Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Shut Eye Sleep Aid | Natural Herbal Sleep Supplement Made with Valerian Root, Melatonin, Chamomile, Magnesium | Insomnia and Anxiety Relief | Adult Extra Strength Sleeping Pills | 60 Vegan Capsules

Fresh air for child health. Is it possible to walk if the child is sick

Shut Eye Sleep Aid | Natural Herbal Sleep Supplement Made with Valerian Root, Melatonin, Chamomile, Magnesium | Insomnia and Anxiety Relief | Adult Extra Strength Sleeping Pills | 60 Vegan Capsules

The purpose of walking with a child in the first months of life is mostly to find it in “fresh air”. The child begins to get the impression that he is awake in the street only six months later or later. Let's take a closer look at this reason to take long walks everywhere with the baby.
The tradition of coming to the baby to walk for hours, regardless of the weather, was based on the discovery of physiologists who initially needed oxygen in the developing brain. Mothers then think that the child sleeps longer and deeper in the fresh air and that such a dream is automatically beneficial.
However, if the gait situation is analyzed in detail, it appears that in addition to the abstract benefits of obtaining oxygen moieties, such gait has several disadvantages.

First, the thermoregulation system in the first months of life in a child is only developing.
The same physiologists found that the baby could not maintain the body temperature on its own. Her body is designed for the fact that an adult mother will warm her body in the cold. Finding a baby in a stroller does not give you such an opportunity. Therefore, in winter, the child wears countless fabrics, wears countless clothes, but it is not always possible to keep warm. The practice shows that children who often walk for a long time in the cold often experience a common cold.

Second, in a stroller, the child is separated from his mother, who is in conflict with his psychological needs and innate expectations for up to six months.
After 5-6 months, the child slowly begins to leave the manual period, but until the baby begins to walk, an unusual environment in the street continues to scare him, the abundance of impressions is overloaded, so it is better at this age when the child is with his mother.

Third. High doses of oxygen and motion sickness caused by getting into a stroller cause the baby to fall asleep. But many children fall asleep as a result of deep sleep which has deviated rhythms. Deep sleep without a paradoxical phase is detrimental to the development of the child's brain.
In addition, a sleeping baby may not be able to wake up for feeding; If this situation is repeated from day to day in relation to a child under 2-3 months, this will result in inadequate milk intake.

Even if the baby wakes up to feed, it is difficult to arrange for the mother to walk on her breasts, and she ar escapes ile or uses a pacifier with intense movement discomfort. Both he and the other have no use.
But here we note that after three months, the baby sucks much less around the day, mostly around dreams, and even the 4-hour intervals in feeding once a day are already acceptable.
And the most interesting one. During the first months of their lives, observations were gathered about children wandering around in the fresh air for a short period of time and for a short period of time: mothers only took them out on the streets when they went to work. These children are not far behind in the development of their peers, and are often healthier, mentally and physically, due to more appropriate care.
In a well-ventilated and often ventilated apartment, there is enough oxygen to fully develop the baby's brain. If you use air purifiers and humidifiers, you can argue with the "freshness of air" in a city apartment with "freshness of air" on the streets of the metropolis. And to compensate for the need for vitamin D, you need to spend only 2 hours a day on the street during the day.

Why is it not known to so many minus doctors and pediatricians strongly recommend taking long walks, even in the cold season?
The answer is still the same. Medicine does not perceive a person as holistic. Highly specialized experts only know their own area, body systems and the way they treat it, often “disabling diğer other systems.
It is known that oxygen is good for brain development. That's why you have to get him through the walks. There is no further analysis of the conditions surrounding such walks.

But ordinary people don't even notice the negative effects of walking.
All right, we have added that the psychological needs of the baby have not been studied and studied in detail in the West (and so far in native pediatrics) until recently.
Compared to the physiological needs of the body (the same source of oxygen to the brain), it was regarded as something deeply secondary and easily refillable. If the baby is worried separately from the mother in the crib or stroller, it is believed that her mental disorder can be easily compensated by the nipple and movement disorder. But it's not like that.

