Monday, September 23, 2019

NURSAL White Noise Machine Sound Machine for Sleeping & Relaxation,10 Natural Sounds, Portable Sleep Therapy for Home,Office or Travel

Insomnia and Ways of Coping

NURSAL White Noise Machine Sound Machine for Sleeping & Relaxation,10 Natural Sounds, Portable Sleep Therapy for Home,Office or Travel

In fact, anyone can have sleep problems at any time. There are many reasons for this. Insomnia is defined as the difficulty in starting and continuing to sleep for at least three weeks. Sleeping for one or two nights does not conform to the concept of insomnia. At the same time, if you are not tired during the day, no matter how bad you sleep, there is no complaints of insomnia. Even such a situation does not mean that there is no sleep problem from time to time, and you do not have to be insomnia to know the distress of a broken sleep.

Young people seem to have less sleep problems than the elderly. However, as mentioned above, this may have to do with the changes in your sleep patterns as you get older. One in 10 people in their 20s complains that they have sleep problems, while one in 3 people in their seventies complains.

Different people typically face one or more of the following problems in different ways:

- The length of time between sleeping and sleeping (often turning from side to side)
- Waking up many times during the night, resulting in poor sleep in the morning
- Waking up early and not being able to sleep again later
Causes of poor sleep:

- Worry
- Stress and anxiety
- Medicines
- Excess alcohol
- Excessive nicotine
- Excess caffeine
- Various prescription drugs
External factors:

- Sound
- Light
- Extremely hot or cold
- Uncomfortable bed
Medical conditions:

- Pain
- Snoring and sleep apnea
- Breathlessness (eg caused by heart or lung disease)
- Frequency of urine
- Depression
Disruption of daily hormonal rhythm:

- Long distance air travel
- Night work

- Old age

Anxiety is the most common cause of difficulty in sleeping. Actually; Almost everyone has had an uncomfortable night's sleep due to one night's concern - the story of turning from one side to the other, which is a classic of thoughts wandering in your mind to block your sleep. If this is the cause of difficulty in sleeping, then it must deal with problems that cause anxiety, or at least new habits should be developed so that it is possible to forget the worries of the past or the next day to sleep.

Drugs are another common cause of poor sleep. Discomfort caused by sleep patterns affects young people less than the elderly.

In fact, one or two cups of coffee, often drunk at the end of the night, prevent even people in their 30s from sleeping well, while those in their 20s feel almost no effect and sleep very well.

It is well known that caffeine keeps you awake. Especially late-night coffee and nicotine have a similar effect.

It is perhaps less well known that alcohol causes a poor sleep. It is often thought that a glass of your favorite drink at the end of the night will help you get a good night's sleep. This is due to the reversal or withdrawal effect of alcohol a few hours after ingestion.

Sleeping pills are widely prescribed by doctors to their patients and surprisingly they are also used by doctors themselves. This continues despite the fact that the problem posed by their use is now well known. It is best that they are useful in short-term sleep-related problems, but it is not meaningful to use these drugs for long-term. Another feature is that using long-term sleeping pills will not help you eliminate the problem that causes sleep, and the effect after taking sleeping pills can be dramatic. Although all formulations do not alter the natural rhythm of REM and non-REM sleep, the effects of many are uncertain.
External Factors:

A room that is too noisy, too hot, too cold or not dark enough can easily cause sleep problems. If this is the case, then it is time for some room changes. Ideally, it should be hot enough (but preferably not as uncomfortably hot!) To allow you to be comfortable, without the need to wear layers over night. The room should be well ventilated - sleep with a partially open window if possible. All sleepers, especially good sleepers, need reasonable silence to get their sleep, and, of course, if it is not dark, it is more difficult to fall asleep - for example, are the curtains thick enough to turn off street lights or other lights outside?

Many people feel most comfortable in a moderately hard bed - a soft bed may look more comfortable in the short term, but it is not good for your back in the long term and it is impossible to stimulate a good sleep. Double beds can be a problem, especially if one partner likes a harder bed than the other.
Medical conditions:

There are many medical problems that can cause insomnia. Sleep apnea is an interesting condition that affects mainly overweight men. In this case, the airways appear to be clogged for 20 to 30 seconds, preventing breathing during sleep. This leads to difficulty breathing two or three times, waking the patient from sleep. Then there is no good sleep. Snoring is also associated with being overweight, and while the snoring person can usually sleep well, his wife and even other people in the same household can be very affected.
How Can You Deal?

If you have problematic sleep, there are many things you can do to try to remedy this:

- Identify the things that wake you or not.
- Try to deal with specific problems during the day or in the evening - if not fully overcome, at least try to plan an action to deal with the next day; then try to put them aside during the night. Some people find it useful to write action plans.
- Avoid late-night activating activities - this includes work (sometimes unavoidable or course!), Heavy exercise and discussions.
- Do not eat excessively immediately before bed time.
- Stay away from stimulants such as coffee, tea and tobacco late at night.
- Avoid excessive alcohol at night - although alcohol may appear to help you sleep, the sleep it activates is poor in quality and makes you feel unwell the next morning.
- Get yourself a routine job every night. This should be something that will comfort you and you will like it.
- Use the bedroom only for sleep - no reading in the bedroom (this may happen if you know it helps you sleep), watching television, eating and certainly not working.
- Set yourself up early every day, even on days when you don't have to get up early.
- If you have difficulty waking up, try putting an alarm clock on the other side of the room or turning on the lights immediately when you wake up.
- Try to exercise regularly.
- Prepare the bedroom for bed, but only go to bed when you are tired.
- If you find that you have difficulty falling asleep in spite of all this, do not go back and forth in bed awake. Get up and do something relaxing in another room. Don't go back to bed until you feel tired.
- If you wake up at midnight or early in the morning, do not continue to bed. Get up and do something in another room. Don't worry if you find yourself in such a situation at midnight. Do something you don't normally have the opportunity to do, for example, read a book, listen to light music, or enjoy the peace, quiet and calmness of your normally busy world.

NURSAL White Noise Machine Sound Machine for Sleeping & Relaxation,10 Natural Sounds, Portable Sleep Therapy for Home,Office or Travel