Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dee Cee Labs Formula 303 Maximum Strength Natural Relaxant Tablets, 250 Tablets

Children's day regimen in 1 month: sleep, meals, walks

Dee Cee Labs Formula 303 Maximum Strength Natural Relaxant Tablets, 250 Tablets

The mode of the child in 1 month is certain. Feeding, sleeping, communicating, playing order, with him in the fresh air. Pediatricians have developed a different approach to this issue. Some doctors believe that the baby's day regimen should be free, because the baby has its own biological clock. Others are supporters of an open order. From their point of view, everything should literally be painted in a minute. How to regulate the infants' regime, even if children do not have unanimity in this regime?

First, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the child. Secondly, adhering to the regulation, parents can facilitate baby care and provide an opportunity for their own entertainment. But in order about everything.
The importance of the program for children and parents

After the birth of a baby from the mother uterus should facilitate the process to the outside world. If you repeat the same actions every day for a definite period of time, the child will begin to understand what will follow. The carefully planned mode of the baby's day will allow the baby to decide during waking, sleeping, walks and feeding periods. Psychologists say that a child with daily routine is less prone to moods and stress.

1 month child day program

Parents can plan more clearly of the program. As adults live in a certain order, they help solve all vital problems, so the baby's regime can ease the fate of the latter.

Let's imagine what basic stages we added in the first days of the baby:

active state;
hygiene procedures;
Stay in the fresh air.

During the first month of a child's life, sleep lasts up to 18-20 hours. Breastfeeding should be on request, about 6 to 8 times in the afternoon and 1-2 at night. In active state, the newborn is only 4-6 hours a day. Within this range, parents can follow hygiene procedures, socialize and play with the child. The child basically sleeps well when walking down the street.
Morning time

The question of how to adjust the babies' regime is concerned for many generations. With the birth of a long-awaited baby, parents are confusing each time. How to order your newborn?

Let's start in the morning. Mostly, it starts with a mother and baby from 6 o'clock. The baby's regimen should begin with hygienic procedures. After all, you need to wash your baby. To do this, the face is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. The eyes were shaken from the outer edge to the inner corner. Also rub the auricles before entering. If necessary, clean the duct using a round. More details about this procedure will be explained below.

30 minutes at 6am - feeding the baby. Half an hour later, they put him to bed. The baby rests for 2-3 hours, after which a 30-minute wake-up period begins. At this time, the child should definitely speak, play and sing. So the continuation of the whole day, feeding and sleeping alternative.

However, if the child to adjust the regimenChild does not follow the planned program at all? The main thing is not to panic. It should be understood that in the first (after birth) days the newborn develops slowly according to the program. Do not wake the baby so as not to miss the feeding time. There is no need to rush and other extremes - if the baby is hungry, wait a while to feed. Mom should be flexible, but try to follow a certain regime.

day regime

Newborn washing

Every morning the child is washed in the wake. It is very important that these procedures are performed on a daily basis. The child will get used to them quickly. This is one of the important steps that allow us to slowly implement the carefully planned regimen of the child within 1 month.

It is better to choose a table with a place for maintenanceArson, as it is convenient to place the necessary devices and objects. The thermal index of water for washing should initially correspond to 37 degrees. For tempering purposes, you should gradually reduce the temperature to 25 degrees.

Washing usually begins with eye cleansing. They should be treated with a moistened cotton pad. Smooth movement erases the eye from the outside to the inner corner. The child's nose is also wiped from the outside using a wet napkin. The inside of the breast is cleaned with cotton wool flagellum and rotational movements are performed. Boiled water is used for hygiene procedures. Cleaning the ear is suitable for flagella, such as removing sulfur from the outside of the ear canal. Pushing in on tour is not recommended. Because it does not produce sulfur, but moves into the depths of the passage. Cleans the ears several times a week. The umbilical wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) twice a day, then lubricated.
Power mode

The views of pediatricians are similar. In accordance with the recommendations, the baby's diet should depend on the need of the newborn.

