Friday, September 27, 2019

PURA D’OR Essential Oils Wood Box 10mL 10-Set 100% Pure USDA Organic Therapeutic Grade (Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Frankincense, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood)

Bath with essential oils for health and beauty. Baths with essential oils

PURA D’OR Essential Oils Wood Box 10mL 10-Set 100% Pure USDA Organic Therapeutic Grade (Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Frankincense, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood)

It is very difficult to find a girl who does not like to sleep in a hot bath. If very few people add a few drops of essential oil to the water, you can not only enjoy the water procedures, but also give your body an incredible aroma.

Keep in mind that the aroma bath will not only give your body a pleasant scent, but can also make your skin soft, supple and beautiful. The bathroom with essential oils is a wonderful opportunity to feel young and attractive again.
What are the benefits of a bath with essential oils?

It is important to note that nobles built such bathrooms years ago. You can really relax with this procedure. This is a great way to really relax after hard weekdays.
In fact, very few people know that the aroma bath is a way to relax and heal. Using aromatherapy you can restore normal blood circulation. In addition, many doctors recommend such a water treatment for those who do not sleep well for a very long time or suffer from sleepless nights.

If you decide to take a bath with the addition of essential oils, you should know that the effect will vary depending on which extract you use.

With aromatherapy, you can achieve an excellent tonic effect as well as normalize metabolism. In fact, such a bathroom is not only very pleasant process, but also very useful. Many experts in the field of aromatherapy recommend taking them to people suffering from the following conditions:

Genital inflammation;

With the help of a high quality ether extract, you can calm down, relax and sometimes awaken.

How to prepare a bath with essential oil?

There is a common mistake that many people make when doing aromatherapy. Essential oils do not dissolve in normal water, so if you add the oil directly to water, it has no effect. It is worth diluting with an emulsifier so that the essential oil can perform its useful functions.

What is the role of this particular tool? Actually, nothing complicated. Dilute the ether extract:

Table salt.

Many people unknowingly use a shower gel or bath foam as an emulsifier. In fact, it is better not to do this because these products often contain harmful substances. The first is not very beneficial to your skin, and second, all positive properties of the oil will be neutralized.

If we talk about norms, it is worth mentioning that you should add one drop of essential oil per ten liters of water to the bathroom. Despite these norms, if you are going to take aromatherapy for the first time, you should add a minimum amount of oil squeezing. You need to start the whole volume from four to five drops and then gradually increase the amount by ten to eleven drops.

It is very important that you understand that you should determine the exact amount of the actual substance yourself, depending on the volume and weight of our bath.

How aroma is drawn into the bathroom? aromatherapy

Baths with essential oils

Baths with essential oils, cellulite oils

How to choose aromatic bath. How to make aromatic bath

Relaxing body bath (milk, honey, orange oil, salt)

Aroma Bath Toning. How to make aromatic bath

There are certain rules regarding the proper use of aromatherapy. You should measure the water temperature before taking a bath. Experts believe that the temperature of 36-37 degrees Celsius is considered normal. With the addition of essential oils in the bathroom, you can not be more than fifteen minutes.

You should also know that the aroma bath is not compatible with body wash. In this case, you should, unlike, take a shower before doing such an operation. This is necessary to completely remove dirt and dust from the skin.

It is best to rub your body thoroughly with a towel after a shower. However, it is best not to rub the skin when wrapping the skin with a towel after the aroma bath. Many experts in aromatherapy advise you to relax after a procedure and drink a cup of aromatic herbal tea.
What are the kinds of aroma baths?

There are several kinds of aroma baths. Choose the right type depending on how much time you have and your problems.

Shared bathroom In this case, we are talking about a procedure for the whole body at the same time.
This type of local bath is suitable for those who want to have a positive effect on certain parts of the body, such as arms or legs.

It should be noted that the dosage depends on the type. If you want to take a local bath for your hands, three drops of ether are enough for you. If we're talking about the Sitz bath, it's enough to take two drops.

If you use aroma baths not only for pleasure and to maintain beauty, but for therapeutic purposes, it is best to consult a highly qualified specialist who tells you which oil is best for you. Your doctor should also offer you a special treatment with aromatherapy.
How to choose the right essential oil for the bath?

Before you begin this pleasant procedure, you must determine which effect you want to achieve.

