Monday, October 28, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Daily Extra Long Pantiliner, Extra Long Length, 68 Count (Pack of 1)

Irregular period

Amazon Brand - Solimo Daily Extra Long Pantiliner, Extra Long Length, 68 Count (Pack of 1)

Every woman may experience menstrual irregularity from time to time during certain periods of her life. Arriving before or after the expected date can be described very briefly as arriving differently than expected.

The period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of another cycle is 21-35 days. Most women go through menstruation 11-13 times throughout the year. Values ​​close to this figure (1-2 or less) are considered normal. Therefore, an assessment can be made on the issue of menstrual irregularity only by looking at values ​​that are normal for the person.

The amount of pad used for one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days. Deviations from these definitions can be perceived as menstrual irregularities.

During the first few years of menstruation, hormones may not be able to regulate and menstrual irregularities are normal.

The same applies to the im perimenopause ”and“ menopause ”periods, when menstruation approaches the end. Menopause, termed menopause, begins after 12 months have passed since the last menstrual period. Menstrual irregularities may also be seen in certain systemic diseases.

Amenorrhea is the condition when menstruation stops completely.

Frequent, early menstruation; The menstrual cycle lasts less than 21 days is called im polymenorrhea.. As a result, the number of menstrual bleeding seen in 1 year increases.

It should always be kept in mind that in the event of a frequent bleeding in a woman who has regular menstrual bleeding, this bleeding may actually be an intermediate bleeding.

Sparse menstruation, delays; Menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days are called omen oligomenorrhea.. As a result, menstrual bleeding occurs 3-4 times a year. Delayed menstruation is common in fertility.

Menstrual irregularities are generally caused by organic and hormonal reasons.

What does menstruation mean?

Menstruate; endometrium of the uterine tissue (bleeding).

The menstrual period can be divided into 3 phases:
- The follicular phase, in which the first term egg is selected and matures until it reaches a diameter of 20 mm.

- dönem Ovulation Phase ğı in which the second period mature egg is thrown from the ovary in the form of a small explosion.

- The third period is the Faz Secretory Phase ğı where the uterus is prepared until the embryo settles in case of pregnancy.

If this cycle continues with pregnancy, the intrauterine embryo changes with hormone levels and intrauterine special mechanisms. comes from the vagina.

What are the causes of menstrual irregularity?

Some of the reasons for menstrual irregularity may be listed as follows;

Stress: Too much weight gain or weight loss, insufficient nutrition and low-calorie diet programs, changes in exercise patterns, tension, diseases, travel and daily life differences, which can lead to disruption of menstrual order.
Birth Control Pills: The majority of birth control pills contain a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones (some of which contain only progestin). These pills prevent the ovaries from laying eggs, preventing them from becoming pregnant. The use or discontinuation of birth control pills may also cause changes in the menstrual cycle. The continuation of the menstrual cycle may improve again 6 months after the release of the pill. Women who use only a progestin contraceptive pill may experience bleeding between menstruation.
Uterine Polyps or Fibroids: Uterine polyps are small (usually non-cancerous) formations found in the inner layer of the uterus. Fibroids are usually benign tumors originating from the uterine muscle. Their dimensions can range from 0.5 mm to 10 to 15 cm. They can cause heavy bleeding and pain. They can put pressure on neighboring organs in relation to the size of the uterine fibroids.
Endometriosis: Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue that surrounds the uterus and is discharged from the body with menstrual discharge every month begins to develop outside the uterus. The tissue can grow on the ovary, the six digestive tract, the region between the rectum and the uterus, the intestine, the fallopian tubes, and other organs in the region. Symptoms of endometriosis include cramps, pain during sexual intercourse, abnormal bleeding, pain before and after menstrual period, except for menstrual irregularity.
Pelvic Inflammatory disease: A type of infection that affects the female reproductive system. Bacteria entering the vagina through sexual contact can spread to the uterus and upper genital system. At the same time, the causative agents of this infection may sputter into the reproductive organs during abortions, abortions, abortions and similar interventions. Symptoms include menstrual irregularities, bad odor in the vagina, pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe vaginal discharge.
Polycystic Ovary: In polycystic ovary syndrome, ovaries produce more androgens than normal. Thus, liquid-filled pouches, ie, cysts, can form. A high proportion of androgens prevents the development of eggs and prevents ovulation. This condition is mostly related to obesity, infertility and hirsutism.
Premature Ovarian Failure: This is especially the case in women under 40 years of age who do not fully fulfill the characteristics of the ovary. Menstrual bleeding is discontinued. It can be seen genetically or chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Other causes of menstrual irregularity can be listed as follows:
Excessive weight gain or weight loss
Endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of the inner layer of the uterus)
Uterine cancer
Thyroid problems
Cirrhosis of the liver
Systemic lupus
Pregnancy complications (miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy)
Estrogen supplements
Use of blood thinners
Use of intrauterine devices for birth control
Antidepressant use
Estrogen and / or progesterone imbalance

What can be the lack of menstruation?

