Monday, September 30, 2019

Unimi Sleep Mask for Woman and Man, Upgraded Contoured 3D Eye Mask Eye Cover, Comfortable Sleeping Mask No Pressure On Your Eyeballs, Create Total Darkness -Black

How to fall asleep?

Unimi Sleep Mask for Woman and Man, Upgraded Contoured 3D Eye Mask Eye Cover, Comfortable Sleeping Mask No Pressure On Your Eyeballs, Create Total Darkness -Black

Falling asleep is not always as simple as putting your head on a pillow and closing your eyes. All thoughts, worries and disturbances prevent you from finding your own way in your mind and falling asleep. Fortunately, there are a few positive ways that can help you regain your ability to fall asleep quickly and regularly.

Method 1
Ensuring falling asleep

Get your room cool, clean and quiet. The best conditions for sleeping are:
Set the room temperature to just under 20 degrees.
Wear soft, breathable clothing. Make a share between the skin and the fabric.
Sleep in the dark. You must turn off all lights and keep the night light away.

Perform muscle and mind-relaxing exercises to prepare your brain for sleep. When you're ready to sleep and sleep , you can think of anything but sleep. Use the following techniques to distract your head. Remember, thinking about stress or falling asleep is the fastest way to stay awake.
Muscles and relax your muscles. Stretch every muscle in your body first and then slowly release it. Focus on "moving" from the toes to the neck, then come back again.
Count your breath. Focus on deep and regular breathing. Pull it in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then breathe for eight seconds.
Picture a repetitive thing. Think of yourself as a free throw, watering your garden or counting sheep. Choose an activity you know and count into each of them.

Turn on some light music five minutes before bedtime. Unless there is a constant sound, noise from the window, or a snoring sound, it gives a good sleep. More importantly, the strange noises at night - like a barking dog - sound less noisy and comfort you for sleeping.
Try a classic music station on Pandora, Spotify or other music players you know.
Listen to waves, raindrops, wind sounds or other quiet, steady sounds. You can find them in many white noise and music applications.
Listen to everything that calms and comforts you. The things your friends are relieved may not comfort you, but different voices may comfort you.
Take advantage of meditation practices such as Slumber, Calm or Headspace.
Dim the lights 30 minutes before bedtime. Research has shown that this helps in falling asleep.

Gently stretch yourself for fifteen minutes before going to bed. Reach out and gently touch your toes. Pull your feet from behind to your hips to stretch your calves. Gently raise your arms up and stretch upwards.
Do your favorite stretching movements lightly and without hurting.
Doing some basic yoga is usually useful for sleeping. Try yoga for meditation.

Take a bath or a light snack for half an hour before going to sleep. A warm bath, especially with a little lavender oil, slows down the body's activity and makes it easier to fall asleep. A light snack will do the same and create a pleasant sleepiness.
Good snacks include lean proteins such as bananas, milk, avocados, poultry or fish, and nuts. Anything that is not sugary or greasy will usually feel good.
Lavender oil or lavender extract is a great way to get the rest of your bath without bathing.

An hour before bedtime, stop dealing with all electronic displays, mass media or business. You're done with the screens and you're not at work anymore. Computer screens actually activate your brain to stay awake, because the blue light subconsciously makes you think it's daytime.
After you come from work, it doesn't make you think about it again, make things right or do better. If you're really trying to get out of business mode, try writing your thoughts or plans manually in a diary.
Read, talk to a partner and have lunch, clothes, etc. for the next day. are the best ways to get rid of the screens and start the relaxation process.
Sleep is not a button that switches on and off. The sooner you relax, the easier you sleep.
If you think using a phone before going to bed is a way to relax you, make sure it uses apps like Twilight or Night Shift, which reduces blue light and doesn't offer anything interesting or stressful. So stay away from e-mail, social media, intensive reading and movies. Instead, engage in relaxing things such as meditation videos, sleep games or light reading.

Turn off the lights in the house two hours before bedtime. The bright light after sunset tells the brain that the sun is coming back, yet it is time to sleep. Use light attenuators, adjust brightness on computers and television, and target soft, yellow-orange lights. The yellow light can signal the sunset and the need for sleep.
Try a computer program such as Flux or features like Night Light / Night Shift that help your brain adjust, automatically reducing screen brightness when the sun goes down.
You may not feel that the light does not put you to sleep, but it actually prevents the formation of melatonin, an essential neurochemistry for sleep.

Avoid consuming any caffeinated drinks or too much alcohol in the afternoon. Both of these chemicals will keep you up and lead to hard nights in bed. Instead, try exercising in the afternoon, which will lead to an increase in metabolism and energy in the short term, and will facilitate sleep as the night approaches.
After you feel the effects of caffeine in the body system will be retained after 12:00 to switch to decaf drinks.
Some people think alcohol is sleep-promoting, but in the long run, alcohol leads to an uneven and restless sleep.

Method 2
Çabucak Uykuya Dalmak Quickly Falling Asleep: Rahatlamak Relax

Try muscle relaxing exercises. Starting from the tip of the toes, gently loosen all the muscles and then one by one. You can do the muscle relaxation exercise on your ankles, calves, knees and then your neck.

