Monday, September 23, 2019

Adaptive Sound Technologies LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Sound Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer

It means white noise. White noise generators MARPAC Sound conditioner DOHM-DS - "The device is required especially in noisy urban environments.". Why is white noise dangerous in a relationship?

Adaptive Sound Technologies LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Sound Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer


White noise is a mixture of sounds of different frequencies: low, medium and high. With such a mix, we hear a soft background. Listen to white noise here: White noise
Similar noise can also be caused by the sound of a hair dryer, the sound of a working vacuum cleaner, and so on.

What is the benefit of white noise?
The outside sounds just drowned in the white voice. Therefore, we can use it to help with various problems with children and adult sleep.

How does white noise help the baby sleep?
The idea of ​​lying under the noise may seem strange to you. However, there are various arguments for using white noise.

White noise from 0 to 4 months

White noise is very popular in newborns and children in the first months of life. Why is that?
The sound level the child hears in the mother's womb is 90-110 dB, like a working vacuum cleaner. Therefore, the newborn is often calmed by simulating a similar background. The child remembers how good and comfortable he was before the birth.
However, it is physically difficult to say “ShShShSh” repeatedly for 30-60 minutes. Therefore, it is easier to use other ways: for example, download white noise.
Read what else you can be sure of the baby.


White noise prevents external sounds and can therefore be used if it is used loud enough during sleep. For example, sounds from an open window in the summer or rustling neighbor. External noise can awaken the child when he enters the superficial sleep phase. There may be a problem with a short day's dream or falling asleep at night.
If you are the parent of a child over the age of one year, you may cause a complete rejection of daytime sleep. Although there are many reasons, one of the factors worth analyzing is external noise. The child does not sleep during the day due to the disturbance of the outdoor environment. Only very young children can sleep anywhere.

For newborns and children up to four months.
To recreate the environment is like my mother's belly (fourth trimester).
At this age, sleep noise allows you to calm the child very well, prolong daytime sleep and reduce the number of wakes at night.
Helps soothe your baby with colic.

For children and adults older than four months
It is a relief tool to create a comfortable environment if the child cannot sleep during the day due to external noise.
If the child sleeps only 30-50 minutes during the day, it is a relief tool to prolong sleep.

Therefore, white noise is just a great help. If your child does not have a sleep problem, then you do not need white noise. If you complain about very sensitive sleep, short daytime dreams, early morning and night that your baby wakes up frequently, white noise can help you.

The sound of white noise in the work should be as if someone was taking a shower in the same room. Silent white noise does not work because it does not interfere with external stimuli. However, the sound level should be safe for hearing: it is not higher than the sound of the shower.
If you decide to buy a special device (decision generator) that produces white noise, it is not recommended to turn up the volume higher than 50 dB.
If white noise is not above the allowable volume, it is absolutely safe for hearing even in long-term use.

Noise must play nonstop and without pauses. Repeat the tablet, if you are using the track saved in the phone. Or immediately search for a record long enough. Pauses (even within a few seconds) can cause a child to wake up.
Use the "right noise". Samples that cause personal discomfort should be avoided. The correct sound contains a mixture of sounds of different frequencies, but should not be overridden by a very high frequency. I mean, the sound shouldn't scream.
There are proven sources where you can get a good "accurate" noise recording. For example,

Download free white noise.
You can search for free versions at the Apple store or elsewhere.
If you lose noise on a tablet or phone, the devices must be in airplane mode and not less than two meters from the baby's bed. This is necessary to minimize the negative impact of radiation on the body (electromagnetic field, WI-FI, continuous search for the network).

As long as the child needs to improve his sleep.
You can use the unified method for older children. For example, turn on the noise only for daytime sleep. Or it includes noise during the first few hours of a night's sleep. Then as the silence begins, you can turn off the noise at night.
If you turn off the noise during the night, do not do it sharply. Slowly decrease the volume to complete the sound, and then turn off the sound source.

