Monday, September 23, 2019

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How quickly a newborn falls asleep. How to put newborn sleep? The most effective ways. Calendar of age-related sleep needs

Marpac Dohm (White/Gray) | The Original White Noise Machine | Soothing Natural Sound from a Real Fan | Noise Cancelling | Sleep Therapy, Office Privacy, Travel | For Adults & Baby | 101 Night Trial

It's no secret that newborn babies never sleep like their parents and older children. Even during pregnancy, mothers begin to wake up unnecessarily in the middle of the night, but they fall asleep again at night - their bodies are prepared for the birth of the baby and adapt to the crumbs. However, the question of how the newborn will quickly go to sleep often leads to great troubles and restlessness.

There are many ways to do this. It has been known to all of us since our childhood. First of all, these are lullabies. Children calm down quickly, listen to slow and soft melodies with repetitive rhythms. Meanwhile, some studies prove another interesting fact: babies still remember the songs they heard when they were in the womb. If you listen to Bjork before the birth of a baby, if you try to say something like this - it is likely that the baby will perceive it better than traditional lullaby.

Temperature plays an important role in how to put the newborn to sleep. You can make a comfortable nest from a blanket or plaid, similar to a cocoon. And maybe his dad's chest will look like the hottest place. Each child is individual, but be careful not to overheat. The upper neck and back should not be warm, warm and of course not wet. But legs and arms can be good.

Of course, the room where your child sleeps should be ventilated continuously, the optimum temperature in the room is between 18 and 22 degrees.

If the baby wakes up at night, you should not give a subtle tone and do all of its movements in the soft light of a night light. In the afternoon, everything is the opposite - focus on alertness, talk, play with the child. Don't take it and put it into sleep mode - don't force it up or put the baby to sleep.

For example, if some babies are given a soft massage, if they hit back, legs and arms, there are other ways to calm down immediately. You can use relaxing aromatic lavender oil.

Don't think about how to put the newborn to sleep anymore, you are allowed to use various bathrooms with plants. Chamomile, valerian, mint, lemon balm, main-candle and can be fused consecutively. As a rule, courses are given and only after consultation with experts - it is useful to understand that a baby may be allergic to certain components.

In addition, it has been proven that babies sleep very well and quickly in white noise. Water splashes in the bathroom, the noise of a mixer, hair dryer or washing machine, the rustling of a computer cooler, street noise, such inconspicuous silenced sounds euthanasia both children and adults. And this is another trick to help you understand how you can sleep a newborn baby.

If you decide to teach your baby to get enough sleep and to observe some symbolic examples of the regime, you can also use radical methods from 5 months on. For example, some experts advise the baby not to fall asleep until the end, but also to distract, try not to let him cry. Not every woman can tolerate it purely psychologically, but it will bear fruit after a few weeks.

Now you know how to sleep with newborn babies at night or in the afternoon. Remember, children are not permanent. From time to time they need to stay awake, learn and work around the world around them. Don't put the baby to sleep if he really doesn't want to.

Even with the expectation of crumbs in the world, every mother thinks about how her nights will go. Will the baby calmly sleep and sleep all night, or will the baby have to work hard to fall asleep? In her heart, young moms hope that sleepless nights will pass them, but in the end they face incredible problems during the day, even during the day of quitting. And this process becomes a real test for them. Abdominal, teething, intracranial pressure and so on. There may be many factors including the baby's sleep. First of all, a neurologist and pediatrician should be examined to exclude possible pathologies. And if they are not installed, the mother can choose the most appropriate option for her to put the crumbs to sleep.
Motion sickness

This method is the most popular. A newborn baby can be rocked not only in his hands or in his cradle, but also in a fitball or sling. Movement sickness is great for babies because it reminds them of life in their mother's womb. The pleasant shaking and warming of the mother's body often does their job quickly and the baby falls asleep feeling completely safe. Among the drawbacks of this method, it can be stated that movement disease can take a very long time. As a result, the newborn will need to shake until all the leg muscles are relaxed and fully asleep. You may notice the “X” time in a baby's arms and legs.
Baby falling asleep

Most breastfed babies simply need nothing to be at the “source beslen of nutrition. The mother's breasts are indispensable sedatives and sleeping pills. Of course, you've noticed how your baby starts to sleep peacefully while eating. Therefore, if your child falls asleep badly during movement sickness, let him fall asleep under his chest. There are only two disadvantages to this method. First, the baby can wake up when you wake up (if you have not fallen asleep). Secondly, this method will get worse every month. And in the end it will be almost impossible to put the baby to sleep.
Sleeping with mother

This method can be considered as an opportunity to make the first two options an ideal. Sleeping in the same bed as his mother, the baby constantly feels its warmth and smell, doesn't have to take it from the crib all the time, and the chest is always there. For the mother, there is a huge plus - the ability to spend the entire night in bed, without first screaming, in the crib with the baby.

