Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Restful Legs Tablets by Hyland's, Natural Itching, Crawling, Tingling and Leg Jerk Relief, 50 Count

Should children sleep at noon or not?

Restful Legs Tablets by Hyland's, Natural Itching, Crawling, Tingling and Leg Jerk Relief, 50 Count

After what age is unnecessary for children to sleep? Which age and how much sleep? Should children who start day care should be put to sleep? What problems can occur in children who do not sleep? We asked these questions to the experts ...

We always want the best for our children. We make the right decisions for them and guide them in the best way. We are also very sensitive to our children about sleep, which constitutes one third of our lives. We'il put them to bed at 8:00 p.m. to get them to sleep. What about noon sleep? Are we sensitive enough about their noon sleep?
There are two schools in the world that say children should sleep and not sleep. So, what do we do?
After what age is unnecessary for children to sleep? Which age and how much sleep? Should children who start day care should be put to sleep? What problems can occur in children who do not sleep? We asked these questions to the experts ...

Here is the guide that will shed light on the parents ...

Pedagogue Adam Sun:
Physiologically, children do not need to sleep after 4 years of age. Psychologically, however, noon sleep contributes to the emotional development of the child at any age.
While the child's sleep before 4 years of age is a physiological need, it is an emotional need after 4 years of age. Children who cannot sleep at noon in the period before the age of 4 cannot physically continue the day. Evening sleep patterns are broken. Day and night sleep intertwines. However, the sleep of children after 4 years of age, especially mobile children, contributes to their emotional development. Neutralizing the impulses from daily life with a 1-hour sleep, and continuing the day in a calm mood without impulses contributes to the emotional balance of the child. In particular, children who are suspected of Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder sleep asleep contributes to their natural treatment process.

The ideal sleep time for newborns (0-3 months) is about 14 to 17 hours. However, it is clear that children will have an active, energetic, mobile structure and sleep time is short. Sleep time for children with such temperament is between 11 and 13 hours.
Newborns sleep as long as they need to sleep. Sleep training is meaningless for children of this age group. A natural but noiseless environment should be preferred for the child to sleep. It should be noted that children who are taken to a separate room and laid in silence will experience sleep problems later in life. It should also be noted that the fact that newborns sleep more than 19 hours will have a negative effect on their development.

Children between the ages of 4-11 months have a maximum sleep time of 15 hours and a minimum of 10 hours. It should not be ignored that children sleeping less than 10 hours may have ‘attachment problems yoksa if they do not have a physiological problem. The maximum duration of sleep for children in this age group is 18 hours. It should be known that sleeping more than 18 hours will adversely affect the mental development of the child. Because children continue their mental development as they receive environmental impulses in daily life. It acts as a stimulus for hearing the mother's voice, taking impulses such as light, sound and heat and activating the mind in an everyday natural environment.
The maximum sleep time of the children for the walking period (1-2) is 14 hours. The minimum sleep time is 9 hours. It should not be forgotten that children in this age group are the most resistant to sleep. The child's resistance to sleep, not wanting to sleep is about his joy of life. The more joy the child carries with life, the more resistance to sleep. Children in this age group can be facilitated by the support of the mother (or caregiver) and sleeping next to them.
Preschool period (3-5 years): The ideal sleep time of children in this age group is 10-13 hours. Sleeping more than 14 hours disrupts emotional and physical development. In this age period, children may be considered to be separated from their sleep. However, parents who want to keep their child's mental structure more calm and serene are advised not to stop their lunch.

6-13 years, school age: The maximum sleep time of school age children is 12 hours. Sleep exceeding 12 hours adversely affects the mental development of the child. It reduces the ability to store and interpret the learning process. This makes the child tense and aggressive during the age period sleeping less than 7 hours. The ideal sleep time of a school age child is 10 hours. The child's sleep time is between 21:00 and 07:00 in the morning, depending on the sun's separation from the sky.
For children in the nursery age, noon sleep is needed in any case. The fact that a child in the daycare center does not sleep at night can be associated with not feeling safe at school. Usually anxious children, children with a poor secure bond at this age to avoid noon sleep. Sleep is also an indication that the child feels safe and can safely fall asleep.

Well, if the child doesn't sleep at noon ...
Possible problems in children who do not sleep at noon are;
a. Children who get enough of their afternoon sleep have faster mental development than those who can't get their afternoon sleep. It is observed that children who take a nap in the afternoon to think, keep in memory, associate and produce solutions are more active.
b. The physical development of children who sleep at noon is more consistent than those who do not have a height-weight index. The relaxing effect of sleep promotes physical development. Hormones released during sleep support the child's physical development. At the same time, the child's sleep at the same time contributes to the development of the skin and hair positively. Children who sleep well at noon seem to have shiny skin and hair.
c. Children who get their sleep at night are emotionally more balanced. Children who have not been asleep will be more aggressive, more aggressive and faster behaviors, as they will have to sustain all of their days with the energy they obtain during night's sleep. It is observed that not being able to sleep at noon constitutes meaningless opposing behaviors in children.
D. It is known that noon sleep has a positive effect on the child's eating patterns. It is observed that children with sleep patterns also have eating patterns.
Pedagogue Emine Ergün:
Nocturnal sleep is important for the development of children with birth. newborn babies sleep several times a day for different periods of time, which is one of them. As children grow up, their need for noon sleep continues. Because the child gets older and gets more tired during the day. Noon sleep is important for resting. But the time of noon sleep is important. Children's sleep should not exceed 2 hours and should be around noon as the name suggests. Children who sleep at 16:00 and wake up at 18:00 do not fall asleep at noon. Moreover, this is a disorder in terms of sleep routines and may adversely affect the child's evening sleep.

