Friday, September 20, 2019

Dario Blood Glucose Meter Starter Kit for Android, All-In-One Blood Sugar Monitor, 25 Test Strips, 10 Sterile Lancets, 10 Disposable Covers. Mini, Smart Self-Care Glucose Meter for Monitoring Diabetes

Blood sugar 6 - what to do with increased glucose?

Dario Blood Glucose Meter Starter Kit for Android, All-In-One Blood Sugar Monitor, 25 Test Strips, 10 Sterile Lancets, 10 Disposable Covers. Mini, Smart Self-Care Glucose Meter for Monitoring Diabetes

With good health, the glycemic ratio is between 3.3 and 5.5 mmol / l. If you are not feeling well and you notice that your blood sugar level is 6.2, it will be urgent to take action. After all, this means that you have a tendency to diabetes. And as this disease is already progressing actively, it is easier to prevent it in the early stages.
Sugar 6.2 - what does it mean and what to do?

In general, healthy people do not care about a mild illness, they do not realize that it may be a symptom of a serious illness. Carelessness to the body often causes diabetes and subsequent complications.

As previously stated, normal blood glucose levels are 3.3–5.5 mmol / l. The exception may be only five children - up to 5 years. For other age categories this is a fixed indicator. Numbers may vary slightly during the day. Physical effort will depend on the quantity and quality of the food and the emotional state of the person.

Other important factors can affect the amount of glucose in the blood: pregnancy, stress, various infectious and chronic diseases and mental trauma. If you feel unwell, you should pay attention to chronic fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, glycemia immediately and take appropriate measures. Blood glucose 6.2 is not yet a diabetic disease, but this indicator is a serious reason to pay attention to nutrition, general health and lifestyle.

To obtain the most accurate readings, blood sugar should be determined on an empty stomach. Alternatively, this can be done at home using a compact blood glucose meter or donated blood to the hospital for research.

When reading with the glucometer, it is important to note that the device measures the blood level in plasma. Accordingly, the blood figure will vary by approximately 12 percent from the result.

If the analysis is performed in a hospital, it is recommended that you take it several times. There should be a certain time interval between procedures. So it will be possible to obtain the most objective picture and confirm the presence of the disease or remove the pre-diagnosis of "diabetes".

The most effective test for sugar is the tolerance test. It allows you to timely identify problems with glucose concentration in the body, even if there are no symptoms of the disease.

Rising fasting blood glucose level 6.2 does not directly indicate significant health problems and significant symptoms. A study of tolerance makes it possible to detect prior violations that interfere with glucose absorption and cause blood sugar spills.

Often, doctors recommend that you recommend this study to older people, overweight or congenital susceptibility to diabetes.

To do this, a person must pass a 75 g blood glucose analysis on the blood sugar, after which the patient is allowed to drink a glass of glucose with water and blood is re-administered after 2 hours.
For the most accurate results, we recommend the following:

without eating - 10 hours before going to the clinic
reject any physical activity before testing
avoid fights and stresses before the test, try to be completely calm on the eve
Do not change your diet. Have the same food as usual
After taking water with glucose, physical activity is undesirable.

The tolerance level was not established after taking the glucose level of less than 7-7.5 mmol / l and after taking 7.8-11.2 mmol / l. After glucose, if the figure is less than 7.8 mmol / l, this is already considered a pathology.

6.2 fasting blood sugar - what does this mean? This means that it is time to pay attention to your health and, above all, to review the food system and to choose the appropriate diet. The body needs to stay out of dietary nutrients that are easily digested by carbohydrates. If the patient suffers from being overweight, the diet will consist of low-calorie foods containing large amounts of minerals and vitamins.
With an increased level of glucose in the blood you need to get rid of the diet:

sweet carbonated drinks
wheat flour baking
fried, oily, spicy and smoked dishes
alcoholic beverages
Desserts cake
figs, persimmons, grapes and fruits with high sugar content.

Products like cream and sour cream can be consumed, but in small quantities. Meat is also allowed, but removes the pre-fat from it. Fresh juices, sugar-free tea and herbal infusions are allowed to be consumed and even recommended as a diet.
Remember, blood glucose 6.2 is usually characteristic of women who are waiting to renew the family. They are also recommended for a diet, but special treatment is not required. As a rule, after the birth of a child, the indicators return to normal.

Figure 6.2 showing blood sugar is not diabetes. Therefore, you will be able to normalize your tests without the use of medication, thanks to proper nutrition and appropriate physical effort.
Sugar 6.8: High blood sugar?

Blood sugar study helps to identify not only diabetes but also the previous stage (latent or latent diabetes). Such a period is characteristic of the second type of diabetes mellitus, where the cages gradually lose their ability to respond to insulin and clinical symptoms decrease at high rates of hyperglycemia.

Sugar detected in blood 6 and above (in mmol / l) is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, taking into account the factors that may affect reliability and preparation for analysis according to rules.

Often, such abnormalities cause the doctor to doubt the presence of diabetes, either explicitly or secretly. An additional laboratory examination is performed to decide other tactics.
What causes high blood sugar?

Elevated glucose levels may result from the release of stress hormones into the blood. Such a reaction is defensive and evolved to mobilize the body's resources when faced with the danger of life in the evolutionary process. Such an increase in sugar concentration is short-lived and occurs in healthy people.

There may be a physiological increase in blood glucose: stress, physical exertion or intense exercise, natural disasters, fear, great excitement. After the elimination of the factor provoking the growth of glucose, the indicator of the content of the blood is returned to normal independently.

The increase in such cases is associated with increased secretion of hormones from the cortical and brain layers of the adrenal glands, as well as activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The mechanism of increase in glycemia is due to the breakdown of glycogen stores in the liver into glucose molecules.

All other factors other than diabetes mellitus cause an increase in glucose for the period of illness or injury. After the root cause has been eliminated, sugar can return to normal. Only diabetes mellitus is characterized by a continuous increase in sugar and can be returned to normal values ​​during special treatment.

Causes of non-diabetes-related hyperglycemia include:

Acute pain, heart attack, polytrauma, paralysis shock.
Extensive skin damage from burns.
Surgical interventions.
Liver disease.
Endocrine diseases (adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary).

Therefore, for an accurate assessment where the sugar level is 6.8 mmol / l, possible causes not associated with diabetes should be excluded. If these factors do not affect the analysis, then they continue to determine what this means: prediabetes or diabetes.