Many mothers call this method ideal. But that's a mistake. Cons of this method:

If it is more convenient for you to lay the baby next to you, choose such a number - remove the bed from the bed after a bed. So you have the child and your husband. And then you will be able to calmly begin the process of recumbent from joint sleep.
Sequence of actions

This method can rightly be considered the most effective, but is subject to all rules only. Every day, a mother must develop a new ritual for sleeping in a newborn. Try washing and feeding your newborn at the same time every day. It may take several weeks to instill this ritual. But the final result is worth it.

The disadvantage of this method is the constant lack of time and the crazy rhythm of everyday life. Yes and patience, so put the baby to bed, it may not be enough for every mother.
Method for Mothers with Strong Nerves

Sleeping a newborn during the day is easier for some reason than at night. Sometimes, though it may seem that the whole child does not want to sleep when the family falls. Actually, of course not. But there are also mothers who can defend their views all night, like babies who refuse to fall asleep at the right time. You can be jealous of the persistence and persistence of such mothers because after just one and a half months their children can sleep on their own. If you have enough valerian in your home and you want the result you want at any cost, there are two methods for your attention.

After reading these tips, many mothers will say barbarism to their child. However, believe me, the development of a sleep regimen is very important for every baby. It is only possible to apply these two methods in practice, but only if the baby is 5 months old and healthy.
Hot bath

Many mothers follow their parents' recommendations and wash newborn babies with special plants. Today, every parent can infuse calming herbs, because now you can buy everything at a pharmacy and you can't go for the right flower and spine during a certain period of the year.

Therefore, if your child is not allergic and warm water calms him, then this method is for you. Wash the crumbs in water with the addition of chamomile or twine, wear quickly and feed. The important thing is not to let the baby walk after the bath and become "cool". The disadvantage of this method is that some soothing plants are exciting for children. You will therefore have to first find the weed that is suitable for your child.

Watch out with valerian. It is not worth using this plant for up to one year because they have certain contraindications.

Some noise

Of course, you've noticed that quiet conversations or the inconspicuous noise of cars outside the window have a calming effect on your baby and fall asleep in peace. This technique can be used daily when laying the baby to sleep during the day or at night. Find what is most impressive for your child (the sound of a vacuum cleaner, radio mutters, etc. Some children) and turn up the sound immediately after being in the cradles of crumbs.
Comfort and convenience

Newborn babies suffer from a change of scene - they live in warmth and congestion in their mother's womb, and the colossal area here is not cold and comfortable. Therefore, the mother must experience a way to recreate the baby's familiar atmosphere. Swaddle the baby and place it in a cocoon-shaped blanket or blanket. Do what every mother can do right.

The only thing you need to watch out for is not to put your baby's nose in a blanket.

Just a little patience and love, a little experiment and imagination, and you will probably get the shape of the floor that is irreplaceable for you. Remember, all children are different, so you should not rely on the safety of your friends and acquaintances. Someone's baby only sleeps in a swaddle, but someone demands full leg and arm freedom and there is nothing to sleep on.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 6 minutes


Last update of the article: 05.01.2019

After the child is discharged from the hospital, parents are assured that everything is done correctly. Caring mothers and fathers try to learn the sleep and feeding regimen even before birth. But not everyone knows how the newborn should sleep. You need to know how to put the newborn in a cot properly, which is essential for its healthy growth and safety. Poses for babies are not very different from those for adults, but have their own characteristics.
Sleeping in supine position

Lying on your back is the most common position for a small child. In this position, the baby is as comfortable as possible, legs are bent at knees and spread sideways, hands are punched and placed next to the chin. By lying on his back, the baby can easily move his legs and arms.