Try muscle clamping exercises. Gently squeeze the left fist, release it, and then repeat it with your right hand. Keep squeezing your fist and loosening, counting each jam like a sheep.

Try to reach out and meditate. Focus on loosening your muscles and getting buried in bed. Don't make any judgments or resist, just empty your brain, don't think of anything. Think of clouds or a quiet place. [one]

Count the numbers until you fall asleep. Starting slowly at 1. If you forget where you are, go back to the beginning and start again at 1.
Image titled Sleep after Watching, Seeing, or Reading Something Scary Step 1
Take your imagination. Keep your mind out of sleep and engage in something that comforts you.
Imagine a perfect house and room in your mind.
Imagine a calming sight from nature. Discover all the feeling in your mind.
Make up a movie or a story you're starring.
Imagine yourself walking in your house looking at all the walls.

Blow foam bubbles. Take the foam bubble bottles that children play to remove the bubble. Blowing bubbles allows you to focus on deep breathing.

Force yourself to stay awake. Relax, close your eyes and do your best to stay awake - you will be happy when you fail. This has been scientifically proven to work. [2nd]

Try hypnosis yourself. This is just a calm, relaxed and peaceful mood that is accessible to everyone. To do this:
Think of yourself in a warm and safe space.
Imagine that you walk more comfortably at every step. [3]
Repeat some words to yourself. Just say, orum I fall asleep, I sleep deeply..

Apply the “4-7-8 Method” breathing technique to yourself. To do this: [4]
Place the tip of your tongue behind the two front teeth.
Fully exhale.
Shut your mouth.
Breathe through your nose for four seconds.
Hold your breath for seven seconds.
Breathe out of your mouth for eight seconds.
Repeat this until you fall asleep. [5]

If you still can't sleep, take a break for a few minutes. Turn the dim light back on and read for about 10 minutes. You can also go for a walk, do light yoga or have a small snack. [6] [7]

Try sleep supplements. There are many supplements that can help you fall asleep, but the results vary from person to person. Try:
Chamomile tea. Make sure to use 2-3 sachets when brewing and put a lid on the kettle to prevent essential oils from flying out. [8]
Melatonin is the most common sleep supplement sold in pharmacies. It is naturally produced by the body, is found in many foods and is not addictive. [9]
Chlorpheniramine maleate is also sold under the name 'Chlortrimeton' or 'Coricidin-HBP'. It is an antihistamine that causes deficiency without raising blood pressure. [10]
Valerian is a relaxing plant that helps to sleep. [11th]


Turn off all lights with phones and computers. When ready to go to bed, all direct light sources must be switched off. As soon as you finish reading, close this article. Reduce all lights and brightness of their screens 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Settle with your head straight and spine straight. When you put your head on the pillow, your neck should be straight and not twist.
If you have sinus problems or sore throat, support yourself with 2-3 pillows so that your back is still straight and above the neck. This allows the fluids in the head to flow naturally.

Wear a large and comfortable nightgown. You can wear a wide cotton pajama or a long nightgown. If it doesn't work, take everything out. The skin needs to breathe to feel healthy and regulate body temperature. Tight clothes will prevent this.

Wear socks. Warm feet have been scientifically proven to help you fall asleep quickly. If you don't like socks, put a hot water bag in your bed. [12]

Method 3
Düzenli Olarak Uykuya Dalmak Fall asleep regularly: Yaşam Tarzı Değişiklikleri Yapmak Making Lifestyle Changes

Eat a small, healthy shot before bed. Try bananas, avocados, peanuts, almonds, figs and milk-based drinks. [13]
Avoid meals that secrete stress hormones, keep them awake, sugary or completely carbohydrate. [14]

Accept instead of trying to block the distractions. Confirm everything you've noticed: kok I smell the lotion I put on my hand, I feel the weight of my legs in bed, I hear my wife / partner breathing. Savaş Fighting emotions takes energy. Energy keeps you awake. Accepting something relaxes you, puts you to sleep.

Use aromatherapy. Lemon balm oil, chamomile oil, lavender oil and oregano can be used alone or in combination in the bathroom, massage, room or pillow spray. All alone, it also makes sleep easier. [15]

Managing Noise

Listen to the white noise to fall asleep in noisy environments. White noise is a constant, unobtrusive sound that helps you ignore other uneven sounds. It may be a serene sound, raindrop sound, or leaf rustling.
It is a great way to listen to a quiet, non-verbal music with some white noise as you prepare to sleep.
Many music applications have an biy ambience seçene option that provides white noise such as wave sounds.

Consider using ear plugs if there is constant and inevitable noise around you. Small earplugs or larger, noise-canceling headphones can provide the quiet sound atmosphere you need to fall asleep.

Make a sleep mask. If you really struggle with sleep, fold an old necktie or a pillowcase lengthwise and make a sleeping mask and gently tie it over your eyes. You can also buy one or make it at home.

