Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Zarbee's Naturals Children's Sleep with Melatonin Supplement, Natural Berry Flavored, 50 Gummies

Your Secret Weapon to Increase School Success

Zarbee's Naturals Children's Sleep with Melatonin Supplement, Natural Berry Flavored, 50 Gummies

Yeah, I'm talking about sleep. Sleep your secret weapon.

Why do I say secret?

Because many families do not know that one of the reasons behind their misbehavior and low school success is their inability to meet their daily sleep needs.


But with this article, you will know now and don't worry, we will talk about how to get your child to bed easily and pleasantly at any time.

Believe that your child needs to sleep on a regular basis according to the age of the day to sleep regularly, you're paralyzed school choices, private schools, mental math activities, private lessons are many times more important.

If the child meets the daily sleep needs, the efficiency of these activities will be many times higher.

Because quality, that is, age-appropriate amounts and sleep taken before waking up in the morning, is not only one of the cornerstones of body development, but also brain development.

Inadequate and intermittent sleep;

learning and memory problems
lack of attention
weakening of the immune system, more frequent illness

However, according to the age of children and young people who sleep adequately and uninterrupted sleep at night, the information is learned that day when the brain organizes, saves the relevant places in the brain and prepares the brain to learn the next day.

Not only learning at school, but also sleeping is necessary for the child to digest the information he learns while playing games, reading books, talking to you or observing his surroundings.

So when the child is asleep, his brain has a lot of work at night, and he needs long hours until the morning to be able to do it right.

There are inconsistencies between many sources of need for sleep by age, but the majority agree on average in the following ranges:

Primary school child: 10-11 hours

Secondary school child: 9-10 hours

High school teenager: 8.5-9 hours

So, especially for nights that are school the next day on weekdays, please do the following simple calculation and set up a layout at home:

1) What time does your child need to get up in the morning?

Let's take a clear example, let's say your child is in 2nd grade and needs to get up at 7 in the morning.

2) How many hours of daily sleep needs by age?

A child around 8 years of age needs an average of 10-11 hours of sleep every night .

3) Then what time does he need to sleep?

He should be asleep at 7:30 in the evening at least for 10.5 hours to get up in the morning.

Of course, this child is not a robot, sometimes he sleeps at 20, sometimes falling asleep may find 21 at night, but in this way a minimum of 10 hours of sleep is guaranteed.

4) So at what time should he go to bed to sleep? What can be done to make it easy and enjoyable to go to bed?

I remember my own daughters in the 2nd grade; Since we had time to read books before bedtime, they would finish all preparations and enter the bed at 19.30 in the evening. They would read their books by 20 (in the dim light) and when I said, 20 Come on at 20:00, it's time to turn off the light lard, they would open up their fairy tales or soothing music in their dark rooms and call me.

I would sit next to each other in bed, scratch their backs in the dark, caress their hair, have a little chat. For us, this was the moment when all the rush of the day was over, and we stayed alone and had a special time, even 5-10 minutes.

Of course this is child, no end, sometimes they would try all kinds of tricks not to leave me, but we set a code. I always used to say to them, uyku Night night, sleep tight, I love you önce, since they've been in bed since their infancy, now they've grown up, our codes changed, we have separate special codes for both, but our routine is still similar .

Returning to the second grade, they knew that when I say this sentence, the boundary is clear and I will not compromise from that point. No matter how much they try endless distraction tactics such as “I'm thirsty, I have a toilet, I'm going to say one last thing, I'm going to miss you, I'm afraid to go, olay except for very special situations that may happen once a month. they should stay in their beds even if they don't sleep.

If they pushed their luck, I would say, “Good night girl, see you in the morning erek without making my sweet voice in our sleep routine angry, shouting but a little more powerful and authoritarian, and the event would be over.

After preparing them for sleep in this way, I would be out of their room at about 20.20 at the latest, and according to their fatigue, they would listen to their calming music or fairy tales in the dark and fall asleep in 10-20 minutes.

As I said, of course they're not robots, depending on moods and fatigue, it was easy or hard to fall asleep, or fall asleep times, but as long as the bedtime and light-off time didn't change, this pattern would continue consistently every evening, which is still only hours. different.

I suggest you, despite your clear warning, if your child continues to get out of bed, without getting tired of long conversations, holding him by his hand or on his lap, laying him back in his bed and using only the code phrase “for example, at night, see you in the morning. ".

