Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Genius Sleep AID – Smart Sleeping Pills & Adrenal Fatigue Supplement, Natural Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia Relief - Relaxation Enhancer and Mood Support w/Inositol, L-Theanine & Glycine – 40 Capsules

The child does not want to sleep in the afternoon at the age of 2 - what to do? to put the baby to sleep in the afternoon - Children

Genius Sleep AID – Smart Sleeping Pills & Adrenal Fatigue Supplement, Natural Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia Relief - Relaxation Enhancer and Mood Support w/Inositol, L-Theanine & Glycine – 40 Capsules

Daytime sleep is very important for the baby. Afternoon rest contributes to normal development. What to do if a 2-year-old does not want to sleep during the day? How does that affect her well-being? The article will discuss the causes of sleep rejection and the ability to resolve this problem quickly.
Why should the child sleep during the day?

Experts, a good afternoon sleep increases productivity and concentration, crumbs improve the emotional and mental state, he says. A sleepy child is balanced, calm, self-fun and does not require the presence of an adult at all times. Pediatricians note the benefits of daytime sleep, not only for infants but also for older children. It is important to prevent neurological and behavioral problems in children a year after a day's rest.

Many parents make the mistake of believing that a child who does not sleep during the day falls asleep more easily in the evening. Often, a different situation arises: an overly excited baby does not fall asleep in the evening, and the night constantly turns and wakes up. This indicates overwork.

It is important to remember that in infancy, children sleep as much as they need. And their spirits have changed a lot since they were two. So why does a 2-year-old not want to sleep during the day? The truth is that crumbs from this age are anxiety, fear, feeling of waking, so there is a marked reduction in sleep quality and quantity. In the case of continuous sleep deficiency, the ability to learn decreases and the immune system deteriorates.

One of the main tasks of the parents is to properly regulate daytime sleep for the baby. This will help him develop well both intellectually and physically.
How many hours should the baby sleep

There are no strict norms in the question of sleep, crumb determines how much you want to sleep. For some children normal rest is considered normal, and for others - the shorter one.

How many hours does a child sleep at the age of 2? Therefore, according to the research of doctor Komarovsky, children have norms of daily average needs for daily dreams:

Up to 3 months the baby should sleep for 16 to 20 hours;
Up to 6 months - at least 14, 5 hours;
1-2 years - up to 13, 5 hours per day;
In 2-4 years - at least 13 hours;
4-6 years - about 11, 5 hours per day;
The daily sleep norm in 6-12 years does not exceed 9, 5 hours;
After 12 years, a child only needs to sleep for 8.5 hours per day.

If a baby under 3 years sleeps less than 12 hours a day, then it compensates for inadequate daytime sleep at night. Experts draw the attention of small parents, if the crumb cannot sleep for a long time, but remains calm, curious and cheerful, there are individual norms for it.

Usually newborns pass from one feeding to another. And the older they get, the less rest they get. First, the crumb starts to stay awake after a meal and sleeps no more than 17 hours a day. Then the child takes a nap for 2 days.

Every age has its own property. The child's 2-year-old sleep pattern changes and he only sleeps once and does not exceed 3 hours. Close to 3-4 years, daytime sleep can stop completely. However, some children still need an afternoon between the ages of 6-7. And pediatricians advise preschool children of this age to rest in the afternoons.
What to do if the child does not want to sleep during the day

The mode of the day greatly affects the quality of food, clothes, walking, baby's sleep. In order for crumb to sleep with pleasure, you need to set your sleep pattern towards the age of 2, and parents must:

Proper and balanced nutrition.
Continuous fresh air walks and games.
Regular wet cleaning in the nursery.
The beds were comfortable, clean and soft.

Children who have their own programs in general, there is no whim about daytime sleep. At certain times they would eat, play, sleep. Of course, you do not need to follow the daily routine very carefully. If the child looks tired before the deadline, it is better to go to bed and not wait for the right time. However, if he is still playing or inspecting the last cartoon before bedtime, you should not interrupt the process and force him to go to bed. It is better to let you complete the work and rest quietly.

Parents should not put the crumbs back to sleep if they wake up early. Also, don't wake him up when the time allotted to daytime sleep has ended. It is better to pay attention to the child's condition and well-being than to the hour.
Reasons not to sleep during the day

Not all two-year-olds need to sleep during the day. Therefore, if a child sleeps well at night, he has adequate physical activity and does not have hysteresis, so he does not need an afternoon nap. Instead, you can now play quiet games, lie down and read an interesting book.

