Friday, September 27, 2019

Lavender Essential Oil By Sky Organics-100% Pure Therapeutic French Lavender Oil For Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Headache, Pain, Meditation, Anxiety, Sleep-Perfect For Candles & Massage 1oz

Cold and Flu Season

Lavender Essential Oil By Sky Organics-100% Pure Therapeutic French Lavender Oil For Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Headache, Pain, Meditation, Anxiety, Sleep-Perfect For Candles & Massage 1oz

Fearful time of the year; Effects of cold and flu season and essential oils ...

We all feel the onset of the flu or cold. First a mild itch or pain in our throat, then runny nose, weakness and fatigue…. Yes, the cold is coming or worse, the flu is at our door….

The common cold and flu are actually different. But it is often mixed. It is important to evaluate the symptoms of colds and flu and to apply the treatment accordingly to the course of the disease.

In the cold; Fever is rare, usually nasal obstruction, sinus fullness, sneezing, sore throat is seen. It causes sinusitis or ear pain.

However, influenza has a high fever of 38-39, headache, general body pain and leakage. Influenza causes more serious diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Money retention, handshaking, kissing, accelerate the spread of viral infection. If symptoms of the disease are felt, minimizing our contact with people is beneficial in reducing the rate of spread of the disease.

Essential oils have been used to deal with cold symptoms for centuries. Essential oils are mostly; They are used in bathrooms, censers or diffusers or as massage to the skin. Essential oils not only fight against infections but also strengthen the immune system.

Do not forget to add essential oils and herbal remedies to your medicine cabinet in addition to conventional medications recommended by your pharmacist for flu colds soğuk

Essential oils and herbal treatments will help you to cure your disease more quickly, strengthen your immunity and protect you from viruses.

The best way to benefit from the benefits of essential oils is to provide inhalation of these oils to the respiratory tract and lungs via the nose.

Essential oils; diffusser can be inhaled by spreading it to your room with a censer or by placing it in a bowl full of hot water and putting a towel over your head.

Inhaled essential oil mixtures used for colds and coughs open the nasal canals and the respiratory tract and also suppress the viruses with antiviral effect.

In case of nasal discharge and congestion, mist mixtures, massage oils and baths which are applied by inhalation are also used.

When we encounter any infection, we are immediately wrapped with antibiotics that have serious side effects, damaging our intestinal flora. If antibiotic use is not applied correctly in the right indication, it will harm both our body and the bacteria to develop resistance and also have a negative impact on public health.

Antibiotics are not recommended for influenza and colds. Because the flu is caused by viruses and antibiotics have no effect on viral infections. In short, the unnecessary use of this important weapon will reduce or diminish its effect if needed in the future.

Whether you use essential oils for protection against diseases or in combination with other pharmacist-recommended treatments, you will increase your body's ability to fight viruses and provide effective treatment for viruses.

Essential oils are useful and effective in maintaining a healthy life.
What is essential oil? How are they used?

Essential oils are substances with different and numerous effects due to the fact that they contain very different and complex substances together. Essential oils are obtained by distillation from the flowers, leaves, bark, stem or fruits of the plants. Essential oils are responsible for the specific aroma of each plant. They also protect the plant from external factors.

Plants produce various oils in their body in order to protect themselves from external influences. The mechanisms of these essential oils are very complex, so the development of resistance to essential oils seems impossible.

Essential oils offer an effective treatment of viruses, while they do not harm any other part of the body.

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy in 4 main ways.

Massage: Relaxes the bone, muscle and nervous system. In addition, a systemic effect is tried to be achieved by passing through the bit.

Inhalation: It is a route known as mist. It is mostly used for colds.

Essential oil is taken through the nose and reaches the lungs.

Bathroom: Bathrooms provide psychological relaxation. Systemic effect occurs with the absorption of essential oil from the skin.

Compress: It is used in headaches, fever cases, colds to relax and soften the fullness, skin health is also used.
What essential oils can we use during the cold and flu season?

