Friday, September 20, 2019

Bayer Contour Next ONE Glucose Monitoring System Wireless Meter and 10 Test Strips

Take Prevention Against Diabetes!

Bayer Contour Next ONE Glucose Monitoring System Wireless Meter and 10 Test Strips

The disease known as diabetes or diabetes carries very serious risks, and as with any disease, early diagnosis is very important in diabetes.

The disease known as diabetes or diabetes carries very serious risks, and as with any disease, early diagnosis is very important in diabetes.
Prevent Diabetes Threat!

2 Over the next 30 years, 2 out of 5 people will have diabetes ”

It is not only scary but also a warning for taking preventive health measures. Care must be taken against life -long diabetes, which can lead to permanent damage to the body . Although the increase in the incidence of diabetes is due to many different factors; With the treatment methods developed with each passing day, it is easier to control the disease.
1 1 in 4 people live with diabetes ”

Diabetes , which is popularly known as “ diabetes , Uz is said to be named because it is manifested by an increase in the patient's blood sugar levels . Dr. Demircioğlu said, “ Diabetes is the result of insufficient amount or function of insulin that controls blood sugar ; is a disease with high blood sugar . Diabetes patients have high levels of sugar in the blood and if not controlled, it can cause widespread damage to the body . Diabetes is increasingly seen all over the world and in our country. According to 2010 data; The incidence of diabetes in adults in Turkey was determined to be 13-14%. The incidence of diabetes is up to 25% when the incidence of hidden diabetes , also known as diyabet pre-diabetes ek, is added to this ratio. ”

Early Symptoms of Diabetes

Drink lots of water
Frequent urination
Dry mouth
Late healing of skin wounds

It is important to recognize these symptoms in the early period and to take precautions immediately.

False eating habits and immobile lifestyle , which have become widespread in recent years, cause diabetes. In order to prevent diabetes seen in 1 out of 10 people in society , it is very important to keep blood sugar under control by being conscious .
Drinking Too Much Water May Be Diabetes Alarm!

Related to the symptoms of diabetes çıkmak Frequent urination, drinking too much water, dry mouth and losing weight are among the main symptoms of diabetes. The only way to know if we have diabetes is to investigate the level of sugar in the blood . Lık Fasting blood glucose measurement, satiety blood glucose measurement, 3-month average of sugar and one of the sugar loading tests above the level required in a healthy individual is sufficient for the diagnosis of diabetes . ”

Visual result related to the symptoms of diabetes
Medi Untreated May Cause Serious Damage ”

It is necessary to be aware of the severity of diabetes . Leyen Progressive diabetes; blindness, kidney failure, kidney damage, nerve damage, circulatory disorders, infections, late healing of wounds, foot wounds that can go up to cuts, arteriosclerosis, can cause cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, early diagnosis and correct treatment are very important. In the last 10 years, there have been new developments in the treatment of diabetes . It is much easier to treat diabetes and control blood sugar than in previous years. Diabetes is a lifelong disease that needs to be carefully monitored and treated ”.

Visual outcome of patients with sugar
Proper Nutrition in Diabetes

Visual outcome related to diabetes
Correct Nutrition in Diabetes Saves Lives!

Healthy diet is the gold standard to keep blood sugar in balance in the treatment of diabetes . While it is possible to reduce the negative effects of the disease by following the principles of regular and balanced nutrition ; Improper eating habits can lead you to meet the dangerous face of diabetes.
Blood sugar should be kept in balance

Medical nutrition therapy is very important for patients' quality of life in diabetes . Ilaç The drugs used in the treatment of diabetes constitute 50% of the treatment and the other 50% are provided with nutritional therapy. Blood sugar can be kept at the desired level and prevented increase in blood fat can be prevented by the health program. Diabetics who consume the right foods and the right foods will alleviate the risk of other illnesses. ”
3 main 3 breaks!

Diabetics must comply with a minimum of ”6 meals” during the day. “Meal frequency and number is very important to keep blood sugar levels of diabetics within normal limits. Thanks to the nutrition program, which is planned as 6 meals a day, insulin will be used in a balanced way and the body's insulin requirement will decrease; the patient will also be protected from risky situations such as sudden sugar fall or rise . In order to achieve this precise balance; “complex carbohydrates gibi such as legumes, vegetables, cereal bread, bulgur, which are digested in a longer period of time than “ simple carbohydrates gibi such as pure sugar and sugary foods should be considered. ”

Bayer Contour Next ONE Glucose Monitoring System Wireless Meter and 10 Test Strips