Showing posts with label Antibiotics-Antiseptics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antibiotics-Antiseptics. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

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Warnings and recommendations on wound care and wound healing

PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer, Refreshing Gel, 36 - 1 fl oz Portable, Travel Sized Flip Cap Bottles with Display Bowl – 3901-BWL

This article provides comprehensive information about common injuries and wound healing in daily life. After the biochemical building blocks of wound healing come together, fibroblasts begin to multiply and settle. The main task of fibroblasts is collagen synthesis. As the collagen content increases, the resistance of the wound site increases. Stitches, according to localization 3-14. should be taken between days. However, the wound's collagen content and tensile strength increase within the following weeks; Intra-wound collagen transformation continues indefinitely. This second phase of wound healing is called the “Fibroblastic phase” or “Collagen phase..
Ascorbic acid plays an important role in collagen formation. In the absence of vitamin C, proline cannot be converted to hydroxyproline and hence collagen synthesis stops. If we recall the long-standing wounds of scorpion sailors in his work eser Moby Dick,, today we know why. In ascorbic acid deficiency, collagen resorption continues at the same rate, its synthesis stops and consequently wound healing stops.

You can reach our public wound treatment article here: >>>

What is a wound, how fast heals? Treatment and types of wound

The longest stage of wound healing is the last stage. This stage of ur maturation ”or“ remodeling bilir can last for several years and results in an improvement in the appearance of the wound. During this time, progressive collagen replacement results in a soft, less noticeable scar. Maturation is important for gradual healing of the wound.

Wounds with skin loss
Acute traumatic injuries such as severe burns, deep abrasions or avulsions, which result in skin loss, also go through the same stages of recovery. In addition, wound closure requires two additional biological mechanisms. These include epithelial migration and wound contraction.

Epithelialization: Immediately after collection of biochemical and cellular substrates required for healing and as soon as bacterial contamination falls below 105 organisms / gram, epithelial proliferation begins and epithelial migration to the wound surface. If the wound is a superficial burn or abrasion, the epithelium begins to spread rapidly through sweat glands and hair follicles and covers the entire wound surface within 10-14 days. When all layers of the skin are lost, epithelial migration may occur only from the wound edges. Epithelialization is a very slow event and premature closure of the wound is usually not possible.

There is also an epithelial migration without dermal layers and is therefore more susceptible to trauma. Histology of migrating epithelium is usually neoplastic. Marjolin ulcer, a malignant ulcer, may occur over time over a chronic wound that has not closed for years. Therefore, reconstructive surgeons have learned not to rely solely on epithelialization in the face of serious and widespread wounds. Instead, they use grafts and flaps for wound closure.

Wound contraction: Open wounds tend to close with the effect of internal forces over time. “Granulation Yar means that the wound surface is filled with a rough-looking granulation tissue formed by capillary and fibroblast proliferation. The formation of granulation tissue in an open wound corresponds to the fibroblastic phase of primary wound healing. After granulation, the wound lips are pulled towards the edges; however, this shift cannot be explained by epithelization alone.

The gradual shrinkage of the wound surface is called wound contraction and is a process that has not yet been fully elucidated. Today, it is believed that myofibroblasts, a highly specialized type of fibroblast, act as smooth muscle cells.

New treatment methods in chronic wound care

In the presence of severe bacterial contamination, neither epithelial migration nor contraction can progress (105 organisms / gm). Contraction can be slowed down by applying partial thickness skin grafts; With full-thickness skin grafts, contraction can be almost stopped. Some synthetic membranes, such as biobrane, may also inhibit wound contraction. Since large wound defects can be treated with the best surgical closure, they should not be allowed to heal spontaneously.

The goal of wound healing is not to sterilize the wound!
When a public opinion poll is performed among physicians, the questions are often related to the use of antiseptic solutions or antibiotics to prevent bacterial ontamination or to achieve sterility. The disadvantage of over-emphasis on sterility is that it can overlook many more important elements in wound healing. Sterility is not a must for skin surface.

In the absence of a traumatic injury, pathogen and non-pathogenic bacteria coexist in healthy skin. Quantitative tissue biopsy studies have shown that the bacterial density on normal skin is 103 organisms / g. Most bacteria on the surface of the skin live in epidermal recesses such as sweat glands, hair roots and other skin appendages. Thus, the skin is an important barrier against infection.

Bacterial growth in the skin depends on various variables such as skin pH, dryness of the outer skin layers and local secretions. Fatty acids produced in sebaceous glands are highly effective in preventing the proliferation of streptococci.

However, an injury significantly changes this balance. Even minimal trauma, such as shaving the night before elective surgery, can increase the bacterial level by 10 times or more. Burns destroy the keratin layer that prevents bacterial invasion. A laceration exposes layers of deep tissue. Overwhelming impacts cause more cell damage. The problems increase when treatment is delayed. The number of bacteria increases when the wound is contaminated with soil.

None of the antiseptic solutions are effective enough to alter other factors, except to remove visible dirt. A solution cannot destroy bacteria or reverse cell death or alleviate the negative effects of delayed treatment.

In fact, some of the commonly used cleaning solutions make the recovery medium worse. For example, solutions containing alcohol or hydrogen are also lethal to healthy cells; solutions containing strong detergents are nothing more than a physiological soap. Solutions containing a high concentration of pigment dyes the wound and prevents the difference between viable and inanimate tissues.

Another popular ritual is to shave the wound when the wound is to be treated. However, exaggerating this results in the emergence of patients with hairless areas from the emergency department, especially those admitted to the emergency department with a small laceration on the scalp. Basically, hair is not more dirty than scalp; it is neither sterile nor unusually contaminated. However, the hair is a protein and acts as a foreign body if the wound enters the lips. Therefore, it is not necessary to shave the hair and hair around the wound if care is taken not to penetrate the wound.

Chronic wound care and wound treatment methods in diabetes patients

What about a satisfactory wound preparation? First draw a physiological saline to a 50 cc syringe and wash the wound under pressure. By acting like a macrophage, you remove clots, necrotic tissues, foreign bodies, and some of the bacteria from the wound. This crucial step dilutes existing bacteria and removes dead tissue from the healing site, reducing the risk of infection and increasing the likelihood of uncomplicated healing. Do not hesitate to perform local anesthesia before performing this procedure; you do not spread the infection; you can even do a pretty good job of resting the nerve endings.

Do not put any substance into the wound that could cause further damage to the cells. Avoid all solutions containing alcohol and detergent. A simple and stable salt solution is perfectly suitable both as a preparation and as an irrigant. There is no need for more strength. If you have povidone iodine (Batticon, Betadine) at your disposal, use the solution, not the detergent, and then wash with physiological serum. Do not fool yourself thinking that this application reduces the risk of infection. After cleaning the wound, you can now act as a myofibroblast and bring the wound lips closer together.

It is useful to emphasize the measurement of infection in wounds. The biopsy culture allows quantitative determination of bacterial density. Studies have shown that the risk of infection is high if the wound is sutured when quantitative cultures have values ​​greater than 105 organisms / gm. If the values ​​are below this figure, infection is rarely seen unless technical errors such as tense closure and insufficient debridement are made. Streptococci are excluded from this rule; even a small amount of them is dangerous.

If you often encounter poorly contaminated wounds due to your job, you may prefer to delay closure and ask your microbiology laboratory to support you with biopsy culture technology, if any. Secondary closure can best be completed after the inflammatory phase of wound healing reduces bacterial density to a safe level.

Priorities in wound care
The most appropriate care for acute soft tissue injuries should be as follows

Inspection: Quickly look at the wound immediately after the patient arrives. You will need to decide whether the bleeding is under control and whether the size of the wound is beyond your possibilities. Remember to look beyond the most visible wound and check the signs of other serious wounds.

You may decide to share responsibility with a consultant for a complex wound. Otherwise, you may be temporarily deprived of your authority due to similar or much more difficult problems. In this case, the appropriate solutions; to ask for help and then to take action or to ask the patient and family to wait if the wound is mild. In the last two cases, you need to convince the patient and his / her relatives that nothing will be lost with a delay of one or two hours. Make sure that the patient stays in a comfortable place. Determine the characteristics of the wound before starting treatment, and take anamnesis including the patient's past medical history, allergies, treatments and vaccines.

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia should be applied to the wound before any intervention. Even if dirt is visible in the wound, first infiltrate the surface; then apply irrigation and debridement. It is not true that your needle will spread contamination. Direct injection into the wound, not from neighboring skin, will not increase the risk of infection, but is less painful.

Adequate irrigation and debridement can only be achieved if the wound is well anesthetized. If you prepare the wound without giving anesthetic, your chance of success is reduced. Recall that the toxic limit of Xylocaine (Lidocaine) is 7mg / kg / h. It's 70 kg. 1 ml of 1% solution contains 10 mg of the drug.

Therefore, a 5 kg baby can safely take 3.5 ml. Early signs of toxicity; excitation and subsequent convulsions are then depression, arrest and even death. The use of sedation before local anesthesia increases the margin of error.

Antiseptic solution: Many physicians are concerned about which preparation solution to use. However, this issue is the least important of the issues affecting the success of wound treatment. Never use agents that damage living tissues. Preparation solutions containing alcohol, peroxide or strong detergents do more harm than good. They kill bacteria, but they also kill fibroblasts and epithelial cells.

Solutions containing high concentrations of pigment change the appearance of the wound and make it difficult to determine tissue viability. Do not completely ignore the use of the solution. You can clean the wound area with these solutions. Patients will expect this from you. For the next and most important step, irrigation, the most appropriate solution is a simple, balanced salt solution.

