Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Genexa Calm Keeper for Children – 60 Tablets | Certified Organic & Non-GMO, Physician Formulated, Homeopathic | Calming & Relaxation Aid for Children

Sleep Order and Sleep Problems in Preschool Children

Genexa Calm Keeper for Children – 60 Tablets | Certified Organic & Non-GMO, Physician Formulated, Homeopathic | Calming & Relaxation Aid for Children

You take your 3-year-old daughter to the playground in the hope that running and playing will make her tired at 8 o'clock in the evening, so that you will have time to relax and enjoy the evening, even a little nap. But the plan backfires. At 9 o'clock, your insane child is still out of hand, finally falling asleep late at night, and at 6 am he wakes up full of energy and ready to play.

Does this look familiar to you? Parents think it is difficult to cope with their newborn baby at night, but it is such a challenge to put the preschool child to sleep, even many patient parents may be outraged. If preschool children do not sleep well enough, this affects their mood, behavior, eating habits and their ability to focus during the day.

“The kids can't get enough sleep, Dr. says Dr. Richard Kravitz is a professor of sleep at Duke University and also a pediatrician. Kaç How many times have you seen a 3-year-old boy having dinner with his parents at 10pm? But children are not young adults and need more sleep than adults. You want healthy sleep, good quality sleep for a long time. ”

So how do you know about healthy sleep? Iz You can tell when your child has a good sleep by waking up in the morning happy, refreshed and ready to start the day, Kr says Kravitz.

Create good sleeping habits - daytime sleep or not?

According to the National Sleeping Organization, children aged 3-5 years need to sleep between 11 and 13 hours per night. In addition, most preschoolers sleep around 1 and 2 hours per day during the day. Often, children stop their daytime sleep around the age of 5 years.

Experts say that every preschool child is different - some children are strictly adhering to daytime habits from infancy, while others object to sleep when they are in kindergarten. The secret is to be calm, calm and to make sure that your kindergarten child sleeps at least 11 hours at night - and if daytime sleep is required.

Çoğu By the age of 2-3, most children sleep twice a day, Dr. says Dr. John Hopkins Hospital pediatrician, Baltimore. Christine Briccetti. “A typical preschooler will have a single day's sleep, usually in the afternoon and one to two hours. Many children of this age no longer sleep during the day. Daytime sleep is no longer necessary if your child is not overly tired and cranky. If your preschooler does not sleep during the daytime, he or she will still have a quiet resting day.

Leaving daytime sleep:

If your child refuses daytime sleep, do not worry. Children of this age do not require daytime sleep every day, but they need time to rest each day at the same time.

“This is a time when you don't have activities to stimulate it. Seattle Dr. Pediatrics at Seattle Children's Hospital says. Wendy Sue Swanson. “These times are still restful for the child. This is not a power-saving sleep, but an important leisure time. ”

Experts believe that it is important to establish sleep routines and to be determined. Kindergarten students are tied to their time patterns.

Not wanting to go to bed:

Most parents say books, a warm bathroom, or reading a story will help your kindergarten child fall asleep, but this may not always work. In general, the kindergarten-aged child who refuses to go to bed is the child who is extremely tired.

Setting an earlier sleep time or creating a quiet environment early in the morning can help your child go to bed. Keeping them up later makes it harder for him to go to bed, Briccetti says.

“If children become overly tired, they get cranky and fight harder to avoid going to bed, or he says. Bazen Parents sometimes keep them up late, so they think they'll get tired, which increases the problems. Offer a favorite activity or book for non-struggling evenings, but do not punish or rebuke if he resists. Remember, you can put pressure on your child to go to bed, but not to sleep. If he can't fall asleep quickly, if the rule is the bed, they should lie quietly. ”

Some children continue to sleep with parents, as is common to many cultures. The American Academy of Pediatrics opposes family sleeping with the baby because of the risk of sudden infant mortality (SIDS). This risk ceases at the age of one year, but if a small child sleeps long-term with his or her parents, then it can be difficult to sleep independently.

Büyük The older the child continues to sleep with his parents, the more difficult it is for you to get used to sleeping in your own room, Br says Briccetti.

Parents often think that small children's beds or stopping in the crib will help the child to sleep.

Experts say that if a child is old enough to climb a crib or is in toilet training, it is time to move to a standard bed. Some children can also move directly from the crib to large beds for one and a half people. Therefore, a small child bed is not always necessary.

Not sleeping all night long:

Preschool children have active dream worlds, so it's no surprise that they wake up easily at night because they have bad dreams or fear. Experts, the night's sleep is less fearful and more manageable sleep environment to be quiet, dark and absolutely no television, he says.

“We naturally know that children can wake up like adults a couple of times a night, Swans Swanson says. “We don't even remember because we can fall back to sleep right away.”

However, it is not common for a kindergarten child to wake up in the middle of the night and to get out of bed. If you are standing with your child in the middle of the night, you can soothe him to fall asleep again, but don't give him snacks or snacks at that time of night. In Don't reward this behavior , Swans Swanson says.

Genexa Calm Keeper for Children – 60 Tablets | Certified Organic & Non-GMO, Physician Formulated, Homeopathic | Calming & Relaxation Aid for Children