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How to treat asthenia. Asthenia and how it manifests itself, treatment and symptoms of functional disease

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Refers to treatable diseases. What's more, in the arsenal of modern doctors there are many medications and methods to treat you asthenia.
How is asthenia treated?
.site) will help you learn from this article.
Asthenia treatment characteristics
We will immediately warn you to get started: asthenia is not treated in a day, a week or even a month. Which treatment your doctor chooses for you, this process is quite long. In the treatment of asthenia, it depends on the shape of many diseases and the causes of its formation. As a rule, asthenia is treated like many chronic diseases. It is recommended that you give appropriate treatment during periods of deterioration.

Medical treatment of astenese may include only one medication, a method of combining a certain number of medicines, or perhaps prescribing a medication, and then another medication. Often, antidepressants are used in the treatment of asthenia, which improves blood circulation, as well as drugs that affect metabolic processes.
Methods and preparations
The use of drugs from the group in the treatment of asthenia is quite common adaptogens . These are herbal preparations from ginseng, Aralia Manchuria, Chinese magnolia vine, golden root, Eleutherococcus and other plants. The downside to using adaptogens is that these drugs will make your condition easier for a short time. In addition, adaptogens greatly increases the body's abilities, but do not help it.

There is a method of treating asthenia by taking excessive amounts of vitamin B. This asthenia treatment is very popular in the United States. The beginning of this method was discarded in the late nineteenth century in which the healing properties of B vitamins were discovered. Vitamin B1 is most often used to treat various disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Among antidepressants, norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used more frequently in addition to drugs that regulate serotonin production in the body. The use of these drugs is due to disruption of the metabolic processes of noradrenaline and serotonin hormones along with asthenia in the body.

If you have asthenia complicated by phobias and anxiety as well as sensory hyperesthesia, it is preferable to use such antidepressants. citalopram or sertraline as well as timneptina affecting serotonin exchange. If asthenia manifests in depression and weakness, it is preferable to use the drug. Factors affecting milnacipran norepinephrine metabolism.

If you really want to get rid of asthenia, you need to streamline your lifestyle. Make sure you're relaxed. You need good rest to work effectively. Otherwise, your performance will inevitably decline. Exercise, not only heavy sports, but keep your body in good condition. Try to use as little alcohol as possible, smoke.

Enter healthier and more natural foods such as vegetable and animal proteins (eggs, meat, beans, soybeans, offal) in your menu. These products contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B, you need the amino acid tryptophan found in bananas, turkey pork, hard cheese and bran. This amino acid is necessary to produce the hormone of pleasure in the body. Eat more foods that contain a lot of vitamins (sauerkraut, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, red currant, fresh fruit and vegetables).

Take dietary supplements for the treatment of asthenia. These are on sale. Just read the compositions very carefully. Some immoral manufacturers contain an ephedrine component in dietary supplement. This substance is of narcotic origin, can tone, increase activity, but is forbidden to use and is never used in the treatment of asthenia.

Require special treatment. However, most people who experience this problem believe that they are just tired and do not go to the doctor. Yes, asthenia syndrome has much in common with normal fatigue. But unlike him, he doesn't pass after resting and is reflected in the overall performance and mood. This is due to depletion of the nervous system and disturbance of the balance of nerve cells. Therefore, asthenia occurs.

What you need to know to start treatment on time.
Symptoms of asthenia

This disease is manifested by increased fatigue, poor performance and memory loss. A person complains of malfunction, weakness, lethargy and fatigue. It's hard to get up in the morning and sleeps bad at night. The patient may become irritable, aroused, or otherwise lethargic, capricious and numb. The effectiveness of thought is deteriorating.

If these symptoms are not related to physical activity and do not disappear after resting, you will have asthenia. This is best explained by the psychotherapist because it is mainly related to psychosomatic reasons. Treatment of this disease is necessary because in advanced cases other symptoms may be added: pain in the heart and back, sweating, palpitations, sleep disturbances and even weight loss.
Causes of asthenia

Why does asthenia occur? All doctors know what this is because people often turn to themselves with complaints of fatigue and poor performance. Asthenia syndrome can develop after serious infectious diseases, chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, injuries or during hormonal changes in the body. In this case, the patient receives timely treatment.

But most asthenic patients live at home. Insomnia is caused by overwork or a wrong work schedule with frequent business trips and night shifts. People believe that they will rest and everything will go away, but they often miss the important time for treatment. There's irritability, anorexia, and depression.
Asthenia treatment

After visiting the doctor, you will be diagnosed with asthenia. How is this disease treated?

