Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Natrol Melatonin Fast Dissolve Tablets, Helps You Fall Asleep Faster, Stay Asleep Longer, Easy to Take, Dissolves in Mouth, Faster Absorption, Strawberry Flavor, 5mg, 150Count

Known Mistakes in Babies' Sleeping Arrangement!

Natrol Melatonin Fast Dissolve Tablets, Helps You Fall Asleep Faster, Stay Asleep Longer, Easy to Take, Dissolves in Mouth, Faster Absorption, Strawberry Flavor, 5mg, 150Count

'I can't get my baby to sleep no matter what I do. It's like this kid has rabbit sleep. I shake for hours, but he's not asleep. Constantly standing and grumpy at night. I'm tired of tiredness and insomnia. ' We hear such sentences from almost every new mother. Did you ever think that the reason why your baby didn't sleep could be a mistake you made on purpose?
We listened to the known misconceptions about babies' sleep patterns from Hisar Intercontinental Hospital Child Health and Disease Specialists…
Especially newborn babies should sleep 16 hours on average. They awaken 4-6 times on average during this sleep period. Sleep is one of the basic physiological needs for brain and body development. Growth hormone is often secreted in the baby's deep sleep, and in babies with severe sleep problems, this hormone is not secreted enough. The infant brain is 30% of the adult brain at birth and during the first 3 years of life the brain grows rapidly and reaches its adult size. In such a process, your baby needs regular sleep for healthy development. There are also some things you need to do to ensure this sleep. In this process, let's take the facts and mistakes together step by step.
Healthy Sleeping Time of Babies

In the newborn period, babies sleep approximately 12-16 hours per day.
He sleeps for 3-4 hours in a 2-3 month period and wakes up for feeding. Active sleep drops to 43%.
When they are 3 months old, 71% of babies sleep all night.
4 months, longer at night; they sleep shorter during the day.
They awaken 1-2 times in a 5-6 hour sleep cycle over a 6-month period. After waking up, 1/3-1 / 2 of the babies dive back to themselves. They sleep about 11-14 hours in total and 84% of these babies can sleep all night.
90% of 10-month-old babies sleep all night and on average 10-13 hours per day.
12 month old babies sleep about 10-13 hours in total.
Daytime sleep goes from 18 to 21 months.
Most children between 21 and 36 months need a half-hour to 3-hour noon sleep per day.
At the age of 2 they sleep 10-12 hours a day.

How do I know when my baby's sleeping?
This varies according to each baby, each parent. Usually mothers learn by experiencing it. In the newborn period, babies usually cry when they come to sleep. If the baby is crying and is not sucking when you try to breastfeed, it may be asleep. In infants 1-4 months of age, this manifests itself as whining, tugging on their ears or rubbing their eyes. Already after the 4th month the baby learns to sleep on its own.

How do I prepare my baby for a good night's sleep?
In the newborn period, it is enough for you to feed your baby and keep the diaper clean and prepare him / her for a good sleep. As your baby grows, it will not be enough to prepare the baby for sleep and to have a clean belly. You should also remove those who warn him (the sound of television, the speech of people in the room, etc.). The temperature of the room where your baby will sleep is sufficient to be 20-24 ° C. In order to create a proper and regular sleeping habit, it is necessary to develop night routines such as laying your baby in bed at the same time every day while still awake, reading fairy tales, singing a lullaby, changing diapers at the same time. .
Habits such as baby's sleeping place and time should be evaluated by considering the culture of the family. While there is a habit of sleeping together in Eastern culture; In western culture everyone has their own room and bed. It will be more accurate for you and your baby to wear out so that your baby's sleep pattern is also taken into consideration by your own lifestyle. If you want your baby to sleep in your own bed, you should put it to bed and dive there. If your baby wakes up in bed, you should encourage him to sleep again with minimal help. Holding it in your arms, shaking it will slow down the transition to sleep, and your baby will get a habit of not being able to sleep again without such support every time he wakes up. At the same time, your baby, especially if you are a working mother, may wish to wake up and play at night as an opportunity to spend more time with you. When you encounter such a situation, you should go to her quietly without turning on the light, and talk to her without taking it out of bed to make her sleep again. Especially after the 18th month, fear of darkness, monsters under the bed and not wanting to stay away from you, such as fears of sleep can be divided again. These are common problems. Do not worry. Fear is part of your child's normal development. If he has nightmares and wakes up at night, go to his side and talk about his dream and try to comfort him. If the dream continues, try to find problems that can be the source of it in your daily life. If he wakes up and cries really scared, it's okay to take him to your bed once in a while.
The location of your baby's bed is also very important in establishing sleep patterns for your baby. It is useful to take care to reserve your baby's room for 4-6 months. But if you do not separate after 19 months, you may have difficulty in separating again; because dependency can occur. If you are putting your baby to bed, you should:

