Showing posts with label Pregnancy-Tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy-Tests. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

MIBEST 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 10 Pregnancy Test Strips - LH Test Strips as Ovulation Test Kit and HCG Pregnancy Test - FDA Approved - Over 99% Accurate

Methods of determining pregnancy without testing. Simple ways to determine pregnancy at home - legend or truth

MIBEST 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 10 Pregnancy Test Strips - LH Test Strips as Ovulation Test Kit and HCG Pregnancy Test - FDA Approved - Over 99% Accurate

Without testing, it is possible to determine how pregnancy at home and whether pregnancy can be detected before a delay, iodine, soda, and an indoor flower, as well as a reliable indication of public symptoms - you will find all this and much more.
I've gathered information for a long time, I even managed to try it myself. No, I'm not in a great position, just a friend and I did an urine experiment, in position and waiting for the baby and I'm already raising two children.

How to determine pregnancy at home without testing
Whenever a woman plans to become a mother, she is worried about whether she will be a mother, so I want to know this wonderful result quickly before the test.
There are other reasons you need to know as soon as possible if there is fertilization. This is especially true for girls who do not intend to become a mother in the near future.
Whatever the reason, the curiosity already wastes money and searches start to learn how to find out what “flies de in the early days.
Without a pharmacy, you can easily recognize it with menstruation or, of course, if you haven't always been with you, and you don't keep a calendar, you may notice its absence. If you still suspect a menstrual delay, I suggest you take some tests and check as a result. Again, if you don't trust him or you don't have money for him, my advice will help you.

How to determine early pregnancy without testing
Of course, if you had regular ones by then, this is the first sign.
Breast enhancement. No, as most people write, it won't immediately increase in size with you, it will just become a little more intense and it will look painful. In both cases, my chest immediately began to hurt, I clearly understood that I was in a position in the second week. Only two weeks, but such a reliable sign.
. This symptom occurs, although not at all, but is still very rare. In the morning mild nausea, sharp and even vomiting. Toxicosis can occur much later and in the second trimester. For example, there was no toxicosis during this stay.
Pain in the lower abdomen. As menstruation should begin, the lower abdominal area has a somewhat “pain his feeling. Although the doctors mention such a symptom, I still refuse it because the pain in the lower abdomen should not show a perfect condition, but rather give a clue about the threat of some kind of illness or even disruption.
Urination. For 9 months, urination is much more common than ordinary life. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to enlarge and thus pressurize the bladder.
Mood change. Yes, my dear women and I will. Many of them become capricious and take everything into the heart, then quickly get away from the disease and smile in your mouth.
Nutrition and appetite. New preferences are emerging or you do not want to eat three times a day, but much more and also seize the honey borsch. By the way, I used to love pickles and borsch with honey in my childhood, but at that time I was only 9 years old and then I didn't mention any understanding.
Numbness. The expectant mother often wanted to sleep, she was exactly with me. It seemed to me that I was ready to sleep forever, but in the second month they all stopped.
Here are simple tips on how to test your pregnancy at home.

How to determine pregnancy according to basal temperature
The temperature in women changes after fertilization, probably every girl knows it. Therefore, very often during a skipping menstruation, ladies receive a thermometer. Frankly, I had to do this when I put him in a hospital bed. And then, suddenly I was so scared of the fact that there was something, it's a thermometer and mercury.
Using a conventional mercury thermometer, you can learn the understanding of the outcome of a gynecologist. Similarly, during ovulation, the temperature rises to 37 - 37.2 degrees, and if the egg is not fertilized, the temperature of the woman remains the same.
The temperature should be measured for exactly 5 minutes, but not less, the thermometer should not be kept under the arm as usual, but should be used rectally or vaginally.
How to determine pregnancy with iodine
You can learn this in two ways using iodine, the way I'm currently sharing.
First you need to collect the morning urine in a container and slowly, exactly, drop the iodine from a pipette into a glass by analysis. If the dot has spread, you won't be a mother in the near future and you don't have to worry, but if a drop doesn't spread, you'll break after three trimesters, even after drowning and surfacing.
For some reason, the second method reminds me of chemistry. You need to collect urine in the morning, drop a strip of paper into it and pour iodine on it. If your dough strip changes color to blue or lilac, then you will clearly drink a peanut, but if the strip has taken the color of iodine, you should forget about diapers and vests.
How to determine pregnancy with soda
The point is that if you add a teaspoon of soda, the alkaline urine will not change in any way. And in women who are in position, this is exactly the urine. Therefore, if soda is added to the cup with urine, no reaction occurs unlike an ordinary person's urine.
If soda enters the urine of an ordinary woman, a reaction occurs and bubbles appear with a hiss, indicating the acidity of the urine.
Early signs of pregnancy before menstrual delay - Omens
You can introduce yourself to public signs, maybe add something, or maybe I will cheer you up. Believe it or not, it's your job, I'll write you how to recognize the early stage of conception before the delay.
And so, friends, you have to lie on your back, relax, put your finger in your belly and listen quietly, if you feel a surge, then you will probably be a young mother.
You can calculate your interesting position and flowers. To do this, collect the morning urine in a glass and pour it over your favorite flower. If the flower does not disappear, but leaves new leaves, then maybe your dream comes true and you are in a position.
Honestly, I would not risk the flower, sad - the same thing, the destruction of the plant. I've checked this with just a compassionate option and with a friend. At home, I had two of the same flowers, these are Benjamin's ficus. One day we did an experiment with him, and 10 days later they both became yellow leaves; this meant that both began to disappear even though the flowers were dislodged.
No, my flowers are alive now, I have washed the roots and transported them to good soil. The popular sign proved impossible.

How to determine pregnancy before delayed testing
The points I explained above about soda and iodine express how we can handle the situation in the early stages and before the absence of menstruation.
You can learn in other ways, for example, you need to put a wedding ring on a woman's hair and hold it on the alleged mother's belly. If the ring begins to spin in a circle, then you will become a mother in the near future, and if the ring does not move or moves with incomprehensible steps, the idea of ​​renewing the family should be discarded.
This step and method is probably related to the influx of people and whether to trust it or not, the choice is yours.
How to determine early pregnancy before delay
Here are a few tips to find out if the crumbs live inside you. After all, you need to urinate in the morning and add red wine on it, and if your analysis reveals clots and rags, then you are not pregnant. For a future mother, urine is perfectly cleaned without curd mix.
I didn't use the second method, I honestly confess, was told to me by a long-held mother and confirmed that the result was reliable. To do this, boil the woman's urine and immediately put it in a transparent container. If you are a future parent, there will be sediment at the bottom.

These are signs of pregnancy before menstruation delay.
My friends, my advice on how to determine pregnancy before a test-free delay, early signs of pregnancy before the delay in your period, and how to identify a test-free pregnancy at home should be useful and helpful. I wish everyone a happy family and children.
With love, Nina Kuzmenko!
Sooner or later, every woman raises the question of how to control pregnancy at home. If there is no test available, it is not possible to go to a doctor, but I want to be sure of pregnancy right now, proven folk methods will work. For centuries, when women use ultrasound, pregnancy tests and hCG pregnancy hormone detection tests have not yet been available. Which methods can he trust and which of the supernatural realms - let's talk about it now.
An attentive woman can predict pregnancy even before the menstruation delay. To do this, he has to listen to his body and pay attention to some symptoms.

How to check pregnancy symptoms
After conception, the female body actively changes the way it works. This requires significant changes in the welfare of women. If you take a closer look at your body, you can determine pregnancy without testing or specific tests.
Pregnancy symptoms, time test:
delay. Lack of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy. When a delay arises, a woman immediately thinks of a possible understanding. Only in rare cases, menstrual flow may persist for the first month after pregnancy.
Changes in the mammary glands. Breast augmentation, pain, discoloration of the nipples, discharge - this is perhaps the most reliable sign of pregnancy. These changes indicate the onset of hormonal changes. However, these symptoms may show PMS on the eve of expected menstruation.
dizziness. Common confusion, sudden dizziness may indicate a successful understanding. A woman can see flies in front of her eyes, numb legs and even fainting may occur. These symptoms are the result of increased synthesis of sex hormones that support embryo development. It should be noted that the same symptomatic appearance occurs in the background of chronic stress and overwork.
Vomiting and nausea. In the early stages of pregnancy, almost every woman has morning vomiting. Toxicosis can occur before the menstrual delay, so it is one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, vomiting apparently, food poisoning should be excluded.
Hyperthermia. A constant increase in temperature at 37-37.5 ° C may indicate progesterone production. The concentration of this hormone increases after fertilization. High temperature signs are not characteristic of pregnant women, so they show an infectious and inflammatory process.
Abdominal pain. During pregnancy, pain is allowed to develop in the belly or very lower abdominal area. The pain occurs when the fetal egg leaves the fallopian tube and invades the endometrium of the uterus. Currently, there is aching pain, malaise may occur, insufficient spotting occurs.
How to check pregnancy - additional symptoms
Some women have specific pregnancy symptoms:
Exacerbation of taste and odor receptors. After pregnancy, a reluctance to some flavors and products may occur. Or, on the contrary, a woman wants to eat or smell something unusual.
Drowsiness, unfounded fatigue. The body consumes a large amount of energy for the implantation of a fetal egg. Therefore, a pregnant woman sleeps, is difficult to work, constantly wants to lie. Weakness is seen all day, so even light household chores cause overwork.
Excess weight. How is it checked in early pregnancy? Nausea and changes in gastronomic preferences are not seen in all pregnant women, but there is a slight increase in weight. The truth is that after conception, a woman consumes more fluids and often consumes more salty food, causing fluid retention in the tissues. This causes an increase in weight of 1-2 kg.
Mood. Psycho-emotional imbalance is characteristic of all pregnant women. Baseless stoves are anger, immunity, pessimism, manifestations of a changing hormonal background. Sometimes these symptoms occur before menstruation, but if a woman does not suffer from PMS, you can think about pregnancy.
Unusual choice. When pregnancy occurs, plenty of mucous secretion can be seen, no smell and color. If the discharge causes discomfort, it smells bad, you must exclude sexual infection.
Pigmentation, papillomas. High concentrations of sex hormones cause age spots on the face, abdomen and nipples. In some women papillary, especially neck and nipples begin to grow actively, birthmarks increase.
Libido change. In women, sex drive may increase or decrease completely.
Nasal congestion. During pregnancy, the blood begins to move more quickly, which causes swelling of the mucous membranes and respiratory failure. This phenomenon is also called pregnant hay fever.
These symptoms only indicate pregnancy, but not 100% accuracy. Therefore, the final result can be obtained at an appointment with a gynecologist.

