Friday, September 20, 2019

On Call Express Diabetes Testing Kit- On Call Express Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Blood Test Strips, 1 Lancing Device, 30G Lancets, Control Solution, Carrying Case, Log Book

Nutrition and Dietary Supplements for Diabetics

On Call Express Diabetes Testing Kit- On Call Express Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Blood Test Strips, 1 Lancing Device, 30G Lancets, Control Solution, Carrying Case, Log Book

Diabetes; coy You need to pay attention to the types of food you receive. Here are nutrition recommendations for people with diabetes …

Diabetes or diabetes is a disease that occurs when the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin and cannot use enough insulin. This disease, which does not fully heal, persists for a lifetime. Some problems that may be caused by the disease can be prevented or delayed. With an appropriate diet program you can live in peace with the disease. You need to stay away from ready-made foods and return to your mothers' meals. In our article, you can find nutritional recommendations for diabetes and information about nutrients that should not be consumed.
Nutrition Advice

If diabetes has entered your life, you should follow a “diabetic diet sağlıklı, which you can consume in healthy amounts and at regular meal times. Diabetes diet, rich in nutrients, fat and calories less is a healthy diet plan. Key nutrients; fruits, vegetables and cereals. In fact, a diabetes diet is the best meal plan for everyone. Recommendations that we will enumerate from substance to substance can be used as a healthy diet for every person.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids : these essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, so they are transferred to the body through different foods. Omega 3 fatty acids are very important to prevent cardiovascular diseases caused by diabetes.
Olive oil : increases good cholesterol and provides protection against vascular blockage. Together, it reduces insulin resistance and helps stabilize blood sugar.
Foods in the vegetable and fruit group are rich in vitamins and minerals as well as fibrous structure. Thanks to these fibrous structures, they help keep blood sugar stable and stable. Cabbage, kale, orange, linden, lemon, broccoli, radish, turnip, grapefruit, spinach are the leading foods in this group. When consuming these vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to make sure that they do not contain salt and sauce. It should also not be consumed in canned form because it contains high levels of salt.
Grape seed and green tea are two of the most powerful non-medications for diabetics. These foods increase insulin activity in the body and play an active role in preventing diseases caused by diabetes. Grape seed is also a powerful source of antioxidants and is recommended to be consumed by experts on an empty stomach.
Chromium is one of the minerals that should be consumed in diabetic patients because it increases the effectiveness of insulin in the body.
Beta glucan binds to sugar, allowing it to be absorbed late, thus preventing sudden increases. Oatmeal contains plenty of beta glucan. Diabetics can eat oatmeal with milk and yogurt. In addition, cinnamon to be sprinkled on fruits or cinnamon sticks to be consumed with tea also plays an active role in reducing sugar.
Products in the legume group reduce the rate at which they contain high levels of fiber and sugar into the blood and support the control of blood sugar. They also reduce the risk of heart disease by slowing the absorption of cholesterol from food.
Tomato juice is a successful blood thinner for diabetics. Freshly squeezed tomato juices should be consumed instead of concentrated products containing salt.
Garlic provides strong protection against cardiovascular diseases that can be caused by diabetes.

Diagnosing the disease means changing your eating habits. Any changes in eating patterns should be implemented in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist dietitian.
Diabetics should not skip meals ; There should be regular meals every day.
Diabetic patients consumed food or food labels should be examined, the contents should be learned. Calorie and fat ratios of foods, if the sweetener is used, the genus must be known. So diabetics should know what they consume…
Choose healthy carbohydrates for your diet program. During digestion, sugars (simple carbohydrates) and starches (complex carbohydrates) turn into blood glucose. Focus on healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (such as beans, peas and lentils) and low-fat dairy products.
You do not have to stop completely consuming sugar. However, you should use all the foods you consume, especially sugar.
The most important nutrient recommended to diabetics is water. You should consume at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Teas, coffees, fruit juices should not be included in this amount…
Eat fish at least twice a week for your heart health. Fish can be a good alternative to fatty meats. For example, cod, tuna and trance fish; it contains less fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat and poultry. Fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and bluefish are rich in “Omega-3” fatty acids that improve blood health by lowering blood fats.
The fries should be fried on the grill, not the oil.
Lean meat, milk, cheese and yogurt should be preferred. Lean yogurt keeps blood sugar under control.
Milk and fruit desserts instead of dough desserts should be consumed in the recommended amounts. Such sweets are a healthier diet choice rather than consuming only fruit.
High-sugar fruits such as watermelon, melon, banana and pumpkin should be eaten in small amounts.
Mainly fiber and pulp foods should be consumed. Fibrous foods make it easy to control your body's digestion and blood sugar levels. Foods with high fiber levels; vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes (beans, peas and lentils), oats, wheat flour and wheat bran.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-containing foods can help you lower your cholesterol levels. Avocado, almond, walnut, walnut, olive and canola, olive and peanut oil are such oils. However, because all fats are calorie, do not overdo it.