However, you should carefully watch the sleeping child. If he moves his arms very actively during sleep and wakes up, he will have to swaddle his upper body before going to bed.

It would be right to lay the baby on his back, turn his head to the side and rotate the sides alternately. So he won't suffocate with incompetence. And alternating transformation from one side to another will prevent the development of torticollis.

Put the baby on the back is contraindicated for colic and hip dysplasia . If your baby is absolutely healthy, this pose is ideal for her.
Abdomen on

Some pediatricians believe that sleeping in the umbilical position has a very beneficial effect on the baby's health, but not all doctors agree.


In this position, the back muscles are strengthened, digestion increases and gases are released more easily. This will improve the condition of the child with bowel colic. While lying on the belly, the baby turns his head to the side, the pelvic part is lifted slightly, the legs are spread wide. This strengthens the hip joints and increases blood flow to the brain.


This pose is considered dangerous because the child may bury his nose in bed and suffocate. It should be noted that this statement is not entirely justified. If there is no deviation in the development of the child, the rotation of the head during reflection occurs as a reflex.

If the baby is born prematurely or has neurological diseases, this posture can be dangerous for him.

An important feature is the design of a place for sleeping babies. Volumetric pillows, fluffy blankets, soft toys should not be in bed. Objects that can be seen in front of the child and restrict air flow.

It is better to put the child on his stomach during daytime sleep. Thus, households will be able to observe the crumbs. When the baby grows up, he will be able to lie exactly as he wants.
Right or left side

There are advantages and disadvantages to sleeping in the right or left side position. Perhaps this is the most common situation where parents put the newborn into bed.

He never drowns when he lies next to a baby burping. You have to tilt the child alternately to the right and then to the left. Otherwise torticollis and cranial deformity may develop which are difficult to correct later.

When placing the baby in a keg, it is necessary to put a special roll or towel wrapped in a tube under the back to prevent the child from slipping on his stomach or back.
Conditions for good rest of the newborn

The pose in which the baby sleeps is very important. The conditions of the baby play an even greater role. For a good rest, the baby needs to create suitable conditions.

Just a born baby almost always spends in a dream. Still small and not used to the world around him. It is important that the mother takes care of her and provide a safe and comfortable sleep. How should a newborn baby fit: Which bed should you choose next to or in the crib, on the sides or on the backs, in the diaper or under the blanket? Doubts are normal for a young mother, we can deal with them more.
How can the newborn sleep in a baby bed?

Should a newborn sleep in a cot or is it better to have a joint sleep? A newborn in the crib may experience discomfort in the first months, but according to safety rules, the child is allocated a separate place to sleep. A standard baby bed is suitable, in which the baby can rest for more than a year.

How a newborn sleep in a Komarovsky crib video should be:

How can a newborn baby sleep in his bed:

Optimal position on the side. It is dangerous to put on your back, insufficiency possible;
Pillow 1 - 1.5 years not used, the mattress needs solid;
It is not necessary to cover the baby with soft duvets, it is better to use diapers, wrap them in a thin blanket and wear a sleeping bag.

On which surface should a newborn baby sleep? For the proper development of the body, the child needs a firm surface. She is the safest person, the baby does not bury her nose, and this does not prevent breathing. On a hard surface, the newborn should share with parents while sleeping.

A newborn child must adhere correctly from birth, depending on health, skeletal formation, mode and safety.

A newborn baby should sleep properly from birth. Health, skeletal formation, regime and safety depend on it.

On which bed can the newborn sleep? Choosing a bearing is a responsible process. The material is selected as hygienic and safe, it is better to choose coconut fiber as filler. Spring beds and unsprung mattresses are produced in a newborn's bed - parents decide.

Which side of the bed should the newborn sleep? If the bed is double-sided, it is preferable for children up to one year to sleep on hard sides. The bed then moves to the soft side.

How to choose a baby bed for a healthy sleep video:

Which side should the newborn sleep?

Why should the newborn lie next to it? This is the best position for a safe sleep, the child has no difficulty in breathing, if the crumb explodes, food cannot enter.

So the baby lies on its side and did not try to roll, you can put rollers under a blanket or diaper under the back, a latch for sleeping, you can secure the position. The arms can wake the baby, it is recommended to wear closed gloves or a vest with glove scratches.

