Friday, September 20, 2019

GlucoGorx? Blood Glucose Diabetes Testing Kit - 110 Blood Test Strips, 125 Sterile Lancets, Glucometer, Depth Controlled Lancing Device, Control Solution, User Manual & Convenient Carrying Case

15 signs of high sugar in the body

GlucoGorx? Blood Glucose Diabetes Testing Kit - 110 Blood Test Strips, 125 Sterile Lancets, Glucometer, Depth Controlled Lancing Device, Control Solution, User Manual & Convenient Carrying Case

Glucose or sugar is the fuel that provides power to the cells in the body. The blood levels of this energy source increase and decrease depending on what you eat (and how much), when you eat it. Here are 15 signs .

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases of our age. Glucose or sugar is the fuel that provides power to the cells in the body. The blood levels of this energy source increase and decrease depending on what you eat (and how much), when you eat it. But when something goes wrong and the cells don't absorb glucose, the resulting high blood sugar can damage the nerves, blood vessels and organs, causing dangerous complications.

Normal blood glucose measurements typically range from 60 mg / dl to 140 mg / dl. A blood test, called hemoglobin A1c, measures average blood sugar levels over the previous three months. The normal rate for people without diabetes is below 5.7%. Excess glucose or hyperglycemia in the bloodstream is a sign of diabetes.

people with type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin in their bodies, they do not produce the hormones necessary to carry blood sugar to the cells. In type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly. In both cases, toxic amounts of sugar can accumulate in the bloodstream without proper treatment, which can lead to elevated blood sugar.

It is therefore important to keep your blood sugar level under control. Rat If you keep your sugar level close to normal, you will reduce the risk of diabetes complications, Robert says Robert Ratner, an American Diabetes Association science and medical officer.

Here is a summary of the most important complications and symptoms of high blood sugar.
No symptoms

Often, high blood sugar does not show any symptoms, at least at first glance. About 29 million people in the United States have diabetes, but one-fourth has no idea what to do. A blood glucose level of 86 million is higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is a good idea to test your blood sugar if you are at risk for diabetes. This includes people who are overweight, physically inactive, have high blood pressure or have a family history of diabetes. A single high blood sugar test is not enough to diagnose diabetes because blood sugar may increase if you are sick or under stress. However, if repeated tests increase, this is a sign that you have a problem.
If you piss and drink too much

When there is too much sugar in the bloodstream, the body tries to get rid of it. Excess sugar is poured into the urine and water is drawn into the body. As a result, you often piss. It can really make you thirsty for being dried. Some people feel extremely hungry and may experience sudden or unexplained weight loss because the body's cells cannot get the sugar they need as a fuel source.

Many people do not know that they have diabetes until they are tested. Symptoms for others are clear: Endocrinologist Fernando Ovalle, director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Comprehensive Diabetes Clinic, says: or They urinate a lot, get thirsty, stand up to urinate, starve, lose weight..
If you are constantly tired

If your cells don't take glucose, you're literally deprived of energy. This can make you feel tired at all times. When your blood is thicker and more sticky due to increased blood sugar, you need to work harder to pump blood into your heart, and the blood will move more slowly through your body to give nutrients to your cells. In addition, when your body discharges excess sugar in the blood after urticaria, you are draining your energy from your body towards the toilet. Plus, increased thirst and urination means you can travel to the bathroom for more nights, disrupting your sleep.
If your blood is like molasses

Sugar makes the blood thicker and sticky. Yetkili You can imagine how difficult it can be for your blood, such as molasses, to reach the thinnest point of your small blood vessels (eyes, headphones, nerves, kidneys, heart), Jo says Joanne Rinker, an Italian dietician and Italian dietitian Waynesville, NC. We have begun to see complications in small blood vessels İtalyan, according to an Italian study. There is a direct relationship between blood viscosity and blood sugar levels, even in people without diabetes.
Can upset your vision

High blood sugar can seriously damage your eye health over time. A region where small blood vessels are damaged, the retina, is the light-sensitive part of the back of the eye. In the short term, blood sugar spikes may cause at least temporarily blurred vision; Once sugar levels approach normal, vision improves. However, in later stages, abnormal vessels may be seen and may prevent central and peripheral vision. The macula, where the eye is the center of detailed vision, can also swell and cause vision loss.
If your hands and feet ache

Tingling in the toes - a condition called peripheral neuropathy can be an indication that blood sugar is too high for too long. According to the American Academy of Neurology, the pain on the ends of the body's longest nerve fibers is usually the first-coming pain. The feet, legs, arms and hands are therefore completely vulnerable. Nerve damage to the feet and hands can produce a range of symptoms, from burning to anger or shocking pain. Controlling blood sugar levels can prevent further damage. Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Obesity Inc, Oak Grass and an endocrinologist, Terri Washington, MD, olursa If Blood Sugar is high for years, it probably won't go, but if it's been going on for a while and it's not going to be temporary, geçici he says.
Foot injury

People with high blood sugar can lose sensitivity from the tip of their feet to the heel. So, any injuries, say bare toenails, can turn into a bigger problem.

