Showing posts with label Laxatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laxatives. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MCK85412700 - Geri-care Laxative Senna Plus Tablet 50 mg / 8.6 mg Strength Docusate Sodium / Sennosides 1000 Tablets

Follow the advice and forget about constipation.

MCK85412700 - Geri-care Laxative Senna Plus Tablet 50 mg / 8.6 mg Strength Docusate Sodium / Sennosides 1000 Tablets

Waiting for hours in the bathroom with abdominal pain? Do not skip meals, prefer intestinal relaxant vegetables and fruits, for herbal tea, do not forget to exercise ....

Intestinal health affects not only physical health but also mental and social life. Taking abdominal pain for hours, waiting in the toilet, abdominal distention are some of the consequences of constipation. If left untreated, hemorrhoids, such as hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling may result in weight gain. It also causes various bowel diseases. People who have constipation problems are in a hasty, tense and distressed mood. Some of the main causes of constipation; malnutrition, inadequate fluid intake, inactivity, bowel laziness, weakness of the abdominal muscles, stress, lack of sexual satisfaction, tension and mental problems.

For constipation, it is very important that you eat regularly. Not skipping meals, eating every meal on time is very important to avoid this bad disease. Be sure to chew the food you eat thoroughly. Well-chewed food is more easily absorbed and excreted in the intestines. You should also consume fruit and vegetables balanced. It's also wrong to eat meat, eat fruit, or consume vegetables. You should eat all foods regularly and evenly. Choose juicy dishes. You should avoid consuming foods with high carbohydrate content such as rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.

You should prefer vegetables and fruits that relax your intestines. You can eat fruits and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, plum and kiwi. You can easily get rid of this by eating pears and drinking a glass of water on it. Wheat bread instead of whole wheat or grain bread should be consumed. Drinking tea that accelerates metabolism will also relax you. Drinking a glass of ginger tea in the morning will help in the development of the digestive process. Defecation occurs within 2-3 hours when 1-2 tablespoons castor oil is drunk to get fast results in relieving constipation. Flax seed is a very successful laxative with mechanical effect in the intestines. It contains cassia tea, laxative and blood cleansing effect. It can be used occasionally, but not continuously. Spinach and coleslaw is good for constipation. Eating 1-2 oranges in the morning provides relaxation in the intestines.

Plenty of water
You should massage from right to left and left to right by pressing lightly with your hand to the area under your abdomen, especially towards your groin. These movements will help you a lot for constipation. You can do these movements while sitting or lying down before going to sleep. It is also very important that you consume plenty of water during the day. If you don't like to drink water, you should make it drink as you like. For example, if you like sweet food, you can throw red apples into the water. Or if you like salty foods, you can add a few sprinkles of fresh mint and green apples to the jug where your water is. Doing sports is also a very good solution. You can live healthy and do constipation problem by doing sports. You should also avoid stress as much as possible.

You can work your bowels with whole wheat bread dipped in olive oil.
Muesli with oatmeal, linseed can be consumed at breakfast.
You can get rid of constipation by doing abdominal exercise or increasing the movement.
Boil a handful of parsley, a handful of cherry stalk, three sachets of green tea, three apricots and one lemon in five glasses of water. Drink this tea intermittently from morning to evening.
Consume at least one and a half liters of water per day.

MCK85412700 - Geri-care Laxative Senna Plus Tablet 50 mg / 8.6 mg Strength Docusate Sodium / Sennosides 1000 Tablets

Citrucel Caplets Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 100 count

How to Relieve Constipation in Infants?

Citrucel Caplets Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 100 count

Constipation in infants is one of the problems we frequently encounter. Infants are constipated, which bothers both the mother and the baby. First of all, if you have constipation problems in babies, you should take your baby to your trusted doctor and ask him to help you with this. In this article, how to resolve constipation problem in infants? we will talk about it.

Infants are forced to make stools in a very hard way in 3-4 days is called constipation. Babies have a greenish black poop in their first days. The number of poop changes according to your baby's diet. It is quite normal for babies who are exclusively breastfed to poop once a week. It is also normal for your baby to poop five times a day. Only the faeces of infants fed with breast milk are usually yellow. Babies fed with formula milk go to feces three times a day. It is also normal for babies to have a mild watery poo. The color can be yellow or green.

Drink a teaspoon of olive oil. Give your baby supplementary food in the morning and in the afternoon, grate a pear beautifully in a grated and give it to your baby. You can try this method to resolve constipation in older and younger infants up to 1 year of age.

Squeezing apple juice to drink constipation problem in infants will be good.
One teaspoon of black seed oil from the cold press can give your baby. If given twice a day, morning and evening, it will be a good solution to the constipation problem of babies.
Olive oil in a coffee pot by warming your baby's belly by gently rubbing with movements such as massage if you drive will be good constipation.
You can use a constipation cord without neglecting to consult your doctor. It is easier for babies toilets with suppository.
One piece of figs and dried apricots are left in a hot water for half an hour after the figs with the help of a knife to separate the kernels. After making mash together with pears, you can put them in olive oil and feed them to your baby. Dried apricots and figs are among the fruits that are very good for constipation. It will take effect immediately after feeding and your baby will relax.
Make sure your baby has soup. Consuming liquid foods is also healthy.
Of course, consult your doctor as a priority.

Citrucel Caplets Fiber Therapy for Occasional Constipation Relief, 100 count

NaturalSlim Constipation Remedy, Formulated by Award Winning Metabolism and Weight Loss Specialist- Natural Colon Cleanse Without Cramping or Side Effects for Fast Relief and a Flatter Tummy

Why is constipation in diet and how is it solved?

NaturalSlim Constipation Remedy, Formulated by Award Winning Metabolism and Weight Loss Specialist- Natural Colon Cleanse Without Cramping or Side Effects for Fast Relief and a Flatter Tummy

Why is constipation in diet and how is it solved? Holistic Nutrition Counselor Bersu Ekinci answered the questions of and see what he said.

Why is constipation in diet and how is it solved? Do dry foods constipate, how to prevent constipation?

What to do for this problem and why during the regime? Holistic Nutrition Counselor Bersu Ekinci answered the questions of and see what he said. As you do not consume enough food during your long and rugged diet journey that you started to lose weight, your stomach and intestines also slow down and this results in constipation.

To prevent constipation, you need to pay attention to a few small details. Now we want to answer your questions on how to relieve constipation with a few tips. The simplest thing to pay attention to to eliminate constipation is to consume warm water before meals. It starts the digestive system, softens the feces and prevents bloating. Another measure is herbal tea. If you consume fennel and cassia tea regularly, you will not have constipation problems while dieting.

However, senna irritates the intestines for long use, dangerous for pregnant women, as it lowers the level of potassium in the body can cause heart problems. Therefore, do not exaggerate the use of flax seeds. 30-45 minutes before meals by consuming a small teaspoon can ensure that your bowel to work regularly. If you are consuming salads in the evening to lose weight, you can also add flax seeds. You can consume these fruits in the form of compote, but it is better to consume 1-2 pieces of dry fruits in order to avoid getting more calories.

NaturalSlim Constipation Remedy, Formulated by Award Winning Metabolism and Weight Loss Specialist- Natural Colon Cleanse Without Cramping or Side Effects for Fast Relief and a Flatter Tummy

Equate Maximum Strength Laxative, Sennosides USP, 25mg, 90ct (2 Pack)

What should be on the constipated child's meal list?

Equate Maximum Strength Laxative, Sennosides USP, 25mg, 90ct (2 Pack)

Constipation in children is one of the common problems. If your child is 1 year old or older, has not been to the toilet for more than 3 days or has hard-painful defecation, it means constipation.

Causes Constipation in Children and Babies You can learn all the details from our article.

In this article, what should be fed to the constipated child, here we will talk about the wonderful food.

Homemade Yogurt
Regulates the intestinal flora with the beneficial bacteria in it. Like yogurt, kefir is one of the most powerful probiotics.

We explained how to make homemade yogurt.

Dr. M. Ender Saraç says: “Many people say lar Horses eat barley. Ama But now the importance of barley in nutrition and medicine has come to the fore again. No food is created in vain, barley lowers cholesterol, removes some toxins from the body, has a cooling effect, but most importantly it runs a very serious bowel. ”

Plum pulp, plum compote, urtian plum, plum plum, purple plums usually pulp
It is one of the main fibrous fruits that soften the intestines.

Rolled oats
Fiber is the first food that comes to mind again.

9 Healthy Snacks for Toddlers

Dried figs, apricots and grapes
The marmalades that you will make with the dried fruits are both healthy desserts and they are very successful in preventing constipation.

All forest berries like strawberries and blueberries
All fruits ending in ”berry e in English will also help you to fight constipation.

Mornings must be delicious: Healthy and Cheerful Recipes for Kids' Breakfast

A fruit full of fiber. Pear compote is also a delicious option.