How to check pregnancy at home
Changes in the reproductive system can confirm or exclude pregnancy very accurately. Tips are menstrual bleeding, body temperature and pulse chart.
How to check pregnancy - Delay and delay in the middle of the menstrual cycle
Delay of the next menstruation is a definite way to confirm pregnancy. To do this, a woman must continue her menstrual program in order to know the beginning of the next menstruation.
True, this method is suitable for women with regular menstrual cycle 28-35 days. Then you can more precisely predict when menstruation is coming. If the length of the cycle is uneven, the woman usually has delays, and there is no point in focusing on this symptom.
With the help of the menstrual chart, you can answer the question of how to control the gestational age. For this, a woman must determine the approximate date of ovulation (14-18 days of the cycle) and calculate how much time has passed since then. This will be the approximate gestational age.
Important! Delayed menstruation does not always indicate pregnancy. Various gynecological diseases, diet, stress, overwork, causes regular menstruation.
Special attention should be paid to implantation bleeding. When the fetal egg enters the walls of the uterus, a woman may see little discharge of red or brown. This occurs 6-10 days before the expected date of menstruation. Ejaculation does not last more than two days. Their abundance is determined by several droplets on the flax.

How to check pregnancy - basal temperature measurement
Pregnancy can also be established by detecting fluctuations in basal temperature (CT). However, this method has its own characteristics:
First, the CT graph shows the status of the hormonal background. With it, you can monitor the change in the phases of the menstrual cycle and suggest only a possible understanding.
Second, in order to obtain a real picture, the program should be held for at least three months to know the characteristics of the hormonal background fluctuations in a woman.
Third, you need to measure the temperature on a daily basis in the morning and draw it as a graph.
CT is evaluated for the entire menstrual cycle divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. In the first half of the cycle, the temperature is no higher than 36.6 ° C, and when ovulation occurs, it rises above 37 ° C and reaches a peak. If the egg is fertilized, the temperature continues to rise slowly and if not, the temperature drops to the first sign.
How can I check pregnancy with a thermometer? The temperature in the rectum or vagina should be measured daily. This is done at the same time without getting up from bed after waking up. The measurement time is 7 minutes for the mercury thermometer and 3 minutes for the electronic thermometer. At the end of the cycle, you should evaluate the graph curve, which should have seen a significant increase in temperature during pregnancy.
Important! In diseases of the genitourinary system, basal temperature may increase with hormonal disorders after drinking alcohol. This is an important drawback of this method in determining pregnancy.

How to control pregnancy by pulse
Pulse diagnosis in pregnancy and the sex of the fetus have been practiced in Chinese culture for centuries. This method has not lost its relevance today. If a woman is pregnant, her pulse is called "happy."
How does this technique work? After conception, a woman increases the amount of blood, accelerates metabolic processes and heart rate, and of course the pulse changes. You can control this ancient Chinese technique as follows: you should lie down, feel a spot on the stomach, feel 7-8 cm below the belly, and if you have a strong pulse under your fingers, it is possible that the woman is pregnant.
It is determined by the baby's pulse and sex. However, for the reliability of the result, a specialist controlling the pulse needs special skills. It is believed that if the pulse in the radial artery shifts more than the left side, the woman will have a man and there will be a girl on the right.
Hint! These Chinese ways of controlling pregnancy are popular among fans of alternative medicine. There are even specialist institutions where Chinese healers take a thorough diagnosis by taking the whole body's pulse.

How can I check pregnancy with online tests?
There's another way to check the pregnancy without testing it. You can take an online exam, for example. During the test, you need to answer a few simple questions, and after processing the answers, the answer to the question whether you are pregnant will appear.
It is difficult to assess how reliable this method is because it is difficult to confirm pregnancy through the monitor. But this service can certainly push women's thoughts in the right direction.
What is an online test? A woman answers the standard questions that a gynecologist will ask during a medical examination, for example, if there is a delay and how many days, whether the mammary glands will be injured, at what age, the methods of protection used, whether there are diseases.

Controlling pregnancy with improvisation tools
Given that biochemical fluctuations occur in the urine after pregnancy, various chemicals capable of reacting with biological fluids can be used to confirm pregnancy. Usually iodine, soda and other improvisation methods are used for home testing.
How to control pregnancy with soda
Soda pregnancy test is popular among women. The essence of this method is the interaction of urine and baking soda. After conception, the acid-base balance changes and the pH of the urine shifts to alkaline. It is easy to confirm this change with soda.
Hint! After which time can pregnancy be checked with soda? It takes approximately 2-3 weeks from the moment of fertilization to significantly change the acid-base balance.
How to control pregnancy with soda:
You should collect morning urine in a clean container.
Add a spoon of soda to your urine.
Wait a few minutes and evaluate the result.
If the fluid is in a calm state, most likely pregnancy.
If urine bubbles and feels, pregnancy does not happen.
Hint! Alkalisation of urine is not only during pregnancy. This happens with inflammation of the kidney, acute diarrhea and vegetarianism.

How to control pregnancy with iodine
There's another reagent in a woman's arsenal that helps define pregnancy. 3 drops of iodine should be added to a container containing urine: if iodine is dissolved, pregnancy will not occur, and if it occurs as a point, it is likely to become pregnant.
You must follow the rules for the experiment to be successful:
Urine must be morning.
Before the test, you cannot wash yourself with soap.
Iodine should be dropped directly from a pipette above the urine, not down.
There's another way to use iodine. You need to dip a piece of paper into the urine and when it is completely dry, iodine drops. Pregnancy is indicated by the appearance of a blue-violet tone. If the color remains brown, pregnancy is excluded.

Is it possible to control pregnancy with potassium permanganate?
If you believe in reviews, potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate solution will help determine pregnancy. It is necessary to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate (liquid should be pink) of 500 ml and add some urine.
Interpretation of the result:
Pregnancy does not occur if the liquid shines or turns yellow.
If the solution is pink as before and the scales have fallen to the bottom, you may be pregnant.
Important! Such household methods have no experimental evidence, so they cannot fully confirm or reject pregnancy.

Pregnancy as checked before
When the pregnancy test was not even imagined, former doctors and women were able to identify the pregnancy with specific symptoms. They have worked consecutively for many generations and learned through heredity. Although primitive, they often appeared to be trustworthy, and women, without delay, realized that a new life was born in their arms.
Previously, the following folk remedies were used to control pregnancy:
Urine status: urine was poured into a refractory container, boiled, and then its transparency studied. When white scales subsided, the woman was considered pregnant. In the Middle Ages, urine was mixed with wine. If the fluid became cloudy, they talked about pregnancy, and if it remained transparent, it was assumed that she was not pregnant.
ring. A woman's hair was cut, a ring was wrapped around her and rose to her belly. If the ring was immobilized, it was believed that there was no pregnancy, and if she began to hesitate, the result was considered positive.
energy science. Proponents of the measurement of human energy used an interesting method. She took two glasses and wrote: One was pregnant and the second was not pregnant. Then I added onions in a bowl and waited which one would start the green arrow first.
dream. In the dream, fish, children, water, animals were believed to be signs of fertilization.
Taste addiction. Suddenly, when you want something salty, you immediately think about pregnancy. In ancient times this signal was taken seriously and was immediately thought about pregnancy. In the meantime, there is a logical explanation: after conception, the water-salt balance deteriorated and the woman intuitively refreshed it.
Seeds. In ancient Egypt, with the help of seeds, not only pregnancy but also the sex of the child was determined. Women had to urinate in wheat and barley seeds for several days. If barley sprouts, then a boy, if a wheat is born, then a girl is born. If the seedlings did not appear, the pregnancy was rejected.

How much pregnancy can be checked without testing
However, all public methods for determining pregnancy, as well as official medical studies, are most effective 10-21 days after conception. You do not need to check your pregnancy earlier than a week because the implantation is not yet there and the body does not have time to respond.
Pregnancy can be determined in different ways: using a special test or using folk remedies, but the most reliable method is to visit a gynecologist who will resolve all doubts.
Video nasıl How to determine pregnancy? Four folk method "
A woman with a menstrual delay visits a cheerful thought about pregnancy. Many female representatives do not want to go to the gynecologist immediately. Are women interested in early stages in the home without testing?
Diagnosis of a woman's interesting position
Pregnancy cannot be asymptomatic. Signs appearing in the early stages help a woman suspect an interesting situation. Upcoming maternity symptoms may even occur before menstruation is delayed.
Immediately from the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the female body changes, resulting in a change in taste and odor dependence, emotional variability. You can also learn about pregnancy by increasing the sensitivity and swelling of a woman's breast. Some women have age spots. They disappear after the birth of a child.
Women can learn interesting toxicosis situations. Already manifests itself in the early stages. At this time, women can increase body temperature up to 37.3 degrees. It is forbidden to eliminate hyperthermia with the help of drugs. During this time, the mother's sense of smell changes: it is difficult for her to tolerate certain odors (perfumes, dishes). A feeling of weight can be seen in the waist area. This indicates the growth of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity. In the early period of pregnancy, almost all women increase drowsiness.

Early stage
In the early stages, a pregnant woman becomes touching, crying, irritable and vulnerable. These findings resemble the manifestations of menstrual syndrome. If she doesn't have menstruation, then that would indicate a possible pregnancy. In the first stage may appear pain in the lower abdomen, cut or suture. If unpleasant sensations are not observed in this area, this indicates a normal pregnancy. Otherwise, it would be best to see an expert.
Pregnancy can also be assessed by a sharp increase or decrease in desire for sexual intercourse. The situation is explained by the presence of changes in the woman's hormonal background in the woman's position. In the first period of pregnancy, mucus is released from the vagina, which is odorless and colorless.
Warning! A different color or structure indicates women's health problems. You should see a gynecologist.
When pregnancy occurs, women call for more frequent urination. They're absolutely painless. This is due to the pressure of the growing uterus in the bladder. If pain and discomfort occur during the impulse, this woman shows the appearance of other diseases of the urogenital system or other diseases.

