Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nature Made Melatonin 5mg Tablets, 90 Count for Supporting Restful Sleep? (Packaging May Vary)

Tips for a good sleep. Sleep well: How to help yourself fall asleep quickly

Nature Made Melatonin 5mg Tablets, 90 Count for Supporting Restful Sleep? (Packaging May Vary)

Behavioral techniques can really cure chronic insomnia. Studies have shown that the use of non-drug therapies leads to better sleep in 70-80% of patients. In addition, it has been found that approximately 75% of patients receiving sleep medication can discontinue or reduce their use.

21 recommendations for a good sleep.

1. Do not worry about not getting enough sleep.

Try not to watch too closely when and how long you have slept. Why is that? Those concerned about sleep problems have a cycle of negative thoughts that contribute to the formation of a condition called uy insomnia acquired through learning mechanisms.. Acquired (or psychophysiological insomnia) develops when a person is concerned about whether he or she can sleep normally, bedtime and accompanying behaviors cause insomnia. Worrying about sleep patterns can make it more difficult to fall asleep.

2. Do not force yourself to sleep.

Attempts to force themselves to sleep actually wake up and make it difficult to fall asleep.

3. Don't look at the alarm during the night

The habit of looking at the clock exacerbates the anxiety and obsession in time. Try not to keep track of time to train yourself.

4. Follow.

The study (Sleep Need Irony) has shown that trying not to sleep as much as possible can have the opposite effect and can help people fall asleep. Paradoxical suggestion studies "try not to sleep as much as possible" studies show a significant reduction in the period before falling asleep in people suffering from insomnia. The following is a detailed description of how this method works.

5. Go to bed only when you are asleep.

Even if you sleep, don't go to bed early. Just go to bed when you feel tired and sleepy.

6. Do not stay in bed for more than 15 minutes.

This can cause anxiety and aggravate insomnia. So if you can't sleep for 15-20 minutes, go to another room, read in dim light or do something quiet until you feel really sleepy.

7. Warm-up procedures.

Some research shows that warm, water-filled bedtime treatments (such as a hot bath) help you stay asleep. This may occur due to a change in temperature (after bathing, the body's internal temperature drops, indicating that it is time to sleep on the body). Or, a better sleep may result from the relaxation ability of water, which makes it easier to fall asleep.

8. A nap.

If you have insomnia, try not to sleep. If you want to sleep longer at night, you should think that a nap can shorten the dream you want. If you're used to napping and you're having trouble sleeping at night, fall asleep and see what happens.

9. Create regular sleep patterns.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. After getting used to a certain routine, you can regulate your sleep. Do not sleep late on weekends to maintain your usual sleep patterns and make it easier to wake up on Mondays.

10. Improve the bedtime ritual.

Before going to bed, always follow the same program, such as having a warm drink or a small snack, reading something quiet or listening to relaxing music. Tell your body you're ready for bed.

11. Do not spill.

Don't sprinkle last night to make up for the dream - even if you only do it for a few days, you can break the inner clock, which will worsen the sleep of the night.

12. Take a snack before bedtime.

A light meal before bedtime can help. The amino acid tryptophan found in milk, turkey and peanuts helps the brain produce a substance that promotes relaxation - serotonin. Try drinking warm milk before bed or eating a slice of peanut butter or some banana cereal.

13. Do not eat heavy food late at night.

Heavy meals eaten at dinner can affect sleep.

14. Time of concern and reflection.

Write down all the thoughts that you can think of, what to do tomorrow, or urgent problems. Make a ın list of important cases yazın, write down problems and suggest possible solutions. Once you've done this, promise yourself to do it tomorrow.

15. Associate your bed and bedroom only with sleep and gender.

Do not watch, eat or read in bed. Although it helps some people fall asleep, it can instill the idea that the bed is not just for sleeping - and can prevent falling asleep.

16. Sex.

Sex is a well-known, great night stress reliever! A healthy sex life improves relationships, relaxes the body, promotes the release of “happiness hormones ve and enhances well-being. In addition, sex promotes sleep.

17. Relax before going to bed.

Reading, light music or meditation can help you relax and get ready for bed after a hard day.