Leek, okra, purslane, spinach, chard, all the pulp / fiber vegetables such as pumpkin
You know why pulp food is good for constipation? Because pulp does not dissolve in water, it activates the intestines.

“I Can't Eat Vegetables To This Child” Diyorsan Oku!

Whole grain breads, pastas
Unprocessed grains are good for constipation as they have more lifes. Instead of white bread, eat whole grain bread and pastas for your child. Exp. Dr. Ikbale Yilmaz recommends whole wheat bread for children older than 1 year.

We explained how to make bread with 6 different recipes.

Olive oil
Olive oil, which helps everything from skin to heart, is also with all the support for constipation problem.

Whole wheat and rye flour
Make him eat them instead of white flour.

Nutritious and Delicious 9 Kids Recipe by Hilal Mocan

Recipes that relieve constipation in children

1 kg plum plum
Wood, round drying tray
Wash the plums thoroughly and remove the seeds.
Boil in plenty of water until it is thoroughly crushed.
Go through colander. Spread the 4 mm plum jelly on the tray where you put greased paper.
Wait until it dries in the sun.
After drying, cut into strips with a clean scissors.
These can also give an idea: 6 Sample Food Menu by Age for Children

Leek patties
500 g leeks
200 g lean ground beef
1 boiled potato
1 egg
1 handful of walnuts
Himalayan salt or natural rock salt
Grain black pepper, bread crumbs and curry
Cook the ground beef in a lean pan. Boil the leeks and prepare by squeezing water.
Mash the leeks in the food processor, add the bread crumbs in little pieces.
Add minced meat, spices, minced walnuts, leeks and knead.
Add the boiled leek to the mixture.
Shape it with your hand. Spread the greasy paper on the tray.
Bake in the oven at 200 degrees.
See if it fits yours: Nutrition Habits in Children by Horoscope

Popeye Balls
1 nectarine
2 cloves of garlic
500 g spinach
100 gr white cheese
100 gr of cheddar cheese
1 tbsp whole wheat flour
3 eggs
Natural rock salt
Red ground pepper (sweet)
1 tablespoon olive oil
Thin shredded onions, roast in garlic with olive oil.
After cleaning the spinach, cut it by hand and take 1-2 turns in the food processor.
Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
Whisk the eggs by whipping (by hand).
Add the cheese and put the spices and mix the mortar in the food processor.
Add the egg.
Add the last 1 spoon of flour.
Pour into small pieces with a spoon on a well-oiled muffin tray.
Cook for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Cake against constipation
1 tablespoon of flax seeds
1 tablespoon of oatmeal
1 teaspoon cinnamon
7 dried plum plums
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 glass of water Milk
Half a glass of tea with olive oil
3 eggs
1 packet of baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
Separate the yolk and white of the egg, foam the white, add sugar to the yolk, beat until melt. This mortar needs to become creamy.
Flour into the mortar, then add milk.
Mix all ingredients except egg white. Get a semi-thick, fluid dough.
Gently mix the final egg white and mortar from the bottom to the milk.
Pour the mortar into the lightly greased cake. Bake in a 180 degree oven for 35 minutes.
Children's Foods to Add Energy to 12-18 Months

Constipation foods and drinks in children
Keep them away from your child:

Black tea,
Acidic beverages,
White bread,
These are avengers: 18 Foods to Keep Your Child Away

Equate Maximum Strength Laxative, Sennosides USP, 25mg, 90ct (2 Pack)

Fleet Laxative Saline Enema | 9 oz | Pack of 6 | Fast Constipation Relief in Minutes

Causes Constipation? What is good for constipation?

Fleet Laxative Saline Enema | 9 oz | Pack of 6 | Fast Constipation Relief in Minutes

Unknown Causes of Constipation
Especially in the month of Ramadan and the right to feed on the person who causes problems and constipation unknown causes of constipation should be paid attention to what should be considered Hospital Derindere General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. We talked to Hacı Ömer Aycan…

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First of all, the concept of constipation should be defined correctly Op. Dr. Hacı Ömer Aycan, ‘Great toilet habit is different for everyone. Some people make great toilets once every day, even more than that; some may do it every two to three days.

When does bowel movements slow down?
If you regularly flush less than three times a week, your bowel movement is probably slowed. In addition to bowel movements, you should also consider other symptoms, such as hard and dry stools, to tell you that you have constipation problems. As you get older, your chances of constipation increase as your bowel movements decrease.

Pregnancy is also one of the most common periods of constipation problems. Pregnancy hormones slow down digestion and make it difficult for your bowel muscles to move waste in your system. During the later stages of pregnancy, your baby may be pressured by your intestines; this causes you to experience constipation.

Consult doctor if more than 1 week

If your constipation problem persists for more than 1 week, consult your physician to prevent your problem from lasting longer. Because long-term untreated constipation can cause many problems, especially hemorrhoids.

Things to do to relieve constipation
To resolve your current constipation, you should follow the nutrition program recommended by your doctor. Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods are high in fiber and reduce the risk of constipation if you consume them regularly. Prunes, in particular, are a good aid in regulating the bowel. Talk to your doctor if you are still constipated, even if your diet changes. You may need to use supplements, stool softeners or laxatives.

Causes Constipation Disease? Yes, here are those diseases:
Constipation does not cause dangerous toxins in the body. It is a myth that has been going on for years when the toxins in the stool poison your body and make you sick; however, long-term constipation may be a precursor to another disease, such as diabetes, under-working thyroid, irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer. Therefore, it should not be ignored. Especially blood in the stool and unknown weight loss are symptoms that need to be taken into account without losing time. Antidepressants and strong painkillers can cause an increase in the problem of constipation. Likewise, consuming too much lactative causes your bowel muscles to work more than usual. To avoid constipation problems, you should use the medications and diet program in consultation with your physician. Bulundu

10 Ways to Get Rid of Constipation
From time to time, everyone has problems with constipation, the person's quality of life begins to decrease. Large intestinal tumors, hormonal disorders, drugs used, water-salt deficiencies, diseases of the muscles and nervous system can cause constipation, saying that Liv Hospital Gastroenterology Specialist. Ekrem Aslan made suggestions for those with constipation problems.

Increase the amount of fluid you take daily. Solid-weighted nutrition is the most important thing that causes constipation.
Consuming foods rich in fiber helps prevent constipation. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber.
Avoid prolonged fasting. Feeding small amounts frequently helps prevent constipation.
Make it a habit to use the toilet in the morning and after meals, when bowel movements are most intense.
When you feel defecation, go to the toilet, postponing defecation is one of the major causes of chronic constipation.
Sports and exercise are important. If you move, your bowels will move. Walking for half an hour at least 3 days a week will help to streamline the bowels.
Drugs that contain large amounts of laxatives for a long time without consulting your doctor will lazy the intestines. Avoid laxative use without medical advice.
Consuming a handful of prunes each day or drinking a cup of coffee in the morning helps the intestines to work.
Hemorrhoids and cracks in the breech area may cause chronic constipation, consult a doctor if you have itching, bleeding or pain in the breech area.
If you have been suffering from constipation for less than 6 months, and you are over 50 years old, if you have anemia, breech bleeding, or weight loss associated with constipation, consult a gastroenterologist and have a colonoscopy.

Fleet Laxative Saline Enema | 9 oz | Pack of 6 | Fast Constipation Relief in Minutes

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 400 Count

Ways to relieve constipation in infants

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 400 Count

Causes constipation in babies, how to resolve?'s constipation remedies in infants include massage and breast milk details.
Constipation problem is one of the common problems in infants. This problem both annoys both the mother and the baby. According to'un methods to save your baby from constipation problem. So how to relieve constipation in babies? Here are natural and practical methods to save your baby from constipation!


There are some simple ways to understand that your baby is constipated. Some of these; the baby's tummy and hard, constant restlessness, granular stools, dark stools of black or gray color are indications that your baby is constipated.

Here are a few suggestions to eliminate constipation in babies ...

MOTHER MILK: One of the most ideal and well-known methods of constipation is of course breast milk. Breast milk softens the hard stool of the baby. It revitalizes and nourishes the intestines.

GET MASSAGE: Lay the baby in the supine position and massage clockwise where the navel is. Then follow the same procedure in the opposite direction. This massage will cause your baby to relax and solve the problem of constipation as soon as possible.

OLIVE OIL: Dip a clean ear stick into olive oil and make circular movements with the stick to the constipated area. However, it is absolutely necessary to obtain expert approval to do this to the newborn.

GET YOUR BABY SHOWER: A warm shower will help the baby relax. Hot water always helps expand the feces duct. This is exactly the same for constipation.

BIKE EXERCISE: Baby's knees lying on the floor with the back of the baby's knees, such as cycling pedal movements to apply.