Irrigation and debridement: Except for very small and superficial ones, all wounds benefit from washing. This is the main step to prepare a wound for closure. This physiological washing solution dilutes the concentration of bacteria present. It also removes dirt particles and, most importantly, identifies partially broken fat particles and other inanimate tissues. If they are not debrided, they form food for existing microorganisms. Use a 50 cc syringe and 25 gauge needle to ensure optimal irrigation force.

Ruling - Closing or not closing: It is best to postpone the closure for three to five days in the event of a long time after injury or overwhelmingly contaminated injuries. The inflammatory phase of healing is maximized during this time.

One of the most important surgical lessons learned from past wars is that it would be more beneficial to leave a wound temporarily open in a condition treated in worse conditions than ideal. Immediately suturing creates a higher risk of infection. Perhaps the only exception to this general rule is face injuries. When it is ensured that effective irrigation and debridement is ensured, it is not a problem because of delayed suturing of a face laceration and good blood supply to the head and neck.

Tetanus prophylaxis: Even minor minor wounds can cause tetanus. In this regard, it is very important to question the previous tetanus prophylaxis. It is important to know the differences between an earlier tetanus vaccine and complete prophylaxis requiring three injections. If in doubt, first passive immunization to your patient using a human antibody preparation.

Antibiotics: Antibiotics should be used in wounds with the possibility of serious contamination. This includes all animal and human bites. Antibiotics may also benefit patients whose treatment is significantly delayed. Wounds completely covered or contaminated with soil, in particular crush and rupture injuries where blood supply is endangered; are open to infection and thus benefit from antibiotics. Antibiotics may alter balance to improve, but do not replace appropriate debridement and reasonable surgical decision.

Instructions to patients: Never assume that your patient listens to everything you say. An accidentally injured patient will often consider the causes of the accident instead of observing your instructions. Be willing to repeat what you say. Speak in a descriptive and simple language. But most of all, write down the important instructions after treatment on a piece of paper. This can then be used by the patient.

Medications for acute injuries
Unfortunately there is a common misconception that narcotics, sedatives, and almost all such drugs are unsafe for victims of traumatic injuries. This principle applies strictly to patients with multiple system injuries. However, this is not true for those with regional injuries. Do not ignore pharmacological support for such patients. Observe signs of intracranial trauma; if not, have your patient benefit from painkillers and sedatives.

If the patient has an acute injury, administer all drugs intravenously. Intramuscular injections are less effective and unnecessary suffering for the patient. With an intravenous catheter, it is possible to add other drugs if necessary. This book does not cover the whole pharmacological approach. It is said that simple drugs are likely to be sufficient. For many patients, barbiturates are an ideal sedative. Of course, before giving anything to your patient, you should be informed about allergies and previous drug intolerances. Also, wait a certain time for the sedative to take effect before administering local anesthesia. Local anesthetic will be more effective in a patient with adequate sedation.

A sedative like nembutal is only a sedative, not an analgesic. If the patient is painful or you expect it to be, a medication, preferably a narcotic, should be prescribed to control the pain. Both Morphine and Demerol are suitable for this. Use which medicine you know better. However, if the patient has developed nausea or adverse reactions to the medication you are using, use the other.

In addition to a sedative or analgesic, patients may also benefit from a short-acting relaxant such as Diazepam, which is best given immediately prior to administration of the local anesthetic.

Apply lower doses to those you think have a significant sensitivity to sedative or narcotics. In contrast, be prepared to administer higher doses to those who develop drug tolerance. Of course, remember to get information about previous sensitivity or tolerance. Do not try to give a single medicine that will serve every purpose. Some physicians give Diazepam only before going further.

However, Diazepam is not a sedative or analgesic. Diazepam is an excellent relaxation given after Barbiturate and a narcotic analgesic. Finally, you need to know the appropriate antidote for an over-sedated or narcoticized patient: if you think you are overdosing barbiturate, give supplemental oxygen and no more medication. You can postpone wound care until the patient is more stable.

If you think you have been given a large quantity of narcotics, give Naloxone as soon as possible, if necessary. Remember that Naloxone is very short-lived. Do not send the patient home with just one dose. Also, remember that Naloxone reverses all narcotic effects such as analgesia and respiratory depression. Your goal should be to provide the patient with the right treatment, as well as to make sure that he or she is well cared for in your office or emergency room. Intravenous medications may be used to calm the patient.

How to Stop Bleeding
The source of bleeding and how to stop it is a problem for all physicians. Even the most experienced surgeons are concerned about intraoperative bleeding and spend a lot of time training to control these bleeding.

Where does it bleed?
Bleeding occurs in three areas, whether in elective incisions or traumatic lesions:

Subdermal plexus: The subdermal plexus, which is located at the border of dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue and is rich in vascular structures, is the most common source of bleeding. If you suspect this source, consider the fact that skin blood flow increases hundreds of times under favorable environmental conditions, such as when entering a sauna in cold weather. The same vascular network expands in response to trauma. What is important here is how epinephrine limits dermal blood flow.

Superficial veins: When you review your anatomy information, you will remember that the venous system is generally more superficial than the arterial network. Large veins in the head and neck and extremities follow just under the skin. In the hand, the veins are located on the back of the hand so that they can be displaced according to the position of the hand. The integrity of these veins may deteriorate during lacerations or elective incisions (although the veins may be seen and preserved in elective incisions).

Superficial arterial branches: You may come across a superficial arterial branch, most commonly on the face and scalp. Arterial bleeding is light red and pulsatile.

How to prevent bleeding:
The accepted principle in medical practice is that prevention is better than correction.

Investigate the bleeding disorder in the story: Remember to ask the patient if she has had bleeding problems before. Sometimes the patient forgets to tell you or doesn't know anything about it. If in doubt, postpone surgery and perform coagulation tests. If the injury is acute, you can tell if there is a problem when you start the repair. In such a case, consult a hematologist.
Position of the patient: If you are working in the face area, raise the patient's head by 30 degrees. If you are working by hand, do not hang the hand. In other areas, choose the best position for your patient's comfort and your work. Low venous pressure at the incision site will help you.
Know the anatomy: When repairing a laceration, or drawing an elective incision, consider important aspects of the patient's local anatomy. Check if the superficial veins are dilated. If you are palpating an artery and are unable to locate and connect the artery, avoid surgery. If you still feel uncomfortable, perhaps you should not do this.
Use epinephrine: The best way to control dermal bleeding is to use a local anesthetic containing dilute epinephrine. Even a concentration as low as 1: 500,000 provides sufficient shrinkage of the subdermal plexus if you wait for sufficient time (usually 6-7 minutes). Epinephrine local anesthetic infiltration before wearing your gloves will give you enough time.
How to stop bleeding:
a) Incision: From one end of the incision to the other, do not release the blade until you have cut the dermis in full thickness. Once the dermis is retracted, blood flow often stops immediately. If you stop before completing the incision and try to clamp a bleeding vessel, the bleeding will increase more and you will not be successful.

b) Surgical field of view: If you see what you are doing, you will cause less bleeding. Use a law or retractor for this purpose. Always see what you're clamping. If you cannot determine the source of the bleeding, press the bleeding area for a while and then try again.

c) Help: A nurse or other assistant may show you the bleeding site or hold the vein with a moscito clamp.

d) Suture ligation: Ligament sutures can be used by surgeons to connect bleeding vessels at the bottom of deep cavities, as well as to control superficial bleeding. If you are trying to connect a bleeding vein and there is no one to help you, hold the vessel with the clamp, connect it and loosen the clamp without loosening your ligament. If you can unbind it, try again. If you fail, then use a needle-absorbable suture material. Hold the bleeding focus with a clamp and thread your needle through the base of the clamp and knot on one side of the clamp. Then knot the other side once. Loosen the clamp and check for bleeding. If the bleeding stopped, it's okay. If you fail again, cross the needle in the same way and reconnect it. Do not cut the suture tips until bleeding stops. When clamping a vessel, simply hold the vessel; be careful not to damage structures such as nerves in the vicinity of the vessel.

Basic rules:
a) Printing: Time printing can help you stop bleeding, albeit limited. For example; pressure is sufficient in dermal hemorrhages occurring at the places where the suture passed during skin closure. If you need to put pressure on a wound ready to close for a long time to stop the bleeding, stop, re-investigate the area and re-stitch it. Otherwise you may experience a hematoma later.

b) Printed closure: As we emphasized in the dressing section, dressing materials are not designed for bleeding control. If you have to apply pressure dressing for bleeding control, go back and try the basic methods once again.

c) Topical agents: Thrombin, Gelfoam and many other topical agents are produced to stop bleeding. Although some of these are used in special surgical procedures, they are not as reliable as printed dressings as a rule.

d) Drains: Drains are used to discharge fluid from inside the wound. However, drains rarely work to prevent hematoma. Blood is a dense fluid; fluids such as urine, bile, CSF, lymph and pus can be removed more easily by drains.

Wound Dressing
A good dressing should be able to perform one or more of the functions listed below.

Protection: The dressing protects the wound from additional traumas, heat changes that stimulate pain, and prying eyes of others. A simple bandage protects against unwanted questions caused by an open sutured wound and stain formation on clothing. In addition, dressing closure provides a suitable environment for optimal wound healing. When circulation is impaired, a wound that does not heal cannot maintain its own moisture, and the resulting dryness increases tissue loss. On the other hand, the wound surface can produce large amounts of exudative leakage, which leads to unnecessary metabolic loss. Although some physicians believe that dressing protects the wound from bacterial contamination, a sutured wound is not easily contaminated after several hours of treatment. Once the inflammatory phase of wound healing has begun, the wound is able to protect itself unless there is a circulatory problem.