Since this figure exceeds the norm (5.5 mmol / l) and is located near the limit, a study with a glucose load will be needed after the diagnosis of diabetes (7.0 mmol / l).
Indications and techniques for glucose tolerance test?

A study of glucose tolerance reflects how the body responds to an increase in glycemia. The technology used to perform this stress test simulates the conditions that occur after a meal.

The test is used in the differential diagnosis of diabetes and diabetes. Violation of carbohydrate tolerance is a common way of obesity because there is a reduced reaction to insulin that causes hyperglycemia after a meal.

Such pathological processes are characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus, so active diagnosis is made in individuals at higher risk of occurrence. Indications for glucose tolerance test:

Excess weight, especially with the accumulation of abdominal fat.
Age after 45 years.
Heredity: There are relatives of the first kinship line with diabetes.
Hypertension: blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg. Art.
Long-term hormone therapy, diuretic drugs, neuroleptics, antidepressants.
Gestational diabetes, large fetus or stillbirth, congenital anomalies of development.
Low density high density lipids and high triglycerides.
Commonly infectious, including fungal diseases.

An optometrist may also be used for a test for retinal pathology, a dermatologist for recurrent furunculosis, a gynecologist for infertility during menopause, and a polycystic ovary.

Study preparation includes the usual diet regimen, normal physical and mental stress, avoiding stress, infections, insomnia. After 10 hours after the last meal (on an empty stomach in the morning), the patient is given the first blood test for sugar.

You should then drink water with dissolved glucose (75 g) and repeat the work after 2 hours. Evaluation of test results includes the following violations (in mmol / l):

Impaired glucose tolerance: less than 7 fasting and after testing 7.8-11.1.
Fasting glucose: on an empty stomach - 2 hours after taking glucose - 6.1-7.0 - Less than 7.8.

Both options are characteristic of prediabetes. With pre-diabetes, the blood sugar level may occasionally stabilize and then rise again.

The above glucose indicator implies that the patient may develop diabetes over a period of time.

This is only possible if preventive measures are not taken.
Diabetes prevention

In the latent stage of diabetes, you can delay the development of the disease or completely eliminate the development of true diabetes. It is very important to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates because they increase glycemia rapidly. In contrast, insulin is released.

Metabolic disorders are determined by both hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. A high level of insulin in the blood reduces the receptor response in the tissues, which intensifies hyperglycemia - a vicious cycle occurs.

In order to prevent diabetes, it is recommended to change diet and physical activity, to abandon bad habits and to have a glucose tolerance test at least once a year.

Dietary nutrition will not lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose of such products and will also not promote insulin production. To do this, you should examine the properties of the products. Two indicators are used: the glycemic index and the insulin index are reflected in specific tables.

Certainly such product groups should be excluded:

Sweets, pastries, sweet fruits and juices.
Fatty meat and dairy products with a high fat content.
Snacks, fast food, sweet drinks, ice cream.
Cooking, rice, grits and pasta.

Fresh vegetables and leafy greens on the weight of the diet, the preparation of salads with vegetable oil is recommended. Moderately fatty fish, poultry and meats are suitable as a protein source. Allowed, but taking into account the total calorie intake, the use of nuts and seeds, low-carb fruits and sweets instead of sugar.

Physical activity not only has a general healing effect, but is also used in disorders of carbohydrate metabolism because muscles absorb glucose from the blood during active work, reduce hyperglycemia, and also increase insulin receptor sensitivity.

Equally important is the ability to increase energy consumption during physical exercise. This allows you to reduce fat content in the body, normalize the composition of blood, and reduce total cholesterol. Such changes help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis.

In the absence of concomitant diseases, the rhythm and type of occupation can be selected according to your interests. It is recommended to practice at least 150 minutes per week. It can be swimming, therapy exercises, yoga, Pilates, dance, team sports, running, Nordic walking and regular walking.

Prophylactic treatment with drugs used to treat diabetes may be recommended, but has been shown to be effective in preventing digging, when measures to improve motor activity and dietary changes are insufficient or if the patient does not wish to make changes in his normal lifestyle.

The drug most suitable for such patient categories may be the active ingredient:

Metformin - Glucophage, Siofor,
Acarbose - Glucobay.
Rosiglitazone - Avandia.

It affects the absorption of glucose from the intestine and inhibits the increase in the level after a meal (Glucobay), increases the absorption of sugar from the blood and the release of free fatty acids (Avandia).

Metformin-based preparations have a broad spectrum of action: reduce the formation of new glucose molecules in the liver and stop the breakdown of glycogen, stimulate insulin receptors, increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin, accelerate the uptake of glucose in the muscles and inhibit the absorption of glucose in the tissues.

During the latent diabetes stage, various plant preservatives have recommended themselves well because it gently cleanses the bodies with the least side effects, increases their adaptability, contains inulin-like plant hormones, and also has an antioxidant effect and contributes to the restoration of the pancreas.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to use extracts and extracts of worm, chicory root and elecampane, bay leaf, ginger grass and goat milk, chokeberry fruit, red rowan berries, blueberries and bean pods. The video in this article will help you understand what to do when the sugar level rises.
Fasting blood sugar

Fasting blood sugar: Learn everything you need. Read what is the norm, how to analyze from a finger and a vein, and most importantly, how to reduce this indicator by taking healthy food, pills and insulin injections. Understand what the dawn incident is, why it raises your glucose level in the morning on an empty stomach more than in the afternoon and evening.

Morning blood on an empty stomach: detailed lettering
How to take a blood test for glucose on an empty stomach?

Frankly, you can't eat anything at night. But it should not allow dehydration. Drinking water and herbal tea. Try to avoid physical and emotional overload the day before the test. Do not drink large amounts of alcohol. If you have an open or hidden infection in your body, your blood glucose level will increase. It is necessary to take into account. In the event of a negative test result, consider whether there is tooth decay, kidney infections, urinary tract infections or colds.
What is the fasting blood sugar rate?

A detailed answer to this question is given in the “Blood Glucose Norm” article. Lists standards for adult women and men, children of different ages, pregnant women. Understand how fast your blood glucose levels are for healthy people and people with diabetes. Information is presented in the form of appropriate and visual tables.
Does it change when you take blood from a finger and vein?

You don't have to worry about the difference between taking blood from a finger and a vein. The laboratory will make the necessary corrections. On this site, all sugar norms are controlled by a blood glucose meter and presented for blood collection from a finger.
How is fasting sugar measured before breakfast?

