Monday, September 23, 2019

White Noise Machine, AVANTEK Sound Machine for Sleeping, 20 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds with High Quality Speaker & Memory Function, 30 Levels of Volume and 7 Timer Settings

10 types and treatment of sleep disorder

White Noise Machine, AVANTEK Sound Machine for Sleeping, 20 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds with High Quality Speaker & Memory Function, 30 Levels of Volume and 7 Timer Settings

Sleep disorders do not only turn nightmares into a nightmare, but also negatively affect quality of life and even relationships. There are 10 known types of sleep disorders. Most of them can be treated ...

We all know that a good sleep should provide peace and comfort, but the widely unknown human brain is also active during sleep… An adult person usually alternates between two sleep phases at night. These stages are REM (rapid eye movements) and N-REM (slow eye movements). The N-REM cycle is deep sleep. During this phase, fatigue and physical damage during the day is treated. The dreams in this phase are usually ordinary and black and white, often not remembered. In the REM cycle, brain activity is close to wakefulness. However, the body is in a state of temporary paralysis. It has the ability to restructure the body. The dreams in this cycle are colorful and unusual. The effect is often remembered.

However, when the boundaries of these two cycles are blurred, sleep can become restless. We all have nightmares, but for some of us, fears can manifest themselves as sleep disturbances in real life. Some sleep disorders are dangerous enough to put people and their loved ones at risk… Others are so scary that they can be called nightmares… Fortunately, most of them are cured!


What: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, one of the most common disorders in our list, stops breathing completely while sleeping. Severe sleep apnea can cause irregular heartbeats, lack of oxygen in the brain and even death. This disorder is one of the disorders that increase the risk of hypertension, heart failure and me

Treatment: Apnea must be diagnosed with the help of a sleep specialist. Losing weight, sleeping sideways, having surgery, using medication or sleeping with a breathing machine will cause a positive change.


What is it: People with REM sleep disorders go out of their dreams and do what they do physically in bed, and if the dream is severe, they can harm themselves or those who sleep together. These dreams, which are mostly against the morning, generally include themes such as chasing, fighting, punching, falling off a cliff. The sleeper is struggling during a dream, sometimes talking, sometimes shouting, kicking his wife or punching the wall or even falling out of bed.

Treatment: Muscle relaxants usually treat this disorder, but if necessary, the use of melatonin and antidepressant can be recommended with the advice of a doctor. It is recommended to remove the cutting tools in the bedroom until the person's sleep improves and to sleep alone.


What: Night terrorism, which is much more intense than the average nightmare, usually occurs in children and rarely in adults. Night terror usually occurs within 3 hours of falling asleep and manifests itself in abnormal behavior. It is not usually a dream, it is a strong reaction of people as they go from one phase of sleep to another. Those who are affected often wake up screaming. He looks around with fear and surprise; her eyes are open at that time, but sleep is continuing. However, it is thought that he was awake because his eyes were open. The face has pallor, sweating and typical fear. Then he gets out of bed. In the meantime, because he is unconscious, he can hit a wall. He doesn't know his family during this time. After a few minutes the seizure stops spontaneously, the child really wakes up, but is not aware of what happened.

Treatment: It is best not to wake him up because he will have lost his direction. Instead, it would be better to wait quietly and prevent him from harming himself. Especially if your child has such a problem, it would be beneficial to reduce the stressful environments, stop her from sleeping too late and prepare a relaxing and calming sleep environment in order to stop the night terror. In more advanced cases, the use of medication is recommended with the advice of a doctor.

4. SEXOMNIA (Having sex during sleep)

What: Although it doesn't sound like a disorder, those who suffer from this problem are also having serious problems. A person wakes up in the middle of the night, forcing his partner to have willing or unwilling sex, perhaps going so far as to do things he would never do while he was awake. When he wakes up in the morning, he often cannot remember what happened at night. This situation is the most affected with his partner.