So how do you organize walks with the baby without harming your mental and physical health?
With a baby up to one year, it is not recommended to go out for a long time during the cold season. If the air temperature falls below minus 10 degrees for at least six months, it is usually better to postpone the walk and put the baby to sleep in a well-ventilated area.
If, however, the mother believes the baby needs ”fresh air,, she can arrange for her child on a covered balcony after going through the REM stage. It is best to leave the baby in this way for more than an hour or two, depending on the age, since then you need to take a break from feeding.

If the temperature is positive, you can walk two, three and more than an hour, but in this case, if the child is less than 3 months old, you should consider eating on the street. After six months, the baby can certainly wait for a walk along the chest, especially when awake.
In the middle of a walk, if the child starts to lie down and wants a nipple, then he can not deny it. At the same time, if the baby falls asleep calmly without a breast after six months, this will in no case adversely affect breastfeeding.

It is best to use an ergonomic carry, because the body contact with the mother during the manual time is absolutely necessary for the baby. If for any reason it is not possible to transport only, it is recommended that you place the child under the stroller (under the cat) only at a positive temperature and only after the onset of the slow sleep phase.
In the first signs of dissatisfaction, of course the baby should be taken or transported. At first glance, it seems that in the cold, the baby in the stroller is warmer than it is carrying, because there is an opportunity to wrap it up nicely. It's not like that. With a long walk, the child's body gradually cools down due to defective thermoregulation. During transport, the baby's stomach (the place where it needs to warm up first) is constantly heated by the mother's body.

Both mother and child can wear special clothes designed for winter walks. In addition, the mother may choose a suitable mode of transport, taking into account the “size in of winter clothing. When using the infant's carrier, it is appropriate to apply it to the breast in almost any place of the year and inexplicably from others.
In addition, the child in the carrier does not need to shake. He immediately falls asleep on his mother's chest and feels his protection, smell and warmth. Very young babies under three months often sleep for a walk in the “crib” position. Starting from three months, the baby can already be worn in an upright position, sleeps very well in this position, so it is physiological.
For about 6-8 months, it is better to go for a walk for the child to sleep. You can wear it on your chest before you get dressed, after leaving home or after leaving home. What is easier to do - this is practically decided by every mother.

Almost all children do not like to dress and express their discontent aloud. You should not worry about the baby's peace - all basic needs have been met, her mother is nearby and crying because she doesn't understand why to dress. It may be just a suggestion: Dress your child as calmly and as quickly as possible. And of course, the breastfed child should in no case be given a puppet.

Immediately after dressing, you can keep the chest calm. If it is difficult to separate the baby from the breast and is already dressed and you need to leave the house - it is better to put it quickly, put / put on a carrier and then give it to the breast. If a child falls asleep and does not wake up from waking up and putting in a carrier, it is better to put such a child in the chest first, and then wear the sleeping child.
After 6-8 months, babies no longer fall asleep for a walk and can go out and awake and sleep at home to get new impressions with them.

Some children start walking for up to a year. It is important that the baby walk as far as possible on the street and not use a stroller or carriage. After that, the use of the stroller will no longer be stressful for the child. But here it is important that the mother does not abuse the stroller, but only when she is in a hurry or tired.
Within at least a year and a half, you should use a stroller with the baby sitting facing the mother. And remember that the use of a stroller often makes it difficult to apply the following behavior. Best of all, of course, will continue to use the ergonomic carrier, but also only when the mother is in a hurry.
If the child's walking problem is solved by the mother's assistant, if the categorically refuses to carry the baby in an ergonomic carrier, if the mother's assistant puts her in her car before waiting for waking, and puts the pram in her car before 6 months, the best solution will be the best solution for the child. . It is important that the child does not feel in a stroller thrown into the unknown and torn from his hands. In this case, it is best to have the child sleep on a covered balcony.
In 8-9 months, the manual period ends completely and getting used to a stroller for a baby will no longer be under stress. It is important to drive the car in which the child is sitting facing the mother's assistant.

