Monday, September 23, 2019

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer, FFP

40-item recommendation list for those with sleep problems

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer, FFP

Are you complaining of insomnia or too much sleep? Here are 40 causes and remedies ranging from rhythm, breathing and movement disorders to sleep problems to unusual sleep problems!

It is known that sleep time is genetically varied between 4 hours and 11 hours. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't interfere with our genetic sleep code. But sleep disorders cause deviations from sleep habits encoded by genetic code. Many people are having sleep problems one way or another in one period of their life. Sleepless nights, mornings in which waking up becomes torture, drowsiness in the afternoons, 'I didn't get my sleep' complaints, nightmares of waking up often all night long ... These disorders can be caused by various diseases, as well as can cause various diseases. Moreover, it affects our social life and psychological situation very negatively. It can even lead to death! If you have complaints about your sleep, we would like to take a look at the following 40 sleep disorders…

Sleep problems due to arrhythmia

These problems that arise when our biological clock clashes with the rhythm of day and night affect the social life especially negatively.

1- Delayed sleep rhythm syndrome: In summary, difficulty in falling asleep. The patient sleeps around 3-4 in the morning, wakes up at noon. Because of this syndrome, there are even job seekers on the afternoon shifts.

2- Early Sleep Rhythm Syndrome: In this case, the person sleeps like 5 in the afternoon and gets up around 3 in the morning. They do their evening work against the morning. Evening visits to friends make up a past dream.

3- Shift work and insomnia: The biological clock, which is set to be awake during the day and asleep at night, tries to adapt to the new situation by starting to work in the night shift. The acclimation period may take weeks. It is a disorder of modern industrial society.

4- Jet lag syndrome: It occurs on long distance air travel due to time difference between countries. Sleep disturbance, fatigue, unwillingness, decreased physical and mental performance, and gastrointestinal disorders. The journeys to the west leave very early in the morning and sleepiness increases in the afternoon. Traveling from west to east is difficult to fall asleep at night.

5- Insomnia due to inappropriate sleeping habits: It is due to the fact that resting and working hours are intertwined with each other. For example, it is seen in businessmen and women who do not have enough time to relax between work and sleep time, watching television in the bedroom, and housewives returning to bed for a few more hours after spending the morning with their spouse and children.

What to do?

Early and delayed sleep syndromes can be treated by delaying sleep periods for 27 days. The patient's sleep hours are advanced three hours a day. Thus, the patient lies three hours late each day, and this delay continues until the desired sleep time is reached. For example, a patient sleeping at 3 am is advised to go to bed at 6 am on the first day and wake up after 7-8 hours. By delaying his sleep for three hours each day, the patient is able to sleep at 12 o'clock on the last day of treatment and be able to wake up at 8 am.

For shift workers, the employer must shift the shifts to a proper order. A person can adapt to late sleep more easily than early sleep. For this reason, the direction of the shifts must be set clockwise, ie forward. Respectively shift from morning shifts to afternoon shifts, shifts from afternoon shifts to night shifts.

In addition, allowing shift workers to sleep for a short period of time, one at 11 in the night and the other at 2 in the afternoon, will reduce problems. In addition, since the body is accustomed to the new shift order in a week, 5-day shift conversions should be made before they are used to, for example, 5-day shifts and 2-day rest. The person who travels for Jetlag syndrome should start to acclimate to the time of the country of departure 4-5 days before departure.

Those traveling to the west should go to bed an hour early and get up an hour early, and those who will travel to the east should go one hour late and get up an hour late every day. Improper sleep habits should correct these habits. For example, he should not watch TV in his bedroom, stop struggling with the work files he brought from the office a few hours before sleeping at night, and should not return to bed after waking up in the morning.

In sleep problems related to shift work, shift transformations should be made before the body is used to order in a week. (PHOTO: ARCHIVE)

Sleep problems due to movement disorders

It occurs as a result of not being able to fall asleep due to movement while sleeping and waking up frequently during the night. They have difficulty falling asleep again. In such cases, the patient wakes up difficult and tired even if he sleeps for a long time.

6- Restless leg syndrome: It is a strange feeling that is felt as bored, tingling, numbness and withdrawal in the legs. When the patient goes to bed, he cannot fall asleep because he has to constantly move his legs to get rid of this feeling. Repeat at intervals of 10-20 seconds. The disease can be distinguished from other leg pains by starting with rest and starting with rest.

7- Periodic motion disorder during sleep: These are the same type of movements that occur periodically in the legs and arms during sleep. The periodic movement, usually in the form of the big toe of the toe, sometimes affects the ankle, knee and hip. Repeats at 15-90 second intervals. Even if there is no conscious awakening, sleep is often divided and cannot deepen.