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 400 Count

Senna Plus Natural Vegetable Laxative with Stool Softener, 100 tablets (Pack of 2)


Senna Plus Natural Vegetable Laxative with Stool Softener, 100 tablets (Pack of 2)

If you are undernourished in terms of fiber or pulp, you may experience constipation problems. So how do you deal with this problem?
Stating that long-term constipation may be a harbinger of other diseases, Gazi University Faculty Member General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Sezai Leventoğlu, 1 out of 5 people found important warnings about the problem of constipation.

How is constipation understood?
Most of us define the problem of constipation as being very stressed, hard defecation and not being able to experience a full discharge feeling, but according to experts, one of the most important criteria of constipation is infrequent defecation. How exactly do you know that you have constipation problems? Assoc. Dr. Sezai Leventoğlu, if you are defecating twice or less per week for more than three months, if you use enema or stool softener for defecation, if you need to press around your breech during defecation or if you want to open the sides manually outward, you can feel full stool inside. , too pushing, too hard and bulky defecating if you have constipation problem, he says.

Causes of constipation
Among the most common causes of this problem which gives you a hard time in the toilet are not consuming enough fiber or pulp in your diet, lack of physical activity, being left without fluid, weakening of your pelvic floor muscles after surgical operation, intestinal diseases (bowel hernia, irritable bowel syndrome-bowel laziness) ), include the medications you use. In addition, many other factors such as military service, pregnancy, aging, traveling that change your routine life, postponing your need for defecation due to lack of appropriate conditions, congenital disorders, cultural, psychological, environmental factors, joint problems and many other factors such as Parkinson's can cause constipation.

If you have been suffering from constipation for a long time…
If you have been suffering from constipation for a long time or a new change in your defecation habit has occurred, you should consult a colorectal surgery or gastroenterologist if you are experiencing weight loss, severe abdominal pain, or blood stools with defecation. Because these symptoms can herald a very serious situation. When you apply to the specialist, physical examination, especially proctological examination, laboratory tests are performed, if necessary, large bowel film or colonoscopy can be performed. In this way, the cause of constipation can be detected, other diseases, polyps or tumors can be detected early. Colon and rectal cancers can be prevented by 40%. In the treatment of constipation, patients need to follow the course of life with their specialist physicians, correct dietary recommendations, behavioral changes, some plants if necessary, and if there is an underlying organic cause (bowel hernia-rectocele or bowel cancer, inflammatory bowel disease) and its exclusion is important.

Expert advice for constipation problem

Dr. Leventoğlu's suggestions for dealing with your constipation problem are as follows;
Eat regularly, do not skip meals. Breakfast is very important for bowel functions. In the morning, a few pieces of dried apricots, dried figs or prunes on an empty stomach after drinking 2 glasses of water in the extra virgin olive oil oregano, 6-7 olives to be added to the dark brown or bran bread by dipping it will relax your bowel activities.
Whether you need toiletries after breakfast or not, go to the toilet and sit for 5-10 min. The intestinal habit that can be achieved in this way will be long-term relief. Take time to this defecation attempt every day in the morning, because that's natural.
In your daily diet, you should consume vegetable dishes and fruits, eat whole wheat instead of white rice, eat whole wheat bread and head towards whole foods. Take care of fiber intake. Fiber is the indigestible part of vegetable foods. Examples include wheat bran, cereal grains and shells of various fruits such as apples and pears. Fibers increase the amount of stool and water content by holding water, stimulate the intestines, soften the stool. Take 20-25 grams of fiber per day for proper bowel movement.
Regular exercise (five days a week, 20 minutes a day brisk walking), increase your physical activities.
Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day, drink plenty of liquid.

Know that osmotic excretors (magnesium salts, sodium phosphate, lactylose are of this group) can be safely used for a long time in severe constipation, especially if there is abdominal swelling. Liquid petroleum jelly may be used orally or by enema.
Pelvic floor region and strengthening the muscles of the anal region, tightening-relaxation exercises, ball exercises, kegel exercises can be applied regularly.

Senna Plus Natural Vegetable Laxative with Stool Softener, 100 tablets (Pack of 2)

Prunelax Ciruelax Natural Laxative Regular Tablets, 60 Count

What is constipation?

Prunelax Ciruelax Natural Laxative Regular Tablets, 60 Count

Constipation (also called constipation or constipation) means that bowel movements decrease compared to normal. In fact, constipation is not a disease, but a symptom that can be seen in many conditions.

Intestinal function normally varies from individual to individual. Defecation is normal for one person, 3 times a day for another and normal for another person. By definition, constipation is defined as defecation of 2 or less weeks. Some people accept the meaning of constipation as difficulty in defecation or hard stool. This is a false belief.

Constipation (constipation) is a very common condition all over the world. There are difficulties in defining objective criteria in the definition of constipation and certain criteria (Roman criteria) have been identified in international meetings. If at least two or more of the criteria listed below continue for at least 12 weeks within one year (not necessarily consecutive), it is agreed that the condition will be considered constipation.

Rome II Criteria
Breeding During Defecation
Need for straining more than 25% of all defecation

Making Piece or Hard Stools
Making part or hard stools in more than 25% of all defecation

Feeling Full
More than 25% of all stools have a feeling of not fully discharging

Blockage during defecation
Blockage during defecation in more than 25% of all defecation

Support during defecation
Supporting the pelvic floor with finger or hand during defecation in more than 25% of all defecation

Defecation 2 or less per week

How Does Normal Defecation Occur?
In order to better understand constipation, let us first look at how normal defecation occurs.

After meals, undigested food passes through the small intestine and reaches the large intestine within 2-3 hours. Residues coming into the large intestine are excreted as feces only in 2-5 days. Normally, wastes coming into the large intestine are in liquid form. As it progresses through the large intestine, water is absorbed and begins to solidify on the right side of the intestine. The left side of the large intestine serves as a depot. When a person eats food, foods coming from his stomach send a warning to the large intestine through a special reflex (gastrocolic reflex) in the intestine. This reflex pathway leads to contraction of the large intestine and occurs when the defecation function is appropriate in the social environment. This is the reason why one often feels the need for defecation during breakfast. When food residues reach the last part of the large intestine (rectum), there is a need for defecation. Muscles (levator ani, puborectalis) that form the base of the pelvis (inner pelvis) are active during defecation. The puborectal muscle supports stool control by supporting the lower part of the large intestine from below. Another important structure for stool control is the muscles surrounding the breech. These muscles are called breech control muscles (anal sphincter). These muscles are 2 pieces inside and outside of the breech and they are called internal and external anal sphincter muscles.

Accumulation of food residues in the rectum (the last part of the large intestine) causes the need for defecation. The sensation of defecation causes relaxation of the muscle inside the breech. This allows the stool to move further towards the breech and to understand what the feeling of defecation occurs by the body. Thus, one can perceive whether the sensation of defecation is from gas or solid food residues. This prevents going to the toilet every time to extract gas.

The defecation function requires relaxation of the puborectalis and breech-controlling muscles. By pelleting, the pelvic floor is flattened, the angulation between the anal canal and the rectum disappears. Sitting during defecation increases intra-abdominal pressure and helps the person to defecate more easily.

The most important task of the colon (colon) is to ensure that the body needs water to be sucked back into the blood, thereby preventing fecal and water loss. Therefore, when water and food residues come to the colon (large intestine), excess water is absorbed. Absorbs 90% of the fluid in the large intestine (bile, digestive fluids, food-borne fluid). Feces are formed from the remaining digested food residues. The undigested fibers in the feces have water retention. With the rate of water held by these fibers, the stool softens, forms and facilitates defecation function.

Risk Factors for Constipation
Constipation is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although it is observed at the most advanced age, it can affect all segments of the society. Women are affected by 2-3 times more than men.

There are many factors in the formation of constipation. However, the most important risk factor is malnutrition. It may cause constipation in different environments due to additional stress and travel. Another point to remember is the development of constipation due to the underlying diseases. Therefore, a good differential diagnosis is necessary.

How does constipation develop?
Muscle contractions in the wall of the large intestine allow the stool to progress to the anus. This is also regulated by nerve impulses. Irregularity in muscle and nerve stimulation prolongs the passage of the large intestine. This causes constipation. When bowel functions are impaired due to other diseases that cause constipation, the stool progresses slowly. This causes the column to absorb too much water and to produce hard and dry faeces. Hardened stools cause pain when moved.

What Causes Constipation?
Defecation disorders are a common problem. About 70-80% of people complain of constipation for a period in their lives. There may be many causes of problems such as forced emptying or a small number of defecation.

Before identifying the causes, the first step is to distinguish between short-term (acute) and persistent (chronic) constipation. Short-term and non-recurring constipation usually occurs with short-term changes in our habits. Acute constipation can be defined as persistent changes in bowel habits for less than three months. In acute constipation, the problem is often unique and can be easily treated.