Children's sleep time varies according to their age. Newborn babies can sleep for a total of 15-18 hours per day. After the first few months of life, total sleep time begins to decrease. In the first months of life, the daily routines in infants are only in the form of meeting the basic needs and sleeping is more common in these routines. However, especially after the 6 months of the child's mobilization, crawling after 8 months, and after 12 months to walk, the total daily sleep time is reduced.
Children need to go to sleep at least before 11:00 for development and growth. Because most of the growth hormones are secreted between 11: 00-02: 00. It is important that children are asleep at these times. Especially after the age of 2-3, the child's sleep hours start to change with the start of preschool education and the work of the parents. Children who go to daycare and miss their parents do not sleep at 20:00. Because sleep is a lost time for him, and he can't see his parents if he sleeps. For this reason, when determining the sleep time of their children, parents should first spend quality time with them and care about feeding their children emotionally.

Children starting day care should also sleep at noon. Especially after the daycare, children need more sleep because their life gets more organized and they get more tired. Children in pre-school education can continue to sleep until 5 years of age, and can be removed after 5 years. However, if the child still needs rest at noon, this should be given the opportunity. If the child goes to the daycare center for half a day, it is also important to have a nap or at least a rest time after coming home.

If your child often forgets ...
In children who do not sleep at noon, physical fatigue, mental functions, slowdown in functions such as understanding, reasoning, fatigue, fatigue, aggressive, stubbornness, moodiness may be seen. The brain may have difficulty in getting ready to learn new information and often forget. There may be problems in studies related to visual spatial skills.

Pedagogue Sevil Yavuz:
Sleep is very important for healthy growth of babies. Children are called ata let them sleep and grow olarak as an ancestor. In fact, children grow healthier as they get the sleep they really need. However this sleep should be a peaceful sleep. This means that the child needs to sleep without stress and trauma. Likewise, the mother should be stress-free.
In sleep, what the baby learns while awake is shaped in the brain, toxins in the brain are removed, unused brain cells are cleared. The child's brain needs to sleep without holes to do all this. The night's sleep is non-perforated, meaning that he sleeps until morning and takes a break at noon and takes a break to reshape what he has learned in the brain and make room for new learning.

Every child needs to sleep, but it is very important that the child sleeps very late at night and stays asleep until at least 6 in the morning and takes a break for the day with at least one or two hours of sleep at noon. If children are younger, the need for sleep increases;
Unfortunately, children do not sleep in kindergartens after 4 years of age. This is very wrong because research shows that noon sleep is indispensable for brain development and learning, and noon sleep should be compulsory not only for preschool children but for primary school children. Children should at least take a break at least until the third grade of primary school. Especially when we think that school hours are almost all day, the child falls asleep in the return home.

Not being able to sleep during the infancy and preschool period affects the whole development of children, slows their growth, causes them to be vicious and cranky. In primary school, it affects children's learning capacity and attention period negatively. Children are closed to learning and have difficulty in understanding what is being told.
If we want children to grow up and develop healthy, school hours should be shortened, breaks should increase, total hours should be reduced, children should go to sleep and most importantly, they should play more and play-oriented education.

Child Health and Diseases Specialist Hülya Karaca:
Sleep is a periodic and physiological condition in which awareness and response to the environment are reversibly reduced. Sleeping, which is one of the basic needs of children for healthy growth, is very important. Approximately one third of human life is spent in sleep.

There are two stages of sleep: rem and nonrem sleep. Deep sleep is in the nonrem sleep period and growth hormone secretion increases protein synthesis. In addition, there is a decrease in cardiovascular and respiratory system physiology and a slowdown in metabolism.
In the newborn period, infants begin to sleep 3-4 hours after the 16th week of sleep in the baby's wake-up cycle, the night's uninterrupted sleep time is extended to 8-8.5 hours. The first weeks are equal to the amount of sleep day and night.
In the 3rd month the separation starts day and night. The day and night cycle continues until the age of five. From the 6th month onwards, babies have a sleep pattern with longer night sleeps and shorter daytime sleeps. 1 year old child sleeps about 10-11 hours at night, 2-2.5 hours during the day; Morning sleep ends at the age of 2-3, noon sleep continues until 5 years.
In the studies, it was found that activity in the regions related to remembering, learning of the brain and acquiring new information was observed in the children who sleep. Children should be put to sleep in nurseries for brain development and memory strengthening. Young children need 11-13 hours of sleep per day to allow their brains to rest and prepare for the next day. Sleep during the day is as important and necessary as night's sleep. Lunch sleep in children who do not sleep; restlessness, unwillingness to eat, weakness can be seen. In body resistance and immune system health, children must have daytime sleep for the first 5 years.

Restful Legs Tablets by Hyland's, Natural Itching, Crawling, Tingling and Leg Jerk Relief, 50 Count