Suppress or eliminate sudden / irregular sounds. If the noise from the street or around the house disturbs you when you try to fall asleep, try to prevent them with a regular noise.
Open a ventilator.
Close the windows.
Buy thick, soundproof curtains.
Mute your phone, don't vibrate.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Avoid caffeine and alcohol before sleeping. Caffeine should be avoided, especially after 2-3 in the afternoon, because it takes a long time to leave the body and certainly affects the quality of sleep. Alcohol can bring you to sleep, but it can divide your deep sleep to wake you up later in the night or make you feel restless or tired the next day. [16]
Nicotine has a similar effect to caffeine, so you should avoid smoking before going to bed for a good sleep.

Stay connected to a regular sleep program even on weekends. If you sleep at the same time every day, your body will adapt quickly and fall asleep every night at the same time. Also if you wake up at the same time every day, the same thing happens because the body will adapt to fatigue 7-8 hours before the time it is expected to wake up the next morning. The best way to fall asleep regularly is to make the sleep cycle tidy. If you don't know your schedule or how long you need to sleep:
Sleep at exactly the same time for two weeks.
When you wake up in the morning, immediately get out of bed - postpone or fall asleep again.
Write down every morning when you wake up.
Two weeks from now, you'il see you start getting up at the same time every morning. If you sleep at the same time, you can use this method to find out exactly how much sleep your body needs each night. [17]

Exercise three to five times a week. Regular exercises, such as one to two hours of cardio each week (jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.) and two to three hours of strength-training (yoga, weight lifting, aerobics), significantly reduce sleep problems in adults, as noted by the University of Maryland. .
Exercise within three hours of bedtime. Exercise keeps you awake by reducing the secretion of melatonin (which naturally helps you to regulate your sleep) because it has a three-hour effect on the body. [13]

Avoid taking nap during the day. If you need a shortcut, don't take more than 15 minutes (power candy). Short sleeps disrupt the sleep plan and make it difficult to fall asleep at night. The longer you sleep, the more difficult it can be to sleep at night. [18]
Decrease your stress level. Stress, tension, anxiety and depression can contribute to your inability to fall asleep. To cope with stress, yoga, relaxation, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-hypnosis, assertiveness training, meditation, exercise, visualization and so on. Search for support for stress management, including finding positive techniques. [19] If you have anxiety, trauma or depression problems, psychotherapy can be helpful. [20]

Know when you're going to the doctor. Stress, anxiety or depression can affect your sleep patterns. [21] If you cannot sleep regularly, consult a family doctor. Pay attention to the following symptoms:
Prolonged insomnia for several weeks or months.
Not being able to stay awake during the day, especially at important moments.
To experience constant mood changes, to be constantly nervous and stressed.
Waking up with pain or not being able to breathe. [22]


Avoid thinking you're trying to sleep, just relax and clear your mind.
Try sleeping with a cute plush friend. This can help you sleep, especially if you tend to get lonely at night.
Don't stress about being awake. As I stretched out, she kept saying, “I have to sleep now! I can't sleep, so I'm going to have a lot of problems tomorrow sen. Go to the other room, have a drink, choose a good book, rest for half an hour and then daydream until it passes.
Close your eyes and keep it closed. If your eyes are open and you look around constantly, it's hard to sleep.
The more active you are during the day, the more tired you are at the end of the day, so try to be active during the day.
If the person you share the bed with is not sleeping, talk to him about it. Such resolved insomnia may adversely affect the relationship.
Have him keep a diary near his bed. Instead of lying on the bed and worrying, write in your diary and leave your thoughts there to deal with during the day. [23]
Drink warm milk, dairy products can help you fall asleep.
Read before bedtime - the soothing repetitive turning tone makes you feel tired.
If you're always late, get up earlier than usual (around 6-7), so you'll be very tired around 7 pm.


Avoid self-diagnosing sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about any problems you have with insomnia or other sleep problems. It is important to identify the source of the problems and find a suitable solution. Before you have to tackle heavier medications, ask your doctor if you have suggestions for changing your routine (eg tips for getting rid of bad habits), non-addictive sleeping aids, or herbal medicines (eg Valerian), or if you have the appropriate nutrition and exercise options. Since prescription drugs can cause addiction or dizziness, it is wise to explore all possible options.
Always check the side effects of sleeping medicines and essential oils. Because some of them cannot be used during pregnancy, in nursing mothers, immunocompromised persons, or in people with certain medical conditions.

Things You Need

Comfortable beds
Comfortable pillows
A good quilt
Comfortable bed linen
Comfortable nightgown
Sleep mask (Optional)
Good curtains / shutters and sound insulation (Optional)
A noise-canceling fan (Optional)

Avoid having electronic devices in your room. When you turn on electronic devices in your room, your brain may be surprised and think it's morning.

This can provide a good night's sleep.

Unimi Sleep Mask for Woman and Man, Upgraded Contoured 3D Eye Mask Eye Cover, Comfortable Sleeping Mask No Pressure On Your Eyeballs, Create Total Darkness -Black