In chronic constipation, changes in intestinal habits are more than three months and the causative factors are more complex. Disease known as functional constipation is rare. The reason is unclear.

Many factors can cause constipation. The main causes of constipation are;

Insufficient water consumption is the most important problem.
Insufficient Fiber in the Diet: The amount of fiber normally consumed daily is about 25-30 grams. With modern living and fast, easy food solutions, the daily intake of fiber leads to constipation.
Changes in Routine Life: Many people complain of constipation from time to time. Conditions such as change of environment, travel, changes in eating habits, and pregnancy can cause difficult defecation.
Impairment of Pelvic Floor Muscles: Constipation can be seen due to the involuntary muscle of the striated muscles of the pelvic floor during defecation.
Side Effects of Medications Used: The use of certain medications may cause constipation or exacerbate symptoms. Painkillers, anti-depressant drugs, antiparkinsonian drugs, trancilisants, blood pressure regulating drugs (calcium channel blockers), diuretics (causing potassium loss), iron preparations, calcium use, and antacids containing aluminum or calcium can cause constipation.
In fact, some non-constipated individuals may become drug-dependent due to some laxatives they take to make defecation every day. This causes the problem to grow further.

Intestinal Diseases Causing Congestion: The important thing is the sudden constipation that occurs when there is no reason. In this case, a mechanical obstruction blocking the intestine should be considered. This obstruction may be due to cancer, an inflammatory condition (diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease) or adhesions. These sudden obstructions are usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Bowel spasms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome may change the patient's habit of defecation. Intermittent constipation and diarrhea attacks can be seen in these patients. In addition, abdominal distention, pain, gas complaints may be.
Hormonal Diseases: Constipation may occur during the course of hypothyroidism (inadequate functioning of the thyroid gland), diabetes and rheumatic diseases.
Disorders of the intestine: Constipation may also occur in structural disorders, stenosis and congestive diseases of the large intestine.
Irregularities in nerve and muscle stimulation: Muscle contractions in the wall of the large intestine allow the stool to progress to the anus. This is also regulated by nerve impulses. Irregularity in muscle and nerve stimulation prolongs the passage of the large intestine. This causes constipation.
In addition, during defecation, the puborectalis and the external muscles that control the breech are not sufficiently relaxed prevent defecation. Again, non-coordinated functioning of the muscles in this region causes functional congestion. Constipation begins in childhood due to irregularities in muscle relaxation in Hirschsprung disease, a congenital disease.

Existence of Systemic Diseases: Feces progress slowly when bowel contractions are disrupted due to other constipation diseases (listed below). This causes the large intestine (column) to absorb too much water and to produce hard and dry faeces. Hardened stools cause pain when moved.
Constipation Diseases
Diseases of the large intestine
Irritable bowel syndrome
Large Bowel Cancer
Crohn's Disease
Continuous use of laxatives
Pelvic floor damage
Anal diseases
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Spinal cord injury
Thyroid disease (Goitre)
Parathyroid disease
Systemic diseases
Surgery - Surgical treatment (intra-abdominal adhesions, Hirschsprung's disease)
Poor eating habits (high caffeine intake, irregular feeding times, etc.)
Less exercise
Low fluid intake
Preventing intestinal motions voluntarily
Stress and anxiety

Symptoms of Constipation
Constipation manifests itself with a feeling of fullness.
Although it does not seriously affect our daily work, it can make one feel uncomfortable.
Hard and dry stools make the passage difficult and cause the passage to be painful. Blood may be seen due to irritation caused by constipation.
Some people may occasionally experience fullness, abdominal distension, and displaced abdominal pain.
Many people complain of constipation from time to time. Changes in the environment, travel, changes in eating habits can cause difficult defecation. Constipation and bloating (abdominal distension) may develop as a result. These (constipation swelling) is corrected when the environment returns.
What matters is constipation that suddenly occurs for no reason. Serious diseases can cause constipation and constipation. Unexplained constipation, worsening abdominal pain and accompanying fecal blood (constipation blood) and mucus, decreased bowel movements, nausea, vomiting and difficulty in defecation can be seen. In this case, a mechanical obstruction blocking the intestine should be considered. This obstruction may be due to cancer, an inflammatory condition (diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease) or adhesions. These sudden obstructions are usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever.

Decrease in number of defecations per week (Less than normal bowel movements)
Coexistence of dry, hard stools and difficulty in their passage and feeling of pain, constipation and abdominal pain
Feeling of fullness and incomplete emptying of the rectum (the last part of the large intestine) after defecation
Individuals with the above symptoms may require medical attention due to constipation.

Is your habit of defecation regular?
Many people feel constipated and irregular when they can't defecate once a day. This may not always be true. Normally, the number of defecation ranges from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Therefore, hard defecation should not mean constipation. Again, the lack of defecation for 2 days is not constipation.

Do Drugs Affect the Time of Transition of the Large Intestine?
Some drugs used in addition to the above diseases cause prolongation of the passage of the large intestine and develop constipation. These medications cause constipation by blocking the nervous movement of the large intestine, muscle movements or by holding water. Patients with constipation problems should carefully read the side effects of all medications they use and consult their physician. Some of the drugs that cause constipation are listed below.

Constipation of Unknown Cause (Chronic Idiopathic Constipation)
Disease known as functional constipation is rare. The reason is unclear. Drug treatment is sometimes not helpful in individuals who have been constipated for long periods of time. There may be many problems under this. Hormonal changes can cause muscle and nervous system problems of the large intestine. This type of constipation is more common in children and women.

This may be caused by prolonged passage of feces through the large intestine or by problems in the muscles that provide progressive bowel movements in the intestinal wall. In this case, the feces accumulated in the rectum (the last part of the large intestine) cannot be thrown out because of weakness in muscle movements.

When to see a doctor?
It is usually a temporary condition that can be easily corrected. However, it can sometimes point to more serious problems. If you have any of the following conditions, you should go to the doctor for a medical examination (constipation examination);

Persistent constipation and unexplained constipation status
Changes in intestinal habits (increase or decrease in frequency)
Stool thinning (fine defecation) and bloody defecation
Constipation lasting more than seven days despite dietary changes and constipation diet
Stool blood, abdominal pain or tenderness
Defecation is extremely painful (painful defecation)
Consequence of constipation diarrhea attacks
Other signs and symptoms suggesting that there may be a problem in the body with constipation
There is no special area (ie constipation doctor) that is referred for constipation complaints. You can refer to the internal medicine, gastroenterology (gastrointestinal diseases department) and general surgery departments of the hospitals.

Constipation Diagnosis - Investigation of Causes of Constipation
Tests for Constipation Diagnosis
There are many causes of constipation. It is important to identify the cause for simple or specific treatment. The doctor will investigate mechanical obstacles - anatomical causes of narrowing or obstruction in the colon (within the colon).

First, a careful history of the disease, drugs used, defecation pattern, stool type, straining and feeling of full ejaculation are questioned by the doctor. Large bowel cancer should be investigated in patients over 40 years of age. After that, the breech region (anorectal) is examined by finger. Examination of the intestine by endoscopy (colonoscopy) or barium radiography (medicated colon film) studies Polyps help to investigate the causes of severe constipation, such as tumors. If an anatomic problem is detected, treatment is directly related to this reason.

In addition, investigations of functional disorders can be made. Some of these are described below.

Large Intestine Transit Test
It is used to calculate the passage time of feces through the large intestine. A capsule with a large number of small rings is administered to the patient. Since the rings in the capsule are seen on the abdominal X-ray, its progression in the intestine is followed by radiographs. Normally, 80% of the rings are excreted with feces 5 days after the capsule is removed. The presence of more than 20% of the rings in the intestine on the fifth day of abdominal x-ray indicates the length of intestinal transit time. Constipation can be diagnosed based on the graph result.

Balloon Excretion Test
Evaluate the emptying function of the rectum.

Anal manometry
Evaluates the coordination between the rectum and the rectum and muscles functions.

It controls the neural stimulation of the muscles that control the breech.

It is a radiograph taken during defecation and evaluates the excretory function.

As a result of these tests, many anatomical or functional reasons causing constipation can be detected.

Does constipation cause any problems?
Sometimes constipation can be a problem. Prolonged sitting in the toilet causes straining hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids / Mayasıl) to become prominent. In addition, the hard stool may damage the breech (anus) as it passes through the breech (anus) and an anal fissure (rupture) occurs. The patient has pain, bleeding and burning in each toilet.

Excessive strain may cause the lining of the intestine to rotate outwards. This condition is called rectal prolapse.

Some patients cannot remove hard and dry stools. The feces accumulated in the rectum (the last part of the large intestine) become stoned and may cause obstruction.

