Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts, Natural Sleep Aid - 28 Capsules

Why do you really want to sleep after a meal - the benefits or harms of sleeping after eating. Why do you want to sleep after eating

Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts, Natural Sleep Aid - 28 Capsules

The US national holiday Thanksgiving is considered by Americans to be one of the most popular and loved holidays of the year; traditions, over-calorie food is a cheerful feast of excessive consumption. The main feature of the feast - turkey. However, even if not turkey, the festive table is full of side dishes, drinks, desserts and other gastronomic delicacies and desserts.
Admit that not everyone can handle such a large amount of food. At the end of the feast, many Americans realize that they tend to sleep relentlessly.

A common cause of drowsiness during the holiday is aminopropionic acid, only tryptophan. They say that a lot of people in Turkey, so continuous sleep.

However, scientists who are investigating this issue deny it. The fact that turkey meat contains a large amount of tryptophan and its metabolism in the human body gives a sense of numbness does not deny scientists. They draw our attention to the fact that beef, lamb and others, including turkey, contain approximately aminopropionic acid, and that some products have harder cheeses than hard cheeses. . Among other things, if you use tryptophan in combination with other foods, its ability to cause drowsiness is significantly reduced.
In fact, the main cause of drowsiness is insulin. After eating, it is produced intensively by the body to weaken the peak values ​​of the sugar content in the blood. If a person eats too much food containing too much protein and carbohydrates, the sugar level in the blood increases significantly, peak values ​​rise up and the human body begins to throw large amounts of insulin into the blood.
However, although sugar is the main, it is not a single object of insulin exposure. Almost every cell in the body has insulin receptors in the hypothalamus, a brain organ that controls most nervous and endocrine systems.

The individual systems of the body are sensitive to insulin associated with wakefulness and sleep cycles. For example, there are specific neurons that produce orexin neurotransmitters. According to scientists, it promotes alertness. Thus, the effect of insulin reduces orexin production, thereby causing drowsiness and drowsiness of a person.
On the other hand, however, insulin has a good effect on the production of the hypothalamus of melanin concentrate hormone (Melanin Concentrating Hormone, MCH). This hormone not only controls the pigmentation of the skin in bony fish, but also forms the nutritional behavior of mammals, but also contributes to the regulation of energy balance and the formation of wakefulness and sleep periods. Also, if orexin increases wakefulness, MCH production causes drowsiness.
Based on this, an abundant meal causes drowsiness for two reasons: a decrease in the body's orexin production and activation of melanin-concentrated hormone production.

Probably, each of us know the old joke saying: you ate, you can sleep. Indeed, you want to sleep after dinner, even if it is not very busy. Why is this happening?
It was assumed that this depends on the temperature of the dishes: for example after the hot soup, when you want to sleep more after eating a sandwich. They thought the body would be warm and comfortable, and in such a state that it would be more normal for him to sleep.
However, this theory collapsed shortly after it appeared, because the participants claimed that they were drowsy regardless of what they ate. However, scientists have found that the degree of drowsiness is influenced by factors such as caloric content and the amount of food eaten.

Causes of drowsiness after eating
Let's see why you want to sleep after a meal. There are a number of factors that regulate our body's response to a particular food. These include:
Time of day;
The amount of food eaten;
Calorie foods;
The general condition of the body.
Food processing has turned out to be an incredibly energy intensive process, so the body has to throw it to complete all its power. This is the main reason you want to sleep after dinner. As a result, he is trying to put us to sleep to direct the energy into the movement that is needed now.
So it feels like sleeping after eating. So maybe we should sleep after a meal, we're arranged so? See.
Sleep after eating: harm or benefit
The debate on this issue lasted for decades and has always been one of those who put forward a more incredible theory than before. But the times of unfounded assumptions are long gone, and we now have all the technology that helps scientists approve or refute various hypotheses with almost 100% accuracy. After clinical trials, they understood why I wanted to sleep after a meal.
The University of Manchester has solved this problem and yet answered the question: Is the sleep hurt in the afternoon, is it beneficial?
The answer is certain: it is strictly forbidden to sleep and even lie immediately after consumption of food. There are several reasons for this:

So if you have a question: can you sleep after a meal? - The answer is categorical: no.