Body weight may increase in the early period of pregnancy. Many women claim that they have not changed their diet and lifestyle, but have begun to gain weight. This is the main sign of pregnancy. It is quite possible to determine pregnancy with these symptoms, but not all women. In this case, it is necessary to take more rational measures.
Important! Read our article at home.
Determination of pregnancy according to basal temperature
Basal temperature is one of the main indicators where you can set an interesting position. The method has advantages due to accessibility. You must use a thermometer, a pen and a paper to measure the basal temperature and determine the presence of the fetus according to the indicators. The temperature is determined in the same place.

You can measure the temperature from the vagina or rectum. The procedure should be performed immediately after waking up in the morning. Temperature detection is carried out throughout the cycle. When using a digital thermometer, it is kept in the vagina or rectum for 5-10 minutes and during the use of the mercury thermometer - for 10 minutes.
Important! During the same cycle, use the same thermometer for measurements.
Accurate results for the presence of the fetus can only be made after three months of baseline temperature measurements.

Using public roads
To determine the presence of a fetus, a female representative does not need to buy a test: you can use an ordinary first aid kit. You can determine pregnancy at home using the following:

Urine is often used to determine pregnancy. After morning urination, it is collected in a container and a few drops of iodine are dropped. If the droplet remains in its original state, the woman has a fetus. In addition, a white sheet of paper is soaked in urine and a drop of iodine is dropped onto it. The lilac color of the iodine on the paper shows a positive result and a purple color - the absence of the fetus. Plant bushes are poured in the urine. It is believed that a woman's pregnancy can be decided whether or not to open a flowering bush. Doctors think these methods are completely unreliable.
A teaspoon of soda is immersed in the urine in a glass. Drunk soda shows a woman's pregnancy, while her deposition shows a negative result. During pregnancy, a woman has increased acidity in her urine, which explains her contact with soda.
Important! The method is not completely effective: increased acidity of the urine may be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system or in the presence of vegetarians.

In ancient times, the presence of the fetus was determined by the pulse. A female representative lies on her back and goes somewhere 7-8 centimeters lower than her belly. The presence of fluctuation indicates the presence of a fetus. In fact, however, the pulse of the abdominal aorta is a vein every human has. It feels easier for thin women.
You can also learn the understanding in a dream. Pregnant women often dream of fish.
Pregnancy can be diagnosed at home for several reasons. An absolute result can only be given by a gynecologist. If your time is postponed, it is best to contact this specialist. You can use the pharmacy test before.
You may be assigned to go do an ultrasound examination or urine tests that already confirm or reject your pregnancy status.
Pregnancy test
The basal temperature can be determined using a mercury or digital thermometer. Do this at the same time (in the morning) by lying in bed or by fixing the temperature in the vagina.
This is done throughout the cycle and is best to measure directly during menstruation. Keeping a temperature chart for at least three months will give you a hundred percent result.
Folk methods
Place the onion heads in two containers. The first bulb will talk about the existence of your pregnancy, the second - about its absence.
If the onion from the first glass first grows to 4 cm, you will become pregnant; On the contrary, then the result is negative.
Dreams about fish
Everybody knows you're fishing shows pregnancy. However, this is not always an absolute result.
Naturally, the main indicator of pregnancy is a menstrual cycle delay of more than 10 days. However, it is reasonable to use independent methods to determine pregnancy after this period.
How to determine pregnancy with urine
In the past, before the emergence of special medical devices, pregnancy was determined by various folk methods that every girl can use at home today. So, there are several methods to determine pregnancy in the urine. For each of the following options, you should collect morning urine in a clean container and do it shortly after collecting the test (usually about 20 minutes) .1 To determine pregnancy, you need to add and observe a teaspoon of soda urine. If no reaction is observed and the soda sinks to the bottom, the result is positive. However, if there is a puncture and bubble reaction, the result is negative and you will not get pregnant.
2 It is possible to determine the early stage of pregnancy without testing, let boil urine and pouring it into a glass container. If a white precipitate appears at the bottom, the result is positive.
3 You can determine pregnancy without testing yourself by pouring a few drops of iodine on a clean strip of paper and dropping it into a container with urine. Violet - replenishment is waiting for you if iodine changed color.
4 Try to add a drop of iodine to the urine container: if dissolved - no pregnancy; If the drop remains intact and remains on the surface - you are pregnant.
5 Maybe it will determine the beginning of pregnancy. potassium permanganate. To do this, mix a small amount of powder with water and add evenly pink water to the urine. During pregnancy, the mixture becomes white.
6 Determination of early pregnancy will help measurement for several days. temperature mercury thermometer in the rectum. You should do this in the morning, not get out of bed yet and make sudden movements. If the temperature remains above a constant 37 ° C, we can assume that there is a pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy with symptoms
7 augmentation as the appearance of coffee in the diet of previously unattended food. Ilmiş Drawn into saline değ is not just a saying, because the water-salt balance in a woman's body changes during pregnancy.
8 An inseparable piece of morning sickness in most recent pregnancy cases.
9 Sleepiness, laxity and general fatigue can also be signs of pregnancy. This is not surprising, because the body is now throwing all its powers to protect the fetus and ensure its development.
10 Final fertilization is often accompanied by an increase colorless discharge.
11 Often a pregnant girl's sense of smell is exacerbated: the smallest change and the ability to distinguish the odor shades.
12 Other signs are added to the set of hypersensitivity and pain in the chest area.
Pregnant women often experience mood swings. Increased sensuality - one of the symptoms of pregnancy.
14 Frequent nudging may be one of the signs of pregnancy. However, it is important to exclude cystitis and other inflammations.
Popular pregnancy symptoms
Previously, pregnancy was determined based on the senses and many popular signs and predictions, without being tested. For example, a characteristic metallic woman in Rivkus in the mouth can help determine pregnancy without testing at an early stage.
Many dream books, if a woman imagines that water or fish, then pregnancy is waiting for her soon or has already arrived.

In the old days, it was believed that if you irrigate the plants with the urine of a pregnant woman, they will grow faster and become more productive.
All these methods only occur in special cases, where it is not really possible to use professional medical tests. If you still think you are pregnant and some test methods have shown positive results, try not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

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What will you experience week by week during your pregnancy

MIBEST HCG Pregnancy Test Stick Kit (3 Count-Individually Sealed) - One-Step Clear and Accurate - Urine Early Pregnancy Detection - Home Pregnancy Test - Approved - Over 99 Percent Accurate

In the first week of your pregnancy, you don't even know you're pregnant. However, some changes in the body have already started to occur, and these changes will be felt more clearly in the future.
It is actually very useful to know how you will be developing each week to see if the situation is caused by pregnancy or another condition. The first word you need to know about the first week is trimester. During your 9-month pregnancy, you will enter 3 different trimester periods. The first trimester constitutes the first trimester. In this process, the organs of the baby begin to form slowly and you try to adapt to the changes that the pregnancy creates. In fact, if we do not show that it will be a troubled three months, you may be caught a little unprepared.

2 weeks
You don't even notice that week 1 and 2 actually start pregnancy. In fact, since there is no fertilized egg, you will not get pregnant if there is no successful merger. There is no baby yet. However, your body is already preparing for this situation. The inner wall of your uterus has become thicker and ready to hold the fertilized egg. Although there is fertilization in the middle, it may be absurd for this part to take place during pregnancy. However, it is not easy to predict exactly when the sperm and egg are fertilized. When this is the case, the first start date of pregnancy is considered to be the last menstrual day. Full conception occurs at the end of the 2nd week. If the egg and sperm combine in a healthy way in the second week, pregnancy will start. Total pregnancy is 40 weeks with these two weeks. Pregnancy is 40 weeks, but ovulation is 38 weeks. If we look at the symptoms experienced in the first week of pregnancy symptoms in general; delayed menstrual period, increased nausea, or even vomiting, weakness, food disgust or craving, such as the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth. Most symptoms experienced in the first weeks of pregnancy are actually similar to menstrual symptoms. Therefore, while most women think they have menstrual pain, the pain in the groin is actually a sign of pregnancy. Symptoms in the first period of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. Certainly it would not be right to say that every woman will experience all the symptoms.

Three weeks
Week 3 during pregnancy is also a week too early to feel something. The embryo is newly fertilized and placed in the uterus. The actual changes begin to be felt after this week. The embryo that is formed within you is still only cells, and even the size is only 0.150 mm. The expectant mother has a Bta hCG value between 5 and 50 this week. However, this is considered normal. Therefore, test results in this process may not respond correctly. Early signs of pregnancy may also manifest in this process. In addition, cramps and pain may increase with discharge. Even if you are pregnant, you may experience spotting after 5-10 days after fertilization. However, this is very mild and is referred to as implantation. This bleeding is caused by menstruation. As the baby tries to hold onto the uterus, some destructive enzymes begin to be secreted by the body. In this case, it causes slight bleeding.

Week 4
Cell formation that begins to grow in the 4th week of pregnancy is divided into two groups. One part forms the baby, the other part the placenta. Amniotic sac and nutrient sac occur during this period. Three embryo layers, called endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm, also occur in this process. Endoderm, the innermost layer, is the part of the baby's digestive system and liver. The middle layer is referred to as mesoderm and very soon the heart, genitals, bones, kidneys and muscles will form here. In the outer layer, the nervous system, hair, skin and eyes will occur. Early signs of pregnancy are becoming more intense this week. However, there is no such thing as abdominal swelling. This week is actually the first time a woman expects to have her period and suspects she is pregnant. In the body trying to adapt to the baby, heartbeats can be accelerated to increase blood flow. Breasts become more sensitive, the color of the cervix begins to change. Emotionally, this process can cause the woman to enter very different moods because hormones start to go crazy. This week, nausea is also very intense.