Some parents leave slow and quiet music for the rest of their sleep. I don't recommend you do this. You can use the music when you fall asleep, but turn it off after a while.
The truth is, it doesn't give any music a uniform background. Any work for the brain sounds like a constant difference in frequency, rhythm, tonality, accents. Therefore, even if the person is sleeping, the brain still reacts. Music during sleep affects the depth of sleep.

White noise is widely used by parents around the world. Examples of serious dependence on white noise are not known in person. You are not afraid of addiction: White noise is removed at any time.
Don't be afraid to use noise: at least you don't lose anything by trying.
Personally, I tried the white voice of my bad sleeping baby, and I was surprised. My son slept 45 minutes during the day: I had long days of dreams. On the first day of using white noise, I didn't wake up for the first time after 45 minutes (!) In my 5-month life, but left for the second sleep cycle.
Of course, white noise didn't solve all the problems in one day, and unfortunately, it didn't help us extend all our dreams beforehand. But I appreciated it as something useful.

Snooz - a device that makes a white sound (sleep normalizer)
Snooz is an acoustic noise generating device that helps you fall asleep. The sound produced by Snooz is completely real, natural, natural, non-irritating and adjustable. Like all bright things, Snooz is just a sound, a soothing and delicate sound of a moving air flow.
You can pre-order Snooz in our online store, buy a unique white noise sound generator and say goodbye to insomnia. Noisy neighbors, loud noises in the adjoining room, nocturnal city sounds, a working game console, neighbor's barking and other sound stimuli do not prevent falling quickly and comfortably.

Snooz Appearance
Snooz is a device that produces adjustable white noise to prevent external background noise during falling asleep. In fact, Snooz is a fan, but not for the wind, but for the sound. Snooz produces the sound of a working air conditioner but does not produce a cold air stream. The device is portable, fully autonomous and can be used not only at home, but also when traveling, in hotel rooms, on holiday.
The device is a hemisphere the size of a tea plate. The device uses a patented multi-bladed fan in an acoustically optimized plastic casing.
Snooz technology is adjustable. The tone, speed and volume can be adjusted. Instructions Snooz promises that the fan speed and volume can range from "the quiet sound of spinning blades to break the silence" to a "working fan roar". The device can be calibrated so that the level of emitted sound is absolutely safe for young children and the elderly.
The Snooz design uses an efficient brushless DC motor that consumes energy equivalent to a 12W LED lamp. The device can be used at any time of the year.

The history of the sound generator Snooz
Sound sleep improves brain function and helps prevent a range of health problems. Sleep is a physiological necessity and a balanced diet, physical activity and sleep - one of the three most important conditions that guarantee health and longevity.
Sometimes the background of noise around a person is so intense that it does not allow a person to relax completely day or night. Neighbors decide to fight or repair, babies scream constantly, and their parents have music or vacuum cleaners at the most unfavorable time.
American Chicago city experimenter Matthew Snyder has created and implemented a unique technology, with a team of engineers, designers and marketers, each of which is a renowned group in aerospace engineering, business development and e-commerce. The white noise generator Snooz's features allow you to fall asleep quickly and sleep well.
The idea of ​​creating snoozes came to mind as soon as Matthew Snyder tried to fall asleep. Matthew listened to the sound of a working fan and didn't notice how he fell asleep. In the morning, the idea of ​​a device capable of producing controlled sound crystallized in his head. The inventor called the beginning bir an ultra portable sound conditioner ”. The device is placed near the bed and makes a quiet sound similar to the sound of a working fan or air conditioner.

