Thursday, October 17, 2019

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe

Medical Treatment of Hemorrhoids (drugs)

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe

Medical Therapy
The majority of hemorrhoids can be treated without surgery. First and second degree bleeding internal hemorrhoids are treated by fiber diet, stool softening drugs, abundant fluid intake and inhibition of strain.

Keep Anal Area Clean
If itching is present, anal hygiene should be improved. Instead of wiping it with hard and dry toilet paper, it is useful to clean it by washing it and dry it with cotton cloth or at least with good quality toilet paper without rubbing it. Non-alcoholic wet wipes can also be used when there is no chance of washing. It is not necessary to use soap, if it is to be used, it is important to rinse with soap instead of rubbing directly on the hand and then rinse, soap may increase your complaints. The most important of these is to keep the area dry, narrow clothes should be avoided.

Living Room
Each day, approximately 15-20 minutes, one of them after a large toilet is done 2-3 times in total. Sit in a basin or bathtub by filling 8-10 cm warm water. Hemorrhoid cuvettes that can be placed in the toilet bowl can also be found in medicinal products. Reduces pain, sphincter spasm and itching.

Stool Softening Drugs
As stool softener Pursenid dragee and Lactulose (Duphalac syrup, Osmolak syrup) can be used. Rectal creams and suppositories containing local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory (Proctolog, Proctoglyvenol), Hydrocortisone rectal creams and suppositories (Cortos) are used for 10-12 days and may cause irritation and hemorrhoid symptoms in the anal canal. The use of steroid medications for more than one or two months can lead to atrophy of the skin. External anal irritations can be treated with diaper rash ointments which can be used as desired by the patient.

Cold Application
Cold compress or ice pack bags can be used.

Pain Relievers
Paracetamol (Parol, Tylol, Tamol, Calpol) and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aprol, Apranax) can be used. Grade 3-4 thrombosed and non-thrombosed internal hemorrhoids can be treated 2-3 times a day with warm sitting baths, stool softening agents, suppositories and creams. Non-operative treatment for internal hemorrhoids should usually be tried for 4-6 weeks. If the patient's complaints persist after this period, surgical treatment may be recommended. External acute thrombosis can be treated non-operatively with suppositories, creams and sitting baths initially if there are no signs of tissue necrosis and the pain is not high. However, if the patient has too much pain and superficial necrosis, thrombectomy should be performed.

Preparation H Hemorrhoid Symptom Treatment Cream (1.8 Ounce Tube), Maximum Strength Multi-Symptom Pain Relief with Aloe