“Sugar nourishes the wound and inflammates it, R Rinker said. To protect against infection, people need to be cautious about keeping their blood sugar under control and checking their feet daily.

Thirty years ago, all hospital wards filled with people with foot ulcers and amputations. Ratner, today, amputations are below 40%. However, diabetes is the leading cause of major amputations of the extremities.

“We have difficulty in achieving as close to normal glucose levels as possible without the side effects of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), belirt he says.
Brings obstacles to your sexual life

Loss of libido or difficulty with an erection or orgasm may indicate that your blood sugar level has decreased. Excess sugar in the blood damages nerves and blood vessels, which play a very important role in making your sex life enjoyable. Men may have erectile dysfunction due to blood vessel damage and some may experience a problem with retrograde ejaculation that progresses to the bladder without passing through the tip of the penis. Women may have decreased vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse, or sensation in the genital area.
Fighting your intestine

Do you have intestinal problems? The nerves that control internal body functions affect your digestive system due to very high blood sugar levels. People may have severe constipation, frequent diarrhea, or both. Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to gastroparesis, which is when the food in the stomach slowly moves into the small intestine or stops movement completely. Cases of nausea, vomiting, bloating and pain. “This makes the blood sugar control problem even deeper, O says Ovalle.

Orsa If the intestine doesn't move properly, the absorption of nutrients from the intestine becomes very irregular, and then blood sugar becomes very irregular, or he says.
Damages the kidneys

The kidneys contain small blood vessels that filter the waste products in the blood. When blood sugar rises persistently, the filtration system works to remove excess sugar from the blood in excess. For years the filters become scarring and the kidneys no longer work properly.

Increased protein levels in urine are the first from the onset of trouble. Controlling blood sugar and blood pressure can preserve kidney function.

However, if years pass without proper blood glucose control, “scarring cannot be reversed and kidney function begins to decline”. Washington also stated.

Eventually, the kidneys require dialysis or transplantation and may close completely.
Your heart and brain are at risk

Here is the terrible truth: People with diabetes are at a significantly higher risk of stroke and heart attack.

But there is a dizzying approach: In a major clinical trial, strict glucose control has sharply reduced the risk of heart disease and death in people with diabetes. The findings also indicated that it took many years for high blood sugar to damage the large blood vessels that serve the heart and brain.
May affect memory

The same blood vessel damage can also affect your brain as blood sugar can cause heart attacks, kidney and eye health problems. Research shows that people with diabetes may be at increased risk for thinking and memory problems and may even be Alzheimer's. A German study found that high blood sugar levels impair thought and memory, even in people without diabetes. In word recall tests, older adults with higher hemoglobin A1c results could not remember many words. Brain scans revealed a smaller hippocampus of the brain responsible for memory in people with a higher blood sugar. Dr. “Over time, if your blood sugar is high, you develop poor blood circulation, which can cause problems with strokes, brain atrophy, and poor memory, O Ovalle said.
It could ruin your smile

Uncontrolled high blood sugar is the enemy of your kiss. The sugar in your saliva feeds bacteria in the mouth and leaves a sticky plaque on your teeth. Some types of plaque can cause tooth decay, while others can smell your breath. Over time, when blood sugar becomes wild, it can cause bleeding and painful gums; it makes it difficult to chew and dissolve the bones and tissues that hold your teeth in place. High blood sugar may cause dry mouth and lips cracking. And it is one of the main causes of fungal infection that can cause painful white or red spots on your gums, tongue, cheeks, palate or mouth.
May cause bladder problems

People with diabetes are more at risk of developing urinary tract infections. Not only them, but the problems become more severe when infected. Diabetes can also damage nerves that control bladder function. The resulting damage can cause overactive bladder, difficulty controlling the sphincter muscles that help hold and release urine, or difficulty in emptying the bladder. Of course, people with bladder problems have lower quality of life.
Affects your skin

Blood sugar problems can be seen on your skin, the largest organ in your body. When your blood sugar is raised for a certain period of time, your body loses fluid and your skin becomes dry, chapped and itchy. And that's just the beginning. Skin problems can be among the first symptoms of diabetes. Yeast-like fungal infections can be seen especially in women, under the breasts and in the groin area. "Usually bright red," he says. Washington. “It's kind of painful, irritating and itchy.”

GlucoGorx? Blood Glucose Diabetes Testing Kit - 110 Blood Test Strips, 125 Sterile Lancets, Glucometer, Depth Controlled Lancing Device, Control Solution, User Manual & Convenient Carrying Case