles, paper money, cell phone, toilet seat covers, etc. In case of contact, wash with antimicrobial soap or plain soap (this should be wiped with alcohol-containing wipes) for at least thirty seconds.

* Wet wipes including antimicrobial disinfectant can be used instead of soap and non-antimicrobial washing.

* If we use an alcohol-based solution, the solution is placed in the palm of one hand, the two hands are joined by rubbing the entire surface of the hand and fingers until the hand is dry. If we are to wash our hands with soap and water, the tap is opened with a disposable (disposable) paper towel, soaking our hands with enough water, defending the recommended amount of liquid in the same way, hand surfaces are rubbed for at least 15 seconds and then rinsed with water. . Dry with paper towel, tap off with paper towel. It should be preferred not to use hot water (in terms of wound, beret risk). Washing and rinsing should be at least 30 seconds.

* If we do not have the possibility to use antimicrobial soap (which is not really necessary outside the hospital), we can use liquid soap, preferably plain soap in the form of mold, leaves or powder. If we prefer mold soap, it is useful to use soap containers and small soap molds where the foam can flow.

* Hanging or roll type fabric towels that can be used more than one in health units should not be used.

Conclusion and interpretation: I tried to clarify the crucial and essential points without being too technical. If we prepare handwashing, which is an important element of cleaning, in our people's brain, we will get significant distance from every direction. Here too, the media has an important duty. Our goal should be a clean nature, clean society in every way. For this, let's wash our hands without getting tired!

Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes, Tropical Splash Scent, 20Count (Pack Of 10)

PURELL SINGLES Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel – 125 Count Single Use Packets with Display Box - 9620-12-125EC

How to do the right hand wash

PURELL SINGLES Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel – 125 Count Single Use Packets with Display Box - 9620-12-125EC

October 15th World Hand Washing Day!

The United Nations Children's Aid Fund (UNICEF) adopted October 15 as “World Hand Washing Day.. However, handwashing is not as common as desired throughout the world. Why wash your hands important in washing our hands, what should we pay attention to all of our writing.
The purpose of this day is not to be limited to one day, but to encourage hand washing with soap throughout the year. In our daily life, our hands are the organ which is in constant contact with the environment and therefore contain the most microorganisms. Although our hands appear to be clean, they can carry many disease-causing agents, such as invisible bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs. Studies have shown that despite the clean appearance of a normal adult human hand, six thousand bacteria can be found in an area of ​​1 cm2.

Hand washing is the simplest and most effective way to prevent the transmission of harmful microorganisms, especially the common cold, influenza, diarrhea and pneumonia. While most of us cough, we close our mouths with our hands instead of using handkerchiefs and sneeze into the palm of our hand. After this behavior we do to prevent other people from breathing the same air, we shake hands with the same people and leave. As a result, we use our hands as a means of transmitting disease. Flu viruses can survive in the hands for hours. Therefore, hand washing is of particular importance. The hands should be prevented from spreading a virus. Shaking hands with the virus-contaminated hands, touching the door handles, the elevator, the cash dispenser buttons will cause the virus to become contaminated with the spread of the disease. In terms of flu and flu; door handles, elevator buttons, handrails, cash dispensers in shopping malls, schools and workplaces play a very important role in the exchange of viruses among people. For this reason, it is very important for those who are sick to be careful not to pollute these places, those who touch these places, not to bring their hands to their mouths and to pay attention to hand cleaning.

The easiest and most effective way to prevent infectious diseases is through hand washing. Although washing hands may seem simple, there are rules to be followed. In the hands, especially the thumb, fingers and fingertips are the most frequently touched points, and thus contain more microorganisms. According to scientific studies; microorganisms are not cleaned from hands unless they are washed with a certain time and appropriate technique. Although solid hand soaps and liquid soaps have the same effect, solid soaps may remain contaminated depending on the location and conditions of use. Therefore, the use of liquid soaps should be preferred in hand cleaning, especially in public places.

Effective hand hygiene can be achieved by applying the right washing technique every time. If we wash the right hands for our own health and public health and bring this habit to our environment, we will take a big step to prevent food poisoning and infectious diseases. It is in our hands to protect the health of both ourselves and those around us. Therefore, it is important to make handwashing a habit for health, with an emphasis on the importance of handwashing on this special day.