World practice
In many countries, the afternoons have been tried for employees of large companies. Employers have noticed that employees experience a failure, lose concentration and thus reduce their effectiveness.
Options have been considered for lengthening breaks, redistributing the load, and other ways to help the employee return to work. However, someone remembered that it was good to sleep during the day and put the short nap in the afternoon routine.
Unfortunately, the result did not meet expectations because most employees did not have the time allocated for a good rest. In addition, they came to their senses for a long time and were set to work after waking up.

Everyone agreed that after lunch they wanted to sleep too much at work, but most decided that sleeping in the middle of working days didn't create a sense of joy. In addition, some employees began complaining of stomach discomfort and weight.
After the examination, it turned out that by falling asleep or just taking a horizontal position, we independently slowed down the digestion process and stretched it for a longer period of time. Inadvertently, people extended the digestive cycle and forced the gastrointestinal tract to work longer and more intensively. So you can't sleep after a meal.
Sleeping during the day is good for health, but not for a full stomach.

What to do if you want to sleep after dinner?
Don't leave yourself to bed;
Take a walk if possible;
Take a break from an interesting but non-monotonous activity;
Change the type of activity;
Physical activity accelerates the food processing process and has a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Force yourself to stand up at work and be tidy, call a friend, or just chat with colleagues.

Why do you want to sleep after dinner?
While having a solid lunch, almost everyone feels a reduction in their desire to be in a quiet environment in their activities to retire for a while. Ideally, you also want to sleep for at least half an hour. Why does such a desire emerge and is this normal? In vain, they take a lunch break, not half an hour, enough for food, but can one person rest for an hour and a half?
All of this turned out to be no accident. This behavior is not only specific to humans, but also to many animals. This is a natural pattern worth considering in detail.
Sleeping after dinner is a natural phenomenon.

Mid-day short sleep is a completely natural and orderly phenomenon that is observed in many places where people are prone today without having to follow a strict daily schedule. Especially at noon sleep is loved in the southern countries - however, here is associated with some of the characteristics of the climate, and it is really better to just sleep in the afternoon heat. A similar lifestyle was applied by people from generation to generation as the best-natured. After dinner, people pampered for a while to rest before returning to their labor.

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The food was believed to “lie, because physical movements on a full stomach could cause pain, and many people had to realize that such activity had such a negative effect after a satisfying meal.

The activity in a full stomach is really harmful, the food-filled organ is susceptible to external damage, and so hunters - wolves, lions and others, wolves, lions and others who can eat up to a few dozen kilos at a time, sleep just after a satisfying lunch. Also, the main task is completed, they feed themselves and their offspring, and this holiday deserves.
However, after lunch, not only the physical force, but also the mental energy burden disappears. The solution of intellectual problems is given with greater difficulty than on an empty stomach, it is better to postpone it for another time. How is this fact explained?

Reasons to sleep after dinner
It turned out that the desire to get some sleep after a hearty lunch was simply not being protected from external physical influences. Along with physical activity after the meal, mental activity is also limited. Scientists have researched this fact in detail, and after eating they have reached conclusive conclusions that allow you to understand exactly what is happening in the human body and why you want to sleep so much.

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The desire to sleep turned out to be associated with an increase in blood glucose levels. As it rises, some of the brain cells stop giving alert signals, and the structures expressing orexin are particularly strongly suppressed. So, this hormone is responsible for shifting from wakefulness to sleep. Carbohydrates entering the human body along with food are also guilty. Its appearance is accompanied by the production of serotonin, a pleasure hormone that puts a person in a calm state. Such an excess of calmness inevitably leads to a desire to get some sleep.
There is another view - some scientists point to some deficiencies, weaknesses that exist in every human body. Thus, with the revitalization of the digestive tract, a large amount of blood flows into it. At the same time, it turns out to be a little devoid of brain, does not have enough blood for normal operation, some amount of oxygen starvation occurs. This is why a person is put to sleep unbearably while food is being digested.
You have to do a lot of things, but you can't concentrate on them. Do I have to give up lunch?
Weakness after eating: why does it occur?
If you want to sleep after a busy meal and are too lazy to do anything, do not panic and do not worry. This is a normal reaction of the body because it consumes a lot of energy to digest the food. But still, if you feel weak after every meal and every day, it's time to ring the alarm - maybe you're having serious problems.

