Friday, September 27, 2019

Sweet Gift Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Bubble Gum, Orange Creamsicle, Peaches & Cream, Blue Cotton Candy, Oatmeal Cookie Dough, Chocolate - 10Ml - Scented Oils

Essential oils help to get rid of mosquitoes and insects. Essential oils - excellent protection against mosquitoes

Sweet Gift Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Bubble Gum, Orange Creamsicle, Peaches & Cream, Blue Cotton Candy, Oatmeal Cookie Dough, Chocolate - 10Ml - Scented Oils

Dear friends, in this article I will tell you which mosquito essential oil can protect you and how to apply it. Who is loved by mosquitoes and the most popular folk remedies to treat the effects of mosquito bites are described here.

Today, we will discuss in detail how mosquitoes are protected with essential oil, how to protect a house from bites in the open air, and how to remove the effects of a mosquito bite if you have not protected yourself.
Protection against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are essential oils that tend to repel oil repellents. Here we will use them to protect our home from the invasion of unwanted guests.



Tea Tree







Pour into oil burner chamber

Add 2-5 tablespoons of warm water and em.

Place a burning candle (alcohol-paraffin in a metal container) at the bottom.

Spray Spray

- 8-10 drops em,

- 20 ml = 2 tablespoons of vodka (30-40% alcohol)

or 1 teaspoon of incomplete salt or soda (dissolves in water),

stir - 0.5 liters of warm water
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Spray the room air or spray the curtains.

In addition to the actual action we need - expelling mosquitoes, the essential oils listed will refresh the air, calm down, worry, nervousness, worry, fatigue from a difficult day, vaccination power and good mood. In addition, eucalyptus, melissa, tea tree and juniper will destroy almost all bacteria in the room.
Mosquito repellent

We will now look at how to protect yourself from mosquito bites with the help of essential oil. For example, if you're out for a walk, you'll have to go to an outdoor café, a summer cinema, go to the countryside, take a vacation - so you can spend the evening or night outdoors.




Tea Tree



Aroma mixture application


5-10 ml basic information
Prepare the aroma mix-pusher, add essential oil to the vegetable oil.

5 ml = 1 teaspoon
10ml = 1 tablespoon

Apply aroma mixture to open areas of the body.

Base oil (vegetable)

It is better to get oil that penetrates easily into the skin and does not leave an oily residue.


in cosmetics

(lotion, cream, shampoo, shower gel, bath foam)


Tea Tree



Based on 10 g
By adding essential oil to a cream or shower gel, you give the body a mild aroma that mosquitoes don't like.

10 g = 1 tablespoon

cosmetic products Mix and use as usual.

These recipes can be used by adults and children. Note that children need to take other dosages according to their age - about it.

And also, the essential oil of tea tree used for children older than 12 years.
How to relieve itching, swelling and inflammations
after mosquito bites

Essential oils can help relieve all the unpleasant effects of mosquito bites, severe itching, inflammation and swelling. They have the ability to neutralize insect poisons. For this purpose, which oils should be taken and how to use, see the table:

Application methods

Essential oil

and dosage (in drops)


Tea Tree



Aroma lamp

Bowl aromalampy-2-5 tablespoons pour into warm water and add em. Place a burning candle (alcohol-paraffin in a metal container) at the bottom.

During the operation, you must be in the room where the aroma lamp is lit.

Processing time is 0.5 - 1.5 hours, 1-2 times a day.

Essential oil is effective even without direct contact with the skin. It is the absorption of essential oils into the blood through the capillaries of the respiratory tract.


eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

4-7 cups per bath

3-5 containers per bath

3-5 containers per bath
Pre-dilute in emulsifier

1-2 tablespoons sea salt or salt, cream, yogurt, yogurt, whey;

or 1 tablespoon of honey, bubble bath, soda diluted in 0.5 l warm water, added to the bath Processing time is 5-20 minutes.