Make sure your bedspread and pillows are light and stretched. Heavy, soft, and curved covers and pillows can cause your baby to become very hot and close your face and not breathe.
Make sure your baby doesn't get into the edges of your bed,
Do not clothe too thick, it will already heat up with your heat.
Do not put your baby on the pillow, roll and fall, or the soft curves of the pillow can cover your face and prevent it from breathing.
Do not lay your baby side by side with a sibling. It may kick the baby or roll over and cause it to suffocate.
If your sleep is heavy, do not lay your baby on your side.

What can disrupt my baby's sleep patterns?
This may actually vary according to the baby's month or age. In the first months, colic gas pains, cow's milk allergy, reflux (our stomach contents escaping from the stomach to the esophagus), 3-6 months to begin slow tooth movements, 6-9 months, which is part of your baby's mental and motor development against the development of parents For reasons such as restlessness, your baby's sleep pattern may be impaired. In these months, your baby has started to roll, stand up by pulling himself up and crawl on the floor and will always want to try his new abilities. He even takes it so far that he wakes up and tries to practice after sleeping. But when he gets up, he'il cry because he can't sit again. Not wanting to stay away from activities such as sitting, rolling, crawling on the floor and even taking 1-2 steps, which she started to learn and enjoyed very much in the period of 9-12 months, is one of the most common possible reasons to stand up and walk. weldable.

How to restore impaired sleep patterns?
With the treatment of the problem detected in the first months, the tooth problem between 3-6 months is temporary. 6-9 months of problems by going to touch him, to stand up when you teach him to sit; you can solve your other problems by talking to him quietly and gently and feeling that you are with him and that you are not leaving.

How to deal with the baby who does not know the difference day and night?
Some babies don't like to sleep at night. Not much can be done in the early days; but after the second week you must begin to teach him to distinguish day and night. Play with him as much as possible during the day and keep him entertained. Light up the house and room and do not try to reduce the usual daily sounds (telephone, television or telephone). If he's going to sleep after feeding, try to keep him awake. At night, when you go to feed him, do not play games, reduce the room's lights and sounds, and do not spend much time with him, if possible, do not talk.

Baby Sleeping

When I swaddle my baby, she goes to sleep more comfortably!
Swaddling newborn babies may make them feel safe and fall asleep, but you should avoid it because it sets the ground for the hip dislocation. Generally, grandmothers and grandmothers may show persistence and insist that 'we raised children, we have as much experience as you do', but you need to make a good balance between profit and loss and decide. Because the treatment of hip dislocation can go up to surgery if it is too late.

I can only put my baby to sleep by shaking it!
This is one of the arguments most advocated by our elders. In fact, babies can fall asleep on their own, but sometimes we can delay them from falling asleep by shaking them.

I leave it to your bed saying that it is a baby and sleeps crying.
It is absolutely not right to leave your baby in bed saying that he cries to sleep when he cries. If she cries a lot, touching her, making you feel there can help her dive again, but the help here should be minimal, not take and hug or shake, but if we wake up and hug and shake, it can become a difficult habit to break in the future.

I'm playing with my baby before sleep!
We should not play too many games with the baby before sleeping, so we can help him fall asleep by staying away from games that prevent him from falling asleep and by repeating some slow and calm movements that he knew before and helped him to sleep.

Less sleeping babies are said to be smarter!
No. Anxiety, emotional disturbances, more pronounced attention and concentration disorders are common in under-sleeping infants, such as those with falling asleep problems.

Babies sleeping more than normal are healthier.
On the contrary, infants who sleep more than usual may have an unfamiliar health problem. Each age has an average sleep time, if it fits more than this it may indicate an infection, it should be evaluated by a physician.

I give my baby a pacifier or a bottle when he's going to fall asleep. It fits more comfortably.
Do not put your baby in bed with a pacifier or bottle in his mouth, if the baby sees them as a means to calm down, it becomes a habit. These are to satisfy babies' sucking reflexes, not to fall asleep! If your baby falls asleep this way, then gently remove it from his mouth and put him to bed like this.

Natrol Melatonin Fast Dissolve Tablets, Helps You Fall Asleep Faster, Stay Asleep Longer, Easy to Take, Dissolves in Mouth, Faster Absorption, Strawberry Flavor, 5mg, 150Count