Why is there a weakness after eating?
After eating there are causes of drowsiness and weakness. This may be a reduction in immune or chronic diseases. For a correct diagnosis you should consult a doctor:
Thyroid disease - deficiency or excess of any hormone;

diabetes - the onset of weakness is associated with splashes in blood glucose after eating;
Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Perhaps recently, there have been acute exacerbations of diseases or surgical interventions. Most often, the symptom is manifested in diseases such as gastritis or pancreatitis.
A sharp drop in blood sugar levels. This natural process occurs if you are very hungry and have not eaten a few hours earlier. After food intake, nerve endings transmit signals to the brain, encouraging rest and relaxation.

Reduced immunity. Your body weakens and consumes a lot of energy while digesting food. Drink a vitamin-mineral complex and consult your doctor if you do not see improvement within a few weeks.
Eat heavy food. You didn't eat for a few hours and then had a solid lunch or dinner? The pressure in the intestines changes, causing weakness.
Medicine. If you take any medication, they may cause weakness after eating.
As you can see, the causes of drowsiness and weakness after dinner are not very few. If these symptoms accompany you for several weeks or months, consult a specialist.

Can I rest after eating?
Resting after eating food slows down the production of gastric juice and digestion of the food. In addition to digestive problems, it causes slowing of metabolic processes and accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
After eating, you should not participate in very active activities - run, jump or work out in the gym. Wait at least an hour and start training.
Take a snack every 2-3 hours to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Try to eat foods that are not too heavy, portions should be small. Never drink anything with water or any other drink, it will slow the production of gastric juice. Walk after meals.
Why does weakness occur after eating? In most cases, this symptom indicates an unbalanced diet and malnutrition. If weakness occurs with abdominal pain or nausea, consult a doctor.

What does weakness mean after eating?
We all know that food is an energy source. So why do most of them face fatigue, drowsiness and decreased performance after eating? He wants to eat a satisfying lunch, go to bed and have a nap for at least 20-25 minutes. Desire becomes so irresistible that there is no power to fight it. What to do in this case?
First of all, you should learn why it has deteriorated after eating and then take measures to relieve the annoying discomfort.

Causes of weakness in the afternoon
Let's try to understand why there is a weakness after eating and I want to go to bed. There are many reasons for this. Some are not associated with serious illness and are caused by malnutrition or malfunction in the diet. Others indicate serious health problems and require close attention.

Heavy and junk food
We all know how healthy a healthy and complete diet is. However, for some reason, we continue to eat foods that are harmful to our health. Fatty meat, french fries, sausages, ketchup and mayonnaise - all of which cause fatigue and drowsiness after lunch.
This is explained quite simply. Much effort is required for the digestion and assimilation of heavy and fatty foods. The body, which has done a hard work and transforms food into nutrients, loses a huge amount of energy, manifested by drowsiness after a satisfying and satisfying lunch.
Feeling sick after eating can occur due to excessive tyramine. The amino acid increases the level of epinephrine and dopamine, but lowers the serotonin concentration. This ultimately leads to a sharp constriction of the brain vessels, oxygen starvation and severe weakness. Maybe dizziness and unconsciousness.
In people with a history of vascular dystonia, it is desirable to limit the use of tyramine-containing products:
Cheese and milk dishes.

Bitter chocolate and ripe berries.
Meat and sausages.
Fried, oily and smoked products.

Biochemical processes
Modern scientists claim that the main cause of drowsiness after dinner is an increase in blood glucose concentration. This substance reduces the production of the orex, which is responsible for physical activity. Think about how this happened.
The gastrointestinal system is directly linked to the endocrine system of the body. During hunger, the brain actively begins to synthesize the hormone orexin. This substance encourages a person to wake up and look for food.
After lunch of mostly simple carbohydrates, most of the glucose from the gastrointestinal tract does not have time to be absorbed by the cells and condenses in the blood. As a result, the brain reduces orexin production and symptoms such as fatigue and poor performance occur.
Council. To reduce the likelihood of developing sleepiness in the afternoon, you should limit simple sugar consumption and replace it with proteins.

