Friday, September 20, 2019

True Metrix 06-RE4051-43 Mckesson

Diabetes Fasting Toughness How many blood sugar should be

True Metrix 06-RE4051-43 Mckesson

Who are at risk?
Occult sugar can be found 15-20 years before diabetes occurs. The first findings are frequent hunger, intolerance to hunger, eating quickly, frequent cravings, or even a sweet crisis. So these are the symptoms that appeared 15 years ago.
So if there are only one or two of the symptoms…
Most symptoms occur together. Not separately.

What should be your blood glucose values?
According to a recent decision by the World Health Organization, anyone with a blood sugar level of more than 100 is at risk for diabetes. It was 120 before. Then it's 110, now it's 100.

Why have rates changed?
Because all the research showed this. It's not a big mistake to call a non-diabetic person 'diabetic'. You say you're diabetic, you're going to eat and drink like a man, eat three meals, not eat sugar and fat. There's nothing wrong with that. But skipping the one with diabetes is a big risk.

Do sugar values ​​change with age?
No. Anyone with a blood sugar level of over 100 after 8 hours of starvation is at risk. Those who have a satiety blood sugar level of more than 125 önce The last ones were 110 to 130. Now between 100-125…

Does every patient with high sugar levels have diabetes?
We call diabetes patients who have a fasting blood glucose of 126 and a satiety blood glucose of more than 200.

What is fasting blood sugar?
Fasting blood glucose is the value measured after 8 hours of fasting. Toughness blood sugar at 75 gr. carbohydrate containing glucose taken after measurement. Glucose loading test is a meal model for us. Let's say you had breakfast at 8:00 in the morning. Until 1 o'clock, we will examine what changes are happening in your metabolism. The patient is given 75 g of sugary water containing glucose. Wait half an hour. Blood glucose is then measured every hour. If it's over 200, it's called diabetes.

Is the sugar loading test harmful or does it awaken a possible sleeping sugar?
Our patients also ask a lot. It is certainly not harmful. In one serving of baklava 100-150 g. There are candy. We only had 75 gr. are loading candy. What happens when you eat a plate of lozenge is the same as loading glucose.

Are there many patients who have died of diabetes?
No statistics. But this disease is the first cause of blindness in Europe. One out of every three patients entering the artificial kidney machine has diabetes. Every year, 60,000 people in America are cut off by this disease. Diabetic patients if they also have a heart attack rate of heart attack increases 4 times. The rate of stroke is 3 times higher in patients with diabetes. If you pay attention to the death rate of the fourth, but the first, second-ranked causes of death is the most feeding disease. For him, the World Health Organization considers diabetes to be the primary disease in all countries of the world. At the last world congress, diabetes was defined as a more dangerous disease than AiDS.

Why is it even more dangerous than AIDS?
There are 177 million people with diabetes in the world. By 2025, this number will increase to over 300 million. In Turkey 10 million passes.

What happens if this disease is not treated?
Causes serious organ damage. May cause visual impairment. It may cause disorders in the kidneys, foot nerves and as a result, in the bone system. It is the fourth leading cause of death in all countries in the world.

Cardiovascular diseases?
Yeah. Second place is cancer. Stroke or stroke at three. The fourth is Diabetes. According to a study conducted in the United States, the causes of death due to stroke and cardiovascular diseases due to death in the last 20 years, while cancer and diabetes is increasing. Among these, the most increased is Diabetes. Diabetes is spreading much faster than cancer.

Why does diabetes spread so quickly?
It is rapidly increasing due to genetic and environmental factors. It's going on for the rest of your life, so we don't have a chance to give you a drug right now. We are trying to apply these existing treatments by extending the life span of the patient as much as possible without disturbing the body of the disease, without disturbing the quality of life of the patient in any way. There is no radical treatment for diabetes yet.

Sugar is not a sweet disease

Diabetes mellitus, as it is called in medical language, is not a cute disease despite the name sugar. Because this chronic and progressive disease has no definitive treatment and when it is not well controlled, it causes many health problems.

These health problems are also very important problems such as heart attack, stroke, leg amputation due to vascular occlusion, renal failure and blindness.