8- Tooth grinding during sleep: Causes significant tooth damage. This is often unnoticed by patients, except for occasional pain in the jaw in the morning.

9 - Sleep related head shaking: This disorder is in the form of rhythmic head shaking or even shaking the whole body during sleep or before sleep.

What to do?

Although there is no definitive treatment of movement disorders in the legs and arms, it can respond to drug and hypnotic treatment. The degree of discomfort can be reduced with massage. Those with such problems should be examined overnight in the sleep lab. Tooth grinding treatment includes dental bite plates and corrective orthodontic applications. Head shake treatment consists only of measures to prevent patient injury. Using a headboard made of soft material such as a pillow is like creating a bedroom layout where the head cannot approach the wall…

Patients with sleep problems due to movement disorders should be examined in a night sleep laboratory. (PHOTO: ARCHIVE)

Sleep problems due to respiratory disorders

It is usually caused by the muscles forming the soft tissues behind the tongue loosening during sleep and narrowing of the airways.

It is frequently seen in obese and small tongue. The first symptoms are snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. Patients fall asleep at places and times as soon as they become buses and meetings. After dinner, they fall asleep in front of the television. They experience short-term wakefulness due to breathing stops all night long, but they do not notice. Because of these wakes, deep sleep cannot sleep and they wake up tired. Insufficient oxygen goes to the brain due to respiratory arrest. This leads to forgetfulness, irritability, reluctance and depression. They wake up in the morning with a headache, but this pain disappears as the day progresses. One of the most typical symptoms is frequent urination at night. Night sweats in the chest and neck, dry mouth in the morning, decrease in sexual function, the bed until the morning due to the restlessness of the symptoms are also symptoms.

10- Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: Nasal or mouth breathing stops for 10-40 seconds. However, diaphragm movements continue and the patient appears to be breathing. This makes it difficult to diagnose. Can repeat 300 times per night. Unexplained deaths may be the cause of child and newborn deaths. Cardiovascular changes related to respiratory arrest can cause hypertension.

11- Central sleep apnea syndrome: Diaphragm movements also stop in this syndrome. It is mostly caused by damage to the respiratory centers in the brain. This damage can occur after an accident. Severe snoring is seen in these types of breathing disorder and snoring is interrupted from time to time by stopping breathing. Then it starts again with a more loud breath. Decreasing and increasing tone of snoring allows it to be distinguished from simple snoring without respiratory arrest.

12- Upper Respiratory Resistance Syndrome: In cases where there is no respiratory arrest or decrease in sleep, there is only respiratory difficulty. The patient feels very tired all day in the morning after waking up because he is too tired to try to breathe.

13- Overlap syndrome: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a syndrome with chronic pulmonary disease. The patient's respiratory problems during the day become more pronounced at night with the effect of respiratory arrest.

What to do?

The simplest measure is to avoid overfilling the stomach at dinner. If alcohol is consumed at dinner, sleep time should be delayed. Substances that suppress the respiratory center, such as sleeping pills, should not be taken. If breathing disorders occur when lying on your back, the person may stick a tennis ball on the back of his pajamas. So when he comes to his back he will wake up and lie on his side again.

Continuous positive compressed air delivery through the nose to the patient with an instrument is the only method that is 100 percent effective. Surgical treatment of the soft tissues of the upper respiratory tract, especially the small tongue and soft palate, is also used. Dentists also use instruments that extend the oral cavity. Diet is recommended for overweight patients.

Severe snoring is one of the most important symptoms of respiratory disorders. (PHOTO: ARCHIVE)

Sleep and sleep problems

14- Primary Hypersomnia: It is a state of excessive sleepiness for at least one month but there is no objective evidence, the patient does not fall asleep more often than normal. It does not depend on any disease and condition. The person cannot sleep in the deep sleep section, which is a restful sleep phase, but instead, the more superficial REM sleep phase, where dreams occur, is increased.

15- Narcolepsy: This disease manifests itself suddenly in the form of falling asleep. These sleep attacks typically occur two to six times a day and last for 10 to 20 minutes. It can occur while eating, talking, driving and during sexual intercourse. With hallucinations (at the beginning of sleep or when awakening), cataplexy (muscle relaxation after a sudden change of emotion, inability to perform muscle movement), and sleep paralysis (known as inability to move, awake, voluntary movement, and inability to make a sound). manifests itself. This disorder is dangerous because it causes traffic and industrial accidents. The disease, defined as the deviation of sleep mechanisms from normal, may occur at any age, but more often begins in adolescents and young adults, usually before the age of 30 and progresses slowly.