There are cases where parents realize that daytime insomnia leads to crumb health. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to do if a 2-year-old does not want to sleep during the day will be a recommendation to investigate the most common causes and ways to solve them.

why is that Reason description decision
Wrong day mode Scientists have proven that there is a certain time when a child is ready to fall asleep and fall asleep in high quality. At this time, body temperature changes, metabolism slows down and the body falls asleep in case of a need. The best time to sleep for a two-year-old child is between 12:30 and 13 in the afternoon. Provided that the baby wakes up at 7
Sharp and frequent activity change Children are by nature very curious and active. Therefore, daytime is full of games, laughter, tears, songs for them. And if at this time my mother begins to go to bed without completing the process, then, most likely, she will be reluctant to lie down and cry. Parents are encouraged to form rituals to help the child adjust for daytime sleep. Do not use a very long procedure before resting at night. However, some items can be imported. The sequence of actions information will help your child prepare emotionally for an afternoon nap and avoid protests.
The wrong situation to sleep in the room It is very difficult to fall asleep when the room is in the sunlight, the laughter of the children playing comes from the open windows and the last walks are still remembered. Children, like all adults, are easier to fall asleep in a dark, well-ventilated room. Parents should not open windows wide or open the light, it is better to create a dim atmosphere in the room. This will help the baby's body produce the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for a good and healthy sleep. You can use thick curtains or cassette curtains to create an atmosphere for sleeping in the room. If the street is very noisy and the sound enters through closed windows, you can turn on the white noise in the room. The background in the room may be static sound between radio stations, rain or surfing sound. These sounds are not addictive. However, classical music does not work for these purposes.
Negative relationships with sleep When the baby is small, parents do everything possible to help them sleep as long as possible. And rightly, up to 4 months, it is very difficult for a child to sleep on his own. However, this situation lasts up to 1-2 years. And the only way to fall asleep is to hold it on your lap or breastfeed. The solution to this problem will be two methods: sharp and gradual. Few mothers will agree to uyu fall asleep while crying rağmen, although it is considered one of the fastest and most effective methods. In the second method, mothers need to show patience and perseverance. The room should have partial shade and fresh air without unnecessary noise. For a start, the mother should bring the baby to a deep sleep, not to a full sleep. Then just wait. After the baby is used, you can put the baby who does not fall asleep to bed.

Only the most common causes are listed here. Sometimes the baby refuses to sleep due to lack of physical activity. Therefore, you should carefully examine the child's regime of the day. This will help determine what can be excluded and what is better to include.
How to put a baby to sleep without hysterical

It's not worth a lot of effort to put the baby to bed. Here are a few proven ways to put a 2-year-old in bed in the afternoon:

Parents need to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in the room to sleep. Nothing scares the kid.
Before you go to bed, you should sing good scary tales, children's poems or lullabies.
Some babies are gently pressed by tapping the back or head.
The parent can lie next to the child and lie on the basis of fatigue and ask that he or she make no noise.

Children who want to wake up adults, sleep later. Such methods should work within the first half hour. If the flooring is postponed, parents should change their tactics in a hurry and not insist on their own.
The effect of daytime sleep to night

Doesn't mean he's going to sleep bad tonight. The important thing is to follow a few rules:

Parents should not play noisy and active games with their children before resting at night.
It is better to exclude cartoons before going to bed.
Healthy sleep will help slow walk, swim and gentle tales in the evening. Fairy-tale therapy will help to sleep well. Not only does the child notice all the events of the past day, but also quickly falls asleep.

What about kindergarten mode?

Many parents simply force their child to sleep because there is a style in kindergarten. Even if a 2-year-old does not want to sleep during the day, you should not scare him or her with a child education institution.

You should know that it is exciting, fun and interesting. And in the first place the teacher - his friend, not the principal. Most of the time, children are easily involved in this mode and can enter the bed with their peers and eat and play with pleasure.
How can I fascinate the child instead of daytime sleep?

Instead of daytime sleep, the baby may be offered quiet and peaceful games. For example, they do an excellent job of redrawing and restoring the nervous system.

In addition, a parent can advise the baby to lie down on the bed and read his favorite tales, poems or stories.

Parents need to be more patient and take into account the individual needs of their babies. So if the crumb doesn't want to sleep during the day and still looks cheerful, you shouldn't force him to go to bed. Enough night rest for such a child.

Genius Sleep AID – Smart Sleeping Pills & Adrenal Fatigue Supplement, Natural Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia Relief - Relaxation Enhancer and Mood Support w/Inositol, L-Theanine & Glycine – 40 Capsules