Monday, October 28, 2019

Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)

Irregular period

Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)

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The female reproductive system is mainly regulated by certain hormones secreted by the ovaries. On average every 28 days, with the effect of these hormones, the endometrium layer that forms the inner surface of the uterus thickens and becomes rich in blood vessels for preparation for a possible pregnancy. In the absence of a pregnancy, it is shed at the end of that period in order to be prepared for the next month.

Since the endometrium is a tissue rich in blood vessels, it causes some bleeding when it is poured for regeneration. This bleeding is called menstruation or menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is calculated as the period from the 1st day of bleeding to the beginning of the other menstrual bleeding. Normally, every woman has a menstrual cycle of 21 to 35 days in length. If there is intermittent bleeding and excessive bleeding outside this order, this condition is considered as menstrual irregularity.

Menstrual irregularity may develop due to different reasons. The main cause of intermediate bleeding may be a decrease in hormones during ovulation. Due to this fall, endometrial tissue in the uterus loses its hormone support and may cause staining-like bleeding. If patients start to feel uncomfortable with these intermediate bleeding, it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If menstrual irregularity is caused by hormonal reasons, if the menstrual episodes are severe and painful, one should seek medical advice.

Some conditions that may cause menstrual irregularity and irregular bleeding are as follows:

Adenomyosis (thickening of endometrial tissue)
Ovulation deficiency or ovulation problems
Fibroids, polyps or cysts
Hormonal drugs used
Estrogen hormone-induced or other hormonal disorders
Infectious conditions
Malignant masses of uterus and ovaries.
Menstrual bleeding is normally accepted to last between 2-7 days. Furthermore, the time from the start of a menstrual period to the start of the next menstrual period is expected to be between 21 and 35 days.

Apart from these periods, menstrual cycles are called menstrual irregularities, but menstrual irregularities can be seen as normal during the hormonal arrangements that occur in the youth and menopausal periods.

Once all these conditions have been checked, non-normal conditions can be treated and treated.

Main Symptoms of Menstrual Irregularity
· A menstrual cycle (the time from the start of a period to the start of the next period) is less than 21 days and less than 35 days
Menstruation lasts less than 2 days or more than 7 days
Severe bleeding
Pain, cramping, or vomiting
Constant fatigue
It may cause some symptoms such as frequent menstruation or not seeing for a long time.

Diagnostic Methods
When you consult your physician with a menstrual irregularity complaint, your physician will first question your medical history and then perform a gynecological examination.

During the gynecological examination, ultrasonographic examinations can be performed to obtain an image of the uterus, ovaries and surrounding structures.

After the examination, a number of blood tests such as estrogen, FSH, LH, AMH may be ordered to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, imaging techniques such as MRI can be used.

If menstrual irregularity is thought to be caused by a mass or thickening of the inner tissue of the uterus, samples may be taken for examination.

Treatment Methods
Menstrual irregularity is not a disease in itself, it usually occurs as an important finding of other diseases. Therefore, in the treatment of menstrual irregularities, it is essential to eliminate or regulate the medical condition causing this condition.

If it is determined that menstrual irregularity is caused by a hormonal imbalance, the person is treated with hormone regulating medications.

If there is an organic disease such as an underlying polyp, the inside of the uterus is examined with a device called hysteroscopy and the pathological region is removed and cleaned if necessary.

Other causes of bleeding include fibroids. Fibroids are benign urethra found in the uterus and usually do not give a symptom. However, in some patients, the internal tissue of the uterus pressure to cause bleeding.

Fibroids that cause severe hemorrhage are treated only by removing the fibroids or rarely removing the entire uterus, depending on the age of the patient and whether or not they have children.

In adolescents with excessive bleeding, all conditions that may cause bleeding, including bleeding coagulation disorders, are investigated. Then, this bleeding is taken under control and menstrual regulatory treatments are given to regulate the menstruation of the patient. Very early or late menstruation during adolescence should be examined and treated accordingly.

Always Maxi Extra Heavy With Wings Overnight Pads, 20 Each (Pack of 2)