Concomitant pathology of the digestive system
After eating, you should consult a specialist to determine the causes of the health and make the correct diagnosis.
Very often, an afternoon spill occurs after resection or gastroenterostomy. The complication of the operation becomes dumping syndrome (emptying the contents of the stomach into the small intestine is accelerated). In medical practice, there are cases of discomfort in people who have not undergone surgical treatment.

Dumping syndrome
Pathology occurs in 30% of patients in the postoperative period. The disease occurs on the ground of violation of the digestive process and does not depend on the amount of food eaten.

The disease has three degrees:
Easy. General weakness attacks occur during or during the first 10-12 minutes after eating. They do not last more than half an hour and pass independently.
Average. At this stage, the patient becomes ill immediately after eating. Sweating increases, drowsiness develops, dizziness, tinnitus and tremor of the limbs may be seen. The symptoms become so severe that the patient is forced to reach out.
Heavy. Attacks may develop after food is consumed. It lasts for at least three hours and is accompanied by an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, migraine, drowsiness in the extremities. Weakness usually disguises itself.
Dumping syndrome most often occurs after consuming dairy products or foods with high carbohydrate content.
Council. To reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, nutritionists recommend switching to fractional meals in small portions. Liquid and solid foods should also be consumed at 30 minute intervals. Get high-fat, carbohydrate and sugar-containing diet products. You should go to bed for 20-30 minutes after lunch.

Other causes of post-meal deterioration
Medical practice shows that the reason for the weakness in the afternoon may be various violations of the body's regulation system. Therefore, if you want to sleep after eating regularly and you have a weakness, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms may prevent the onset of endocrine disease.

diabetes mellitus
This disease develops due to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in glucose concentration in the blood and urine.
In this disease, afternoon weakness is accompanied by:
thirst and frequent urination;
rapid weight loss;
poor regeneration of skin;
sleepiness after meals.

When these symptoms occur, there is an urgent need to see a doctor and to measure blood sugar. Why it is so important, you can learn in the video at the end of the article.
Diabetes is not a fatal disease. Exact nutrition and adherence to doctor's advice will help overcome fatigue and drowsiness after meals and improve efficacy and quality of life.

Solid diet
Excessive restriction of diet caused by weight loss attempts often results in a major collapse in which a person can eat large amounts of food. They also have symptoms like dumping syndrome.
However, in this case, weakness after eating is triggered by long-term nutritional deficiencies and drowsiness - in general overfeeding, which cannot cope with the digestive system, which loses the habit of working.
Council. These excessive weight loss methods can cause the development of bulimia or anorexia. Second, as a rule, it provokes mental disorders and can be treated very badly. Therefore, it is not desirable to be involved in fasting and strict diets.

Afternoon weakness during pregnancy
Having a child is a very responsible and difficult period in the life of the mother. The future mother's body is experiencing huge burdens and is working hard to maintain vital activity.
After eating in pregnant women, weakness develops due to high energy consumption for food digestion. At the same time, the blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract increases significantly, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure and consequently a decrease in strength and drowsiness.
Council. We should not ignore these symptoms and hope that everything will disappear by itself. It may be the first signs of endocrine disease or other disorders in a woman's body. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the disturbing symptoms.
As you can see, the causes of drowsiness and weakness after eating are very diverse. Do not prescribe these symptoms only for excessive food or wrong foods. Behind the breakdown, there can be serious violations for the treatment that requires a lot of work and time. Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor. The sooner the disease is detected and the treatment begins, the faster it will heal.
Warning! This article is not a guide for action, be sure to seek advice from an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist!

But perhaps it is more correct to treat the cause, not the effect?
After eating, it is important to pay attention to the causes of drowsiness and determine the causes.
A feeling of weakness and lethargy after a meal is not normal and food should not cause such an effect. In fact, a person should feel the opposite, because eating the right food gives you the nutrition you need for tone and vitality. After eating, the causes of drowsiness arise for various reasons, and we will now discuss this in an article on our family portal.