Some essential oils are perceived as natural antiviral and antibiotic. Each essential oil has a different and unique mechanism of action. These essential oils not only fight against the bacteria or viruses that cause infection, but also strengthen the immune system and have therapeutic effects on our mental health.

Do not wait until you get sick Use the protective effect of essential oils.


The tea tree is a flat tree that grows in Australia and New Zealand. The name of the tea tree is based on Captain Cook. During the discovery of New Zealand, the group brewed the leaves of the tree as tea, then discovered the healing and cleansing effect of this tea. Tea tree essential oil is obtained from Melaleuca Alternifolia.

The tea tree was not known until the first world war. In 1923, the Australian scientist Dr. Until I discovered that the antiseptic and bactericidal effect of AR Penfold tea tree is 12 times stronger than the standard antibacterial phenol, then kullanıl

Tea tree essential oil is a very powerful oil with antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic effects. The essential oil with this potent therapeutic effect also activates the immune system.

If your nose is clogged, your head and chest area is full of sputum and you can feel the tea tree essential oil inhalation device, or you can add tea tree essential oil into a warm bath.

Tea tree vapor; cleans the nasal canals and causes bacteria to die.

For a good effect; drip tea tree oil into a container full of hot water and pass a towel over your head to breathe for 5-10 minutes. This inhalation provides relaxation of the nasal canals and mucosa.

Tea tree essential oil should never be swallowed or drunk.


Eucalyptus is a large tree with many species of myrtleceae (Myrtaceae).

Species are dominant in Australia's tree flora. There are more than 700 species, most of them native to Australia; some species are also found in New Guinea and Indonesia. Eucalyptus is one of the tallest trees in the world and has individuals over 100 meters in length.

Unlike other tree species, due to their long and coarse trunks, an adult eucalyptus tree can contain between 200 and 1000 liters of water. Because of this feature, the swamp can be planted in some swamp areas and dried.

Eucalyptus has been used by Australian oborges in infection, fever and disinfectant. It was later found to reduce malaria fever when inhaled by French herbalist De Labillardiere.

Eucalyptus oil is obtained by vapor distillation from eucalyptus leaves (Folia eucalypti). This oil is rich in Cineol.

Cineol-containing oils are also used in the pharmaceutical industry due to their influences on influenza and the common cold. Cough and breathable lozenges, creams, inhalation preparations are included in many preparations. Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial effect on pathogenic bacteria causing respiratory infections.

Inhaled eucalyptus oil is decongestant and can be used in the treatment of bronchitis.

Eucalyptus essential oil with decongestant and antiviral effects, apart from fighting the virus, opens the nasal congestion and reduces inflammation.

Eucalyptus essential oil is used as a natural treatment for stubborn coughs, sinus obstruction and mucus outflow.

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the inhaler, while reducing your nasal congestion, reducing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

If you have complaints of sore throat, you can gargle by dropping a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a glass of warm water. It is important not to swallow mouthwash.

The mixture created with 5 drops of eucalyptus oil into 5ml almond oil, can massage the throat and chest area.

In addition, to make use of the expectorant feature eucalyptus leaves in the form of infusion tea can be prepared and drink 1-2 cups a day.

If the common cold and flu symptoms are accompanied by muscle pain and leakage, you can mix a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil with a fixed carrier oil (sesame, olive oil, jojoba, etc.) and massage it all over your body.

Thyme essential oil acts as an antispasmotic, cough soothing and muscle pain reliever. A mixture of eucalyptus and thyme can also be applied together.

If you have a fever, you can apply the eucalyptus essential oil with medicinal mint oil to reduce body fever.

Eucalyptus oil is also used topically for pain relief creams and ointments due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Eucalyptus oil is also included in oral and dental care and soaps due to its antimicrobial effect.

Eucalyptus oil can also be used as an infectious agent in injuries.