16- Kleine-Levin syndrome: Comes after a febrile illness or a stressful period. The disease usually lasts for 15-20 days, the person can sleep up to 18 hours a day, eat with an excessive appetite and increases sexual desire. The first attack usually occurs at the age of 10-21. It starts spontaneously before the age of 40 in early onset cases.

17- Syndrome associated with menstrual periods: Some women may tend to intermittently over-sleep before the onset of menstruation. They even show symptoms similar to Kleine-Levin syndrome.

What to do?

There is no complete cause of primary hypersomnia, but it can be corrected with medication. There is no definitive treatment for narcolepsy. Complaints can be addressed. Scheduling short sleep at regular intervals during the day can sometimes help these patients. It is possible to reduce the number of sleep attacks with drug therapy. Patients should have regular lives, get psychological help and use regular medication. In Kleine-Levin Syndrome, drug use can be alleviated and eliminated.

Scheduling short sleeps at regular intervals throughout the day can help patients with multiple sleep problems. (PHOTO: ARCHIVE)

Low sleep and insomnia problems

18- Neurological insomnia: Diseases related to degeneration of the brain stem and some nuclei of the skull base, dementia and Parkinson's syndrome have serious insomnia problems. Drugs used in these diseases may also disturb the sleep-wake rhythm. The most important disease of this type is 'Fatal famial insomnia'. The disease begins with the difficulty of falling asleep. The patient cannot sleep at all within a few months or years. Symptoms such as fever, respiratory disorders, sweating, palpitations and hypertension are seen. Over time, the patient's walking and speech breaks. The patient dies within a few years.

19- Temporary Insomnia: It is a type of insomnia caused by a temporary illness such as pruritus, pain before the events that create tension such as exam, race, job interview or in a familiar environment such as hotel room, friends house, it takes several nights.

20- Short-term insomnia: It is a type of insomnia that occurs as a result of an event or illness that causes tension from one week to one month. It usually improves when the cause disappears. Due to the risk of long-term conversion, it should be regulated by appropriate medication under doctor control.

21- Long-term insomnia learned: A type of insomnia that occurs after a pleasing event, illness, work or family problem. However, when the problem disappears, the person realizes that he cannot sleep. After that day, he begins to wonder if I will be able to sleep tonight. He looks like he's blindfolded in front of the TV, but sleeps until he goes to bed. The next day, the person tries more to sleep, but his efforts are more sleepless. Eventually, a sense of hostility towards sleep and the sleeping environment is produced. Therefore, sometimes when a person tries to sleep outside the bed, it is successful.

22- Insomnia due to lack of perception of sleep: The person falls asleep with difficulty, wakes up frequently and cannot deepen his sleep. However, despite all these factors, he says that although he sleeps for 3-4 hours, he never wakes up. During the night, wakefulness leads to deterioration in the perception of sleep. People in the press who claim to have never slept in years are among those patients who do not perceive their sleep.

23- Idiopathic insomnia: From childhood, a person complains of not being able to sleep sufficiently throughout his life. He doesn't deny that he's asleep but no matter how much he sleeps, his sleep isn't enough. No problems are encountered during the examinations. It's a genetic condition. It is caused by a disorder in the sleep-wake centers in the brain.

24- Insomnia due to psychiatric causes: Depression, anxiety, panic disorders and alcoholism is due to such causes. Sometimes sleep disorder prevents these diseases, the person only sees the doctor because of insomnia. Seasonal depression is seen especially in women before the winter months. In these cases, the patient's sleep time is prolonged and he cannot fall asleep, but superficial sleep. Therefore, he gets tired out of bed even if he sleeps for a reasonable period of time.

25- Insomnia due to pharmacological reasons: It occurs as a side effect in the intake of any drug related to sleep. Such drugs, known to cause insufficient and poor sleep, include amphetamines, which are used as nervous system stimulants. Apart from these, drugs used in the treatment of depression and anxiety, hypertension and rheumatism drugs can also cause insomnia. Studies have shown that sleep medications not only accelerate the time to fall asleep, but make it difficult to go to deep sleep. This leads to complaints of waking up in the morning.

What to do?

Those who have insomnia should sleep in a separate bed. Because even if the spouse moves in bed, it leads to sleep divisions which the patient is unaware of and causes the surface to become superficial and reduces sleep quality. Going to bed with various relaxation techniques is also recommended. Also in the bedroom not to watch television and if you can not sleep to get up and take care of other things (such as reading books) is required. This is because turning the bed from side to side causes negative conditioning and negative bias against the bed. This results in an inability to actually sleep because of the worry of not being able to sleep on later nights.