Possible symptoms of diabetes
Diabetes is a health condition and the symptoms of this disease affect the production of insulin by the body, which is necessary to control blood sugar levels.
When you eat, the body begins to make sugar in the cells, but diabetics do not produce enough insulin to control their glucose levels and cause excess drowsiness.
When insulin is produced in sufficient quantities to regulate blood glucose levels, it burns like energy, so that the person feels less tired.

Food quality affects sleepiness
If low nutritional products are available in your food basket, you will be given drowsiness.
Low-use products are generally saturated fats, sugars and salt.
Foods that provide good nutritional value, more time is spent to digest, thus providing energy for longer.

It's important not to eat too much
Portion size is another important factor. Above, it has been said that a healthy diet only provides and provides the necessary vitamins and trace elements that give us a vital burden for the whole day.
If you büyük consume büyük large portions of junk food, you are guaranteed to have a nap after the meal.
Since you are one of those people who cannot give up their eating habits, try reducing the portion size of your meals. Eat four or five times a day instead of three large doses, so the body will not load.

Hidden allergy symptoms
Some components may cause allergic reactions that cause you to feel lethargy after a meal. The body starts to spend energy to get rid of the allergen and as a result drowsiness occurs.
It is because the immune system works on the "border" to protect the body and remove the allergen from the blood.
Consult a specialist if you suspect food allergy symptoms. After a series of tests, the doctor will determine if there are allergies to certain products and if they cause drowsiness after a meal.

These foods cause severe drowsiness.
Drowsiness after eating depends on many reasons for over-eating and dying, depending on the characteristics of some products. Experts identified the basic facts about taking a nap after a meal.
Usually, after heavy fatigue, because of cloudy weather during the day or because we don't sleep well enough at night, we have a strong desire to take a nap after physical fatigue.
The drowsiness and drowsiness we experience immediately after eating are usually caused by these reasons, but there are some nuances here. If your body insists a bit after resting for half an hour after a meal, and the body persistently requires sleep, perhaps it is not just a daily routine.
Healthystyle reported that the experts decided to examine the causes of sleepiness in the afternoon, not fatigue, in detail.

Water balance greatly affects our overall situation. We have already written about why it is necessary to drink water. Without it, we cannot fully recharge ourselves with the energy entering the body along with the food consumed.
When dehydration occurs, the person feels fatigue, drowsiness and even dizziness: this is caused by a change in blood pressure and a decrease in pulse. In this case, we will be particularly affected by daytime sleep.

"Sleepy" products
Some products contain large amounts of tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates the production of sleep hormone melatonin. If your lunch or snack products consist of this type of food, it may be beneficial to reduce the amount, go to a dinner or eliminate it altogether.

The feeling of heaviness after an excessive meal makes us an irresistible desire to lie down to rest and digest. If we eat rarely and at the same time in large portions, our body gets tired and needs rest to deal with thousands of new calories.
Don't make yourself hungry, try to eat often and in small portions. Keeping intervals between meals will help you maintain control and not eat too much.
A sharp splash of blood sugar
How to overcome a sleepy state
Why do you always want to sleep after eating and how will you deal with it?
Drowsiness after lunch is due to very different reasons than eating too much and ending the properties of some products. Usually, after heavy fatigue, during the day, due to cloudy weather or because we are not sufficiently rested at night, we have a strong desire to take a nap.
The drowsiness and drowsiness we experience immediately after eating are usually caused by these reasons, but there are some nuances here. If your body insists a bit after resting for half an hour after a meal, and the body persistently requires sleep, perhaps it is not just a daily routine. In this article, we decided to examine in detail all possible causes of sleepiness in the afternoon.

Why does weakness occur after a meal?
During meals, our body receives nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and essential minerals. In theory, we should feel awake, full of power and energy after eating. Then why is this weakness after eating? Why are we drowsy and dizzy, and sometimes have nausea attacks?
The problem of not feeling well after eating is a common phenomenon. Well, let's try to figure out what caused this.