Bath and sauna

eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

Prepare aromatic water, such as: Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or salt and dissolve in 0.5 l of water.

In the bathroom:
Prepare 1-1.5 liters of water. Pour a little on the stove, wipe the shelves, soak the steamed brooms.

In Sauna:
Take 200-300 ml of aromatic water Pour into a bowl with a large throat and place on the stove and before leaving (3-5 minutes)

1-2 tablespoons on the stove, spray on the bench and walls.

Processing time is 3-20 minutes.

Oil compresses

eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

Prepare the aroma mixture to compress: add 10 ml vegetable oil.

10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Grind evenly over the skin. Cover with cellophane. Secure with a bandage.

The course of treatment is 30 to 60 minutes.

the infrictio

aroma blend

eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

Add 5-10 ml of essential oil to vegetable oil.

5 ml = 1 teaspoon
10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Vigorously rub the aroma mixture into the bite area until a slight temperature and / or redness occurs.


eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

Prepare the aroma mix for dressing:

Add 10-15 ml of vegetable oil.

10-15 ml = 1 tablespoon

Saturate the gauze wrap with the mixture and apply to the bite area. Cover with a multi-layer dry gauze and secure with a bandage.
The procedure takes 3-4 hours, 2-3 times a day.




(cream, liquid soap, gel)

eucalyptus Tea Tree lemon balm

10 g cosmetic addition

10 -15 g = 1 tablespoon

(cream, shampoo, conditioner, gel, bath foam, tonic).
Mix and use as an ordinary cosmetic.
Curious facts about mosquitoes

carbon dioxide, the smell created by man, given by us. Sweaty people have an additional charm in the mosquito eyes.

The biggest disadvantage of starting hot days is the awakening of various insects. Outdoor activities almost always violate numerous bloodsuckers, including mosquitoes, pyshkuny. Each year, the question of the beginning of summer is about how to protect yourself from flying bloodsuckers. Special attention should be given to children, because this is the most vulnerable category.

Of course, the modern chemical industry offers a number of different drugs designed to fight and protect blood suckers. Effectiveness of repellents due to their toxicity. Naturally, their frequent use can harm health. Therefore, essential oils can be considered as safe drugs. They not only have reliable protection in your room, but also in nature. The active ingredients in essential oils are safe even for children.

As a rule, various essential oils are used to combat various insects. For a particular situation, you need to choose the most effective mosquito oil.

Geranium and lavender overwhelm ticks. Mosquitoes are more afraid of rosemary, cloves, lavender and basil.

In addition, special attention should be given to castor oil. It is considered a universal insecticide that repels many insects. However, the best results show a combination of various essential oils.

The convenience of essential oil was appreciated by many. You can buy one or more bottles in the pharmacy. Not only are buildings and clothing processed, but also skin. It is safe in small amounts of fat for open areas of the body. The vehicles are categorized and aimed at destroying various insects. For those who do not recognize the use of chemicals, these funds should always be in the first aid kit.

Choosing the best essential oil against mosquitoes is unlikely. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of the same oil may vary under different climatic conditions and under different conditions. However, despite numerous reviews, you can still rate the most effective anti-mosquito oils:

Citronella essential oil is the leader in this ranking;
Eucalyptus, thyme and cloves are also free from bloodsucking attacks;
The third is sassafras oil;
Castor oil repels many beetles;
In the absence of the above funds, you can use mint.

There are no restrictions on the use of these oils. Therefore, everyone can experiment by mixing different oils. The following recipes are recommended for an effective and fragrant mixture:

Mix equal proportions of lavender oil and mint;
Cloves and mint mixed with lavender;
Add oil of tea tree oil for a pleasant aroma;
Cedar oil goes well with lavender oil.

For fragrant essential oils in the room is recommended to use aromakuritelitsy. Here, in addition to oils, you will need a base component. As a rule, any cream plays the role. Further, the base component may be alcohol. This tool is ideal for handling the entire house.

