Monday, October 28, 2019

Rael Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liners, Regular - 4Pack/80 total - Unscented Pantiliners - Natural Daily Pantyliners (4 Pack)

What should be the order of the menstrual cycle?

Rael Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liners, Regular - 4Pack/80 total - Unscented Pantiliners - Natural Daily Pantyliners (4 Pack)

Menstruation is the monthly loss of the inner wall of the uterus which we call the endometrium as a result of the interaction of hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and ovaries in the brain.

A period is the number of days between the first day of menstruation and the first day of menstruation in the following month. Although this period is 28 days, it is defined as normal between 21-35 days. The amount of pads used in one day should be 2-3 pieces, should not contain clots and bleeding period should not exceed 8 days.

Menstrual polymenorrhea, which is seen at intervals of less than 21 days, is defined as oligomerorrhea, ie, menstruation at late intervals. Low amount of bleeding during menstrual period, hypomenorrhea, menstrual bleeding is more in quantity but the duration is normal hypermenorrhea, menstrual period prolongation of menorrhagia, irregular intervals bleeding metroraji, irregular intervals occurring abundant bleeding menometroraji before menstrual bleeding , spotting bleeding in the form of spotting, 2 bleeding in the middle of the ovulation in the middle during the ovulation bleeding, ovulation bleeding, the first menstrual or post-ovulation problem usually occurs due to bleeding is defined as juvenile bleeding.

What are the causes of menstrual cycle disorder?

1.Excessive weight gain or weight loss. Very low body weight often causes irregular bleeding or menstrual delays, while obesity is the cause of menstrual irregularities.
2. Eating disorders in the form of anorexia or bulumnia.
3. Excessive exercise. Menstrual bleeding may be discontinued in athletes.
4.Emotional stress.
5. Systemic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, tuberculosis, liver diseases
6.Seyahat on
7. Birth control drugs. The amount of bleeding decreases, irregular spotting may occur, menstrual period may skip.
8.Hormonal problems: Polycysticover syndrome, elevated prolactin, thyroid hormone disorders, Cushing's Disease, Hyperprolactinemia
9.Pelvic organ problems: Polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts, adhesions on the inner wall of the uterus
10.Emzir on. Most breastfeeding women may not have menstrual periods or may be irregular during lactation.
12. Early menopause. Menstruation before the age of 40 is cut. Early menopause in the family, ovarian surgery, chemotherapy or radiation to the pelvic region can cause early menopause, but the cause is often unknown.
13. Medications: Hormonal drugs, intrauterine devices, tamoxifen, warfarin
14. Pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, complications of pregnancy

How can we tell if the menstrual cycle is irregular?

Menstruation may be irregular during the first years of puberty and menopause when menstruation starts. There may be unrecognized pregnancy and related problems under irregular bleeding. Therefore, a gynecological examination and evaluation is essential for the diagnosis. Menstrual irregularity can sometimes occur without any reason, but if there are more than two menstrual irregularities in a year, it should be considered as menstrual irregularity and the underlying problems should be investigated.

What are the symptoms of irregular menstrual cycle?

Women may experience occasional deviations, delays or intermittent bleeding. Many factors such as stresses, troubles, sudden weight changes, sports, sadness can affect the menstrual order and may cause deviations in this functioning mechanism. After gynecological examination, ultrasound and some hormone tests, problems related to pregnancy and pregnancy, drugs, cysts in uterus or ovaries, fibroids, polyps of the inner wall of the uterus, cancer, etc. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUK) is called. The important point here is that there is a formation to explain the bleeding disorder.

Is it normal that the menstrual cycle is irregular in the first years of puberty?

Menstrual cycle may be irregular in the first years of menstrual cycle in the age of 9-16 years. This may be due to the lack of mature hormonal functioning between the brain and the ovary, or it may be a symptom of some hormonal disorders, genetic problems or gynecological diseases. The gynecological examination evaluates the condition of the uterus and ovaries, hormone tests, if necessary, the status of hair growth, breast development, which we call secondary sex characters, and hair growth in the sexual area.

What can cause irregular menstrual cycles?

It will be more accurate to examine menstrual irregularity by separating certain periods of women's life as childhood, adolescence, fertility, pre-menopause and post-menopause. The problems caused by irregularity may cause different problems in every period. Juvenile hemorrhage, which we define as juvenile hemorrhage during childhood and adolescence, is more common, while pregnancy, ovulation problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, uterine polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts are more common in fertile period. Hormonal irregularities may be more prominent in the period of transition to menopause, but after menopause it is necessary to be careful about uterine and ovarian cancers.

Why should menstrual irregularities be considered?

The most common symptom of almost all problems in the female reproductive system is menstrual irregularity. Therefore, deviations in menstrual order should be investigated.

Problems such as uterine fibroids, polyps, tumors or ovarian cysts, female genital organ cancers account for 25% of menstrual irregularities. These are classified as menstrual disorders of organic origin. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding accounts for 75% of menstrual irregularities. Without a structural problem, they are menstrual irregularities due to hormonal problems only.
First of all, the complaints of irregular menstruation should be evaluated by a gynecologist and obstetrician. Factors that may cause bleeding during the examination are reviewed one by one. Vagina, uterus, ovaries are examined and evaluated by ultrasonography, the thickness of the inner lining of the uterus is measured, smear test is taken. In this way, health problems that can significantly affect the health of women can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

How is menstrual irregularity treated?

In the treatment of menstrual irregularity, the type, frequency, weight and age group of the irregularity are important. The causes and treatments of menstrual irregularity can be seen in different ways in different age groups.

If the cause of irregular menstrual bleeding is an organic disease, this cause should be eliminated. For example, if there is a polyp in the inner wall of the uterus, the polyp should be removed by hysteroscopy. Another cause is fibroids. Uterine fibroids, benign uterine muscle layer is the urine. They are usually asymptomatic, but can cause bleeding when they press against the inner tissue of the uterus. If uterine fibroids cause hemorrhage, surgery can be planned by removing only uterine fibroids according to the age of the patient, the wish of the child, or removing the entire uterus if the patient does not wish to have advanced age.

Menstrual irregularity and absence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome patients may occur in general during fertility. The first-line treatment is the regulation of lifestyle, healthy eating and achieving ideal weight. If there is a problem of infertility, pregnancy can be achieved with high success rates with ovulation treatments. In polycystic ovarian patients who do not wish to have a child or who have complaints such as hair, acne, hair loss, oily skin, hair treatment drugs or birth control pills can be used.

Can menstrual irregularity cause future infertility if left untreated?

In women who want children, menstrual irregularities can cause infertility because they cause irregularities or non-ovulation in ovulation. Cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine wall polyps in the uterus or ovaries may also cause menstrual irregularities, which may prevent pregnancy. Once the cause of the irregularity has been identified, treatment for this reason is necessary. Although life style, weight and general health problems, which are often menstrual irregularities, can be spontaneously corrected, pregnancy should be consulted by the obstetrician when planning pregnancy and the presence of other gynecological problems should be investigated and treated accordingly. Sometimes pregnancy can be achieved with very simple treatments, but in some cases it may be necessary to apply in vitro fertilization techniques called advanced reproductive techniques. For this reason, a woman with menstrual irregularities, especially if she wants to have a child, infertility treatments should definitely consult a specialist in vitro fertilization.

Rael Certified Organic Cotton Panty Liners, Regular - 4Pack/80 total - Unscented Pantiliners - Natural Daily Pantyliners (4 Pack)