All the above diseases are prevented by relieving constipation.

What Should You Know About Posa?
One of the best ways to treat common constipations is higher fiber intake in the diet. Fibers are indigestible parts of plants. It gains volume and softens the feces with the water they hold and makes them easy to dispose of.

Fiber Foods

Posa (Fiber) Rich Foods

Fibers are available in two different types and both types are required for regular bowel function.

1. Soluble Fiber

It is a water-soluble gelatinous substance. Provides defecation pattern and facilitates soft stool formation. Oats, beans, fruit varieties and products containing psyllium are good sources.

2. Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble in water. They pass through the digestive system very quickly and in one piece. It helps to regular defecation and to make the stool voluminous. Cereals, porridge and various vegetables are good sources.

Are There Easy Ways to Increase Fiber?
Adding fiber to the diet is easier than you think. Some tips for starting;

Bran bread, brown rice, high-fiber foods such as fruit and vegetables, white bread white rice and chips-confectionery should be preferred to low-fiber foods.

Try to gain the habit of eating more raw vegetables and unpeeled fruits. Cooking vegetables reduces the amount of fiber in them. Shells are also good sources of fiber.

High-fiber food should be taken at each meal. Floury porridge can be a good start, but with fruit and vegetables.

Two important points;

Increasing the amount of fiber slowly. The rapid onset of large amounts of fibrous food can cause uncomfortable bloating, flatulence and pain.
It should not be forgotten that at least 8-10 glasses of fluids should be taken with fibrous food.
Questions About Fiber

How much fiber do you need per day?
Diet experts recommend 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

What are the best ways to increase fiber intake?
Taking a wide variety of high fiber foods.
Replacing low-fiber foods with high-fiber foods in daily foods.
Plenty of fruit and vegetables to be eaten.

To what extent should fiber uptake be increased?
It should gradually increase. Too early and too much fiber intake can cause bloating and abdominal pain. It may take several weeks to increase. When working for this job, it should be remembered that you necessarily get enough liquid.

Is it suitable to take laxatives?
The doctor may prescribe laxatives (Laxatives). There are many types of laxatives and there are varying benefits and side effects depending on the patient.

Increasing the amount of feces (Fiber Containing Products) Laxatives
They increase the fiber rate in the stool. They act by absorbing the liquid in the intestine. This produces soft stools and increases bowel movements. They may interfere with the absorption of the medication used. They work in natural ways because they mimic the normal function of the body. They are the most reliable of laxatives. However, they can lead to increased gas production. Commercially available: Psyllium seed husk (GNC), Metamucil®, Citrucel®, Serutan®

Stool Softeners
They do not increase bowel movements but facilitate the difficult passage caused by hard stools. They secrete water and electrolytes from the large intestine. They soften dry and hard stools and diarrhea occurs. It is good for short term treatments. It may be preferable in cases where it is inconvenient to avoid twisting [during pregnancy, breech (anorectal) surgery, breech pain]. Long-term constipation does not give good results. Commercially available: Colacel®, Dialose®, Surfak®

Another fecal emollient is mineral oil that lubricates the feces and makes it progress. It can be preferred for constipation due to prolonged bedtime. During use, it is necessary to ensure that the drug does not enter the respiratory tract.

Stimulating Laxatives
In addition to increasing water and electrolyte secretion, it acts by increasing muscle contraction in the intestine. Not all stimulant laxatives work essentially the same way, but are not the same. They can cause cramps, nausea and vomiting. These drugs include anthraquin derivatives (cascade, senocide, castor oil, ricinoleic acid) and diphenylmethane derivatives (bisacodyl). Should not be used for a long time.

Brown pigment accumulation in the intestine occurs in those who use anthrax species. These medications should be preferred in cases of severe constipation and unresponsive to other medications. Addicts may be used for a long time. It should be cut slowly. Commercially available: Dulcolax®, Senokot®

Osmotic Laxatives
They absorb water into the intestine, causing the pressure to rise and send a message to the bowel to discharge. Absorbing too much water causes loss of bowel movements and deterioration of the body's water balance. There are two types. It consists of weakly absorbed ions (Magnesium citrate®, fleet phospho soda) and poorly absorbed sugars (lactulose, polyethylene glycol, sorbitol solution 70%). It can be used for a short time in patients with constipation problems due to long-term bedtime. These drugs should not be used in patients with heart failure and fluid loss. It should be kept in mind that phosphate or magnesium poisoning may develop in patients with renal insufficiency.

Polyethylene glycol solution (Golytely) and sodium phosphate (fleet phospho soda) should be preferred when rapid bowel emptying is required (before colonoscopy, before surgery).

Prokinetic Drugs
Accelerates bowel movements. cisapride

It is applied from the rectum. The large intestine is filled with liquid. Fecal softening and bowel movements are increased. Tap water or phospho soda can be used for this purpose.

Since there are many products available, the doctor will make the right choice for the individual.

It is the right way to solve the problem of constipation in natural ways and to avoid taking long-term medication. Prolonged use of stimulant laxatives leads to loss of normal tone of the large intestine, causing loss of contraction, constipation and dependence. Bulk-forming laxatives are safe for long-term use.

Biofeedback is another option in treatment. In simple terms, it is necessary to ensure the body's perception of how the breech and surrounding organs work with the help of a catheter. The aim of this treatment is to control the relaxation of the puborectal and external breech muscle by a computer.

Surgical Treatment of Constipation
Finally, in some patients, surgical treatment is recommended if the transit time of the large intestine is longer than normal, ie if food residues and feces do not progress in the large intestine. Surgical procedure removes a large part of the large intestine and maintains the intestinal continuity by joining the small intestine to the large intestine.

What should we do to prevent constipation?
With some simple applications it is possible to reduce symptoms and prevent constipation. Following the recommendations below are effective at the time of constipation and help resolve constipation.

Drinking more water (8-10 glasses of water or liquid per day for constipation)
Consuming more fiber (fiber food)
Eating peels of fruits without peeling
Dried fruit ingestion (apricot, grape, plum etc.)
Consuming raw vegetables in shells
Regular exercise (regular walking, abdominal exercises)
Gaining the habit of regular defecation
Defecation warnings are not blocked. (When defecation should not be postponed. Without rushing, relaxed and forced to do defecation. Delay will cause more tension in the future.)
Constipation nutrition - regular ingestion. (Good and slow chewing of food)
Attention to drugs that show side effects of constipation.
Stress reduction (stress is very effective in the formation of constipation.)
In case of significant and prolonged changes in bowel habits, consult a physician.
Points to Remember
Constipation is the defecation process of 2 or less weeks.
Constipation is not a disease but a symptom that can be seen in different ways from person to person.
Constipation is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although it is observed at the most advanced age, it can affect all segments of the society.
Muscle contractions in the wall of the large intestine allow the feces to progress to the anus. This is also regulated by nerve impulses. Irregularity in muscle and nerve stimulation prolongs the passage of the large intestine. This causes constipation.
Many people complain of constipation from time to time. Changes in the environment, travel, changes in eating habits can cause difficult defecation. They recover when the environment returns.
The important thing is that suddenly there is no reason, constipation. In this case, a mechanical obstruction blocking the intestine should be considered.
Intestinal functions and diet training, behavior modification, drug therapy and rarely surgical - surgical treatment may be recommended to the patient. With some simple applications, it is possible to reduce symptoms and avoid constipation.

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Early toilet training in children leads to chronic constipation

Fletcher's Laxative, Root Beer, 3.25 Ounce

The problem of constipation is an increasingly common discomfort in children. Although it does not seriously affect the daily life of the child at first; it makes him feel uncomfortable in the process and express it. In this period, the approach of the parents to the constipated child is very important. Families with the right knowledge can take more careful steps in terms of the child's health. Memorial Atasehir Hospital, Department of Pediatrics Uz. Dr. Özlen Kaya Çardak advised parents to be a better observer about constipation and gave information about “constipation and treatment in children”.

Each child has a different frequency of going to the toilet

Constipation can be defined as the decrease of defecation due to the slowing of the digestive system and the conversion to a painful form. Since the number of stools varies according to children of all ages, it is not correct to give a definite number of defecations when describing constipation. It may not be normal for one child and normal for the other. For example; This is normal if a 2-year-old child does soft stools every 2 days. Another child of the same age does it once a day; but if the stool is hard and painful it is considered constipation. No matter how many days the number of stools in a child we call normal bowel habit should not be heard at that time. Babies can make feces 5-6 times a day when they are 1-2 months old. In older children, even defecation once every 2 days may be considered normal.

Feeding infants have a higher risk of constipation

Constipation is very rare in newborns who are breastfed; however, the risk of constipation is higher in infants fed with formula. If constipation is observed in a baby receiving breast milk; small measures such as regulating the mother's diet and keeping the mother away from constipation foods (such as potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas). Young babies may have excessive strain and constipation without constipation. Mothers may accidentally interpret the redness and crushing of babies as constipation. In this case if; this can be considered normal if your baby's stool consistency is soft and defecates at least once a day.