Lemon essential oil is a rich vitamin store. Stimulates the immune system, leukocytes; allows the proliferation of warrior cells. Helps the body fight disease more easily. Lemon oil also improves blood circulation.


Pine essential oil is a fast and effective oil to open the nasal passage. It is also used in sore throat. Pine essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from the needles, bark and cones of the Pinus Sylvestris tree.

It is used in bathrooms, cleaning products due to its antibacterial effect.

It is also used as a plant protection agent in organic farming.

Pine essential oil opens the blockage, expectorant is effective. It breaks the mucus and allows it to be excreted through the respiratory tract. It is an effective agent in the treatment of bronchitis.

Pine essential oil generally acts as a preservative in colds and flu.

Pine essential oil is a good antibacterial and antidisinfectant. It is also effective on important viruses such as Candida albicans, Herpes simplex and influenza.


Medicinal peppermint with antiviral and antiseptic effect is obtained from the volatile Mentha piperita plant. Peppermint oil opens the airway and plays a role in the treatment of cough. It acts as a good expectorant in cough. It can also be used to reduce fever.

Not recommended for use in children and infants.

Because of its menthol content, it is not recommended to use topically in children's face, neck areas as it may cause apnea, bronchial spasm or respiratory problems.

Peppermint oil can be used as an antispasmodic solution when taken orally or as ibs (irritable colon) or carminative in gastrointestinal problems.

Peppermint oil also has a cooling effect.


Cinnamon; antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Cinnamon essential oil is particularly effective on staphylococcal infections that are difficult to cope with.

Cinnamon essential oil will give you healing as soon as you are having a cold, sore throat and congestion.


Being sick is a condition that exhausts the body, and when your nasal congestion accompanies it, your life becomes more difficult, nighttime blockages and sleep disorders may occur. The effective scent of lavender essential oil stimulates the nervous system and provides relaxation, not only in support of respiratory infections such as cough, sore throat, colds and flu. It provides a comfortable and quiet sleep.

The inhalation of lavender oil opens the airway, while the antibacterial and antifungal effects of lavender make it easier to fight infection. This therapeutic oil stimulates the immune system and protects against infections. Therefore, do not remove lavender oil from your bathroom or room and use it regularly.

You can easily use lavender oil in your children.


Clove essential oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects. It is strongly used in fat, cough, headache and toothache. Fights infection and strengthens the immune system.

The anti-inflammatory effect of clove provides relief from cough, sinusitis and bronchitis in respiratory problems.

If clove oil is to be applied to the skin, it must be mixed with a carrier oil such as almond and sesame oil. Clove oil contains eugenol. Eugenol can cause an allergic reaction.


It is known that it was used as a disinfectant by Sumerians 3500 years ago.

Thyme can be used effectively in respiratory system infections, bronchitis, cough, influenza, colds and congestion.

Thyme oil, which is an oil with antibacterial and antiviral effects, protects against diseases.

The use of oregano oil with lemon, eucalyptus and tea tree oils reduces congestion.


Oregano - Marjoram is not only a great and delicious spice put on Italian dishes. It has strong antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to its disinfectant and antibacterial effects, it has been used for centuries to protect food against bacteria. Marjoram essential oil is effective in respiratory tract infections, cough and sputum removal.

Marjoram is a fat that hits the target in throat inflammations and cough.

This oil, which has strong antiviral effects, is also a good immune system protector.


In ancient Egypt, it is a plant used both for essential oil and for medicinal purposes.

Rosemary essential oil is also an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Expectorant is effective. It is used in colds, bronchitis and cough.

When you mix the mixture of rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus with a fixed oil and apply to the nose and temples, you will see that your congestion and discomfort are reduced.

Lavender Essential Oil By Sky Organics-100% Pure Therapeutic French Lavender Oil For Diffuser, Aromatherapy, Headache, Pain, Meditation, Anxiety, Sleep-Perfect For Candles & Massage 1oz