From doctors, mothers can hear a childMom's breast should be kept 24 hours a day. Of course, don't take these words literally. The baby needs to sleep in his own bed and be fed according to his wishes. This is especially important for mothers who have a first child. After all, they did not feel the need to plan the child's day regimen within a month before.

About thirty years ago, babies entered the program. Wait for the necessary time corresponding to the regime, how the child behaves (crying, shouting). Some parents now use this rule.

It has the value of feeding on demand, adjusting the mother's body to the needs of the baby. Milk is produced in the required amount as needed by the child. This process starts immediately after the birth of the baby.

baby day regimen

Before feeding, it is very important. Note that air enters the baby's stomach when fed with milk. After eating for release, the newborn should be kept upright for burping. This will also prevent colic formation.
First time baby feeding

My mother still needs the mastery at the maternity hospital and is properly inserted into the breast of the newborn. A midwife and other staff can help. You should put the crumbs on the side, look at you, touch your cheek with your finger. When it opens, put the nipple as deep as possible into the mouth. Areola must be completely captured.

For the first time a baby meal is great value for a newborn. The faster a woman puts her baby into her chest, the more valuable she gets for the colostrum. And it has a very useful composition. Immunoglobulins include proteins, vitamins, enzymes necessary for colonization of the intestines, bacteria and hormones. It's worth adding staphylococcal antitoxin to them. Colostrum is very high in calories, even if the baby receives a small amount.

For the mother and baby usually starts in the morning at 6 o'clock, the first feeding. Then five more feeds during the day: 10.00, 13.00, 16.30, 20.00. After 23 hours and 30 minutes, the baby is fed before bedtime.

My mother needs to be preparedfor feeding, it can take 30 minutes to an hour. For no reason, it should not be interrupted. This process is important for the child, because it is not only saturated with food, but also calms down after work.

You must remember the fresh air. Pediatric doctors recommend taking the baby for the first walk in summer 7-10 days after discharge from the birth site. When a child is born in the cold season, he leaves the street 3-4 weeks after being discharged. This should be coordinated with the pediatrician.

How to set the regime of the day baby

When you first leave, a question arises about what kind of clothes should a baby walk? And what will you take with you? Collect crumb for walking, don't roll over. My baby shouldn't be hot or sweating. It is not necessary to arson him firmly to prevent movement.

After all, such a situation quickly exhausts the child. It will also cause disruption of normal air circulation. At the same time, try to dress the baby according to the weather so that it is not cold outside.

It is better to quietly walk with a small child in a quiet place away from the noisy urban highways and roads. If the baby feels good on the walk, the time spent in the fresh air can take from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

Usually it is a bit dangerous to walk in windy or rainy weather. Uncomfortable and very hot days. However, the baby still needs to be taken to fresh air. However, the stroller should be placed under a canopy.

The right day regimen for babies should include: two walks by yourself. And now, we're touching things to get the baby out of the street. Every mother should bring a bed sheet and blanket, spare sliders and a blouse, a warm hat (in the cold period). A bottle of food on the street (expressed breast milk) is especially useful if the baby does not want to eat on the eve of the walk.
Bathing Baby

Pediatricians advise baby air bath. It contributes to hardening and prevents rash and heat loss of diapers. If it is not yet time to go to bed, it is helpful to let the baby go to bed without clothes. This procedure may be repeated during dressing. Do not forget to throw your baby back, abdomen, give a light massage. You can add charge in the morning. Such actions to the child will be very pleasant. You should be aware that these activities encourage the development of the child.

When squeezing the belly, use boiled water (with water temperature up to 37 degrees) by adding manganese solution to swim. Soap does not necessarily use daily. Do not wash your head every seven days for more than a couple. From time to time it is recommended to use boiling methods of various medicinal plants.