How often should a newborn sleep next to him, and how often does he return? For the skeleton to develop properly, it is necessary to turn the baby to different sides every few hours.
What position should a newborn baby sleep?

While some children are asleep on their stomachs, others are laid on their back or sideways by their mother. The baby needs to sleep in order to breathe comfortably, the bones of the skull and posture formed correctly.

The views emerging in newborns should be asleep. It is not recommended to leave the child in the stomach for a long time until he learns to hold it on his stomach. Sleeping on your back is dangerous because children burp and food makes breathing difficult.

What position should a newborn baby sleep:

On the side. This is a common condition, safe for frequent spiters. It is important that one party is changed periodically to the other;
Horseback. You should be careful with the pose. The baby unconsciously moves his arms and legs in a dream and may be frightened. It prevents arson movements and the baby calms down. If the baby has nasal congestion or shortness of breath, it is better to shift to the barrel, you can not put it on your back;
Her belly. This pose strengthens the neck and arm muscles, but is not suitable for sleeping in the newborn period. Respiratory system defective, high risk of suffocation. It spreads to the baby's belly, preferably during the day, under the supervision of parents.

What does the boy pose video say:

The forums raise a lot of discussion about the position in which the newborn should fit. If you have any doubts, it is recommended that you consult a pediatrician who tells you how to best lay the baby.
How can a baby sleep in a month?

How long can the baby sleep monthly? Typically, sleep takes about 20 hours per day with meal breaks. There is no extract from the hospital at least 3 days before the child. This is a very short period of time and the baby will need time to adapt to the new sleep regimen. Mom should be close to the maximum.

The normal body temperature for the newborn is 37 ° C, is not considered high, should not panic.

At what temperature should the newborn sleep? The optimum air temperature in the room is between 18 - 22 ° C, it is important to avoid possible drafts. The air must be humidified. Dry air makes breathing difficult and dust enters the nose. At a comfortable temperature, it is sufficient to cover it with a warm layer. If the house is cold, use a blanket.
How can the baby sleep in 2-3 months?

In 2-3 months, children sleep about 15-16 hours; this does not mean that they always sleep separately from their mother. A 2-month-old baby can sleep near his chest and sleep on his hands. In the afternoon, the dream is short and lasts about 40 minutes. At night the baby sleeps longer, wakes to feed at about 3-hour intervals.

A two-month-old baby moves more, but cannot hold his head firmly yet, and is not recommended to fall asleep on his belly.

A 3-month-old child sleeps for about 10 hours at night, feeds and wakes up. The total sleep time in the afternoon is 5-6 hours.

Which pillow should the newborn lay? It is important to choose a pillow made of natural materials with hypoallergenic filling, 1-2 cm high.

Orthopedic pillow for newborns:

At what angle should the newborn sleep? Only a newborn should fall asleep on a flat surface. It is then recommended to place a towel under the bed so that the inclination angle does not exceed 30 degrees. You can also use a special large sloping pillow.

The slope is necessary for normal blood circulation and to prevent the neck from flowing.

Many people ask whether the newborn should sleep after each feeding. At 3 months of age, the baby is activated more, but asleep - the regimen regime is still maintained.
How should a child sleep in 4-5 months?

At this age sleep time is reduced. In the afternoon, the child sleeps for about 4 hours, while remaining eating, he learns to crawl and sit, and the world actively. A 4-month-old baby can fall asleep on his stomach, hold his head tightly, and raise his head with a lack of air and change his position.

In a dream, a child who is often 5 months old involuntarily turns and wakes up. This time should be waited, then he will be able to control his movements.

In which light should the newborn sleep? In the afternoon, the baby falls asleep perfectly in the light, but must be protected from the bright rays of the sun. To do this, use the curtains, the sides of the bed, the special covers for the stroller.

You can use a night light to ensure that the baby is not afraid of darkness during sleep. Also, the product is suitable for night feeding. It is not necessary to turn on the main light, the child is half asleep and quickly falls asleep after eating.

Vitamin D is absorbed in the absence of light. Moderate thickening helps prevent bone formation. At night, the baby lights off most comfortable.
How should a child sleep in 6-10 months?

