Monday, September 30, 2019

ALASKA BEAR? Natural Silk Sleep mask & Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye mask (2 Straps(w/Nose Baffle))

Want to sleep efficiently?

ALASKA BEAR? Natural Silk Sleep mask & Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye mask (2 Straps(w/Nose Baffle))

Not enough sleep or insomnia. What should we do to sleep efficiently?

WALL - Insomnia is a serious problem for many of us. We know very well that we are not alone in this subject because of the news and columns in the printed and visual media. According to Rudaw, Süleyman Yıldız examines the known mistakes about sleep. The star outlines ways of productive sleep.


Let's start with an assertive sentence. A good quality sleep is more valuable than the most powerful vitamin pills. Just as a good meal is good for our bodies, a good quality sleep is as good for our soul. When our sleep settings are disturbed, our mental health begins to collapse, just like the body affected by malnutrition. So the sine qua non of our mental health depends on a good sleep. Insomnia is related to many problems from headache to reflux, diabetes to obesity, heart disease to depression, attention loss, memory problems, increase in traffic and work accidents, anger and stress reactions. That is why we should consider the problem of insomnia much more, and what we know about sleep should be correct.


1) Snoring doesn't matter

Snoring is one of the most important signs of an unhealthy sleep and, as its severity / duration increases, it has a negative impact on health. Especially in a situation called sleep apnea where breathing pauses in certain periods, snoring can open the door to very serious health problems. Sleep apnea in patients with sudden death in sleep, heart attacks, obesity and nerve injuries are more common problems such as.

2) Less sleep is enough for me

Most healthy people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. The average sleep time varies according to the age group is 8 hours. You can ideally handle a few days of sleep for 5-6 hours. If you are constantly deprived of ideal sleep time, you will struggle with dizziness, fatigue, tension, nervousness and distraction on almost every day.
3) Alcohol sleeps more beautifully

As with all other matters, alcohol is not innocent of sleep. Alcohol is never, but never a factor that can help you fall asleep. Those who claim and implement this should know some points better. Alcohol allows you to fall asleep faster in a soothing dose, but you need to know that alcohol makes it difficult to go into the deep sleep phase (resting sleep section), it breaks the sleep many times without you realizing it, wakes you up early, and never wakes up rested no matter how long you sleep.

4) Taking a nap during the day just because of laziness

Do not forget that falling asleep frequently during the day may also be caused by thyroid hormone deficiency, sleep apnea, blood sugar play and normal sleep duration.

5) Making candies is bad

This is not always right or wrong at all. If your sweets do not adversely affect your sleep time, studies clearly show that it is beneficial for your health. However, it is important to note that taking a nap may also become a sleep thief, which shortens the night's sleep.

5 simple suggestions for a good sleep:

- Try to get enough sleep.
- At least 5 hours before bedtime, tea, coffee and beverages that have a stimulating feature

- Go to sleep at the same time as possible

- Pay attention to sleep hygiene. Keep your sleeping room, bed and pillow as clean as possible and replace them frequently

- Telephone, television, etc. before going to bed. Keep away from electronic devices such as

ALASKA BEAR? Natural Silk Sleep mask & Blindfold, Super-Smooth Eye mask (2 Straps(w/Nose Baffle))