Week 5
The baby reaches 1.25 mm in length. The heart begins to shape. He is far from working, but his heart is beating. If you want to see the baby vaginal ultrasound can see. The mother often begins to urinate. Pain and tenderness in the breasts continue. The nipple may change color and you may feel the glands are concentrated. The currents also increase. Weakness, fatigue is felt intensely. Nausea can also persist intensively. To avoid this, avoiding fatty and spicy foods and choosing easily digestible products may work. High protein snacks can also be preferred to balance blood sugar. Fluid consumption should be continued. 5 to 10 weeks are the months when the baby is most vulnerable. Hazardous toxic substances must be avoided. Conditions that are at risk of infection should be avoided. Do not enter radiation-emitting environments such as X-rays. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition.

Week 6
The size of the baby reaches 2-4 mm. The growth rate also reaches 3 times. The jaw bones and jaw begin to develop. Small indentations occur on either side of the head. These will then form the ears. Then, optical bubbles are formed which will form the eyes. The brain has also started to form. 6. The baby's heartbeat starts to be heard every week. The expectant mother can also gain a few pounds. However, if there is nausea, weight may be lost. It is good for you to go to a doctor in these processes and maintain your pregnancy in a controlled manner. There is some information that should be given to a doctor. If you go by preparing them in advance, your examination process will be much easier. First, menstrual periods, contraceptive methods used, information about them if there has been abortions or abortions, allergens and medications that need to be used all the time should be mentioned to the doctor.

Week 7
The mouth and tongue of the baby have started to take shape. The intestines developed to form an appendicitis. The protrusions that form the arms and legs become prominent. The hands, arms, shoulders and feet and knees begin to be identified. Kidneys are in place. Urine production and discharge tasks have not yet begun but are in the process of preparation. The skull is transparent. Even if it can be looked from the outside, the curves of the brain may appear from the skull. The changes in the mother are progressing more slowly. It is not obvious from the outside that she is pregnant. This may be a natural process if you can still have signs of early pregnancy. Constipation, bloating can be complained of such situations.

Week 8
The baby was between 1.4 and 2 cm tall. The fingers and toes were formed, albeit with curtains. Arms and legs become elongated. Eyelids, ears, upper lip and tip of nose begin to become prominent. Heart functions also develop more. 150 strokes per minute can be counted. In the case of the changes in mothers, there is no significant change in volume. However, some complaints will increase as the uterus grows. The need to urinate increases. Cramps and pains under the abdomen are more common. Many women suffer from sciatica and nerve pains. They may suffer pain that is difficult to bear on the hips, under the back, on the sides of the knee. Relieving pain can be achieved by reducing the pressure in these areas. The most important type of infection to be considered in this period is toxoplasmosis. It can cause miscarriage by finding it from pets and raw meat. Calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, B6 and zinc should be fed mainly.

Week 9
Your baby's head, which is between 2.2 and 3 cm, is quite big for his body. Hands and feet continue to form. Hands are formed by curling the wrists. The feet approach the middle of the body, the elbows become more pronounced. The intestines continue to grow. It consists of pancreas and gall bladder. Gender is not yet defined, but internal reproductive organs begin to form. The baby can be seen by ultrasound. This week is the last period when the symptoms of early pregnancy are intensely felt. Pubic pain persists. Normally, if the groin pain is severe but unbearable and bleeding occurs, a doctor should be consulted. Mothers should not go to places such as sauna, hot tub and hot spring. They are highly sensitive to the effects of electric blankets and microwave ovens.

Week 10
The vital organs of the baby, which has become the size of a plum, have started to form fully. The embryonic period ended and the fetal period started. Most of the injuries occurred before the 10th week, so if you have not had any problems until this period, you can spend your pregnancy in a more comfortable way. The baby's e and toes are now separated, skeletal bones and cartilages begin to form. You can move your elbows and eyelids are shaped. But his eyes are closed. The outer ears begin to take its final form. The urine production of the kidneys increases and if it is going to be male, the production of testosterone hormone begins. It is still unclear that your mother is pregnant. However, tight clothing should not be worn. Weight gain starts small. The edema in the body increases. Weakness and constipation may continue. The intensity of currents may not decrease. Emotional ups and downs may increase.

Week 11
In the 11th week, the size of the baby can reach up to 6cm. The ears move to get their original position next to the head. The head straightens and the jaw begins to separate from the chest. Gender has not yet been determined. In this period, the development of the baby progresses very rapidly, while the changes experienced by the mother now slow down. Nausea and vomiting may persist. Insomnia can be experienced as well as dreams can be revived. The cause of your headaches may be due to pregnancy.

Week 12
The baby's fingers and toes are completely separated and the nails grow. Thin hair begins to grow. The nervous system continues to develop. The digestive tract also absorbs glucose and can cause contractions that push food to the intestines. Estrogen and progesterone production increases with 12th week. Milk glands in the breasts begin to grow. Brown circles around the nipples also grow and become darker. The uterus is too large to fit into the lower abdominal cavity. The pressure on the bladder decreases. Weight gain may be experienced. The mother may have headaches and brown spots on her body. These pass after birth. Capillaries can become prominent and produce small red twigs on the skin.

Week 13
The baby can be up to 7.8 cm tall. While the rest of the baby's body grows rapidly, the growth of the head slows down. The intestines continue to develop and begin to settle in the baby's abdomen. The vocal cords begin to form. The ears have reached their normal position. Your mother's belly began to grow in a small way. Waist begins to thicken. Cracks during pregnancy may start to occur from this week on. Slow weight gain should be provided to prevent this. It should be protected from the sun and exercised.

Week 14
The baby continues to grow rapidly. The neck becomes longer and the head becomes more vertical and has a more flat position. If your baby will be a male prostate gland occurs this week. If there is a girl, the ovaries move from the abdomen to the pelvis. At the end of this week the palate is completely formed. It is time for the mother to wear maternity clothes. Stresses in the skin and muscles may occur. At night, pain may be felt in the legs. Groin pain is also among the most common. Hemorrhoids can also annoy many pregnant women. Breathing speed increases. Because the lung's breathing capacity expands. Skin spots may occur. I formation is normal, but if it grows older it can be shown to the skin doctor.

Week 15
You are in the 4th month of pregnancy. Your baby is about 10 cm. Hair began to grow on the eyebrows and scalp. Bone development continues at the end of this week will be able to fist movement. It is capable of breathing, sucking and swallowing. In the mother, the belly started to grow. Breasts like milk may come from the breasts. Weakness may persist. Indigestion and sensitivity to the gums may be experienced. Appetite opens. Varicose veins may form in the legs. The risk of urinary tract infection is very high in these weeks. Heartburn is another problem experienced by mothers. The drop in blood pressure is manifested during pregnancy, especially during these weeks.

Week 16
The baby's head is covered with thin body hairs called lanuga. Her nails become prominent. The legs have also become longer than the arms. As the sensation of touch becomes more sensitive, when the mother caresses her belly, the baby will also move inside. During this period, you start to feel the baby's movements slowly and you can go to your doctor for sex. The amniotic fluid around the baby increases and the mother's abdomen begins to grow. Not to lie flat on your back is among the advice given to mothers. Nutrition should also be very careful. Since the appetite will be opened, it is very important for the mother to pay attention to what she eats.

Week 17
The baby reaches 13cm in length and weighs up to 150 grams. Oils begin to form. This is an indication that the body's heat production and metabolism are beginning to form. Features such as suck and swallow begin to sit well. Indiscriminate heartbeats are now more regular. In rare cases, the baby's movements in the abdomen can be felt. You can get clearer results for gender determination compared to the previous week. The mother's abdomen continues to grow and become clearer. Almost half of the pregnancy is now reached. During pregnancy, with the growth of the uterus and fetus, the round ligaments adjacent both the upper part of the uterus and the lateral pelvic wall can be stretched and pulled, causing pain. Vaginal discharge is normal, but the risk of infection is very high if there is a bad smell and itching. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted.

Week 18
Stretching and sobbing abilities begin to be developed by the baby in the abdomen. The fingers and toes and fingerprints are now visible. Ultrasound can be used to determine whether the baby's heart rate is normal. A doctor can be consulted for the sex of the baby, but the best result is achieved after 20 weeks. The mother may have gained an average of 5 pounds by this time. Pulse and appetite can also be observed. Nasal blockages and minor bleeding may occur. Back and back pain may occur. Because now the body's center of gravity is changing. The belly button comes out. Thoughtfulness may occur. However, a more balanced state can be achieved.

Week 19
The baby's body is covered with a liquid called vernisk, which protects her skin. His kidneys now start to work and urinate. Hearing ability develops. The nervous system between the muscles and the brain slowly begins to sit. It starts to act consciously like finger sucking and moving the head. This week, the uterine aortic vein begins to pressure, which can cause dizziness. Anemia can occur and blood sugar levels should be checked continuously. Nutrition should be increased to 5-6 meals a day. Generally, the lying positions should be in the lateral position.

Week 20
At 5 months you can find out the sex of your baby. If your baby is a girl, the uterus develops and the vagina develops. In men, the testis goes down the abdomen. The baby's skin continues to thicken. Epidermis, dermis, subcutis occurs and hair and nails continue to develop. Your mother grows rapidly. Until this period, 4.5 kilos can be considered as ideal weight. Crack formation and pain may increase with increasing weight. With the expansion of the circulatory system, blood pressure may fall below normal. More blood is produced in the body. Anemia due to iron deficiency may occur as the amount of red blood cells increases.

Week 21
The size of the baby reaches up to 18cm. The baby starts to taste everything that your mother eats. The arms and legs eventually reached the correct proportions. Neuron connections between brain and muscles are also provided. The cartilage tissue slowly begins to ossify. Sudden twitching and convulsions may therefore occur. Even the baby's hiccups can be felt by the mother during these weeks. In the mother, the swelling may increase. To prevent this, you need to drink plenty of water. Standing all day will cause the legs to swell more. Resting the feet by putting them high from time to time will help. The waist continues to thicken. It starts breathing even faster. The shortness of breath is due to the increased capacity of the lungs. Discomfort such as heartburn and urinary tract infections are also quite common. Feet start to swell in these weeks.

