Monday, September 30, 2019

Sleep Mask, Voluex 3D Contoured Sleeping Eye Mask & Blindfold with Breathable Memory Foam for Men/Women/Kids, 100% Blockout Light Grey Eye Cover with Anti-Slip Adjustable Strap for Travel/Naps

How to sleep always sleep

Sleep Mask, Voluex 3D Contoured Sleeping Eye Mask & Blindfold with Breathable Memory Foam for Men/Women/Kids, 100% Blockout Light Grey Eye Cover with Anti-Slip Adjustable Strap for Travel/Naps

You want to sleep constantly, go to bed early, fight to get up, but you still feel overwhelmed and exhausted. The reasons for this end from the wrong bed and watching horror movies in the evening.

How to sleep

Today, sleep study, quality and duration affect the health of the whole organism shows a special interest. Do not underestimate rest at night and walk until midnight, then fall to bed and close. For your sleep to be of high quality, you need to prepare your body and brain for it, and only then should you go to bed calmly.

How to sleep correctly
Doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day. The body needs to regain full strength. But besides that, one more fact must be taken into account. Sleep consists of several stages, including shallow and deep sleep.

Each phase lasts an hour and a half and if it does not wake up to the end, but in the middle or in the beginning, then the natural sleep process is broken and you feel that you are not sleeping. Therefore, always set the alarm to wake up after 1.5 times the number of hours. for example 6, 7,5, 9 hours and so on.

Remember that a very long dream is no less harmful than a lack of sleep. If you are in the Morpheus realm for more than 10-12 hours, then you will feel weakness, blurred consciousness, distraction and dizziness all day.

There are also special techniques that allow you to spend much less time sleeping than we are used to. For example, some studies show that he can sleep from 12 in the morning to five at night and then sleep 30-60 minutes a day. Such a program will make you feel the joy and clarity of mind. There are many ways to reduce the time of night's sleep, but these should be seriously chosen.

How to get to bed?
Sleeping was fruitful, and you wake up with pleasure, you have to prepare for it. If you are going to bed, what psychologists are advised to do in the evening:

Take a warm bath with essential oils;
washing makeup;
ventilate the bedroom;
turn off the lights and the television;
avoid watching news and crime programs;
take an evening walk;
Listen to classical music.
All steps are prepared for the night focused on the relaxation of the body and brain, so to abandon the thought of work, work, problems and other moments that cause negative, for the next day. If you find it difficult to get rid of obsessive thoughts, drink chamomile tea or mint, light the aroma lamp with herbs (valerian, mullein) sedative or lavender, lemon balm or incense essential oils.

Emotions are a direct impact on how you'll sleep, according to your sleep and that you would imagine. Place the house TV and radio and turn off the light, so as to eliminate noise, prevented the rest of something important.

Psychologists lie in bed to think of something pleasant or dreamy. When you do this, happiness quickly produced hormones that help the body to regenerate power and even cope with diseases.

Sleep in which position
By choosing a more comfortable position you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time. And what the scientists say about it, and there is a universal option that will help you fall asleep faster and wake up easier. If you are in a hurry to upset, there is no such pose, but you can choose the one that suits you.

Sleep in which position

Correct posture for sleep:

Back there. Most therapists, cosmetologists and orthopedists recommend sleeping in this way. If you choose a low pillow that will lift your head slightly, your spine will teşekkür thank you ”. In addition, this position is useful for the protection of young skin.
Taraf. This posture is more natural than the first. Therefore, it is easy to relax and sleep. There is less benefit for the spine and neck, but due to the contact of the morning pillow and the face, you may see a glitch and the appearance of early wrinkles over time.
In the stomach. According to doctors, it is the most unsuccessful posture, but in the opinion of people it is the most appropriate. In this position, the spine suffers the most, in the morning you will definitely feel pain and discomfort in the back and neck. The skin of your face and chest, which is under pressure all night, is in pain. The only advantage of this exposure is that it suppresses snoring.
Of course choose how to sleep.But then do not complain about constant painful back pain, loss of power, lack of sleep and other troubles.

