Monday, September 23, 2019

Conair Sound Therapy Sound Machine

Insomnia, what are the solutions to not wake up?

Conair Sound Therapy Sound Machine

Question Detail

What are the solutions and prayers of Evliya and Asfias about waking up and insomnia?
What is Said Nursi's suggestion?

Sleep is a blessing

Almighty un We have made your sleep a rest, We have made the night a veil. ” (Amme, 9-10) inden One of His proofs is that you sleep at night or day and seek sustenance from His grace. Cen (Rum 23) states how important sleep is for mankind.
It is circumcised to go to bed early.

Sleep is a part of health, the greatest blessing after faith. According to the scientific findings, the human brain is programmed to sleep twice for 24 hours, one at night and one during the day.

After the night time is around 11-12 hours. It is circumcised to go to bed early after isha prayer.

Daytime sleep corresponds to noon. This is called kaylle sleep, Hz. The sunnah of the Prophet and his advice to the ummah. Much research has been done on the benefit of sleep sleep.

By slipping into sleep, the night sleep can be shortened and you can easily get up to teheccüt prayer.

Sunnah is to sleep early and wake up early. It is stated by the experts that a person who sleeps according to circumcision will be healthy and have a fertile life.

It is stated that a sleep pattern which is not suitable for circumcision disrupts the body system and will cause some problems, malfunctions and insomnia.

Hz. Prophet Alehissalatü vesselam, lying on the palm of the evening Ihlas, Felak and Nas after reading the surah and put his hand on his right side. Surely he would take the Teheccüd prayer at night.
Not to sleep without prayer when entering prayer time

Anyone who is convinced that he will wake up by taking the necessary measures can sleep after making the prayer of that time.

However , if he is worried about not being able to wake up, it is not permissible for the person to sleep without performing the prayer of that time.

After entering the prayer time in the hope of waking up, if a sleeper cannot wake up until the time comes, the worship that he cannot fulfill is an accident. In case of sleep, the obligation to remove the deed because of the deprivation of the deprivation of the sleeper's constant prayer debt continues after embezzlement.

Hz. The fact that the Prophet ordered that the person who forgot or who had fallen asleep in time to remember the prayers he had spent (Tirmidhi, Salat, 18; Abu Dawud, Salat, 11) shows that the debt that could not be made while he was asleep did not fall.

A person who cannot perform the prayer on time due to sleep without an intent is not considered a sinner. Resul-i Ekrem stated that neglect would be in vigilance and that negligence in sleep could not be mentioned (Abu Dawud, Salat, 11). , Ḥudûd, 22) in this sense.
The motives of sleep

Gazzalî lists the manners of sleep as follows:

- Take ablution before sleep and clean teeth;
- keeping things with you, such as miswak and water for night worship;
- to put his will on his head, considering the possibility of dying while asleep;
- repent of sins and sleep with good feelings for all without any evil intent;
- go off the path of the great people and not sleep in a very soft bed;
- not to lie down until sleep suppresses, not to force himself to sleep;
- not to remain awake, even to worship, when sleep suppresses;
- sleeping by turning to the Qibla on the right side;
- Pray before sleep and read the appropriate verses;
- to think of the Hereafter, knowing sleep as a kind of death and waking up as a resurrection;
- to pray when you wake up, to start the day commemorating Him when you wake up as he chanted God before you go to sleep. (Ihya, I, 343-345)
Sleep types

Apart from night's sleep, Bediuzzaman Hazrat divides his sleep at various times of the day into three:

First: Gaylül is that after fecir ta vakt-i until the end of kerahet.

This sleep, due to lack of sustenance and fertility caused by the hadiths, hilaf-i sunnah. Because the most appropriate time for sustenance of the holy period of the holy period, is the time of coolness. After that time, there's a malfunction. It has been fixed with many experiences that it has caused fertility as well as damaging the state and therefore the provision of that day.

Second: Feylule is, after the afternoon prayer is up to the Moor.

This sleep manifests itself to the lack of life, that is to say, because of the dullness that comes from sleep, the life of that day is a short-term, semi-sleep, a short form, as well as the spiritual and spiritual consequence of the life of that day. it is supposed to have not lived that day, since it passes the provision not to see that result.

Third: It is worried that sleep is circumcision.

Duha is early in the afternoon. Although this sleep is circumcised because it causes night doom, there is a ta'til-i escalation in the time of violence-i temptation called Ceziret-ül Arab at the time of violence, since it is a tribe and neighborhood, it is more than circumcision. rather strengthened.