From 6 months onwards, the baby is mobilized and his movements are subject to control. Chooses a comfortable position to sleep. The child can sleep on his stomach, beside and on his back as he loves it. Night sleep time increases. Breastfed children can also often wake up, and if they are artificial, they sometimes sleep all night or wake up to eat 1-2 times.

As the child grows, it becomes easier to establish a sleep and waking regime. A 10 month old child wakes up by feeding twice a day for 1.5 hours and once a night for 10 hours.

Where should a newborn sleep? Some parents practice sleeping together, while others place the child in a bed or cradle from birth. If the baby had been sleeping with his mother for up to six months, now it's time to put him on a separate bed.

Late colic helps the mother to provide natural heat digestion, the mother can always put the baby on the belly. Then it is necessary to maintain a separate dream.

Tips of an orthopedist video, how to choose a crib from 0 to 2-3 years:

Where should a child sleep at age 2? For sleeping, an adult baby is also suitable for a normal baby cot. The baby will not fall from it and the size of the bed is still comfortable. The child can sleep with the pillow and the soft side of the bed. A 2-year-old child can fall asleep without movement disturbance.
How can a child sleep at the age of 1?

The right regimen must be regulated for a baby to sleep healthy at 1 year of age. As a rule, a child sleeps once a day at home and actively learns the world on a walk.

At night, you need to go to bed at the same time, perform normal procedures before going to bed:
How can a newborn sleep in a stroller?

During the walk, children fall asleep quickly because of motion. If you dress for the weather, the baby will fall asleep perfectly. The stroller must be protected from drafts and rainfall. Outside, children often lie on their backs.

In summary, we can say that the best posture for a baby to sleep is on his side. When the baby starts to hold his head, he falls asleep on his stomach and back, and he will return. Up to one year, children do not need a pillow and the bed surface must be intact. And most importantly, the baby should be full, healthy and cheerful!

After the birth of a baby, especially the first born, the young do not live, ignorance and despair becomes a stunner. How to change clothes, change diapers, bath and other little things. But when it comes to sleep, there's nowhere to go, you have to invent various tricks, set up experiments. Many babies who close their eyes as soon as they get their breasts. However, artists who need to be kept on hand for hours? Maybe a hair dryer, a microwave oven, under the sound of rustling water which is very useful for the nervous system. When is this option not available? How to become Psychologists say you need to teach yourself to fall asleep when you bring your child from the hospital. At first, it was a terrible torture with eyelids sticking together and a terrible scream in the next room. I don't think a sane mother would agree.

I propose my own technique (it just saved my life):
1. First, set the order (mode) of the day. Begin awakening by washing, massaging or charging. End the evening in the bathroom with a long bath, preferably a circle that allows all muscle groups to work. The development of motor activity is very important. Also, do not use arson that is very dependent on the previous generation.
2. Provide good nutrition for your baby. Feed Sissy - super, this is the key to strong immunity. If not, try to get high quality blends (think of the future) which is unfortunately expensive.
3. And last point, but less remarkable. Walk. Walk with your baby for two to six hours a day. As a rule, all children in the fresh air behave perfectly. For some reason, you can't call your friends for help (mother, father, grandmother or girlfriend) as they say. Vitamin D is produced by the same sun. I do not recommend filling with Aquadetrim (as you wrote by the doctor if you have been diagnosed with weight gain or rickets).
So we walked down the street, swam well, gave 100%, best 100%, respectively. Have a good meal and sleep. Thus, sleep lasts for four to ten hours of continuous rest. Everything is simple.
Good night and a great morning.

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You, as a young mother, don't sleep well enough at night? This may sound strange because newborns sleep 16 hours a day. But that's not the point. This is because the child wants to eat every 2 hours because of the size of the abdomen. And you must feed him on demand and ensure a good night's sleep.
Listen to my advice on how to put a baby bed:
- colic. After feeding, lift the baby upright to remove the air swallowed during meals. With colic the child starts to cry and squeeze his legs. Try to give him Espumisan, then put it on your stomach and go around the room. You can use an ordinary electric heating pad. This should make it easier for the baby to suffer.
- Try to squeeze your baby before bedtime. In a dream that throws and turns children - it can wake them up. Pay attention to room temperature and do not mix your baby too much. If he's hot, he's capricious.
- Don't be afraid to cheat. Babies have such an improved suction instinct that it is not a whim, it is a necessity. When a child grows up, you can wean him.
- before bedtime, use the dim light in the nursery and turn on the quiet music. You can sing a lullaby or read a fairy tale. Your voice will calm the baby.
- Try not to violate your daily routine. Put your baby to sleep at the same time.
- walking in the fresh air helps the baby sleep better. In summer it can be furnished on the balcony.
- Get a relaxing massage every night, take a bath and feed your baby.
- Before you go to bed, try to rock the kid. Throwing your mother's heart gives the baby a sense of security.
- sleep the baby in bed. Try not to take your baby with you. So you can avoid sudden infant death syndrome.
- When feeding at night, change the diaper before the baby starts eating. Then don't disturb him.
As you grow, the baby's stomach will increase in size and you will wake up less at night and sleep longer.