The tool can be applied to almost any object in the home. In nature, oils are processed clothes. You can also leave a few drops on your body and scrub carefully. The oil is added to a balsam or cream and then applied to the skin.

You can use a leather bracelet or cotton scarf attached to your hand. The impregnated material can secrete a pleasant aroma for a long time, thus scaring many insects. If you want to use several essential oils, but don't have time to try their combinations, watch out for the ready-made mixes sold in the pharmacy.

Although natural essential oils are not dangerous to children, you should use them wisely. Remember some rules:

There are children who have individual intolerance to certain smells. Therefore, the first use of the tool must be performed with extreme caution. It is recommended that you carefully monitor the child's condition and behavior after applying the oil to a small area of ​​the body.
Do not use undiluted oils to treat open skin. Children with soft skin may develop burns and irritations.
Apply a few drops of oil to the baby cream applied to the child's skin.
If a child lives in the room for up to one year, use the aroma lamp. There are also wetted pyramids and sticks that need to be set on fire.
Follow the dose carefully. For example, only one drop of essential oil is enough to protect babies with 30 ml cream. Two drops are designed for children from six months. Three drops of oil can be added to 30 ml cream from two years of age.

Of course, for a healthy child, the use of the right fat can not harm the body. However, parents do not always know the health problems of their children. Therefore, experts recommend the use of essential oils for children older than five years. It is better to consult a pediatrician in advance if you are protecting children one year old. Soft and light lavender aroma is best for babies. There are several options for the use of essential oils for children:

Oil . The fragrant drug is mixed with olives or other oil. Then the child's skin is rubbed with the product after entering the nature;
spray Useful when handling small children who cannot stand still. This tool processes leather and clothes. To prepare the spray in 100 ml of water, dilute 10 ml of essential oil;
Cosmetic. It will be suitable for almost any cream preparations that fit on child skin.

After determining which essential oil is most effective, you should not use it anywhere without testing it. It should be understood that these substances contain high concentrations of aggressive components. Therefore, the essential oils must be applied dropwise, very carefully. It is recommended to dissolve in water or other liquids.

Generally, essential oils cause allergies. To avoid this, trial use is recommended. Before applying the entire body, place a drop on your wrist and watch your skin react. If redness or itching occurs, discard this medicine.

You should choose essential oils, especially to protect young children. They often cause dizziness, difficulty breathing and headaches in children. To protect babies, it is recommended that you only put a drop of oil on a napkin placed in the room with the baby. It is also necessary to monitor the health status.

Main contraindications:

individual intolerance;
babies need to mix butter with cream.

Tea tree and citronella oils are not only considered the most effective but also less allergenic. If you are just beginning to use these tools in children, you should start with them.

( video : nasıl How to make mosquito repellent with your own hand ”)

Mosquitoes are extremely unpleasant bloodsucking insects. Their bites are particularly painful because of the substance injected into the victim's blood. It causes an allergic reaction (especially if you rub the affected area), which appears to be redness of the skin and itching that does not last for several days. There may be other symptoms, but they are all uncomfortable and cause serious discomfort. The solution to this problem is the use of means to repel mosquitoes. These may be substances created in chemical laboratories, but the question arises: is it safe? And for a little boy? There are also natural insect repellents - essential oils of various plants. Many fight against mosquitoes prefer to use them.
Which essential oils repels mosquitoes

Essential oils are a natural product commonly used in cosmetics and medicine. This tool can be found in any pharmacy and also in specialized stores.

Some essential oils (eg lemon cream) not only repel mosquitoes, but also have a very pleasant aroma.

Oil literally extract from any plant. However, they all have their own characteristics and behave differently on the human body, animals and insects, so not every ether is effective against mosquitoes.

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on human skin and hair, relieve itching, inflammation, and have many beneficial properties, but not all are effective against insects.

So what oil should you use to ensure that the bloodsuckers finally fall behind?
Clove Essential Oil

Clove oil is obtained from the buds of this plant. The instrument is a very concentrated extract. The base can not be applied to the skin without oil (any vegetables) - you can get a serious burn.