What could be the cause of the weakness after eating?
Weakness after a meal is a versatile condition. We will list the most likely pathologies and conditions that may cause a deterioration of well-being after just one meal.

Decrease in blood sugar levels after a meal. In this case, the body does not use carbohydrates to replenish blood sugar and sends them to fat stores. Because you are taking an overdose of antidiabetic medication, if you don't have enough carbohydrates in your diet or have consumed alcohol, you are physically active, and hypoglycemia in diabetes can also develop after a few hours.

Elevated sugar (glucose) in serum. Hyperglycemia occurs mainly in diabetes mellitus or other diseases of the endocrine system. It is characterized by the fact that the body appears sweet or weak after flour.
If fatigue after eating is caused by hyperglycemia, you should reduce carbohydrate intake in your diet until you determine the amount of carbohydrates you need. First, you need to eliminate fast carbohydrates, ie foods with a high (GI) glycemic index containing white bread, sweet foods, sweet fruits and alcohol.

Dumping syndrome
Stomach is a complication caused by a recent surgery. Dumping syndrome is characterized by an accelerated release of mid dropping ”food from stomach to stomach, accompanied by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system. Dumping syndrome develops in 10-30% of patients who have undergone gastric surgery immediately or late after surgery. Symptoms of the condition: a sharp deterioration in health immediately or after one or a half to two hours, weakness, heart rhythm, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Endocrine Disruption
Thyroid hormones are responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes, including energy. When there is an imbalance in hormone secretion, energy is consumed incorrectly and, as a rule, there is a feeling of fatigue after a meal.
Doctors claim that a condition like weakness after a meal may be a sign of serious deterioration to the body. Gastritis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease, diabetes mellitus, anorexia nervosa - this is not a complete list of pathologies where you can feel the severity of different stagnation after a meal. Therefore, if you regularly observe weakness after eating, you should immediately contact a specialist, first a gastroenterologist and then an endocrinologist.
Nausea and weakness after eating can also be said of excessive stomach food, even after eating a full stomach, or when you eat too fast without eating. In this case, you should change the approach to food intake: review the diet and nutrition program, maybe follow a diet or switch to a fractional diet.

Tired of eating: What to do if you want to sleep after dinner?
Hello dear readers! Our goal today is sleepiness after eating. Admit it, you probably know that feeling.
Someone tests more often, less often. Do you know why the food doesn't want to sleep? For what reasons? Is it possible to avoid this situation? Let's find the answers to these questions together.

Main reasons
Imagine and remember in which situations you usually start to feel weak and tired after lunch. Joyfulness usually disappears after a busy meal or if you eat a dessert. Is not it?
Why is this happening? In the case of a satisfying lunch, the body needs to spend a lot of energy for the digestion of food.
Just imagine, the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines work for immediate transport and digestion.
Such a complex process requires a lot of effort. To cope with the task, the body naturally needs time to heal.
From here and there you have a strong feeling of fatigue and want to sleep. Some nutritionists call this joke a “temporary food coma..
The second reason is rich in carbohydrates, especially “fast” food. Simply put, they ate dessert - they wanted to sleep. This is because - a sharp change in blood sugar levels.
The body uses sugar as an energy source. When the resources run out, you start feeling hungry.
At this time, the brain actively produces a substance - orexin. Doctors say he's responsible for life, and he's forcing someone to look for food.
Meanwhile, for the same reason, it is difficult to fall asleep on an “empty stomach.. But now it's not about that. When a large amount of sugar is taken, the production of the orex stops abruptly. Vitality is replaced by drowsiness.