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You have eternal sleep and sympathetic views for your colleagues. You understand because you're the happiest father in the world, you have a baby. But the joy of this event starts to push you because you are like a zombie, you're always tired, you don't sleep, and you fall asleep constantly at the first opportunity and in a successful situation. Yeah, guys, I'm just writing for you. I just recently went through this and I think that you really need my advice as a principle as well as your soul mates. Let me just say that this is not my wife's words, but my personal words and actions to put my “mosquito” to sleep.

It's not even hard (the only thing I want to add is that your little angel is not sick and healthy)

1. Recommendations are very simple and always take action - “You should go for a walk with your baby before going to bed for 30-40 minutes in summer and before going to bed for 20-30 minutes in winter. Note, however, that the air temperature outside the window is -15 or lower. Walking on the street is contraindicated, but this does not mean that the crumbs should not breathe fresh air.

2. This is of course swimming (for those who want to go to bed with a mud dog) If your home is colder than 18 degrees I want to warn you immediately, then it is better to refuse this attempt. So pour warm water degree 31-34. Pre-brewed chamomile in a pot with boiled water. It has a calming effect and is useful as an antiseptic to the skin (if there is irritation in the ass). Pour the source of chamomile into the bath and proceed to water treatment. He usually sleeps like a little fireman after that.

3. Nutrition. (Most of the male audience is smiling now, I imagine how your father imagined Igor breastfeeding his son.) My wife lost her milk for the third month, so we fed from the bottle. The most important thing was that the mixture was hot, I usually checked myself by dragging a mixture over my wrist and freshly induced just before feeding.

4. Comfortable sleeping environment. This is a silenced light in the room, the absence of irritating substances such as TV, even without sound, but creating a steady tremor can keep the child away from sleep. You can be sure that you bring your baby clean and well-fed like a snake to your bed.

All of the above I wrote, my advice, I looked for the sound sleep of my little child.

As they say, it is better than under the barrel of your beloved wife, under the glands of a robbery from a descendant, with the red eyes that continue to look at work.

Good luck to you!

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My daughter likes to play number one before bedtime, especially if I try to get away from her, but I have a few tricks to help me get to sleep:

1. Music There is always something playing in the room. This advice was given to me by my mother - she prepared me to sleep that way. That makes sense. I think most people fell asleep in front of the television at least once in their life, so you know that when something şey buzzes uğ she sleeps and doesn't pay attention to other foreign sounds. So here: the alien sounds will not interfere with the baby and sleep will sound. Of course, if you cut the entire hard rock as a background, then it makes no sense.

3. Presence. Before I leave the sled, I sit side by side for a while, so my daughter sees me - more calm when my mother approaches, but as soon as my daughter's eyes start to leave the room and not look at me constantly. Because he still doesn't know the strange feeling you've had with eye contact for a long time.

4. My mother's smell. To be honest, I stole this method from dog lovers: when they buy a puppy, they wipe their mother with a towel to leave a smell. Likewise, I put my thing in my daughter's bed: It's like my mom's smell.

5. Soothing strokes. When I caress Liyalyka's belly, she falls asleep better, and if she cries, she stops quickly, and it costs me to get into sight.

Things I don't suggest I do:

1. Hold the child in her arms, otherwise you will not be able to continue your work while your child is asleep, and you also run the risk of the baby being calm only in your arms. Children realize very quickly that if you squeeze your vocal cords properly, your mother will take them.

2. Motion sickness is certainly an effective way to send Morpheus into the arms of a child, but then you will get used to this method and you will have to spend a lot of time pumping it.