Week 22
Touch, vision, hearing and taste sensations continue to develop. They begin to discover the sense of touch. Reproductive systems develop. Vagina occurs in girls. In men, the testicles begin to descend. During this period the expectant mother has become more accustomed to pregnancy and is now able to handle most of her movements more comfortably. While the hormone level from the process is higher than estrogen, they are equalized in previous months, weeks 20 and 21. Uterine contractions can be experienced from time to time. Weakness and anemia also manifest. Flu, diarrhea can also become annoying. The best thing to do to overcome all the annoying situations is to eat regularly and drink lots of water.

Week 23
You are now in the 6th month this week. The baby slowly begins to plump. Feathers covering the body also begin to darken. They begin to take shape with the lungs to get air outside. Respiratory movements begin, but these are only trials. Your mother's womb grows bigger. However, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and the placenta grows. We recommend that you take a sugar test this week, even if you are a mother who does not have diabetes. The sugar screening test significantly affects the health of both the mother and the baby. Bleeds may occur occasionally in mothers. The reason for this can be as simple as cervix according to the damage during sexual intercourse. However, if reasons such as abdominal pain accompany these bleeding, a doctor should be examined. Nosebleeds can occur quite frequently. Increased blood flow swells and softens mucous tissues. These tissues also produce more mucous to keep the germs away. As a result, nosebleeds occur. This can be prevented by taking vitamin C supplements.

Week 24
The baby's movements start to feel more. Eyelashes will become apparent. The skin color is not clear as it does not have any pigment yet. The baby is aware that the amniotic fluid is lying flat or opposite. Because now the inner ear has developed. Premature births can occur in these months. However, they have a 50 percent chance of survival. You may not feel the baby's movements every day. This is quite normal. Clearly, after the 28th week, you feel the baby's movements every day. Sometimes babies hit so hard they could hurt your mother. At this time, try to surprise her balance and have her reactions directed to other places. The mother also gained about 7 pounds during this period. Nasal congestion and bleeding may continue. Vaginal discharge is still present. However, the color should be checked continuously. Yellowish liquid droplets begin to form on the nipples. This is called mouth milk. When the baby is first born, his nourishment will be milk from this mouth. Urinary incontinence is normal. However, sometimes the incoming fluid is amniotic fluid. It is not always easy to predict which one it is.

Week 25
The capillaries beneath the baby's skin become prominent, and they are filled with blood. The air sacs on which the capillaries in the lungs are located are also made ready for the first breath. The nostrils begin to drill slowly. The baby is now able to somersault in the womb and swing his fists. Babies born in this period have a high chance of survival. The mother's weight gain and abdominal growth continue. The skin and muscles are stretched due to this growth, which leads to itching. You may be very much affected by stress during these periods. However, to protect your baby's mental health, you should keep yourself away from stressful environments.

Week 26
The baby's eyes widened. The colored part has no pigment but the baby can now see. In bright light or at a high volume, the baby's reactions also increase. Sleeping and waking times begin to occur. The mother's back pain, pelvic pressure, varicose veins, cramps and headaches may be more common. Resting on the left side makes the baby's circulation easier. Swelling problems are also less. It is time to choose a hospital. You can go to the stage of determining the date of your birth in consultation with your doctor.

Week 27
This week the taste buds in the baby's mouth are very intense. They can react instantly to anything you eat with hiccups. The development of the lungs and the immune system is incomplete, but very little to complete. The survival rate of babies born this week is 85. The intensity of the baby's movements may not always be very intense. It is enough to move between. Your baby can be quite healthy, although it does not move much. This should not worry you. The mother's weight gain continues. Liver capacity is still increasing. Shortness of breath may be experienced. The movement of food in the digestive system is slow and the uterus pressures the intestines. This causes heartburn and constipation. Vitamin A, B and E supplements should be given great importance.

Week 28
Characteristic folds occur on the baby's brain. The amount of brain tissue also increases. Oils begin to accumulate under the skin. It used to be three-skinned, but now it's under-skinned. He can move enough to blink. With 20-30 minutes sleep time, sleep and sleep hours occur regularly. It is important to control the baby's morning and evening movements during the week. Pregnant mothers may complain about hemorrhoids. Pubic pain continues occasionally. Bleeding is not normal. Therefore, it may be wise to consult a doctor on this subject. Heartburn and shortness of breath may also persist.

Week 29
She is now very close to completing her baby development. Her weight suddenly begins to increase with the fat formed under her skin. Kicks are not as hard as they used to be, because the area of ​​movement is narrowed due to the growth. The weight your mother has gained up to this period could be around 11 kilos. The uterus prepares itself slowly for the birth process. False contractions begin. In addition, regular contractions occur. At this time, the mother's hair can form a lush and fuller structure. During pregnancy, the hair strands mature because they remain at rest and are shed less. The uterus grows well and presses the bladder. Missing urine while laughing and coughing should therefore not be considered strange. Due to blood circulation, faces and eyes may swell in the morning. At night, the best sleeping position is to lie on your side. You can sleep more easily by putting a pillow under your stomach.

Week 30
The baby is over 1 kg. Length up to 43 cm. The brain grows to the expense and body temperature begins to stabilize. As the brain can adjust the temperature, the protective layer that keeps it warm starts to peel off slowly. In other words, hair growth decreases. It is necessary to continue to control the baby's movements. Doctors can show mothers different control methods. The baby forms an order within the uterus and sleeps at certain times and moves at certain times. It is important to control them by setting the time. When taking a shower, make sure that the water is not too hot. If you have a lot of pain, it is very important to determine the correct postures and exercise with small movements. Pregnant yoga helps greatly during these times. It is also possible to reduce stress by giving weight to herbal teas.

Week 31
The baby's reproductive system is still improving. The clitoris will become prominent in the girls and the testes will leave the kidneys in the groin. Although his lungs aren't fully mature, they've improved a lot. He can control his five senses more easily. He starts to sleep more. As the baby sleeps more during these periods, movements may be reduced. Weight gain in mothers can reach 12. If the body impregnates water, it may cause the expectant mother to feel uneasy. Swelling also increases considerably. In particular, the feet may be swollen enough to cause pain. You should avoid postures as you throw your legs on your legs.

Week 32
The baby continues to prepare himself for the outside world by trying to swallow, breathe, suck and kick. His skin is no longer transparent. Quince feathers also begin to shed. Their kicks are slowed, but their movements continue, though not as intense as before. Fetus movements are more powerful and regular. Constipation and cramps increase. As the abdomen is stretched well, itching increases and back pain intensifies. Nasal bleeding may persist. Sleeping is difficult and the mother may fear birth. It would be wise to get help from the doctor for all this.

Week 33
The baby's weight has now reached two pounds. Amniotic fluid level is at its peak. Therefore, the mother may feel restless as the baby moves. Antibodies in the mother begin to pass on to the baby and the immune system is very close to completing itself. The lungs have also largely completed their development. The baby's somersaults still continue. However, the movements are irregular. Amniotic fluid begins to decrease. However, it is not something that the mother can feel in particular. The doctor is determined by diagnosis. The placenta can always be separated from the uterine wall not only after birth but also before birth. If necessary precautions are taken, this does not pose a danger for the mother or the baby. The mother's weight gain accelerates. Most of the weight taken goes to the baby. As the baby grows rapidly, stomach burns can also be exacerbated. You may not know clearly whether amniotic fluid is present. You can determine fluid deficiency in advance by consulting your doctor based on the excess flow. Sexual intercourse during these periods may be troublesome because of the risk of infection. As the vagina begins to open, severe pain such as stabbing may be felt.

Week 34
The baby's quince hairs are often lost. The varnish layer that protects the skin also starts to thicken. Stomach burns become more frequent in the mother. Stomach and intestinal problems may increase. However, if the baby descends towards the pelvis, the stomach problems may be alleviated. The discharge continues severely. The property of the incoming stream is white, aqueous, slightly fragrant or odorless. There is a high risk of infection if there is a heavy odor. Abdominal pain with fever, abdominal swelling is also experienced if a doctor should be visited. False birth pains also begin to show. These pains start from the apex of the uterus and spread to the lower part of the pelvis.

Week 35
The baby's brain cells increase rapidly. His head continues to grow. His posture also moves towards the pelvis. It is desirable for normal births to stop in this way. Stresses, rolls and movements continue, but there is no very high movement. It is the period when the mother should take plenty of vitamins and minerals. Because after birth, these vitamins and minerals will be transferred directly to the baby. The upper abdomen is relaxed, but the pressure on the pelvis, bladder and hips is increased. If bleeding occurs, there may be a problem with the placenta. Doctor should be consulted. It is now best to contact the doctor for any problems that may occur after this week. It is normal to feel emotionally impatient and anxious. Shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, incontinence problems may continue.

Week 36
Although most of the baby's systems are outdoors, they are all well developed. This includes the digestive system. It continues to store fat under its skin. The baby's movements are gradually reduced. Softness can be felt in the abdomen according to the posture. It is becoming more difficult for the mother to move. Emotional anxiety may also increase due to very little time to delivery. Once the doctor and the hospital are arranged, it is useful to start preparations for birth.

Week 37
The baby prepares the first breath this week and draws and discharges amniotic fluid into the lungs. It didn't stop growing, it still continues. The posture of the baby in the womb is evident at this time. If the hip is pelvis, it is in the opposite position and is expected to improve according to the time of birth. If it does not improve, another form of birth is tried except for normal birth. Now the mother can come to water at any moment and the baby can be born. That's not premature birth. Because the baby has now completed its development. Since the baby takes the birth position, it is more comfortable to breathe. Prep pains become more frequent. Gums become tender. Constipation continues. Pain in the hip and pelvis is exacerbated.

Week 38
At this stage, small touches such as the fact that the lanugo feathers are completely in the way and the vernix layer is gone are realized in the uterus. There is a significant reduction in movements. The mother is now ready for birth. Yellow liquid starts to come from the nipples. Connective tissues also soften and relax as they prepare themselves for birth. The legs may feel as if they are detaching from the trunk. The expectant mother may be both emotionally excited and frightened. Help from the doctor can be used to overcome the fear of birth.

