Friday, September 20, 2019

Contour Diabetes Testing Kit | Contour Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips, 50 O'well Lancets, O'well Lancing Device, Control Solution, Log Book, User Manuals and Carry Case

How to control blood sugar: ways to control sugar levels, the value of indicators

Contour Diabetes Testing Kit | Contour Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips, 50 O'well Lancets, O'well Lancing Device, Control Solution, Log Book, User Manuals and Carry Case

Statistics on the incidence of diabetes are frightening. According to the World Health Organization, in 2010 alone there were more than 285 million people worldwide with this pathology. And 6% of the total population of this planet. Estimates are even worse, by 2030, patients will be 439 million.

The disease is among the three most common pathologies and causes disability, death. In this case, mortality from the disease occurs in patients under the age of 70 years. However, the mortality rate due to diabetes is large in low-income countries. One of the causes of death is the lack of control over the blood sugar level, which leads to complications, because it is not possible to intervene in the condition of the body immediately, to diet or to take the medicine.
Blood Glucose Rate

Every diabetic knows how important it is to maintain blood sugar levels. It accepts the norm as 3.2 to 5.5 mmol / l. If the sugar level is a little higher, we can talk about the pre-diabetes situation. If the figure is over 7 mmol / l, we can talk about diabetes. These figures are given for testing on an empty stomach in the morning.

In infants up to 1 month, the glucose level is between 2, 4 and 4, 4 mmol / l. Between 60 and 90 years of age, sugar levels between 4.6 and 6.4 are considered normal.

After a meal, the glucose level may increase to 7.8, but should return to normal after a few hours. The above rules are equally suitable for people of all ages and for blood tests at the fingertip.

When blood is taken from the vein, the glucose level can be increased to 6.1 mmol / l.
Conventional measurement method

How is blood sugar checked? The easiest and most affordable method is to use your meter. In this case, puncture is performed with a special lancet (a very small and thin needle). The blood produced as a result of puncture is applied to the test strip. The strip is then placed in a special device that delivers the results.

Today there are a wide range of blood glucose meters. Some models may speak results, while others store long-term spikes in the blood sugar level for a long period of time after processing the information. Some models can even create visual images in graphical and tabular form.

Almost any type of blood glucose meter can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.


If you can't puncture your finger, how to check your blood sugar at home? There are models that allow blood to be taken from other parts (except fingers). It can be a shoulder or forearm, thigh or even the base of the thumb.

However, it is useful to remember that at your fingertips, blood reacts to changes in the body and changes in glucose levels as quickly as possible. Therefore, when taking blood elsewhere, the results may be slightly different from those obtained from fingers.

In addition, such devices present another hazard: they do not puncture at the fingertip, the patient shows signs of hypoglycemia. Therefore, such glucometers are not particularly popular.
Laser device

This invention was patented in 1998. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The essence of the device is that the light beam penetrates the skin, is burned, and as a result the patient feels almost no discomfort.

How is blood sugar checked at home and is it possible to buy a laser device in our country? In 2015, at the Laser Photonics-2015 exhibition, the Russian NSL presented a home-based consumer a portable laser stapler that enables home blood sampling as well as analysis of blood sugar levels.

The device weighs only 100 grams, which is convenient for traveling, and has an internal battery that allows you to drill 100 holes. "Laser" wounds heal faster and reduce the risk of infection to almost zero.

FreeStyle Libre System

How are blood sugar levels checked? Of course I want to puncture less. Not so long ago, or rather in January of this year, the American company Abbott officially registered and presented a continuous monitoring system to Russian consumers.

The device consists of two parts:

a sensor mounted on the forearm;

The essence of the device is that it allows continuous monitoring of the glucose level of the sensor or sensor, simply bring the receiver to the sensor and see the results on the monitor to see the results.

All data is stored for 90 days, so you can analyze dynamics. The sensor on the forearm itself can be worn without removal for 14 days.

Insulin pump

How to check blood sugar without glucometer? An ideal solution for children is an artificial pancreas or an insulin pump with a system of continuous monitoring of glucose levels. The first MiniMed 670G on the market for such devices.

The core of the device is a sensor having a protruding needle which is immersed under the skin and held by adhesive tape. The second part of the device is provided in the form of a small bag attached to the belt. The bag has a catheter inserted into the body. Insulin enters the body as glucose levels rise. All operations are fully automated, but there is a disadvantage: you need to calibrate the device every 12 hours and, of course, fill the bag with insulin.

Glucose Bracelets

How is blood glucose checked with a glucometer? To date there are quite innovative methods such as bracelets.

One of the popular models Glucowatch, an attractive accessory, so there is demand among young people. According to the manufacturer, the accuracy of the device - 94%. The wristband is placed and looks like an hour, it can check the glucose level every 20 minutes. However, the analyzed blood composition is not sweat perspiration, and all data is received on a synchronized device, for example a smartphone. Charging is via the USB port.

Automatic blood pressure monitor

Russian inventors also presented an interesting device: a blood pressure monitor and a non-invasive blood glucose meter on a set. How is blood sugar checked with such a device?

Initially, the patient wraps his arm with a clamping cuff, pumping with air, as in measuring blood pressure. The received data is received on the LCD screen. According to the inventors, in the arm squeezing process, the pulses in the vessels transmit the signals by air. It transforms these so-called smart sensors into electrical ones and is read by a microscopic controller. And because glucose is an energetic material, the vascular tone changes dramatically if the sugar level rises or falls.

The manufacturer guarantees that the results with diabetes insipidus are almost 100%, if we are talking about patients receiving insulin, there is a 70% chance of getting accurate data. Of course, there are still some limitations, for example, if the person has arrhythmia, the device does not show the correct data.
"Symphony tCGM"

This device is designed to be attached to the belt in the abdomen. How is blood glucose checked using a device? The point is - the transdermal measurement of sugar levels, that is, obtaining data from the skin. However, you will need to prepare the skin before putting it on. This requires a "Prelude SkinPrep", which can be called a kind of epilator, but only removes the microscopic layer of the skin by 0.01 mm. The procedure allows to obtain more objective data.

A device is connected to a cleaned location that determines the level of glucose in the subcutaneous tissue. All received data is imported to a smartphone or other synchronized device.

According to the manufacturers, the accuracy of the device is 94.4%.

This method is also acceptable for home use. How is blood glucose checked with a tester? As they say, pissing on a strip with a reagent and comparing it with the data in the table is always simple included.
How to determine glucose level if device is not available

If suddenly there are no test strips at home and there is no place to check your blood sugar, you should analyze your situation. Some symptoms may indicate an increase in blood sugar levels, ie:

torture with thirst and urination (including night);
dry skin;
increased fatigue and apathy;
cramps in the lower limbs;

However, these symptoms indicate the development of the problem, but exacerbation may be observed if the disease is diagnosed:

itchy skin;
loss of hair on the limbs with simultaneous growth on the face;
appearance of xanthomas, ie small yellow growth;
males can cause swelling of the foreskin with frequent urination.

As a result

How is sugar blood checked? First of all, the frequency of blood sampling is determined by the indicators that the physician must determine. Depending on the device selected, you must read the operating instructions carefully and follow them clearly. It should also be noted that after sexual contact at night in the morning, as a rule, the glucose level is normal and cannot be said in the clinic.

Before using the meter, you must select a puncture site and wash it thoroughly, you can treat it with a liquid containing alcohol. You should also be aware that diabetes occurs most frequently in members of the same family. Therefore, if the parents or at least one of them is diabetic, the child's health should be monitored at birth and everything possible should be done to prevent the development of the disease.

Contour Diabetes Testing Kit | Contour Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Contour Blood Glucose Test Strips, 50 O'well Lancets, O'well Lancing Device, Control Solution, Log Book, User Manuals and Carry Case