This sleep, both life and sustenance of the medina. Because half an hour of concern, two hours of night's sleep is equivalent. So he adds an hour and a half to his life every day. As long as he works for Rızık, he saves an hour and a half from sleep, which is the brother of death, and adds time to work. (Lemas, 3rd Replica of Lema 28)

For further information please click here:
How do I get up in the morning prayer? | Islam with questions

Note: For further information on sleep, we recommend that you also read the following:
What is sleep?

In Arabic, the term uyku sleep nev and men menam bu are used to express the concept of sleep. As for the root of the word “movement of the rest, stagnation” means.

Râgıb al-İsfahânî nevmi hali state of the expansion of the brain nerves ” (al-Curriculum, v nvm” md.), Seyyid Şerîf al-Jürcânî “is a natural situation that causes the (sensory) forces to be immobilized et .), Tehanevi “the element of vitality to reach the nerves because of the obstacle to the external senses, willed and willless movements leave the situation durum (Keşşaf, II, 1430) explains.
Stages of sleep

There are gradually deepening and successive stages of sleep. Each of them has a separate name in Arabic.

In verses and hadiths, it is seen that the words r rukūd iyle and their derivatives are used mostly as sine, nüas and nevmin as the equivalent of sleep.

According to some, the first phase of sleep is called cine . Sine means lığı the weight of the sleep where the eye begins to glide, which does not appear on the dima and has not yet passed to the eye and heart ”.

Then, as the sleep deepens and becomes more visible, drowsiness in the sense of “drowsiness in organs giril is entered. The nudes can also be expressed as napping or light sleep.

Sleep is deepened and passed to the heart stage is reached. (Bursevi, p. 234)

In Arabic, long-term sleep is met with the word rukād .

In the Qur'an, the Companions for the long sleep of the Companions (Kehf 18/18) and the wait until the resurrection of the people is accepted as a long sleep, için merkad için for the grave where the dead are put (Yâsîn 36/52) also supports this view.

However, in some hadiths it is seen that there are verbs derived from rukūd masdar for non-prolonged sleep. (Bukhari, Nikaḥ, 1, Tehajjid, 12; Muslim, Muslim, 163, Siyam, 190)

It is a continuing tradition and circumcision which is still continuing in the hot regions such as the Arabian Peninsula.
Sleeping verses

- the words nevm and menâm in nine verses
- the verse passes in two verses (Al-Imran 3/154; Al-Anfal 8/11),
In Ayetü'l- Kürsî , where sine and nevmin are used together, it is reported that Allah is free of sleep and sleep (Bakara 2/255),
- in two verses, it is mentioned that those who deviate from the path of Allah are punished with a heavenly disaster while they are asleep . (A'râf 7/97; Item 68/19)

Sleep is a blessing and a sign of God's might.

Allah has created sleep for people to rest.

One of the signs of Allah's might is the creation of the night to sleep and the provision of the day for sustenance. (Greek 30/23)
Sleep is similar to death

Since the activities of the organism, the central nervous system and the body go to rest and the perception of external stimuli is weakened, sleep is considered as a temporary and relative unconscious state, and it is pointed out in the Qur'an that sleep resembles life and death . (En'âm 6/60; Zümer 39/42)
Mild sleep relieves anxiety

Before the wars of Badr and Uhud, Allah gave the believers a slight slumber and alleviated their fears and anxieties and increased their courage and self-confidence. (Al-i Imran 3/154; Anfal 8/11, 43)
Sleep indicates some truth

Hz. Abraham saw the sign of the sacrifice of Ishmael's son while he was asleep (Saffat 37/102)
Sleep in the hadith

In the hadiths, sleep is frequently mentioned.

In one hadith, “God does not sleep, He does not need sleep” is commanded (Musnad, IV, 395, 401, 405; Muslim, Îman, 293, 295)

In addition to childhood and mental illness, sleep has also been reported to remove responsibility . (Musnad, I, 116, 118, 155; Bukhari, Ṭalâḳ, 11; “Ḥudûd”, 22)

The journey of the Prophet Muhammad began between sleep and vigilance (Musnad, IV, 201, 207, 208; Bukhari, Bedul al-ḫalḳ, 6)
Going to bed early, before going to sleep and after waking up is circumcision

In many hadiths there is information about the sleep of the Messenger of Allah, the prayers he made while sleeping and waking up. (Wensinck, al-Muʿcem, v nvm ”md.)

According to these hadith Hz. The Prophet did not consider it appropriate to sleep before the isha prayer and to speak after the prayer (Bukhari, Mevât, 13, 23; Muslim, Mesâcid, 235-237).

When he wanted to sleep, he lay on his right side, put his cheek on his right hand and prayed, “God, on the Day of Resurrection you bring your servants back to life! Müs (Müsned, I, 400; IV, 281, 290, 300, 303).

