Friday, September 20, 2019

AccuChek Aviva Plus METER

Blood sugar control ways

AccuChek Aviva Plus METER

The main purpose of the treatment for diabetes mellitus is to keep the blood sugar level close to normal. Unfortunately, a person cannot feel slight fluctuations in the level of sugar, so diabetes mellitus is considered such an insidious and serious disease. Ultimately, high blood sugar is a direct way of developing complications. Only by regular and frequent monitoring of the blood composition can it be decided how well the treatment is performed. Continuous self-control can improve the effectiveness of treatment measures and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

If a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it is vital that he or she regularly monitors blood sugar levels. Self-control should be done once a day, always before meals and before bedtime, as well as with changes in goodness.

In the case of diabetes mellitus type 2, measurements should be made less, as a rule a few measurements per week are sufficient.

For self-analysis, you can use specially produced test strips and the result can be evaluated both visually and with blood glucose meters.

To determine the blood sugar level by one of the methods described, it is necessary to obtain a blood sample. To do this, it is recommended to use a lancet, a special device for puncturing the skin of your finger. These devices operate on the basis of the spring mechanism. When a lancet is used, the injection practically does not harm and the wound heals very quickly. The scalpel's ability to adjust the depth of puncture is very convenient when you need to check the sugar level in a child's blood.

Puncture the phalanx of the finger should be performed from the side, not inside the pad. In this case, the wound left by the lancet heals faster.

The resulting blood drop is applied to the test strip, a chemical reaction that causes a discoloration. Visual inspection of the test strips is performed by comparing the result obtained with the color scale. If the result does not match the normal range (4-9 mmol / l), a more detailed analysis is required using a blood glucose meter or laboratory methods.

A blood glucose meter is a portable device that allows you to independently determine your sugar level. Note that you can find different types of this device today. Test strips of a particular type are used as a consumable material (each type of meter recommends the use of a particular type of test strips). If you decide to purchase a meter, select it based on the accuracy of the results and the cost of the individual analysis (the cost of the analysis will be equal to the cost of a test strip used for this instrument).

It is recommended that the measurement results obtained as a result of the self-check be recorded in a special log. Monitoring these measurements will allow your doctor to assess how successful the treatment is and, if necessary, make adjustments to the medication.

You can also reduce blood sugar with the help of traditional medicine. However, we should not forget that these recipes can only replace and replace the treatment given by the doctor.

You can drink vegetable juices to normalize the sugar level. For potatoes, cabbage, beetroot juice and a third glass of juice in the morning and evening, you should take it on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Treatment and normal onions will help. You can make juice or infusion from it. To make this infusion, the average onion is cut very thinly and poured into a glass of boiled cold water. After two hours, drain the liquid and remove one third of the glass before eating. Similarly, you can let the garlic feathers infuse.

In normal herbal teas obtained from Hypericum, it helps maintain the sugar level obtained from hawthorn and rosehip fruits, linden flowers, alfalfa leaves and strawberries. And it's better to put ordinary coffee on the patients with a drink made from chicory roots.

AccuChek Aviva Plus METER