Friday, September 27, 2019

Halloween Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Autumn Wreath, Pumpkin Pie, Candy Corn, Marshmallow, Night Air, Caramel Corn

Essential oils for relaxing bath

Halloween Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Autumn Wreath, Pumpkin Pie, Candy Corn, Marshmallow, Night Air, Caramel Corn

After a day of work, it was particularly difficult or stressful, of course we want to go home, relax and rest. We can do very well in these moments to prepare a relaxing bath, because it helps us to rest slowly and we will rest before bedtime and sleep better.

If you want to prepare a relaxing bath, do not hesitate to apply essential oils and of course look for those with relaxing properties. These essential oils become a good option and we should use these baths at least once or twice a week because we will provide not only physical but mental rest.

Essential oils are obtained by extracting extracts which secrete the cells of some plants. . The resulting oil is highly concentrated, aromatic and rich in various active ingredients, in particular each essential oil, which, depending on the plants in which it is active, provides us with a number of different properties and benefits.

The process of obtaining essential oils is based on the distillation of different plant parts such as leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, roots and even wood.

Other processes for obtaining essential oils are steam and cold pressing. As we said before, each essential oil will provide different properties and benefits depending on the plant from which it is obtained.

The benefits given to these oils are very wide, it is recommended to improve various diseases such as respiratory problems, colds, colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, digestion problems, improve circulation, massage and relax. to stimulate body and mind, sleep, or to increase the soothing properties that only warm water applies to our bodies.

Essential oils can be used both orally and topically, and in this case, we will use topically to prepare a relaxing bath with essential oils.
How to prepare a relaxing bath using essential oils

We'll just have to put a few drops of the essential oil we choose in a bathtub with warm water at a temperature of about 32 dropsC and add 10 or 20 drops of essential oil to the water.

To prepare a soothing bath we can refer to the following essential oils: lavender essential oil, orange essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, oregano essential oil, bergamot essential oil, sage essential oil, cedar essential oil, essential oil geranium

Herbal products, herbal products, natural product stores, pharmacies, natural products used in pharmacies, natural products are offered for sale online.

When purchasing, we must read the label carefully to see its composition and make sure that we receive a pure essential oil that has not been replaced by other additional products.

The best option is to select ecological essential oils In addition to its composition on the product label, we should observe that the following indicators are collected as follows:

The name of the plant is in our case Spanish.
Latin, the botanical name of the species to which the plant belongs.
The part from which the plant is extracted from essential oil, flowers, leaves, fruits, stem, root, wood.
Country of origin of the plant.
Country of origin of the manufacturer.

When it comes to preserving the essential oil, we should keep it in the glass container it is in, make sure it is well sealed and store it in a dark place where it does not shine.

Essential oils are generally well tolerated, except for some people who may be allergic to any of the plants, so we can try applying a drop of essential oil to the skin before using it in the bath and observe the reaction.
Contraindications for the use of essential oils

Essential oils are not recommended in the following cases:

In case of pregnancy.
During breastfeeding.
Children under 12 years.
Allergic people

Halloween Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Autumn Wreath, Pumpkin Pie, Candy Corn, Marshmallow, Night Air, Caramel Corn