Other foods that diabetic patients can consume are as follows; apple, asparagus, avocado, blueberry, broccoli, carrot, cranberry, flax seed, cabbage, hazelnut, oatmeal, kinoa, raspberry, grapefruit, red onion, red pepper, soy, spinach, tea, tomato, whole wheat rice, whole wheat and rye bread…
Which foods should not be consumed

It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke by accelerating the development of diabetes, arteriosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. In this sense, diabetes patients should avoid the following foods.

Diabetics; honey, jam, marmalade, molasses, ice-cream, whipped cream should avoid such foods.
Saturated fats such as margarine and butter are not suitable for diabetics. Fat consumption is as important as sugar.
High-fat dairy products and animal proteins such as beef, hot dogs, sausages, sausages and pork contain saturated fats that diabetic patients should avoid.
Salt and salty foods and nuts containing plenty of oil should be avoided.
Processed ready-to-eat foods, whose contents are not fully understood, are “insidious” foods for diabetics. Numerous prepared foods such as instant soups, bouillon, chocolates, biscuits can cause problems for diabetics.
Pastries and pastry desserts should not be preferred.
Avoid fried fish such as swordfish and mackerel with high levels of mercury.
High-fat dairy products, foods containing high-fat proteins, egg yolks, liver offal are rich in cholesterol.
Alcoholic beverages upset the body balance by disrupting the diabetes diet. All alcoholic beverages are the biggest enemy for diabetics as well as for every human being. Alcohol can cause severe hypoglycemia in dietary patients.

Some foods that diabetics should not consume include ; halva, ice cream, cookies, dried fruits, roasted foods, bacon, salami, sausage, cola, sugary and carbonated drinks, soft drinks, boza, hot chocolate, salep, fruity sherbets, instant fruit powders, chicken skin, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces, kernel oil, tail oil, pickles, brine, breakfast cereals, white rice, canned food, french fries…
Other Recommendations for Diabetics

Diabetics should exercise regularly. Exercise and sport provide control of blood sugar. It also contributes to controlling weight by accelerating blood circulation; reduces the amount of blood fats.
Exercise and sport are dangerous for diabetics. Exercises, such as walking at a heavy pace, climbing up and down stairs, are ideal.
Foods containing high cholesterol should either be consumed less or avoided. Aim not to take more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol daily.
Aim to take less than 2.3 grams of sodium per day. Try not to consume more than 3 grams of salt per day. However, if you also have hypertension, you should take less than 1.5 grams of sodium per day.
Try to eat at home and prepare yourself if possible. A meal outside will disrupt your diet.
Pay attention to your daily calorie intake. You should get the same level of calories every day. Calorie intake at different rates disrupts your blood sugar balance.
Choose nuts such as walnuts and almonds for a snack.
Use up to 2 tablespoons of fat for a kilo of vegetable meal.
Drink tea or coffee at least 1 hour after meals. Do not consume more than 2 coffees or 3-4 cups of light tea per day.
Prefer sour fruits instead of high sugar fruits.

Diabetes and Diet

If you have diabetes, your doctor will likely advise you to consult a dietician to help you develop a healthy eating plan. Nutrition plan to be proposed by the dietitian; helps you control your blood sugar (glucose), manage your weight, and control risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure and high blood fats. When you eat excess calorie and fatty foods, the body reacts, creating an unwanted increase in blood sugar. Dangerous blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) if blood sugar is not controlled; nerve, kidney and heart damage.

You should keep your blood sugar level safe by making healthy food choices and following your eating habits. For most people with “Type 2” diabetes, weight loss can also facilitate blood sugar control. It can also offer a number of health benefits. If you need to lose weight, a diabetes diet can be a nourishing way to achieve your goal safely.

A healthy diabetes diet is based on eating three meals a day at normal times. This diet helps your body make better use of the insulin it produces. An expert dietitian can help prepare a diet based on your health goals, nutritional preferences and lifestyle. Remember that you need a diet program based on your eating habits, body size and weight, physical activity!
Short Notes About Diabetes

Today, one in five people has diabetes.
Diabetes is chronic, not contagious.
Because it is a chronic disease, diabetics have to learn to live with it; adjusts life patterns according to the conditions required by this disease.
You can get on with the disease by fully recognizing the disease, adjusting your daily eating habits, and taking precautions based on symptoms related to blood sugar!
Obesity is the most important trigger of diabetes. 80 percent of diabetic patients are obese. The longer the duration of obesity, the higher the risk of developing diabetes.
Blood sugar of a diabetic patient decreases to normal levels, and insulin resistance and cholesterol decrease.
It is estimated that by 2035 the number of “Type-2” diabetes patients will increase to 600 million worldwide.
A total of 150 minutes of sports or physical activity per week significantly reduces the risk of diabetes.

On Call Express Diabetes Testing Kit- On Call Express Blood Glucose Meter, 10 Blood Test Strips, 1 Lancing Device, 30G Lancets, Control Solution, Carrying Case, Log Book