Which side will sleep right
If you have chosen the pose on the side, then the natural question arises: which lies? There's a prejudice on the left that you can't lie to because there's a heart. This is nothing more than a myth, and such a dream cannot harm your health. The truth is that your heart has a few millimeter errors in the middle of the chest. In this case much more dangerous stomach asleep.

However, if you suffer from heartburn or involuntary ingress of stomach contents into the esophagus, sleeping on your left side will benefit you. This position reduces gastric acid production and prevents it from releasing the esophagus. At the same time, sleeping on the right side is the opposite.

Do not put your hands under the pillow and pull it all over the body. This prevents pain and infiltrates the upper extremity. If you are uncomfortable, put another pillow in front of you and wrap it. For comfort, doctors are advised to put something soft and between the legs.

How to sleep on a pillow
If we're talking about pillows, then it's time to talk about how to choose them and how to sleep. To buy this mattress should be taken very seriously:

Correct posture for sleep

preference for natural and hypoallergenic excipients;
save money on a pillow;
The shape of the product must meet orthopedic standards;
the pillow should not be soft or too hard;
If you sleep on your back, choose straight models;
Take high pillows, prefer posture on the side;
If you want a regular pillow, buy a long model. In the side position, fold in half;
For diseases of the spine, especially cervical, please consult the orthopedist who will recommend a specific option before purchasing it.
Most importantly, the pillow gives the body a natural position. At first, you won't feel comfortable sleeping in this position, but you'll soon get used to it and remember your old pillow as a bad dream.

In no case do not give up the pillow during sleep, it will damage your spine and will not allow you to sleep. Sleeping in this position prevents the blood from reaching the brain, slows down its chemical processes, and in time causes certain diseases.

More information about sleeping on the pillows, we wrote in this article.

What is the right to sleep
The right bed is an important part of a good sleep. Today, the market for these products is so different that it can be very difficult to decide on a particular version.

Mattresses with independent spring blocks are rightly popular, providing maximum comfort and convenience. If the spirals inside the product take the contours of your body and stand up, it will return to its original position.

On the upper and lower sides of the spring, there is an additional layer to which the softness of the product is bound. If you suffer from lumbar spine disease, choose holofiber or polyurethane foam. Also recommended for older people.

It is considered the most versatile bearing of medium hardness, with an additional layer made of latex or coconut shavings. The best option would be for children and young people who are still in the growth stage of the spine.

Hard mattresses are recommended for newborns or young children. The fillings are made of sisal or linen. It is also useful for spinal lesions in the thoracic and cervical region.

How to observe "Feng Shui"
According to Feng shui, it doesn't matter what position you sleep, but how you position it according to cardinal points and how the objects are placed around you. High quality and some popular effective tips from Eastern sages that will help you sleep comfortably:

do not set foot on the door, so put the dead;
He does not sleep on the ground, accumulates the most negative energy in this ground;
Do not place the TV or computer in front of the bed, you have a headache in the morning;
separating sleep and working space;
When making a bedroom, prefer quiet tones, according to the sign of yin (green, blue, purple);
portraits of relatives, placed near the bed, and flower vases interfere with sleep;
Whether traps for dreams, they contribute to high-quality and fast rashes.
How to sleep in the world
Add the last two digits of the year of birth to each other (if you received a two-digit number, then add the two digits again).

So, if you're a woman, five people, if a man goes out of ten, add up. If you get number 1, then move the bed to the east, then to 2, then to the west, 3 to the north, 4 to the south. Figure 5 says that you have to sleep in the south-west, 6-northeast, 7-south-west, 8-north-west, 9-south-east direction.

Example: your year of birth is 1985. Add 8 + 5 = 13. Then add 1 + 3, 4 appears. If you are a woman, you get 5 to 4 and 9, if you are a man, subtract 4 from 10 and get 6.

If a night's sleep is a real nightmare for you and you feel sleepless and unbroken in the morning, it is time to take immediate action. Follow the advice of doctors and wise men, do not neglect your health, and you will feel what real rest is.

Sleep Mask, Voluex 3D Contoured Sleeping Eye Mask & Blindfold with Breathable Memory Foam for Men/Women/Kids, 100% Blockout Light Grey Eye Cover with Anti-Slip Adjustable Strap for Travel/Naps