Monday, September 23, 2019

MyBaby, SoundSpa Lullaby - Sounds & Projection, Plays 6 Sounds & Lullabies, Image Projector Featuring Diverse Scenes, Auto-Off Timer Perfect for Naptime, Powered by an AC Adapter

What to do with insomnia: how to fall asleep quickly?

MyBaby, SoundSpa Lullaby - Sounds & Projection, Plays 6 Sounds & Lullabies, Image Projector Featuring Diverse Scenes, Auto-Off Timer Perfect for Naptime, Powered by an AC Adapter

Insomnia is a clinical syndrome in which the deep sleep phase is shorter than normal norm or is absent completely. In other words, insomnia is a lack of sleep. This is a very common disease. It happens in many people's lives. For anyone suffering from insomnia, sleep disorder and lack of vivacity a responsibility largely interfere in daily life. Not everyone knows exactly what causes insomnia and how to get rid of it. In this article, what is insomnia, the current causes of insomnia, what negative effects it has and how to get rid of it will be explained.

What to do with insomnia

During many diseases, patients often complain of sleep disorder. From here we can conclude that chronic insomnia is the cause of many diseases. And this is natural. The body does not have time to renew the resources spent during the day, because it is a gradual depletion of the body.

Before you hurry to get rid of insomnia, you need to know its effects, causes and symptoms, because insomnia can arise from a variety of factors, each of which requires a specific approach.

There are 3 stages of insomnia:

Sleep violation.
Nightmares can be accompanied by superficial and intermittent sleep.
Early warning

According to statistics, every fifth person in his life suffered insomnia.

Psychiatry and neuroscience are the sciences that study insomnia.

Causes of Insomnia

Sleep. Often an uncomfortable bed, a hard mattress, even a small pillow cause insomnia in the healthiest people.

Environment. The cause of insomnia can be poorly ventilated room, high or low temperature, background noise, sunlight, draft, unpleasant odor.
Stressful situations, life problems, emotional stress. As a rule, many suspicious people suffer from similar causes of insomnia. Before they go to sleep, they constantly think about something, they always “wrap” themselves and cannot sleep for a long time.
Improper nutrition. Eating fatty foods and eating before bedtime guarantees not only insomnia but also the appearance of excess weight.
Disease. Various diseases disrupt the normal functioning of the body and cause insomnia.
Unstable daily routine. The imbalance of ascension and bedtime causes a violation of human biological rhythms. The body does not have time to settle each time under the new daily routine and fails. Insomnia appears.
Snore. Access to oxygen is prevented during snoring. The person wakes up constantly due to lack of oxygen. It can wake up 30 to 40 times during the night. Therefore, relying on a healthy and healthy sleep is useless.
Nervous system drugs and drugs. Pharmaceutical, coffee, energy drinks and so on. stimulates the nervous system, causes insomnia and reduces the duration of the deep sleep phase.
Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, plenty of energy drinks, especially in the evening, have a negative effect on the nervous system. As a result of central nervous system irritation, a person cannot sleep for a long time.

Negative effects of insomnia

Intermittent and superficial sleep.
Weak immunity.
The beginning of the sleep phase after one or more hours.
Wake up often at night.
Worried dreams.
Drowsiness, drowsiness, fatigue throughout the day.
Headache and dizziness.
Reduced performance and fatigue.
Feeling weak in the morning.
Break the day regime.
Impairment of memory and concentration.
Discomfort during sleep.
Decreased mental and physical activity, irritability.

In addition to all the above factors, insomnia affects the appearance. Red eyes, dry lips, bags under the eyes, weakness. As you can see, the effects of insomnia are not very desirable and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

How to eat insomnia

By following the recommendations described below, you can forget about insomnia forever.