Do not engage in any other dispute or conflict of power. If you're consistent, believe me, he'il get the message in a very short time and give up. You can apply the same strategy again if you wake up at night.

When the aim is to make sleeping hours easy and enjoyable, the following principles are very important:

At least 1.5 hours before sleep time technology (TV, computer, ipad, etc.) has been disconnected from all. Because they over-stimulate and make it difficult for them to fall asleep. They do not want to leave them to go to sleep anyway, if you need to use them on the weekday school day, so please keep away from sleep time. And do not keep appliances such as telephones, ipad, computers and televisions in their rooms. As the cortex of children and adolescents is not yet fully developed, it is very difficult for them to control themselves. They need our supervision, especially if they have an addiction, keeping them in their rooms is like putting baklava in front of a person who loves sweets and eating it.
If your child does not want to go to bed or has difficulty falling asleep, avoid very moving games before sleeping. On the contrary, prefer more calming and asleep-preparing activities. That's the advantage of reading books before sleep. Even if the girls are playing on the street before the sleep time, once they get into bed and take their books in their hands, they start to calm down and relax.
Most importantly, the time before bedtime is a pleasure time , even if you spend 5-10 minutes alone . Look forward to these minutes. Because the minutes we spend with them all day and give them all our attention are very few. So these minutes before sleep can be the most special time of the day for both them and us. If we are not at home, we can still enjoy the same pleasure as someone else.
Knowing that sleep time is not a bargain. I negotiate with my children on many issues, which I think is a good practice in developing their persuasion skills. But when it comes to sleeping hours, I've been super principled about it since I was a baby, and I am, and I will continue to be. And they know it very well, so they don't try me much about it.
Everything is done in the same order every night. Even though children object, they love order and routine , so they always know what's next and feel peaceful. Preparing for a particular bed and having a sleep routine after bed makes everything easier for everyone. In addition, the biological clocks are accustomed to this order, so they start to sleep automatically. Especially in kindergarten and elementary school, this benefits much more.

5) So at what time does he have to start preparing to go to bed at that hour?

Yeah, we talked about the bedtime, and now we've got the routine until we go back to bed. It all depends on the order and duration.

I remember it again in the 2nd grade period, usually with showering, tooth, toilet, pajamas, brushing hair, choosing books, opening music, and it would take 20-30 minutes if we counted their share of scattering and dealing with other things. So at 19.30, they would start to prepare for bed at 19:30 so that I could remind them of how much time they had left.

6) So at that time to start to prepare for the game, homework, food, bag to prepare at what time?

Do you realize where we came from?

We reached the point of planning the time from the time the child should get up in the morning and back to school after going to bed. Because they're all connected. If he doesn't follow a certain order when he comes from school, it inevitably raises his sleep time and a vicious circle begins.

We said that a 2nd grade child who needs to get up at 7 in the morning needs 10-11 hours of sleep every night. If we say 10.5 hours on average, he should turn off his light at 20 to get asleep at 20.30 in the evening; to turn off the light at 20 in the bed, such as 19.30-19.45; In order to be in bed at that time, he must have finished his dinner at 19-19.15 and started his pre-sleep routine.


We started from your child's departure time in the morning, we came back from here and made a plan until we had to make an order after coming back from school with the calculations we made. We looked at how you can make your sleep hours easier and more enjoyable, rather than fighting your child every night.

But I also know that you will be shocked by all these calculations , because your child will have to end the day long before you think. There will be a very short time between coming home from school and going to bed.

Of course, I know very well, because it is not easy to keep up with these schedules, because after school routine activities and homework, working mothers and fathers want to spend time in the evening with their children rightly.

What can be done about all this is a separate article but what I think it is important to know and remember is that; No matter how old your child is, it is very important in many ways that he gets the average amount of sleep he needs regularly at night.

Because sleep is such that it is not a luxury but a basic necessity , especially for children in developmental age.

The time you spend together can be a very special part of your sleep time instead of watching TV together. Believe your child, you will remember these special times forever and will connect you more together.

If you are not accustomed to such a scheme, it may seem very difficult and tiring for you to make these accounts at first, but it is more tiring to be at war with your child every night. It is more tiring to deal with your child's cranky behavior because he or she cannot get to sleep, or because his / her concentration drops in school.

If you think that once you have established this order, your child will go to sleep every night before it is too late, and after a long day you will be able to devote more time to both yourself and your spouse.

Zarbee's Naturals Children's Sleep with Melatonin Supplement, Natural Berry Flavored, 50 Gummies