Week 39
The mother's gait became difficult, but it was easier for her to breathe. Verniks and quince feathers are mostly gone. The scars can be seen and will be corrected later. There was enough oil under her skin to protect her. His brain continues to develop. The mother may also feel quite big for a normal person. Weight gain may even be stopped. The feet may be swollen and may have difficulty walking. There is a wide range of emotions. This is quite normal. Even if you don't get pregnant for the first time, every woman feels it. The cervix is ​​thin and softened. It even started to open up a bit. Explosion of water occurs only during birth. Sometimes even a doctor can explode. However, increased leaks can be observed. Contractions have also increased.

Week 40
No more baby birth ready. Maybe he will start the birth by causing contractions, or perhaps your doctor will give birth at the date specified by your labor will be performed. At the end of a 9-month bond, you will now be able to embrace your baby outside of your stomach this week. Both you and your partner can react very easily by distinguishing the voice. Babies can also be born after the specified date of birth. Since the date of full insemination is not known, it is not correct to call it late born. Rarely, infants can also have a late birth. When this condition is determined by doctors, mothers are taken to birth immediately. Massages and muscle relaxation exercises will provide great help before birth. Meditation and breathing techniques must also be learned. Whether the water comes, whether there is bleeding, the frequency and duration of the pains should be stated to the doctor and the time of birth should be estimated.

41 Weeks and 42 Weeks
If the pains are not sufficient after 40 weeks, the cervix is checked. Artificial pains may be given by doctors to give birth in case of late births. Sometimes the reason for waiting for birth may be because the baby is in position. Since normal birth is always preferred, the baby can be expected to turn flat. The process is personally monitored by the doctor for the health of both the baby and the mother.

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Methods of determining pregnancy without testing. Effective folk methods and pregnancy determination findings

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Please tell me if there is a way to determine pregnancy without testing.

Of course, I've already purchased a test, but I want some other methods and methods to accurately determine your pregnancy.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Of course, it's true you had a pregnancy test. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways of determining an interesting position.

Here, however, it does not always allow you to determine the sensitivity before or during the early days of pregnancy, but I know how impatient you are and how you want to be quick or sure of a happy event, or to gather hopes and wait for a new cycle.

To determine pregnancy without testing before delay, you can see which symptoms occur during pregnancy.

The more signs you notice, the more likely you are to get pregnant.
Symptoms of pregnancy

Swollen and painful mammary glands;

She talks about nipple hypersensitivity and pigmentation, giggle, breast augmentation, and the functioning of the hormonal system in the new mode.

Weight in the lower abdomen;

In addition to the discomfort, most people feel “butterflies trembling” within them.

During this period, spotting accompanied by pain and spasms can be seen, which can be attributed to the "critical days" that do not mention the diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of toxicosis;

Nausea and vomiting are characteristic of the first fertilization period.

It is seen that only this indicator may be the main indicator in determining pregnancy test at home and these symptoms may occur only in case of poisoning.


If the subfebrile temperature is observed for several days, this may be a signal for implantation of the fetal egg. However, we should not forget the possible inflammatory process that gives such a clinical condition.
Indirect symptoms of pregnancy

Gastronomic quirks;

There is a strong reaction to some products. For example, there are cases where a woman does not tolerate the smell of raw meat during pregnancy. Or vice versa, I'm ready for hours to walk around the fish stalls.

When the body reacts so strongly to change, pregnancy is easy to determine.

A sharp extra weight set;

One is troubled by some kind of food, and one is awakened by a “cruel iş appetite. Because of the abundance of meals and absorption of fluids, expectant mother begins to gain weight rapidly and does not last long.

Mood is typical during pregnancy;
Drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;

At the beginning of a great pregnancy, the body spends a large amount of energy on the reconstruction of all systems. As a result, sharp overwhelming fatigue helps clarify the whole picture.

Rapid urination as in cystitis;

It is caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus in the bladder. Although this phenomenon is a feature of later periods, there are girls with this symptom that answer the question of how to determine pregnancy without a pregnancy test.

Metaphors associated with a sharp increase and decrease in sexual desire due to the restructuring of the hormonal system during pregnancy.

Methods for determining pregnancy without testing

How was it determined without pre-pregnancy tests?

We should have left our great-grandmothers and looked for ways to determine pregnancy. But you can do some now.

Pregnancy detection with soda.

You will need: morning urine, soda;
After collecting the required amount of urine on a transparent plate, pour 1 teaspoon of soda;
Usually the discharge has an acidic environment and in the case of pregnancy, the PH level changes in favor of alkalinity;
Thus, in the first case, a reaction with the bubbles will occur and in the second a precipitate will be obtained;
Also, read an article on this topic: Determination of pregnancy with soda \ u003e \ u003e \ u003e.

It is necessary to collect and boil urine in the morning. Then pour into a glass container. If whitish scales are seen, the answer is yes. Otherwise pregnancy did not occur;
Determination of pregnancy with iodine.

Required: morning urine and iodine;
In a container containing liquid, you should carefully drop an iodine solution from a pipette;
Is the drop resolved immediately? The result of the study can be considered negative. But if a drop floats on the surface for a while, then pregnancy is probably confirmed.

A drop of iodine can be dropped onto a paper strip soaked in morning urine. If the normal brown color of the reagent has turned bluish blue, there is a sign of pregnancy.

Another method of determining pregnancy without testing and urine has been used in older centuries:

Red wine was mixed with urine;
They then observed the behavior of the mixture;
A positive decision was made while maintaining the transparency of “Cocktail”.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

The easiest way to determine pregnancy without testing is to measure the basal temperature.

The temperature should be measured in the rectum for 5 minutes in the early morning without getting out of bed. It is generally recommended to rule out any movement immediately after waking.

After spawning, two or three days before mating, the temperature rising during laying to 36.8 - 37.2 degrees should be sharply reduced;
Ideally, if you have already drawn baseline temperature graphs for 2-3 months and you have something to compare temperature measurements (see article).

What are the early signs of pregnancy. After a possible concept, it is best to test or perform ultrasound.

Pregnancy is a joy that only women can feel. The attack is a long-awaited event accompanied by certain signs. This article will explain about each and how to accurately determine the "interesting" position without testing.
How long can pregnancy be correctly diagnosed?

Nausea, weakness and lethargy are the first signs of pregnancy, but do not appear in all women.

There are several ways to help confirm or refute the birth of a new life in the abdomen. Each requires a certain time after the estimated date of birth. These include:

Doctors recommend performing a blood test to determine pregnancy 1-2 weeks after the expected date of birth. Laboratory time is 1 day. 8-10 after ovulation or ovulation. A positive result can be expected a day.
Another way to determine pregnancy is by urine testing. The best delay occurs in the early days, because a positive result does not always occur before it occurs.
Pregnancy testing is a popular method among women. For more precise results, it is recommended that the delay be made in the first days.

It is best to do two tests to get real pregnancy information, but it is best to use test strips from different manufacturers.

Measurement of basal temperature is another way of determining pregnancy. In the first days, it is produced for several days. In the case of a positive result, IT will be higher than standard indicators.
Ultrasound will indicate the presence of pregnancy within 2 to 2.5 weeks after the birth of the child. Embryo is best seen on transvaginal examination.

Sonography will help determine pregnancy 10-15 days after fertilization of the egg.

Basic symptoms in pregnant women: what to expect? video

The first signs of pregnancy, only when the fertilized egg is firmly attached to the uterine wall and begins to develop, the 20th-22. A girl who assumes a pregnancy should monitor her condition and recognize all changes in her body.

Among the symptoms that occur in pregnant women, one can distinguish:

increased basal body temperature
delay of "critical" days
pain in the lumbar region
loss of consciousness
breast augmentation, breast sensitivity
odor intolerance
saliva secretion not previously observed
sour, sweet or salty food

Video: The first signs of pregnancy

High basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy

The increase in basal temperature is the first sign of pregnancy. It varies between 37-37.2 degrees in the first 2-4 weeks after conception.

Doctors attribute the appearance to the active production of the hormone - progesterone, which occurs during the development of the embryo. Right now, you need to walk more in the fresh air and eat the fruits and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the fetus.
Lack of menstruation is the second symptom of pregnancy

Menstrual delay is one of the main indicators of pregnancy in women. Other symptoms (nausea, intolerance of odors, drowsiness, willingness to lie down, etc.) If accompanied, the possibility of an "interesting" situation is very high.

To check your expectations, you should contact a gynecologist or perform a test.

Breast enlargement and change are the third sign of pregnancy

The breast responds quickly enough to the birth of life in the uterus. From the first days, swelling and swelling of the nipples begin to be monitored. They became more sensitive, not noticed before.

If all this happens with other symptoms, it is worth considering a trip to the hospital gynecologist. The doctor examines, approves or rejects the alleged pregnancy.
Change in taste preferences - the fourth sign of pregnancy

A dramatic change in taste preferences is common in pregnant women. Experts are attributed to hormonal changes in the body and an increasing iron deficiency with the growth and development of the fetus.

To fill the body with useful substances that are vital for the future mother and fetus, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies (they contain all the complexes necessary for the growth and development of the child).

In no case should you limit yourself to your desires. If the body needs it, eat something you will never try in everyday life (eg pickled cucumbers and sweets, herring and cookies, cakes and tomato juice, etc.).

The only thing to avoid is products that can be harmful (for example, sushi due to the content of raw fish).

Frequent urination is the fifth sign of pregnancy

The main reasons for frequent little travels are the change in the hormonal background in the woman's body (production of active hCG) and an increase in the size of the uterus that compresses the bladder.

To reduce the frequency of going to the toilet (especially at night), it is necessary to reduce liquids and products that may contain them.

The body of a pregnant woman functions as two persons starting from an early date. The kidneys work more actively to clear amniotic fluid and blood from waste products of the fetus. Filtering is caused by frequent urination that disturbs the woman.

The absence of signs of pregnancy in a pregnant woman. Is this possible?

The absence of signs of pregnancy depends on the characteristics of the body. In some cases, even with a regular cycle and excellent health, girls determine their pregnancy only by first mixing the crumbs in the stomach. It is worth going to a specialist to avoid tormenting yourself with predictions and hopes, he will do an examination and everything will be clear.
What symptoms can show pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy? Emergency aid

Basic indicators of fetal development and the pathology of pregnancy include;

severe pain in the lower abdomen and waist
severe nausea and vomiting

In the event of one of these symptoms, it is urgent to contact a health institution!