According to opinion: B.P. and L.A. Nikitins. We and our children.
Iz When your own children appear, you will begin to observe the children on the streets more closely, and gradually begin to compare yours with others. Maybe that's why we paid attention (observe for yourself - check it out) That's it: some children in the stroller look uninterested, lazy, dull, tired of life like old people, not looking around, not surprised and not happy, not fed, not active , they're not curious.
This surprised us: we didn't see this among our men who were always interested in everything. Whats up? Maybe some innate? Mental properties affect here? We couldn't answer this question. And then read it somehow.
African mothers often carry newborns on their backs. The child is constantly with his mother: walking, doing any work, on holidays, day and night. He sees, he sees - change of impression! Yes, and a constant sense of security, physical proximity to the mother. So, two-year-old Africans in intellectual development, "bed" European \ u200b \ u200b ministers prevented from a civilized society.

First truth
Air is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), carbon dioxide (normal 0.3%) and several inert gases.
People need oxygen for life. As a result, 90% of the energy produced in our organisms is caused by the burning of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in oxygen from food. Without this there will be no energy - and the body will die. Therefore, death occurs in the absence of oxygen. The only source of air.
In addition, in confined spaces (especially in cities), air is mainly composed of carbon dioxide. If you remember that it gets closer to the surface (ground) of the earth, it becomes clear: the smaller the person's growth, the more pain it is, the more dangerous it is to stay in “stale air bundan. And children also like to play where the carbon dioxide concentration is highest.

Real two
Small doses of carbon dioxide are harmless. However, even a concentration of at least three percent in the air causes a significant disturbance for humans, even to the point of suffocation. A concentration of 5-6% can cause fainting and even death. Of course, this happens quite rare. However, it is necessary to ventilate buildings as often as possible, especially where children are present. This should be done at any time of the year, in any weather condition. Are you worried about child health? Get them out of the room where you ventilate.

Real three
All people are sensitive to excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the air. But children under the age of 12 - especially. According to them the most powerful effect. They're the ones who suffer faster than the increased concentration in the air. Therefore, if you notice that the child is sluggish, distracted, does not often stretch, try to provide access to the room for fresh air. Maybe the whole point is carbon dioxide.

Fourth fact
The air has a very low thermal conductivity and is able to absorb large amounts of moisture. Therefore, the moving air blows the vapor of the human body, thus cooling it. And this is necessary to maintain the normal temperature, especially at temperatures. You should understand that moving air only occurs when there is wind or when a person is moving.
At the same time, a person's active movements and even a few or more people in a room contribute to an increase in the respiratory movements and thus an increase in the exhaled carbon dioxide volume. The air content of people breathing can reach 3 - 5%. And this is already an insecure amount for us (see Third Truth). Therefore, it is best to act actively - play, play sports - in the air. And children who are usually more active than adults than us normally need regular long walks and a constant flow of fresh air.

Fifth truth
Fresh air has a positive effect on the brain, prevents aging. This was proved by American scientists. After a series of studies, it was found that regular walks in the fresh air increased brain volume by about 2% and neglect decreased by 1.5%. However, minor changes can seriously improve or deteriorate the quality of life.
Interestingly, those who walk at least three times a week for at least 40 minutes increase the areas of the brain responsible for memory. Therefore, "walkers" are less likely to suffer from age-related memory impairment. At the same time, it is not necessary to move intensely, to help your brain develop faster or grow more slowly, normal walks are sufficient without additional loads. Therefore, if you do not want to walk with children, consider being outside is good for both children and children.

Real six
Fresh air improves the functioning of many systems of our body. In addition to the brain (see Fact Five), it is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems as well as for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Walking in the fresh air is useful for children and adults who are overweight. The issue is not only that the child moves much more than the house during walks, but that it is not possible to eat something delicious at the first opportunity. However, even with fresh air, metabolism develops and the circulatory system becomes active. All this happens in soft mode without overload. In addition, walking strengthens the muscles, ligaments, joints and helps to establish proper postures.

Seventh truth
Fresh air is definitely shown to everyone. Even for those who are ill, doctors recommend that they ventilate the room as often as possible. In case of prolonged exposure to fresh air, no overdose occurs. Except for the unexpected escape from nature among the inhabitants of Megalopolis. Yes, and from the fact that there is no familiar ğinden gas chamber etraf around them, they have a “strange” feeling, they pass quickly, give health and the same mood. Our forces are recovering faster than anywhere in the fresh air. And the neglect of gait is accompanied by a reduction in the body's defenses, physical weakness and even the appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome.
As you can see, the famous “fresh air gerçekten is really necessary and useful for us. Especially if you use the effect correctly.

