The reason for irregular menstruation: Stress
Intense stress during the day is the biggest cause of menstrual irregularity in women.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op. Dr. Serdar Aries, listed the causes of menstrual irregularity.
Before defining menstrual irregularity, it is necessary to define normal menstrual patterns. The period from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the beginning of another cycle is 21-35 days (ideally 28 days). The amount of pads used in one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days. A slight pain is normal in the first 1-2 days of menstrual onset. Deviations in all these definitions should be perceived as menstrual irregularities.
Frequent, early menstruation: Menstrual cycles of less than 21 days is called polymenorrhea. As a result, the number of menstrual bleeding in one year increases. It should always be kept in mind that in the event of frequent bleeding in a woman who has regular menstrual bleeding, this bleeding may actually be an intermediate bleeding.
Sparse menstruation, delays: Menstrual cycles last longer than 35 days is also called oligomenorrhea. As a result, menstrual bleeding occurs 3-4 times a year. Delayed menstruation is common in fertility.
If there is bleeding less than 21 days and lasting more than 35 days, there may be a problem if there is more than 2-3 pads (40 ml in quantity) and bleeding more than 8 days in total. Since menstrual blood does not normally coagulate, it is unnatural for menstrual blood to contain clots or fragments.
Other hemorrhages that cause problems: One of these is low bleeding or short-term menstruation, the other is excessive bleeding or long-term menstruation. Hypomenorrhea is the decrease in the amount or day of bleeding seen in a menstrual cycle. The amount of bleeding seen during menstruation tends to decrease with advancing age. Hypermenorrhea is defined as menorrhagia.
“Amenorrhea ileri, the most advanced dimension of menstrual irregularities, has no menstruation. If a young girl has reached the age of 15-16 and has not yet had menstruation, the reasons must be investigated. There are olojik physiological amenorrhea ”. There is no bleeding during pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, lactation and pre-puberty.
Causes of menstrual irregularities: Menstrual irregularities are usually caused by organic and hormonal reasons. When the organic cause is mentioned, changes in the anatomical structure of the female reproductive organs should be considered. The most common of these is uterine fibroids, which are considered benign tumors. Adenomyosis, thickening of the uterine wall, polyps originating from the cervix or spirals applied for birth control are other common causes. Organic causes make up 25 percent of menstrual irregularities, but this rate increases when the age exceeds 40 years.
Disorders of hormones secreted from ovaries, birth control pills and so on. hormone-containing preparations and pregnancy are important causes of hormonal menstrual irregularities. Hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland can often cause menstrual delays.
It is not correct to use only menstrual regulating drugs before the problem is presented. Such preparations can make even an 80-year-old woman menstruate, but the actual disease is actually covered. After a detailed examination, if the problem is an anaotomic problem, the preferred treatment modality is surgical approach. In almost all such problems, laparoscopic method called closed method should be preferred.
Treatment: Gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examination (if necessary tomography, MR, hsg) and measurement of hormones secreted from the ovary and other parts of the body (especially thyroid gland) are required to reveal the source of the problem. When performing hormonal measurements, it should be noted that certain periods of menstrual cycle are preferred (2-4 days of menstrual cycle).
Open surgery has been abandoned in modern medicine due to the side and adverse effects it causes. If the problem is spiral, a waiting period of 3 months should be recommended, necessary additional treatments should be arranged and removed in case of failure. It should be kept in mind that there may be intermittent bleeding during the first 1-2 months during the use of birth control pills. Pregnancy and any problems it may cause in any vaginal bleeding should never be forgotten.
Does menstrual irregularity make it difficult to get pregnant?
Since menstrual irregularity may be an indicator of ovulation disorder, it is normal for women with this problem to have difficulties in getting pregnant. A woman with menstrual irregularities should apply to a reproductive health center, especially if she wants to have children. Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, causal treatment is required. While pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, in some cases it may be necessary to resort to in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques.
Can menstrual irregularity be due to psychological reasons and is there a possibility of spontaneous recovery over time?
In addition to stress and distress, climate changes can occasionally cause menstrual irregularities. If this is the only reason underlying the disorder, it may resolve spontaneously over time.
What should be done when menstrual irregularities occur?
First of all, every woman should keep her menstrual period regularly from puberty. When menstrual irregularities begin to be observed, attention should be paid to the diversity of the irregularity. If these irregularities repeat and increase for several months, you should consult your physician.
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