Thursday, October 31, 2019

Microwavable Extra Large Heating Wrap for Lower Back Pain – Moist Heat Therapy Pad for Instant Relief in Case of Aches, Muscle Spasms, Pinched Nerves, Slipped Discs, Fibromyalgia, and Surgery Recovery

Why does the heel hurt? How to effectively get rid of severe pain in the heel

Microwavable Extra Large Heating Wrap for Lower Back Pain – Moist Heat Therapy Pad for Instant Relief in Case of Aches, Muscle Spasms, Pinched Nerves, Slipped Discs, Fibromyalgia, and Surgery Recovery

In this article, we will understand why the heel hurts, the attack is painful, how to treat such a disease, what its causes are, and how to prevent it at the same time.
Heel pain is too much trouble. It aggravates gait, reduces vitality and disrupts air. Usually, these symptoms appear to indicate a number of illnesses that need immediate treatment, but in most cases you can relieve heel pain, for example by simply changing your shoes more comfortably.

Causes of heel pain
Attach many tendons and fascia to the calcaneus. They are all responsible for keeping the musculoskeletal system in balance. And if a person constantly pushes them too hard for some reason, heel pain may occur.
Here are a few reasons that are not associated with any disease, they simply depend on your lifestyle:

Uncomfortable shoes
This is perhaps the first reason for the heel to be injured and attacked without treatment. Sometimes it's hard to reject beautiful shoes. For some women, a high heel is a fixed feature that exists in the generated image. It is worth remembering, however, that heels with a height of more than 3-5 cm increase the load on the legs excessively, and if possible, it is worth wearing such shoes less often.

excess weight
The entire load, the entire weight of our body falls on the heels. If the weight is much higher than normal, imagine how heavy they should be able to withstand. If stepping on the heel hurts you, sometimes treatment can only consist of weight loss and proper nutrition, which is beneficial for the whole body.

Lifestyle overload due to limbs
Many professions are directly related to the fact that a person must stand on his feet during the working day. These are vendors, cooks, factory workers. Of course, they all have tremendous pressure on their legs, causing pain in the heel area. The same applies to people doing sports. If you have such symptoms, start using special orthopedic insoles that are definitely worth reducing the load. But we'll talk about it below.
It often causes the heel to attack the inside of the heel and is a disease that requires immediate treatment and sometimes does not require a single cure. Some of the most common diseases with similar symptoms are:

Calcaneus bursitis
A serious disease caused by inflammation of the fascia and accumulation of pus in the synovial sac.

Read all about it on our website.
Plantar fasciitis
Otherwise, heel spurs. In this case, the pain is triggered by the occurrence of calcium-salt growth in the calcaneus region, which, if not treated properly, will increase to a serious extent.
On top of that, besides the symptoms of the spur on the heel, you can find it on our website.

Arthritis, arthrosis
These diseases associated with inflammation or changes in the structure of the joints can cause severe pain in the heel area, especially after sleep.
Why read there, with us.
Heel Spitz
Here, heel pain is more likely not to be caused by spitz itself (warts) but to stress associated with walking difficulty.
Information on how to get rid of spike on this heel can also be found on our website.

Diseases caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D Not only affect calcaneus, the entire human skeleton is in danger
There are many other diseases in the heel that require proper treatment because it hurts and is painful to attack. Therefore, you should consult a specialist immediately if symptoms of concern arise.
How to treat heels in case of exposure
Of course, with the emergence of unpleasant sensations, the question arises immediately: what to do if the heel really hurts, to attack it, how to deal with pain and how to treat it.
Here are some treatment options that apply:

Folk remedies
Gymnastics and physiotherapy
But first things first.
Since today we are talking about heel pain in general, the treatment methods presented here are generally the methods that should help. It should be noted that each disease has its own nuances and treatment options may vary.
Search everything and maybe also our Internet resource.