18. Noise.

Noise is a common cause of insomnia. If you are uncomfortable with noise where nothing can be done, use special headphones - or change your attitude to it. Keep the radio / player close to the bed and leave out any annoying noises.

19. Alcohol as a sleeping pill.

Avoid alcohol late at night to facilitate sleep. One of the most common myths is the belief that alcohol promotes sleep. In fact, initially, alcohol can act as a sedative, but prolonged use of alcohol has many effects that interfere with sleep. Alcohol can cause waking up early in the night. In addition to the release of adrenaline, alcohol disrupts tryptophan uptake into the brain, and since tryptophan is a source of serotonin (an important neurotransmitter in sleep), alcohol lowers serotonin levels.

20. Caffeine.

Do not consume caffeine four to six hours before bedtime and try to reduce its total consumption during the day. Caffeine is a stimulant and can be asleep.

21. Nicotine.

Avoid nicotine, especially before bedtime or at night. Nicotine is a stimulant and can interfere with sleep.

Sleep is an integral part of human life. Sleeping well is not just the right time to go to bed and the number of hours that will pass. Sleep quality is also important. What do you need for a good night's sleep? You will find the answer to this question in the article.

For each person, the number of hours of sleep is individual and depends on many factors: health status (as you know, in a dream where all diseases go faster), mental and physical stress, age, heredity and many other factors. There are no general recipes for a good sleep, but there are certain rules to observe that will improve the quality of sleep.
Good Sleep Rules

According to research, modern people sleep 20% less time than a hundred years ago. However, this does not mean that the need for sleep is reduced. Here are some rules that will help you build a good and quality imagination.

The bedroom should only be used as a bedroom. There should be no TV, computer or other objects in the bedroom that interfere with normal sleep. For a good night's sleep, you need a comfortable bed, preferably with an orthopedic mattress, a pillow, a comfortable bed to sleep on, blackout curtains or blinds on the windows.

I recommend reading the following article about choosing a good orthopedic bed:

Simple suggestions for choosing orthopedic mattress

Do not set up a study in the bedroom. In the absence of a separate room, arrange a comfortable place to sleep: comfortable bed, warmth, lighting.

The optimum temperature for sleeping in the bedroom is 16-18 degrees. It is recommended that this temperature be maintained at all times of sleep.

Lighting should not be bright. If bright light from street lamps and billboards penetrates the street, hang blackout curtains on the windows. Before going to sleep, turn down the lamps slowly in the evening to reduce the light. With reduced illumination, activity of the central nervous system is inhibited.

The noise can also be confused with good sleep. If street noise cannot be avoided, turn on monotonous music, for example, the sound of the sea, the murmur of water, the rustling of leaves.

Choose the best time for yourself for sports, physical activity.

Do not go to bed, fall asleep, do not think, do not look at the alarm clock continuously and do not count how many hours you will sleep. If you can't sleep, get up and do something, read a book or listen to calm music.

Do not drink coffee and hard tea, other foods and beverages containing caffeine at night. In the evening it is better to drink, limit or even eliminate.

Natural sunlight promotes good sleep. If possible, take time to walk in the sunlight.

Watch the exercises to help you relax and prepare for a better sleep.

Sleep is an integral part of human life. Sleeping well is not just the right time to go to bed and the number of hours that will pass. Sleep quality is also important. What do you need for a good night's sleep? You will find the answer to this question in the article.

For each person, the number of hours of sleep is individual and depends on many factors: health status (as you know, in a dream where all diseases go faster), mental and physical stress, age, heredity and many other factors. There are no general recipes for a good sleep, but there are certain rules to observe that will improve the quality of sleep.
Good Sleep Rules

According to research, modern people sleep 20% less time than a hundred years ago. However, this does not mean that the need for sleep is reduced. Here are some rules that will help you build a good and quality imagination.

The bedroom should only be used as a bedroom. There should be no TV, computer or other objects in the bedroom that interfere with normal sleep. For a good night's sleep, you need a comfortable bed, preferably with an orthopedic mattress, a pillow, a comfortable bed to sleep on, blackout curtains or blinds on the windows.