THEN the only thing medicine can do against diabetes, which has very important health risks, is to keep it under control. The use of drugs in the control of the disease, nutrition, body weight and lifestyle to regulate and periodically check the doctor, is an important place. The first step in achieving this is to know the disease well.

The formation of diabetes

The sugars, flours, starches that we take with foods, in other words carbohydrates, are broken down in the digestive system and converted into glucose and mixed into the blood. The insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas gland enables glucose to be used in the form of energy. In the event of insufficient insulin, the body cannot use glucose in the form of energy and the blood glucose level begins to increase. Increased blood glucose levels lead to damage to blood vessels. Organs whose organs are clogged start to be damaged as a result. Another problem for diabetic patients is acetone and other substances that occur when trying to provide energy from glucose and other similar substances that they cannot obtain from glucose.

Diabetes Treatment

There are two main principles in the treatment of diabetes. The first is not to take more carbohydrates than necessary for the body, and the second is to support insufficient insulin medication. If a person has diabetes of the type called 1 Type 1,, since there is almost no insulin in his body, he must take the insulin he needs. In the so-called 2 Type 2 tür type, although the body has its own insulin, it can be used to increase the secretion of insulin or its effect on the body. Some of these people may need insulin support externally as insulin deficiency increases over time.

The importance of control

As I mentioned above, uncontrollable diabetes has a high risk of major problems over time. Therefore, it is important to monitor the disease closely. For this, although it is essential to measure the blood glucose level, it is not always sufficient. Since the measurement of fasting blood sugar shows the patient's current condition, the doctor who performs the check does not provide sufficient information. An assay method developed in recent years reveals a balance of the patient's level of glucose in the blood.

What is Hemoglobin A1C?

This assay, called Hemoglobin A1C, or A1C, which is called kolay HbA1C aca for short, is easier in some countries and measures the amount of glucose bound to red blood cells in the patient's blood. Glucose, once bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells, does not change over the life of the red blood cell, which lasts for an average of 120 days. In addition to the occasional fasting blood glucose level measurement, this analysis is carried out once every three months on average, providing valuable information about the general course of the patient's diabetes. Experts want this assay to be at most 7 percent in diabetes patients under treatment.

How does diabetes affect your sexual life?
If you have diabetes, there is, of course, a lot you have to accept; but just because you have diabetes does not mean that your sexual life will be interrupted.
It is a fact that millions of diabetics face some problems in their sexual life; however, these can be minimized under doctor's supervision. Decreased sexual desire, painful sexual intercourse, erection problems and vaginal dryness are among these problems. 90-95% of patients with this type of complaints may improve, but the main problem is that patients can not fully transfer their sexual problems to their doctor comfortably. More than half of diabetic men experience erectile dysfunction. The age at which this problem will occur depends on a number of factors. For example, how many years you have diabetes and whether you control the amount of sugar in your blood is extremely important. Men with diabetes who do not control their glucose levels experience erection problems at an earlier age. One of Sanfrancisco's renowned Endocrinologists. Alan Rubin states that erectile dysfunction can occur even at the age of twenty-five; however, these cases are more common in middle-aged men and those who have not controlled their sugar levels for a decade or more. Although not very common, another problem is that the sperm move backwards, ie back to the bladder. This is not actually a health problem, but it can create serious problems for women who want to become pregnant.

As for women v Vaginal dryness is another important factor that leads to unpleasant sexual intercourse and prevents orgasm. This is mostly due to insufficient stimulation of the vagina and its surroundings. Another factor that prevents arousal and orgasm is that blood sugar is not kept at a certain level. Contrary to popular belief, insulin does not cause any erection problems; on the contrary, it sets the sugar level. As you can see, there is no serious problem that cannot be solved.