Orexin and Insulin
Recent research by scientists has shown that frequent consumption of fast carbohydrates that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar leads to a gradual blockage of orexin-producing neurons.
This can be a health hazard because of the emergence of a so-called ark narcolepsy olan with persistent drowsiness syndrome that causes rapid weight gain that leads to obesity.
So, if we eat fast, if we enjoy sweets, white bread and ready-to-eat foods, then over time we will feel weakness after meals, fatigue increases and physical activity decreases. A man finds himself in a vicious circle.
“Orexin is extremely important for the normal functioning of our body. It is responsible for the connection of the human body with the conscious desires of the body's needs. For example, waking up, foraging, hormone production, normal metabolism. Denis - Denis Burdakov, a researcher at the University of Manchester in the UK, explains.
It is therefore necessary to ensure that the food you eat throughout the day does not cause “sugar storms..
This is also important, because there is another view among scientists. They believe that drowsiness in the afternoon is a result of increased insulin production.
This is because the same - fast blood carbohydrates enter the blood and turn into sugar, giving the liver a signal about the need for insulin. It is known to help absorb and process glucose.

Doctors say when too much sugar is “blocked” and body cells stop responding to insulin.
The liver continues to produce an increased volume at the same time. As a result, a “system failure” occurs. This can cause diabetes.

Sleepiness Fight
What to do? How do you get rid of drowsiness and how to protect your health?
Nutritionists strongly recommend that you pay attention to your diet. Or rather, its composition.
First, fast carbohydrates should be replaced with slow ones. I remember them
Includes whole grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, quinoa and others) as well as vegetables, delicious fruits and berries.
Second, more protein food in the diet - lentils, beans, eggs, lean meat and fish, dairy and dairy products. Doctors say that egg whites can kill more than a cup of coffee.
Caffeinated drinks have been shown to stimulate the brain for two hours and to scientifically prove protein products throughout the day.
In addition, a long time ago, research data from scientists from the University of Cambridge was published in the famous journal on Neuron ”.
They say that eating protein-rich foods increases the production of orexins. The person feels awake and active, and the calories fed by the food begin to be consumed immediately by the body.
Furthermore, the combination of proteins with vegetable oils, such as those found in hazelnuts, helps to “prevent olumsuz the negative effect of glucose on the neurons of the orex.
The discoveries were confirmed by two experiments. First, the orexin cells were placed in tubes containing various nutrient solutions. The interaction reaction occurred at the site of the amino acids of the proteins.
Second, research on mice continued. Egg whites were added to their diets. As a result, it was observed that not only the increase of the orexin level in the brain of the animals, but also the motor activities were significantly increased. The effect lasted several hours.
What does it mean? The composition and amount of nutrients are closely related to the reactions of our bodies. Be strong and forget your afternoon sleepiness - don't eat too much and don't eat healthy foods rich in proteins, unsaturated fats and slow carbohydrates.

Things to remember
In addition to the composition of foods, note the glycemic index, which is an indicator of how fast carbohydrates break down in the body and how they affect blood sugar levels.
The lower the better. It is not difficult to find detailed descriptions of the glycemic index of each product on the Internet.
Any physical activity will help you cope with the sleepiness crisis after eating. Doctors advise not to give a strong desire to go to bed to rest.
Instead, it is better to walk at least a minute. Fatigue must be drawn. However, I personally disagree.
As an option, try a short dream - 15 minutes, it completely relieves fatigue, the brain rests and then continues to work with pleasure.
In addition, there are studies confirming that activity affects blood glucose levels.
For people who still don't sit after eating, it rises almost twice as much as those who prefer to rest.
If you follow the nutritional rules, but if fatigue and lethargy persists, they may be symptoms of diseases such as:
hypoglycemia (decreased blood sugar after eating),
hyperglycemia (high sugar content in the body),
dumping syndrome (a complication after gastric surgery)
or endocrine disruption.

Be sure to consult a doctor!
Do you often sleep after eating? How do you handle this feeling? How strong does it manifest itself? Share your stories in the comments and see you in the next article!

Why do you want to sleep after eating?
Of course, after dinner, you often asked yourself when you were sluggish and drowsy: “Why do you want to sleep after a meal? El Let's examine this in more detail.
If you don't usually want to take a nap, after a tasty and satisfying meal, at least take a horizontal position and relax your body a little. In addition, this physiological feature does not depend on age and sex: after eating, young and old, women and men tend to sleep. And everyone doesn't think why we want to sleep after dinner. Let's try to figure it out.

Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts, Natural Sleep Aid - 28 Capsules