As a rule, unpleasant feelings in the heel area are associated with weak or already very strong inflammation. Then, when asking how to treat a limb, if the heel hurts and attacks, various ointments, creams and gels from the HVSP (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) group come to the rescue. The use of these tools alleviates inflammation and pain, but we should remember that these drugs cannot be used for more than two weeks. Here are examples of such tools:
Indomethacin ointment

If, for example, the problem arises from chronic fatigue and excessive stretching of the extremities, you can use specially designed gels to relieve fatigue in the legs. Here is a small list:

Green Mother "Chestnut and Propolis"
Wirth Cooling Cream Gel
Yves Rocher SOS
Venolife gel

Gel Liotone
All of these tools have a cooling effect and reduce the accumulated stress after one working day.

Folk remedies
The various treatments offered by our ancestors are often effective and help solve the problem. If it hurts you to step into the community, here are some ways to treat folk remedies:
Very good for painful sensations in the heel area, helps with hot salt baths. Prepare yourself for a medical bath by taking three hundred grams of salt in 1 liter of water. Legs should be kept in such a bath for at least half an hour. But be careful, this method is contraindicated in acute injuries and osteoporosis.
You will need raw eggs, vinegar and butter to prepare your next home medicine. Here's what to do: Put the egg in a glass with vinegar and leave for 10 days. Then clean the film, crush the contents thoroughly and add 40 grams of butter. You get a healing ointment that you need to lubricate the throat point.
The next method is very simple - put red hot pepper in the sock and walk all day like this.
This recipe is suitable for grinding the throat point. Insist on dry lilac flowers in vodka at a ratio of one to one
Here's another interesting way. It consists of kneading with its feet before cooling the boiled potatoes. After completing the procedure, wash your feet with warm water and apply iodine to the painful area.
It is better to try this recipe over the weekend because it is based on garlic. Get the whole head, clean the carnations. Attach it to the throat for 3-4 hours, fixing it with a clean cloth and bandage.
Gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage and equipment available

To reduce discomfort while walking, you can also use the orthopedic insoles indicated at the beginning of the article or various pads under the heels, usually made of silicone, to reduce the load on the legs during one working day. In addition, such a measure can be used as a preventive measure.
But treat heel pain with the onset of using physiotherapy. Significant reduction of pain killer syndrome will help with the latest techniques - shockwave therapy, as well as methods such as ultrasound, electrophoresis, painkillers and phonophoresis. Only 2-4 sessions are enough to keep you safe on the heel.
Do not forget physical therapy to forget the pain in the legs. Some simple exercises that need to be done regularly.
If you experience pain in the heel, you are most likely to have plantar fasciitis. Of course, the definitive diagnosis should be made by the surgeon, who will also write the treatment, but you can try to determine the cause of the problem yourself.
If you have spurs on your heels, then the most severe pain will be in the morning, the moment you try to get out of bed after a night's sleep. Over time, they become less noticeable or less noticeable as if walking around. But even sitting for a while would be beneficial - and as you try to ascend, all unpleasant emotions will return. Try clicking on the foot's belt and on the edge of the heel area. If you feel sharp pain, there are probably spurs on the heels. What it is - knows who is facing this problem.

Generally, this disease does not manifest externally, but in exceptional cases it may be a slight swelling of the surrounding tissues or protrusions. But the x-ray of bone growth is clearly visible, resembling a spike. The length may be 3 to 12 mm, but this size does not affect the intensity of the pain. In addition, the resulting salt growth is not the cause of the illness, many people live with it and are not even aware of its existence. The disease can also be detected by ultrasound: an experienced doctor can easily distinguish the inflamed tissue.
Pain in the heel occurs only when there are problems with the plantar fascia. This is due to the irregular load on the foot: the ligaments supporting the foot arch are constantly taut, they lose their flexibility over time and their length decreases. At the same time, normal gait causes microtrauma and fascia tears that cause inflammation.
Do not tolerate pain, without adequate treatment, will not resolve spontaneously.