Treatment: The patient and his / her family should be evaluated by a specialist for current and past sleep disorders. Insomnia, stress, substance or frequent alcohol use will increase this situation. In advanced cases, with the advice of a doctor, it is recommended to use medication and sleep alone.

5. Narcolepsy

What: Narcoleptic someone does not have a normal sleep pattern. They can go into sleep during the day and do any work without knowing it. These sleep transitions, which last from a few seconds to a few minutes, are extremely dangerous as they can occur even while driving. Those who experience this disorder can often lose muscle, hallucinate and become paralyzed during these attacks.

Treatment: Unfortunately, a problem that can only be solved with medication davranış Besides, it can be beneficial to take behavior therapy.

6. sleepwalking

What is this: This disorder, of unknown cause, is one of the most well-known disorders in our list… When a person is in deep sleep, he starts to walk out of bed. This disorder can present enormous dangers for themselves and their relatives, as they can sometimes go out of the house or even drive. Since his drowsiness continues even though his eyes are open at the time, he is unconscious and does not know what is happening, where they are going, what they are doing until he wakes up; when they wake up, they remember nothing. Sleepwalking can be used as a defense in cases where crimes such as murder are committed, but sleepwalking is not provable!

Treatment: As in other disorders, it is very important to make the bedroom safe in order to prevent harm to the person kendis Measures such as locking the external doors and putting doors on the stairs should be taken. In more advanced cases, medical observation and medication are definitely recommended.


What: The body becomes too paralyzed to move even for a few minutes as in narcolepsy… In this situation, which usually occurs while falling asleep or awakening, the person cannot move, make noise and breathe.

Treatment: The treatment for narcolepsy is also used for this condition. In addition, creating sleep patterns, exercising, not lying on your back reduces these attacks.


What is this: This type of sleep disturbance is undoubtedly the most frightening on the list. In exploding head syndrome, a person experiences a loud explosion or explosive noise in his head during the transition of sleep phases. Affected persons complain of very loud noises, such as the explosion of a bomb or the sound of a gun in their heads or under their ears.

Treatment: As with other sleep disorders, reducing stress, not using substances and alcohol, creating a sleep order, will cause the syndrome to decrease. In more advanced cases, the use of medication is recommended with the advice of a doctor.


What: Chronic insomnia is on our list because of the frightening results that appear in individuals suffering from it… If the definition cannot be correctly identified, those who have difficulty falling asleep await serious medical problems, including death. Patients generally complain that they cannot keep their eyes closed for more than a few minutes or cannot sleep in bed. The reason is the deformation of a protein and damage to the brain… In general, the disease starts in middle ages can lead to death in 7 months to 3 years. The youngest patient in the world who died of this disorder was recorded as 16 years old. Before death, the patient had hallucinations, double vision, and difficulty in walking.

Treatment: Behavioral therapy and drug therapy are effective in many people çoğu Most people who take this therapy can fall asleep without taking medication. Changing habits, removing all electrical appliances in the bedroom and using the bed only for sleep will also improve this disorder.


What: Unfortunately, this sleep disorder does not have a fairy tale like its name! Sleeping Beauty Syndrome occurs at a rate of one in a million people. It is mostly seen in men during puberty. In these patients, despite 12-24 hours of sleep per day, they cannot get enough sleep and behave as if they are generally unresponsive and deprived of emotion during awake hours. The biggest problems they face are inability to communicate, attention and focus problems, memory deterioration, a huge increase in eating and sex impulses and, of course, kidnapping life. Sometimes attacks that last for days end spontaneously and a similar attack comes again after 2-3 months.

Treatment: There is no cure for this disorder! But to correct the symptoms during the attack, awake preventive drugs, sometimes epileptic drugs can be used between attacks.

White Noise Machine, AVANTEK Sound Machine for Sleeping, 20 Non-Looping Soothing Sounds with High Quality Speaker & Memory Function, 30 Levels of Volume and 7 Timer Settings