Absorption: The dressing can absorb exudative leakage on the wound surface. This reduces the likelihood of bacterial proliferation and subsequent wound infection. Moist dressing acts as a suppository, drawing fluid from the wound. Thus, it prevents the exudate from mold crusting in the wound.

Remember, neither the wound surface nor the skin is sterile. Bacteria are inevitably present on these surfaces. If we allow bacterial proliferation, of course the bill will be heavy. Delayed wound healing due to developing infection and a marked scar ending is an undesirable end.

Pressure: A good dressing should be able to exert reasonable pressure to prevent edema in the wound. However, excessive pressure that may cause ischemia should be avoided.

Immobilization: A good dressing should be able to provide immobilization in the healing area. A constantly moving wound cannot heal as quickly and well as an immobile wound. Efficient immobilization is essential for neovascularization of skin grafts.

Characteristics of a good dressing
The suitability of the dressing to the patient's living conditions should always be considered. The choice of dressing may be different from that of an inpatient, a patient in the emergency room who will return to work soon. An uncomfortable and dysfunctional dressing will reduce patient compliance. Therefore, the outer layer of the dressings should be clean, neat and tidy.

The first layer of dressing should not stick to the wound surface. For this purpose, lightly lubricated gauze with liquid permeability is preferred. The gaps of the gauze are sufficiently wide to allow fluid passage. Telfa, Saran and other impermeable materials are not suitable as they cause maceration.

The second layer should be capable of absorbing liquids leaking from the wound. While folded gauze or pads are sufficient in small wounds, larger wounds require a large number of flaf gases with greater absorption. Cotton is a building block traditionally used in gauze. However, synthetic materials with a high degree of absorption are also produced. Wrapping around the limb with soft gas coils after flame gases increases both the absorption capacity and stabilizes the first layer of dressing. However, these soft materials relax very quickly and may not provide sufficient pressure and stability of the dressing.

Initially controlled printing with non-elastic dressings is best. Elastic bandage is useless in this type of dressing. Because increased pressure can cause ischemia. If this layer of dressing is supported by adhesive tapes, the durability of the dressing increases. The aim is to provide pressure. It does not create strangulation or ischemia. Fluffy application of the gauze and supporting with adhesive tapes significantly helps to fix the extremity. For further immobilization, an additional splint is required. But be careful when using splint. If you do not use enough cotton, you will cause pressure and ischemia. The dressing must be skillfully and aesthetically pleasing.

Open wound care
Dressings for abrasions, burns or open wounds should also function as protection, absorption, compression and immobilization as in closed wounds. However, dressing of such wounds requires care. Partial thickness damage, such as superficial burns and abrasions, should be removed from all foreign objects and covered with a protective but non-adherent layer such as Bactigras. When removing this layer, the new proliferative epithelium should never be damaged, the second layer should be absorbent. As the dressing is renewed, the upper layer is changed without removing the first layer. The first layer is separated automatically when the wound heals.

Wet / damp dressing
Wet-moist dressing and perhaps one of the new hydrocolloid dressings is always preferred to dry dressing. Any dressing is slightly soaked when opening; because dry dressing causes pain when removing. A further advantage of wet-moist or hydrocolloid dressings is that it provides a moist environment that provides epithelial migration and granulation tissue formation.

Wound care in burns
As our title suggests, this section will discuss exactly what mild burns are. Mild burns may be underestimated by surgeons. We surgeons may say that “mild burns are the problem of others, not our concern” or “mild burns do not require a specialist or burn center”. But this may not always be true.

Mild burns;

It is usually less than 5% of the body area.
Partial thickness injuries.
They are burns that do not include face, hand, foot or genital area.
In this section, we consider only the treatment of mild burns. The basic principles described here can also be applied to larger burns; however, it is recommended that you send patients with major burns to a specialist or burn center.

Type of wound
Mild burns are like abrasions of partial thickness. They are superficial and do not fully penetrate the skin. Note, however, that a partial-thickness burn today may be a full coat tomorrow, or its depth may be incorrectly detected initially. So be on the lookout for greater damage.

Initial treatment of burn injuries
As with all wounds initially, gently clean the wound surface. General cleaning with physiological saline, Betadine, Batticon, Sulfamylon reduces the risk of infection. Leave small, unexploded and uninfected blisters intact to protect the wound surface. If blisters have exploded, debride the epithelial layer to prevent bacterial contamination. Then cover with an oily gauze, cover with absorbent material. Replace the upper dressing every 24-48 hours.

Topical antibacterials such as povidone, mafenide or silver sulfadiazine are not very necessary. They have limited benefit in patients with extensive burns and risk of sepsis. Topical antibacterials inhibit wound healing. If wound care is initiated immediately, systemic antibacterials are not required in minor superficial burns.

Tracking through bullae
Do not take your patient with a mild burn to follow-up without giving advice. You will often need to re-examine. Partial thickness burns may be an incorrect diagnosis or damage may progress. If your diagnosis is correct, mild burns will heal in 10-12 days. If the burn expands to the dermis, healing is delayed and sometimes hypertrophic scarring may occur. Deep dermal burns heal better with skin grafts. Consult a plastic surgeon if you feel there is no successful recovery.

Bite Wounds
Bite injuries account for 1% of patients admitted to the emergency department, with approximately 2 million bite injuries per year in the United States. 80-90% of all bite wounds constitute dog bites, the second is cat bites. The rate of this is 5-15%. human bite accounts for less than 5%. Although most bites can cause minor injuries, they can end up with great morbidity.

Dog Bites
Most of the time the person recognizes the dog and often provokes the dog. It is more common in children. Young dogs and female dogs are more likely to bite. Most bites occur on the extremities, especially in young children, and are more common in the head and neck. Fatal dog bites occur with large dogs and death may occur as a result of bleeding from large neck vessels. Dog bites become 2-20% male. This is one of the lowest rates in mammal bites. The risk of infection, tenosynovitis and septic arthritis is increased in hand bites. Microorganisms found in the oral cavity of dogs include Pasteurella multocida, Staf. aureus, Staf. intermedius, Alpha-hemolytic streptococcus, Eikenella corrodens, and Capnocytophaga canimorsus.

Cat Bites
Cat bites and scratches are more likely to get infected than dog bites. This is because the cats' teeth are small and sharp, so they can easily penetrate the joints and periosteum. Mouth flora of cats is similar to that of dogs and Pasteurella is the most produced microorganism from cat bites. (50-70%).

Human bites
Most people will bite during a fight and usually delay medical attention. A classic example of this is the bite wound when punching. The patient punches someone in the mouth, puncturing the female metacarpophalangeal joint, causing the microorganisms to pass into the joint. Human bites can cause serious infections. The human oral cavity is highly contaminated and Streptococcus viridans, Staf. aureus, Eikenella, Haemophilus influenza and oral anaerobic bacteria may be the causative agents of infection.

Anamnesis important points; delay in treatment, tetanus vaccine status and the possibility of rabies transmission. Patients with immunodeficiency require intensive treatment because they carry a higher risk of serious infection. Physical examination requires attention to the degree of crushing and disintegration; because these wounds are more prone to infection. If the injury includes the tendon and nerve, it is necessary to refer the patient for a possible surgical intervention. Joint penetration is another indication for referral. If bone or joint damage is considered, direct X-ray should be performed.

The foreign bodies seen in the film may be dental fragments; they must be removed. All bite wounds should be washed and cleaned thoroughly, and the inanimate tissues should be debrided. Most dog bites can be safely closed if less than 8 hours have passed. Cat and human bites should be left open due to higher infection rates. Hole-shaped bites should not be covered. Human bites on the face and cosmetically important areas can be closed after a good debridement. Closure technique is the same as other lacerations. Once the wounds have been closed, they should be carefully monitored for infection.

Prophylactic antibiotic use is controversial. It is not necessarily used in uninfected, fresh dog bites. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is usually initiated in cat and human bites. Amoxicillin / Clavulonic acid is the first drug of choice for all these wounds. In patients with penicillin allergy, doxycycline (contraindicated in children and pregnant women) and Ciprofloxacin are the options. Empiric treatment can be initiated with these drugs in seated infections; culture is taken and treatment is continued according to the result.

Finger Injuries
Finger tip injuries are quite common. It causes high morbidity and loss of work power in life-threatening. Finger tip injuries can occur in the form of crushing or cutting with sharp objects. The aim of the treatment is to maintain the length of the finger as much as possible, and to recover as soon as possible with minimum scarring. If crush injuries are not suspected of bone injury, plain radiography should be performed.

Soft tissue loss at fingertip
Fingertip avulsion injuries can be complete or partial. If part of the fingertip is still attached to the finger and looks alive, it should be sewn in place. In this way, excellent results can be achieved. If the fingertip is completely avulsed, we have several options for treatment. If the tissue defect at the fingertip is less than 1 cm2, good results can be achieved by allowing the wound to allow secondary healing. The finger should be cleaned, covered with vaseline gauze (such as Bactigras) and dressing changed daily. This usually achieves complete recovery within 4-6 weeks.

As a second option, the broken part can be sewn in place. However, this option is not suitable for crush injuries. In children, broken pieces sutured as composite grafts often live; however, it is not equally successful in adults. It is used as skin graft after the subcutaneous fat layer of the ruptured part is thoroughly cleaned.