Clove ether can cause burns and irritation of the mucous membranes, so you need to be very careful about the agent.

Clove oil has the following beneficial properties:

contains a large amount of volatile substances that irritate and repel mosquitoes;
it can have an antiseptic effect: it can be used when bumps on the ground occur and go away very quickly;
A healing and soothing: relieves irritation after a quick bite.

Clove ether may be dangerous if used in pure form or if it does not meet the recommended ratios:

to get rid of mosquitoes: any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, etc.) in 2 tablespoons mixed with 15 drops of clove essential oil;
Scare away mosquitoes from fire: Pour one third of a jar of essential oil into the fire and the smoke will spread with warm air in all directions;
To handle the bitten place: mix the tools with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Well mosquitoes are placed on the leg of a half dried lemon, spray several dried cloves

The essential oil wears out quickly enough (sufficient for an average of 2-2.5 hours), so the "repellent" should be updated every 2 hours.
Tea Tree Oil

In addition, the drug is an excellent disinfectant, but it should be 100% ether. The instrument may be sold undiluted and may comprise 50% ether and 50% other base oils. The "semi" product does not disinfect, but is suitable for expelling mosquitoes.

When using tea tree oil, vapors should not fall into the eyes.

Essential oil in its pure form can be applied to the skin, but not more than two times in the same place, otherwise you can burn. And you can add 2-3 drops of funds with any cream.

Tea tree extract, like any essential oil, disappears within 2-3 hours, so it needs to be updated periodically.
Lavender essential oil

There are many types of lavender, but only suitable for narrow-leaved ether. It has a very pleasant, fresh smell which is disgusting to insects. And it doesn't matter how this plant is represented - it grows in a field or in a pot, dried, and so on. In any case, mosquitoes don't like it.

Lavender oil has a very pleasant and pleasant aroma that is extremely irritating to insects.

Lavender contains substances such as geraniol, linalool and camphor, which not only intimidate but also kill mosquitoes in high concentrations.

Lavender oil is absolutely safe for the skin, even if used in its purest form, so the appliance can be used for young children. There are always two factors to remember to avoid problems:

individual intolerance of the agent is possible: before first use, a drop should be applied to the back of the palm and let stand for 15 minutes, if there is no reaction, ether can be used;
Essential oil vapors should not enter the eyes and mouth as they may cause swelling or poisoning.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus ether is an indispensable tool in the first aid kit because it reduces heat, promotes tissue healing, is antiseptic, reduces pain and swelling and does not repel mosquitoes perfectly. The plant from which it is obtained has a sharp camphor odor which is destructive to blood-sucking insects. If he flies too much, he kills mosquitoes too close.

Eucalyptus oil is very useful for humans, but there are some contraindications:

pregnancy and lactation;
Children up to 2 years;
individual intolerance.

Eucalyptus ether can be applied to the skin in its pure form, but vapors should not enter the eye and mucosa.

Eucalyptus essential oil has antipyretic, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial and many other useful properties.
Camphor oil

Camphor is a volatile white substance that accumulates in trees. It has a pungent offensive odor that scares mosquitoes and is fatal to them (especially if their concentration is as large as for example essential oil).

The high concentration of camphor oil does not make it dangerous to humans - it can be applied to the skin in a pure form, but it also prevents contact with vapors in the eyes and mucous membranes.

If you mix camphor oil with others, the bad smell will disappear, but mosquitoes will still dissipate.

Cordiamin, a medication that stimulates the central nervous system, treats mosquitoes like camphor.

Citronella Ether

The plant has a pleasant citrus aroma on its hills and the citronella oil is easily mixed with lemon oil - a similar color and a similar aroma.

Like all plants with citrus scent, citronella has a calming effect on the nervous system, it is used in various diseases in folk diseases, but the plant is the enemy of mosquitoes. For blood-sucking insects, the smell that fascinates many people from the first is a threat and they try to avoid it.