PURELL SINGLES Advanced Hand Sanitizer Gel – 125 Count Single Use Packets with Display Box - 9620-12-125EC

Dr. Bronner's - Organic Hand Sanitizer Spray (Lavender, 2 Ounce, 2-Pack) - Simple and Effective Formula, Kills Germs and Bacteria, No Harsh Chemicals, Moisturizes and Cleans Hands

It is important not to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.

Dr. Bronner's - Organic Hand Sanitizer Spray (Lavender, 2 Ounce, 2-Pack) - Simple and Effective Formula, Kills Germs and Bacteria, No Harsh Chemicals, Moisturizes and Cleans Hands

An event was held in Gaziantep Private Anka Hospital as part of the El World Hand Hygiene Day lanan celebrated every year under the leadership of the World Health Organization.

An event was organized in Gaziantep Private Anka Hospital as part of the El World Hand Hygiene Day kut celebrated every year under the leadership of the World Health Organization.

A stand was set up at the entrance of the hospital in order to raise awareness about hand hygiene. At the stand, brochures and disinfectants were distributed to the health personnel and the citizens about the importance of hand hygiene and information was given about the correct hand washing techniques. The nurses working in the hospital also talked about the importance of hand hygiene to the inpatients and their companions.

Although handwashing seems to be a simple procedure, it is very effective in preventing many diseases and attention to hand hygiene can be prevented by many of the infectious diseases of Gaziantep Private Anka Hospital Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist. Nagihan Demir said:

“In nature, there are many microorganisms in everything we touch. Our hands are the organ that we provide all kinds of connections with our environment in our daily life and therefore contain the most microorganisms (bacteria, viruses…). Hand washing is often neglected since it is a very ordinary and daily job. However, it is in our hands to protect the health of both ourselves and those around us. Microorganisms carried through our hands in constant contact with the environment can cause many common diseases such as influenza, influenza, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis (diarrhea) and food poisoning especially in schools and barracks. Especially the hands of health personnel play an important role in the spread of microorganisms from patient to patient. Therefore, inadequate hand hygiene is one of the main causes of nosocomial infections, which are still common in developed and developing countries. Adequate hand hygiene is one of the most important measures to prevent these infections which cause high morbidity, mortality and treatment costs. Purpose in hand hygiene; chemical and physical pests and microorganisms that cause infections. When washing hands with water only, visible dirt is removed by mechanical action, but complete hygiene cannot be achieved. "

“Health is beginning to get you!”

Special Anka Hospital Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Nagihan Demir said, ”Although we agree on the importance of hand washing, it is one of the most neglected issues. If we gain the right hand washing habit in terms of personal and community health, and if we can vaccinate this habit to our environment, we can prevent many infectious diseases and foodborne diseases and protect ourselves and others from harmful microorganisms. “

Gaziantep Anka Hospital Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Dr. Nagihan Demir stated that with the right hand washing technique, which can be applied in only 30 seconds, measures can be taken against many contagious and epidemic diseases and an important contribution can be made to the protection of personal and public health.

Specialist Demir gave the following information about how to wash our hands:

Lat Soak your hands with warm or hot water as long as you can withstand and distribute the soap on all surfaces of our hands and froth well. Then scrub the hands (wrists, palms, fingers, between the fingers, back and nails) vigorously for at least 30 seconds. Rinse your hands thoroughly after rubbing with soap. Dry your hands with disposable towel paper, especially in public places. Use the paper towel you used to dry your hands to close the tap and throw it into the trash. “

Dr. Bronner's - Organic Hand Sanitizer Spray (Lavender, 2 Ounce, 2-Pack) - Simple and Effective Formula, Kills Germs and Bacteria, No Harsh Chemicals, Moisturizes and Cleans Hands

Five Star - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

How are Sweaty Hands Treated?

Five Star - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

Many things can affect the amount of sweating of your hands, including genetic factors and your level of activity. If your hands are constantly sweating, there are some quick ways to deal with this problem. You can also try to make changes to your lifestyle to prevent your hands from sweating. If these strategies do not work, talk to your doctor for treatment options.