3. Common sleep. It's hard to stay away from the habit of sleeping with my mom. My girlfriend, until the age of fifteen, sometimes "evacuated" my father from the bedroom.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with the above. In addition to the fact that all this wasted your time and nerves.

You can still wash your baby in chamomile water every night and it is not without reason to drink chamomile tea to calm down. Aromatherapy again. This method is not suitable for my daughter - she does not like to swim from birth. Although the water is an excellent relaxing agent.

I hope my tips will help you!

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Healthy sleep is the key to your baby's future health. How to put the child to sleep quickly and tightly? There are a few tips for this for young mothers.
If desired, the newborn may be withdrawn from sleep at night. Some children fall asleep better. However, it is better not to do so during the day to avoid interfering with its physical development. In addition, if you sleep with your baby, the arson should be abandoned, and it will be much warmer and quiet with her mother. In addition, he has to be able to move, so that when he wants to eat, he can crawl or crawl his mother if necessary.
Feeding is the best sleeping medicine for moms and babies. Therefore, it is better to shake a restless child on a hanger, so that the mother is not afraid to fall asleep. This frees your hands to read a book before going to bed. You can read Pushkin's tales or participate in the cognitive reading of books for parenting.
Orthopedic ball is an indispensable assistant for movement disorders. The soft and strong vibration quickly calms a child who suffers from colic, the warmth of the mother's body. In addition, this is a simple gymnastics for a woman's legs and back. Relieves fatigue and stress is good. And also vestibular gymnastics for this baby's brain.
Another mother's assistant is rocking chair. He can even take a nap, rock a child who doesn't fit anything.
Lullabies calm down perfectly and are painful for sleeping. Asleep baby can be placed sideways in the crib. So he'il sleep more calmly. In the wake of the night, especially if he sleeps with you, it is usually enough to shift him to the other side. The newborn can wake up several times at night. At this time of day, it is more convenient to wash and change the diaper without getting out of bed. To do this, you need a bowl of water and cotton balls. As a night changing table, a crib without a side was perfect.
Remember, the baby needs a healthy sleep. If it does not exist or is impaired, the child's development may slow down. The child's health is in your hands!

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How can I calmly sleep with the baby? I think this question asks many parents themselves. Every mother knows the sleepless months in the first 6 months of her baby's life. Inner peace and comfort of the mother is the key to the child's good behavior. In order for the baby to fall asleep in time, a certain “ritual” is required before bedtime. Each may be different and may include: active bath, swing, mother's lullaby and the like. In the first month of life, a little man sleeps, and I suggest that you gather strength and wait when necessary.

1. Bath time. Set a rule to prevent your child from being washed during the same time period (for example, 20:00 to 21:00). A storm, a relative meeting, a chubby dog ​​shouldn't stop you from doing it in time. In our case, we used it later - we destroyed the regime.

2. Bathroom operation. Do it yourself, or the child floats in an apartment (tall) - it should be active. Mix your arms and legs, make interesting sounds, roll with water. The baby should love this activity, otherwise he will just hang in the water.

3. Massage. After taking a bath and leaving the baby tired, you must consume it completely. Remember, he sleeps - you rest. Light strokes of the back, circular motion on the abdomen, "cycling" exercise.

4. Arson. We've set him up for four months. Not tight, just like our grandmothers and mothers have slept with before. Velcro diapers came to our aid. With their help, the arms are pressed firmly, but this does not prevent them from moving. The legs in the bag allow you to move calmly and take the "frog" pose. This posture is a prophylaxis of hip dysplasia (a sentence from our orthopedist). I know many of them are categorically opposed to arson, but it's everyone's business. My daughter slept like that before she woke up until 6:00.

5. Background sounds. For some, it may be classical music or called white noise (including vacuum cleaner, hairdryer). This channel is NatGeo wild. Immediately after opening, the baby's eyes begin to stick together. Find the “assistant” voice.

6. Climate. Temperature should be 22-24 degrees, humidity should be 40-60%. Another important difference is the temperature. In other words, if the child before bedtime is in a light body, the legs are a little cooler. When she starts to wrap it up in a blanket and wrap it up, she'il be very comfortable.

The above methods are merely clues and in no case are instructions. Try it, try it and then you will experience good night and good mood every day.

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