When you wake up in the morning, breakfast is almost no different. Diabetic patients who do not eat after 18-19 hours in the evening usually try to have breakfast quickly in the morning. Because they wake up with a well-rested and healthy appetite.

If you ate too late in the evening, you don't want to have breakfast early in the morning. And probably, a late dinner will worsen the quality of your sleep. For example, 30-60 minutes or more passes between waking up and making breakfast. In this case, the results of measuring the sugar immediately after waking and before eating will be different.

The effect of the dawn (see below) starts to work between 4-5 in the morning. Gradually weakens and disappears within 7-9 hours. Within 30-60 minutes, there is time to weaken significantly. Therefore, blood sugar may be lower immediately after waking up before a meal.
Why is there a higher proportion of hunger sugar in the morning and afternoon than in the evening?

This is called the dawn case. About him in detail below. On an empty stomach in the morning, sugar is higher in the afternoon and evening than in most diabetes. If you observe this in itself, you should not consider this rule as an exception. The causes of this phenomenon have not been clearly elucidated and you should not worry about them. A more important question: how to normalize glucose in the morning on an empty stomach. Read about it below.
High sugar on an empty stomach in the morning and why would it be normal after a meal?

The effect of dawn in the morning ends at 8-9 in the morning. For most diabetic patients, it is more difficult to get after breakfast with sugar after lunch and dinner. Therefore, at breakfast, carbohydrate intake should be reduced and insulin dose can be increased. For some people, the dawn case is weak and stops quickly. These patients do not have serious problems with blood glucose levels after breakfast.
What to do, how to treat, if the sugar only gets up on an empty stomach in the morning?

In many patients, blood sugar only rises to an empty stomach in the morning and remains normal during the day and in the evening before going to bed. If you do, don't consider yourself an exception. The cause is the dawn which is very common among diabetic patients.

Diagnosis is prediabetes or diabetes. It depends on what the highest glucose values ​​reach. See blood sugar standards. And more from the results of the glycated hemoglobin analysis.

High sugar treatment on an empty stomach in the morning:

Reject late meals, do not eat after 18-19 hours.
Night Metformin (best Glucophage Long) is a nightly withdrawal with a gradual increase in the dose of 500 to 2000 mg.
If early evening meals and Glyukofazh drug sufficiently help, you need to put a long insulin in the evening before bedtime.

Don't ignore the problem. This indifference can lead to the development of diabetes complications for several months or years. If a diabetic continues to have late dinner, neither sugar nor insulin will help him regain his morning sugar.
What to do if sugar on an empty stomach were 6 or higher? Diabetes or not?

Probably, the attending physician will tell you that fasting sugar is 6.1-6.9 mmol / l, not a very dangerous disease, but a prediabetes. In fact, with these indicators, chronic complications of diabetes continue. You have a high heart attack and a low life expectancy. If the heart and nourishing veins prove to be resistant, then there is enough time to meet the terrible complications of vision, kidneys and legs.

Sugar in an empty stomach of 6.1-6.9 mmol / l is a sign that the patient needs intensive treatment. You need to learn how your glucose level behaves after a meal and you need to test for glucose hemoglobin, check your kidney function. Read the ısı Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus ve article and determine what diseases you are susceptible to. After that, use step-by-step treatment to control type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes.
Dawn effect

Between 4:00 and 9:00 in the morning, the liver cleans and destroys insulin most effectively. Therefore, many diabetic patients do not have enough insulin in the morning to keep diabetics normal. Glucose levels rise when measured after awakening on an empty stomach. After breakfast, it is also difficult to save sugar after lunch and dinner. This is called the dawn case. Not in all diabetics, but in the majority. This is due to the effect of adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones that cause the body to wake up in the morning.

Increased sugar for hours in the morning stimulates the development of chronic complications of diabetes. Therefore, conscious patients try to control the morning dawn. However, this is not easy to achieve. The effect of a long insulin injection at night is significantly attenuated in the morning or even stops completely. Less confusing pills at night. Attempts to increase the dose of long-term insulin in the evening can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in the middle of the night. Low glucose at night causes nightmares, palpitations and sweating.
How do I drop blood sugar on an empty stomach?

Recall that at any time of day, the target indicator of sugar on an empty stomach is 4.0-5.5 mmol / l. To achieve this, you must first learn to eat dinner. In the evening, eat at least 4 hours, 5 hours better before going to bed.

For example, dinner at 18:00 and go to bed at 23:00. A subsequent dinner will inevitably increase your fasting blood sugar level the next morning. Insulin and pills taken at night can't save you. Even the newest and most advanced insulin Tresiba described below. Make your early dinner a top priority. Put a reminder on your mobile phone half an hour before the best time of your dinner.

Patients with overweight type 2 diabetes may try to take Metformin on the long-term release Glucophage Long tablet. The dosage can be gradually increased to a maximum of 2000 mg, 4 tablets to 500 mg. This drug works almost all night and helps some patients reach normal sugar levels on an empty stomach the next morning.

Only Glucophage Long-term tablets are suitable for reception at night. It's better not to use cheaper counterparts. During the day you can get another regular tablet Metformin 500 or 850 mg at breakfast and lunch. The total daily dose of this drug should not exceed 2550-3000 mg.

The next step is insulin use. To get normal sugar on an empty stomach in the morning, you have to plant extended insulin in the evening. Read more m Calculation of long insulin doses for injections at night and in the morning ”. It contains all the necessary information.

Understand why Tresiba insulin is better nowadays. Dr. Watch a video in which Bernstein explains in detail how to control the morning dawn phenomenon. If you try, you will certainly reach normal sugar levels on an empty stomach in the morning.

You should start insulin injecting, continue a low-carb diet and eat early as described above.
What to eat at dinner or at night before going to bed, so the next morning was sugar normal?

Different types of food increase blood sugar more or less. Depending on these properties and the content of vitamins and minerals, food products are prohibited and allowed for diabetics. But no food reduces glucose!

You know that blood sugar increases the carbohydrates that are eaten after being digested and digested. Unfortunately, sugar also rises because of the ingestion of the stomach walls. This happens regardless of the fact that a person eats, even if it is sawdust.

Feeling the tension of the stomach walls, the body secretes glucose from the internal reserves of blood. This is the incretin effect of hormones discovered in the 1990s. Bernstein says in his book “The effect of Chinese restaurant”.