Citronella essential oil can be applied to the skin in its pure form, even for young children, but you should remember the possibility of individual intolerance to the remedy.
Citronella essential oil can be easily mixed with lemon oil
Options to use essential oils to protect against mosquitoes

There are many different ways to use essential oils to remove bloodsucking insects. Each is very effective, but some have contraindications. Some are suitable for domestic use only, others are effective on the street. There are many options and everyone will find the right one.
Illustration of leather and clothes

The simplest and most effective way is to apply essential oils directly to the skin. Ether can be applied dotted to open areas of the body and even clothes - only a few drops of money are needed to fly mosquitoes. The oil evaporates within 2–2.5 hours, then must be reapplied.

All essential oils in pure form cannot come into contact with the skin. Some of these (eg cloves) are best used: mix some (2 tablespoons any vegetable) and essential (10-15 drops) oil, and then apply to the body only. Ether does not lose its properties, but does not cause any reaction, less burns.

Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before using a particular fat. For children under 2 years of age, essential oils are not applied without prior consultation with a specialist and can be applied to the skin after that age, but it can be difficult to predict what the reaction to the undiluted product will be with any base oil.
Aroma lamps

The aroma lamp is a very romantic thing that not only decorates the house but also can get rid of blood suckers. It is a pleasure to use this device: you need to buy any aromatic lamp (no matter how it looks and what is made, the essence will not change), a few wax tablets and any essential oil from those used against mosquitoes.

You should pour some warm water into the upper chamber of the lamp. There's a window downstairs. You should put a burning candle there, and within 3-4 minutes, add a few drops of essential oil when the water is heated from above (5-15 is enough). The vaporized liquid will emit a pleasant and subtle scent around the room which scares the insects until the contents of the aroma lamp are exhausted. After that, it is necessary to refill the upper container.

Aroma lamps not only make any house more comfortable, but also relieve mosquitoes

Aromatic lamps can be used in any home: neither pregnant nor young children, nor women during breastfeeding, it will not hurt. However, it should be remembered that some odors adversely affect the nervous system and are contraindicated in easily irritated people, and that someone may be allergic to one or another odor.
Boiling water with essential oil

The aromatic lamp can be replaced with the following budget option: Take a small container (150-200 ml) and pour into boiling water. Add 10–15 drops of essential oil. The effect of such a device will be similar to that of aroma, but the water cools faster and is not heated from the bottom (unless of course exposing the tank to a small fire).
Scented candles

You can buy scented candles with any odor at souvenir shops, but there are rarely some of them that scare blood-sucking insects. If you want to use an aromatic candle, buy and illuminate the most ordinary one with no odor. When paraffin (or wax) melts a little, add 5-10 drops of essential oil and enjoy the pleasant aroma and lack of mosquitoes.

Any wax can be made aromatic by adding molten paraffin wax essential oil.

Scented candles are absolutely safe for children and pregnant women, but care must be taken to ensure that the essential oils do not cause allergies and do not overload the nervous system. This is especially true for children under the age of 5, because they are very excited and calm down for a long time - putting them to bed would be a big problem.
Aromabrashlet and Necklace

The stores sell special aromatic bracelets and necklaces, the basic element of which is a ship where you can pour some essential oil. The advantage of this decoration is that it provides protection against mosquitoes and must be filled once or less often a week - depending on the volume of the container.

Aromatic Necklace Escape from a Beautiful Mosquito

If you don't want to buy necklaces and fill them with essential oil, you can drop some money on any jewelry. Before that, it is necessary to examine how the ether affects metals and stones, and in this case the aromas will evaporate quite quickly and you will need to update several times a day.

Aromabrasleta elements include containers filled with essential oil.
Sprays and creams

The use of sprays and creams with essential oils relieves mosquitoes as well as health, since esters do not lose their repellent properties when combined with other substances.