1. First of all, you need to set the mode of the day: lie on time, relax during the day and walk further in the fresh air. Make sure you have enough sleep and exercise. It is very useful to swim or take a contrast shower.

2. You need to change your diet. Food should be easily digestible and high calorie. Avoid stimulants such as coffee and strong tea. Be sure to have breakfast in the morning - cereals and fruits provide a good energy boost throughout the day. Dietary foods rich in protein, tryptophan and vitamin B should be given more space in asthenia patients. These are cheese, eggs, cereal bread, bananas and meat.

3. Mandatory intake of vitamins and minerals. Particularly useful are ascorbic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A and E. In addition to taking multivitamin preparations, eat more fruits and vegetables.

4. Give up bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes block the absorption of vitamins and destroy brain cells.

5. In order to increase productivity, you can take ginseng, eleutherococcus extracts as well as "Pantocrin" or leukene root. If irritability and sleep disturbances increase in the evening, drink hops, valerian or thyme tea.

Asthenia is now becoming more common. Even the kids already know what happened. You should be able to recognize your symptoms in time to see a doctor.

Currently, American experts are treating asthenia group B in high doses. However, this technique is not common in other countries because its use is accompanied by a high risk of allergic reactions, including serious ones. For this reason, most experts prefer complex vitamin therapy, which includes not only B vitamins but also PP and ascorbic acid. In addition, the composition of complex multivitamin preparations should contain trace elements necessary for normal metabolism of vitamins (calcium, magnesium, zinc).

The effectiveness of asthenia treatment is largely determined by the success of the treatment of the underlying disease. If treated, the symptoms of asthenia rapidly weaken or disappear completely.

It is often used if there are indications for the complex treatment of asthenia, neuroprotectors and nootropics (hopanthenic acid, Picamilon, Piracetam, Sinarizin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ginkgo biloba extract). However, it should be noted that the efficacy of these drugs in the treatment of asthenia is not confirmed by the results of scientific studies.

Usually there is a need for treatment with asthenia and psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers), but these are strictly used as prescribed by a specialist psychiatrist or neurologist.
Possible consequences and complications

Prolonged asthenia may be complicated by neurasthenia, hypochondriacal or depressive neurosis and the development of depression.

The effectiveness of asthenia treatment is largely determined by the success of the treatment of the underlying disease. If treated, the symptoms of asthenia rapidly weaken or disappear completely. Symptoms of chronic asthenia have also been reduced to minimum severity in the event of prolonged remission of the underlying chronic disease.

Asthenia prevention is based on preventing the occurrence of the causes. Measures to increase the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors include:

rational and appropriate nutrition;
rejection of bad habits;
stay tidy in fresh air;
moderate exercise;
compliance with work and recreation regime.

In addition, it is necessary to identify and treat diseases that may lead to the development of asthenia.

Video from YouTube on the subject of the article:

Modern definition and classification of asthenia. The main etiological factors that contribute to its development and the variety of symptoms in each. Treatment methods for this nose.

Content of the article:

Asthenia (from Greek. "Impotence", "loss of power") is a pathological mental disorder that occurs in some way or as a result of a disease or condition that consumes another body. It also shows a reaction to depletion of energy sources over a long period of time and indicates the presence of a serious pathology of the nervous system.
The main etiological factors of asthenia

This pathology occurs during the development of the decompensation of the body's adaptive reactions in response to the excessive effect of various stimulants. As a result, structures responsible for energy generation cannot provide sufficient amounts. With chronic stress, the lack of macro and micronutrients, malnutrition and metabolic disorders are the basis for the occurrence of the disorder.

The most common causes of asthenia are:

Mental Disorders . Development of schizophrenia, depression, various cognitive disorders. They directly affect the structure of the brain and contribute to the over-amplification or suppression of afferent impulses. Most of the time, you stay longer in case of stress. In childhood - a negative situation at school, at home, problems in communication with friends, excessive demands from parents and teachers.
Pathology of endocrine glands . Diabetes mellitus type I or II, as well as hyper or hypothyroidism. They perform their actions through the regulation of metabolism and energy processes that may lead to deterioration in the future.
Diseases of the nervous system . These include organic and vascular lesions. The most common NCDs are inflammatory diseases (encephalitis) and Alzheimer's disease. On examination, the patient's muscle tone and whole skeletal muscle tension were increased. A similar situation is accompanied by chronic fatigue and pain during and in the absence of physical activity.
injuries . The greatest danger is the area of ​​the head and spine. Both acute and chronic traumatization (osteochondrosis) can cause such violations.
Infectious and inflammatory conditions . The most common factor cohort: influenza, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, viral liver damage, food-borne toxic infection, brucellosis and others. Action is carried out both by pathogens themselves and by products with vital activity. As a result, there is a complex overall and local defeat. With these and other infectious pathologies, the disease becomes a hyperstenic type. The main manifestations will be irritability, constant internal discomfort, aggression. But if the cause is a serious infectious process, then the patient's activity, on the contrary, is reduced by poisoning. Drowsiness, memory impairment, inability to detect new information and damage to the vestibular apparatus.
Diseases of the digestive system . Severe dyspeptic disorders, acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, enteritis, colitis.
Cardiovascular disease . Atherosclerotic lesion, hypertension, rhythm disturbances, ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction).
Respiratory system disorders . Common pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many other pathologies cause the body's hyperreactivity and make it vulnerable.
Immunological changes . It is characterized by low resistance to the effects of exogenous stimuli, lack of white blood cells, anemia and even inhibition of red bone marrow function.

Attention! The long-term work of a monotonous nature, artificial lighting conditions, the perception of complex information in a short time, and sometimes just acting can have a significant effect.
Classification of asthenia

There are several types of this disease. Disconnections make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the onset of pathology and, accordingly, to prescribe the correct etiological treatment.

In modern practice, it is distinguished from the types of asthenia:

functional . It is characterized by a short-term course and the possibility of reverse development. It occurs in the background of mental and emotional stress, in infectious processes, or in response to increased physical activity. It was also found under the name of "reactive" in the literature.
organic . It is the result of prolonged exposure of a chronic disease to the body. As a result, a violation of the structure of the tissue occurs, followed by the formation of irreversible changes.

Depending on the factor, the following types of syndromes are distinguished:

somatogenic It is related to pathological conditions of internal organ systems. As a rule, this is not a one-time, but a long-term exposure. With such a defeat, energy production itself remains unaffected, but the need for it is increasing. Over time, this leads to the depletion of the compensatory forces of the body.
postpartum It is a reaction of the body to changes in the perinatal period. The unique processes that take place during this time allow the body to work in an advanced mode under constant stimulation of stress hormones. If you do not provide the right diet and diet during this period, the development of asthenic syndrome will be inevitable.
posttraumatic Structural and functional disorders that occur when tissue is exposed to environmental factors. Such violations are quite common under normal circumstances. However, it is also easy to prevent because of the rapid termination of the etiological factor.

According to the duration of asthenic syndrome, the course of the disease has two types:

acute It should come immediately after the effect of any factor. This is most often the first day against a history of infectious or traumatic injuries. Initial symptoms will be described by patients as general complaints.
chronic It is based on a long-lasting pathology. Clinical findings will not be specific and will not, as a rule, cause wakefulness in the patient. Only at the peak of the underlying disease can the presence of psycho-emotional disorders be diagnosed.

Based on the clinical picture of asthenia, the disease is divided into three consecutive stages:

hypersthenic It is characterized by an increased response to all stimuli (light, sound, tactile), uncontrolled sentiment and impatience.
temporary Combines symptoms of excessive excitability and persistent fatigue. Frequent changes in mood and physical activity are recognized by both patients and relatives.
hyposthenic This is the last and most severe form. In this case, the performance is minimized. The patient is haunted by drowsiness, weakness, lack of motivation for any action or sensuality. Interest in the environment is lost.

Warning! Asthenia caused by functional breakdown of structures with high nerve activity is recognized as a separate group and is called neurasthenia.
Symptoms of asthenia in humans

The basis for diagnosis is a comprehensive collection of medical history and patient complaints. Such patients are characterized by a large number and variety. Therefore, all the symptoms of asthenia are divided into several groups:

joint . Often, the first problem will be fatigue, constant weakness, unwillingness to perform previously known studies. In addition, patients will notice impaired memory and promptness. If they literally anında caught everything instantly ", it's hard to concentrate on something now.
Autonomic nervous system . Sudden increases in blood pressure, increased or slowed heart rate, excessive sweating, palms will be wet and cold when touched.
Digestive system . Perhaps as a result of a decrease in appetite and body weight. There is also pain throughout the abdomen without a certain localization. Migrating pain can be uncomfortable.
Reproductive system . In girls there is a violation of the menstrual cycle - algodismenorea (painful periods), a decrease in libido.
Immune system . Often this is a subfebrile increase in temperature, an increase in some groups of peripheral lymph nodes (cervical, occipital, axillary).
Respiratory system . Often acute respiratory infections, sweating and sore throat, without obvious changes in the mucous membranes.
Musculoskeletal system . Clinically, it is represented by joint and muscle pain that is not related to physical activity and time.
Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency . Hypotension is characteristic - decreased muscle tone, drowsiness. Such patients do not want or even refuse to move. Moreover, they experience sız incontinence of emotions, sız an unreasonable scream or an oppressed state. Thinking processes and responsiveness to stimuli may slow down.

Attention! These symptoms do not develop in a day. As the quality of human life deteriorates, they also increase gradually.
Asthenia treatment properties

There are many approaches to the treatment of asthenia, but each relies on eliminating the cause of its formation. And only then can we hope for a positive trend. Therapy consists of an integrated use of the following methods, taking into account an individual approach.

In order for the therapy to be effective, appropriate contact with the patient must first be established. During such communication, the doctor learns all possible harmful factors and explains how to eliminate them.

Keeping a few simple tips will not only help treat asthenia, but will also have a general strengthening effect on the body:

Lifestyle correction . The best time for rest and study is selected for each patient. Make sure you have a full 7-8 hour sleep and go through night work. It is recommended that you create a suitable and calm environment and minimize stressful situations. It is also noted that physical activity is introduced into the patient's daily routine.
Good nutrition . Foods should contain sufficient protein (lean meat, cottage cheese), B vitamins (eggs, fish, nuts) and C (kiwi, citrus fruits, cauliflower), amino acids (processed cheese, cashew, turkey) and other useful substances.
Rejection of bad habits . It is forbidden to completely drink alcohol and other irritants. You should also stop drinking any product, drugs.

Means for asthenia

Drug treatment has the most reliable effect if you evaluate its effectiveness. Its use depends on the predominance of certain symptom groups. You can prescribe one to several drugs to achieve a therapeutic effect starting from the minimum dosage.

Anti-asthenia medications:

nootropics Drugs that can increase the brain's resistance to harmful effects and overloads. It also promotes mental abilities and improves memory. The most commonly used are ginkgo, piracetam, pyridinol.
antidepressants . They are used to improve mood, appetite and mental activity. Normalize sleep by increasing the duration of the deep sleep phase. Relieve nervousness and anxiety. These include imipramine, fluoxetine, amitriptyline.
sedatives The advantages lie in their ability to eliminate anxiety. Thus, a person becomes more calm and balanced. Use Atarax, Phenibut, Clonazepam.
Atypical antipsychotics . A relatively new generation of drugs, but has already managed to gain popularity among prescriptions. Due to their ability to improve metabolic processes in the cells of the cortex, they increase their resistance to harmful effects. Today, Aripiprazole, Risperidone, Clozapine are used.
sedatives . The action of this group is based on the regulation of the stimulation and inhibition of brain structures. Basically, it provides improved effects when combined with other drugs. The most famous of them are Novo-Passit and Valerian.
Compliance Tools . Tincture of Aralia, Zamanicha, Leuzea and Sterkul. These are plant origin substances that increase the body's tone and adaptive reactions in response to any effect. It has almost no side effects and is well tolerated by all patient groups.

Psychotherapy for asthenia correction

Many people with the help of psychological sessions on how to treat asthenia. This disease becomes a lifeline for patients because the disease is very common and not everyone trusts medical treatment. It should also be understood that in most cases they do not use monotherapy, but use various combinations.

Today, there is a wide variety of psychotherapeutic treatments:

ethiotropic Impact on emergency. The aim is to reach the patient with criticism of the disease. Childhood and conflicts that could lead to violations in the present time have come up. Apply family and psychodynamic therapy, pregnancy therapy.
pathogenetic It aims to break the chain of the developmental mechanism of this disease. Neuro-linguistic techniques, effects on cognitive-behavioral behaviors, and correction of conditioned reflexes are useful.
symptomatic Basic, general and specific violations are currently occurring separately. These are individual or group auto trainings, hypnosis and recommendations. Such activities allow patients to return to the urge to act and accelerate recovery.

Physiotherapy for asthenia

The use of this method in the treatment of asthenia is extremely important. The first is to correct the organic disorders that occur and the second is to improve the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Various techniques allow you to assign them separately based on other somatic pathologies.

Aspects of physiotherapy against asthenia:

massage . It primarily aims to improve blood circulation in the cervical collar region. It has an overall beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Regulating the power during the session provides complete relaxation and sedation.
Water treatments . Often, a contrasting shower or Charcot is used with varying changes in temperature and jet power. This technique trains human adaptive systems according to various factors. Particular attention is paid to swimming.
acupuncture Irritation of peripheral nerves to stimulate the necessary structures of the central nervous system. It has its own indications for each pathologist and is distinguished by a focus on the rate of occurrence and stimulation of the effect.
Physiotherapy exercises . Corrects existing violations, restores attention and focus of actions. It is characterized by ease and flexibility in implementation. Possible exercise selection and self-actualization at home.

How to treat asthenia - view video:

Asthenic syndrome is a common pathology that should not be underestimated. Lack of treatment can cause many serious mental and somatic complications. In modern conditions, combating the disease is simple, but you should not seek independent treatment because it not only improves the condition, but also leads to uncomfortable consequences.

Asthenic syndrome (asthenic syndrome) is a painful condition characterized by increased fatigue and excessive mood instability, as well as restlessness, sleep disturbance, ability to prolong mental and physical stress, intolerance to bright light, loud sounds, pungent odors. In addition, the condition is characterized by increased excitability, emotional variability, prevalence of a bad mood, mood swings and tear frequency.
Reasons for becoming

Asthenia may develop as a result of mental and / or physical stress, by regulating diseases, intoxication, incorrect work, rest and / or nutrition, as well as mental and nervous disorders.

Asthenia may also occur at the onset of diseases of the internal organs (e.g., coronary disease), or it may occur as a result of an acute illness (flu, pneumonia) that has ended previously.

In addition, asthenia is one of the clinical signs of the effect of electromagnetic radiation from the microwave electromagnetic field.

Asthenia may manifest in different ways depending on the underlying disease that triggers its development. For example, in atherosclerosis, tears and memory loss are the most prominent; with hypertension - headache and discomfort in the heart. Clarifying the symptoms and characteristics of asthenia may help diagnose the underlying disease.

Asthenia is diagnosed by interviewing the patient to elicit complaints. Special attention in the questionnaire should be given to questions about mood, sleep quality, attitude towards work and other tasks, as well as general mood. As some exaggerate existing deviations to obtain an objective picture, the physician must perform an examination of the mysterious area to assess its response to the stimulating and emotional state.
Disease types

Asthenia is divided into organic and functional.

Organic asthenia is associated with chronic somatic diseases or organic pathologies.

Functional (reactive) asthenia is associated with the body's response to an acute disease, stress and physical overwork.

According to the etiology, there is:

Somatogenic asthenia
Posttraumatic asthenia
Postpartum asthenia
Infectious asthenia.

According to clinical symptoms, there are:

Hyperstenic asthenia
Hypostenic asthenia

Hyperstenic asthenia has increased sensory excitability (noise, sounds, bright light irritability)

Hyposthenic asthenia is characterized by low sensory sensitivity that leads to patient drowsiness and drowsiness.

Depending on the duration of asthenia may occur in acute and chronic form. Acute asthenia usually has a functional character. It develops as a result of asthenia, severe stress, acute illness (pneumonia, bronchitis, pyelonephritis) or an infectious disease (influenza, measles, rubella, dysentery, infectious mononucleosis). Chronic asthenia is characterized by a long period and is more often organic.

Neurasthenia, asthenia associated with depletion of high nerve activity is also isolated.
Patient Actions

You should consult a doctor over time to prevent the development of more important pathologies.

Therapy aims to eliminate the underlying cause of asthenic syndrome. In addition, general strengthening treatment is required - vitamins, multivitamins (cytoflavin), glucose, proper regulation of work and rest, walking, good nutrition, sleep restoration, physical exercises. Small doses of antidepressants, nootropics, sedatives (novopassit), anabolic steroids and some other drugs are also used.

Complications of asthenia are difficult to predict. Syndrome may disappear without a trace, but asthenia neurasthenia may develop in schizophrenia if the factors causing this condition are not eliminated.

Asthenia is one of the protective mechanisms of the nervous system that protects it from damage. When the number of external stimuli reaches a certain critical limit, it is called “transcendent inhibition gösteren which manifests itself with the symptoms of asthen syndrome.

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