The finger should be immobilized and protected. In the case of larger injuries where the bone is exposed or the fracture is unsuitable, the wound must be closed in some way. For this purpose, if the bone is not exposed, a skin graft taken from the wrist, palm lateral or inner surface of the upper arm; local or distant flaps can be used if the bone is exposed. These cases should usually be referred to a Plastic Surgery specialist.

Nail bed injuries
Subungual hematoma may be seen in crush injuries. The hematoma can be drained by drilling the nail with an electric cautery or scalpel over the hematoma. It usually has a fracture underneath, but acts as a nail splint.

In nail avulsion injuries where the nail bed is also damaged, the nail is removed and the lacerations underneath are sutured with a fine suture that can be absorbed as 6-0 chrome catgut. The nail bed should be protected by returning it to the nail or with a piece of non-stick vaseline gauze placed on the nail bed. New nail grows on the nail bed in a few months. If there is no separation in the nail bed, if the nail is still stuck in place and still serves as a splint, no repair is necessary.

Nail matrix injuries can cause deformity when the nail is prolonged. More severe deformities may require reconstruction with partial thickness nail matrix grafts or transfer of the toenail matrix. If only small germinal matrix remains remain, they should be removed completely to prevent regrowth of irregular nail segments.

Finger tip infections
Felon is the name given to infection of finger pulp. The fibrous compartments in the pulp are very painful because they hold the abscess in a closed space. In this case, incision and drainage are indicated. The incision should be made where the sensitivity is maximum, but should avoid making it on the touch surface if possible. Fibrous compartments should be divided in order to drain the abscess completely and antibiotic treatment should be started. Paronychia is an inflammation of the nail fold.

Antibiotic treatment, eievation and immobilization are sufficient in the patient who presents with pain and cellulitis in the early period. If fluctuations are present, drainage should be applied if it appears that there is pus under the nail. Usually the nail may need to be pulled. To do this, the nail is released from the bed with a thin hemostat, scissors or elevator and separated from the eponychial fold. Care should be taken not to damage the nail bed. More serious infections involve the tendon sheath or deep palmar cavities. Always consult a surgeon experienced in finding signs of deep hand infections.

Scars and Keloids
All wounds on the skin heal with scar formation. This is the case by whom and how well the wound is closed. Scar is an inevitable consequence of wounds at depth requiring stitching. Appropriate treatment cannot prevent scar formation but may make it less visible. There are several factors that affect the severity of a scar. Some parts of the body such as shoulder, knee, presternal region have bad reputation in terms of bad scar formation.

These regions are moving and tension areas. In general, the less tension in the wound, the less the scar expands over time. If the tissue loss is excessive and the wound has to be closed tightly, the scar will be evident here. If the surrounding tissues are crushed and the injury involves a large area, a bad scar remains. These are situations that the doctor and the patient cannot control.

There are also cases that the doctor can control. Devitalized tissues should be debrided to prevent infection and reduce scar tissue. Foreign objects such as soil and glass should be removed as this will cause infection. In deep wounds, closing the wound in several layers will eliminate dead space formation and reduce tension in the wound lips. Stitch selection affects the final state of the scar.

In general, the thinnest suture that can hold the wound lips together should be selected and the suture material causing the least inflammatory reaction should be selected. Absorbable sutures cause more inflammation than unabsorbable sutures. Monofilament sutures are the least inflammatory. Removing the stitches prevents the suture marks that are more visible than the scar itself.

Keloids and hypertrophic scars
Although they are similar, hypertrophic scars and keloid are not the same thing. They are almost identical histologically due to excessive collagen formation. However, a hypertrophic scar remains within the wound, while the keloid extends beyond the wound. Hypertrophic scarring is common in children and people with light skin. It is red, fluffy and itchy. There is an imbalance between collagen synthesis and degradation in this scar. In all healing wounds new collagen is formed; some of it is destroyed. In immature wounds and hypertrophic scarring, more collagen synthesis occurs than is destroyed.

In most cases, this condition is temporary and disappears for 1 year or more without treatment. Steroid injection is helpful in controlling the pruritus, but it can cause scar enlargement. The sealing with silicone gel can be effective; however, it should be used for at least 12 hours per day.

Keloid is caused by uncontrolled collagen proliferation. It is common in Africa and Asians, but can be seen in all races. Some people are very prone to keloid formation and can develop keloid even from small scratches. Although the best way to reduce the risk of keloid formation is to perform wound care in the most perfect way, susceptible people may still develop keloid. If a keloid begins to form, it can often be suppressed by intramuscular injection of 10-40 mg triamcinolone every 6 weeks.

Treatment of scars
Do not promise your patient a perfect or worse, an invisible scar. Make cautious assessments, knowing that the course or nature of the wound is unlikely to be an invisible scar. Some doctors never speak of bad news at the time of injury. Plastic surgeons prefer to prepare the patient and his family for a visible scar. If the expected scar appears unacceptable to the patient, suggest treatment by a plastic surgeon at a later date. But never mention that the plastic surgeon will “wipe arı the scar because it is impossible.

To revise a scar is to make a less visible new scar after eliminating the old one, by redirecting it, reducing the level difference, or by rebuilding it under more favorable conditions. However, the new wound should be closed and all recovery phases, ie inflammation, repair and regeneration, should be experienced again. In this respect, the decision to revise an old wound can be considered as a temporary step backwards. However, scar revision provides an opportunity to change the course of the scar or at least to close the defect in more controlled conditions than the time of the first injury. It is best to decide whether or not to perform a scar revision by an experienced plastic surgeon six to twelve months after the injury to reduce the procedure.

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Calmoseptine Ointment Tube 4 Oz

How to heal abrasions quickly. Fast wound healing in the face: how to prevent infection

Calmoseptine Ointment Tube 4 Oz

Any damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, wounds) becomes an infection conductor in the body. To prevent infection, they must be handled in special ways. What kind of ointment is needed for wound healing in a particular situation?
For quick wound healing you need to use special ointments.
Indications for the use of wound healing ointment
There are many ointments in pharmacies that contribute to the rapid healing of skin injuries.
Depending on the main action and indications, they are divided into groups:
Anti-inflammatory. Closed type bruises (without rupture of soft tissues), muscle sprains, joint diseases are used.
Ointment disinfectant. Effective against cuts, abrasion, cracks, scratches help. Disinfect the injured areas and create a barrier for infection in the body.
Ointments with an antibiotic. Postoperative sutures, severe blood flowing cracks are prescribed. Similar medicines heal ulcers and erosive lesions on the skin.
Regenerating ointments. They are used to treat open wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers, varying degrees of freezing.
Dries. It is used for purulent cracks in wet wounds, arms or legs.
The best ointments for healing wounds, stretch marks and abrasions
Each medicine cabinet should have a medicine that will help to violate the integrity of the skin and provide reliable protection against infections.
The drug belongs to disinfected ointments. This substance has an antibacterial effect on the wound and actively prevents suppuration.
abrasions, scratches, small wounds;
deep cracks in arms and legs;
pathogens of purulent discharge - Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli in wounds.
Levomekol helps people with a weak immune system and the body weakly copes with bacteria that slow the healing of wounds.

Levomekol has disinfecting properties
Method of use:
apply a small amount of cream to the problem areas with a napkin or cotton swab and leave until completely absorbed;
With the addition - ointment is injected into the lesion a syringe.
Treatment is carried out until the wounded surfaces are completely tightened.
There is no contraindication to the curative ointment, except for individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug.
Ointment price 135 p. 40 ml.
Solcoseryl is the best renewed and dry ointment. The product stimulates the production of new cells and collagen fibers and prevents the formation of fluid that causes the skin to become “wet”.
How to use sore spots:
lubricate wounds 1-2 times a day;
You can use the drug when applying dressing half closed.

Solcoseryl helps the wound heal faster
Duration of treatment is at least 15 days.
It can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Among the contraindications, only the individual intolerance of the active substance is distinguished.
Solcoseryl prices are changing within 200p. For 20 g ointment.
you Baneot
A tool based on two antibiotics helps fight bacterial infections of the mucous membranes of the skin and throat, nose and urogenital system. Available in ointment and powder form.
The main indications are:
purulent inflammation of the skin (boils, abscesses, paronychia);
eczema secondary infections, ulcerative processes;
postoperative sutures in labor and gynecology;
diaper dermatitis in children, umbilical infection in infants;
mastitis in women (inflammation of the milk ducts).
Treatment with bactericidal powder or ointment is recommended only after identifying the pathogen of infection on the wound surfaces.

How to apply:
ointment - 2-3 times a day to increase the therapeutic effect, preferably under a bandage;
powder - 3-4 treatments per day and if burns more than 20% of the body surface - should not be more than 1 time per day.
Baneocin should not be used for more than 10 days and to halve the number of treatments and dose.
The cost of the drug is 400 r.
An iodine-based antiseptic gel (and solution) creates a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and healing effect on wound surfaces. This substance penetrates deep into the lesion and contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin without scars and scars.
The main indication is varying degrees of burns, fungal and bacterial infections. In addition, the substance helps in the treatment of abrasions, scratches, insect bites, facial pimples, lips, mouth injuries and intimate area. The product cleanses skin and mucous membranes and removes toxic substances.
Povidone-iodine relieves itching, burning, burning and pain at the site of injury.
ointment - Apply a small amount of substance to the wound areas in slow movements, wash after 10-15 minutes;
The solution - for washing the throat, nose, genital mucosa - 1 scoop of solution is diluted in 1/2 tablespoon. water, 3 times a day.
The duration of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the injury.