There are no foods that can reduce sugar on an empty stomach in the morning, eat in the evening, or even eat more at night before bedtime. You should have dinner with authorized products and spend between 18-19 hours at the latest. For diabetic patients who cannot escape the habit of eating late, medication and insulin do not help normalize morning sugar.
How does alcohol intake in the evening affect the sugar index on an empty stomach in the morning?

The answer depends on:

individual diabetes course;
the amount of alcohol consumed;
Types of consumed alcoholic beverages.

You can try. Diabetics are not allowed to consume moderate alcohol. However, for people with a healthy glucose change, it is several times more harmful to be much more intoxicated. A lot of interesting and useful information includes "Alcohol in Diabetes".
Blood sugar 6.1, what to do and what are the chances of developing diabetes?

Changes in the rhythm of modern life are adversely affecting health status. Inadequate diet with low carbactivity, poor ecology and high carbohydrate and fat content on the basis of constant stress causes diabetes mellitus type 2 and is becoming increasingly common among younger generations.

Type 1 diabetes is less common and occurs in individuals suffering from autoimmune accumulation of the pancreas. It will describe our article 6.1 about what glucose levels should be in the blood and what the value of sugar means.
Glucose Rates

Blood sugar level depends on normal metabolism in the body. Under the influence of negative factors, this ability is impaired, and as a result, the load on the pancreas increases and the glucose level rises.

Figure 6.1 To understand how normal sugar is, it is necessary to know the norms for adults and children.

As can be seen from the table above, an increase in indicator to 6.1 is already deviating from the norm and speaks of the development of pathology. However, accurate diagnosis requires serious tests.

Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account the fact that capillary blood norms, that is, those who give up their fingers, are different from those of venous blood.

In venous blood, indicator 6.1 is the norm limit where the risk of developing the disease is very high. In elderly people, metabolic processes in the body slow down, so the sugar content is higher.

Normally, after eating a healthy person, the blood sugar level rises, so it is important to test in an empty stomach. Otherwise, the results will be inaccurate and will not mislead not only the patient, but also the attending physician.

Since the indicators of the analyzes may vary depending on physiological conditions, fair sex representatives also have properties in determining glucose. Therefore, it is quite normal that the blood sugar level increases during menstruation and pregnancy.

Fifty years later, during menopause, large-scale hormonal changes occur in women, which affect the results and often increase. In men, everything is stable, their levels are always in the normal range. Therefore, if there is a spontaneous increase in blood glucose levels, it is important to consult a doctor.

Reading Sugar 6.1 in any case requires more attention and better examination. After an examination is not recommended, you have to make a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, perform several different tests, and relate the results to symptoms.

However, if the glucose level is maintained at 6.1, this is defined as pre-diabetic and requires at least adjustment of nutrition and continuous monitoring.
Causes of increased glucose

In addition to the development of the pathological process, there are a number of factors in which the sugar level can reach 6.1 mmol / l.

Addiction, especially smoking;
Excessive physical effort
Mental fatigue and stress;
Chronic diseases;
Intake of strong hormonal drugs;
Consume lots of fast carbohydrates;
Burns, angina attacks, etc.

In order to avoid false analysis results, it is necessary to minimize carbohydrate intake in the evening before the examination and to avoid smoking and having breakfast on the day of analysis. And also to avoid over-stress and stressful situations.
Symptoms of high sugar

An increase in blood sugar levels is often accompanied by the emergence of symptom characteristics of a particular condition that is extremely dangerous to ignore.

Some of the following symptoms help to suspect abnormalities in the normal functioning of the body:

Increased weakness and fatigue;
Desires dry mouth and continuous drinking;
The toilet is often remedy and over-voiding;
Long healing of wounds, abscess and union formation;
Reduced immunity;
Decreased visual acuity;
Increased appetite.

People at risk for developing diabetes, genetically predisposed, suffering from obesity and pancreatic diseases should be more careful about their health. After all, the reliability of having passed the analysis once a year and achieving a normal result cannot be completely certain.

Diabetes mellitus is often hidden and manifests itself in waves. Therefore, periodic examinations are required at different times.

Sugar level 6.1 reflects the pre-diabetic state to determine the likelihood of developing diabetes, a series of studies need to be done:

Determination of glucose under load;
Glucose hemoglobin.

Glucose under load

This test helps you determine how quickly the body absorbs glucose. Is the pancreas sufficient to release insulin to absorb all glucose from food?

To perform the test, two blood tests are required: Alcohol and unauthorized drugs cannot be consumed the day before taking the test. It is better to stop smoking and use sugary drinks on the morning of the surveys.

Decrypt that the value in the following table is helpful.
If your blood sugar is 6.0: first symptoms and what to do?

The rate of glycemia in a completely healthy person ranges from 3.3 to 5.5 units. In some cases, there may be deviation from the norm in one direction, ie sugar may decrease or increase.

If blood sugar is 6.0 units, this can contribute to a number of causes. Conditionally, they can be divided into physiological and pathological causes.

The sugar level of about 6.0 units may be the norm and may be a pathological condition indicating that a person has a tendency to develop diabetes.

Therefore, you have to answer this question, on an empty stomach is 6 units of sugar - is this normal or not? What are the causes of this increase and what are the symptoms? And let's also learn what to do in this situation?
Which indicators of sugar are considered normal?

When blood sugar occurs in about 6 units, this is normal and the indicator is within the acceptable limits of the norm. However, the doctor may suspect the pathology because the glucose concentration at 6 mmol / l indicates the development of the pre-diabetic condition.

Based on medical sources, it can be said that the variability between 3.3 and 5.5 units is considered as an indicator of normal glucose content. The current limit is 5.8 units.

For younger children, the generally accepted norm ranges from 3.3 to 5.5, but it all depends on the child's age:

For a baby who is not yet a month old, the norm ranges from 2.8 to 4.4 units.
Until the age of 15, the normal range ranges from 3.3 to 5.6.

If sugar is registered before the age of 60, it is numerous. However, with age, the limits of normal indices shift upwards. Therefore, after 60 years, it is considered acceptable numbers between 5.1 and 6.0 mmol / l.

Blood sugar levels in pregnant women are “yours”. Due to the constantly increasing body load, hormonal changes and other physiological processes, it ranges from 3.3 to 6.6 units.

It should be noted that the blood sugar from a vein has slightly varying proportions, so it increases by 12% of the generally accepted standards.