We walk towards
You should be able to walk. Our children are so busy during the school year that only young children and kindergartens walk regularly, which is an indispensable part of their daily routine. School children, unfortunately, “walks genellikle, often represent short lines between home, school and various classes and departments. And this is too small. Therefore, make sure that children spend as much time in fresh air as possible at least on weekends. If possible, choose the sports sections held on the street, not in the building classes.
Although, as said, even a still stay in fresh air is beneficial, children are better off walking as actively as possible. They walk comfortably through the streets of the park for adults - great fun (and not even for everyone), and for children, for children who honorably follow with my mother, a martyrdom that is more or less tired of running, jumping and climbing surfaces. Parents should sympathize with this child arrangement and make sure that children are not only able to breathe fresh air, but also have the opportunity to move more.
Everyone knows the benefits of sea, mountain and forest weather. But even in a big city, you can find places where you can breathe more easily, and you'll find that the weather is “more pleasant zet. And it's not just about parks and squares. Take a stroll with children in high-fenced roads in fenced gardens, the harmful effects of exhaust gases are much less than highways.
Walks are also useful immediately after rain, when dust is nailed to the ground and the air is saturated with ions.
Children walk after a hearty meal, before bedtime, during the recovery from the disease. In general, from childhood, playing outside, "going to nature", made walking a habit. Come with a general who won't let you stay on four walls.
If you and your children are helpless couch potatoes and can't handle the habit of going out in emergencies, you can't. The love of pets will definitely lift you and your children off the couch. At first, of course, it will not be easy, but soon you will surely participate and a three-day walk will become a pleasure.

Improving air quality in the apartment
Even if the child walks a lot, he spends more time inside. What to do with it?
Whenever possible, try to choose a kindergarten or school for the child away from the wide roads in the green spaces.

Ventilate the apartment more often.
Even if the rooms seem to be completely clean, do not forget to make a vacuum cleaner regularly and do a wet cleaning at home.

“Place iç indoor plants in the nursery and other rooms.
Wash the ventilation grids from time to time so that dust build-up on them does not interfere with air access.
If possible, purchase a cleaner and / or humidifier.

What are air baths and what are they for?
The above-mentioned air is able to cool the body, make it as soft as possible, and is used in a number of curing systems. Air baths are beneficial for everyone, even for babies and even older children. Summer is the best time to clear the kids. It is important to know only a few nuances:
If the child becomes ill frequently, they will be assisted by air baths. Also, it is better to start taking them in the street, not in a well-ventilated area.
The air temperature in the room where air baths are made should be named as comfortable (low temperature resistant) between 5-7 degrees.

At thermo-neutral temperature, the person likes to be inside, not hot, but also does not have the desire to dress.

Children up to eight years of age do not need to specifically lower the temperature in the room for curing, since a comfortable temperature for a five to seven year old child is 26 - 27 degrees. that is, twenty to twenty-two degrees of hardening already occur. And in most apartments this is just normal temperature. However, if a child over the age of eight is often sick or weak, you can only start taking air baths from room temperature.
As the child grows, the comfortable temperature drops for him. 23 - 24 degrees for adults. Therefore, for children over eight years of age, the normal room temperature for curing is no longer suitable.
Hardening temperature should be as follows: preschool children and first-graders - 20 degrees; older children - 19 degrees; adults - 18 degrees and below.
You need to take air baths and gradually increase the time for newborns from a few minutes to 25-30 minutes for five to six years.
For school children, air baths alone are not enough to harden, a number of measures need to be taken. However, it has many benefits, so pediatricians recommend that they do not neglect the opportunity to strengthen the child's body and take an air bath.

Shut Eye Sleep Aid | Natural Herbal Sleep Supplement Made with Valerian Root, Melatonin, Chamomile, Magnesium | Insomnia and Anxiety Relief | Adult Extra Strength Sleeping Pills | 60 Vegan Capsules