Antiseptic gel Povidone-iodine
Before using the product you should pay attention to contraindications:
kidney disease (nephritis);
hemorrhagic diathesis;
iodine allergy;
heart failure;
Children under 6 years.
During breastfeeding or pregnancy, the use of the drug should be agreed with the doctor.
The cost of iodine-based drug is quite high - within 600 r.
The drug belongs to highly effective regenerative drugs with a wide range of effects. The gel is available in the form of cream and ointment. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the tablet may be prescribed by injection.
Cream shown:
weeping ulcers;
for skin burns (sun, thermal, radiation);
damage to the skin from burns (abrasions, wounds, scratches, cuts);
for the treatment of places to be transported.

Actovegin - ointment with regenerative properties
The healing agent is not only used to treat violations of skin integrity. The gel (ointment, cream) helps in the prevention of pressure sores and varicose weeping ulcers.
Method of application: For burns, purulent wounds, bed sores - place well lubricated with gel and apply a dressing that needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.
Cream and ointment are used to improve regenerative processes on the skin and to increase the therapeutic effect of Actovegin treatment in the form of a gel.
Price - 890 p.
Treatment of ointments with silver ions has antibacterial effect. The active ingredients prevent the division and growth of bacterial infections, stop pain syndrome and contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin.
burns (chemical, solar, radiation, thermal);
home accidents (scrapes, cuts, scratches);
purulent inflammation of the skin;
infectious dermatitis;
trophic ulcers in the leg (limb), chronic venous insufficiency in diabetes or angiopathy.

Argosulfan contains silver ions
Silver and cream create a quick effect on injured areas of the skin and relieve itching, burning and pain. It can be easily applied to wound surfaces or bandages.
How to apply:
dry the wound with an antiseptic (peroxide, furatsilin);
Apply a thin layer of cream to the entire surface of the wound, allow it to wet by itself, or apply a bandage.
Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the main component and breast age (up to 3 months).
The drug based on silver ions is 316 p. 15 g of cream and 465 p. More than 40 g
The device has a rapid effect, stimulates the restoration of epidermal cells in a short time, strengthens the collagen fibers and normalizes the metabolic processes in the affected tissues.
Ointment is indicated in such cases:
house scratches, cuts, abrasions;
burns, frostbite;
Inflammatory processes due to mechanical damage to the skin.

D-Panthenol restores epidermal cells
The principle of using such a tool is simple: apply cream to problem areas several times a day until you restore your skin.
The drug is well tolerated by patients and has no contraindications, except for high sensitivity to active ingredients.
The drug means a fairly inexpensive recovery quick-acting ointments. The price is 195 p.
Ointment is a strong antibacterial agent. It quickly disinfects, numbs and refreshes damaged areas.
for the treatment of cuts, scratches, cracks;
with varying degrees of burns and frostbite;
for deep sores and purulent ulcers.

Antibacterial ointment Eplan
The drug helps to reduce blood clotting, because the ointment can not be applied to open wounds that flow heavily in blood.In other cases, the product is safe and can be used in the treatment of skin lesions in pregnant women and children.
Method of application: Several times a day to treat the wound areas with a small amount of cream.
Ointment is good and cheap - 118 to 370 p.
Anti-inflammatory and wound healing drugs come from an inexpensive but effective series. The drug soothes irritation and irritated epidermis, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells.
cracks, abrasions, burns;
diaper rash, diaper dermatitis;
wounds on the nipples during breastfeeding.
The ointment is ideal for more dried and flaky skins damaged by hypothermia or cracking.

Dexpan Plus - An Economical But Effective Wound Healer
How to use: Apply a small amount of cream to wounded areas 2-3 times a day.
Price - 117 p.
Wound healing ointments contribute to the rapid regeneration of epidermal cells. Many medications relieve swelling, inflammation, pains, itching and burns. In this case, or in which case, which medication is needed is only determined by the doctor on the basis of examination of the wound surfaces and determination of their severity. Only medications are not enough - you need to take vitamins and strengthen your immune powers. It is important not to take medication on your own, otherwise you can create a slow wound healing, suppuration, scarring and in severe cases - sepsis.
Skin is the largest organ of the human body. When the skin is cut, complex biochemical processes aiming to restore tissues begin to emerge in the body. Treatment of cuttings using natural plant-based antiseptics and ointments can accelerate the healing process and reduce the likelihood of scarring. This article will tell you how to clean and treat cuts.

Episode 1
Wound cleaning
Wash the wound with mild soap and water. Change a cut under a stream of warm water, then apply a little mild soap to the affected area. Carefully stain the area around the wound, then rinse the soap with warm water. This will remove any dirt that may cause infection.
Stop the bleeding. If the wound is still bleeding after washing, apply sterile gauze (bandage) and tighten (without fanaticism). There is no need to rub the wound with it, otherwise it will open. After the blood stops, the gauze can be removed. After that, put a bandage cut again in gauze or bandage (the main thing is that they are sterile).
If possible, flush the wound with saline to clean it and prevent infection. Use 0.9% saline solution. In this context, saline solution is the safest option. Saline solution - 0.9% saline solution called isotonic, because the salt concentration in it is similar to the salt concentration in the blood. Use saline when you need to rinse a wound.
Do not use hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Although hydrogen peroxide is generally recommended for the treatment of wounds, it is actually not very effective in killing bacteria. In addition, hydrogen peroxide slows the healing process and irritates the wound. Iodine also irritates cuts.
It is better to use clean water or saline to wash the wounds.

Section 2
Wound treatment
Use an ointment containing colloidal silver. Silver is a natural antimicrobial agent that has been used since ancient times. An ointment with a colloidal silver content of 0.5 - 1% will reduce the risk of infection. You can get such an ointment in many pharmacies.
Use a natural antiseptic. Some herbs are natural antimicrobials that protect cuts from infection. Some herbal products may interfere with other medicines, so consult your doctor or pharmacist before use.
Use aloe for small cuts. Apply shallow wound several times a day with aloe vera gel. However, if you have a deep wound, do not use this medicine because it slows down the healing.
Aloe reduces inflammation and moisturizes the wound.
In rare cases, an allergic reaction to aloe vera occurs. If your skin becomes red or irritated, stop using aloe and consult a doctor.
Honey, use it. Honey has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Look for Manuka honey, which is the best honey to treat wounds.
Save the cut. After applying the medical device to the wound, apply a bandage to the cut and secure it with a band-aid. Use a sterile bandage or gauze as a dressing. Maintain the cut until the wound heals.

Section 3
Fast recovery
Eat more protein foods and vitamins. You can accelerate wound healing by increasing your protein and vitamin intake to help revitalize your skin. Especially vitamins A and C Zinc has a positive effect on wound healing. If you do not get enough nutrients, the healing process slows down. Include the following foods in your diet:
Use witch hazel to alleviate wound inflammation. Witch hazel is a natural anti-inflammatory drug that helps relieve inflammation and reduce redness (while healing the wound). Apply hamamelis to the cut with a clean cotton swab.
Witch hazel can be purchased at the pharmacy.
Drink plenty of water. Take at least 250 ml of water or soft drink (no caffeine!) Every two hours. This fills fluids that are lost by the body during sweating (if you have a high fever) or bleeding. Dehydration can cause the following complications:
dry skin;
muscle cramps;
Do simple physical exercises. This will increase the body's resistance to infection, reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. However, do not load the part where the body is cut. Exercise at least three times a week for 30-45 minutes. Check with your doctor to see if physical activity is right for you. Here is a list of simple physical exercises with low intensity:
work with light weights;
cycling (at a speed of 8-14 km / h);
If swelling or inflammation persists or is objectionable, use ice. Cold temperatures will reduce pain and stop bleeding.
Moisten the towel and place it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Put the iced towel in the bag and add to the wound.
Do not apply ice to open or infected wounds.
Do not apply ice to avoid skin damage.
Use a humidifier. A moist environment accelerates wound healing. Use a moisturizer to increase the humidity in the environment and prevent the skin from drying and cracking. Make sure the humidifier is clean to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection of the wound.
If the moisture level is too high, mold and mites may appear.
If the moisture level is too low, your skin will dry and your throat and nose will be irritated.
Measure the humidity of the air with a hygrostat, which can be purchased at hardware stores or specialty stores.

Chapter 4
Handling difficult cases
Determine how deep the cut is. Carefully examine the wound to see if you need to see a doctor or whether you can treat at home. If the cut is too deep, consult a doctor. If the wound is serious, you may need to suture. If you have the following symptoms, contact the emergency department:
Stop the bleeding. The first thing to do, regardless of the cutting depth, is to stop the bleeding. Attach a sterile bandage to the wound and hold it until the blood stops. When you stop the bleeding, the wound may continue to be treated.
Do not press too hard. If you press too hard, you can only make the problem worse.
If the blood leaks from the bandage, put another one on it to suck the blood.
If bleeding is too strong and cannot be stopped by pressure, see your doctor.
Use the tourniquet only in very serious situations. Use only when you lose an alarming amount of blood. Incorrect application of a tourniquet can cause serious damage to the limbs, which can lead to amputation.
Do not remove scabies. They must fall naturally.
Try to moisturize the skin around the wound, because it dries out, causing shells to fall out, which violates the effectiveness of the healing (scars may result).
Use Vaseline if possible.
Do not touch the wound too often to accelerate healing.
Do not use flavored ointments or chemical products. Face or body cream is not suitable for wound healing.
Before using natural products, test in an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin to make sure there are no allergies.