Compliance with the mode of the day. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time, then the body will quickly get used to it and insomnia will disappear.
Sports activities Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, accelerates metabolism and improves blood circulation. However, do not use heavy physical effort for 2-4 hours before going to bed.
Avoid eating before bedtime. It is recommended to limit yourself to eating for 3 hours before bedtime. This advice will not only provide a healthy and healthy sleep, but will also protect the body from unwanted weight.
Comfortable conditions. A pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, a well-ventilated room, peace and quiet, all of which will ensure a deep and healthy sleep.
Creating a cozy atmosphere before going to bed. If you stay away from the TV and read a book or listen to calm music for up to 15-20 minutes, sleep will be strong.
Walking tour Easy walking in fresh air will have a positive effect on sleep. Sleep will be strong and long.
Comfortable posture during sleep. It is recommended to sleep on your left. Such a condition puts less stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

For prevention, you can sleep on your stomach while turning your head to the left. This posture is natural for humans. This position is where the babies sleep.

How to get rid of insomnia at home

Treatment with herbal tinctures:

Herbal tinctures are the best choice because they are:

No contraindications.
The number of side effects is small or nonexistent.
They contain lots of useful vitamins.
It has positive effects on the human body.
Reasonable price.

Lemon, honey and mineral water. Mix a tablespoon of honey, a spoonful of mineral water and 1⁄2 tablespoons of lemon. Take it in the morning. Duration is 4 to 5 weeks.
Honey and water. Use 1 tablespoon of honey in 250 ml boiling water. Drink immediately before bedtime. Kefir is allowed instead of water.
10 g valerian, mint, white mistletoe and hawthorn blossom. In the morning and at bedtime: mix with 250 ml boiling water and take 2 times a day.
Boil 10 g boron, thyme and 5 g valerian in 100 ml water. Drink before bedtime.
30 g mint and motherwort, 20 g valerian and hop cones. Boil for 15-20 minutes, then strain and drink 1-2 cups 2-3 times a day.
5 grams of oregano, motherwort, calendula and 10 g Boil in 250 ml water for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml before bedtime.
Pharmacy fruits chamomile, mint, fennel, valerian, cumin seeds. Mix everything in proportion. After a half-hour strain, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Take 3 glasses a day. 2 glasses in the morning, 1 glass before bedtime.
Mint, Melissa, St. John's wort, Valerian and hop cones. Pour 250 ml boiling water. Take it throughout the day.

Sleeping pills

Sleeping bags are ideal for people who fall asleep for a long time. Production is very easy. Such pillows can be made at home without free assistance.

Required materials: any plant that satisfies desires and needs and has a hypnotic effect.

The pillow should be made of thick and natural fabric. Keep them indoors.

Baths with soothing, soothing and hypnotic effects

Relaxing baths have a beneficial effect on human sleep. The water should be as warm and comfortable as possible for the body. Take these baths preferably before bedtime. The duration of the water procedures should not be longer than 30 minutes. Relaxing bathrooms are not recommended on a daily basis. You can use various fragrant herbs that will allow you to sleep more sound.

Baths for insomnia

Relaxing baths reduce tension, relax the nervous system, reduce the excitability of the spinal cord. Various salts and bath foam can also be used.

Foot baths have a similar effect to relaxing baths in the body.
Medications for Insomnia

It is recommended to consult a specialist before use.

All the drugs described below are very popular among those who suffer from insomnia, have minimal side effects and contraindications and do not cause severe addiction.

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Take a sleeping pill only in cases where not all of the above recommendations and recipes give a positive result.
Insomnia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, most women complain of intermittent and restless sleep. Frequent feelings, worries about the future baby, anxiety, often prevent healthy and healthy sleep. Often the causes can be back pain, abdominal weight, baby's activity.

In general, pregnant women can fight insomnia like all other people with just one exception.

WARNING! It is strictly forbidden to use medicines to improve sleep, sleeping pills and herbal infusions.

In 70% of cases, you can solve the problem with insomnia. If we adopt the information obtained in this article, you can easily and easily get rid of insomnia in a short time. In such cases, the initiative is not accepted if you need to take heavy sleeping pills or certain medications. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor.

MyBaby, SoundSpa Lullaby - Sounds & Projection, Plays 6 Sounds & Lullabies, Image Projector Featuring Diverse Scenes, Auto-Off Timer Perfect for Naptime, Powered by an AC Adapter