For example, during pregnancy, it is quite normal that the lower limit of sugar is 3.6 units and the upper limit is 6.8 mmol / l.
Why does sugar rise?

It is recommended to say that sugar can rise in the blood under the influence of some physiological causes and conditions. However, the increase in all cases without exception is short-lived and will soon normalize.

The following factors can be said to cause a temporary increase in sugar: intense physical activity or training, long-term mental work, fear, stress, neural overload.

In practice, the human body is the most complex mechanism in the world, and a violation can lead to disruption of completely different organs. Increased sugar not only provokes diabetes but also other pathologies.

Diseases that cause an increase in glucose:

Cerebral palsy.
Acute heart failure.
Surgical intervention.
Epileptic seizure.
Pain Shock
Severe liver disease.
Traumatic brain injury.

However, the increase in the background of these diseases and conditions is short-lived. By eliminating the original source, the patient's blood sugar is normalized to an acceptable level and no longer increases.

The increase in glucose may be associated only with severe physical activity, when the muscle is loaded and more energy is needed, but also with food. Sugar may increase with excessive use of harmful foods, fatty foods and sweets.

As a rule, after a meal, over time, the glucose concentration decreases and remains within normal limits.
Increased sugar and initial symptoms

Many patients are wondering if they have diabetes 6, will negative symptoms be observed, or will they not feel harmful changes in their bodies? In fact, the question is not simple, because the answer depends on many factors.

Some factors can affect high sugar symptoms: a person's sensitivity to this pathological change in the body, the “experience gizli of latent diabetes, the age group, and other points.

As practically seen, each has its own threshold of sensitivity. Some people do not notice a 6-unit increase in sugar, and this is observed in the majority of cases.

In another embodiment, sensitive to the slightest changes in a male or female body, then a particular clinical picture may be observed:

A sense of thirst that persists both day and night.
Abundant and frequent urination 24 hours a day.
Increased daily urine volume.
Chronic fatigue, loss of performance.
Drowsiness, fatigue, apathy, drowsiness.
Continuously increasing the appetite of the remaining appetite.
Increase or decrease in body weight. And there is no reason for this.
Distortion of visual perception, recurrent headaches.

In many cases, there are other symptoms: dry skin, itching and burning.

If such a picture exists, you should take preventive measures to help further increase sugar.
Sugar Analysis: Summary and Recommendations

Always an increase in glucose concentration indicates the development of diabetes. To determine the causes of such a condition as accurately as possible, to confirm or reject the presence of pathology, a test with sugar load is recommended.

Sugar tolerance analysis allows you to investigate disorders that do not allow complete digestion of glucose. And also to find out why this indicator is higher than normal on an empty stomach.

Generally, such a test is not recommended for all people. As a rule, it is prescribed to patients who belong to the old age group (after 45 years), who have overweight or obesity at any stage. So get into the risk group.

In the above options, the glucose sensitivity test serves as a mandatory medical manipulation. The essence of the analysis lies in these moments: blood is drawn from a finger or a vein on an empty stomach.

The patient is then given a glucose solution and blood is drawn again after 120 minutes, which allows determination of the glucose uptake rate.

It is recommended that you listen to some tips to get extremely accurate information:

You can't eat before analysis. The last meal time must be at least 8 hours before going to a medical facility.
24 hours before the analysis, it is necessary to eliminate heavy physical exertion, refuse to do physical work, and so on.
Before analysis, a diet is not necessary to observe and there is no need to switch to a healthy diet. The only thing you can suggest to exclude oily results is that they can affect final results.
Try not to be nervous, avoid stress and tension. A few days before the test and on the day of analysis, the emotional state should remain calm.
After 8 hours of rest analysis should be handed over. If you go to the clinic right after the night shift, then you can't expect the right results.

What are the test results obtained in the laboratory? If the fasting glucose concentration is 7.0 units and the tolerance test is between 7.8 and 11.1 mmol / l, no susceptibility disorders are observed.

If the sugar level in the human body is 7.0 units on an empty stomach, but less than 7.8 units after the sugar load, then there may be a violation of glucose tolerance.

When you find a violation, you don't have to panic. Additional examinations should be performed: ultrasound examination of the pancreas, blood test for enzymes.

If you change your diet over time, bring the most appropriate exercise to your life, then all the negative symptoms will disappear soon.
How to reduce sugar?

In fact, the 6-unit glucose indicator is an acceptable rate. But even with such indicators, your health is worth considering because it did not rule out the possibility that sugar will increase with your previous lifestyle.

Even if sugar is balanced in about 6 units, you need to change your diet and need a specific diet. Thus, it does not grow and then does not turn into a chronic disease, you should eat right and balanced food.

Therefore, it is recommended that you leave alcoholic beverages, prepared foods, granulated sugar, various sweets, sweet fruits, concentrated juices, various sauces and ketchup, honey, jam and some other food products.

Physical activity helps keep sugar at normal levels:

Walking (about 30 minutes per day).
Morning exercise
Slow running.
Fitness classes

Optimal physical activity improves metabolic processes in the human body, respectively, as sugar is absorbed at the cellular level, consequently, it will be less blood.

You should listen carefully and do not always show obvious symptoms of increased sugar. Therefore, it is recommended that you purchase a blood glucose meter - a special device at home where you can find your results. You can take hours for diabetics. They look stylish and can be carried easily.

If proper nutrition and exercise do not help maintain glucose, more growth is seen, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The form in this article will help determine what sugar content should be in diabetes.
What to do with sugar 6 0

Diabetes Institute Director: at Discard the meter and test strips. No more Metformin, Diabeton, Siofor, Glucophage and Januvia! Treat it with this. "

The fasting blood glucose standard is between 3.5 and 5.5 mmol / l. This is what the body needs to work without interruption. Elevated glucose (> 5.5 mmol / l) is now called civilization disease. Often overweight, it is accompanied by high cholesterol and blood pressure. Everything comes together - METABOLIC SYNDROME. A condition that needs to be adjusted immediately to prevent serious illnesses. So how to lower blood sugar?
2. And if it is diabetes?

If the analysis in an empty stomach shows indices above 5.5 mmol / l on different days but above 7.0 mmol / l, then we are talking about prediabetes. However, if the indicators consistently exceed 7.0 mmol / l on an empty stomach, we will probably talk about the onset of type II diabetes. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prepares a glucose tolerance test: first measure the level of fasting sugar, then take 75 g of glucose and repeat the blood sampling after 2 hours. If the blood glucose is more than 11.1 mmol / l, we can talk about the presence of diabetes. If it is less than 11.1 mmol / l, but more than 7.8 mmol / l, it means a violation of the carbohydrate tolerance. At lower blood sugar levels, the sample should be repeated after 3-6 months.
3. Even if sugar is only 6 ...