If there is a severe cut or burn, do not use the methods described in this article, consult a doctor immediately.
Do not expose the cut to sunlight, as scars may occur (especially if the solar cut affects more than 10 minutes).

The life of an ordinary person is unpredictable, so it is advisable to know in advance how quickly the wound on the face will heal to avoid negative effects. However, special care must be taken to take such injuries and their treatment seriously. What is the reason for such an individual approach to such injuries, why is rapid and quality wound healing crucial?
The treatment of facial wounds has its own characteristic - this is due to the anatomical features of this part of the body. This is expressed in the following factors:
In the case of major facial injuries, there is a possibility of serious inconsistency between the edges of the wound, which greatly slows the healing (especially with damage to the facial muscles);
Under the skin of the face, the veins are very close to the surface, even with a slight injury, the possibility of severe bleeding;
Treatment of any damage to the face is always associated with certain disorders - this condition, pain, ...
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Wounds on the face can occur as a result of various factors. This can be the result of surgery, trauma, burning or acne. In addition, certain diseases, such as scleroderma, may be the causes of facial wounds.
Mild facial damage such as pimples and shallow scratches is usually not dangerous and heals without a trace. However, you must follow some rules. Therefore, you cannot treat wounds on your face with undiluted alcohol and iodine, as this may leave burns or cause irritation.
Wound healing takes place in three stages. The initial recovery phase is 30 days from the date of injury and treatment is most effective during this period. The remaining two periods last for 10 days and form the appearance of the injury.
For more serious wounds, special medicines that accelerate regeneration should be used. Often, such funds are available in the form of jelly and ointment. To heal wounds ...
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If time is possible, then you can take it, but if not, stain the wear with ointment, for example a lifeguard or any wound healing. You can put the patch on your face. You can shine with corrector, tonic and powder)) I wish you to improve the wear faster))
If you don't feel comfortable, it's best to get permission. But if not - not fatal - you won't come to work drunk and you're not naked. Abrasion (gypsum, rotten) is something completely "home", nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, it is unpleasant and apparently everyone is just watching but not fatal.
I took the same trash - I fell on ice and my face suffered the most - it was insulting, there was no way to put it into words! As a result, a severe bruise and abrasion on the forehead. All this is blue violet and blown - you know, I felt a little unsafe on the street, in such a beautiful way))
And whatever you have to say, you had to go to college.
It was painful to shine on this masterpiece and the doctors did not recommend it! I tried to put on a half-face hat and ...

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Home treatment of abrasions is particularly important for children, but wear is not uncommon in adults. In all wounds, abrasions are the most common. If there is wear on the face, home treatment can be performed independently. Of course, such skin lesions do not pose a threat to life, but proper treatment is extremely important.

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Interesting! Abrasion occurs due to impacts with non-sharp objects during falling. The upper layer of the skin called the epidermis is damaged. First, a red dot appears in the affected area (may overflow, swell).
When abrasion occurs, you need to treat, stop the bleeding, if any. Unpleasant pain during trauma - burning, itching. With severe bleeding, body temperature may increase.
Wear Process Steps
Seriousness is determined by the depth ...
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Wound healing on the face: characteristics and challenges
Wound healing on the face is not a fundamental difference from wound healing in other parts of the body. However, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the damage to the face and to treat the treatment of facial wounds with particular care and seriously. Let's see why.
Wound healing on face: possible difficulties
The healing of facial wounds is unique only because of the characteristics of the anatomy of this part of the body.
Surface arrangement of ships. Therefore, bleeding is possible while healing facial wounds with the slightest trauma. A significant inconsistency at the edges of the wound (damaging the facial muscles) slows the healing of the wounds. Facial wound healing, communication (facial expressions), pain and discomfort during speech difficulties may accompany. Facial wound healing is usually accompanied by swelling of the tissues for a long time. With bruises, a rapid infection of the wound is possible, so antibiotics can be prescribed.
Wound healing ...
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It is distinguished by facial wound healing, superficial localization of blood vessels, prolonged swelling of damaged tissues, facial muscles that make it difficult to tighten the edges of the wound, and a number of features that reveal the possibility of rapid infection.
Facial wounds: how to accelerate healing
However, the healing of facial wounds has a high regeneration potential due to increased blood supply and good innervation of the facial region.
What can be done at home, so that the wound on the face heals as quickly as possible and leaves no aesthetic mark?
How to accelerate wound healing
Uninfected wounds (pimples or scratches) heal quickly and do not harm the face, so it is enough to follow certain rules to look after them. First of all, it should not be treated with undiluted medical alcohol and iodine with wounds on the face.
Undiluted iodine and alcohol can cause skin burns and irritation in the form of dark spots that cannot be irritated ...
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Wear usually occurs in athletes and children, but no one is safe from a disturbing situation.
If you have to go to school tomorrow or begin professional tasks and have seen a visible injury to your face, do not despair. Learn how to get rid of abrasions on your face in a short time on the Internet and how to behave immediately.
You may not be able to cure abrasions on your face quickly, but you can significantly reduce the healing time.
This means that you will start a new, rested and full of energy.

Treatment of facial abrasions - what is abrasion?
Wear occurs on the skin as a result of falls, bruises, bumps and other mechanical stresses that violate the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis. A red dot forms on the surface. Blood may leak due to skin damage and may be successful. Trauma is characterized by swelling of the tissues.
Treatment of facial abrasions starts with damaged antiseptic treatment ...
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Skin inflammatory processes are not uncommon for representatives of any sex and age. It occurs for various reasons. They pass quickly and without a trace. Someone lasts for a long time bringing complications. However, both categories of people are trying to eliminate acne on their own. After extrusion, the wounds remain worth removing for the beauty and purity of the skin.
Acne scars
Small rashes on the human face are not uncommon, not surprising. Suffering children, adults of all ages. Instead of using medical treatment, they use a screening method on their own - squeeze. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the action. Blood poisoning may result from touching with dirty hands. Inflammation can spread over large areas. A new problem arises by squeezing acne: how easy it is to heal acne wounds.
The question is completely natural. Nobody wants to walk with red spots on their face. There are many answers.
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What is needed for rapid healing of facial wounds?
Any injuries are dangerous because they are unpredictable. A person who is not ready for them, who has received such damage, cannot know how to heal the wound on his face and what to do with it. Usually, due to insufficient actions or lack of treatment, an infection enters the injured area, causing suppuration and healing of tissues for a very long time.
Wounds on the face are slightly different from those found on other parts of the body. The anatomical features of the face prevent rapid healing as if it were a leg or arm. There are several reasons for this:
Generally, the edges of the facial damage move away from each other because they cannot heal for a long time. This is due to the presence of facial muscles. If the wound on the arm can be left alone, smiles, frowns and talks, causing the person to move constantly. The presence of multiple vessels beneath the upper layer of the epidermis on the face, often ...

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Abrasions on the face - an effective treatment!
The abrasions on the face, even if they are small and insignificant, can impair the appearance. Large abrasions can remove several layers of skin at the same time and take lots of blood, which is not only dangerous for appearance but also for a person's health. Improper wear treatment can infect any type of infection and cause serious illness, and if you do not treat the wear in a timely manner and take a number of precautions, it is expected that the person will remain in the form of scars or scars in the future. Depends on the depth and size of the abrasion process.
In everyday life, various disturbing situations can occur
personal injury. The most comprehensive and painful of minors
Injuries at home are wear. For example, they can be obtained in autumn. They are found most of the time.
children, but adults are also not safe from falling off. This is especially unpleasant,
if you have to go the next day ...
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Abrasions are painful skin lesions that are familiar to adults and children. This problem occurs as a result of an injury caused by a fall. Wear health hazards, as a rule, do not, of course, unless there is infection.
The abrasions on the face require special attention. Not only do they disrupt the appearance, but they can also leave scars and blemishes if you do not treat them in time. Therefore, each of us needs to know how to treat the damage appropriately, how to prevent infections, what a faster recovery means, skin restoration.
How can we accelerate the healing of facial abrasions, ointment, which folk remedies are applied? Let's talk about it today.
Primary wear treatment
The risk of infection is increased if you do not take care of the damage immediately. This can make the abrasions harder to heal. Therefore, do the following as quickly as possible:
Rinse abrasion thoroughly with water ...
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Wound healing.
Almost no one intentionally wants to get injured and get injured, but most people take them. Risk group athletes, people of certain professions, hyperactive children and adolescents; also - unfortunately, the cause of injuries is often prohibited from following life safety rules. However, we will not talk about how to avoid injuries and injuries, but how to heal faster if they occur before.
Means for rapid wound healing
If you treat the wound correctly and treat it promptly, the healing will take place quickly: you should do it as soon as possible without touching the wound itself, but carefully remove all dead tissue and dirt.
Of course, it is useful to see a doctor, but if there are deep wounds or cuts, it is best to do so - it is better if provided by a first-aid specialist and tells and teach them how to deal with them if necessary.
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A wound damages the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes (in some cases, muscles, tendons and internal organs) that are formed under the influence of mechanical, thermal or chemical factors. Wound healing depends on the areas, depths and severity of the wound, and may be associated with both the formation of cosmetic defects (scars, scars, spots). In this article, we will discuss which stages of the wound healing process, which ointments and creams are used for wound healing in traditional medicine, and which conditions should be observed for rapid wound healing.
What are ointments for wound healing?

