Friday, September 27, 2019

doTERRA Introductory Kit

What are the Benefits of Orange Oil?

doTERRA Introductory Kit


Orange peel benefits

It is good for sexual reluctance, destroying cellulite and preventing premature aging of the skin. It also has a pleasant smell. The house can be used to smell nice.

It is good for muscle, bone and joint pain. Increases the swelling of the tissue is useful for inflammation. Pain or swelling muscles can be applied to the pain can be applied.

Strengthens the immune system. As it strengthens the immune system, it helps fight against many diseases.

It is a natural antibiotic. This prevents the spread of bacteria.

Good for high blood pressure. Improves blood circulation. Lowers blood pressure. As a result, it has a lowering effect on hypertension. This reduces the risk of developing heart diseases.

It is beneficial for depression. Gives calmness. Away from stress, can be added to the perfume for calm. The smell can spread home. This slows down stress hormones. It gives peace.

It has an aphrodisiac feature. When used regularly, it provides benefits for impotence, erectile dysfunction, decreased interest in the opposite sex, and sexual reluctance.

It helps to eliminate toxins in the body. Provides frequent urination. With urine, uric acid, bile, excess salt and various toxin substances are removed from the body. This facilitates digestion.

Prevents the accumulation of gas in the intestines. It is good for indigestion and bloating. As a result of the accumulation of gas in the intestines, it eliminates the pain such as chest pain and stomach pain. Relaxes abdominal muscles and anal muscles.

Improves blood flow.

Can be used against cancer.

Good for constipation.

Orange oil benefits are good for headaches.

It is good for Alzheimer's disease.

If you are not allergic to orange oil, you can apply it to your skin. You can mix it with oils such as tea tree oil.

It protects the skin thanks to the vitamin c it contains.

Eliminates acne and skin inflammation.

Increases collagen production in the skin. As a result, it prevents wrinkle formation.

Slows the formation of dark spots on the skin.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it provides protection against harmful uv rays.

Protects skin from air pollution and toxicity damage

How to use orange peel oil

Orange oil can be diluted with almond oil, jojoba oil or avocado oil. When you are thinned with these oils, it is applied to the skin by massaging.

Cellulite is a good fat. When applied to the cellulite zone, it destroys cellulite formation over time. It increases the blood circulation thanks to the active ingredients it contains. Accelerates fat burning. For these effects, 7 drops of orange oil, 6 drops of oregano oil, 7 drops of rosemary oil, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and 5 drops of lemon balm oil are mixed. The prepared mixture is applied to the cellulite region by massaging from top to bottom in circular movements. The region is wrapped with stretch film. After 20 minutes, the applied area is washed with water.

It can be used by thinning with different oils for skin and hair. There are other uses.

Pour hot water into a container for sore throat and cough. 3 drops of oil into the vapor is inhaled.

For sore throat and colds, a teaspoon of salt is thrown into a glass of water. 2 drops of oil on the mouthwash can be made.

Water can be added by dripping oil to the room spray and the room can smell nice.

For gingivitis 3 drops of oil are dripped into a glass of water. Gargle with water prepared.

A quarter cup of sea salt and 10 drops of orange oil can be mixed into the bath water. This provides relaxation and revival.

In order to get rid of insects, the areas where insects come from at home can be cleaned by wiping with this oil.

Tiles and greasy areas can be cleaned with a few drops of oil to remove grease and stains in the house.

Moisturizes dry and damaged hair Scalp benefits. Repairs broken hair. For all these effects, 10 drops of orange oil are added into a small amount of olive oil. Massage the scalp with the mixture. After waiting for 40-45 minutes, the hair is washed. In this way, hair grows easily grows.

Considerations for using orange peel oil

Excessive use may cause nausea and vomiting.

May cause anorexia.

doTERRA Introductory Kit