Friday, September 20, 2019

AlphaTRAK 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Kit

10 gold nutrients for people with diabetes

AlphaTRAK 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Kit

In contrast to the summer months, when the weather cools, the feeding style inevitably changes during the autumn-winter period. Light and olive oil foods may be replaced by frying and fatty foods. Moreover, because the need for fluid is reduced in contrast to the summer, many people do not think to drink water without thirst. With the shortening of the days, the meals are passed away and another very important rule is violated in diabetes . However, in diabetes, which is popularly known as diabetes, eating healthy and balanced is extremely important. Some foods make important contributions to the fight against diabetes. Here are the 10 most important nutrients ...

Rolled oats
Oatmeal contains soluble pulp to help control blood sugar levels. The soluble pulp called beta glucan in oats provides blood sugar balance by prolonging gastric emptying time and slowing the absorption of glucose. Beta glucan also helps to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and protects vascular health of people with diabetes at risk for cardiovascular disease. At breakfast or snacks, you can add milk / yogurt and fruit to your oatmeal to create meals that will balance your blood sugar.

Almonds and walnuts
Alpha linolenic acid, which is one of the Omega 3 fatty acid group in walnut, protects diabetics from cardiovascular diseases. The high fiber in both walnuts and almonds helps to reduce insulin resistance and makes blood sugar easier to balance. Regular consumption of walnuts and almonds helps people with diabetes to lose weight by maintaining insulin balance. Since these foods contain a high amount of fat, they are not very low in calories. During consumption, the amount should be considered and consumed raw. 100 grams of almonds average 600 calories, while 100 grams of walnuts 650 calories. Consuming 10 raw almonds and 2 walnuts per day is enough to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Yogurt contains high quality protein and carbohydrates. If you are looking for an alternative to the classic breakfast, you can maintain your blood sugar balance by eating oatmeal, vegetable meals at meals, and consuming fruit beside meals. Yogurt is a unique source of protein and calcium that can be consumed at every meal. Especially consume lean yogurt; it will also be beneficial for your vascular health by reducing your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol.

Curcumin in the composition of turmeric compound reduces insulin resistance and lowers blood sugar. Regular consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. By adding turmeric herbal teas, you can consume fruits, vegetables and salads. For maximum benefit, it is necessary to increase the absorption of turmeric from the intestines. For this, it should be consumed by mixing with black pepper and olive oil.

Despite its sweet taste, pear is one of the fruits that people with diabetes should consume. Rich in fiber, pear is a low glycemic index fruit, which raises and lowers blood sugar slowly. Thus, it provides blood sugar balance. Together with a medium-sized pear, a protein-containing nutrient group, such as milk or yogurt, provides blood sugar regulation and provides balance until the next meal.

Whole grains
Whole grains have a lower glycemic index than refined grains; thus helps to maintain blood sugar balance. It is very important for diabetics to pay attention to the selection of cereals group in order to balance insulin secretion. From the bread group, instead of foods made from refined flour such as white bread, bagels, pies, whole wheat, whole rye high pulp and low glycemic index breads; if you need to eat whole wheat toast or bread crumbs. Choosing pasta / rice in main meals for bulgur pilaf or whole wheat pasta provides blood sugar balance by increasing pulp intake in the meal.

It contains cinnamyl aldehyde, which increases the sensitivity of the cells to insulin, facilitates the passage of blood glucose into the cells and balances blood sugar. Research has shown that even half a teaspoon of cinnamon helps maintain blood sugar balance. Cinnamon, which provides the best blood sugar balance, is Chinese cinnamon. You can add cinnamon to your milk or yogurt, and use it as cinnamon stick in your teas to get an aromatic taste. If you want cinnamon to suppress your sweet desire; slices the apple and sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in the oven to get a light dessert. The maximum dose of cinnamon is 1 teaspoon (6 grams), not exceeding 1 teaspoon a day to consume more than your blood sugar to consume excess blood sugar can cause hypoglycemia.

The fish
Fish is a source of good quality protein containing healthy fats. Omega 3, which is found in fish, is EPA and DHA fatty acids that are not produced by our body. These fatty acids protect blood vessels by reducing bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing good cholesterol. While diabetes alone is a threat to vascular health, providing Omega 3 with fish helps to protect vascular health. Grilled fish should be consumed in 150-200 grams portions 2-3 days a week.

Seeds of chia
Chia seed is a seed that has maximum balance in terms of nutrient groups that contain carbohydrate, protein and fat together. Almost all of the carbohydrate content is made up of fiber. It contains high amount of fiber and high amount of protein to provide blood sugar balance. Since the fatty acids in chiada are omega3 fatty acids like walnuts, they are useful for decreasing blood cholesterol and protecting vascular health. Chia seeds do not have a very distinct taste. Because of this feature, you can use the seeds for breakfast with the mixture of oatmeal and milk, or sprinkle over salad and vegetable dishes. Chia, which has the ability to hold water seven to eight times its own, takes the consistency of custard when kept for a while. By mixing milk, fruit puree and chi, you can wait in the fridge for one night and get a diabetic custard the next day.

Dry beans
Another miracle nutrient group for people with diabetes is legumes. Dry beans, chickpeas, lentils such as legumes, carbohydrates as well as protein and healthy fats are also included. The carbohydrate of dry legumes is complex. This means that it raises and lowers blood sugar slowly. In addition, it contains both soluble fiber and helps to maintain blood sugar balance and lowers cholesterol levels. Consuming dry legumes with yoghurt / tzatziki or buttermilk, which protects diabetics in two ways, provides protein balance and contributes to the prolongation of gastric emptying. Thus, blood sugar balance is balanced until the other meal. If you have diabetes two to three times a week, you should definitely eat kurubaklagill.

AlphaTRAK 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Kit