Thursday, October 31, 2019

Soothing Company Microwavable Extra Large Heating Pad for Lower Back Pain, Legs, Stomach Cramps, Neck and Shoulders | Portable Hot/Cold Pain Relief | Soft, Reusable and Cordless Microwave Heat Wrap

What is good for menstrual pain - Menstrual pain in women

Soothing Company Microwavable Extra Large Heating Pad for Lower Back Pain, Legs, Stomach Cramps, Neck and Shoulders | Portable Hot/Cold Pain Relief | Soft, Reusable and Cordless Microwave Heat Wrap

I will tell you about the menstrual period, which is the fearful dream of most women, and the methods to reduce women's menstrual pain. These methods definitely reduce menstrual pain. How does menstrual pain go? I will make important recommendations for women to reduce their menstrual pain.

Women's menstrual periods can sometimes turn into a nightmare. There are some rules that women who have menstruation should do to minimize pain during menstruation. In this article, I will cover these issues how to get menstrual pains.

Especially in women under 30 years of age, women entering puberty at an early age, women who have irregular menstrual bleeding and women who smoke; more painful menstrual periods have been reported.

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Menstrual Pain
For some women, menstruation can become a real challenge. A painful period can cause a woman to postpone her vacation, education, weekend or even all her plans. A woman in this situation may need to sit at home or even use pain medication.

The menstrual period in women is a really troublesome process. During this period, women may be under a lot of stress and may even behave a little aggressively. During the menstrual period, the physiology of women varies greatly and this affects them biologically and psychologically.

Alternative ways to alleviate menstrual pain without pills are:

1- Heat Treatment: In some cases, normal temperature has a much greater effect than medicines. A heating pad or thermal plaster applied to the lower abdomen (no more than 10-15 minutes) will help to relax the muscles and eliminate irritating symptoms.

Adhesive plasters are very comfortable because they keep heat for a long time. Alternatively, it is possible to swim in a hot bath or pool. Water calms the pain. After water treatment, it is recommended that you wear soft clothing and lie down for a few hours.

2- Behavioral or creative intervention: Relaxation, a positive attitude, breathing exercises, affect emotional state positively. These techniques help relieve pain. This also includes doing your favorite things. For example: talking to friends on the Internet, computer games, reading books, reading magazines, watching an interesting movie, etc.…

3- Massage Application: Light massage to the abdomen (clockwise) relieves cramps to reduce discomfort. In this case, you should lie on the floor and place an object under your legs as it must be in a high position. This exercise relaxes your muscles and relieves pain.

4- Herbs: Hot tea prepared from lemon leaves, raspberries, yellow chamomile, cherry, nettle and also other hot infusions will help in painful periods. If the person is not allergic, honey can be added to these boiled herbs if desired. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible during menstrual periods.

5- Other Techniques: Some exercises will help reduce pain. To do this, lie on your side and curl, ie position the embryo. This will alleviate pain and relieve the discomfort of blood flowing into the genitals.

Another way to alleviate pain is to nefes breathe with your belly ”. The procedure should be done in the following order: Put a book on your stomach, take a slow breath. When the book reaches a certain height, stop breathing and then breathe again. Repeat the exercise for 2-5 minutes.

What Are the Symptoms of Menstrual Pain

Menstrual women have certain menstrual symptoms in order to understand whether they have menstruation.

Particularly painful pains in the lower abdomen.
These menstrual pains begin only a few days before menstrual period and after 24 hours, the pain reaches its peak. After a few days, the degree of pain regresses to normal.
Another symptom of menstrual pain is a continuous feeling of weight in the body.
The feeling of drowsiness begins in the waist areas of menstruating women.
Some women, even if not all women, may experience nausea.
Dizziness and soft stools are also signs of menstrual symptoms, even in some women.

How does menstrual pain go away
Certainly, pain relief medications can be the easiest and fastest solution for menstrual pains, but these medications conceal symptoms for a short time. If your pain repeats the same way every month, the use of this type of painkiller may adversely affect the female body.

Scientifically, this phenomenon is termed “algomenorrhea dis (dysmenorrhea). Statistics show that approximately 70-80% of women suffer from pain during menstruation. To eliminate any disturbing symptoms, you must first deal with the etymology of pain.

What is good for menstrual pain
Let's briefly explain what is good for menstruation. Natural and completely harmless ways to alleviate cramps during menstrual periods. Let's find out which foods are good for menstrual pain.

There are many ways to get rid of pain during menstruation.

Eat Oily Fish
Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon) help your heart work better. To reduce the pain during menstrual period, eating oily fish is very useful. Oily fish also have an anti-inflammatory effect, help cope with painful cramps and also relieve bloating.

When it comes to healthy food, make sure you don't eat junk food on critical days. Be sure to leave chips, cookies, fries, and dairy products that can also worsen the condition and contribute to bloating.

For Chamomile Tea
Each of us knows the benefits of chamomile tea. This delicious aromatic beverage has anti-inflammation properties that help relieve pain during menstrual cramps. Chamomile tea relieves pain, relieves and relaxes the whole body even on menstrual days, as well as provides a healthy sleep.

Use a Heat Pad
Heat helps relax the muscles in the uterine muscle, which is the cause of menstrual pain. You can use a hot water bag, a bag of warm wheat or special warm pillows. Of course, these days it is very important to avoid hypothermia by cooling the body too much.

Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods
During menstruation, magnesium levels in the body are usually very low. Therefore, most of the time, women are very keen on chocolate, which is a sign of low magnesium content in the body. Magnesium helps to get rid of cramps and helps relax muscles.

Eating a small piece of dark chocolate (80 percent cocoa content) will help to fill the body with the right amount of magnesium and reduce the desire for sugary or sweet foods.

You can also take magnesium supplements several times a day. However, be sure to consult your healthcare professional before using magnesium tablets. Do not take such supplements on your own!

Raspberry Leaves
3 teaspoons 1 cup of raspberry leaf pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, for small sips throughout the day.

Andız Grass
Pour 1 teaspoon of stubble on a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, 1 tablespoon so that you can drink 3 g / day.

Horsetail Plant
Pour 300 ml boiling water into a bowl and put 1 spoon horsetail plant into it, let stand for one hour, consume 50 mg every hour, increase the intake range as the pain subsides.

Red Blackberry Leaf: It is known that red blackberry leaf relaxes and relaxes muscles especially during menstrual periods. For this reason, the consumption of tea prepared with leaves of red berries is recommended.

Also: Restrict milk, flour and meat products during menstruation. This type of nutrition is recommended before menstruation and throughout the cycle. For more vegetable juice. Green vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants that fight various inflammations.

Limit the use of tobacco, alcohol. Drinks containing alcohol can cause fluid retention and swelling. Nicotine causes narrowing of blood vessels, which can reduce the blood flow intensity of the uterus and increase painful cramps.

Low back pain, abdominal pain, and moderate physical activity will help alleviate bothersome feelings. Short walks outdoors also help to relax. Physical activity leads to the production of endorphins in the body, that is, a natural pain relief effect occurs. All these exercises like walking, jogging, sports classes, cycling, swimming will help to a certain extent your problem.

A healthy lifestyle is the best option for the prevention of various diseases, including lower abdominal pain during menstruation. A few simple recommendations will help relieve pain and prevent the occurrence of disturbing symptoms in the future.

Rejection of harmful, aggravating habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs.
Reduce the use of spices and spicy foods
Reduce your drinking habits.
Regular sex life, on average, 3-4 times a week.
Avoiding positive emotions, stress and hypothermia.
Regular physical activity (such as dance, running, yoga, swimming pool).
Which drugs are used for menstruation
There are medications that experts recommend to reduce menstrual pain. It is absolutely wrong to use these drugs without the advice of a specialist. You should consult a physician before using tablets and similar products to reduce menstrual pain.

You can immediately consult a doctor to reduce pain during menstruation. You should avoid applying hearing prescriptions from a set of ears you hear from your surroundings. Never forget that there is a possibility that you will damage your body.

Take the recommended amount of vitamin and mineral complex. A, E, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron should contain. These drugs should be taken after appropriate tests. The use of drugs to relieve menstrual pain is normal. How can we take pills when our headaches during the menstrual period can be taken medication according to the doctor's advice to spend the pain.

What Cuts Menstrual Bleeding
During menstruation, the uterine tissue produces prostaglandin that triggers the contraction of the uterus. The severity of the pain senses depends on the level of this hormone. Excessive bleeding occurs during menstrual period, both negatively affects the psychological state of the person and prevents daily activities.

If there is a lot of blood loss during the menstrual period, the ice bag will work to minimize blood loss. The ice pack will not only reduce the severity of the pain, but also relieve swelling of the body. Put the pieces of ice you put in a towel on your stomach for 15 minutes is enough to wait.

I have written above a number of nutrition and exercises that you will do individually at home. In addition, if there is a significant amount of bleeding, the person should consult a specialist immediately.

Questions and answers about menstruation
Question: How is the end of menstruation?
Answer: After the menstrual period, the uterus is checked.
Question: Causes bleeding after menstruation?
Answer: After the menstrual period, the arrival of blood enters abnormal uterine bleeding. In this case, it is recommended to ask a physician.
Question: What is menstrual irregularity?
Answer: Menstrual irregularity is the shifting of the period of menstruation to different days.
Question: How many days will the period be delayed?
Answer: Acceptable reasonable values ​​should be between 24 and 31 days between two menstrual periods. It is also normal for the bleeding to last for 3 to 7 days.
Question: How is the calculation done?
Answer: Menstrual cycles usually occur within certain periods. If there is an extension or shortening in these periods, consult a doctor.
Question: Is the relationship between menstruation?
Answer: Sexual intercourse is not recommended during menstruation.
Question: What do I need to do to be menstrual?
Answer: In case of prolongation of the period, you should consult a specialist doctor.
Question: What should be the color of menstrual blood?
Answer: The blood color from the uterus should be bright red. The reason it comes in different colors may indicate various diseases.
Question: Do you get pregnant while menstruating?
Answer: The answer to this question is both yes and no because some women are likely to become pregnant according to their structure.
Question: Is it possible to enter the pool or sea while menstruating?
Answer: Yes, you can swim in the pool or the sea. However, a buffer must be used.
Question: Is alcohol taken during menstruation?
Answer: No alcohol is recommended during this period. If possible, it is beneficial for the woman who has menstruation not to drink alcohol.

Soothing Company Microwavable Extra Large Heating Pad for Lower Back Pain, Legs, Stomach Cramps, Neck and Shoulders | Portable Hot/Cold Pain Relief | Soft, Reusable and Cordless Microwave Heat Wrap