Why is my baby constipated?

Constipation is not a disease but a symptom. Many diseases, medications or some conditions cause constipation. The most common cause of constipation is constipation due to irregular eating habits and inappropriate use of constipation drugs as a solution. For this reason, first of all, finding the cause of constipation is important for the success of treatment. The causes of constipation can be listed as follows:

Psychosocial Causes (Functional-Idiopathic Constipation): Voluntary stool holding and habituation due to pain during defecation.
Nutritional Errors: Malnutrition, consumption of more than 500 ml of cow's milk per day, insufficient consumption of fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, errors in the transition to additional nutrients.
Structural problems of the digestive system: tears in the breech (anal fissure), abscess, anus is located from the front to the birth, etc.
Drug Effects: Antidepressant drugs, use of anti cholinergic drugs.
Endocrine problems: Hypothyroid (insufficient thyroid hormone) and hypocalcemia.

Discourage your child from thinking that em If I don't go to the toilet, I won't have pain ağ

Among all these causes of constipation, functional constipation is the most common. This type of constipation actually develops in children with constipation due to different psychosocial causes without any underlying medical problem. The number of stools normally decreases as babies are 3-4 months old. In this period, the hardened stool in the last part of the large intestine causes difficulties and small cracks. The baby feels pain during defecation and when there is a feeling of defecation due to this pain, it will automatically bleed the breech muscles and try to minimize the feeling of pain. The retained feces become more and more hard and a “vicious circle” occurs. Since the idea of ​​Çocuk I will not have pain if I do not toilet uval will settle in the child, there may be children who keep their faeces for 8-10 days.

Starting toilet training early can lead to constipation

Constipation is common during 2 years of age when toilet training is started. Children should never be forced during this period. A new diaper child may voluntarily hold the stool longer than necessary, which may cause stool hardening and painful stool. Once the vicious cycle of pain and fear begins, it is necessary to make the child forget the pain to normalize the condition. It is not correct to give negative comments to the child about feces during toilet training. Feces are very valuable for a 2-year-old; because it perceives it as a part of her body. When he makes his feces in the toilet, he may feel as if his finger is broken; therefore, if the constipated child regains his diaper when the diaper is removed, it may return to normal stool pattern. Such problems are more common if toilet training starts early. The 24th month is normal for toilet training. It is accepted within 3 months before or after 3 months. This education period is different for each child; If the child is ready, toilet training is completed within 10-15 days. If there is no response from the toilet training within 15 days, the child should not be forced, the subject should be closed and the subject should not be talked about for at least 1 month. Constipation may also occur in children who are new to kindergarten or primary school because they refuse to go to an out-of-home toilet. It is important that teachers often encourage children in this regard.

With a diet after a certain point the solution remains inadequate

Repeated fecal retention results in internal enlargements in the rectum and the diameter and volume of the feces grow. Early stool, although large in diameter, can be removed spontaneously; In the chronic period, it becomes petrified and forms a big plug in the breech and does not improve without treatment. When there is a loss of sensitivity in the rectum, the habit of defecation gradually disappears. Even if nothing wrong is done in nutrition, it becomes impossible to solve the problem with diet after this point. In some children, since the petrified stool in this rectum is not emptied, the newly arrived stool involuntarily comes out in the form of incontinence. Stool incontinence in older children can cause severe psychological trauma. Errors in toilet training in children, penalties, cultural and social factors may pave the way for this type of constipation. Parents of children with this type of functional constipation may have similar problems, with genetic predisposition to constipation.

Excessive cow's milk consumption can lead to constipation

In children with chronic constipation, appetite is usually low; abdominal pain can be seen. As the digestive system slows down, gastric emptying time is delayed and recurrent vomiting may persist. If constipation lasts too long, it may cause a risk to urinary tract infections. Addition to new food or periods of breastfeeding are also risky for the development of constipation. Constipation may occur if a large amount of cow's milk is consumed at the start of cow's milk after 1 year of age. It is not correct to use more than 500 ml of cow's milk per day.

Consider these recommendations!

The bowel movements can be rearranged and the treatment steps of the intestine can be listed so that the bowel can perform its urinary excretion healthier and your child will regain his old health and joy.

In children with chronic constipation, the large bowel containing hardened stools should be emptied first. For this purpose suppositories or enemas are used. These drugs have local effects only on the breech region and have no systemic side effects. Can be used easily with the recommendation of a physician.
After emptying the large intestines, laxative syrups (stool softening drugs, syrups) should be given orally to ensure normal consistency of faeces. The use of such drugs is necessary to provide stools daily and soft consistency; because it is impossible to solve the problem with diet at the point reached in chronic constipation. The most important point here is to continue the treatment until you forget the pain and fear in the child. Fecal softening syrups do not make habit or the effect decreases over time. The medical data to date has not shown that these syrups have significant and severe side effects, even in long-term use.
It may take a long time for young children to forget their pain. In some cases it may be necessary to extend the treatment up to 12 months. 2-3 months of treatment may be sufficient in children older than 5 years.
Pain relievers and sitting baths, which are regionally effective to eliminate pain during defecation, also provide temporary comfort; but the most important thing that will eliminate the pain is the soft consistency of feces. The most effective drugs that provide this consistency are stool softening syrups.
Psychological approach is important in the treatment of constipation. For enemas and drug applications, cooperation with the child should be established and never used. Forced enemas and similar drugs may increase the fear in the child and make constipation worse.
It is beneficial to place the children who have toilet training 2 times a day in the toilet for 10 - 15 minutes after morning and dinner, since the gastrointestinal reflex (gastrocolic reflex) will be used. Gastric intestinal reflex is the operation of the entire digestive system after any food has gone into the stomach. Thanks to this reflex most people can easily toilets after meals. If we can teach the constipated children the habit of going to the toilet after a meal, an important stage of treatment will be achieved.

Nutrients to prevent constipation

Children need to consume foods such as potatoes, bananas, rice, macaroni, white bread, cow's milk and tea in order to rearrange bowel movements. In this process, children with constipation take plenty of fluids and consume all fibrous vegetables and fruits (apricots, pears, figs, zucchini, broccoli, etc.), olive oil, whole grain or whole wheat breads, corn and corn flour and also improve the digestive system. as will help fulfill.

Fletcher's Laxative, Root Beer, 3.25 Ounce

Fleet Saline Laxative Enema 7.8 oz (pack of 6)

Are constipation remedies habit?

Fleet Saline Laxative Enema 7.8 oz (pack of 6)

Constipation is the problem of a large number of people and the drug is used from time to time for the solution. However, there is a common belief that constipation medication makes a habit. Do constipation medications really make a habit, how and for how long should constipation medications be used?

Constipation, a large number of patients with some behavioral changes and breathing exercises can be solved with short-term drug therapy that expressed the President of the Turkish Gastroenterology Association. Dr. According to Serhat Bor, the anti-constipation drugs are alışkanlık habit "wrong.

Boron, in his written statement, stress, irregular nutrition, additives, intense work pace and some habits acquired, referring to the increase in complaints with constipation, constipation pointed to a problem that seriously deteriorates the quality of life.

Stating that constipation is one of the most common diagnoses among gastroenterology specialists and family physicians in daily practice, Bor shared the following information:

"In our country, functional bowel disease is found to be 22.4 percent and constipation 8.3 percent. It is seen more frequently in women. The incidence and severity of the elderly is increasing. The risk of death is sometimes severe enough to harass patients. "


Boron stated that there were three different types of constipation, that the patient's history was sufficient for diagnosis, and that subgroups were detected by tests performed in private centers and treatment could be applied for them.


Boron pointed out that there is no need for further examination such as colonoscopy in cases where there are no danger signs called alarm findings, and said the following for the treatment of constipation:
"In many patients, some behavioral changes and breathing exercises and only with short-term drug therapy can be resolved.
There are many misconceptions about drugs. The most common is that anti-constipation drugs 'habit' or damage the intestines. These discourses are wrong. Polyethylene glycol group and lactulose are the most successful ones in drug treatment in our country. Unfortunately, the first group is not paid by the SSI. Although new and successful drugs have been developed abroad, new drugs have not been introduced to the market in our country for many years due to the existing price policies. "

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How to eat constipated?

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Intestinal laziness or constipation; It is the most common situation in which people experience and complain about the digestive system.

Constipation; Abdominal discomfort, swelling and tension, accompanied by deterioration of the individual's bowel function and defecation can be defined as a small number. Constipation is a symptom or symptom that is based on causes that differ between individuals rather than a disease. According to studies in the United States and the United Kingdom, constipation; three or less defecation frequency per week. Women are about 2-3 times more likely to have constipation than men; this can be explained by the fact that the intestinal transit time in women is slower than in men. The incidence of chronic constipation increases with age and especially focuses on 65 years and older.