Why should I take Snooz?
The idea of ​​using white noise to normalize sleep is not new. Technologies based on sound effects are common in many areas of life. On the market, there are many mobile applications whose main task is to play various sounds to help you fall asleep.
Often, users select options with singing birds, roaring waves, silent drums by raindrops, or other sounds of nature. Recently, however, sound tracks, called white parasites, have become increasingly popular.
Why spend money on a device that produces sounds that are successfully and completely performed by the phone? In addition to creating soothing white noise, Snooz's creator promises that Snooz users will get many other advantages.
Initially, Snooz produces computer-synthesized real sounds, not unnatural sounds. Snooz does not imitate the sound of the air stream, does not play a looped track, does not play the same sound many times. The white noise released by Snooz is not disturbed by low quality mobile speakers and does not irritate a person trying to fall asleep.
The device can be controlled using a proprietary application for Snooz whose price is included in the sales kit. The app is compatible with mobile devices running iOS or Android. The commands are stored and stored in Snooz memory, so that even if the paired smartphone suddenly turns off at night, the audio generator continues to run, executes all previously entered commands and switches off at the set time. From the app, you can control several Snooz devices at the same time.
In the program settings, you can remotely change the level of sound emitted by the spinning blades and adjust the safe noise level in the child's sleeping room. The application allows you to select manual or automatic mode, turn the time interval on and off.
As evidenced by numerous reviews, Snooz was an ideal device for parents who had difficulty in silencing their baby. The US National Institutes of Health confirmed the results of parents' practical experience using Snooz; The review of gürültü white noise and sleep induction açık explained the results of a newborn study and its positive response to the transmitted white noise. The device is certified. The calibration recommendations contain instructions attached to Snooz. The manual describes how to set a safe sound range using the Snooz application, operating features, and device settings.

Technicial Specifications

Volume settings: 10
Min. Volume (measured on the instrument): 46 dBA
Max. Volume (measured on the instrument): 87 dBA
the volume can only be adjusted by turning the outer casing.
Weight: 500g.

Bluetooth LE
Requires a phone with iOS 9.3 or later or a phone with Android 5.0 or later
Application features
Remote volume control
Automatic on / off
Calibration for children
Multi-device control function

Brushless DC motor 12 volts,
Soft mesh winding: 100% polyester,
Elastic weeding: 100% high strength nylon,
External 6-watt AC adapter (100-200V, UL Certification),
Plug: Type A (US)

Snooz device
On this page we have prepared a review of “Snooz White Noise Machine - - a description of its basic functions and useful features.
The product showcase features a variety of visual materials where you can learn more about the device as a whole, the functions of mobile applications and other complexities related to the operation of the device.
In the “Snooz White Noise Machine” review, we aim to add photos and videos that will help us find out how to use the device.
The main features of the Snooz White Noise Machine are reflected in a small block at the beginning of the review. In addition, you can easily switch between tabs in the menu, which include similar technical or technical products, as well as the “Snooz White Noise Machine” review.
I bought the device for myself because I have to work in the evenings, especially in noisy conditions, because the TV works loudly, especially behind the wall. I ordered a sound conditioner over the internet, it came a week or two later after ordering by mail.
Separately, instructions from the manufacturer's company were added to the Russian and warranty card for one year. All other package information and instructions - in English.

The device is miniature, even smaller than I expected. Just above the perfume bottle. Normal length cord, meter and a half. It's nice that the manufacturer doesn't save it. But for some reason the cord is black, the air conditioner is white.

I put the sound editor in the corner away from the bed, on the shelf next to the printer.

When first turned on, the sound seemed quiet, even at the second speed. Apparently I waited for the power of a locomotive whistle !!! But after 5-10 minutes of operation, it became clear that the sounds were attracted very gently and carelessly to the ears - the TV continues to work behind the wall, but I don't hear much.
When I focused on my work, I also stopped hearing white noise (the usual key change process). But for the first time, it made me so angry that I fell asleep after dinner after work and slept without any tools since I didn't sleep long after lunch.
In the meantime, when I turned off the sound editor for the first time, I noticed that my computer did not hear the buzz of the processor; I'm tired of more work than that.
Two days later, I did not sleep during the day, but normally I worked under DOHM. Uneven inconspicuous noise allows you to avoid disturbing foreign sounds, work more comfortably, concentrate faster, without stress. You probably won't understand how unnecessary "noise rash" gets into our brains every day, until we try. Noise Maker cuts all this.
At first I was afraid to sleep under the white noise, it was perfectly weak and suddenly I fell asleep with so much noise that I could not hear my household. But it's all the same before bedtime for quick relaxation. And once, he fell asleep before he realized it. The result - wonderful sleep and vitality in the morning! Still, sometimes I decided to immerse myself in a dream under noise.
Conclusion: Of course, DOHM sound cream is not a medical device, it is a perfect thing for comfort. You got used to all the good. Now I turn on the appliance automatically - when I work in noisy conditions, when I come from the street and I want to relax before the noise and bedtime.
White noise - a set of sound evenly distributed over the entire frequency range. Examples are the sounds of a working vacuum cleaner and hairdryer, the sound of the waterfall, rain or sea waves and heartbeat. The sound of white noise for children creates safety and peace of mind, because the uniform sound background is reminiscent of the sound the mother can hear when she is in the womb.
This is subconsciously associated with protection against time and external interference. After the first months of life, this recollection weakens, but the effect of white noise remains beneficial to create a calm atmosphere after a busy day.