Abundant salad reduces sugar risk

American researchers found that eating plenty of salads reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Real Age Research Group said in a statement, leafy vegetables such as lettuce used in salad and other nutrients, said it controls the blood sugar level. Researchers, vegetables used in the salad contains plenty of vitamins, abundant salad eaters reported that the risk of heart disease away. Scientists, who eat plenty of salads, salads on average less than those who consume 10 years younger than they suggest.
Some of the other plants useful for sugar include:
Put 2 tablespoons (about 30-40 grams) of chopped fresh olive leaves in half a liter of hot water. After waiting 20 minutes, strain. 10 minutes before meals drink a cup of tea.
After washing 3 bunches of parsley thoroughly, crush it with a hard object such as a bottle and put it in a liter of hot water. Wait for half an hour and then strain through a fine cheesecloth. Add a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. From the mixture you get every morning for a cup of tea on an empty stomach.
Stinging nettle, Eucalyptus
leaf, cress:
One of them is brewed like tea and drink one cup of tea 3 times a day.

Blood sugar is important in intensive care

A study conducted in Belgium found that patients whose blood sugar was controlled by using insulin when needed had a greater chance of surviving in the intensive care unit. In a study conducted at the Berghe Catholic University in Belgium, it was determined that patients who were given immediate insulin by checking their blood sugar continuously had less infection and renal failure and needed to give them less blood. It was noted that patients who were kept under control of blood glucose by using insulin when necessary, were able to get out of hospital early by shortening the intensive care period compared to patients with high blood sugar. In 765 patients, insulin was given to patients whose blood sugar exceeds 110 milligram / dl. Insulin was administered to a group of patients when their blood sugar exceeded 215. The blood sugar ratio of these patients after insulin administration was 180-200. It was determined that the patients whose blood sugar was taken under control instantly showed a big difference compared to the other patients. It was seen that the risk of death of these patients decreased by 32 percent and the risk of renal failure decreased by 41 percent.

Nutritional information for diabetics

Patient education, the full 4 million people estimated to be the problem, Sugar Disease treatment in Turkey constitute the most important step. Acıbadem Hospital has launched a free patient education program in order to introduce diabetics to all aspects of their illness and to protect them from the problems of the disease. In this context, Dr. Acıbadem Hospital Conference Hall. Dr. Şadiye Yücel Kutbay, diabetics found appropriate nutrition advice. Kutbay, blood sugar within the normal limits to keep the simple sugar and sugar cubes defined as sugar, honey sweet and fruit juices should not be consumed. As it is known, Diabetes is defined as the condition that the human body cannot secrete a sufficient amount of insulin, or that the secreted insulin cannot be used adequately.

Diabetes treatment is a team game

No single player can win a football match. Neither you, your doctor, your dietician, your exercise counselor or your psychologist, if you have one, can manage the diabetes alone. In short, no one can beat diabetes by playing the game alone. It is true that the most important role is in diabetes. But other players are needed for successful diabetes control, and the best way is to act as a whole in a team spirit. Your doctor, nurse, diabetes educator, dietitian, pharmacist, consultant doctors (eye specialist, kidney specialist and neurologist, neurologist) are other members of this team. You may find it difficult to cope with diabetes. It may not be easy to do daily checks, take medication, not get out of a particular nutritional system, and worry about your future health. Here too, a general rule applies. The first step in coping is to accept. Afterwards, being involved in a team is related to determining your place in the team game correctly and performing your task correctly and completely.

Diabetes hurts my leg

I'm 35 years old and 15 years diabetic. Last summer, I had bruises on my feet. He recovered with intensive treatment, but remained scars. My last problem is cramps and heart palpitations. My heart went through a stress test.

I wonder if the vascular problems you wrote before have started in me? What can I do to investigate this?

The table suggests that you are not being meticulous in the follow-up of diabetes. This is the opinion that last summer, the opening of the wounds on your legs, which were barely closed. This event suggests that you have a problem with your veins. Cramps suggest vascular damage (diabetic angiopathy), one of the major additional problems of diabetes. You can contact a vascular surgery specialist or one of the centers for precise information. Your palpitations should not be related to the heart. It causes palpitations when blood sugar drops below normal. Especially in patients using insulin, blood sugar may suddenly drop and rise if there are inconsistencies between the type, dose and time of administration and the type, amount and time of the food being eaten. When it falls, it can cause hunger, palpitations, tremors and cold sweating.

Two symptoms suggest that your disease is not followed very carefully. I think you should be under the supervision of a center that specializes in diabetes.