What Causes Constipation?

Causes of constipation are primarily deterioration of bowel movements, the need for defecation is not met and postponed due to reasons such as outside hygiene conditions and timelessness. In this case, basic reflexes and bowel movements are disrupted.

Low physical activity, low dietary fiber intake, undernutrition and inadequate fluid consumption are risk factors for constipation. Causes of bowel laziness include; Some medications include diabetes, neurological diseases, diseases of the excretory system, diseases of the digestive system, psychological disorders, low potassium intake, high calcium intake, high magnesium intake, and pregnancy.

Nutritional Therapy in Constipation
Start the Day with Water

As soon as you wake up, starting the day with a glass of warm water directly reduces fecal density and increases fluidity. Warm water also has an effect on the treatment of constipation. Other water and fluid consumption in the daystream is very important in the treatment of bowel laziness. About 60% of our body weight is made up of water, which can prevent and improve constipation by diluting the food we eat and intestines, making it easier for food to pass through the intestines. Carbonated beverages, such as sodas, tea or coffee, should not be consumed in place of water to meet the fluid requirement. In addition, starting the day with water should not be specific to the treatment of constipation; It is necessary to accelerate metabolism, to lose weight, to reduce the effect of harmful toxins in the body and to reduce stomach acid levels and to treat stomach ailments.

Increase Dietary Fiber Intake

In the bowel laziness, diets rich in pulp are applied to the individual. The intake of pulp should be gradually increased; because the sudden increase in dietary fiber; abdominal pain, bloating and causes gas cramps. The need for pulp is provided from natural nutrients instead of supplements (supplements, supplements) that help the individual to meet their vitamin and mineral needs. Providing dietary fiber from different sources is very important, for example; dried legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables, oilseeds and nuts should be included. The American Diet Association emphasized that the pulp to be taken should be from different vegetable foods.

Natural pulp sources include;

• Legumes (11-26%)
• Hard shelled fruits (5-14%),
• Un-bran cereal products (4-7.5%),
• Vegetables (3-4%),
• Fruits (1-2%).

Consume 2-3 times a week

Rich in diet fiber; beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and green lentils, such as legumes 2-3 times a week to eat or eat as a salad. It has been found in many studies that legumes increase intestinal movements. You can include certain amounts of nutrients in your diet without forgetting that excessive consumption will lead to conditions such as gas and bloating.

Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables

Among the food groups rich in dietary pulp, it is included in vegetables and fruits. It is known that 3-4% of vegetables and 1-2% of fruits consist of natural pulp. Consuming 3-4 portions of food or salad per day and consuming 1-2 portions of crusted fruit; it affects nutrient absorption, fecal volume / weight, intestinal structure and intestinal function.

Ensure Adequate Oil Consumption
In fact, the important health benefits of oil consumption, which we constantly flee, are quite high. In the healthy diet plan, it is desired that 25-30% of the energy obtained is obtained from fats. The importance of fats in the diet, as well as being used as a source of energy to help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the intestine. In addition, in an article published in the World Journal of Gastroentorology in 2012, it was said that olive oil is a type of oil with laxative effect, and the use of the required doses to absorb constipation is absorbed by the small intestine. Healthy fats and oilseeds should be included in the nutrition menus of individuals with constipation problems.

If we describe briefly the task of probiotics, which we have heard a lot in the last years and that we actually consume; they are living microorganisms that provide much benefit to the body when they are in sufficient amounts. They help the digestive and excretory system to function better and also produce some important vitamins such as vitamin K. Probiotics contribute to the reduction of harmful bacteria in the intestine, the production of antimicrobial compounds and thus the strengthening of the immune system.

The main probiotic source is nutrients; yogurt, kefir, cheese, pickles, goat's milk, dark chocolate, and is different.

Increase Physical Activity
Physical activity; refers to body movements that cause energy expenditure. It includes small walks, daily body routines and many more movements. Many studies argue that there is an important link between bowel movements and physical activity. For example, in one study, it was found that patients who walked before colonoscopy had better bowel cleansing than those who listened. In another study, walking less than 0.5 km was associated with increased constipation in the elderly. Individuals experiencing constipation problems in words; they have to do regular physical activities in order to improve their health and quality of life.

Food that causes constipation
Chocolate, white bread, cheese, ice cream, caffeine, refined and processed foods are among the foods that cause constipation. Foods with low fiber content, high sugar content, and reducing body water content should be avoided.

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Causes of Constipation Symptoms in Children, Constipation in Children What is good?

Pedia-Lax Oral Saline Laxative | Gentle & Safe Constipation Relief for Kids | Watermelon Flavor | 30 Chewable Tablets | Pack of 3

Symptoms of constipation in children less than 3 days a week by showing that the toilet may show as a decrease in the toilet. What good is constipation in children?

Decrease in the number of toilets in children by constipation symptoms less than 3 days a week, abdominal pain, painful toilet times, hard dry and painful stools, stool marks and stains in the child's underwear, abdominal swelling, weight loss, fever and vomiting, bloody stools, the sound from the intestines may manifest itself as defecation large enough to block the toilet.

Causes of Constipation in Children
The causes of constipation in children are usually caused by habits such as drinking too much milk, fast food, and problems around the breech. Also ;

When he goes to the bathroom, he may be afraid of suffering and painful toilets.
Toilet training may be caused by problems that go wrong in toilet training
The child does not get enough fluid
Some drugs used
New transition to solid food
Not consuming liquid
Constipation caused by not holding the toilet due to not wanting to leave the game while playing
When to Visit a Doctor in Constipation in Children
In children with constipation lasting more than 2 weeks should see a doctor.

What is good for constipation in children
Give your child high-fiber foods. Give your child higher fiber foods such as fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grain cereals and bread. If your child doesn't get used to a high-fiber diet, you can start by adding a few grams of fiber to prevent gas and swelling.

Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Water is usually the best liquid.
Encourage physical activity. Regular physical activity helps stimulate normal bowel function.
Create a toilet routine. Take time after meals regularly for your child to use the toilet. If necessary, provide a footrest so that your child will sit comfortably in the toilet and have sufficient condition to release a stool.
Listen to the call of nature to your child. Some children hug the game because they ignore the claim of having bowel movement. If such delays occur frequently, they may contribute to constipation.
Review the drugs. If your child is taking a medication that causes constipation, consult your doctor about other options.
Toilet training should be given to children who do not meet the need to go to the toilet.

Pedia-Lax Oral Saline Laxative | Gentle & Safe Constipation Relief for Kids | Watermelon Flavor | 30 Chewable Tablets | Pack of 3

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 100 Count

Treatment of constipation problem in children

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 100 Count

It is difficult to make a general description of the problem of constipation and varies from person to person. Constipation, in its simplest definition, is defined as difficulty or delay in pooping. Constipation occurs at least in two weeks considering the poo characteristics of the child and the frequency of pooing. Most poo can be seen as having a hardness similar to pebble or less often with hard pooing.

Approximately 3% of preschool children complain of constipation in 1-2% of school-age children. In general, the rate of constipation in children varies between 0.3% and 8%. In addition, 3% to 5% of general pediatric outpatient clinics, and pediatric gastroenterology outpatient clinics with a high rate of up to 25% with constipation complaints.

What causes constipation in children?
1. Functional constipation (bowel laziness):
There is no underlying disorder. Most families report that constipation complaints start when breastmilk is discontinued or when milk is added to the child's diet. It is the cause of about 90-95% of constipation in children. Functional constipation, usually seen under 5 years of age, can often be described as stiff and stiff pooping in less than three weeks in a week.

2. Constipation due to organic causes (caused by a disease):
Congenital existing anatomical disorders
Endocrine diseases
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Nervous system disorders
Nerve and muscle disorders of the intestine
Congenital abnormal abdominal muscle structure
Connective tissue diseases
Some drugs
Diet factors
How is constipation diagnosed?
Information from patients and their relatives is often sufficient for diagnosis. However, if there is evidence to suggest an organic cause, abdominal film, medicated large intestine film, and sometimes a biopsy (fragment) from the last part of the large intestine may be necessary. Thyroid hormone tests, calcium, magnesium and other electrolyte levels in the blood are laboratory tests to rule out diseases that may cause constipation. Especially in cases of constipation accompanied by incontinence, full urinalysis and urine culture should be examined.