If you want to achieve a tonic effect, it is best to choose these oils: lemon, pine, cinnamon, ginger or verbena. In addition to the fact that they tone the skin, they can normalize blood pressure and also help them get rid of cellulite.
After a serious stressful situation, there are situations where you only need to relax, gain strength and relax. This is best done with the help of aroma bath. For these purposes, lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine oils are suitable.
If you just want to relax in warm water and refresh your skin, you should prepare a bath with rosemary or grapefruit essential oils.
Often, women prefer to use aroma baths to relieve fatigue. In this case, we are talking about hard working days. After five working days, many people want to have a good rest and get stronger for the weekend. For these purposes, it is best to use essential oils of tangerine or eucalyptus.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to use only one type of oil in the aroma bath preparation. Essential extracts can be combined with each other. In fact, if you create the right combination, you can get a lot more beneficial effect and a truly unique smell that will be absorbed into your body for a long time.

Before starting the aroma bath, it is very important to check for an allergic reaction to the essential oil. To do this, you need to do a very simple test. In a small area of ​​the skin, you need to apply some essential oil and watch it.

If you feel unpleasant sensations, burning, itching and this part of the skin turns red, you should not use this essence and it is better to seek another cure for aromatherapy.

In addition, you should work carefully before purchasing a product in which it is produced precisely because a poor quality substance will have no positive effect. Also pay attention to packaging before purchase.

There is nothing more useful than a bath with essential oils with beneficial properties. It is Eastern tradition to take a bath with sea salt, have taken root with various fusions, flowers, oils, so you can significantly improve the condition of your body. Each has its own characteristics, soothes, fills with health, rejuvenates, removes toxins and toxins, and with their help, you can quickly get rid of subcutaneous fat from problems like cellulite.
Benefits of a bath containing essential oil

When bathing, oil-rich chemicals can penetrate through the pores into the skin and begin to actively affect the entire body. Inhalation of these is also beneficial, which can be done with the help of evaporation from the bath. You can bathe completely for the whole body, but for the legs and hands, you can make small baths separately, so that you can get rid of swelling, fatigue and forcefully fill the limbs.
Essential rules for bathing with essential oils

To get an effective result, you need to do it correctly, be sure to listen to the advice of experts:

1. After purchase, a useful and pleasant bath containing essential oil should be taken and the body should be clean so that the pores are open.

2. It is very important to clean the face before the procedure, so the pores will be ready to receive nutrients.

3. The water in the bath should be light, only half of the body should be covered.

4. It is very important to consider the temperature of the water, in no case should not be hot, but it should be hot. The optimum temperature is 35 to 37 degrees. Remember that if the bath is hot, the essential oils evaporate quickly and the bath is already completely ineffective, it may adversely affect a person, breathing becomes difficult, blood pressure rises and heartbeats will be more frequent.

5. Before adding essential oil to the bath, the main oil - jojoba, should be mixed with olives, it is recommended to make a tablespoon of honey, milk, sour cream, kefir soup.

6. The bath should be prepared and taken up in a closed room, so that the aromas of the oil are not lost, it has a positive effect on the body by inhalation.

7. It is not possible to use other hygiene products while bathing with essential oils (shampoo, ointment, soap, gels, creams, lotions, etc.). So the bathroom won't be effective.

8. The procedure should not take more than 15 minutes. The duration of treatment is up to 10 baths, all depends on your purpose and what effect you want to achieve.

It is very important to follow all of the above rules, but then you can get great results. It is also important to pay attention to different oils, because each has its own benefit.
Essential Oils for Bath

1. You can use eucalyptus essential oil added to the bath to regulate your skin, remove excess bacteria that cause inflammation and improve your health with them.

2. The bathtub will help you relax after a hard working day, will calm down and arrange you for a pleasant and healthy sleep.

3. Bath with orange essential oil increases metabolism in the body and skin cells, so you can quickly lose weight, regenerate, and most importantly get rid of cellulite.

4. Lemon essential oil added to the bath helps to cheer up, increase attention, concentrate, adapt to work, especially after intense stress and a busy day is good to take.

5. A bathroom with foundation will restore the work of the whole organism, you can add oil from pine and pine needles.

6. ylang-ylang essential oil-based work tub, suitable for people who are constantly working, worries are surrounded, somewhere in a hurry. With this bath you can reduce stress, calm down, forget working, get rid of fatigue and depression.
Bath oils with essential oils

Each fat affects its own body, if a person wants to lose weight, you should consult with a specialist, he will certainly choose the composition of essential oils from which you can achieve the desired result. Most often use an orange, grapefruit, cedar, clove, lemon, fir, fennel, pine bath to lose weight. They help fight cellulite.

