Wednesday, September 25, 2019

OLLY Sleep Melatonin Gummy, All Natural Flavor and Colors with L Theanine, Chamomile, and Lemon Balm, 3 mg per Serving, 35 Day Supply (70 Gummies)

Insomnia what to do at home: how to fight, what to take, tools, equipment

OLLY Sleep Melatonin Gummy, All Natural Flavor and Colors with L Theanine, Chamomile, and Lemon Balm, 3 mg per Serving, 35 Day Supply (70 Gummies)

Without a good sleep, the body does not take a proper rest reflected reduced attention , fatigue, thought disorder . If problems occur frequently, the development is fraught with mental illness .

It is important to know how to get rid of insomnia, what to do at home, what to take and what to do to avoid a second sleep disorder.

insomnia ( insomnia ) - a disease in which a person cannot sleep or wakes up frequently. Causes fatigue irritability During the day, a decrease in concentration, productivity, a bad mood, arouses a tendency to depression. To avoid complications caused by insomnia, you should fight it, home remedies will help.


How to deal with insomnia at home:
tips, methods, tips
General recommendations: sleep hygiene
Relaxation techniques
Meditation, prayer, conspiracy
We recommend
Behavioral factors
Eating habits, "sleepy diet"
Folk recipes
Existing and effective drugs
Modern look on the problem

How to deal with insomnia at home: techniques, methods, tips

One of the non-drug treatment methods is sleep hygiene. This is a general set of recommendations for people with difficulty sleeping , Diseases that can cause insomnia are not included.

Therapeutic measures include:

relaxation techniques;
understanding and excluding behavioral factors;
change eating habits;
use of plants;
take medicine

Sleep power

Proper nutrition is also important for good nutrition.
General recommendations: sleep hygiene

The first measure is to follow sleep hygiene:

Do not drink coffee, black or green tea, Coca-Cola, energy drink 4-6 hours before falling asleep. They are also recommended to limit their daily use.
Do not consume heavy meals in the evening, the last meal should be done 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Improve night rest and walk after dinner. On the contrary, excessive exercise can disrupt it.
Don't do important things after dinner. Try to get up, get ready to rest.
Do not smoke or drink before going to bed. These substances stimulate the body.
Use the bed and bedroom only for sleep and sex (do not watch, eat, read) in the bedroom.
Minimize noise and light in the bedroom, ensure proper temperature (ideally 18-20 ° C).
Go to bed and get up to ± 15 minutes at the same time every day (even on weekends).
Shorten the bearing time for the desired time. Of course, do not lie in bed. It is also not designed for various reflections.

You should consult a doctor for long-term insomnia. Other diseases that can cause insomnia should be excluded. In case of exclusion of another disease, primary insomnia is suspected.
Relaxation techniques

Muscle and mental relaxation, “disconnection adan from the outside world, and anxiety are the enemies of insomnia. Well, learn to relax. Relaxation should be an evening ritual.

Lie on your back, breathe deeply with your nose. Gently squeeze and loosen the muscles from the toes, hips, abdomen, chest, arms, gently. Repeat the process from start to finish.

The next option is relaxing in a warm bath. You can complete the process with relaxing music.

Sit in a comfortable position (ideally in English), close your eyes, relax, breathe deeply with your nose, do a long "om".

Repeat 6 times, focusing on the resonant vibrations in the chest. After graduation, tell them you're ready to go to bed.

Thanks to aromatherapy smell relief is provided. Essential oil

Oils or essences containing the extracts of such plants have a soothing and soothing effect:

Lemon grass;

Essences can be used in aromatherapy massages with the longest effect. They are suitable for compressors, inhalations and bath additives.
Meditation, prayer, conspiracy

Imagine a place where you feel safe. For this method to work at least 3 senses should be included. For example, imagine the smell of flowers, the sounds around the grass under your feet.

Prayers and conspiracies have a similar relaxing effect. It is not necessary to be a deeply religious person. Most likely, they act on the principle of placebo and relaxation.
We recommend

Are insomnia tortured? Can be edible and easy:

Don't go to bed until you feel sleepy. . Don't pay attention to time. Do not force yourself to sleep - this will only increase stress and frustration afterwards. Paradoxically, a very effective way to increase drowsiness is not to try to fall asleep.
Hot bath about 20 minutes, 2 hours before bedtime - a very good way to relax (not recommended) pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, heart disease, other serious somatic diseases).
In order to obtain quality sleep, body temperature should be lower than the day before bedtime . This is the importance of the previous paragraph. After artificially raising the temperature, it begins to decrease as a reagent. Similar effects have a light exercise or sauna for 3-4 hours before a night's rest. It is also important that the bedroom is colder than the rest of the apartment (house).