Using Fast Solutions

Wash your hands. Sweaty hands do not dry on their own, so you need to wash your hands more often than most people to keep them dry. Wash your hands when the amount of sweat starts to bother you, then dry thoroughly with a towel or cloth.
If you do not wash your hands before eating or after entering the toilet, you should only wash with water instead of soapy water. This way, using too much soap will prevent the skin on the back of your hands from drying out.

Use hand disinfectant when you cannot wash your hands. Move an alcohol-based (non-antibacterial) hand disinfectant with you when you cannot go to the washbasin to wash your hands. Driving a little alcohol temporarily dries the sweat.

Dry your hands with a cloth or paper towel. Move a small towel or a roll of paper towel with you to wipe your hands when necessary. Use these before you shake hands with someone.

Cool your hands. Many people's body sweats when the body gets a little overheated, so cooling your hands can be a quick and effective solution. Keep your hands in front of a fan or air conditioner to dry the moisture and slow down sweat production.
To quickly cool your hands when you're not home, find a toilet and keep your hands under cold water, then dry thoroughly with paper towels.
First of all, avoid overheating if possible. If not absolutely necessary, use a heater and shorten the thermostat in your room.

Sprinkle some powder on your hands. If you're at home and don't care if your hands look a little white, sprinkle some powder on your hands to temporarily absorb the sweat. This can be useful if it interferes with the daily activities of sweaty hands, such as lifting weights, skipping ropes, or housework that requires tight grip. Try the following powder types:
Fragrant or odorless baby powder
Carbonate or corn starch

Trying Lifestyle Solutions

Don't wear sweating stuff. If you cover your hands with something that prevents air flow, the hands will remain moist rather than naturally dry. Examples of gloves are examples. If it's freezing out, of course you will wear gloves, but avoid wearing it indoors or when not needed. Wearing gloves is effective if you want to hide the sweat of your hands, but they warm your hands so much that they sweat more than usual.

Avoid oil-based lotions and other skin products. People with dry skin use Vaseline to trap moisture inside and have the same effect on sweaty skin. Vaseline prevents the sweat from drying out and causes the hands to become oily. The same goes for coconut oil and other cosmetic oils used to maintain moisture on the skin.

Start using an antiperspirant. Since antiperspirants are usually used under the armpits, it may not be possible to use them in their hands, but the same chemicals that prevent excessive sweating of the underarms may be beneficial for the hands. [1]
Use an odorless and “clinically effective ter antiperspirant containing aluminum zirconium; this can be effective.
There are also prescription antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride hexahydrate, a stronger antiperspirant chemical; Talk to your doctor.

Keep calm. Excessive sweating is often caused by anxiety and stress. Do meditation or yoga or engage in other activities that will reduce stress and help prevent sweat glands from over-functioning. [2]
If you're sweating while thinking about a particular problem that's bothering you, think of a solution and go straight ahead. Consider talking to a counselor if you need help.
To find a quick solution to anxiety-related perspiration, sit down, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Try to calm your mind before you start your day.

Using Medical Treatments

Investigate iontophoresis. In this process, electric current is applied under the skin by using water and thus temporary sweating is prevented. [3]
During iontophoresis, hands are kept under water while electric current is applied to the water. You may feel a tingling, but it is painless.
Iontophoresis kits are available for home use. Talk to your doctor so you can buy one of these and use it on your request.

Take a pill. Pills, known as anticholinergics, stop sweating as a side effect, so doctors sometimes prescribe them to treat excessive sweating in the hands. [4]
This is a good option if you are not an athlete, but if you are an active person, it can be dangerous to interfere with the sweat production of your body because sweat serves to cool the heated body.
Anticholinergics may also cause dry mouth and other side effects. [5]

Search for botulinum toxin injections. Botox needles, which are often used to remove facial wrinkles or plump lips, can also be used to prevent sweat producing nerves. [6] Needles, on the other hand, can hurt and only temporarily stop excessive sweating.

Consider sympathectomy. In this procedure, a nerve is removed from the chest by surgery and permanently disrupts the nerve signal that controls the body's sweating. [7]
This surgery should be considered as a last resort because in half of the cases the body compensates by producing excessive sweat in another area. Sweating of his hands may pass, but the back or other place may begin to sweat more. [8]
If you want to do this, find a doctor who's done this before. Don't risk the risk of making such a risky operation for someone who is not experienced. [9]

If your sweaty hands do not interfere with your daily activities or social life, try not to let it bother you too much. This is a problem that many people face and should not be a shame for you.

Five Star - Star San - 32 Ounce - High Foaming Sanitizer

Amazon Brand - Solimo Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

The right hand washing techniques

Amazon Brand - Solimo Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

The right hand washing techniques
Since children's contact with each other cannot be controlled, infectious diseases can spread rapidly. Public environments such as schools and nurseries play a fast role in the spread of infectious diseases. For this, precautions should be taken against infectious diseases, children should be given hygienic conditions, toilet cleaning and hand cleaning should be given practical information or instructor public spot, cartoons and so on. Watching videos should help.

The right hand washing technique:
● Wash your hands by rubbing them for at least 15 seconds.
One of the most common mistakes we make while washing our hands; keep washing time short. In this case, germs cannot be cleaned from the hands sufficiently, and as a result, the disease continues to spread. Vigorously rub every part of your hands (wrists, palms, fingers, between-fingers, back and nails) for at least 15 seconds.

● Foam the soap thoroughly
The use of soap and water while washing hands contributes to the spread of harmful microorganisms due to insufficient removal from the hand.

● Only hot water is not enough
The hot water, which can withstand the heat of the hands, is not effective alone in removing the germs and the water needs to be used together with the soap. In addition, hot water irritates the hands and prepares the ground for microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to wash the palms, fingertips and tips with water and soap thoroughly to cover the wrist.

● Microbes in solid soaps
Placing the solid soap in place without cleaning can cause pollution. In addition, microorganisms remain on the soap when used in common causes the spread of microbes. For this reason, it is very important to use liquid soap for hand cleaning, especially in public places.

● Let the towels belong to you
The fact that the towels are damp as a result of the use of common towels creates a suitable environment for the growth of microorganisms. It also makes it easier to spread infections among people because of not washing hands well. The use of disposable towel napkins is recommended in public environments.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Advanced Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E, Original Scent, Pump Bottle, 67.59 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 1 Liter pump bottle (Case 2) - 3081-02-EC

What is hand hygiene? How is it provided?

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 1 Liter pump bottle (Case 2) - 3081-02-EC

Clean Hands, Healthy Generations
Hand hygiene is very important. Although hand hygiene is always on the agenda as a very important issue in our country, it unfortunately becomes a subject that we care less about. The issue of hand hygiene begins with education in kindergartens in foreign countries and continues with education for all ages and individuals in many government and private sectors. We all know how important the issue is in the health sector and food sector in our country. However, we wanted to remind and emphasize what we should do and how to do it.

When and how often should we wash our hands?
After every toilet
If you see your hands very dirty immediately
Before eating and preparing food
After touching dirty foods, meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit
Before you get home from work, after you get home
After sneezing, coughing, mixing nose, ear
After touching any dirty area of your body
After touching cuts or wounds on your body
Before touching your eyes and face, before makeup
Before any medication and application
After loving and touching animals (including cage, material)
After touching or shaking hands
After counting money and touching the trash

Types of hand washing
Social hand washing
With this washing, the flora of the temporary microorganism is removed. At least 15 seconds.

Hygienic hand wash
Antimicrobial soaps and self-curing alcohol-based antiseptics are used. At least 30 seconds.

Surgical hand wash
It is made with antimicrobial soaps and alcohol-based antiseptics. The temporary flora is killed and removed. Disinfectants are also used in this washing. The nails are brushed and hands are washed to the elbows. 3-5 minutes.

Skipped areas during hand washing
The most forgotten regions are red, the less forgotten regions are purple.

Importance of hand hygiene
In nature, there are many microbes in everything we touch. Our hands are our organ that provides all kinds of relations with the environment in daily life and therefore contains the most germs. These microbes, carried by our hands everywhere, can cause many undesirable conditions, from simple colds to serious illnesses.

Although we agree on the importance of yıkama hand washing ‘, it is one of the most neglected issues. However, we can protect ourselves and our environment from harmful microorganisms by paying attention to very simple rules. When the stages of hand washing can be grasped together with the reasons, it is achieved in permanence.

The frequency of hand washing is important for our health. It protects us from spreading and being sick. Contamination and contamination of objects and materials we touch by hand. There are microbes on every surface we touch, even in the air. We must always wash our hands against these invisible germs.

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Soothing Gel for the workplace, Fresh scent, with Aloe and Vitamin E - 1 Liter pump bottle (Case 2) - 3081-02-EC

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be the right hand washing technique?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Hand Sanitizer with Vitamin E and Aloe, 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 1)

What should be the right hand washing technique? What are the points to consider?

We should wash our hands with soap and soap our fingers, between our fingers thoroughly, soap our nails one by one thoroughly, because impurities build up on the nails and on the edges. Our palms, fingers, fingers between our wrists and nails should be thoroughly soaped and rinsed with water.

First you need to wet the hands, then we need to take some soap in our hands and foam nicely. It is necessary to rub the fingers between each other and rub it nicely. It is necessary to rub the inside and outside of our hunter in a beautiful way. In order to clean the nails, it is necessary to wash our hunter's interior as if it were scratching. Hand cleaning is always important. Hands should be clean for the person to feel comfortable. When you meet someone, we shake hands. If our hands are dirty and neglected at first, they are undesirable to touch and can be nauseous. There are creams that are keller for hand cleaning. Softness and hand cleansing results in good results and make people feel comfortable. It can move in a wondrous way.

According to the principle of asepsis should be used before the machine with sensor, then soap is washed one hand then the other hand is washed so that the germ does not dissolve right to left

I always wet my hand first in my daily life and throw the rough dirt. Then I take the soap and put it in my hand and froth. Then it forms my fingers one by one. I rub your nails into the palm. Then I wash the fingers. The last thing I do is pour the remaining water into the sink. And I dry my hands with the same process. Already a meyhodu health professionals use it. I learned a similar method in home economics when I was a child.

The right soap should be used to wash the hands correctly. So soap should be used for oily skin. Even natural soaps should be preferred, such as bıttım soap, olive oil bay olive soap ... Hands should be well soaped, including wrists should be thoroughly rubbed. The fingers should be joined and rubbed on the palm of the other hand, soap should be provided between nails. Between the fingers, the fingers of both hands should be joined to each other should be soaped. Hands should be rubbed thoroughly, then hands should be rubbed thoroughly washed with plenty of water, rinsed. The nails and hands should be smelled one by one to understand that they are completely cleaned.

It is very important for our hygiene to wash our hands between the fingers and the nails. Assuming that the hands of the human body are the most dirty, this is very important for our health.

You need to wash your hands with plenty of soap and plenty of water

By spreading the soap everywhere, I would clean the hand using different gestures and rinse off.

If you want your hands to be clean, you should cut your nails priorities because the most nasty place in the human body is the nail breaks because we do everything with our hands, the most beautiful and easy way is to wash with plenty of water after a nice hedge.

You should rub your fingers thoroughly dirt and germs stick to most places rub with liquid soap for two minutes and close your faucet with paper towels.

The handwashing technique in a sterile way is quite simple. First of all, sterility is easier with warm or hot water. We should take some soap in our hands and wash the fingers between the fingers and wash the palms by drawing a half moon shape and wash them up to our wrists.

How to become ALFA child handwashing technique

Our hands get dirty all day. Some bacteria, especially Staphylococcus and Micrococcus species, are firmly adhered to pores, scratches, cracks, dirt and hairs, and the secretions of oil and sweat are particularly suitable for the growth of bacteria by mixing with dust and dirt. Therefore, we should wash our hands frequently during the day.

We scrub our hands thoroughly with a little soap and a little water.

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A Habit to Remember: Hand Cleaning

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Our hands touch many places during the day and help us in many of our jobs. We do not even have a memory without him. It is naturally very important to care and clean. Hand cleaning is the most important personal cleaning needs to be done daily. Serkan Karaer, carried by hands everywhere microorganisms from simple colds, serious illnesses can cause many undesirable conditions, he said.
Dr. Karaer, "frequent washing of hands with warm water and soap, preventing the formation of cracks and abrasions, nails to be clean, the most effective way to prevent the spread and spread of infectious diseases. Bacteria and viruses are the most basic way of hand contact. consuming nutrients can lead to various digestive system diseases.It is very important to wash hands, destroy harmful microorganisms or get away from the skin with water.It is one of the most effective ways of preventing the transmission of diseases and food poisoning. can protect against harmful microorganisms, "he said.

Danger of not washing hands with the right technique
If the hands are not washed with the right technique respiratory diseases, stomach and intestinal problems, such as diarrhea can derive diseases. Karaer, "Soap to touch all parts of the hand before you start washing your hands with water and wet hands before the use of liquid soap, nails and thumbs, which are the most dirty areas are not forgotten and washed by rubbing for at least 15 seconds, microorganisms to proliferate more rapidly (microorganisms proliferate rapidly) The most important factors in hand washing technique are running water, soap and rubbing.The mechanical strength of running water and rubbing process of hands removes the microorganisms that settle in the skin. helps to go away with temporary microorganisms from the skin, "he said.

When to wash hands during the day
Giving information about when and how to wash hands. Karaer said: "Before and after meals, before and after the toilet, after sneezing, coughing, after each lesson, combing or touching your hair, after money shopping, before touching sick people, after cleaning your nose, cat, dog and all other After handling the animals, the hands should always be washed with the right technique when they are seen as dirty and when you think they are dirty. In addition, the nails should be cut short, rounded, avoiding the contact of the eyes with eyes, mouth and nose, avoiding nail eating and inserting the back of the pen into the mouth. "

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Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary

How to Gain Handwashing for Children

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary

About 3.5 million children under the age of five die each year from diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These deaths occur particularly in low-income communities in developing countries. Studies have shown that encouraging children to wash hands is effective in preventing infectious diseases. In the meta-analysis of studies on handwashing, diarrheal diseases were shown to be reduced by 47% by handwashing.
The habit of handwashing is a behavior that is gained not only by narration but also by practice and at a young age. In addition to the education that you will be given by your parents, your child's school should also be shown in practice through a guidance teacher or kindergarten teacher. The important point here is not only to wash hands, but to wash hands correctly.
The right hand washing has the tricks to free the hands from germs. First the hands should be wet with water. Then the liquid poured into the hand should be rubbed thoroughly with soap. The palms, nails and wrist folds should not be forgotten during the rubbing process.

The rubbing process should be continued for at least 30 seconds. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly with plenty of water. After washing the toilet, the hand washing process should be repeated twice.
Now let's come to the issue of how we can bring this behavior to our children. The basis of gaining the habit of hand washing for our children is to stay away from exaggeration by acting realistic and natural. Respecting your child while presenting this behavior you want to gain, making him feel that he is valuable and most importantly presenting what you look at from his window, will start you 1 - 0 ahead in gaining your intended hand washing habit.
The most common mistakes in this behavior can lead to adverse reactions in your child, but can lead to stubbornness with you and your parents. To equal all of this, you must first pay attention to your tone of voice, your body language. It is very important that you make your child feel calm and clear that you do not lose control.

You should establish the principle of authority-caring with your child very well. In order to wash your child's hands, you should not speak, beg or even bargain. You must show him that this is a necessity with a compassionate but serious tone and posture.
A very common method is to threaten our children with sentences such as ‘When the father arrives / goes home / you see in the evening’. You can't solve anything like this. What you parents should do is choose to play a ‘detective’ game instead of asking your child the ‘why’ question. By observing your child closely, you can better understand the actual cause of his / her movements.
As a result; Do not react under the influence of your emotions, do not lose your authority rope, use severe or empty threats, observe instead of asking for accounts, and do not name and label your child.

Children copy the behavior of parents like carbon paper. Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm and positive temperament. Be an example of your behavior instead of giving advice. For them the action is much more effective than the promise. Because our children learn and apply what they see, not what they hear. Just start getting to know your children well; because you don't know them at all.

Babyganics Alcohol-Free Foaming Hand Sanitizer, On-The-Go, Mandarin, 1.69 oz, 6 Pack, Packaging May Vary