Suitable for soothing bath with lavender oil, chamomile, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lemon cream, marjoram, linden blossom.

If you want to achieve a rejuvenating effect of a bath with essential oils, you need to add oil with geranium, water lily, mimosa and rose. It has a refreshing and tonic effect. Also, it is good to use essential oils of cardamom, basil, tangerine, lemon, orange, rosemary, yarrow, thyme to fill with energy.

Thus, essential oil baths have been popular since ancient times, even in ancient Egypt, Cleopatra loved to bathe with the addition of flower-based oil, so she always made her skin smooth, delicate, velvety. Essential oils can penetrate into the bloodstream from the skin and into the entire human body. When a person breathes essential oils, it affects the sense of smell that is responsible for transmitting pulses in the brain. Essential oils in the bathroom bring pleasure and most importantly health. With their help, you can calm down, relax, get rid of everything, also have a positive effect on your sex life, improve metabolism, have a positive effect on the nervous system and help insomnia. After such a bath, every woman gains inner and outer beauty.

The rhythm of modern life requires complete devotion. Housework and workload will not let you relax. As a result of all this, sleep deteriorates and the constant tension causes a seemingly sharp deterioration. One way out of the vicious circle would be bath oil. Ancient Chinese healers, whose secrets helped us improve our physical and psychological state today, knew how to use this tool with maximum health benefit.

Bath oil is the definitive way to relax after a hard day's work. It is highly soluble in hot water and is no worse than any protective cosmetic product for the body. A high quality product contains a range of healing ingredients that contribute to improving the appearance of the skin, eliminating inflammation and excess fat content. Be sure to read the composition on the label with the product before purchasing, it should contain ethers and other useful substances.

How to apply

The most accurate way to reduce muscle tension, relax and calm the nerves is bath oil. How to use it correctly, experienced spa workers know a few important nuances here:

Be sure to observe the rate specified by the manufacturer, in most cases a maximum of ten drops per bath;
By observing the reaction of the skin and gradually increasing the dose, it is better to start the course with a small amount of oil.

Like any bath oil, the solid “Beauty Cafe ((photo of the product popular with cosmetics) contains volatile esters that require the softness of its use. It is not recommended to add when water is collected in the bathtub or to include the jacuzzi function during the process.

"Beauty Cafe"

This incredibly fragrant oil is a solid option and is economical to use. It has many healing properties for the skin, but it has a unique property in terms of application. Not only does it dissolve in water, but also use solid “Beauty Cafe” bath oil directly for the body. The product description includes a number of particularly positive advantages:

it has an incredibly fragrant vanilla-chocolate fleet;
it is perfectly soluble in warm water and, after preheating, disperses perfectly in the body and can be used as a nourishing massage agent;
moisturizes the skin well, makes it soft and velvety;
perfectly fights fatigue and provides quality relaxation.

The subtleties of the process

It really does wonders, revives, blames with positive emotions and offers complete relaxation, renunciation of worldly worries, and bath oil. The right use of the product, you should always know every woman who does not have time to go to the spa.

The temperature should be optimal for the body. Ideally, at 38 degrees, the time spent in such a bath is twenty minutes.
Do not use the product more than indicated on the label. Oils in its composition are highly concentrated and can cause dizziness in large quantities.
Just before the procedure, it is recommended that you take a shower for a better nutrition and qualitatively cleanse your skin.
To enhance the effect of the session, a fluffy towel towel robe sitting on the couch with a glass of scented herbal tea should be wrapped.

The regularity of the procedures is also important, leading to the best cumulative result.

Significantly improves well-being, helps to completely relax and even eliminates the symptoms of bath oil of some diseases. How to use the robust product (including "Beauty Café") and other products in this category to achieve the highest effect? Select the ideal time for this procedure, adjust a specific wave to increase sensory perception.

The liquid concentrate requires mandatory pre-dissolution on the basis. It may be any base oil, lightly heated milk or medicinal plant boiling agent.
Do not open the door to the bathroom and distract yourself during the procedure, light candles, open pleasant music and surrender completely with a relaxing bliss.

How to choose the best oil

Depending on the properties and the desired effect, the correct bath oil is selected. How to use correctly? It is recommended to warm it slightly before use, so it dissolves better in warm water and reveals all its properties.