If you are just beginning to notice the problem, then you can try preventive fighting methods: massage, gymnastics, suitable shoes and food. However, it is not possible to start this disease because in 25% of cases people lose mobility and cannot move without crutches.
If you do not understand the reasons, try to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If this is the case, the specialist will give you information about prevention, collect insoles or heel cushions and give instructions for the procedure.
However, heel attack pain may be caused by other reasons. For example, arthritis, bursitis gives similar symptoms. However, in these diseases, discomfort gradually increases, the most intense pains in the middle of the day. Problems with the legs may be due to concomitant gout or inflammation in violation of general metabolism, as well as pain in the heel as it progresses, indicating the hidden course of venereal diseases.
Therefore, if you experience unpleasant sensations, you should consult a doctor. The surgeon or orthopedist can correctly diagnose the diagnosis with the help of special studies and recommend adequate treatment.
The heel, like the rest of the foot, acts as a shock absorber. Calcaneus is the largest bone of the foot. With a soft layer of oil it can withstand enormous loads while running and walking. Many nerves and blood vessels pass through the heel to other parts of the foot, so they are very susceptible to injuries and susceptible to diseases.
Any pain in the legs can ruin life because every step is difficult and overall vitality drops sharply. It is very important to know why your heels are hurt so that you can return to your gait as quickly as possible.

Heels, reasons
Pain in heels can occur due to many factors. First of all, it is a constant overstress and overload of the foot that causes pain. The most common cause of false shoes is especially true for women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes. In addition, unusually low-heeled shoes, a sharp increase in physical activity, or prolonged legs may cause this.

Causes of heel injury can be various diseases, including:
Arthritis - this inflammates the tissue along the foot and connects the fingers with the calcaneus. The senses of pain gradually increase and heels are particularly painful in the morning;
Plantar fasciitis. The front part of the sole is a dense formation in the connective tissue extending across the entire sole of the foot. Regular wear of tight shoes or stopping with your foot may cause fascia. In addition to pain, plantar fasciitis causes salt to accumulate in the area of ​​inflammation that triggers the formation of heel spurs;
The heel protrusion is a chronic form of heel fasciitis that results in a growth specific to the deposition of calcium salts under the skin. Pressing against the surrounding tissue causes heel pain when walking. The pain is the most severe in the morning after sleep, decreases slightly during the day, but may persist and intensify again;
Any tendon injury, stretching or tearing may cause sharp burning pain under the heel, especially when walking or exercising;
Reactive arthritis - sometimes due to the development of infectious processes in the body, usually due to chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases. Occult infection provokes reactive inflammation of the heel tendon, causing increased pain at night;

Some other diseases like gout.
These diseases do not disappear on their own, so if the heel hurts when walking, you should consult a doctor, traumatologist or rheumatologist. Heel is a very vulnerable part of the body and healing usually lasts for weeks and months. Regardless of the diagnosis, you must be patient and fully follow the doctor's advice to avoid discomfort while driving.

How to get rid of heel pain in the morning

If your heels are sore in the morning, there are several ways to help you cope with the strong painful sensations of early heels:
Cold treatment - to relieve pain, massage with an ice cube for 5-7 minutes until the heel does not match. This procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day. Effective, in addition, alternating cold with heat. To do this, first apply ice to the throat for 15 minutes, then take a break for 15 minutes. and complete the procedure by applying a hot water bottle for an additional 15 minutes;
Painkillers - for the treatment of any inflammatory disease including those that initially caused heel pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen;
Using the heel lining - you can reduce the pain by distributing the load evenly over the heel. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a special shirt placed on the shoes and raise this part of the body 3-6 mm, which slightly reduces the load on the transition area of ​​the sole into the heel.