How to treat constipation in children?
1. Regulation of the diet:
For the treatment of constipation in children, it is recommended to take plenty of fluids and increase the intake of carbohydrates that can be absorbed and not absorbed from the intestine for the maintenance of soft stool. Carbohydrates and especially sorbitol, prunes, pears and some juices such as apple juice. They are useful for softening the poo by increasing the liquid content and frequency of the feces. The applied diet should contain pulp and the amount of pulp in the diet should be increased gradually. Particularly popcorn is an abundant fibrous food and helps a lot. The amount of fiber a child should take daily is “age (years) + 5 grams lif. The amount of milk and dairy products may need to be reduced in some children.

2. Education:
Education of the child and family (giving detailed information about the disease and comforting the family and the patient)

3. Drug treatment:
A. Emptying petrified feces in rectum

Oral route: mineral oils, magnesium citrate, lactulose, senna, polyethylene glycol solutions

Rectal route: phosphate or mineral oil enemas used following saline enema

B. Diet: Appropriate nutrition to prevent fecal accumulation and maintain regular bowel habits

Pharmaceutical: Mineral oil, lactulose, sorbitol

Behavior change: Increasing the time spent in the toilet after meals and rewarding method.

Why are babies fed only breast milk constipated?
There are several reasons for this. It can be listed as:

Food allergies, the effect of proteins passing through the foods the mother eats.
Genetic and congenital intestinal diseases (hirsprung disease, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis).
Lack of electrolytes such as calcium, potassium, sodium in blood for various reasons.
Some drugs your mother used.

Does olive oil drink soften feces?
Olive oil can sometimes be useful. No harm, but usually not enough treatment. If constipation is left untreated, long-term loss of appetite-development, abdominal pain, serious deterioration in child comfort, unhappiness, restlessness and consequent psychological disorders (social exclusion, depression and anxiety, especially if there is poop abduction), cracks in the anus (fissure), blood coming from the butt. Hemorrhoids, recurrent urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence should be treated.

Wellness Basics Stool Softener with Laxative Docusate Sodium 50 Mg Sennosides 8.6 Mg Tablet, 100 Count

Shaklee Herb-Lax (240 Tablets)

What can be done against the problem of constipation after cesarean section

Shaklee Herb-Lax (240 Tablets)

Mothers, with the joy of the baby's birth after birth may experience some temporary discomfort. One of them is constipation. Many mothers face constipation problems after cesarean delivery. There are several reasons for constipation, which is a compelling condition for the mother who has gone through postpartum recovery. Some of these reasons are:

Weakened pelvic muscles during pregnancy,
The presence of iron in the contents of some supportive medications taken during pregnancy,
Not meeting the daily water need,
The anesthesia applied makes the muscles lazy,
Increased progesterone hormone during pregnancy decreases intestinal activity,
Anorexia of the mother after birth.

Even if not experienced during pregnancy, bowel problems may occur after birth. But this is not a concern. Constipation after birth can pass within 3-4 days. There are practical methods you can use to reduce the discomfort and relieve constipation during this period. These applications, which you can make a part of your daily life, will support the regular functioning of your intestines.

What is good for constipation?

Constipation after caesarean section is a condition that can disturb mothers. With the practical methods you can apply in your daily life, you can accelerate the problem of constipation after cesarean delivery.

Consume plenty of liquid

Water consumption is important both for the problem of constipation and to meet the increasing fluid needs of the breastfeeding mother. Every morning on an empty stomach, a few drops of lemon drip into a glass of warm water. In addition, consult your doctor during the day, such as chamomile and fennel herbal tea consumed. This will help relieve constipation and alleviate fatigue.

Make Fiber Foods an integral part of your meals

Another important answer to the question of how constipation passes is to transform the consumption of fiber into a diet. The fiber builds up your digestive tract to allow food to move through your body, even though it cannot be digested. Absorbs water, helps soften feces and facilitate passage. For this reason, pears, figs, okra and artichoke-rich vegetables and fruits such as be sure to consume. Also make dried fruits such as prunes and apricots a part of your daily diet.


Resting in bed for a long time to heal the wound can also cause constipation. Therefore, as long as your health permits, take short walks in the house frequently. Try to walk in an upright position without bending over the suture and allow bowel movements to begin.

Get Pillow Support

Fearing that intestinal activities will force stitches and not meeting the need for toilets may also prevent constipation. Prolonged constipation may cause abdominal pain. Don't postpone your toilet needs to get through this process painlessly. Gently rest a pillow against your stomach and avoid tension in your stitches.

Shaklee Herb-Lax (240 Tablets)

Senna-Time Generic for Senokot Natural Vegetable Laxative Senna 8.6 Mg 1000 Tablets per Bottle


Senna-Time Generic for Senokot Natural Vegetable Laxative Senna 8.6 Mg 1000 Tablets per Bottle

Many people complain of diarrhea or constipation, their lives become a nightmare. Not being able to make stools regularly becomes a problem for everyone after a certain period of time. Diarrhea is a major health problem as well as constipation. Taking abdominal pain for hours, waiting in the toilet, abdominal distention are some of the consequences of constipation. This condition, also known as constipation in the language of medicine, is also known as constipation in the folk language. If left untreated, hemorrhoids, such as hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling may result in weight gain. It also causes various bowel diseases. While many people go to the doctor and try to be treated, many people are investigating herbal treatment methods with herbs. In this article we will talk about how to resolve constipation, what should be done for constipation and what is good. If you have such a condition, consult a doctor or try to benefit from herbs.

It is very important for you to eat regularly for this discomfort. Not skipping meals, eating every meal on time is very important to avoid this bad disease. Be sure to chew the food you eat thoroughly. Well-chewed food is more easily absorbed and excreted in the intestines. You should also consume fruit and vegetables balanced. It is also wrong to eat meat, eat fruit, or consume vegetables. You should eat all foods regularly and evenly. You should consume plenty of juicy food and drinks. You should avoid consuming foods with high carbohydrate content such as rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.

How to Relieve Constipation

Massage your stomach is another way to overcome this discomfort. You should massage from right to left and left to right by pressing lightly with your hand to the area under your abdomen, especially towards your groin. These movements will help you a lot for constipation. You can do these movements while sitting or lying down before going to sleep.

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It is also very important that you consume plenty of water during the day. If you don't like to drink water, you should make it drink as you like. For example, if you like sweet food, you can throw red apples into the water. Or if you like salty foods, add a few sprinkles of fresh mint and green apple to the jug where your water is located. This way you will feel the desire to drink more water. Doing sports is also a very good solution. You can live healthy and do constipation problem by doing sports. You should also avoid stress as much as possible.

What Relieves Constipation?

What is constipation herbal solution? WHAT DOES constipation go?
In our article, we mentioned that you should consume fruits and vegetables in a balanced way. Especially bananas should not consume too much. You should prefer vegetables and fruits that relax your intestines. Especially cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, plum and kiwi fruit and vegetables such as you can eat. You can easily get rid of this by eating pears and drinking a glass of water on it. Wheat bread instead of whole wheat or grain bread should be consumed. Drinking tea that accelerates metabolism will also relax you. Drinking flax oil is also among herbal remedies for constipation. Plants such as rosemary, figs are also examples of herbal solutions.

Eat leek, cabbage, spinach, chard, broccoli and zucchini.
Water consumption is very important to relieve constipation. Drink at least one and a half liters of water daily.
Dried apricots should be boiled together with cinnamon and dried compote.
Eat some fruits that are eaten along with orange, tangerine and peels, especially persimmon which is a bowel coach.
Consume legumes such as dried beans, soybeans, lentils.
Consume fiber foods.
Grapefruit, pomelo and avocado fruit should be consumed.
Dandruff increases water absorption and increases the amount of feces by passing water through the intestines. Wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour by consuming food can run your bowel.
Constipation may occur in people who have no movement and have limited movement. So you can get rid of constipation by doing abdominal exercise or increasing the movement.
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Dr. Ender Saraç'dan constipation answer to the question came. 5-6 pieces of gunpowder bark, 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds and 3-4 leaves of cassia are placed on top of hot water is drunk after brewing for 4-5 minutes. This tea should not miss too much cassia because it is too much gas and the intestines to run fast because of excessive consumption of cassia without drinking can become inaccessible and constipation may increase.

Dr. Ibrahim Saracoglu'danan constipation solutions for how to resolve came. 1 kilogram of barley is poured over the night to cover the barley and wait until morning. This barley is boiled in the morning. Then, zucchini, leek, spinach and celery stalk is added by stirring. This soup is drunk every morning with your hungry stomach until your complaints go away.

Boil a handful of parsley, a handful of cherry stalk, three sachets of green tea, three apricots and one lemon in five glasses of water. Drink this tea intermittently from morning to evening.
You can work your bowels with whole wheat bread dipped in olive oil.
Oatmeal, muesli with linseed should be consumed at breakfast. As it has a high fiber content, it will help you to solve your problem.

Senna-Time Generic for Senokot Natural Vegetable Laxative Senna 8.6 Mg 1000 Tablets per Bottle