I recommend reading the following article about choosing a good orthopedic bed:

Do not set up a study in the bedroom. In the absence of a separate room, arrange a comfortable place to sleep: comfortable bed, warmth, lighting.

The optimum temperature for sleeping in the bedroom is 16-18 degrees. It is recommended that this temperature be maintained at all times of sleep.

Lighting should not be bright. If bright light from street lamps and billboards penetrates the street, hang blackout curtains on the windows. Before going to sleep, turn down the lamps slowly in the evening to reduce the light. With reduced illumination, activity of the central nervous system is inhibited.

The noise can also be confused with good sleep. If street noise cannot be avoided, turn on monotonous music, for example, the sound of the sea, the murmur of water, the rustling of leaves.

Choose the best time for yourself for sports, physical activity.

Do not go to bed, fall asleep, do not think, do not look at the alarm clock continuously and do not count how many hours you will sleep. If you can't sleep, get up and do something, read a book or listen to calm music.

Do not drink coffee and hard tea, other foods and beverages containing caffeine at night. In the evening it is better to drink, limit or even eliminate.

Natural sunlight promotes good sleep. If possible, take time to walk in the sunlight.

It's like sleeping hygiene. If many people sleep much better and observe sleep hygiene, let's say better - a few simple rules that will give you a good quality sleep with pleasure.

Always get up at the same time, whether on weekdays or on leave. A fixed rise time will automatically set a reference point for all your body functions that forms your daily routine. Following this simple rule can not only save you from insomnia, but can also help you plan things properly. This rule is enough for most people to sleep like a baby.
Just go to bed when you're numb. If you get up early tomorrow, don't force yourself to fall asleep - on the contrary, it will cause unnecessary stress. If you can't sleep in 15-20 minutes, leave the bedroom and do something quiet like reading. Just go back to bed after drowsiness. Don't be afraid, repeat as many times as necessary.
You must have a bedroom. Space for sleeping. Don't let yourself fall asleep outside your bedroom, but create a sacred place in your bedtime ritual. Do not work in your bedroom just to sleep, have sex and use in case of illness. Remember: sleeping is no less important to you than work.
If you have a bad dream, avoid sleeping during the day. If you still don't have enough energy and go to bed during the day, try to do it at the same time and çalış try to sleep for more than an hour. For most people with a normal daily routine, the best time for daytime sleep is two or three hours in the afternoon.
Move on! Maintain regular physical activity. Remember: the readiness peaks for physical activity - 11:00 and 17:00. It is nothing that the body has this kind of biorhythm in order to give time for 5-6 hours of rest before bedtime. Regular physical activity not only consumes the energy needed for the body, but also reduces stress. Try to complete intense physical activity in the earlier hours, at least six hours before bedtime, before bedtime, quiet walks in the fresh air will be beneficial. In addition, oxygen is an excellent antidepressant, increases mood, relieves stress.
So ventilate your bedroom before going to bed. For example, when walking (or just standing on the balcony).
Avoid smoking before bedtime or at night. It's better not to smoke. Nicotine, like all medicines, disrupts normal metabolism and does not improve your body.
Do not drink alcohol before going to bed because it causes thirst, so night's sleep is superficial with frequent and superficial awakening. As a result - weakness, headache, depression. These results are further exacerbated by the disintegration products of alcohol, which can be removed from the body for up to several days.
Avoid taking caffeine for at least six hours before bedtime. Although people react differently to caffeine, most people still “suck a insomnia yarım correctly yarım after a cup of coffee in the evening for half an hour. For example, I've set a rule for myself - I don't drink coffee after 4:00 pm because I can't sleep fully before morning.
A light meal at night can contribute to good harmony, because the food is the best and most suitable antidepressant, but do not overdo it because the weight in the stomach can reduce all the positive effects of a light snack. So avoid eating large amounts of food. The best option would be a glass of kefir or fermented cooked milk.
It's not hard for me to write to you, but limit the time spent in front of the TV or computer monitor for a healthy sleep. Today television and the Internet are the main providers of aggressive news and stress. If you can reduce night shifts in front of the monitor by at least half, you can forget about sleeplessness forever.
Remember: sleeping pills (like other medicines) are taken only by sick people. You're not sick, so don't take these drugs. In addition, any drug has toxic effects on the body, up to side effects. Therefore, sleeping pills - an extreme measure and only under the supervision of a doctor.
You spend a third of your life on a dream. So look what you're sleeping at. Follow the right pillow and mattress - this is very important. Properly selected bearings not only help to relax, but also reduce excessive tension in the joints and bones. Take good care of your spine, an extension of your brain.
Create your own ritual. Get yourself a present - ten minutes of reading, a warm bath, a light meal. Treat yourself to this, the reward for the other day.
Do not be afraid to use natural aroma - herbs, oils. For example, hops or lavender oil, if they do not calm you down (although this is not possible), then at least the aromas develop a conditional reflex to prepare the body for sleep. It is easy to relax and calm down in such an environment.
And most importantly - observe your daily routine. Regularity is the key to the best: eat regularly, plan your day. And finally get up at the same time every day!