Definition of pregnancy without tests and doctors: tips and reviews

There are several popular ways to determine pregnancy without testing or going to a doctor.

Pour 1 teaspoon in a container containing urine. Soda. If it sinks to the bottom, there is pregnancy, if the mixture produces bubbles - the result is negative.
A drop of iodine is dropped into the urine container, if dissolved, the result is negative, otherwise it is positive.

Although these methods find their supporters, they don't always get 100% accurate results. It is best to go to the doctor, then everything falls into place.
Video: How can I determine pregnancy using improvisation methods?

Women are wonderful creatures who always want to know in advance. Especially if they're interested in themselves or their interesting location. In most cases, a desirable expectation of pregnancy causes beautiful women to find ways to determine pregnancy before going to a doctor or having a test.

I would like to say that there are many ways to determine pregnancy at home. However, in fact, only five or six methods can show more accurate results:

basal temperature measurement;
urine testing for acidity of soda;
iodine tests;
experience with potassium permanganate;
wine experience;
heating urine.

These tests and measurements will help confirm the presence of pregnancy and will yield 99% accuracy. In all other cases, even 50% cannot be trusted, and therefore there is no point in talking about them.
Measure basal temperature

To accurately understand what is in danger, it should be understood that the basal is the temperature inside the body, not the surface (armpit). To measure this, insert the thermometer into the vagina or into the anus. In rare cases, it can be measured in the mouth.
How is the temperature measured?

In the morning, without getting out of bed, a thermometer is placed in one of the corridors and measurements are taken. The indications of a thermometer definitely enters a notepad. The daily procedure allows you to create the right program to determine if you are pregnant.
Which thermometer to use

If you use an ordinary mercury thermometer at home, it is better to take a separate one. This will not only comply with sanitation, but will also provide more accurate readings. It is recommended to hold a mercury thermometer for 10-15 minutes.

Important! Shake the thermometer in the evening to prevent sudden movements in the morning.

However, when you are late for work and you have to admit that you need to measure the temperature, then there are no extra minutes.

Therefore, it is better to take an electronic thermometer that shows the rating in 1 minute. It is very convenient to use, completely safe for health and works with small batteries.
Temperature analysis

During the whole month, you will receive a table where you can draw conclusions. You should know that the temperature drops slightly to 36.4C after the end of menstruation. Then, as the day approaches, the cycle 9-10. On the day, an increase up to 37C will begin.

This value can hold for 2-3 days when there is a process of ovulation. If she becomes pregnant during this period, intensive hormone production begins in the woman's body and the basal temperature rises to 37.05-37.1 ° C. In some cases, it can reach up to 37.2C. In this case, the outside temperature (armpit) in the early period will remain 36.6-36.8C.

Warning! Has your temperature decreased after ovulation? Then you can be sure there is no fertilization.

Soda Analysis

With the formation of the baby's embryo in the mother, the acid composition in the urine changes. It can be used to determine whether you have a pregnancy.

Collect morning urine in a clean cup of approximately 100-150 ml. It is recommended to use a medium liquid, ie to reduce the initial flow, draw a little into a glass, and then terminate urination. So you get a more accurate result.

Add a teaspoon of soda and watch the reaction. If the solution precipitates, the result is positive. Boiling and boiling soda with urine in a glass indicates the absence of acidity and a long-awaited pregnancy.

Check your pregnancy with iodine

Iodine is an excellent indicator for pregnancy control. There are two ways, each with 99% accuracy. You can use any of them.

Take a long strip of clean strip and moisten the collected morning urine thoroughly. Place on a flat surface and drip a drop of iodine. A change in color from brown to purple indicates a high probability of pregnancy.
For the second method of controlling pregnancy with iodine at home, you can use a bowl, collect medium urine in a large container. Drip a drop of iodine and observe its movements. As a result, if you see the drop dispersing and dissolving, the egg is not fertilized. If iodine remains on the surface in the form of a drop or a liquid dot, we can conclude that pregnancy is coming.

Determination of potassium permanganate in pregnancy

This experience, like its predecessors, is based on a change in the acidity of morning urine. To obtain a pale pink color, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and add a few drops of urine to it. If the color has turned light yellow - you can tell about the absence of pregnancy. Unchanged color and visible scales indicate egg fertilization.
We're experimenting with wine

As always, only morning urine can show the most accurate result, so add wine to the glass with the collected liquid. It is recommended to combine 1: 1 ratio and observe the reaction. Curd formation and clouding indicate the onset of pregnancy. If the blend has not changed its color and transparency, the answer is no.

Heat urine

Collect medium urine and pour into a boiling container. Heat at low heat until boiling. Then gently pour into a transparent container (jar) and examine the contents. Stamps appearing in the residue will indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Warning! If urine is high in protein as a result of colds or any disease, it may also curl in flakes.

Now you know how to determine pregnancy at home. As a result, I would like to add that you can draw conclusions by observing your situation. For example, several factors may indicate pregnancy:

there was nausea in the morning after waking up;
there is a change in taste or unnatural combinations in food;
increased or sharply decreased appetite;
vomiting reflex, etc.

Experienced women who do not expect their first child can quickly suspect pregnancy symptoms and start testing with the methods described above.

Remember that absence of menstruation is the most decisive sign of pregnancy if it does not have pathology or diseases.

Some women who will become mothers in the future experience a sharp decline or, conversely, a sharp rise in sexual desire. This is due to excessive fluctuation of hormones and the body's reaction to them.

During the first weeks of conception, the breast is shed, its volume increases, sometimes in two dimensions, and there may be a slight tingling sensation in the tide.

Frequent urination occurs in most cases of pregnancy. This is because the developing fetus of the child presses the bladder and creates a desire for bowel movement.

Warning! If the color of the urine changes, if you feel pain or discomfort, then consult a doctor, perhaps this is a disease.

Pregnancy is the most exciting period, especially when the baby is welcome and long awaited. For this reason, women try various ways to accurately determine their position in the hope of a positive outcome.

Is this possible and, if possible, how can we find out if she is pregnant without testing before delay? What are some methods for this? It really is. Precise - with the help of analyzes. And not certain - subjective. These are the sensations of women, some painful sensations, the absence of characteristic signs of menstrual onset. Imagine how you will understand that you are pregnant without performing a more detailed test for pregnancy symptoms.

This hormone is produced after a fertilized egg is placed on the wall of the uterus or other organ (during ectopic pregnancy). Pregnancy without testing can be determined using this analysis 5-6 days before the expected onset (or delay) of menstruation. This is the case with a regular menstrual cycle. Sometimes this analysis can be false negative. If ovulation was late. So, it turned out that the analysis was just done. HCG is not yet developed.
This analysis can be performed on a fee basis (between 350-500 rubles) in any paid laboratory or clinical clinic laboratory. The result is given within 1-2 days.

Usually, in the second stage of the menstrual cycle, if there is ovulation, the woman swells, increases slightly, and the mammary glands become painful. You can find out that your period becomes pregnant after the beginning of menstruation or on the eve of the beginning without testing the fact that the chest continues to be tense and painful. The fact is that the progesterone hormone, which affects the mammary glands, is reduced sharply within 1-2 days before the start of menstruation. And the breast is returning to normal. Progesterone remains high during pregnancy and even grows. Thus, the chest continues to hurt.

However, this is still a subjective symptom. Some women say their breasts are very calm during their first trimester.
Basal temperature

If progesterone begins to decrease shortly before the onset of menstruation and does not become pregnant, the basal temperature will be less than 37 degrees. If pregnancy has occurred, 37-37.5. However, modern doctors do not see basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy, not as a diagnosis of gynecological diseases. Because there are frequent measurements, there are violations in the measurements and the basal temperatures of women are not informative.

Some women regularly examine the cervix on their own. It is believed to be dense and deflected posteriorly during pregnancy. However, doctors do not recommend such experiments. As a result, you can easily get hurt or have an infection. Yes, and if everything was so easy, the doctors would have done it before the delay in menstruation. But no. Therefore, the method is not only harmful to health, but also does not provide information.
I feel good

How can I find out if she is pregnant at home without testing at an early stage? Many mothers waiting at the beginning of the first trimester have the following symptoms.

1. Rapid urination. Progesterone. This is especially noticeable at night. If a woman has never been to the toilet during a night's sleep, she can now do 2 and 3 times. But for a pregnant woman this normal condition must be distinguished from a pathological condition - cystitis. In this disease, urination is not only frequent but also painful.

2. Low blood pressure. And as a result, fatigue, fatigue, unhealthy, low working capacity. A cup of tea or coffee helps to heal.

3. Nausea. In some women, toxicosis begins even before the onset of delayed menstruation. Of course, it won't be painful. However, it is possible to wake up at night from nausea a few days after egg implantation.

4. Lower abdominal pain, uterine tone. If there is no threat of abortion, the stomach should be calm. This applies to almost all expectant mothers. But on the eve of the beginning of menstruation, the abdomen, on the contrary, begins to pain. Pain in the anus may appear.

They may be about a week before the expected date of the menstrual period. Testimony of implantation bleeding. However, when such a discharge is too much, it is a sign of gynecological pathology. If the spotting discharge occurred two to three days before the critical days, this is more precisely the beginning of pregnancy.
the grandmother

There are also ways to find out that you are pregnant with soda and iodine, but the information content is very low. Even the doctors don't want to hear the experiments of such children. But if you are interested, then here is the instruction.

1. Iodine should be added to your urine. If it remains in the form of a dot - you are pregnant.
2. Add 5 grams of soda to the container with urine. If bubbles burst, the result is negative. If soda precipitates, the result is positive. Apparently, the author of this technique somehow focused on the acidity of urine.

These are ways to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. There are literally women who notice changes in their bodies. Usually these are the ones who plan the baby. If pregnancy is not planned and the woman is not very organized and does not follow the regularity of menstruation, an interesting situation may not be noticed for a long time.

The most exciting and wonderful moment of the birth of a new life for almost every girl! It is recommended that you prepare for this and take it seriously. But how to control pregnancy at home? Of course, there are many ways to do this, and in pharmacies there are many tests to suit all tastes.