For spray production you will need:

clean cold water - 100 ml;
essential oil of any mosquito - 10 drops.

If you want to use several essential oils in a spray, the total amount of them should not exceed ten drops.

Spray should pour water into any container and add essential oil to it. The components do not mix due to the difference in density, so agitation of the mixture is optional. Water is saturated with aroma. The spray can be applied to skin, hair and clothing, but should not touch the mucous membranes and eyes.
As a container for sprays, you can use the bottles under any cosmetics.

In addition to the spray, you can use the cream with any essential oil. This method is very suitable for young children with very sensitive skin.

Need to get:

You can use it for children, face or hands: 2 tablespoons cream. It all depends on who it is directed to and on which part of the body it is applied to;
10–15 drops of essential oil (total amount if different oils are used).

It is necessary to mix the cream and ether thoroughly and apply to the skin, it is possible and you can point all over the body. The preservation of the mixture is not recommended - it is a perishable product, so it is done only once.

The child cream contains a minimum amount of additives that can react chemically with foreign substances, so it is recommended to mix with essential oils.
Oil mixtures

You can mix different oils with each other in various proportions and then use them in one of the ways described above. However, when mixing, it is very important not to overdo it and to keep the smell, otherwise all the work will be wasted.

By mixing essential oils, you not only get rid of mosquitoes, but you also get a very pleasant aroma.
Video: mosquito saving, own production of spirits
Advantages and disadvantages of essential oils

Essential oils are not usually used in traditional medicine and cosmetics, but are also used to scare mosquitoes. And a competitor worthy to buy similar action methods.

Let's try to understand what the advantages are compared to repellents that can be purchased in stores and pharmacies:

low funding costs;
low essential oil consumption;
Absolutely natural product;
most fats have healing properties, so as well as expelling mosquitoes, such a drug alleviates itching and irritation from the bite;
the smell of some essential oils relieves fatigue, improves the nervous system and has other beneficial properties.

However, there are disadvantages that make essential oils less effective than chemical propellants:

The oil disappears quickly: on average, the air lasts for 2-2.5 hours, then needs to be updated;
not all extracts are effective against mosquitoes;
some oils cause burns when applied to the skin in pure form;
individual intolerance is possible.

Summer ... magical time. The sun is shining, the birds are full of trillings in the morning, the grass is green and in general everything looks good, if only one “but” eats: mosquitoes and mosquitoes do not rest day or night. And all the charm of summer evaporates under the attack of irritation. Easy! There are tools that will not only help repel annoying insects, but also harm you.

There are enough repellents on the market, but they are all the result of the work of the chemical industry and do not just harm the environment - even if it is bad - the real issue is that the introduction of chemical compounds is extremely dangerous to health. Especially if the conversation is about children's health. Yes, and a bit of feeling them - moderate or mosquitoes react to the smell of sweat, but not even the most powerful repellents can neutralize it, but essential oils can do it.

Essential oils from mosquitoes and black flies can withstand many components - all depending on personal preferences and individual tolerance of the components. However, you should remember that essential oils need to be diluted, as in their pure form, can cause irritation or even burn. As the basis of the mixtures, as a rule, they use “bases” - grape seed oil, peach or almond oil, vegetable oils or alcohol solutions.
Recipe number 1 - quiet sleep

In order to get rid of the intruders who fly to your home in the crowd in the world, it is enough to get a aroma lamp and a few essential oils.

The best essential oils for mosquitoes and midges are considered cloves, cypresses and cedar - they scare insects, but they are not recommended to be mixed.

Lavender and mint extract oil are combined with cloves. Cedar - lemon balm and cypress can be used in its pure form. In general, the oils obtained from conifers: spruce, pine, arborvitae, are highly effective, but the essential oil of insect repellency has been and remains the essential oil of cloves.