Blood sugar

From Istanbul “M. Ö. Okuyucu In his letter, the reader says:
Bir A month ago I had pain in my heart. So I went to the doctor, the electro was pulled. Electro is clean. The doctor said I wouldn't have a heart. Blood pressure was low and blood was analyzed. Blood sugar was low in these tests. He's on a diet. What harm does low blood sugar mean to me, what do you recommend me to do. ”
Pain in your chest may result from narrowing of the heart vessels. In this event, which we call vascular spasm, the blood goes to the heart is disrupted for a moment and is a temporary event. Blood pressure drop, sudden and rapid blood pressure, blood sugar drop, may occur in cases of fainting attacks due to some psychological reasons.
Once the cause of the pain has passed, nothing remains. The electrolytes are completely normal. However, it is still prudent and an exercise ECG is good. Because disturbances that are not visible to the normal electrode can be seen here.
Low blood sugar in the blood test is called hypoglycemia. In hypoglycemia, blood sugar is lower than normal values. If blood sugar falls, brain nutrition is affected. Symptoms such as dizziness, darkening of the eye, sweating, fainting, weakness, palpitations. These symptoms disappear when blood sugar returns to normal.
In a normal person, the blood sugar level is constantly maintained within normal limits. If any of these mechanisms is impaired, the amount of sugar may change. The fall of sugar is called hypoglycemia and its rise is called hyperglycemia. The cause of hypoglycemia must be investigated. Because it's not clear where the sugar will fall. In this way, people with discomfort should avoid excessive effort, stressful environments and work should be avoided, disease should be protected. In case of illness, sugar may fall. He shouldn't be hungry for long. He should eat less but often. He should avoid very sweet foods and eat normal amounts. He should have a few sugar cubes with him and should eat immediately when he has complaints such as weakness, sweating, darkening, palpitations. Thus, the sugar is prevented from falling too much.
The most important causes of hypoglycemia are impaired hormone balance. For this, we recommend you to be examined in the endocrinology department of a faculty hospital and have your tests taken again. In addition, your life, your work, your diet to write a diet suitable for your weight is useful to meet with the expert.

Diabetics should take care of their eyes

It is reported that neglected diabetes can cause damage up to blindness. Prof. Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Dr. Suleyman Okudan, diabetes, the destruction of blood vessels in the retina called '' diabetic retinopathy '' said that caused a discomfort.

Okudan said that this disease was seen as an inevitable and untreatable disease until 30 years ago. He should go through a detailed eye check once a month.

“CA dan from Istanbul is the answer of the reader's question:
Diabetes occurs as a result of decreased or lost insulin secreted from the pancreas. Blood sugar rises. Failure to control this leads to defects in small vessels, narrows. Blood flow is impaired. In this case, disruption of tissue nutrition, sexual function is irregular. Psychological disorders as well as physical disorders caused by diabetes may have affected you. First you need to follow an endocrinologist and have your sugar under control. If your complaints do not improve after that, I recommend that you go to a psychiatrist. Diabetes is serious and important and you should pay attention to your treatment and diet.

It is the answer to the questions of OD from Çankırı:

1-Blood sugar is close to the normal range, sometimes it is considered to rise diabetes. Being in the family and being in the upper limits is accepted as a candidate for diabetes. Diabetes is itchy.
2-Your blood sugar was found a little high in the assay.
3-Fasting blood sugar level should be 80-115, and satiety blood sugar should be 70-110 mg / dl 120 minutes after a meal. These values ​​vary for each laboratory.
4-Anyone with diabetes should be followed in the endocrinology department and use medication according to the sugar level. What you use is good. Do not neglect your doctor checks and diet. Do not eat more than pastry and sweet foods. Have an active life. Try not to lose weight. If you are overweight, lose weight.

“Mukadderat den from Karadeniz Ereğli is the answer of the reader's question:

You write your sugar is pretty high. But it seems to be controlled by diet. Reduce sweet foods. Always follow an endocrinologist. If you cannot find a doctor in this branch, do your checks in the internal medicine department. You should use medication as well as diet to reduce your sugar. Set up your activity. Move regularly every day. If you pay attention, you can continue your life without any problems.