At the same time, there are other methods to determine the reality of motherhood. In addition, some have passed valuable tests of time and their practice has been for several centuries. But before we touch them, we remember the basic symptoms of pregnancy.
The first signs of a successful understanding

After a period of pregnancy, any girl may feel some kind of change in her general condition. Only often this condition is associated with either malaise or malfunctions of the female body. Common findings are the emergence of the pain of a nature occurring in the uterus. But sometimes they can be sharp. Also, in some cases, the girl notices a breakdown and the appearance of thrush.

How can I check pregnancy at home? First of all, every young girl or woman should listen carefully. In particular, you should pay attention to this:

Morning sickness. This is the most common sign that pregnancy is recognized.
Transformation of female breast. The mammary glands begin to swell, pain, nipples and halos become darker, tenderness increases. And if you press one of the nipples, the colostrum may appear.
Overall weakness And it comes suddenly. For example, during a normal walk in fresh air, a woman may feel weakness and a break in her legs for no reason.
The feeling of constant lack of sleep. There's a desire to get a little nap to sleep well. The main reason for this is the shock of the female body as the embryo begins to invade the uterine wall. Against this background, general weakness and fatigue are seen.
Mood swings. This is the most definite sign of controlling pregnancy at home. Moreover, this also happens suddenly and without reason. A woman can experience a variety of emotions, from the hate of loved ones and from a depressed state to uncontrollable joy. This behavior is explained by cardinal hormonal changes in the female body.
Frequent urination. If it is not cystitis, then it is most likely conceived.
Change in body temperature. This should not be surprising, since in the early stages, this phenomenon is very common.
Change in appetite. In particular, we are talking about taste preferences - when a woman starts eating something she has not been able to resist before.

However, the most important sign that should warn women, especially young girls, is a delay in the menstrual cycle. However, this can only be considered as a “diagnosis g of pregnancy if the pregnancy is regular and the timing is clearly defined. At the same time, overheating in the sun, stressful situations, taking the drug also contributes to the appearance of delay.
Methods of determining pregnancy

Many girls, especially younger ones, can be overcome without using various tests with the question of how to control the gestational age at home. An urgent need for some, but for others, a kind of entertainment to meet their interests.

One such tool is online testing. All you need is to answer simple questions and then display the result. In this case, the probability of pregnancy is expressed as a percentage.

However, the problem is that most of these projects are paid for. Generally, a woman will see the result after sending an SMS in need of a certain amount, after answering all the questions. In addition, when visiting the antenatal clinic, the gynecologist will ask similar questions, then it will become clear and the reception will be free.

However, not every family has such a "wealth", and then the question of how to control pregnancy at home continues to be solved by purchasing a ready-made pharmacy product. However, there are other popular methods that only require us to move forward.
Ancient experience

What did the old people do? For example, the Egyptians behaved interestingly, and prepared a special drink of herbs and milk from the nursing mother. If a woman is pregnant, then this drug caused vomiting. The Jews did not make themselves less original in their time - a woman walked through the grass and her tracks were carefully examined. Pregnant ladies left deep scars.

It is also noteworthy that the diagnosis of pregnancy in ancient times was associated with urine examination. Moreover, the methods of controlling pregnancy at home were more specific than the other:

Egypt. The skillfulness of these people is simply amazing. In addition to the drug, there was another technique as follows. The woman's urine had to be watered in small bags, one of which was wheat and the other was barley. And here it was possible not only to reveal the fact of pregnancy, but also to find out exactly who was born: a boy or a girl. Germination of baby and barley - talking of baby.
Greece. Before bedtime, a woman drank tincture where there was honey, wine and anise. Slight pain in the umbilical region showed pregnancy.
Italy. The urine was mixed with 1 to 1 wine. And if the composition is transparent, it indicates pregnancy.
Germany. In ancient times they did like the Egyptians, but instead of wheat and barley there were flower buds. The facts of the pregnancy were confirmed by their magnificent blossoms.
Slavs. These people were no less interesting observers and knew how to control pregnancy at home without being tested. After the wedding, the young girl was given short beads which she immediately removed and wore constantly. As soon as he feels crowded, a new life begins under his heart. It is not difficult to explain - in most pregnant women, the thyroid gland grows slightly.

Each nation had its own traditions and methods to determine pregnancy. Some may seem strange to modern people, some even dangerous, while others cause nothing but laughter. Nevertheless, many methods have been used by those at that time, and remarkably, I have generally not doubted the reliability of the result.
Basal temperature properties

Think of an equally effective method of returning to our present time, how to control pregnancy at home in the womb. Moreover, since it has been used for some time, it can be connected to folk methods. Nowadays, it also finds practice, because you can even plan your pregnancy with it. It's about basal temperature.

All you need is a mercury thermometer and a paper. In this case, the temperature is determined differently (not just under the armpits):

in the mouth - you need to keep it for at least 5 minutes;
Keep in the vagina or rectum - no more than 3 minutes.

These measurements should be made two days before the expected month. This should be done early in the morning, without getting out of bed and making sudden movements. Once the egg has hatched, the temperature will not be higher than 37 ° C. However, if the temperature is high, you can judge the successful understanding. However, before performing a home pregnancy test, you should be aware of the impact of certain factors on the test results. In particular, temperature changes may be affected by:

take medicine;
sexual intercourse;
alcoholic beverages;

Therefore, on the eve of the test, it is necessary to exclude these factors. It is best to take baseline temperature measurements in advance and make a program based on daily measurements for several months. This preparation contributes to successful pregnancy planning.
Helping Soda

Relieving all doubts as to whether a woman is pregnant will help ordinary soda found in every family. It is not difficult to explain the working principle of such a technique. In a woman, the acid-based medium shifts to the alkali at the beginning of pregnancy. In this respect, this powder is ideal for dough.

How to control pregnancy at home with soda? In some containers prepared to do this, you must first collect urine and put a spoon of soda in it and then observe the reaction. If hissing appears with vesicles, the result is negative - no pregnancy. But if soda calmly falls to the bottom, the situation is completely different. This indicates the presence of alkali in the urine and that the woman will have to prepare for the most responsible period in her life.
Use iodine

You can do it at home with a well-known medicine, such as iodine. Like soda, it can be found in every home and is suitable because of its special chemical composition. You can control pregnancy at home with iodine in two ways:

Method number one. Urine should also be collected in a container (jar or other) and then a small amount of iodine should be dropped there. Pregnancy is determined in the presence of a brown stain, otherwise iodine dissolves.
Method number 2. You need to take a small piece of white paper and moisten it in the urine, then apply some iodine. The true color of pregnancy is confirmed by changing the shadow from brown to blue or blue.

Some conditions must be considered to ensure that the results are as reliable as possible. First of all, the biomaterial should be collected in the early morning and continue testing immediately to prevent stagnation of urine. Before collecting urine, you should wash yourself without soap.

This technique has not been approved by medicine, but it does not prevent many women from applying for it. In addition, many expectant mothers have already made sure of their reliability.
What can dreams tell us?

The superstitious beliefs of our distant ancestors have almost no limits and are of particular importance to what many dream in their dreams. Foreshadowing an early pregnancy, it acted as pioneers of fish. At the same time, it doesn't matter what the woman does with the fish of her dream: she catches it or just holds it in her hands, buys, cooks, eats.

However, in addition to fish, it is possible to control pregnancy at home using sleep in a different way. And here we are talking about the natural elements of fish. So, if a woman in her dream sees how she swims with crystal clear water in some reservoirs, this may be evidence that she will soon become a mother.
Benefits of onions

Estimating with Sagittarius is a highly controversial and most unusual method. In fact, the essence goes down to telling fortune more. To do this, you need to take two onions and give positive results in one, while the opposite is negative in the other. After that, put them in a water bowl and remain to observe which one will grow to a height of 4-5 cm before.

It is immediately clear that such a technique does not have a scientific justification because it will never occur to anyone. For the most part, this is just fun, rather than a more realistic method for determining pregnancy. That's interesting, does anyone care?
Helping indoor plants

People believe that if you water the flowers (inner or garden) collected in your urine early in the morning, they will grow more spectacular and new shoots will emerge. The result is a - a woman expecting a baby.

Here, in fact, there is nothing mysterious and everything is explained by the effect of hormones in which the future mother's urine is saturated. Only here, the reliability of the result can be estimated no later than 3 days after conception.

Another popular method, pregnancy at home, is to measure the pulse on the stomach at a location 7-8 cm below the navel. And if you can feel the fluctuation in this area, the woman can be congratulated for motherhood. At one time, such feelings were considered a child's heartbeat. In fact, since the embryo has not yet formed, it is too early for it. Everything is explained simply - the pulse is felt in the pelvic region due to increased blood circulation, which is common during pregnancy.

But now, unfortunately, this method has no scientific justification and therefore its reliability is questioned.
Something exploded with metal ...

There are enough supporters of folk methods to determine pregnancy, and as they say, if the pregnancy is successful, a woman can feel a characteristic metallic taste in her mouth. Usually this can happen in the first weeks, which allows you to determine the truth during the early stages of pregnancy.
How good are folk remedies?

Many of these popular methods of determining pregnancy are not scientifically proven and practically do not rely on any criticism. At the same time, many women learned their “interesting situation sayesinde only through these techniques.

Typically, each of these methods has a result - yes or no, ie 50% probability. Therefore, it is only women's privilege to decide whether to rely on folk remedies.

When it comes to security, none of these methods pose a threat. They also carry only positive things for women, satisfying their curiosity. And an invaluable advantage is that you don't have to buy anything because many of these funds are at your fingertips.
As a result

Not all folk remedies for determining pregnancy are listed in this article. Comments on how to control pregnancy at home are highly controversial. Someone loves a technique and someone - the opposite. It should be understood that all folk methods are indirect and that, even out of curiosity, it is not worth trusting them completely. In addition, it is highly recommended that most women return to the drug and undergo an appropriate examination to accurately determine the fact that they have become pregnant.

As for folk methods, it can not be completely ignored, but can be used as an additional measure. Sometimes every woman should listen to herself carefully. As a result, she wishes that all girls and women, after all, take care of themselves to avoid bad habits and to fully trust their intuition. Then happiness will always be at home and joy will soon appear more healthy and full!

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