Read the composition in which the manufacturer specifies all components.
Assemble them correctly.
Do not mix or apply in the form of course of treatment with reversed properties, for example, after the relaxant and tonic.
Be sure to test your skin for a new product.

Benefits of oils

Choose a targeted product that will help you avoid this problem as soon as possible. For a relaxing effect, experts recommend the use of sandalwood, lavender, jasmine, lemon grass and cedar wood. How to use correctly - it completely depends on the properties of a particular ether. Thus, before bedtime is shown a bath containing a few drops of lemon oil and chamomile oil, and add a little lemon and mint to the water for vitality and good mood. Ginger will help relieve pain and relieve stress, kill bacteria and enhance the body's protective functions - eucalyptus. Grapefruit, cedar, pine, clove and fennel oils have strong anti-cellulite properties. There are exciting esters: patchouli, neroli, rose, geranium, ylang ylang, coconut, vanilla and chocolate.

Aromatherapy has always been an effective solution to many health problems. But among many varieties (aroma lamps, oily pendants, etc.), aroma baths have the greatest effect because their essence is that the healing agents of oils enter the body not only through the respiratory system but also through the pores of the skin. It turned out that the whole body completely absorbed the invaluable benefits and its effect was realized much faster and at a greater rate.

Any bath with essential oils is a real pleasure, creating numerous positive effects for health and beauty:

an anti-inflammatory;
anesthetic agent;
relaxing, calming;
preventing cellulite and causing weight loss;
strengthening immunity;
skin cleansing and healing;
antiviral for the common cold;
therapeutic for many diseases;
exciting (with aphrodisiacs) and so on.

Depending on the target being monitored, special oils are selected which contribute to achieving a certain effect.
Oil properties

Before taking aromatherapy, you must imagine exactly which oils are helpful in any situation, otherwise you may accidentally get the opposite effect. For example, if you need to calm down, relax, you cannot use esters that act refreshingly, and so on.

. Orange, grapefruit, lemon, cypress, juniper oil are considered the most effective esters to tighten skin and dissolve subcutaneous oil. Each is taken in a mixture of 1-2 drops dropwise. Baths with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, rosemary, ginger are also good for cellulite: these oils can be used separately, 10-12 drops. Daily anti-cellulite aroma baths are not recommended, 1-2 times a week will be sufficient.
For the skin. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that not only provides smoothness and velvet to the skin, but also helps in the treatment of skin, warts, burns in the skin, warts, burns and inflammation processes and contributes to tissue regeneration during cuts and other injuries. Lavender oil regenerates cells, tightens withered skin The skirt of the orange tightens the skin and fir oil can prevent acne and inflammation, and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.
For weight loss. Orange oils (and all citrus fruits), tea tree, coconut, dill, guarana, effectively "dissolve" excess oils added to the bath and penetrating through the pores of the skin.
Anesthetizing aroma baths. Joint pain, muscles, various skin irritations and inflammations, esters, ginger, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, frankincense, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, orange helps pain. Fir, cedar and eucalyptus oils are also useful for pain relief friction or jamming.
To relax the nervous system, a bath with essential mint oil, lavender, thyme, lemon grass, tea tree and conifer bath (fir, spruce, pine) will help. The frequency of such baths is determined by desire and goodness by the tolerance and properties of the esters. On average, a procedure every 2 days will suffice.
From fatigue. Lavender oils, sandalwood, tea tree, geranium, rose and conifer (fir, pine, etc.) Baths will be strengthened after a hard day. This relaxing treatment also ensures a healthy sleep.
To cheer up. Just for fun or when you are upset, a bathroom with your favorite aroma oils will delight you. Particularly suitable are lavender, orange, tea tree, sandalwood, ylang ylang, fir baths or eucalyptus esters.
To revive, it is useful to bathe with essential orange or lemon oils, verbena, rosemary, sage and conifer trees (fir, juniper, pine).
Baths containing tea tree esters, chamomile, rosemary, orange, lavender will have a therapeutic effect in many diseases. "Hurra", needle, needle, pine, cedar, and so on.
it helps to adapt to a romantic mood, to gain sensuality, to strengthen desire and stimulation. A good effect can be obtained from ginger, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli.

