Friday, September 20, 2019

ReliOn Premier Blood Glucose Test Strips, 100 Ct

Recommendations for lowering blood sugar

ReliOn Premier Blood Glucose Test Strips, 100 Ct

Fatigue, palpitations, such as conditions in the body can be a sign of low blood sugar. Professor Dr. Tunçkale advises against this condition, which can lead to death if left untreated

Blood sugar drop, also known as hypoglycemia, comes suddenly and rapidly and adversely affects the body. Hypoglycemia as a level is considered to be below 70 mg / dL of sugar levels, experts say, low blood sugar levels, untreated, epileptic seizures, loss of consciousness and may even cause death. This condition, which is caused by symptoms such as fatigue and fatigue, sometimes gives no signal. Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Prof.. Dr. Aydın Tunçkale describes the unknown and the treatment modalities of this disease:


* Complex carbohydrates will affect the change in the rate of blood sugar less blood sugar level will provide more constant. Examples of complex carbohydrates include whole-wheat bread and other baked goods made with whole-wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice and dried legumes.

* Avoid simple carbohydrates. Examples of simple carbohydrates include table sugar, honey, jams, marshmallows, cakes, sweet and savory pastry products, and sugars.

* Increase fiber intake. Digestible fibers are usually found in vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals and wheat. When carbohydrates are eaten with fiber, they are digested more slowly.

* Fresh fruits or canned fruits without sugar, prefer fruit juices. The fiber in the fruit slows down the absorption rate of sugar.

* Eat less and be sure to eat snacks.

* Do not choose drinks and foods containing caffeine. It was found that caffeine produced the same effects of hypoglycemia (weakness, feeling of malaise) and made people feel worse.


* Avoid alcohol and beverages containing alcohol. Alcohol lowers blood sugar levels.

* Try to lose excess weight and maintain your healthy weight. Excess weight reduces the body's ability to use insulin.

* Reduce oil consumption. High-fat diet adversely affects the body's use of insulin. Since fat is also high in calories, restricting fat consumption will also help to lose weight.

* Meat, fish and chicken group instead of frying, bake, grill, steamed or boiled with care to cook.

* Try to cook meat products in a non-stick pan.

* Remove fats and skins of meat before cooking.


* Overdose of drugs that lower blood sugar,

* Pancreatic insulin secreting tumor (insulinoma),

Excessive exercise,

Excessive alcohol consumption.


If the patient is diabetic, he should take sugary foods quickly. This can be sugar water, melting sugar in the mouth, fruit juice, honey. There are also glucose tablets that can be used in these cases. Blood glucose should be checked 15 minutes after any of these. If hypoglycemia persists, the same thing must be repeated once more. After the blood sugar has returned to normal, a meal can be eaten. If the patient is not diabetic, he / she should consult a physician after the blood sugar is returned to normal.

ReliOn Premier Blood Glucose Test Strips, 100 Ct