Kad Menopause ”should be questioned in every woman who is not menstrual, regardless of age. Women can be menopausal before the age of 40 and even before the age of 20. Family history is very important. Some genetic diseases, smoking, chronic diseases, drugs, chemo / radiotherapy can also cause early menopause. In particular, women who want children should go to the doctor without delay in every menstrual irregularity.

In life-threatening conditions such as anorexia and bulumia, which are more common in young people; severe depression and sleep disorders are also menstrual disorders.

Although testicularfeminization is genetically male, it causes female appearance due to androgen (male hormone) insensitivity, and these people never menstruate.

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disease that rarely causes menopause at a young age, making vague visual findings such as short stature, flexible arms and nape hair line down due to a missing chromosome.

Birth control pills, 3-month protection needles, the use of hormonal spiral, curettage after the uterus can not heal (Asherman's Syndrome) may also be menstrual. These are transient and menstrual therapy can return to normal.

As a result, non-menstruation is a condition that requires a doctor's examination and every woman presenting to a doctor with menstruation should be diagnosed and treated with a multidisciplinary approach.

Irregular, excessive quantity or time

In case of irregular period, excessive amount or period; hormone disorders, especially ovulation (anovulaion), fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, cancer, infection, ectopic pregnancy, drug use, thyroid gland diseases, adenomyosis should be investigated.

If there are irregular menstrual bleeding for diagnosis, it may be necessary to take parts through the uterus (endometrial biopsy, pipelle biopsy) or hysteroscopy if necessary.

Appropriate treatment is determined according to the diagnosis. Accordingly, sometimes treatment; a few months of drug use, sometimes surgery.

What is the normal quantity?

The units should last 2 to 8 days as standard, on average; 3 pad is bleeding. However, in spiral users, bleeding time can be 10 days and daily bleeding can be 4 pads.

If menstruation is too much, dirty blood is lost and the belief is not lost. It is a hemorrhage caused by the opening of the vestibules between the muscle tissue that causes the loss of the intrauterine membrane. In this case, excessive bleeding can cause the woman to experience many problems, especially anemia.

If a woman takes pain medication in consultation with her doctor during menstruation, bleeding may decrease.

Although excessive menstruation is sometimes a non-pathological condition, it can be recognized by a simple gynecological examination, especially when it starts later, indicating a pathology such as om fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, infection, cancer,… ”.

Blood clotting diseases and blood thinners (such as aspirin, heparin) can also increase bleeding and may also cause bleeding in the interim period of the menstrual cycle.

Does menstrual irregularity make it difficult to get pregnant?

Since menstrual irregularity may be an indicator of ovulation disorder, it is normal for women with this problem to have difficulties in getting pregnant. A woman with menstrual irregularities should consult a doctor, especially if she wants to have children.

Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, treatment for this reason is necessary. Sometimes pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, but in some cases it may be necessary to apply in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques.

What does our body need to have regular menstruation?

Many organs work together to see menstruation in the female body.

The hypothalamus region, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva in female external genital area are intact and menstrual in our brain.

If any of them has a malfunction, or if there is disease, stress, hunger, excessive sports in the body, or if the body gives an emergency signal, the menstrual order may be impaired.

Why should a woman go to a doctor in case of menstrual irregularity or discontinuation?

When a woman who does not have menstruation goes to a doctor; the doctor first takes a detailed history about the patient, family history and then breast development, body development, body mass index (BMI), ultrasound examinations of the genital organs, genital organ examination and if there is a suspected hormonal disorder hormone profile (FSH, LH, TSH, Estradiol (TSH) and biochemical values.

External genital organ examination is necessary to see the development of secondary sex characters, to evaluate vaginal patency and to diagnose congenital genital organ development disorders and deviations. Sometimes a very simple hymen closure (hymen imperferatus) may be the reason for not having menstruation and can be easily removed by a simple surgical intervention.

Amenorrhea, which develops in a menstrual woman, is sought for hormonal disorders as well as anovulation. Polycysticover syndrome (PCO) may be one of the most common diseases.

A young girl or woman who is not menstruating should consult a physician for a thorough examination of all these underlying congenital and subsequent causes.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Daily Extra Long Pantiliner, Extra Long Length, 68 Count (Pack of 1)