How to prevent heel pain
You should monitor their health carefully to prevent the development of serious problems. Therefore, these excess pounds not only damage the whole body, but also increase the load on the heels, so it is important to maintain your normal weight.
Wearing comfortable shoes with low heels (up to 5 cm) is the most important preventive measure for the appearance of foot diseases. Generally, the heel is aching due to excessive stretching of the foot and the low heel distributes the load evenly over the entire surface. Even with minimal flat footprints, special orthopedic insoles should be used to protect the heel and support the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Even for a completely healthy person, it is extremely beneficial to perform special therapeutic exercises for the prevention of foot diseases.
Throat heels, gymnastics
There are several effective exercises to strengthen and heal leg muscles, especially heels:
The feet roll a small ball, such as a tennis ball. This exercise should be done several times a day for several minutes once a day;
Knead and stretch the calves and feet. Massage, do the best at the end of the day before bedtime;
Stand facing the arm-length wall. Place your palms on the wall with your palm, step backwards with your right foot and bend your left knee. Bend over the wall and place the right heel on the floor to stretch the right calf muscles. After waiting 10 seconds, change the legs and repeat the exercise several times for each leg.
Regular classes will help prevent pain from appearing in the heels during progress. When applying them, gradually increase the load to avoid injury.
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It hurts the attack - people with this problem often come to the doctor. It is possible that this pain will appear with you one day. Many people postpone treatment if they have heel pain. I have to say, in vain. Many people continue for almost half a year until severe pain takes them to the doctor. People forget that the heel is constantly loaded, and if he is injured, then he cannot recover alone.
Heel headaches, aches - patients complain little, unfortunately knowing the structure of this important part of the body. What is heel? In fact, this is the most ordinary shock absorber. It consists of an oily layer and is the largest of all the bones of the foot. It can withstand a great load while walking and running. As a result, this bone is also spongy, punctured by blood vessels and nerves.
From there, many nerves pass to other parts of the foot. This is because the heel is very sensitive due to the large number of nerve endings.
Heel is very easy to damage. Pain in heels, causes of rupture or inflammation of connective tissue, is a very common phenomenon.
This disease is known as pain, not only the heel, but also pain in other parts of the body. In addition, heel may hurt for other reasons. For example, because the person wears disturbing shoes. Or because a person has biomechanical problems running. It may also be due to tendon inflammation or banal rheumatoid arthritis.
Heel hurts, hurts to attack - what to do in such a situation? Considering that the heel is a part of the vulnerable body, you should send your foot to a specialist office if it becomes ill. Only this person can tell you exactly what your problem is. Only then will you receive the only correct treatment. However, I must admit that the heel did not heal quickly. You should be patient after determining the diagnosis. And treat him.

It is important to pay attention to a few tips that will help you if your heel hurts, damaging it by stepping on it.
If this is the first time you have felt it, you should leave your foot cold. At least the first two days. Take a small ice cube and massage your leg. It doesn't take 5 minutes for him to start numb. Such a procedure should be performed at least several times a day, not once. After two days, the cooling procedures will need to change with heating. First, apply ice to the throat area for 15 minutes, then wait a short time, then apply a warm heating pad for 15 minutes. This simple procedure is sufficient once a day.
Of course, the pills will have to take. Any anti-inflammatory drug. For example, Ibuprofen. Or something else, depending on the doctor's advice.
You can use a special thrust bearing to make the load on the heel more regular. When an orthopedic apparatus is mounted on shoes, an add-on that will significantly reduce pain over time and possibly eliminate the cause of the disease would be an excellent way of tackling this problem. In addition, such a device will eliminate other existing problems. Of course, you need to knead the heel. After all, if the tendons are not elastic enough, they can cause pain. If you knead them, get rid of the problem. If possible, it is desirable to reduce the load on the legs, at least during treatment.
If the heel is ill, you should work on it and start by visiting a good specialist who will correctly identify the diagnosis and write the appropriate treatment.
Heel pain may have several causes. In any case, it gives a person too much discomfort and discomfort.
Of course, everyone had at least one life to feel pain in their heels as they walked. There are many reasons for the recurrence of pain: from normal fatigue to joint disease

Heel pain is a common symptom that occurs in almost all three Russian residents.
Ignore this pain because the heel is an important part of the body. It performs an indispensable shock absorber function. It can withstand enormous loads all day and can soften the pressure with only one layer of fat tissue.
The heel is the largest bone in the entire foot. This is the passage of all the nerve channels that spread along the foot. That's why he's so sensitive. It can affect both injuries and diseases.
heel is an important part of the human body
Important: If you feel pain in the heel - it is urgent to find out why. Each time you step on your foot, you experience discomfort that restricts movement and makes your life difficult.

Possible causes of heel pain:
Heel spur - a terrible disease of the elderly and overweight people. The truth is the spur is incurable, you can only weaken some unpleasant sensations.
Saline deposits form on the heel in the form of a growth, the sharp tip penetrates into the fabric and creates an uncomfortable stabbing pain. The most severe pain after sleep is when the person tries to stand on the rested legs. While walking, pain can be reduced due to loss of sensation and dependence.

schematic representation of the heel protrusion
arthritis - tissue inflammation. In this case, we are talking about the fabric that connects the heel with the fingers. This pain is characterized by an increased increase in the morning hours and the strongest symptoms after sleep, while in a calm state for a long time.

schematic image of foot arthritis
fasciitis - Disease of the foot that prevents movement and causes pain when there is an intense formation in the tissues of the foot. Inflammation of the tissues may contribute to the deposition of salts on the calcaneus and may increase the painful feeling of persistent stay in the legs.

foot fasciitis
gout - damage to joints due to excessive accumulation of uric acid salts
Tendon injuries - a heel, especially a long walk or heavy loads
Reactive arthritis - the consequences of infectious diseases of the body
Foot overvoltage and long standing
Subcutaneous Thinning
Sharp weight gain
Video: neden Why does heel pain occur? Does it always spur a heel? "

If the heels get hurt, which doctor will be contacted?
Heel pain requires treatment regardless. You should not assume that this is an occupational disease that only athletes or professional runners are prone to. Modern living conditions, uncomfortable shoes, long-standing and overweight problems are the cause of pain.

Important: Often, people only complain of pain in the heel of one leg, and only one-third of cases belong to those suffering from both heels. The most severe pain occurs after a person's sleep, with the legs in a horizontal position and feeling no load. It is rare for a person not to limp or even walk, and it is not uncommon to try not to press hard on the heel while walking, to avoid pain.
Several doctors can address the problems and diseases of calcaneus:

The doctor's expertise depends on the nature of your pain. First of all, you should consult your doctor who treats your complaints and will refer you to the necessary specialist.

traumatologist - orthopedist
In order to get rid of heel pain, the patient needs to receive physical therapy and medication. The elimination of such pain cannot take place immediately and usually lasts for a year.
Surgical intervention is recommended only in some cases, usually the patient needs to undergo physical therapy, injections, bandaging, weight loss. It is forbidden to wear heels and tight shoes during treatment.
Important: For the doctor to compile a complete “picture ın of the disease, the patient must undergo a blood test, x-ray and MRI.
Video: “Plantar fasciitis. Heeled "Spurs"

How do I get rid of heel pain?
As a rule, the treatment of heel pain is a complex event involving many procedures. It takes about a year, a period that makes you feel the changes in these sensations.

heel spur treatment
Heel pain will help you get rid of:
Physical Therapy: Various exercises and stretching aim to warm the muscles of the legs and the fascia of the foot. Such a physical culture should be made to both feet, even if only one is hurt. Helps alleviate pain and increase flexibility
Painkillers: Some medications can eliminate pain and inflammation in the joints. In some cases, cold compresses fit into heels
Orthopedic insoles: you can ease the load on the heel as you walk, buy it from a specialist shop or pharmacy
bandage: orthopedists recommend wrapping the foot with an elastic band to reduce the load on the fascia.
In some cases, experts prescribe injections with strong anti-inflammatory effects: corticosteroids. Such injections are not shown to everyone because they have many contraindications.
Surgical intervention: A very difficult procedure to exclude fascia can be performed if none of the treatment methods yielded results.
Shock Wave Therapy: A new procedure that does not yet have time to prove 100% efficacy. With the help of a special apparatus, sound heats are sent to the heel.
Video: “Heel pain. "What you need to know about physical therapy?"