For the convenience of mixing oils with sea salt, you can use a cloth bag (2 tablespoons of sea salt and pour a few drops into the selected meat), which you should immerse in a water bath.
How to take a bath

Baths with essential oils are not only a pleasure when you want and when you want. Such procedures require the application of various rules, otherwise the result may be reversed or useless.

it is important to select the ethers that target the action in order to achieve exactly a certain result;
water should not be lower than 35 degrees and not higher than 39 degrees (at a low temperature, the pores will not open wide enough and esters will lose some properties at high temperatures);
oils are insoluble in water, therefore, to prevent the appearance of an oily film on the surface, honey, sea salt, milk, cream and so on. and only add this mixture to the bath;
Before the procedure, you should take a shower with a scrubbing to prepare the skin as much as possible for the absorption of nutrients (if not scrubbing, you can use sea salt, coffee powder, etc.);
duration of the procedure should be 10-20 minutes, it is enough to absorb the necessary substances (more time is full of headache, skin irritation);
when bathing with aromatic oils, do not use detergent (shampoo, gel, etc.), just lie down and relax in aromatic water;
it is not desirable to dry the body immediately after the aroma bath, let the healing water dry naturally;
includes a bath with aromatic oils, a cup of herbal tea to enhance relaxation and effect.

These simple moments will really help in the proper execution of the procedure, which guarantees maximum effect from it. It is enough to understand that aroma baths cannot give immediate results. Actions will become noticeable, but with regular practice for some time (how individual). However, this procedure also has contraindications to be considered:

individual intolerance and allergies;
angina pectoris and coronary heart disease;
inflammatory processes of internal organs.

Any bath containing aromatic oils, whether relaxing, revitalizing, healing or cosmetic, is a true gift of nature, and not using it means consciously depriving yourself of the pleasure of healing.

Bath ... sometimes how many hope we give. Help him wake up in the morning, cheer him up, charge the body with energy and vitality. In the evening, the bathroom helps you relax, relieve fatigue and stress after a hard day's work. On weekends, you can just enjoy the bath procedure, relax and relax.

In the meantime, in the East, they have long learned to use the bathroom with benefit and to get the desired effect from its adoption. All ... in essential oils. Aromatic oils (also essential oils) have been successfully used in alternative medicine and home cosmetic products.

In the right choice, essential oils increase the effect of bathing while relaxing while bathing.

The effect of aromatherapy on the body is due to the penetration of oil into the open pores of the skin as well as the inhalation of air. That is, if inhaled, the essential oils are volatile. Traditionally, the aroma baths are separated in general (for the whole body) or locally (for example, for arms or legs). For a shared bath, 6-8 drops of the selected oil, and 3-4 drops for the local baths.
How to bath with essential oil?

Before you start the bath, you must first take a shower and do it first, so that you can open the pores and prepare the body for the bath.
Then, you should turn to a full warm water bath, but not hot water. At an optimum temperature 35-36º, higher temperature, the essential oil will begin to evaporate rapidly.
Before adding, the essential essences should be dissolved on an oil basis (jojoba oil or olive oil is suitable) or diluted in 1 tablespoon. spoon of honey or sour cream. Cream, kefir or cream are also suitable.
Do not open the door while taking a bath, as this will cause a rapid loss of aroma.
During adoption, aromatics do not recommend the use of shampoo, gel or soap, as this will significantly reduce the effect of the essential oil.
As a rule, the duration of the aromatic bath is 10-25 minutes. Perform a 10-15-day course each day. For a preventive effect, it is sufficient to use a bath with the addition of essential oil once a week.

How to choose oil for aroma bath?

The essential oil is selected depending on its properties and the desired effect. Essential oils can be combined. But combine it with the mind.

Do not mix different, contrasting oils. For example, tonic oils - myrrh, lemon, rosemary and soothing oils - cedar, lemon grass, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood.

In addition, when combining various oils, more than 5-6 oils cannot be mixed at the same time. Thus, you not only achieve the desired result, but you also run the risk of causing the body's allergic reactions.

In the meantime, before using any essential oil, you should test for skin sensitivity and the presence of allergies to the selected product.
Properties of essential bath oils.

Thus, the properties of some essential oils are most often used to bathe:

Lemon increases and increases the concentration of attention.

Rosemary - activates the body's vitality.

In the evening, a bath with lavender and frankincense essential oils will help relieve fatigue and muscle pain.

Before going to bed, it is good to take chamomile and lemon cream by adding oils (3-4 drops each).

PURA D’OR Essential Oils Wood Box 10mL 10-Set 100% Pure USDA Organic Therapeutic Grade (Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Rosemary, Lemongrass, Frankincense, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood)