Friday, September 20, 2019

Diabetes Blood Sugar Monitoring Kit for iPhone: Dario LC Blood Glucose Monitoring System Includes Glucose Meter, 25 Test Strips, 10 Sterile Lancets, 10 Disposable Covers. All-in-One Glucometer


Diabetes Blood Sugar Monitoring Kit for iPhone: Dario LC Blood Glucose Monitoring System Includes Glucose Meter, 25 Test Strips, 10 Sterile Lancets, 10 Disposable Covers. All-in-One Glucometer

If you have diabetes, you will need to keep yourself under good control the next time in your life. The way to live in peace with diabetes is to take care of yourself. You should aim to maintain a normal life as much as possible by keeping your blood sugar levels within the average range. The best way to achieve this goal is to practice diet and exercise.

Complications may develop due to the high levels of blood sugar that develops continuously after developing diabetes. Complications first affect the eyes, kidneys, nerves and cardiovascular system. In order to avoid these or to be noticed as early as possible, the diabetic needs to watch himself carefully. Nowadays, there are very easy methods to control blood sugar.

How many times should I measure my sugar?
If you monitor your blood sugar level yourself, it will be easier to control your disease. All you do is take a drop of blood from your finger and do your test. Today, many sugar measuring device that this function is available in Turkey.

The World Health Organization and the International Diabetes Federation have presented a paper on how often diabetes levels are measured in diabetics.

For patients receiving intensive treatment; you should measure your sugar level before each meal and before going to bed.

All patients with diabetes; 2 times a day but can vary by measuring at different times.

Patients controlled by diet; once a day must measure blood sugar.

Patients taking oral medication; can measure blood sugar twice a day, before breakfast every day and 2 hours after breakfast.

Our goal is to keep your blood sugar at desired levels for 24 hours. You will need to record your measured sugar results at regular intervals every day and tell your doctor. This means that you and your doctor can arrange the best treatment method and program based on this information.

You can measure your blood sugar as well as your urine sugar. Normally there is no sugar in the urine. However, if the amount of sugar in your blood rises too much, some of it will urinate. Although it is very easy to look at your urine sugar, it does not detect your blood sugar exactly.

You may have heard people say var I have some sugar ”or im I have some sugar yĆ¼ksek. These words evoke the idea that diabetes is not a serious disease. This is not true. Diabetes is a serious disease, but you can learn to manage it.

People with diabetes should make healthy eating choices, stay at the ideal weight, move every day and take their medicines even if they feel good. It's not easy to have a lot to do. But worth it.

Professor Dr. Alper Celik gave information about the easy ways to lower blood sugar levels:

Be active. Set the target to be active for most of the week. Start with a light goal like a 10-minute walk a day. Exercise twice a week to increase muscle strength. Use stretch bands, yoga, heavy gardening (tool digging and plant bread etc.) or push-ups.

Regular exercise can help you lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means that cells can use sugar in the bloodstream more easily. Exercise also helps the blood sugar to be used by the muscles and contraction of the muscles. Weight lifting, brisk walking, running, cycling, dancing, hiking, swimming and similar exercises will be useful. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and helps muscles to get sugar from the blood. This results in a lower blood sugar level.

Many studies have shown that a low carb diet reduces blood sugar levels and prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar. Moreover, a low-carb diet helps to control blood sugar levels in the long term.

Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which raises blood sugar. Reducing carbohydrate intake helps control blood sugar.

High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, dried grain legumes and whole grains. The recommended daily amount of fiber for women is about 25 grams and for men it is about 38 grams. This corresponds to 14 grams per 1000 calories. Consuming plenty of fiber helps control blood sugar, and soluble edible fibers are more effective.

Drinking enough water will help keep your blood sugar level within healthy limits. In addition to preventing dehydration, it helps the kidneys to remove excess blood sugar through the urine. Regular drinking water dilutes the blood, lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes. Keep in mind that beverages without water and calories are the best drinks. Sugar-flavored drinks increase blood glucose levels, eliminate weight control and increase the risk of diabetes. Drinking water lowers blood sugar levels and helps prevent diabetes. Water is the best drink. For juice and soda instead of water.

Portion control helps regulate calorie intake and leads to weight loss. Controlling weight therefore promotes healthy blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Controlling portions helps reduce calorie intake and prevent sudden rise in blood sugar.

To check portions:

Measure and weigh portions
Use small plates
Stay away from buffet restaurants
Read food labels and check portions
Keep Cooking Diary
Eat slowly
The more you control the portions, the better you will control your blood sugar level.

Consuming foods with low glycemic index has been shown to reduce blood sugar in the long term for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The amount of carbohydrate consumed is as important as the glycemic index of food. Seafood, meat, eggs, oats, barley, beans, lentils, granular foods, sweet potatoes, corn, diamonds and starch-free foods are low glycemic index foods. It is important to select foods with low glycemic index and to determine total carbohydrate consumption.

Stress can increase blood sugar. Take time to breathe deeply, engage in gardening, walk, meditate, enjoy your hobbies and listen to your favorite music.

Measuring and monitoring your blood sugar level will help control it. This means that you can find out if you need to regulate meals or medications you take. This is how you can see how your body reacts to certain foods. Try to measure the blood sugar level and record the measurement values ​​every day. Checking your sugar level and saving it every day will help regulate food and medicines and lower your blood sugar level.

Getting your sleep is extremely important and essential for good health. Poor sleeping habits and inability to relax affect blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. It increases appetite, which leads to weight gain. Decreased sleep quality reduces growth hormone secretion and increases cortisol levels. These are important hormones for blood sugar control. Sleep should be good quality and adequate. Every night is necessary for a sufficient period of time and a good sleep. Good sleep is important for maintaining blood sugar control and maintaining healthy weight. Poor sleep negatively affects the production of metabolic hormones.

It is known that a 7 percent reduction in body weight can reduce the rate of diabetes development by up to 58 percent. Moreover, this reduction in risk continues for years. To determine if you are at risk for diabetes, the closest thing to weight is the waist circumference, and you need to be careful. Measurements of waist circumference greater than 88.9 cm in women and 101.6 cm in men are associated with insulin resistance, high blood sugar levels and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes.

Having a healthy waist may be more important than your entire weight. A healthy weight and waist circumference below the specified limit will help to maintain blood glucose levels within the normal range and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Diabetes Blood Sugar Monitoring Kit for iPhone: Dario LC Blood Glucose Monitoring System Includes Glucose Meter, 25 Test Strips, 10 Sterile Lancets, 10 Disposable Covers. All-in-One Glucometer