The mat he had slept on left a mark on his face. He didn't accept the offer of the companions who were upset about this situation and said, ne What can I do with the world! My situation in the world is similar to that of the traveler who goes on his way after sleeping under a tree for a while ((Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 44).
Sleep is similar to death

According to a rumor, the Messenger of Allah lying in sleep, death, waking life, similar to lying, "God! I live with your name, I die with your name ”, and when he woke up, he said, ham Praise be to Allah, Who killed us and brought us back to life . ” (Bukhari, Daʿavât, 9)

Bera b. When he turned to his bed, he advised Âzib to pray: “God! With great respect, I surrendered myself to you, turned my face to you, made my presence available to you, and relied on you. We have no refuge except you. I believed in the book you sent down and the prophet you sent. ” Then he added: sen If you die that night, you will die immaculately, and if you go out in the morning, you will go out with no.” (Müsned, IV, 302)
The heart of the Prophet was always open

Hz. Aisha, "Ya Rasullah, vitrine prayer do you sleep?" He replied, "My eyes do not sleep, but my heart does not sleep" replied (Bukhari, "Tehajjud", 15, 16; Muslim, Muslim, 125)

One of the Companions, "the Prophet would not be awakened unless he opened his eyes, because we could not know what happened in his sleep," he was quoted (Bukhari, Teyemmum, 6)
Reading the Quran at night is sunnah.

It is stated in the hadiths that those who are busy reading the Qur'an at night will intercede by saying, ti He waived his sleep for me Kur (Musnad, II, 174). He advised Suleyman not to sleep much at night, and told him that sleeping too much would impoverish one's afterlife (Ibn Maja, Imam, 174).
To see the Prophet in a dream

There are rumors that those who see the Messenger of Allah in sleep will actually see him as he is awake, because Satan cannot be in his image. (Bukhari, ʿIlim, 38; Liter, 109; Muslim, Rüʾyâ, 10-13)

In addition, many hadith narrated the dreams of the Messenger of Allah. (Wensinck, al-Muʿcem, “reʾy”, v nvm ”md.)
Sleep according to some scholars

In the light of the relevant verses (Enam 6/60; Zümer 39/42), scholars who think sleep as a kind of death have tried to develop a sense of religious and moral responsibility around this concept.
According to Gazzali sleep

Gazzâlî used sleep as a tool in his quest for truth.

Accordingly, dreams can be true as long as they are asleep; when awakened, the unreliability of dreams and beliefs in the dream is understood.

Likewise, it is possible to rise to another life that will show that wakefulness is considered a kind of drowsiness. According to that life, the world is a kind of sleep, and what is happening here is a kind of dream, and when people die, they will be awakened from that sleep. (Münḳıẕ mine'ḍ-ḍalâl, p. 9)

Al-Ghazāl, shows the faithful dream as evidence when he speaks of the possibility of the extraordinary situations of the Sufi elders, such as foretelling the strange.

According to him, if such information can be obtained while asleep, it should be accepted that it can happen while awake. (Iyâʾ, III, 25)
Sleep less

Few sleep in Sufism (killet-i menâm) is considered one of the main conditions of zuhd and riyaz. (Revival, III, 66)
Responsibilities of sleeper

Muhasibî, in the 42th verse of Surat al-Zumar regarding the sleep-death relationship , lists the hadiths starting from pre-sleep to the next time of sleep.

- absolute intent,
- repentance,
- worship consciousness,
- cleansing the body and soul,
- worship, respect for the right of servants,
- help the oppressed,
- fight against injustice,
- environmental awareness,
- care for the social environment,
- salute,
- Don't ask me,
- stay away from sins,
- commercial honesty,
- the pursuit of useful information .

Kuşeyrî states that after he mentioned two types of sleep, af sleeplessness ”and“ menstrual sleep ”(natural sleep), normal sleep was called kardeş brother of death.. When asked “Why don't you sleep? M Malik b. Dinar replied, ehennem Hell does not allow me to sleep, and said that the question of which sleep and wakefulness is more beneficial should be answered by looking at the situation of people.

According to this, wakefulness for people with a strong religious sensitivity, sleep is better for those who are weak. Therefore, it is said that the most severe thing to the devil is the sleep of sinners.
Sleep deals

On the other hand, according to a Sufi, there are two opportunities that are not found in sleep awake:

One of the Prophet. The fact that the Prophet and his companions and past religious nations, and the other, Hakk, can be seen while sleeping, this last one is the greatest excuse.

Conair Sound Therapy Sound Machine