Treat belly wounds by purchasing a baby. This should be done until fully recovered. After bath, apply powder and baby cream to protect dry skin and protect against various irritations.
Hardening children

Keep the hardening you need regularly to keep a child healthy. Air baths are made at 23 degrees at room temperature. The babies are placed on the changing table, peeled and allowed to move their legs and arms. Start with 1-2 minutes and slowly increase the duration of the procedure to 5-10 minutes. Continually start to reduce the temperature of the air in the room to 17-18 degrees. Air procedures are performed from the first month of the baby.

walkers baby

Contribute to hardening and systematically walks in the air. As mentioned earlier, the baby should breathe fresh air. Therefore, plan your baby's day within 1 month;

The duration of the first walk in summer is up to 17 minutes at temperatures above + 20 degrees. Daily walking time is recommended to increase by 5 minutes. The first walk in winter is about 12 minutes. Outdoor temperature should not be below -3 degrees. Every second day, the duration of the stay increases by 5 minutes. A month later, the child's walk should take 45 minutes twice a day in summer, and in winter the duration should be about half an hour.

Parents should be aware of the great benefits of sleeping. Fresh air for a small child. Little tip. After returning from the walk, you should check whether the legs and nose are warm. If it was hot, your child was dressed appropriately.
Sleeping baby

Most of the day is reserved for sleep. In the first month, it is very important to accustom the child to the correct program of waking and rest periods. Currently the baby is awake only 4-6 hours per day.

Get the baby accustomed to the regime. Follow the advice given by Komarovsky. The baby's sleep will not turn into a headache for parents, if the latter begins to follow certain rules to prepare for rest:

Carefully observe the sleep pattern.
In the afternoon, when the child rests longer than the allocated time, sleep should awaken. But then he spends a great night.
Many hiking in the afternoon.
Ventilate the room regularly.
Don't miss the evening swim that contributes to a better sleep.
Only use high quality diapers.
To equip a bed with a comfortable bed.

baby food

Eating for months

Children grow fast. Babies' feeding standards should also change rapidly.

Basic diet recommendations:

1 month Special breastfeeding. The baby can be around your chest for about an hour.
Two months . It's also just breast milk. As a rule, full feeding takes place in 40 minutes - 3.5 hours. Norm is considered between 5 and 7 during the day, 3-5 times per night.
Three months . During the day, the baby is fed 6-8 times (breast milk). And at night - 2-4. Long-term interruption in nutrition - up to five hours. However, this is quite rare.
Four months . Nutrition continues to breastfeed. However, it is possible to bring additional foods at this age This feature should always be initially discussed with the pediatrician.
5 months Children may be interested in adult meals. You are allowed to "judge" (lick) any product. If the child is interested in food, it is time for the first complementary food.
Six months . Against breastfeeding infrastructure, the child enters the diet of additional foods.
Seven months . With breastfeeding supplements. The baby is happy to suck a piece of apple, biscuit or steering wheel.
Eight months . At this age, the child eats 4-6 days. Feeding is reduced to 2 times at night.
9 months . One of the feeds can be supplemented with “adult” foods.
Ten months . During the day, the child constantly chews something, tastefully tasting food from the adults' table.
11 months When the baby can have two full complementary foods.
Twelve months . Breastfeeding can be fed twice a day. Boy happy to try another meal.

Babies are recommended to feed for monthspediatricians. However, it should be noted that each baby grows and grows only by its own laws and rules. If he has tried “adult” food, he will wrinkle and refuse to use it, so don't worry. It's just time to feed.

sleep time


My mother's love and tenderness will cause the baby confidence and pleasure. It will allow a child to adapt more quickly to a 1-day specific day regimen. Remember, routine routine will have a positive impact on the development of the child's body. It will enable parents and other family members to create the most comfortable conditions.

Dee Cee Labs Formula 303 Maximum Strength Natural Relaxant Tablets, 250 Tablets