... you need to check the level tightly and carefully. You should purchase a home blood glucose meter to avoid visiting the clinic in the morning. And, when you wake up, measure your blood sugar. Your doctor will tell you when your glucose values ​​exceed the norm. In addition, the endocrinologist will advise you to follow a specific diet without an abundance of sugar and fat, recommend traditional methods of reducing and maintaining glucose levels, and prescribe medications that help reduce blood sugar if necessary.
4. Popular medicine on health guard

In conventional medicine tablets, there are many recipes that help reduce the blood glucose content. In the pre-diabetes stage, when the indicators are relatively low, it is only possible by these methods to adjust the sugar level. Without resorting to pharmacy-based hypoglycemic medications (once again, whether or not you need them - it is unacceptable to prescribe these pills for yourself - the doctor decides). Nature has taken care that we have enough plants to help solve this arithmetic problem. And between 6 - 6.5 mmol / l, which will poison our lives “interest edin 1-1.5 edinichki, will give the desired answer - 5-5.5 mmol / l.
5. Coffee

A cup (150 ml) of strong black ground coffee is drunk at noon, helps to reduce blood sugar levels and also reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes. Moreover, this applies to ordinary coffee or decaffeinated coffee, sugar or sugar free. Data from a study conducted in France allows doctors to talk about it with confidence. The experiment lasted for several years and involved about 70,000 people. Those who had coffee at lunch had a one-third lower diabetes predisposition than those who preferred tea, juice and mineral water at lunch.
6. Oves

Grains and oat shells are suitable for reducing blood sugar. To make sugar-reducing decoction, you need 1 tablespoon. l. 1.5 tablespoons of oatmeal. water and cook for 15 minutes. Take equal parts 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Store the water in the refrigerator. It will help reduce glucose levels in the morning and recharge your batteries all day long (high "high" carbohydrate content) and because of regular oatmeal. Apple, fructose based syrup, yogurt and so on. Can be eaten with. In general, you will not starve and will not bring health benefits.
7. Walnut

We're gonna need 40 grams of walnuts. That's pretty much, so you need to work hard and break up Krokotuk. Pour the walls of 0.5 liters of water, cook over low heat in half an hour. Drink 1 tablespoon. before each meal. They are useful for reducing sugar and walnut leaves, they should be collected in May. Therefore, if you live in the south or have relatives - do not miss the collection season of this drug. 1 tablespoon. crushed dried leaves pour 1 cup hot water and boil for 1 minute, then insist until the water to cool. Drain and infuse this infusion evenly throughout the day. This treatment can be done throughout the year.
8. Many fruits and vegetables

However, he saw that fruits and vegetables in Russia were often regarded as “women” food. It looks like a "real guy" meatball with solid watered bread with a solid mayonnaise layer, enough for a solid and good mood. But unfortunately this is not the case. The more fruit acids (malic, citric, etc.) that enter your body, the lower your blood sugar levels. The abundance of fiber, rich in fruits and vegetables, does not allow the intestines to cleanse themselves over time and protect various toxins. In general, now and forever - fruits and vegetables should always be in your diet. Agreed?
9. Grechka and kefir

Tested fighters of the front against "extra candy." Low-fat (1%) kefir can be drunk in large quantities and in various combinations. Very good kefir "Caucasus" - when it is mixed with a lot of greens (parsley, dill, coriander). There you can put vegetables and potatoes from the whole wide Russian spirit and take the “white okroshka.. It is good at any time of year, but especially in the summer. But to reduce the level of wheat, wheat is better, not cooked and ... not grinded. 2 tablespoons. wheat flour (buy in store or use a coffee grinder) mix with a glass of yogurt. Take 40 minutes before meals in the morning and in the evening. Try the buckwheat-kefir therapy course for at least 1 month. Glucose levels should improve significantly.
10. Medicinal plants

Medicinal plants, immortal, St. John's wort, banana, strawberry leaf, bay leaf, blueberry, clover, woodlice, nettle, wormwood, hawthorn, wild rose, aged, lilac buds and so on. It is usually used to normalize blood sugar. They can both buy at a pharmacy and buy their own. Most of these plants infuse. General principle: 1. 1 cup raw (crushed) spoon into boiling water. Insist for 3 hours (in a thermos), drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. Since there are many “plants için for sugar reduction, we change their intake. For example, one week blueberry leaves, the next - banana, etc. Because you need to drink constantly, it is better to diversify the "diet". The only thing - make sure you don't have allergies!
11. We drink water. vegetables

If you decide to reduce sugars with juices, you will need a juicer. Because there is not exactly such an “exotic patates potato, cabbage, caramel or beet juice on the shelves of supermarkets. Therefore, we buy vegetables on the market and open the juicer to the end. The juice must be freshly squeezed (stored in the refrigerator yesterday - will not work). In the morning and in the evening, 1/3 cup cooking is required. If you do not want to deal with a juicer, ask your mother-in-law to make sauerkraut (without salt). His pickles completely changes the vegetable juice.
12. Health bulb

Well sugar reduces the onion juice. But! You understand that the recipe is uncertain, especially if you have to go to work in the morning. Therefore, in order to get rid of the odor and protect the benefits - it is necessary to cook onions in the oven (impossible in the microwave). Cooked onions are eaten once a day, mornings or evenings, half an hour before meals. In addition, onions are prepared tincture on vodka (1 to 10) or alcohol (1 to 5). Tincture taken twice a day for a teaspoon diluted in water
13.Vitamins and trace elements that reduce sugar

Another way to reduce your blood sugar level, which will advise your doctor. Complexing of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, manganese helps to reduce blood sugar and has a lipotropic effect (lowers cholesterol). Magnesium deficiency is one of the main reasons for the development of insulin resistance. Therefore, you need to make sure that the body has enough magnesium. Like chrome. Chromium, together with insulin, regulates the flow of sugar from the blood to the tissues of the body. With an increase in the level of sugar, the need for chromium increases as more is excreted from the kidneys.
14. "Fight with sugar" - now for life?