Restriction of bedtime is a very effective method in the treatment of insomnia. According to this, for example, a patient who sleeps all night for only 4 hours but goes to bed at 10 in the morning and gets up at 8 am is advised to go to bed at 2 am and get up at 6 am. This increases sleep efficiency. The patient's negative prejudices against the bed disappear. As sleep efficiency increases, the patient can gradually increase his sleep time by 15 minutes each day. So he can sleep as long as he wants at any time. It is stated that approximately 60 percent of the patients have solved their sleep problems with this method in six months.

Experts insomnia, if married, separated from their spouses
advises them to sleep.

Unusual sleep disorders

In these disorders called parasomnias, it is an involuntary and unusual phenomenon that occurs during sleep or at the threshold between waking and sleep. It usually starts in childhood.

26- Sleep intoxication: Between sleep and complete wakefulness, it is an abnormal form of wakefulness. It can lead to individual and social problems and sometimes criminal behavior. It is genetic.

27- Nightmare disorder: As in other dreams, nightmares almost always occur in REM sleep and usually late at night. It is a lifelong condition in some people and in times of stress and illness in others.

28- Sleep Terror Disorder: It is a state of arousal that occurs in the first third of the night during the deep sleep process called non-REM. Almost always occurs with a painful scream or yell. After this scream, night terror is often followed by a sleepwalking period. Night terror is especially prevalent in children. Approximately 1 to 6 percent of children have this disorder. It is more common in boys and is usually genetic. Night terror can also be the beginning of epilepsy. Family therapy may be necessary as it can also result from stressful situations in the family.

29- Sleepwalking: It starts in deep sleep. During sleepwalking, the person unconsciously gets out of bed, walks, and can perform a series of unconscious actions. It is unresponsive to communication efforts and can be awakened with great difficulty. Sleepwalking begins at the age of 4-8. 15 percent of children have sleepwalking for a period. Stress, excessive fatigue or insomnia increases attacks.

30- REM sleep behavior disorder: Violent movements that occur during REM sleep late in the night. It is usually seen in men. The person expresses the behaviors in his dreams. The patient is dangerous both for himself and his bed partner, which can cause serious injury.

What to do?

These disorders can only be solved with medication under the supervision of a doctor.

Unusual sleep disorders usually begin at a child's age.

Other sleep-related problems

31- Sleep-related epileptic seizures: The relationship between sleep and epilepsy is complex. In particular, apnea can increase epileptic seizures. Sometimes seizures can occur only during sleep.

32- Sleep related cluster headaches: It is known that there is a relationship between vascular headaches and migraine and sleep. Patients who have visual problems when waking up with headache at night, and sometimes complain of nausea and vomiting often have difficulty sleeping.

33- Sleep-related abnormal swallowing syndrome: Salivation of the saliva into the airways due to insufficient swallowing, coughing and occlusion. It causes constant waking.

34 Sleep-related asthma: Increased sleep asthma in some people can cause significant sleep disturbance. The result is fatigue and fatigue.

35- Sleep-related cardiovascular symptoms: Sleep rhythm disorders during sleep, coronary artery insufficiency and blood pressure changes, such as sleep disturbance.

36- Gastroesophageal reflux related to sleep: It is manifested by a burning pain in the stomach or a common pain in the chest, a feeling of pressure or a sour taste in the mouth. Occasionally coughing, suffocation and vomiting may occur.

37- Sleep-related hemolysis: It is a type of chronic anemia that increases during sleep. Morning urine is red mixed with brown. Sleep is thought to be associated with sleep period.

38- Sleep disturbance during pregnancy: Some hormonal changes including estrogen, progesterone, cortisol and melatonin contribute to these disorders. In addition, changes in the mother's respiratory physiology and body habits can affect the quality and quality of sleep.

39- Sleep disorder due to substance use: Excessive sleepiness may be seen in cocaine, caffeine, alcohol and amphetamine users. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, hypnotics, andrenergic drugs, weight loss drugs, cancer drugs, thyroid drugs and antidepressants can also cause various sleep disorders. Smoking makes it difficult to start sleep. Smokers sleep less.

40- Wetting diapers during sleep: 25 percent of 3-4 year-old children and 10 percent of 8-year-old children wet their bottoms during sleep. At the age of 18, this rate decreases to 1 percent. Urinary incontinence during sleep may occur during the course of many diseases. Urinary tract infections, diabetes, small capacity bladder and constipation gibi Psychologically under stress, need to hide certain events from their families or environment, children who have conflicts within themselves.

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer, FFP