There are a few simple tips to help you quickly fall asleep and make your sleep strong and long.

Rule number 1. Silence and darkness. The bedroom should be in the quietest part of the apartment or house. Any noise when passing cars or listening to music from neighbors irritates the nervous system and disturbs sleep. Try to limit the foreign noise level. You can use ear plugs for this, or even cover the walls of the room with soundproof material. For windows, choose a heavy, dense light where the light of the lanterns or the Moon will not leak. If you suffer from nephophobia (fear of darkness, night), place a night light on the nightstand. Choose one that will give a soft dim light and will not irritate your eyes.

Rule number two. Air. Ventilate the bedroom at any time of the year. Fresh oxygen air quickly falls asleep and deepens the sound of sleep. Particularly useful are ventilation in rainy weather. Try to keep the air temperature in the bedroom between 17-20 ° C.

Rule number three. Bed. Beds should be as comfortable and as wide as possible. Select a medium hard mattress. Soft beds and feather beds adversely affect the position of the body during sleep. Therefore, disturbing sensations in the body can occur in the morning. Choose an individual pillow. Try to keep your head in approximately the same plane as the body during sleep, otherwise the nerve endings in the neck will jam and you will feel a headache when you wake up.

Rule number four. Posing to fall asleep. The right-hand pose is believed to be best suited for falling asleep by slightly bending the knees. In this position, the body relaxes and the heart works without tension. This also applies to people who snore.

Rule number five. Clothes for sleeping. If you prefer to sleep in sleepwear or nightwear, choose according to your size and height. Very narrow and do not disturb. Prefer products made of natural fabrics with at least additional decoration in the form of frills and sewn buttons.

Rule number six. Eat before bed. Try to eat dinner 2 hours before bedtime. If your lifestyle does not allow for early evening meals, limit (or completely eliminate) fatty foods, as well as beverages containing caffeine and alcohol. It is better to drink a cup of warm milk or hot herbal tea instead of black tea for the night.

Rule number seven. Relaxing bathrooms and aromatherapy. If you experience stressful situations at work or in the family, warm up before going to bed. For the best relaxing effect, you can add sea salt or oil to the water. Bergamot, ylang-ylang, marjoram, lemon grass, chamomile, etc. If you don't have time or opportunity to take a bath, drop a few drops of essential oil onto the napkin and place it on the bedside.

Rule number eight. Music and reading Scientists have found that Mozart's music affects the nervous system the most and allows you to fall asleep faster. Normalizes blood pressure, pulse and respiration. If you don't like classical music, you can use the Relax series music for these purposes with the sounds of surfing. Try to read fiction before going to bed. This is especially true for detectives and erotic novels because the nervous system will be in a state of excitement and it will be difficult to fall asleep. If you're still used to reading something before going to bed, choose to relax. In addition, for a quiet sleep, it is not recommended to watch television before bedtime, especially news blocks, horror movies, thriller and erotic movies.

Rule number nine. Sex. Many scientists claim to have a calming and calming effect, allowing you to calm down mentally and physically.

A good sleep depends on many factors, since you can fully enjoy a healthy and long sleep.

Nature Made Melatonin 5mg Tablets, 90 Count for Supporting Restful Sleep? (Packaging May Vary)