Wound types with the obtained methods
To determine how long wound healing will take, you need to know how the major types of damage have been received. The duration of wound healing described below depends on various factors that take into account the degree of tissue damage, its ability to elongate, its presence or absence ...
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Skin abrasions - damage to the skin caused by injury or fall. This is an inconvenience for everyone. A wound of this nature significantly deteriorates a person's appearance. Therefore, it is important to know how and in what way they can be treated or which doctor should be consulted.

Face damage
Feeling with this type of wear is much more painful than that in other parts of the body.
There's a lot of nerve endings in the face. The facial tissues are softer and the veins are placed under a thin layer of skin, which makes it possible to develop a hematoma, leading to more complex damage and tearing of the tissues.
Another unpleasant factor is that it is not so easy to conceal facial wounds, for example unlike wounds on the arm or leg.
It is worth assessing their complexity before starting to treat facial abrasions.
Facial Etching Treatment
How to treat abrasions on ...
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Rapid wound healing with folk remedies
A violation of the integrity of the body casing due to mechanical damage is called a wound. Injuries, cuts, vascular and microbial changes can cause wounds. There are many tools that can help treat wounds.
Means for rapid wound healing
Very few people receive various injuries and injuries. Everyone is subject to this, and no one can wear, wounds, etc. The cause is not protected from accidents. children, adolescents and, of course, people who are actively involved in sports are also most often injured. The reasons for this may be different, so everyone knows what it means. It contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.
Wound healing is a very complex and often long process that demonstrates the ability of the human body to regenerate and heal. Fortunately, there are many different ways to accelerate the healing process and at the same time ...
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If the hygiene rules are not followed and the wounds are not treated, facial wounds may be caused by injuries to the skin surface. However, when systemic or dermatological diseases occur, such wounds are more common: eczema, dermatitis.
Wet wounds caused by eczema are treated not only with steroid ointment, but also with antibiotic external substances. And only a doctor can determine at what stage it will spread. If the assignment fails, the process can be turned into a chronic thing.
The main causes of facial wounds not healing and wetting are as follows.
The skin of the face was damaged by a dirty object, but the injury was small, so it was not treated with antiseptic.
The pathogenic microflora entered the wound causing wetting and suppuration.
Facial wounds are caused by various forms of dermatitis involving a fungal infection.
Skin sores cause painful eczema.
Whatever the wound on your face, it should be treated immediately. Examine carefully to exclude foreign inclusions, treat with an antiseptic. If the damage is relatively large, it is recommended to cover it with adhesive tape to prevent further infection. Small wounds, some antiseptic - iodine, fucrosin, bright green and so on. - can be lubricated with and continue to treat until recovery.
Despite the precautions taken, when the wound started to get wet, purulent contents appeared, separated, the skin around the wound was inflamed and additional measures were necessary. Make sure the fluid flows through the wound. To do this, you sometimes need to place a turundo of rubber. Then an ointment dressing is done. As a therapeutic agent, ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is used. Then, wet wounds on the face should be treated with external active agent: centomycin emulsion or ointment, selcoseril or the like to accelerate tissue regeneration and skin healing.

Wounds on the skin of the face do not heal for a long time, they get wet constantly, causing dermatitis in various ways. Seborrheic, atopic, contact and allergic.
In most cases, skin lesions start with bright red rashes that are confused with ordinary acne and try to squeeze.
Thereafter, a burning sensation begins to be felt at the injured site, the constantly wetted bubbles appear filled with liquid, erosion.
Before beginning treatment, determine the cause of the disease. If this is due to contact with the allergen, the allergen should be discarded and normal anti-inflammatory treatment should be administered.
When dermatitis starts due to endocrine changes or hormonal fluctuations, it is more difficult to heal. Only the rapid renewal of the skin surface is possible by conventional methods that attempt to improve possible wetting redness. Most likely, the use of external funds will have to link antihistamines, vitamins and medicines that increase the body's overall immunity. If complex treatment is weak, you should take hormones.
The most difficult to treat is eczema, a wet scar on the face. True eczema begins with a red spot with unclear borders. Shortly after, small bubbles filled with liquid can already be distinguished. They explode and erosion of the skin occurs and liquid flows continuously. Eczema grows, the wound on the face increases, creates a serious cosmetic defect. A wet wound creates favorable conditions for the development of concomitant fungal diseases in most cases. Fungus increases due to suppuration.
Folk remedies cannot cure eczema, and the wound surface is more severely damaged after the dispersion of alcohol. If such a wound is present, the dermatologist should be consulted, which suggests complex treatment.
First, it will determine whether a fungal infection is involved. If so, treatment begins with the destruction of pathogenic fungi. Then apply external funds with steroids such as hydrocortisone ointment. Therapy necessarily includes antihistamines: lorantandine, fencarol and others. A vitamin B cure was taken and tranquilizers were prescribed.
A long time ago, it was believed that dermatitis could be prevented. But over time, if the disease was already present, then it became clear that regular cleaning and treatment only increased the wounds on the face. Dermatitis requires medical treatment.
Any scar on the face - small or large - should be treated after it appears. In no case should you touch them with dirty hands - taking pathogens can cause a significant cosmetic defect of the face.
There are many reasons why acne appears on the skin - hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, impaired fat metabolism. When an abscess occurs, most people squeeze the contents of the follicle and try to get rid of the defect quickly. After a pimple, a scar remains. If the wound is left untreated, the bacteria will enter and the inflammation process will begin. He thinks how to accelerate the healing of a scattered area and that everyone who lives at least once in their lives has acne problems.
Traditional drugs that accelerate the regeneration process
The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of medicines with healing effects in problem areas. If you need a quick fix, the most popular remedies are:
When you are asked how to get rid of acne sores, you should first consult a doctor
feniran gel This tool triggers the regenerative processes of the skin and prevents inflammation. If the gel is applied immediately after squeezing the abscess, the wound will not leave a scar after 6-12 hours. The biggest advantage of the drug is its rapid effect on the problem area, healing the skin without forming a shell, even if the girl gets too much;
"Alazol". This wound healing product is available in spray form. They are suitable for treating acne wounds. Thanks to the sea buckthorn oil, which is the basis of the spray, the product eliminates acne wounds that do not heal for a long time;
"Algofin" and "Levomekol" - an ointment for wound healing. Preparations are made from natural components that act at the cellular level and penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin. Acne ointment quickly relieves inflammation, triggers the regenerative processes of the epidermis. The active ingredients disinfect damaged follicles to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria;
Acne Zinc Ointment has been used for a long time. Before application, the abscess wound is treated with an alcohol solution. Then, apply a thick layer of ointment, leaving for several hours. The instrument disinfects perfectly by stopping inflammation and dries damage that accelerates the healing of the epidermis.

A girl who asks the question of prevention of acne should take some medication
Most people who consider how an ulcer will heal quickly prefer drugs based on alcohol ("Dimenside", iodine, "Fukortsin"). Dries skin quickly, leaves no color, scars are difficult to remove. If you use incorrectly diluted "Dimexidum" you may get burned.
Traditional medicine
The secrets of traditional medicine will help in deciding how quickly a wound from a pimple will heal. As in ancient times, more and more people are using herbal fluids to improve the condition of the skin, and herbal fluids to make the skin healthy without additional cosmetics. Here are the most popular and effective recipes.

When you think about how to get rid of pimples, people often use improvised tools - toothpaste, shaving foam. These funds are made on the basis of antiseptics, so it removes shallow damage.

What to do if sore throat
Sometimes inflammation triggers the growth of acne wound. How do I get rid of a problem and pain without going to a doctor? In this case, special preparations based on Vishnevsky ointment should be used. These drugs have a pungent and unpleasant odor, so it is recommended that they be administered before bedtime. Vishnevsky ointment pushes out by stopping inflammation. In the morning, the compress is removed and the contents of the boiling are squeezed until a drop of blood appears. The problem of pus and how to relieve the pain is solved.
Now you can choose a way to heal the wound. The best option is to disinfect with alcohol solution, apply zinc ointment (another drug with a drying effect). To remove the edema, you can delete the place using the source of the rosemary. The healing power of infusion contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin due to its regenerative effect on tissues.
If 10-20 inflammatory abscesses are seen at the same time, they cannot be used with antibiotic-based drugs. A popular product containing erythromycin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic) in its composition is Zenerit in the form of a lotion. The effect of the main component is enhanced by zinc acetate, which eliminates inflammation and cures irritation.

Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol should be applied to the affected area
If 30-40 pustules become inflamed at the same time, you should consult a doctor. Based on the results of laboratory tests, antibiotic preparations (suspensions, tablets, capsules) of internal use are administered.
What cannot be done absolutely
To prevent long-term treatment and the formation of a small pustule of the ulcer, which is an advanced inflammatory process, you cannot seek to get rid of post-acne sores by:
squeeze the content, draw, scratch the damaged area;
steaming Unlike common pores, enlarged pores do not help to eliminate ulcers, but they increase the condition further, contributing to the deep spread of inflammation;
Remove the peel formed on the healing wound. By ignoring it, you can infect the body with an infection and then consider how to improve a functioning inflammatory process.
Mask with pustules makeup. Dust or foundation clogs the pores without passing through the air, just increasing the edema.

Do not apply acne ointment to dirty skin. Along with drugs, bacteria enter the open wound and become infected.

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Discover the healing properties of sugar! Antibiotic Effect of Touching Wound Candy

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Doctors who work on a health-beneficial feature of sugar want to be able to use sugar to heal wounds that antibiotics don't work with.

Although sugar is considered to be quite harmful today, doctors continue to work on its beneficial properties.