Noisy toys for children
The European producer has released a collection of “myHummy sevimli, a cute bear cub that emits white noise for children and is equipped with additional features.
working in continuous mode (12 hours continuous operation),
sleep sensor detects when the baby wakes up and automatically generates sound
independently lowers the volume and switches off after one hour of operation,
You can adjust the sound independently and absorb the noise.

White noise generator for sleeping
The white noisy toy is made of tested, safe and hypoallergenic materials, certified by all kinds of certificates. This is a great advantage for parents who care about the quality of children's products.
In addition to the funny bears, an international brand released a soft bracelet attached to a crib, high chair, car seat or other object. Thanks to the connector, this model can be taken safely when traveling, visiting or on the road, so that the loyal assistant of the parents will always be there to secure their son or daughter. Helps mothers release a pillow for breastfeeding or from a bottle that supports the correct position of the child, reducing the burden on the woman's spine and joints.

White noise device - escape from sleepless nights
Young parents face a problem every day when a child refuses to sleep, cries or sprinkles in the middle of the night. This is due to the immature nervous system of newborns, so it is extremely difficult for itself to calm down. A white noisy toy will help prepare the baby for a sweet sleep without extra stress and worry, and will give time for sleep-free parents to sleep at night without going to the baby's bed.

as a means of protecting information
An enormous number of electrical devices, transmitters, modern physics and radio electronics use white noise.
It can also be used as an auxiliary signal to hide unwanted noise or noise in an musical arrangement, an input signal for various filters, and a protective device to ensure the protection of personal data and any audio information.
The white noise generator is perfect for protecting a specific area in the area from the possible input of listening devices, voice recorders and microphones.
It effectively blocks the signal recorded in the microphone and in most cases appears to be a small portable device with an enable button and an input to charge the battery.

Scope of application
The audio generator, created to protect personal data from any confidential listening, is perfect for protecting information expressed during business or face-to-face interviews. In some cases, it can automatically generate some kind of benzer talk-like gürültü noise, so it can pick up hidden microphones and listen to protected listening devices from such generators.
Noise generators, dictator suppressors, as a rule, are hidden as something that does not attract the attention of foreigners. Our site includes, for example, ordinary computer speakers and devices in a bag.
These devices are ideal for protecting against unauthorized voice recording of important conversations.
If for any reason you do not wish to purchase this device or order an installation, you can install it yourself using one of the many programs available on the Internet in large quantities. sample:
A digital noise generator is relatively small and can be purchased at an absolutely affordable price. At the same time, it shall have all the necessary qualifications for the complete protection of the facility against eavesdropping and shall have a list of the most necessary functions that provide additional safety measures.
For an inexperienced user with no knowledge of modern radio engineering, it will be extremely difficult to create an independent noise generator with your own hand. However, if you would like help from the appropriate specialist, you can create such a tool to order.

The noise generator for a mobile phone, unlike the above-mentioned protection aggregates, is different in that it is not capable of interfering only with audio equipment and is intended primarily to suppress the waves used by mobile communications and modern telephones.

Adaptive Sound Technologies LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Sound Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep Timer