Everything depends on the general condition of the body, heredity and other factors. It is possible for your sugar to “jump yanıt in response to stress or to accompany some form of chronic disease. In such a case, when the cause disappears and hypoglycemic treatment is administered, the glucose level is normalized. If you have a pre-diabetes condition, you should always monitor your sugar level to prevent the development of true diabetes. Believe me, life is much more difficult with it, and blindness, gangrene development, kidney failure, and so on. Complications of "sweet blood disease". Totally unwanted. Therefore, don't leave it to chance, because you're in good health. the http://pulsplus.r

A series of messages "medicine":
Part 1 - Folk remedies in the fight against high blood sugar
Chapter 2 - What is food allergy and how to deal with it?
Chapter 3 - Hypertension (Hypertension)
Part 4 - Untitled
Chapter 5 - How do I lower my blood sugar?
Part 6 - How to make yourself injections
Section 7 - Diagnosis of health in the health branch.
State characteristic

The diagnosis of condoms occurs when the body does not give blood to the glucose flow. This is a cross-border situation: the endocrinologist still does not have a reason to diagnose diabetes, but the patient's health status raises concerns.

A series of laboratory tests are required to diagnose this disease. Initially, blood is drawn from the patient on an empty stomach and glucose concentration is checked. The next step is to carry out a glucose tolerance test (GTT). Blood can be taken 2-3 times during this study. The first intake is done in an empty stomach, the second one hour after drinking the person's glucose solution: 75 g of liquid is diluted to 75 g. Children are given 1.75 grams per kilogram.

When blood is drawn on an empty stomach, the sugar should not exceed 5.5 mmol / l. Prediabetic blood sugar increases up to 6 mmol / l. These are the norm for capillary blood tests. If venous blood is sampled, the concentration up to 6.1 is considered normal, while the limit indicators are 6.1-7.0.

The GTT indicators are as follows:

Sugar concentrations up to 7.8 are considered normal;
The glucose level in the range between 7.8 and 11.0 is characteristic of prediabetes;
Sugar content above 11.0 - diabetes.

Doctors do not rule out the appearance of false-positive or false-negative results, so it is recommended that you take this test twice to clarify the diagnosis.
Risk group

According to official figures, more than 2.5 million Russian diabetics. However, according to the results of the control and epidemiological studies, approximately 8 million people have been exposed to this disease. This means that 2/3 of the patients do not go to the hospital for an adequate therapy appointment. Most of them don't even know their diagnosis.

According to WHO recommendations, after 40 years, it is necessary to check the glucose concentration every 3 years. If you are at risk, this should be done every year. Timely detection of a prediabetic condition, treatment prescription, diet and gymnastic performance helps to keep the disease under control.

The risk group includes overweight ones. As shown in practice, to significantly improve health, you need to lose weight by 10-15%. If a patient has excess weight, BMI is more than 30, then the probability of developing diabetes is significantly increased.

Patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to this situation. If you have figures above 140/90, you should regularly donate blood to sugar. Patients with relatives suffering from this pathology should also check their condition.

Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes should monitor the condition. They are more likely to have prediabetes.
Symptoms of the disease

If you are overweight, you are establishing a sedentary lifestyle, then the risk of developing pre-diabetes is very high. A lot of people don't pay attention to the symptoms, they don't even know that something has to be done. Therefore, doctors recommend an annual medical examination. Will be able to define the problems that arise during laboratory studies.

The symptoms of prediabetes include the following manifestations of the disease.

Sleep disturbance Problems arise when malfunctions occur in glucose metabolism, pancreatic deterioration, and decreased insulin production.
Severe thirst and frequent urination. With an increase in sugar, blood becomes thicker, the body needs more liquid to dilute. Therefore, when you have thirst, a person drinks more water and as a result goes to the toilet more often.
Sharp weight loss. In the event of violation of insulin production, glucose accumulates in the blood and does not enter the cells of the tissues. This leads to energy and weight loss.
Pruritus, blurred vision. Due to the thickening of the blood, it begins to worsen through small vessels and capillaries. This causes poor blood supply to the organs: as a result, visual acuity decreases, itching occurs.
Muscle cramps. Due to the deterioration of the blood supply, the process of giving the necessary nutrients to the tissue is impaired. This causes muscle cramps to occur.
Headache, migraine. With prediabetes, small vessels can be damaged - this leads to circulatory disorders. As a result, headaches occur, migraine develops.

The symptoms of prediabetes in women are not different. However, it is also recommended to check the sugar level for those diagnosed with polycystic ovaries.
Action tactics

Endocrinologist consultation is mandatory if glucose tolerance is violated in the study. Talk about the prognosis of the treatment of prediabetes and give the necessary recommendations. By following the advice of a doctor, you can minimize the risk of developing this disease.

As a rule, drug treatment for prediabetes is not prescribed. The doctor will talk about what precautions should be taken to prevent the development of pathology. Most just start eating and normalizing nutrition. This not only allows to reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, but also to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.

Research in the United States has shown that changing lifestyles is a more effective method of preventing diabetes than prescribing medication. The doctor may, of course, prescribe treatment with metformin, but with prediabetes, a lifestyle change gives the best results. According to experiments:

Along with nutrition and increased burden correction, a 5-10% reduction was associated with a 58% chance of developing diabetes;
When using the drug the probability of the disease is reduced by 31%.

If you lose some weight, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. Even those who have already learned what prediabetes is, the tissue can reduce insulin resistance if they lose weight. The more weight is lost, the more obvious is the condition.
Recommended Diet

All people diagnosed with prediabetes should learn the correct nutrition norms. The first advice of nutritionists and endocrinologists is to reduce portions. It is also important to stop fast carbohydrates: cakes, cakes, cookies and pastries are prohibited. A splash of blood sugar occurs when it enters the body. But the metabolism of carbohydrates is already broken, so glucose does not pass to tissues, but accumulates in the blood.

Understanding how to treat pretreatment is necessary to find a list of allowed products. You can eat a lot, but you should choose foods with a low glycemic index and a small amount of fat. Keep track of your calorie intake requirement.

Doctors comply with the following principles:

it is better to prefer low-fat foods containing a large amount of fiber;
The calorie count is focused on the quality of food: proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates should be taken;
Sufficient consumption of vegetables, mushrooms, plants;
a reduction in the diet of potatoes, white polished rice - foods high in starch;
If the products are cooked, steamed or cooked, useful foods are obtained;
increased consumption of pure water, removal of sugary carbonated drinks;
oil free products.