Behavioral factors

Calm down, remember that people don't usually sleep all the time, everyone has sleep disturbances sometimes. No need to sleep in bed, relax, think of nice things, worry. Possible anxiety of insomnia will trigger it.

Don't watch action movies, don't read exciting stories late at night. Remove the alarm from the field of view. Otherwise, you will constantly increase, which will only increase. irritability

Get used to the routine: Maintain the rhythm of sleep and wake even on weekends and holidays. This is a very important suggestion that allows you to maintain circadian rhythms and hormonal levels. A long weekend or holiday break disturbs the circadian rhythms.
Eating habits, "sleepy diet"

Eat easily digestible food for 3-4 hours before falling asleep. It will be difficult to fall asleep on a full stomach, there is a risk of frequent waking up with heavy dreams. Of course, it depends on the amount and type of food consumed. Digestion requires a lot of energy; this does not allow you to initiate and recover the sleep process. You can drink a glass of warm milk (not cocoa) before going to bed.

If you are likely to urinate frequently at night, limit fluid intake in the evening. sheep in dream

Studies of the last 40 years have shown a close relationship between brain and nutrition. What a person eats and how he eats affects his thoughts, feelings and ability to relax. In general, dairy products promote the production of melatonin, which improves the quality of nighttime rest.

On the contrary, food additives, especially artificial sweeteners, increase vitality, so it is recommended to avoid them in the evening. Good sleep is prevented by excessive consumption of spicy foods, alcohol, drinks or snacks containing caffeine and other stimulants. To sleep well, you need to follow a few tips:

do not eat heavy and spicy food after 18:00;
foods without artificial sweeteners, food additives;
drinking a glass of warm milk (or other milk drink) with the addition of honey at night;
In the evening some carbohydrates cause drowsiness to eat;
eat healthy at dinner (fiber, sufficient vitamins and minerals containing emulsifier-free products ...);
Do not eat much.

Folk recipes

With the help of popular recipes and products it is possible to overcome insomnia at home:

First, the most famous plant lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Soothing properties are widely known in folk medicine.
Melissa has a similar action to Melissa (Hypericum perforatum), which has been used to treat depression for centuries.
Valeriana officinalis used to treat insomnia, anxiety , irritability, mood disorders Depression.
jumping (Humulus lupulus). The pain and essential oils in hops reduce nervous irritation, prevent overstimulation and cause sleep.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) has a calming, antispasmodic effect.

Existing and effective drugs

Drugs are prescribed to people with constant insomnia and make daily life difficult. Sleep pill to cut off the part of the brain that is responsible for the seizure. When used, light sleep prevails (NREM, stage 1-2), less deep (NREM, stage 3-4), and most importantly - the dream stage (REM).
NREM sleep phase

Stages of sleep

Therefore, if all previous interventions (methods) have not shown efficacy, it is recommended to use drugs only to restore the circadian rhythm.

You must be very careful, long-term treatment can be addictive.

Current and effective solutions for insomnia that can be taken at home:

The Dihlorfenazo;
Dormicum (Midazolam);

Modern look on the problem

Doctors warned: Sometimes insomnia is worried for several months, if it is not possible to cure insomnia at home, most likely already belongs to the category of "disease". This requires special treatment.

One of the ways to solve the problem is psychotherapy. This is especially true if a person does not want to receive it. tablets . This highly effective therapeutic approach is to observe the principles of sleep hygiene and eliminate stressful, behavioral factors. According to studies using psychotherapy, you can get rid of insomnia in 50% of cases. Drugs are prescribed in case of ineffectiveness.

Ask your pharmacist for advice about insomnia. Pharmacists are the first experts to contact the patient. Awakening, depending on the symptoms described correctly, the duration of the problem, the nature and intensity of the symptoms, and the person's feelings, pharmacists may suggest appropriate measures or medications to briefly or temporarily alleviate the patient's condition.

In case of prolonged insomnia, it is recommended to consult a doctor or visit a sleep laboratory where specialists carefully check sleep and its stages, suggest appropriate medical procedures.

In most cases, chronic insomnia is treated with medications given based on doctor's advice and prescriptions.

OLLY Sleep Melatonin Gummy, All Natural Flavor and Colors with L Theanine, Chamomile, and Lemon Balm, 3 mg per Serving, 35 Day Supply (70 Gummies)