What will help the heel pain ointment?
First of all, you should consult a specialist about your problem, but it can offer a really effective treatment: both physical therapy and external painkillers - ointments.

external tools for the treatment of heel pain
Ointments may have an anti-inflammatory effect and cannot have a strong analgesic effect. Doctors often give prescriptions:
diclofenac ointment
ibuprofen ointment
voltaren gel
piroxicam gel
Ointment Dimexid
ketorol gel
indomethosine ointment
Butadion Ointment
Use the ointment course for at least two weeks. All this time, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of medication to the throat area and rub it until it is completely absorbed. Heels should be smeared frequently: not less than three times a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to put a sock on your leg and allow the feet to rest. Each ointment has the effect:
skin smoothing
relieve pain
Improve blood circulation
alleviate inflammation
Eliminate discomfort while driving
Heel-to-hip pain, what causes the appearance?
Causes of pain affecting the heel from the hip to the area may include:
joint inflammation
vascular system pathology
varicose veins
muscle and tendon tears
pinching nerves
arthritis and arthritis
malignant tumors

pain on the heel
Pain syndrome is completely varied and its causes depend only on its location. The most common causes of pain from heel to hip are to reduce the nerves or inflammatory diseases of the joints. Where the concentration of pain is most potent, the cause of the condition should be sought.
The development of the disease is affected by the following factors:
infectious diseases
foot injuries and support devices
impaired metabolism
cancer diseases
Important: A thorough examination of the therapist, a thorough blood test and an X-ray will provide an answer to the cause of the pain.
Video: "Achilles tendon injury"

What causes sharp heel pain?
A sharp heel pain from nowhere can occur for several reasons:
foot extreme running
damage to fat tissue in the heel
long time standing
inflammatory diseases
Important: The causes of pain are divided into two groups: those that damage the structure of the foot and the consequences of the disease.
If you do not have any health problems, then the cause of the pain should be very active lifestyle, recent strikes and injuries in the feet and a sharp weight gain when the legs are not used to large body mass.

heel pain usually occurs due to weight problems.
Video: “Heel pain gone and overweight”

Why does heel pain develop?
Immediately about the cause of the pull pain in the heel is quite difficult. To fully understand the cause of the disease, it is necessary to examine each symptom in detail. Tensile pain may occur due to both pain and impaired metabolism in the body.
The most common causes of heel pain:
Achilles tendonitis - stretching due to overload
heel spur
bursitis - inflammation of the joint bag
stress fracture
tarsal fracture syndrome - compression of nerve canals

metatarsal bones

Where does heel pain come from? Causes and treatment
A heel burn may occur for the following reasons:
skin diseases
metabolic disorders
joint diseases
herbal dystonia
uncomfortable shoes and unsuitable walking

Important: Vegetative-vascular dystonia and varicose veins can be the cause of metabolic disorders and deterioration of the nervous system.
If you don't have any illnesses, if the heels burn, the opposite foot baths will help: a basin with hot and cold water. After the procedure, you should moisten your feet with cream, wear socks and lift them above your head for a while.

Why does heel pain occur at night?
Heel pain during the night is not normal. The causes of such sensations may be severe inflammatory and traumatic diseases. This pain is not taken by external routes and requires hospitalization.
Sick heels in the morning and even at night may be due to violations of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in such cases, blood tests and detailed medical examinations cannot be performed without an X-ray. If you cannot relieve pain with medications and folk remedies for a long time - make an appointment with the therapist.
Heel pain not only gives pain, but also violates normal life. Usually a person is difficult to carry, he cannot wear his favorite shoes, he has to rely on the surfaces at hand.

How to get rid of heel pain in the morning:
Try to relieve colds - try to massage the heel with ice wrapped in towel for 15 minutes, then put your feet in a warm bath.
Use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ointments and gels
buy a heel lining in pharmacies and place it in comfortable shoes, characterized by: distributing the weight evenly over the entire foot

Microwavable Extra Large Heating Wrap for Lower Back Pain – Moist Heat Therapy Pad for Instant Relief in Case of Aches, Muscle Spasms, Pinched Nerves, Slipped Discs, Fibromyalgia, and Surgery Recovery