However, it is better to consult an endocrinologist and a nutritionist who will tell you if the disease has been treated. A nutritionist will help you create an individual diet, including your taste preferences and lifestyle.
Physical activity

An important component of prediabetes diagnosis is increased activity. Exercising with a diet will produce the desired result. The activity should be increased gradually to avoid overloading the body. It is important to achieve a moderate increase in heartbeat: then there is a sense of exercise.

Everyone can choose the load type on their own, depending on their preferences. These can be active walks, pole walking, jogging, tennis, volleyball or exercising in the fitness center. Many prefer to study at home. Doctors say that improving health will allow a 30-minute burden per day. There should be at least 5 training sessions per week.

During exercise and after an exercise is completed, glucose becomes an energy source. Tissues begin to take insulin better, so the risk of diabetes is reduced.
Alternative medicine methods

In consultation with a doctor, a patient with prediabetes can try to normalize his condition with the help of folk remedies. But when using them, remember the basics of proper nutrition and the need to increase activity.

Many suggest eating buckwheat. To prepare a medicinal meal, grind the grinder in a grinder and pour the kefir at the rate of 2 spoons per glass of kefir. The prepared drink should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

You can also drink a decoction of flax seeds: the grated raw material is filled with water and boiled for 5 minutes (a tablespoon of crushed seeds taken into a glass). It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

You can make an infusion of blueberry leaves, currants and elecampane rhizomes. The mixture is poured with boiling water (one tablespoon is sufficient for one glass), cooled and drunk in 50 ml each day.

Treat under the control of an endocrinologist in advance. Without drug treatment is necessary along with deterioration of the condition. If the doctor prescribes the pills, there are reasons for this.

However, drug treatment does not prevent diet and exercise. Tablets will increase the sensitivity of tissues to glucose. If the condition can be normalized, the drugs may eventually be discarded.
Normal blood sugar

It is known that the blood sugar level is regulated by the hormone of the pancreas - insulin, if it is insufficient or if the body tissues react insufficiently to insulin, then the blood sugar indicator increases. The growth of this indicator is affected by smoking, stress, and unhealthy diet. According to the World Health Organization, blood glucose standards in humans are approved on an empty stomach in capillary or whole venous blood, which must be within the limits specified in the table in mmol / l:

With age, a person's receptor sensitivity decreases because some receptors die and, as a rule, weight increases. As a result, insulin is absorbed worse in tissues with age and sugar in the blood, even when produced normally. It is also believed that when blood is drawn from a finger or a vein, the result is slightly fluctuating, so the rate of glucose in venous blood is estimated at slightly over 12%.

The mean venous blood ratio was 3.5-6.1 and the finger - capillary 3.5-5.5. A one-time blood test for diabetes is not enough to diagnose diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to pass the test several times and compare with possible symptoms and other examinations in a patient.

In any case, if the blood glucose level from a finger is between 5.6 and 6.1 mmol / l (through a 6.1-7 vein), this is prediabetes or impaired glucose tolerance.
Therefore, if it is more than 7.0 mmol / l of a vein, more than 6.1 of a finger, it is diabetes.
If the sugar level is below 3.5, the causes are talking about hypoglycemia, which can be both physiological and pathological.

A blood test for diabetes is used as a diagnosis of the disease and as an assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment and the compensation of diabetes. If the level of glucose in the blood is not more than 10 mmol / l, even in an empty stomach or during the day, type 1 diabetes mellitus is considered to be compensated. For type 2 diabetes mellitus, the criteria for assessing compensation are stricter - normal blood glucose should not exceed 6 mmol / l per day and should not exceed 8.25 mmol / l per day.

To convert mmol / L to mg / dL = mmol / L * 18.02 = mg / dL.
Symptoms of high blood sugar

For example, if a patient has the following symptoms:

Increased fatigue, weakness, headache
Weight loss with increased appetite
Dry mouth, constant thirst
Frequent and abundant urination, especially characteristic - night urge to urinate
Appearance of pustular lesions on skin, stubborn ulcers, boils, long non-healing wounds and scratches.
Overall decline in immunity, frequent colds, reduced yield
The appearance of itching in the groin in the genital area
Reduced opinion, especially in people over 50 years.

This can be symptoms of high blood sugar. Even if a person has only some of these symptoms, a blood test for glucose should be performed. If the patient has diabetes, hereditary tendency, age, obesity, pancreatic diseases and so on. If at risk, then a single analysis of a normal value of blood sugar does not exclude the likely likelihood of the disease, because diabetes mellitus is often unnoticed. asymptomatic, undulating.

False positive results should also be taken into account when assessing blood glucose levels, considering norms as age. To confirm or reject the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in a patient without symptoms of disease, for example, when blood glucose samples are tested, it is desirable to perform additional tests for glucose tolerance.

The glucose tolerance test is performed to determine the latent process of diabetes mellitus or to diagnose impaired absorption syndrome and hypoglycemia. If the patient has a glucose tolerance disorder, in 50% of cases this leads to diabetes for 10 years, in 25% the condition remains unchanged and in 25% completely disappears.
Test for determination of impaired glucose tolerance

Doctors perform a test to determine glucose tolerance. This is a very effective method to identify hidden and obvious violations of carbohydrate metabolism and various forms of diabetes. It also allows you to determine the diagnosis with suspicious results of a regular blood test for sugar. Such a diagnosis is particularly necessary for the following patient categories:

People with no signs of high blood sugar but with episodic sugar in the urine.
For people who have no clinical symptoms of diabetes but have symptoms of polyuria - an increase in the amount of urine in normal urine glucose levels per day.
Rising levels of urine in women in pregnancy, in patients with thyrotoxicosis, with liver diseases.
People with symptoms of diabetes but with normal blood sugar and no sugar in the urine.
People with a genetic predisposition but no signs of high blood sugar.
Women and their children are born with a large weight of more than 4 kg.
Unknown neuropathy as well as patients with retinopathy.

To make a test for glucose tolerance, the patient first takes blood from the capillary on an empty stomach for sugar, then the patient drinks 75 grams of glucose orally diluted in hot tea. The child dose was calculated according to the child's mass of 1.75 g / kg. Determination of glucose tolerance is performed after 1 and 2 hours, most doctors consider blood glucose levels as the most reliable result after 1 hour of glucose.

The evaluation of glucose tolerance in healthy subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus is given as mmol / l in the table.

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