Growing up in a poor village in Zimbabwe, Moses Murandu, when he fell as a child, scraped or cut off, his wound was immediately salted. On his lucky day, his father gave him money to buy powdered sugar, and he poured sugar into the wound.

Murandu noticed that healed more quickly when sugar was spilled into the wound. But when he came to England to work as a nurse in 1997, he saw that sugar was not used in the wound treatment at the hospital, and he attempted to change that.

Murandu's suggestions about sugar are now taken seriously. Murandu, who teaches nursing at the University of Wolverhampton, received an award from the Journal of Wound Care last month for his pilot study of sugar use in wound care.

For people who cannot afford antibiotics in poor parts of the world, this treatment can be a great opportunity. The issue aroused interest in England. Because some wounds may not respond to antibiotics when infected.

Murandu says that only sugar powder and bandages are needed to treat the wound with sugar. You pour powdered sugar onto the wound and cover it with a bandage. Granulated sugar particles absorb the moisture that causes the bacteria to multiply, allowing the wound to heal more quickly.

Murandu's experiments in the laboratory prove this. There are data from other parts of the world that support this result. Murandu wants to take its studies to the next level and convince the hospitals in England about this treatment. But financial support for new studies is usually provided by pharmaceutical companies, and these companies do not support a study that will not be patented.

In the pilot experiments, it was observed that the bacteria increased in cases of low sugar density, but the restriction of high density bacteria.

Murandu made these first experiments in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Lesotho. One of her patients was a woman with a scar on her foot.

"The woman's nephew called me. There was a terrible wound on his foot that had not been treated for five years.

Murandu says the woman's wound healed. This example shows why people who cannot afford antibiotics are particularly interested in the treatment of sugars.

Murandu completed clinical trials in 41 patients in the UK. He has not yet published the results of his experiments, but he has presented at many national and international conferences. One of the questions asked was whether or not diabetes could be treated with sugar on the legs and feet.

The blood glucose level of diabetic patients should be kept under control. But Murandu found that the treatment of sugary wounds was also successful in diabetes patients, and that pouring sugar into the wound did not increase glucose levels.

Murandu continues to research on humans, while veterinarian Maureen McMichael in the United States says she has tried the same method on animals for years.

McMichael began using sugar and honey in 2002 to treat animal wounds. Wound treatment with honey is as effective as sugar, but it costs a little more. One dog, once attacked by pitpulls and with close to 40 wounds on each leg, recovered in eight weeks with McMichael's sugar and honey treatment.

In addition to being cheap, sugar has another advantage: with the widespread use of antibiotics, bacteria have developed resistance to it. In other words, it may be possible to dry the inflammation by using sugar in wounds where antibiotics no longer work.

Sheila MacNeil, a specialist in tissue engineering at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, is researching the acceleration of blood vessel regeneration through naturally occurring sugar in the body.

MacNeil examined tumors and found that a certain sugar was formed during the breakdown of DNA (deoxyribose). This sugar saw that twice as many veins were formed when the chick in the egg was syringed around the membrane.

But the natural way in our body, the sugar that Murandu uses is different from the sugar. MacNeil believes that new research should focus on finding two types of sugar that can be used.

In Wolverhampton, Murandu wants to set up a clinic where he can administer sugar treatment. He hopes that sugar will be used in wound treatment in all countries where he works. Murandu, who received e-mails in many places to consult with him about his injuries, later said that he had received their recovered photographs and letters of thanks.

The use of sugar in wound treatment is a very old method used by the poor in developing countries. But after coming to England, Murandu understood the importance of the use of sugar in the medical world. "Like sugar, this information came raw from Zimbabwe, refined here, and is now being sent back for the use of people in Africa."

Warning: This article is written for general information purposes only and should not be considered as doctor's advice. Based on the content of the article, the BBC is not responsible for the self-diagnosis of the reader. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your health.

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How to Clean Wound

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There may be a wound on your skin for many different reasons. How you treat your wound plays a major role in the healing process. The cleaner you keep, the faster and healthier your wound will heal. Wounds that are not adequately maintained and cleaned can cause infection and pave the way for different diseases. It is for these reasons that you learn how to keep your wound clean. It is also in your best interest to know when to consult your doctor.

Cleaning the Wound
1. Examine your wound. Before starting treatment and cleaning, you should examine the wound in detail to understand what you are facing. After deciding on the shape, size and severity of the wound, question the following one by one:

Is the wound bleeding? How often does it bleed and how much blood does it bleed? Is it gushing or leaking?
Is there a foreign object in the wound? This can be a piece of glass, splinter or nail.
Any dirt around the wound?
Are there any signs of bone fracture such as swelling, protruding bone, limb failure? Carefully examine them, especially for injuries caused by falls.
Are there any signs of internal bleeding such as swelling, bruising or abdominal pain?
In case of animal attack: Examine all paw and tooth marks. If you live in an area full of insects and snakes, it is vital that you know what their bites look like.
2. Decide whether medical assistance is needed. Small injuries can be easily cleaned and treated at home, while more serious injuries require medical attention. Examples of situations where you may need immediate medical attention include:

If the wound is bleeding with heart rhythm and does not stop.
A wound deeper than an inch.
If there is a serious head injury.
If there are signs of broken bone or internal bleeding.
The wound is serious (especially if it is of metal origin) and the surrounding area is dirty, especially if the injured person has not recently received a tetanus vaccine.
If blood thinners (aspirin, coraspin, etc.) are used and the wound is especially on the head.
3. Stop the bleeding. It is important to apply a clean gauze pad to bleeding wounds and stop the blood, to prevent blood loss. Keeping the injured limb above heart level after wrapping will help stop the bleeding.

Keeping the wounded area high slows blood flow and lowers blood loss.
If you cannot stop bleeding for 10 minutes, you should seek immediate help.
4 Remove small objects from your wound. Carefully remove small diameter pieces from your wound.

Use tweezers sterilized with alcohol. Do not bring anything that is not sterile to your wound.
Do not attempt to separate large objects (up to 1 cm) from your wound, you will increase bleeding.
If your wound is deep and there are pieces of skin around it (especially if your skin gets peeled when you fall on the highway), seek medical attention immediately. Cleaning the skin around the wound is a very painful and painful process and may require anesthesia.
5. Flush the wound. The first thing to do after the bleeding stops is to clean the wound and wash it thoroughly. To do this, clean your wound with warm water from the tap. It is very important that the first cleaning of the wound determines how the healing process will be done correctly.

Clean the wound by spraying warm water with a plastic syringe. To clean the wound thoroughly, wash the area by pouring 1 liter of water onto your wound. Since there are plenty of capillaries on your face and scalp, there is no need for intensive cleaning in these areas.
60cc syringes with needles at the end of the high pressure will provide cleaning should be preferred. It is also very convenient for cleaning your folded skin and other difficult areas. If you go to the doctor anyway, they will clean themselves in the first place.
It is also possible to clean under the flowing tap. Make sure the water runs warm and clean at least two liters of water over your wound. Continue rinsing until all dirt and pieces of leather have been removed.
In burn-related injuries, the wound should be cleaned with plenty of cold water. In chemical injuries, using plenty of water will also dilute the chemical and reduce tissue damage.
6. Wrap the wound firmly. After the wound is cleaned, it should be wrapped with a clean bandage. The dressing will not only restrict movement in the wound area but also compress the injured area and boil it to help heal. It is also possible to prevent infections in the wound by dressing.

Obtain a bandage larger than your wound to cover the entire wound.
Wrap the bandage nicely according to your wound size.
In case of burns, peeling, and irregular injuries (injuries that are at risk of bleeding and adherence due to discharge), the pad should be prevented from adhering to the gauze before dressing.
For perforated injuries, the wound can be closed with batikon gauze.
Wound Dressing
1. Examine your wound daily. Carefully peel off the bandage at the end of the first two days and examine the wound for signs of inflammation, swelling or bleeding. If you observe any signs of infection, consult a doctor immediately.

If the bandage is solid and does not detach from the wound, try to soak it in warm water.
Observe signs of infection when the wound is opened. If there is redness, inflammation and yellow / green discharge, these are signs of infection and you should see a doctor.
Try to feel the heat and swelling of your wound. These are important symptoms, especially redness of the wound.
Check for fever. You should seek emergency assistance in cases of ignition of 38 ° C or more.
If the wound is covered with crust and inflammation underneath, the doctor must remove the wound and remove the inflammation. Antibiotics are applied to such injuries and even anesthesia may be required depending on the severity of the wound.
If the wound is cleaned well on the first day, it is not usually found.

2. Clean the wound again. Although your wound is clean, it is necessary to wash it again to protect it. Leave the wound under running warm water for 1 minute. You can also use soap to clean non-deep wounds to remove blood clots and skin debris.

3. Use antibiotics. After the wound is cleaned, if you have antibiotics such as neosporin suitable for external application, apply it to the wound with a clean ear stick. This antibiotic supplement will reduce the risk of infection.

Antibiotic supplementation is never equivalent to washing or dressing. Each step should be applied to the wound individually and at the right time.
Although the equivalent of neosporin is not found, “thiocilline pomade ilebilir may be preferred.
4. Rewind the wound. Rewound the washed and cleaned wound with bandage. After each examination and dressing, wrap your wound in the same way.

Do not interrupt regular cleaning and dressing every day until your wound heals.
Follow and examine the wound at every opportunity for bad symptoms or healing.
Applying them is very important to prevent swelling of the wound and reduce your pain.

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