Diabetes Shortens Life
According to a study by UK experts, diabetics die younger than those who do not carry the disease, regardless of age or gender.

Middlesborough General Hospital among 4800 patients with Type 1 diabetes in a study conducted among patients with diabetes was found to be shorter than others.

Type 2 diabetes before the age of 40 in patients caught 8 years shortened life.

The surveys in the poorest regions of England revealed that deaths were higher. In addition, these deaths are caused by heart disease and diabetes patients are already known to be at risk. Research shows that unfortunately the damage of poverty and diabetes has not been given much importance until today.

Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the body's inability to produce enough insulin or to use it well.

Type 1 cases account for 10-25% of diabetics worldwide. If daily insulin is not taken, patients may enter a como, high levels can cause blindness, heart disease, heart attack, nerve damage and kidney problems.

Although type 2 is a disease that is more easily treated with diet, exercise and medication, there is no cure.

There are 130 million people worldwide with diabetes and 2.8 million people die every year. Experts estimate that this disease can reach 220 million people in 2010 and obesity may be effective in this.

Causes of diabetes

Excess Weight and Inactivity Causes Diabetes!
Harvard University scientists report that the biggest factor that increases diabetes is overweight.

Experts explain the factors that increase the risk of diabetes as smoking, excess weight and lack of physical activity. According to a study, 90 percent of diabetics are overweight, lack of physical activity, smoking addicts revealed that people.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, Harvard University experts conducted research on 85 thousand women. In this 16-year study, 3300 women were diagnosed with diabetes. 90 percent of women diagnosed with diabetes are smokers, fat people who do not have physical activity, consists of fat people. Dr. Harvard University doctors. Frank B. Hu explained that if people obey the rules of healthy eating and do sports, the second type of diabetes can be prevented and invited people to follow the rules of healthy living.

Cell Transplant Against Diabetes
Transplanting insulin-producing cells to patients with severe diabetes has been reported to be successful. 8 All Type 1 diabetic patients (type requiring insulin, insulin-dependent type) were all on insulin and fell into a coma due to diabetes. After cell transplantation, all patients did not need to use insulin. This continued for at least a year after the study. He works at the University of Alberta in Canada. James Shapiro describes these results as a “big step forward diyabet in the treatment of diabetes. In this study, insulin-producing cells from healthy pancreas were injected into the liver of 7 patients via a catheter. Drugs that prevent rejection of transplanted cells have also been used. The success of the study is thought to depend on the combined use of these drugs in transplantation. There are no significant complications, but long-term side effects are not known. In addition, it may be difficult to find a donor because cells from at least two separate pancreas are used for each patient. The criteria of the eighth patient were not approved for publication.

Diabetes Medication from Lizard Saliva
According to the German prote Gesundheit hab magazine, exendin-4 protein in the saliva of the poisonous lizard species (Heloderma suspectum cinctum), living in the north of the USA, known as ve Gila-Monster üyor, lowers the sugar level in the blood and slows the emptying of the stomach and reduces appetite.
Slows disease progression
Synthetic exenatide, developed from Exendin-4, is expected to slow the progression of diabetes by increasing the number of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Exenatide substance only when needed, that is, the blood sugar level is high in the cases reported in the news reported, continued clinical trials were recorded.

Diabetes is an Hereditary Disease
It was emphasized that the disease was caused by hereditary and purely genes. Onokuz Mayis University (OMU) Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Fulya Tanyeri, diabetes (Diabetes) is a gene disease, stagnant life, excess weight and unhealthy diet, all the symptoms of the disease easier to appear, he said.
The number of people with diabetes increases
Professor Tanyeri said that people are trying to increase their sensitivity to diabetes and said, uz Our population is getting older. The number of diabetics is also increasing. Over the age of 20 and 7 percent of people in Turkey it is diabetic. It's so high number. Our people should be aware of this issue and have their blood sugar measured. Normal blood sugar is 80-110 milligram / deciliter. Blood sugar should be measured on an empty and full stomach at any time of day. A measurement of over 200 milligrams / deciliter means the presence of diabetes. ”
Diabetes genetics
Tanyeri explained that the disease is hereditary and is completely related to genes and pointed out that the disease is not caused by eating sugar or sugary foods.

Western Style Nutrition Makes Sick
According to dieticians, the number of diseases caused by this type of nutrition is increasing rapidly. Heart, high blood pressure, obesity, tooth decay, gallstones, gout and diabetes, paralysis and cancer are just a few of them. Asthma, eczema, allergic diseases are also closely related to nutrition. It is noted that primitive tribes face the same problems when they abandon the traditional diet and switch to western diet.

Diabetics! Feed Your Babies Gluten Free
German scientists, mothers with diabetes, their babies for the first year recommended gluten-free feed.

According to the results of the research called Babydiab which has been carried out since 1989, it was observed that the risk of being diabetic could be reduced if German scientists, whose mother or father had type 1 diabetes, were fed gluten-free until the age of one. Gluten protein in wheat, rye, barley and oats is thought to increase the risk of sugar.




It's hard to connect diabetes directly to eating sugary foods. It may not make sense if you don't have a sweet devotion before.
Diabetes can be called familial, given your age, or if you have weight, it can somehow show insulin resistance. Re-hunger and satiety, loading test if necessary, weight monitoring, thyroid hormone levels and if you are diabetes, tests to distinguish it
was the situation I would recommend. Therefore, please consult an endocrinologist or general internist.

Diabetes and Birth Control Drug Use?

Question: Hi, I'm a 27-year-old young woman currently taking birth control pills, but last week I suspected diabetes and had a test of 130 came out that means I have sugar, but I do not mind if I continue to take birth control pills I would appreciate if you help


First of all, diabetes is a serious disease. You should see an internal doctor for treatment for this progressive condition. In treatable diabetes, which is under control, the person should use a contraceptive with the advice of the doctor as a result of a doctor's assessment.

Diagnosis of Diabetes in Pregnancy…

Question: If fasting blood sugar is 78, and 50 grams of glucose loading at 146 weeks of gestation, does 146 mean diabetes?

Answer: The diagnosis will be made after 100 gr loading yapıl

Muscle rupture due to diabetes…

my father is 50 years old. diabetic During the last 3 months there is a pain in his right arm, which increases especially at night and cost him sleep. The most recent examination of our physician revealed that the diagnosis of diabetes was muscle rupture (mild level). He said he would relieve the pain after the rest period, which was fixed on the arm sling for a while. A 2 * 15-day period passed but there was no improvement. the pain continues to sleep at night, having trouble raising the arm up. can you please help us? Is the issue within your area? If not, is there an expert you can direct us to?
Best regards


Hello Causes of your father's complaints:

1) pain in shoulder muscle groups and limitation of shoulder joint movements due to disuse
2) if the pain spreads from the arm to the hand
3) neuropathy of the neck-arm-hand nerve wires caused by diabetes (nerve wires may be damaged in diabetes and may produce burning-numbing, disturbing pain at night).

All these possibilities should be evaluated. You can apply to Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Algology.

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Crisis

My uncle had a crisis last week because of diabetes clot throwing in the brain stem. Can you give us detailed information about what can be done about this. What is the likelihood of similar conditions in other members of the family?

Answer: Diabetes is a disease that affects all body systems and affects your blood vessels in the case of your uncle. Possible concomitant high blood pressure caused the cerebral vessel to fracture or rupture a part of the accumulated blood. It is highly likely that it will recover after the crisis. Then have your physicians follow the recommendations.

Menopause and Diabetes

Question: I entered menopause at the age of 41, at age 44 and suffering from diabetes. My doctor told me that I couldn't apply hormone therapy (because there might be vascular disorders due to diabetes) because I had diabetes. When I consulted another doctor, he said that something was wrong and that I could use hormones after the necessary tests and that diabetes did not prevent me from using hormones. I don't know which to believe. I didn't have any complaints after menopause and now I'm having no problems. I'm afraid for years to come.

Answer: You are less likely to experience problems with menopause than with diabetes. You may consider using hormones after necessary tests. However, you should focus on controlling diabetes. This is vital for you.


Question: Can I complain of diabetes when my feet get cold in summer and winter? How can I prevent this cold? Thank you in advance for your interest and wish you success.

Answer: Diabetes is a condition that affects the whole body. It also has an effect on the nervous system. Just check your blood sugar and adjust your eating habits appropriately.

Dry Mouth and Sugar

Question: I am a 17-year-old girl, but I do not have any chronic illness, but I have problems such as dry mouth and sugar indulgence. Are there symptoms of hidden sugar and how is it different from diabetes? What is the definitive solution to address my doubts?

Answer: It is important whether your family has a history of diabetes. However, the blood sugar you measure at any time will give you valuable information. However, try not to skip meals and take fluids.

Am I diabetic?

Question: My sugar rose after the earthquake. I used 800 mg of glugopase for about six months. I'm not abstinence. It's been 3 years since he was diagnosed. My hunger sugar is between 80-125 nowadays. After eating dessert, I measured 190 out of satiety. Am I diabetic? Because that's what doctors said three years ago. I take the above measurements once a month. Did I beat the diabetes? Thank you.


Even if treatment is left as a result of diabetes, the diet should continue for the whole life. Diabetes is being tried to slow down rather than be eaten.

Suggestions for Falling in Blood Sugar and Diet?

Question: Hi,

I was diagnosed 4 years ago that there was a fall in my blood sugar. There was a rise in my blood sugar in the second third hours after the sugar was loaded into the stomach. I was told that if I didn't do what I needed to diet, I might have sugar. I don't know if this is a secret candy among the public. Can you also guide me on what diet I need to do? Is this diet different from the diet of sugar patients?
is happening?

Answer: Hello,

Firstly, get well soon. The situation you mentioned may also be described as hidden sugar. Impaired glucose tolerance. Therefore, if you do not pay attention to your diet and do not exercise, you will probably have obvious diabetes within 5 years. So you get diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease and requires lifelong treatment. For this reason, if there is disease before you surely have more weight and surely get rid of that weight. However, do not follow diets provided by newspapers, magazines or a friend. The right thing to do is; first see an internist, then go to a dietitian and arrange your nutrition program. On the subject of nutrition: You need to eat often and little by little. You should feed approximately every 2.5 to 3 hours. You should take 3 main meals, 3 snacks (morning, midnight, lunch, afternoon, evening, night). If you get up late, you can skip the mid-morning meal, but do not neglect other meals. All foods containing sugar and sugar (honey, jam, molasses, chocolate, pastry, cola drinks, instant juices)
Stay away from your weight. Exercise between 35-60 minutes without any concession. Brisk walking, cycling, swimming, tennis, aerobics, gymnastic style exercises can be. The ideal time is 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. Pulp (fiber)
take care to consume foods. Legumes (dried beans, chickpeas, lentils, red kidney beans, soy), whole grains (bran / rye / oat bread, bulgur, whole wheat pasta, rice, noodles, flour), and fresh vegetables and fruits (peeled if possible with peels) Avoid heavy meals, open buffets. Long
do not stay hungry (like fasting). Do not eat fruit alone. You should definitely eat milk, yoghurt, cheese + bran bread or whole wheat bread.

Dietary Suggestions for a 16-Month Diabetes Patient?

Question: Type 1 diabetes, in short, stages of diabetes, what is the current medical situation for your 16-month-old diabetic baby?


First of all, sir. Since you are 16 months old, your son is facing insulin-dependent diabetes, which we call Type I Diabetes. In this case, your son should be fed frequently and gradually, at intervals of 2.5 - 3 hours. It is required to take 3 main meals a day and 3 meals a day (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, afternoon, evening and night). Even if she is not hungry, she doesn't want to, she has to eat something for medicine. Honey, jam, molasses, sugar and sugar which are immediately mixed into the blood.
chocolate, pastry, sodas and desserts. The body needs to meet its sugar needs from the complex carbohydrates found in fruits, milk, yoghurt, legumes and cereals. Instead of giving fruit alone; milk / yogurt / cheese - bran bread / wholemeal biscuit style addition to the fruit will be more healthy.

You should pay attention to fiber foods. These; dried legumes (dried beans, chickpeas, lentils, red beans), whole grains (bran, rye, oat bread, bulgur, whole wheat rice - pasta - noodles), vegetables and fruits.

Also make sure that exercise is accepted as a way of life (with or without excess weight).

What are the Symptoms of Diabetes?

Question: I am 33 years old and my mother has been suffering from diabetes for 15 years now using insulin 4 times a day. Although I'm not too fond of dessert, I started to eat too much sweets these days. I'm not drinking too much. I'm just not forcing myself to go to the toilet to drink more than I'm getting hungry so I don't lose weight, but I've never eaten, but I've never eaten. I'm afraid of being diabetic. Do you think the symptoms of me may be the herald of this disease? Thank you

Answer: The most common symptoms of diabetes are drinking too much water, frequent urination and weight loss. Not all of these symptoms are seen in many people at the time of diagnosis. Indulgence of sweet food, frequent hunger is not among the symptoms of diabetes.
For the diagnosis of diabetes and the risk of diabetes, you need to have your fasting blood sugar measured and, if necessary, according to the results, a sugar loading test is required.

Your suggestion for my hunger sugar not to rise?

Question: My hunger sugar is 244 What do you suggest to me?

First of all, according to the results of this analysis, it would not be right to say anything clear. Let me state that: The normal values ​​of fasting blood sugar should be between 70-110. Even the latest literature and scientific data have narrowed the criteria a little bit more and considered normal between 70-100. If your hunger blood sugar is between 100-125 you have hidden sugar (IGT). Especially if your fasting blood sugar is 126 and above, you are talking about diabetes. However, a single measurement is not taken as a criterion, a second measurement is needed to support this result. So if you catch 2 times your hunger blood sugar 126 and above, you can say that you are diabetic.
You probably have a situation like this. I do not think that you have caught such a high sugar value infection, fever, stress, etc. an event such as. Probably there are genetic factors from the family. Even if you have diabetes, you can improve your average life expectancy and quality of life with a very good follow-up. As soon as possible, even after reading this e-mail, you should first go to a diabetes outpatient clinic and talk to the internal medicine specialist or endocrinologist. The cost of education in diabetes is heavier than the cost of neglect. Do not waste any time, sir. If you have diabetes, you have probably had symptoms such as dry mouth, frequent drinking, frequent urination, fatigue, fatigue, sudden weight gain or weight loss, sudden increase or decrease in appetite and numbness in your fingers. I suggest you contact your doctor again, sir. Because diet is the basis of diabetes treatment. You can never and never prevent diabetes without dieting.

My Blood Sugar Is Falling. I Can't Diet. Any suggestions?

Question: Mr. Doctor I'm 171 tall 80 pounds weight I want to make a diet but my blood sugar falls very weak and weak I'm not diabetic before I made all the peculiarities I have a hereditary low sugar problem what should I do if you give information too much memenun ed you

Answer: Hi, you mentioned a hereditary sugar problem. The first thing to do is to be examined by an internist or endocrinologist, sir. This is because diabetes usually begins with a clinical picture called reactive hypoglycemia and occurs after about 5 years. If there are 3 symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, blurred vision, palpitations, headache, sudden feeling of hunger, tremor, cold sweating or if blood sugar drops below 70, sugar loading is recommended. You can get the most accurate result that way. It is then appropriate to take a diet from a dietitian based on your doctor's comments. My suggestion is definitely not to go hungry. You need to feed frequently and little by little. Feeding at 2.5 - 3 hour intervals may
(dried legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits)
will be healthy.

About Eye Problems Caused by Diabetes…

Question: hello teacher, my father is 55 years old, has diabetes for 15 years and has been using insulin for 1 year and has been on dialysis for about a year. Suddenly his eyes began to see smoky. There's been a laser three times and there's no change. bleeding behind the eyes. what could be the reason for this? thanks in advance


This is because his diabetes is advanced.
You can't say anything about what can be done without examining you.

Diabetes Starvation Information on how much blood glucose should be.

Keywords: Diabetes, Diabetes, blood sugar drop, postprandial blood sugar, low blood sugar, blood sugar values, occult sugar, diabetes, normal blood sugar value, toughness blood sugar values, toughness blood sugar limits

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