Pour water into the aroma lamp, close a candle and drip 5 drops of essential oil. Make sure the water does not boil. In principle, it is good enough to heat the lamp, and the oils that evaporate pesky insects from the house slowly evaporate all night.
Recipe number 2 - walking in the fresh air

In summer it is necessary to walk. And not just around the city, but for hiking in nature: forests, meadows, fields, mountains and near the river. Very handy: fresh air, silence, calm. This is especially useful for children - there are many interesting things around because it contributes not only to strengthening the immune system but also to broadening the horizons!

And you'll need a little to enjoy the walk - apply a cream with essential oils from mosquitoes and stomachs. To do this, squeeze any natural oil cream on the palms and add 5 drops of clove, eucalyptus and lemon oil. Mix well and apply to exposed areas. This option won't be over an hour if you plan to take a short walk.
Recipe number 3 - go for a walk

But if you need to go picnic with kebabs, games and songs around the fire, it's better to make an emulsion based on essential oils.

To do this, you need a spray, 500 ml of warm water and ... naturally a set of oils.

"Cocktail" may be: 20 drops of peppermint oil, 10 drops of thuja essential oil and 5 camphor.
Or so - 5 drops of thyme, lemon grass, mint and citronella.
And even so - mix in equal parts chamomile, clove, anise, eucalyptus, lemon grass and cedar - 3 drops for each component - and mosquitoes will fly around you.

This is important! Before each use, the mixture should be shaken and sprayed only afterwards.

Essential oils against mosquitoes and mosquitoes can be applied to wet wipes or cotton pads and left on the windowsill, you can even make special scented candles - there's plenty of choice for experiments. And most importantly, the use of the mixture can be fully compatible with nature. And mosquitoes ... let them be unlucky this time!

Not particularly nice to mosquitoes. After all, after them, redness, swelling and irritating itching of course are seen on the skin. Of course, you can buy various tools to help scare insects in almost every store. For the same purpose, you can apply essential oils from mosquitoes. But how to use them correctly?

Oil against mosquitoes: which is effective?

Of course, first of all, you need to find out exactly what it means to scare other insects. Fortunately, they are easily available by visiting the pharmacy. Mosquito repellent has proven to be really effective. In addition, it has a positive effect on the condition of the respiratory system that relieves obstruction.

In any case, remember that the product you purchase must be of high quality and free from harmful additives.

How to use essential oils against mosquitoes?

As mentioned earlier, insects are afraid of the smell of some plants. But the smell spreads in the room? And if you are in an open space, for example, relax in nature? A few small tips will help you to make effective use of available funds.

The fat burner is quite effective - just a few drops of oil will create a pleasant smell in the room and scare off pesky insects.
If desired, you can prepare a household spray to protect against mosquitoes. To do this, mix 100 ml of water, 10 ml of alcohol and ten drops of oil. A spray can be purchased from any cosmetics shop. This "medicine" can be used both at home and on the street.
An effective solution will be easy for yourself as well. To do this, melt the wax, add a few drops of essential oil and pour into the form. As long as the candle burns, your room will be protected from insects.
But what if you're in nature? In fact, the solution in this case is quite simple - drip some oil into the fire. It will protect against annoying "neighbors". If you do not have essential oil in hand, you can burn a few needles cones or coniferous tree branches.

Mosquito oil for outdoor use

Of course, essential oils can handle the skin - this will create additional protection. On the other hand, it is not recommended to lubricate the skin with concentrated products. But you can always make homemade remedies for mosquitoes.

For example, you can buy a body cream (without taste) and add a few drops of essential oil.

In addition, you can create a great body lotion - you only need to mix two tablespoons of essential vegetable oil (eg olive oil), a spoon of "Aloe Vera" gel and 10 to 20 drops of essential oil. This tool not only helps protect against insect bites, but also moisturizes the skin.

Sweet Gift Set of 6 Premium Grade Fragrance Oils - Bubble Gum, Orange Creamsicle, Peaches & Cream, Blue Cotton Candy, Oatmeal Cookie Dough, Chocolate - 10Ml - Scented Oils